What is nutrition &
Why does it matter
Science Form 2
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First and foremost, I would like to praise and thank
the Almighty God for giving me strength and because of
his blessing, I managed to accomplish this lesson book.
I would like to address a big thanks to everyone
that help to contribute ideas and give advice in helping
me to complete this lesson book.
On the other hand, I would like to express deep and
sincere gratitude to my lecturer Madam Siti Fairuz
Dalim because without her guidance this lesson book
cannot been done properly like this. She always gives
me guidance and support in purpose to produce good
outcomes for my lesson book entitle Human Nutrition
which is chapter 3 in the science form 2 textbook.
Finally, I was also overwhelmed by the support
given by my classmates. A big thanks to you guys for
always giving positive comments to me to complete this
lesson book.
I hope that my lesson book will give a lot of benefits
to science students out there.
This lesson book was created based on the Science textbook KSSM form 2 and
the Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Pentaksiran (DSKP) provided by the Ministry of
Education, Malaysia. This book aims to help students understand and master chapter
3: Nutrition in theme 1: Maintenance and continuity of life. It is guided by the
concepts of Scientific skills, Science Process Skills, Higher Order Thinking Skills, 21st
Century Skills and the STEM teaching and learning approach. Malaysia is one of the
highest obesity cases in the world. The major cause of this obesity to happen because
of food intake. So it is important to understand about nutrition to ensure a healthy
balanced diet.
Special features
Learning outcome Summative exercise
Question to test students
Statement of what understanding at the end of
students expected to get
and learn in this book each subtopic
Brain teaser Mindblown corner
A brain teaser is a form of Additional information
puzzle that requires thought added to the subtopics’
to solve theories and concept
Table of content
Copyright page i
Acknowledgement ii
Preface iii
Nutrition 1-5
3.1 Class of Food 10-13
3.2 Importance of a Balance Diet 17
3.3 Human Digestive System
3.4 Process of Absorption &
Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Summative Practice
3.1 Class of Food
What is your daily
Is it nutritious and
3.1 Class of Food Learning outcome
Food not only supplies energy but At the end of the lesson, student
will be able to elaborate and
also gives nutrients to maintain our health. communicate correctly about
seven classes food.
Nasi lemak Satay Can you identify the food
classes that are shown in
Photograph 3.1 Food is a basic need for humans
each food item in
Food is divided into seven main classes : Photograph 3.1?
fat Each food class has
vitamin a specific function
Class of Food
carbohydrate protein fat vitamin mineral fibre water
Figure 3.1 Class of Food 2
Carbohydrate Examples of carbohydrate
Carbohydrate is an organic compound that contains Starch
Hydrogen Starch is the food
Oxygen. stored in plants
Carbohydrate is a staple for humans because it Glycogen
supplies a lot of energy
Glycogen is the food
Banana Rice Honey stored in animals
Cellulose is the
carbohydrate that forms
the cell walls of plants
Bread Potato Sugar Mindblown corner
Some sou
rces of
carbohydrate, such as sugar
supply energy quickly
Photograph 3.2 Sources of carbohydrate
Protein Proteins we eat are digested to the basic unit, that is
amino acid.
Protein is an organic compound that contains
Carbon, Funtion protein
For growing to repair damaged tissues to synthesise
in the body as well as to enzymes, hormones
replace dead cell and antibodie
Mindblown corner
Kwashiorkor is a kind of
disease caused
by protein
deficiency in human diet and
it generally occurs in children
aged between 1 and 3 years.
Photograph 3.3 Sources of protein 3
Fat Fat is formed from glycerol
and fatty acid.
As in carbohydrates, fat contains: Fat is a high energy source
Carbon and storage.
Hydrogen Each gramme of fat
Oxygen. supplies two times the
total energy supplied by
Funtion of fat carbohydrates.
Fat protects the organs of the body Mindblown corner
such as the heart and kidneys.
Fat acts as a transporter for Fat from anim
als contains
vitamin A, D, E and K. higher cholesterol than fat
Excess fat in the body is stored
under the skin as a heat insulator from plants
to regulate body temperature.
Butter Coconut Oil Palm Oil Groundnuts
Photograph 3.4 Sources of fat
Vitamin is an organic compound that Meat Milk Fruit Vegetable
does not supply energy, but is needed by
the body in small quantities to maintain Photograph 3.5 Sources of vitamins
good health
water-soluble fat-soluble
vitamins vitamins
Vitamin Vitamin A,
B and C D, E and K
Figure 3.2 Classification of vitamins Table 3.1 Type, source, importance and effects of vitamin deficiency 4
Fiber Fruits, vegetables
and grains are
Fibre is a substance that cannot be broken high in fibre.
down by the digestive system.
Fibre comprises of cellulose that is found Summative exercise
in the cell wall of plants.
