Dream Homes
for Real People
• Sunshine Coast, Queensland •
4 Red Jacket Court
Welcome to Palmwoods Real Estate where offers their family. This appreciation makes Byron
Palmwoods local Byron Miller and his team a dedicated seller’s agent who effortlessly identifies
absolutely love what they do. Together with his with a buyer’s motivation.
wife Kath, they have established a superb agency
that continues to exceed clients’ expectations. Byron is sought-after for his renowned flair to
negotiate and his pursuit to get sellers peace
Byron has an impressive track record of selling of mind and the best price for their property.
properties where others have failed. He gained
years of marketing and business acumen through Kath has been an intrical part of several successful
building up, and selling of, numerous businesses businesses Byron & Kath have started from scratch
from IT, franchising and finance brokerage. over the last 20 years.
His skill set is a hit with clients who capitalise
on his knowledge and knack to seal the deal. Kath has a solid understanding of all aspects
of the real estate industry. She manages all the
Byron has combined what he knows best to trust funds of the agency, pays all the bills and
design Palmwoods Real Estate’s robust marketing oversees settlements. Her bubbly personality
campaign. This smart, cost-effective plan offers makes her a breeze to deal with, so buyers and
maximum exposure to a targeted audience sellers always enjoy engaging with her.
that attracts qualified buyers every time.
If you can’t get hold of Byron, try Kath next.
Established in 1988, Palmwoods Real Estate She always knows where he is, can set his
is situated in the heart of our beautiful town. appointments, but she might be the one you
Byron and Kath live in Palmwoods on 12 acres need to talk to anyway. Kath can pretty much
with their two young daughters who attend answer any questions real estate related and
Suncoast Christian College. They relish in the certainly any questions about Palmwoods.
opportunities and future this special place
Byron Miller Kath Miller
Real Estate Agent Sales Associate
M 0435 493 661 F 07 3041M00347161 201 731 P 07 5445M90649395 493 662 F 07 3041 0376
E [email protected]@[email protected]
W palmwoodsrealestate.cWomp.aalumwoodsrealestate.cWomp.aalumwoodsrealestate.com.au
• address •
4 Red Jacket Court
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
2 Car Garage, 1 Pool
849 m2 block
FLOOR PLAN 4 Red Jacket Court
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms,
2 Car Garage, 1 Pool, 849 m2 block
This floor plan is conceptual only. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied
upon. We make no guarantee as to the accuracy of this plan. All interested parties should make and rely
on their own enquiries in determining the accuracy of the information contained in this floor plan.
Seamless living and entertainment with sparkling pool
This beautifully-presented family residence rests tiled family zone consists of a formal dining room,
in perfect position on substantial and easy-care great kitchen and additional open-plan living room
849m2 in highly-desirable Old Orchard Estate with with space for informal dining. Sitting central to the
idyllic park and lake surrounds. Its exceptional de- living and dining areas is a well-designed and ap-
sign facilitates seamless flows between numerous pointed kitchen with ample bench space plus break-
living and entertainment zones and outdoors to fast bar, dishwasher, plumbed fridge and quality
a choice of garden patio, covered entertainer’s outdoor views. From here, it’s a seamless transition
alfresco, level lawns and pool to the fantastic undercover alfresco that overlooks
the level backyard and Balinese-inspired sparkling
A light-filled, solid brick single-level home, it is pool with easy-care landscaping.
located one street back from the lake and park.
This spontaneous meeting point has become The sleeping wing is dedicated to three generous
an extremely popular community hub where every bedrooms, two with built-in wardrobes that share
afternoon, kids play like one big family and their a family bathroom. The master bedroom has a walk-
dogs come along for the fun. A special place where in-robe and ensuite and enjoys direct sliding-door
lifetime memories are made, residents of this pictur- access outside and relaxing views of the pool and
esque enclave are familiar with everyone and the garden. There is a separate guest toilet, a spacious
feel of community and friendship is palpable and laundry, ample storage throughout and a double
inspiring. remote-control garage with internal access.
