Blockchain Technology
to Enable your Business
GDPR/HIPAA Compliance Encryption Data Recovery
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© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Who Are We?
Modex - The Blockchain Company is designed to solve the last mile
adoption problem of the blockchain.
At Modex, we are able to innovate thanks to our incredible team of experts and we offer
services for the entire blockchain technology ecosystem:Blockchain Database solutions for
enterprises, Marketplace for Smart Contracts and Community Tools for developers
Our Mission
Modex is a complex ecosystem designed for developers’ needs and enterprises looking for
blockchain solutions. We started with a problem: there are a lot of data processing services
available like cloud databases or BI services, but there is still a set of issues in regards to data
protection and data security which remained unsolved.
Until now.
“ We radically simplify blockchain deployment so
businesses don’t have to choose between
security and innovation.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Blockchain B2B
Few activities can claim to have a direct of items exchanged or to track the execution
impact on the global social-economical of transactions, due to the involvement of
balance. As society progresses in an third-party entities like banks, logistic brokers,
unfathomable pace towards a digital model, trading partners, EDI vendors and so on. As
business-to-business transactions (B2B) the number of parties involved in a
solidifies its self as one of the main actors transaction increases, the number of friction
which shape the global playing field. From a points also grows, which may manifest
general perspective, B2B transactions themselves as costly delays and numerous
present themselves as a complex web of data-related security risks. Certainly, these
operations which involves global supply bottlenecks can prove to be overwhelming,
chains, innumerable integration points, and a but a somewhat new player in the tech field
vast array of online services. As such it is demonstrated its ability to support the
imperative that all these elements need to establishment of trustworthy B2B
function as a cohesive whole, in a perpetual relationships while providing a tamper-proof
motion devoid of rest. In this context, trust medium for executing transactions and data
emerges as a fundamental value, the pillar storage.
which holds everything together.
The process as a whole involves multiple Due to its inherent
actors and several adjacent parties which characteristics, a blockchain
perform different functions such as clearing back-end can demonstrate its
mechanisms. However, anybody involved in
this intriguing field can confirm that setting up value by overcoming integration
secure B2B collaborations most often challenges, ensure trust and
involves application integration, and if the streamline collaborations
need arises, manual reconciliation which
translates to increased costs and time. In the between every party involved
not so distant past, it was burdensome and through a shared digital
not very cost-effective to ensure the distributed ledger.
“ Our platform is built for businesses frustrated with
expensive consulting contracts and prolonged
development timelines.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
State Of The Art
In the last couple of years, enterprises and consensus-based trust because the data in
smaller businesses alike have signaled the question is distributed among every
emergence of a new trend which diverges participant. Blockchain mitigates the need for
from established dogmas. Corporate third-party gatekeepers which charge
giants including IBM, JP Morgan Chase, additional fees for their services and are often
Ernst & Young have concluded after perceived as a security liability. Collaboration
extensive research that decentralized is enabled by shared data which becomes
forms of organization are no longer a easy to verify and is always available.
variable which must be studied, but a
goal, an ideal structure which can add Data shared in a blockchain
considerable value not only to the network is format agnostic and
financial and business realm but across cannot be altered unless all
every sphere of activity. Studies show that
the main vehicle which will help make the parties are aware of, and agree
transition from a centralized model to a with the changes made. This
decentralized one is blockchain feature transforms blockchain
technology which has already started to
gain considerable momentum in into one of the most valuable
industries such as supply chain, tools a business can have at its
healthcare, retail, financial services, disposal, a verifiable and
telecommunications, transportation,
logistics, energy and identity incorruptible source of truth
management. In our digital world, data which reduces overhead and
has become more valuable than gold. eliminates manual processes.
The value of decentralization directly
“stems from the fact that it facilitates
Enterprise Blockchain Revenue to Surpass $20 Billion by
2025, According to Deloitte
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Blockchain is unique in the sense that it will be rendered obsolete by the system,
has managed to directly challenge our which will discard any changes which are
perception of data storage and not approved by the members of the
management. For the untrained eye, network.
blockchain may simply appear as a
database, and to some extent they are Transparency, trust, and
right. Blockchain is a database, but a accountability are imposed by the
database is not a blockchain. In its most decentralized structure of the
basic form, blockchain is a historical blockchain. Businesses and trade
record of transactions. Data introduced partners are no longer required to rely
in a blockchain network is secured on external parties to mediate disputes,
through complex cryptographic perform an audit, verify and share data,
algorithms and stored in structures as the one true version of the truth will
called blocks. Each block of transactions be stored in the blockchain. Each
includes a set of data from the previous participant maintains an encrypted
block which link them together, forming record of every transaction, trust is
a chain of blocks. Hence the name guaranteed through complex
blockchain. Because data is stored in mathematics during each stage of the
thousands of interconnected blocks, it transaction process. This resilient
becomes impossible to alter. If a recording mechanism cannot be
malicious actor tries to tamper with data repudiated, as such, parties which do not
from a block of transactions, all the completely trust each other can engage
following blocks in business interactions.