Fibre is very important to stimulate peristalsis, Vegetables Grains
that is, the movement caused by the constriction
and relaxation of the muscles along the High Fibre Bread
digestive tract such as esophagus, small
intestine and large intestine. Photograph 3.6 Sources of fibre
This makes it easier for food to move along the
digestive tract and prevents constipation.
Mineral is a non-organic substance
required by the body.
Minerals do not supply energy, but are
required in small quantities to regulate
body processes to maintain health.
Salt Seafood Table 3.2 Types, sources, importance and effects of mineral deficiency
Photograph 3.7 Sources of mineral
Water We need to drink at
least 2 litres of water
Water is a compound that is very important to
our body. a day
Water contains elements of hydrogen and
oxygen. Water acts as a chemical solvent and a
transportation medium of nutrients and oxygen into
Fruit juice Watermelon the cells. 5
It transports waste materials such as urea and salt
out of the cells and regulates body temperature
through evaporation of sweat.
Photograph 3.8 Sources of water
Importance of
3.2 Balanced Diet
What is meant by a
balanced diet?
3.2 Importance of Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is a diet that contains
all the food classes in the right
quantities that are required by the
Learning outcome
Wfogeoucdiadhnpeeryaterolfatehpmryritedmopaatehsraeela.a Mother, how do I
prepare a healthy By the end of the lesson, students
will be able to explain correctly six
meal? factors that influence calorific
requirements .
Mindblown corner
The “Healthy Plate” model has
been prepared b
y the Ministry
of Health Malaysia as a guide
to practise a balanced diet.
Heathy Plate’ Model
Source: Ministry of Health Malaysia 7
Factors that Influence Calorific Requirement
Body size
A person with a large body frame needs to take a
bigger portion of food because he or she needs to
have more energy compared to someone with a
smaller frame
Children and teenagers require more carbohydrates
for energy and protein for growth because they are
growing and are more active compared to adults.
Farmers, labourers and fishermen require more
energy because they do heavy work. Therefore, their
diet requirements are higher compared to people
who work in an office.
Generally, men are more muscular and they do
more heavy activities. Therefore, they need bigger
food portions than women
State of health
People who are sick are weak. They
require food suitable to their health
People who live in cold climate countries lose heat quickly
to their surroundings compared to people who live in hot
climate countries. Therefore, they need more food to
maintain their body temperature
Figure 3.8 Factors that influence a calorific requirement 8
Calorific Value of Food
Food contains some basic classes such as :
Carbohydrate All of these basic classes
protein produce different quantities of
Fat energy when burned.
Energy value / The total amount of energy
Calorific value released when 1 g of food is
burned completely in the body
This total energy is measured in units of calorie (cal) or joule (J).
1 calorie (cal) = 4.2 joule (J)
1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.2 kilojoule (kJ)
Table 3.3 Energy value of fat, protein and carbohydrate Summative exercise
The Importance of Maintaining Health
According to the research results of the National We need to practise a healthy
Health and Morbidity Survey (2016), the percentage lifestyle such as eating food
of Malaysians with diabetes is 17.5%, high blood with less sugar, salt, oil and fat.
pressure is 30%, high cholesterol is 47%, obesity Besides, we need to exercise to
is 17% and overweight is 40%. This problem shows avoid from serious diseases.
the improper diet and lifestyle of Malaysians.
Mindblown corner
The research results of the National
Health and Morb
idity Survey 2016
shows that only
six percent of
Malaysian adults eat enough fruits
and vegetables. Thus, the Ministry of
Health Malaysia launched the Eat
Fruits and Vegetables Campaign.
Human Digestive
3.3 System
How the food is digested?
3.3 Human Digestive System
Food digestion is process of breaking down food that is Learning outcome
complex and large into molecules that are small,simple and
soluble so that they can be absorbed by the cells of the body
Digestion By the end of the lesson
,student will be able to label
correctly the eleven structure
of human digestive system .
Physical Chemical Mindblown corner
The process of breaking down
The process of breaking down food into smaller particles in
food into smaller particles in mouth with the help of Enzyme is a
mouth with the help of teeth, enzyme. in the body that speeds
tongue and saliva. up chemical digestion.
Involved peristalsis
Happens in Break down Happens in
the mouth of food occur the mouth,
Physical Chemical duodenum and
digestion digestion intestine
Does not Happen in Involves
involve the digestive enzymes
Figure 3.10 Comparison between physical digestion and chemical digestion
The Structure of the Human
Digestive System
What are the organs Brain teaser
that are involved in the
If a digestive tract is 9 m
human digestive long, how does the tract fit
system? into a body that is 1.5 m in
The human digestive system comprises a tube that is
called the digestive tract and a few other organs such as
the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. The digestive tract is
a long tube that begins in the mouth and ends at the
anus .