The home occupies a generous block with mature A delightful home, its well thought-out design
landscaped gardens that not only create attractive features neutral interiors with ducted air-conditioning
street appeal but a sense of privacy and lush views throughout. With a focus on space and separation,
from inside the house. The front patio offers a wel- its in-and outdoor flows are easy and relaxed, making
coming country-style ambience and the impressive for no-fuss living, entertainment and relaxation for
double doors reveal an imposing entry hall from families of all ages and stages. With a bit of reshuf-
where the design splits into numerous defined living fling of the front garden, a boat or caravan space is
zones and the sleeping wing. possible.
Located directly off the foyer, are the formal carpeted Its quiet address is walking distance to the primary
lounge/media room and an office that could easily school and within a short drive, cycle or 15-minute
be utilised as the fourth bedroom. The expansive, walk to the heart of town.
Exceptional family living
in desirable estate
6 Steps to Buying a House
Purchasing residential real estate can be Step 1 - provide agent with your full details
a very exciting process, however it can also such as:
be a confusing time for the prospective buyer.
As you may already be aware, different • The actual purchase price you will be paying
agencies usually have different sets of rules for the property.
and standards, so we would like to inform you • The method by which you choose to pay the
of the general buying process. 10% deposit. e.g. cheque/bank transfer.
• The settlement period that you require or the
Property owners receive all types of interest - vendor has stipulated
some genuine, some not. Some people submit • The name of your chosen Solicitor.
offers to test the possibility of sale, but do not • The name of your bank or financial lending
actually stay true with their offer. institution.
This can lead to frustration and concern for ●• Any special conditions or requests that you
the owners as they try to assess who is may have so that we can inform the vendor
actually a genuine buyer. The best way to (property owner).
present a strong offer on any property is to
follow the steps below that allow you to Step 2 - confirm your time frame available
understand what is required in preparation. to do any investigations
Allowing you to put forward your strongest
purchasing proposition to the agent. All offers Find out if the property has a deadline on it,
must be presented to the owner in writing and such as auction or other offers from interested
all purchase details correct for filling in the parties.t
contract for signing.
Step 3 - decide if you are going to obtain a
pest & building report
Before you purchase any property, it is import-
ant to consider obtaining a Pest and Building
Idyllic family living where
lifetime memories are made
Report from a qualified inspector. Please note price. If you are intending to buy at auction,
that this report is a complete list of defects of all the above-mentioned must be in place.
the home, and is very different from the feature Auction day is final. If you turn up to bid and
brochure that you receive from our agency. you are the highest bidder past the reserve
Most people are shocked with the report they price (on-the-market price) you are the instant
receive on the home, and most times misin- owner awaiting settlement of the property.
terpret the report e.g. the home is 34 years old
and is in need of new roof tiles. Roof tiles last Step 5 - don’t forget to include stamp duty
approximately 35 years and need replacing on funds in your final numbers
every home of that age. The point to remember Step 6 - meet with the agent and provide
here is that all homes at one time or another all details for sign off with the owner
require maintenance, this is known as a capital
improvement. Once agreement on price, settlement, condi-
tions, etc has been reached with the vendor
Step 4 - notify your finance broker of your the sale can proceed.
purchase address & details
In summary:
A pre-approval of finance from your lending Preparation is the key. Understanding the steps
institution needs to be in place before safely of sale and having everything in place is impera-
proceeding with your property purchase, how- tive to reaching your property goals. Whether you
ever many banks will approve you in principle are considering purchasing this property or an-
yet require a valuation. Don’t be alarmed if your other in the near future and are in need of advice,
lending institution request a valuation by a reg- please feel free to contact any of our team with
istered property valuer. This is normal practice, questions that you may have.
and serves as confirmation of the agreed sale We are available to assist you.
Inspirational family living
in idyllic enclave
Low-maintenance family living
with pool in idyllic enclave
Selling your home? Speak to Byron and Kath
today at Palmwoods Real Estate for an appraisal.
If you would like to view properties still on sale,
please visit palmwoodsrealestate.com.au
Byron Miller M 0435 493 661 F 07 3041 0376
E [email protected]
Real Estate Agent W palmwoodsrealestate.com.au