“ Blockchain is a utility and is most valuable when treated
as a means to an end.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
The first type of blockchain that emerged is A blockchain network can be considered
the public blockchain, which acts as the public when virtually anybody can join and
main infrastructure for the most popular interact with the network. All the data stored
cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum. A on the blockchain network is public,
public blockchain stores a single type of data transparent, every member of the network
– financial transactions with cryptocurrencies. can see and interact with it. This is the best
Typically, this type of blockchain network has example of a truly decentralized network.
an inbuilt incentivizing mechanism which
encourages more participants to join and
maintain the network.
From a technical perspective, private Any company or consortium of companies
blockchains are almost identical to public that need a secure, real-time, shareable
blockchains. The main difference stems from record of transactions can extract value from
the logic behind it and its applicability in this technology. With blockchain, companies
business. Although it’s similar from a become the one true owners of their data,
technical perspective with public blockchains, and because the system does not rely on a
individuals and companies outside the central server, there is no central point of
network require permission from the owner failure.
of the protocol to join.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
“ Blockchain is a utility and is most valuable when treated as
a means to an end.
Decentralization Data immutability
The decentralization mechanism allows a Software products based on a blockchain
blockchain-based infrastructure to have no single database are able to demonstrate data integrity
point of failure, no centralized server. Data is and the fact that the data was not changed or
hosted and maintained by all the parties involved altered by third parties. Any changes are
in the business flow. In this case, decentralization
translates to increased security and transparency. recorded and logged properly, thus software
products users receive guarantees about data
integrity which can be sustained in a court of law
if the need arises.
Network distribution Security
A blockchain backend is actually a network of The concept of blockchain emerged from the
computers where each is storing applications, need for a secure and stable framework. Bitcoin
immutable data, and product functionalities. was designed as a digital payment system. As a
result, security, cryptography, and data protection
Distribution adds a new layer of utility and
value to enterprise software products are core features of this technology. All of
blockchain’s inherent properties come together
because it guarantees availability and fast
access to the system. and make a secure environment.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Blockchain has demonstrated that it can streamline operations and significantly boost
efficiency across each segment of B2B operations. Fortune 5000 Enterprise CTOs are looking
to provide blockchain solutions without being bogged down by CSOs and empowered to
make recommendations to CEOs. But as a relative newcomer in the tech scene, blockchain
hasn’t had the chance to fully mature, so there are a series of obstacles and challenges which
need to be addressed in order to facilitate a seamless implementation.
Cost of implementation Interoperability challenges
In order to create a stable blockchain Choosing the right blockchain for your
platform, enterprises need to scout for business model is the key. Enterprise
developers proficient in blockchain blockchain solutions need to guarantee
development. But due to the short that users can interact with each other
supply and high market demand, on the same platform. Each database
blockchain experts charge a has its specific requirements.
considerable fee for their services. Companies which have different
Currently, it is estimated that a single database providers will be faced with a
blockchain engineer has a yearly salary difficult choice if they wish to
ranging between USD 150,000 and USD collaborate on the same blockchain.
Transitioning from legacy Insufficient blockchain
structures is cumbersome literacy
Legacy systems are commonplace Blockchain technology is just taking off
among many enterprises. Transitioning so the number of blockchain experts is
to a blockchain infrastructure often quite small and companies are actively
entails the construction of a new competing with each other to hire the
framework from the ground up, which best developers. Some companies have
can impose significant costs for the approached this aspect differently, by
company. Furthermore, migrating data choosing to train their own in house
from the legacy system to the team of developers. The problem is that
blockchain can lead to data breaches it is a time-consuming process which
and even data loss if the procedure isn’t requires considerable resources.
done properly.
Continuous platform evolution
Since blockchain hasn’t reached full maturity yet, companies need to constantly update their
infrastructure. Rapid changes in technology can lead to compatibility issues and early
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Modex Blockchain Database (BCDB) is a software product designed
to support businesses by enabling them to create products based
on a blockchain back-end.