11Figure 3.11 Human digestive system
The Flow of Food in the Mouth
Digestive Tract Oesophagus
What happens when Stomach
food passes through Duodenum
each organ in the
digestive tract ? Small intestine
Large intestine
• Food is chewed by the teeth. Rectum
• Particles of food are softened by saliva. Anus
• Salivary amylase in saliva breaks down
starch into maltose. Figure 3.12 The
flow of food
Oesophagus particles
• Food that enters the oesophagus is called
bolus. 12
• The process of peristalsis at the wall of
the oesophagus pushes the food into the
• Walls of the stomach secrete protease and
hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid
activates the protease and kills bacteria in
the food that enters the stomach.
• Protease breaks down protein into
• Food that is semi-liquid is called chyme.
• Food enters the first part of the small intestine, that is, the
• The liver produces bile that is stored in the gall bladder.
• The bile emulsifies fat into small droplets and neutralises the acid in
the chyme.
• The pancreas produces pancreatic juice which contain enzymes
amylase, protease and lipase.
• Pancreatic amylase digests starch into maltose.
• Protease digests polypeptides into dipeptides.
• Lipase digests fat into fatty acids and glycerol.
Small intestine
• The small intestine secretes enzymes maltase and
• Maltase digests maltose into glucose.
• Protease digests dipeptides into amino acids.
Large intestine
• Undigested food will enter the large intestine.
• The process of water reabsorption happens in the large
• Food that is undigested, known as faeces,
enters the rectum and is stored here.
• Faeces are excreted from the
body through the anus.
Mindblown corner
Some deterge
nts contain
enzymes. The
se enzymes
help to remove stains such
as blood and oil.
Summative exercise
Figure 3.13 Human digestive Figure 3.14 Action of digestive enzymes
3.4 Process of Absorption and
Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
How the food
absorbed in our
3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Observe the thread
Learning outcome
projections on the
surface of the towel.
What can you see? Following this sess
ion, students will
be able to relate correctly the function
of digestive system, blood circulatory
system and respiratory system .
Like the towel, the wall of Digested food which is made up of Mindblown corner
our small intestine has tiny molecules is easily absorbed into
millions of fine projections the blood circulatory system through Villus - s
called villi. This increases the the walls of the small intestine. Villi - plural
surface area for the process of These tiny molecules are then taken to
every part of the body Brain teaser
absorption of digested food. Why does our small
The surface of the small intestine has many folds to
add to the surface area and increase the absorption have more blood vessels
than our stomach?
rate of the products of digestion.
The wall of the villus is very thin. Mindblown corner
It is one-cell thick to increase the
Lacteal absorbs digested fat in
rate of absorption
the villi of the s
mall intestine.
The function of the blood vessels in the small
intestine is to transport nutrients to all parts of the The lacteal transfers it into the
lymphatic system and then to
body. the blood circulatory system.
(a) Villi on the walls of the small intestine
(b) Absorption and transportation of the products of digestion
Figure 3.16 Structure of villus and absorption of digested food in the small intestine 15
Process of Transporting the Products of Digestion
Food that is digested and Assimilation is a process of distributing
absorbed into a villus the end products of digestion for the use
needs to reach the cells of
the body. of the cells in our body
The molecules that are
absorbed into the villus Our body uses the end products of digestion as follows:
will undergo assimilation
• Glucose is used to produce energy.
• Amino acid is used to form component of cells.
• Fatty acid and glycerol combine to form fat which is used
as heat insulator and to protect internal organs
All these three systems below work together to ensure the Learning outcome
digested food molecules reach the cells of the body. At the en
d of the
ents will be
Digestive system Breaks down large and complex particles of food able to elaborate and
into small and simple molecules so that they can be communicate correctly
about defecation.
absorbed into the villi
Blood circulatory Transports small and simple molecules to the cells of
system the body
Assimilation End products are distributed for: Summative exercise
formation of new cells
regulation of body temperature
Defecation Undigested food and food that is not absorbed by the
small intestine such as fibres, waste secretions of the
What happens to digestive tract, dead cells and water will move into the
the food that is not absorbed large intestine.
by the small intestine? While moving through the large intestine, water and
minerals are reabsorbed into the blood stream.
This makes the unabsorbed and undigested food to 16
become solid waste called faeces
Faeces are stored temporarily in the rectum before being
eliminated through the anus.
The process of elimination of faeces from the body is
called defecation.
Summative Practice
1. Figure 1 shows a food pyramid
Get the answer here
Figure 1
i) Stated 3 class of food in the figure 1
ii) State the functions of that class .
2. Jack lives in the Arctic which has a temperature as low as -42°C.
a) What class of food should Jack consume continuously to adapt herself to the cold
(b) Give reasons for your answer in 2 (a)
3. State three factors that influence calorific requirement.
4. Figure 2 shows the human digestive system.Identify parts P to U.
Figure 2
5. What is the function of the blood vessels in the small intestine ?
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“ The doctor or the future will no longer treat the
human frame with drugs ,but rather will cure and
prevent disease with nutrition.”
-Thomas Edison
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