ASG Eye Hospitals
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The Importance of Eye Exams
1: Importance of Regular Eye Exams

- Early Detection: Detect eye conditions early.
- Vision Correction: Ensure up-to-date prescriptions.
- Overall Health Assessment: Detect underlying health issues.
- Preventative Care: Lower risks through lifestyle changes.

2: Components of an Eye Exam

- Case History: Medical and eye history.
- Visual Acuity Test: Evaluate distance vision.
- Refraction: Determine prescription.
- Ocular Motility Test: Assess eye coordination.
- Pupil Assessment: Check pupil reactions.
- Visual Field Test: Evaluate peripheral vision.
- Slit Lamp Examination: Detailed eye structure inspection.
- Tonometry: Monitor intraocular pressure.
- Dilated Fundus Examination: Examine retina and back of the eye.

3: Frequency of Eye Exams

- Children: First exam at 6 months, every 2 years.
- Adults: Baseline at 40, every 2-4 years.
- Individuals Over 60: Annual exams.
- Individuals with Diabetes: Annual dilated exams.
- Individuals with Risk Factors: Consult for the right frequency.

4: Vision Testing Beyond the Eye Exam

- Amsler Grid: Monitor central vision.
- Visual Field Test: Check peripheral vision.
- Reading Vision: Note changes in close-up vision.
- Color Perception: Test color vision for potential issues.


- Regular eye exams and vision testing are vital for good eye health.
- Early detection leads to better treatment outcomes.
- Prioritize eye care for a better quality of life.
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