Modex BCDB also facilitates the migration from classic client-server database oriented
products to a distributed blockchain based back-end engine. Modex BCDB was not
designed to eliminate the database component which is essential for any enterprise
organization, but to mix the standard database engines with the blockchain features in
order to obtain decentralization, data integrity assurance, high availability and scalability,
improved security and a new way to manage business-relevant data records.
Modex BCDB will be integrated with new or existing enterprise software products but will
not replace them. It is designed to allow original software products to keep their core
business components and functionalities. On top of that, Modex BCDB will bring an extra
set of core ready-to-go functionalities which will add value to all products which
implement it, making them blockchain ready. Modex BCDB presents itself in the form of a
private blockchain network, where each node replicates a blockchain client, a database of
your choice, its core functionalities, an administration module and an API interface for
other systems to connect to.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Benefits For
Your Business
Data Integrity And Real-time Backup
Maintain full data nodes capable of reconstructing
Ensure the integrity of your data by validating new BCDB instances from scratch for every lost
the record signature with a copy stored in data node. Eliminate the need for storage-intensive
the blockchain immutable ledger. snapshots.
Data Reconstruction Data Decentralization
Reconstruct any unauthorized record Achieve full decentralization by allowing parties to
modification by restoring the data to the own the data added in the system. Control
original version. permissions and provide access based on request
instead of defaults.
Traceability & Record
History Distribution & Scalability
Maintain an immutable full data record Enhance your existing software products with high
history that allows you to view previous availability by making your server-side architecture
record versions and maintain secure highly scalable - even if the current technology
traceability of stored assets. does not support it.
Businesses and developers use Modex to bring
the benefits of blockchain to their systems.
Modex is the fastest way to blockchain
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Novelty Of The
Modex Blockchain Database is a high-potential innovation idea
that addresses the biggest challenges companies face in terms of
deploying blockchain solutions (the cost and time of
implementation), by simplifying blockchain adoption and
minimizing both cost and time. Novelty of the innovation comes in
the following forms:
Mixing blockchain and databases in an agnostic way (these components are changeable)
to allow existing products to move to the blockchain;
Ready-made functionalities (data encryption, data ownership, data sync rules, record
history, data integrity checks, data distribution, data storage policies, smart contracts) will
be available at the back-end/storage level and don’t require developers to write them into
the client’s source code
The entire mechanism is available for the developer in a form with which they are already
familiar (like traditional API/database connections).
Prove that you've forgotten. Give Create an immutable, Want to power a joint offering
anyone access to an auditable un-hackable record of your most without passing out keys to the
slice of your data without important data. If there is ever an
kingdom? Modex helps you
bestowing ownership or control. intrusion or ransom, simply collaborate, not compete.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
Business Value
Modex Blockchain Database (BCDB) is a software product designed to empower large and
small businesses by enabling them to make the transition to a decentralized model, without
endangering the data of the client. With Modex BCDB, customers can access all the
advantages of blockchain, without needing to concern themselves with the technical
intricacies of the technology.
Constructed with an agnostic approach to databases and blockchain engines, Modex BCDB
can become an ideal platform for B2B collaboration. We started with a simple question:
what if using blockchain was as easy as using an API? The result is a platform that gets
projects up and running in under 48 hours. Our platform is built for businesses frustrated
with expensive consulting contracts and prolonged development timelines. Now you can
secure and share your data without handing it over. With Modex BCDB, blockchain is a
simple utility you use when and where you need it.
Flexible Pricing
$0.00/month PLUS Request Quote
Up to 25k writes/month $50/month From 100k writes/month
Customer Support Customer Support
Business Consulting 25k to 100k writes/month Business Consulting
Customer Support
Business Consulting
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
How Modex
BCDB Works
Modex BCDB implements a series of blockchain and database adapters over which the core
engine orchestrate the CRUD operations, providing a REST API and TCP language specific
drivers. Data are organized into entities (similar to database tables). An entity maps data from
blockchain and database.
On the database level, the blockchain metadata is also stored, as well as the full data payload,
based on the specific field configurations on entity creation.
On the blockchain level the metadata of a record for a specific entity is being stored, containing
information such as the record id, the signature of the record stored in the database, the owner
of the record, the original node of the record and additional configurable data.
© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar
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© 2019 Modex. | MODEX (Gibraltar) LIMITED, 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar