Dream Homes
for Real People
• Sunshine Coast, Queensland •
14 Burruma Court
Coes Creek
Sam initially associated with Palmwoods Real Estate Sam Dowding
in the role of Byron’s PA and customer relations.
Real Estate Agent
Working closely with Byron she has developed her
skill set and along with her honesty, integrity and MM 00441216 210016 773818 PF 0077 35044415 09367969
dedication to succeed has enabled her to become EErascahme@[email protected]
an integral member our Palmwoods Sales Team.
WW ppaallmmwwooooddssrreeaalleessttaattee..ccoomm..aauu
Sam’s tenacity to succeed puts her well placed
to achieve the best results for her clients. Clients
love her bubbly personality and positive attitude.
• address •
14 Burruma Court
Coes Creek
3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom,
2 Cars
FLOOR PLAN 14 Burruma Court
Coes Creek
3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 2 Cars
This floor plan is conceptual only. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied
upon. We make no guarantee as to the accuracy of this plan. All interested parties should make and rely
on their own enquiries in determining the accuracy of the information contained in this floor plan.
Superb family home in quiet, picturesque enclave
This superbly presented home filled with charisma, dens. The additional two bedroom with high ceilings
individuality and sun-filled northerly aspect is ideally share the light-filled upper floor.
located on the leafy end of a quiet cul-de-sac in popular
Coes Creek. A welcoming home with a versatile layout, The kitchen is well-equipped with ample cabinetry and
it is complete with a choice of interior living zones, bench spaces, wall pantry, electric oven and dish-
three spacious bedrooms, a fantastic workshop and washer. The living zones are tiled whilst the stairs and
covered garden patio. The backyard with substantial bedrooms are carpeted. The main bedroom has direct
vegetable and herb beds - beautifully framed by the outdoor access to the patio and gardens.
privacy and picturesque vista of
a nature reserve as its backdrop. Abundant storage include a substantial roof cavity,
hallway cupboards and built-in bedroom wardrobes.
Set over two levels, the home’s ground floor is dedicat- Hobbyists, keen gardeners and handymen will appreci-
ed to the relaxation, dining and entertainment zones ate the convenient workshop with fixed workbenches,
that consist of a formal lounge, kitchen/dining space multiple powerpoints and painted concrete floor. The
and expansive multi-functional room big enough to be ground floor also features a laundry, guest toilet and
enjoyed as a media/rumpus area and/or casual family family bathroom with floor-to-ceiling tiles.
living/dining space. For outside pleasure, there is a
tranquil covered patio and a lush green outlook of the There is air-conditioning, a garden shed, double
backyard and bordering reserve. The main bedroom carport, ceiling fans throughout and security grilles on
and formal lounge extend outdoors onto the patio via windows and doors plus pet-friendly flap doors.
sliding doors.
Within excellent proximity to amenities, motorways and
Green thumbs will love that all the work has been done educational facilities, this home is walking
with the tropical gardens that create a delightful setting distance to the local shopping centre with its eateries,
for an extremely well-maintained home. From its attrac- groceries store and childcare centre whilst
tive and neatly manicured street frontage to the raised St. John’s College and Burnside schools are also within
vegetable and herb beds in the sundrenched backyard, walking distance. Nambour CBD is only
it is a sheer delight to explore. Ideally, a 5000L water a five-minute drive away.
tank is in place for irrigation.
This home will appeal to a diversity of buyers.
Inside, living is fuss-free with a functional layout There is nothing to do but move in and enjoy the tran-
for living, dining and ease of separation. Ideally, quility and lifestyle offered by such a charming home
the main bedroom is located on the ground floor so close to everything an investor can capitalise on or a
and has direct outdoor access to the patio and gar- growing family or retired couple may require.
Property Inclusions
LIVING • Tiled floors
• Entry door with security screen • Window
• Back door with pet flap • Extraction fan
• Double French doors
• 8 LED lights HALLWAY
• TV bracket • Linen cupboard
• TV aerial • Double power point
• 2 Double power sockets • Tiled floor
• Wall to wall windows with flyscreen • Ceiling light
• Fitted cupboards • Glass plane and sliding door with pet flap
• Fire alarm
• Electric hob MAIN BEDROOM
• Electric oven • 2 Double power points
• 1 ½ Stainless steel sink • Ceiling fan/light
• Dishwasher • Triple mirrored wardrobe
• Tiled floor • Double sliding door with security screen
• Split air con • Carpet
• 4 Double power points • Fire alarm
• Ceiling light
LOUNGE • High ceiling
• Ceiling light/fan • 4 Double power point
• 3 Double power points • Ceiling light/fan
• 2 Floor to ceiling windows with security • Window with flyscreen
screen • Fitted wardrobe
• Double sliding door with security screen • Carpet
• TV aerial
• TV bracket 3rd BEDROOM
• High ceiling
LAUNDRY • 2 Double power points
• 1 Double power point • Ceiling light/fan
• Plumbing for washing machine • Split air con
• Laundry sink & cupboard • Window with flyscreen
• Shelf • Fitted wardrobe
• Window with security screen • Carpet
• Window with security screen • Carpet
• Extraction fan • 2 Way light switch
• Tiled floor • Fire alarms
• Door to roof storage
• Ceramic basin & cupboard WORKSHOP
• Mirror • 6 Double power points
• Towel rail • Fixed workbench
• Bath • Painted concrete floor
• Shower • 2 Fluoro lights
• Tiled walls • Window
• 2 Doors one with window
Charming home with
nature reserve outlook
a gardener’s dream
6 Steps to Buying a House
Purchasing residential real estate can be ●• Any special conditions or requests that
a very exciting process, however it can also you may have so that we can inform the ven-
be a confusing time for the prospective buyer. dor (property owner).
As you may already be aware, different
agencies usually have different sets of rules Step 2 - Confirm your time frame available
and standards, so we would like to inform you to do any investigations
of the general buying process.
Find out if the property has a deadline on it,
Property owners receive all types of interest - such as auction or other offers from interested
some genuine, some not. Some people submit parties.
offers to test the possibility of sale, but do not
actually stay true with their offer. Step 3 - Decide if you are going to obtain
a pest & building report
This can lead to frustration and concern for
the owners as they try to assess who is Before you purchase any property, it is import-
actually a genuine buyer. The best way to ant to consider obtaining a Pest and Building
present a strong offer on any property is to Report from a qualified inspector. Please note
follow the steps below that allow you to that this report is a complete list of defects of
understand what is required in preparation. the home, and is very different from the feature
brochure that you receive from our agency.
Allowing you to put forward your strongest Most people are shocked with the report they
purchasing proposition to the agent. All offers receive on the home, and most times misin-
must be presented to the owner in writing and terpret the report e.g. the home is 34 years old
all purchase details correct for filling in the and is in need of new roof tiles. Roof tiles last
contract for signing. approximately 35 years and need replacing on
every home of that age. The point to remember
Step 1 - Provide agent with your full here is that all homes at one time or another
details such as: require maintenance, this is known as a capital
• The actual purchase price you will
be paying for the property. Step 4 - Notify your finance broker
• The method by which you choose to pay of your purchase address & details
the 10% deposit. e.g. cheque/bank transfer.
• The settlement period that you require A pre-approval of finance from your lending
or the vendor has stipulated institution needs to be in place before safely
• The name of your chosen Solicitor. proceeding with your property purchase, how-
• The name of your bank or financial ever many banks will approve you in principle
lending institution. yet require a valuation. Don’t be alarmed if your
lending institution request a valuation by a reg-
istered property valuer. This is normal practice,
and serves as confirmation of the agreed sale
price. If you are intending to buy at auction,
all the above-mentioned must be in place.
6 Steps to Buying a House
Auction day is final. If you turn up to bid and SNAP & SEND
you are the highest bidder past the reserve Make an offer
price (on-the-market price) you are the instant
owner awaiting settlement of the property. 14 burruma Court
Coes Creek
Step 5 - Don’t forget to include stamp duty
funds in your final numbers Settlement 30 45 60
Step 6 - Meet with the agent and provide Finance? NO 14 days 21 days
all details for sign off with the owner
B&P? NO 7 days 14 days
Once agreement on price, settlement, condi-
tions, etc has been reached with the vendor Deposit $
the sale can proceed.
Offer $
Preparation is the key. Understanding the steps Simply write in your offer,
of sale and having everything in place is impera- snap a photo and SMS to
tive to reaching your property goals. Whether you
are considering purchasing this property or an- 0435 493 661
other in the near future and are in need of advice,
please feel free to contact any of our team with
questions that you may have.
We are available to assist you.
Numerous living and entertain-
ment areas and lovely patio
Workshop, tank and substan-
tial veggie and herb beds
Quiet, leafy cul-de-sac walking
distance to shops and schools
Selling your home? Speak to Sam today
at Palmwoods Real Estate for an appraisal.
If you would like to view properties still on sale,
please visit palmwoodsrealestate.com.au
Sam Dowding M 0426 106 788 F 07 3041 0376
E [email protected]
Real Estate Agent
W palmwoodsrealestate.com.au