Bridgewood Farms
“Providing Heart and Hope for a Community devoted to the challenges of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities”
Chairman January & February 2019
Rod Chaves
Vice Chairman Christmas Party & Dance
Sheri Brown
Secretary What a great time that was had by all at the annual Client Christmas Dance and the Bridge-
Deborah Ellsworth wood Farms Christmas party! With the love and support of so many families and friends of
Treasurer Bridgewood Farms, every client received a special gift and many won additional door prize
Pat Sendelbach baskets! Our clients LOVED getting all the special goodies and everyone was so excited to
see Santa. Special thanks to Texas Special Children’s Pro-
Board of Directors ject for helping out and bringing gifts & desserts and to the
Shawn Cannon National Charity League (Bluebonnet & Monarch Chap-
Jim O’Hare ters), NCR, Teddy Gipson and Ron Saikowski for working
to make both events truly special for everyone!
Eduardo Rodriguez
Jerry Shumpert
Robbi Turek
Executive Director
Flo Nelson
Enid Goodman
Our Mission Message from our Executive Director
Bridgewood Farms is the I am very excited for the upcoming year for the clients of Bridgewood Farms.
premier provider of Last year we had a rough year, but now with that behind us, we move forward to
doing great things and will continue to connect with the community around us,
programs and services families, agencies and the clients we love.
in partnership with fami- In 2018, we all worked hard with our Wine Event, “Around the World in 180
lies and the community, Minutes”, “Burn Your Buns Bike Ride” and other fundraising events. You worked
to help us achieve greatness. So, I want to say thank you to all our donors,
enabling individuals volunteers, Board of Directors, and committee members. We hope you all will
with intellectual and continue to support us in whatever capacity you can to continue achieving greatness. We are an
developmental disabili- organization open to change if it will bring growth and I love that. As we go into this next year, we
ties to reach their will welcome change necessary for us to reach the goals of Bridgewood Farms. We will also
continue to strive to find new areas that will help our clients make new achievements.
highest potential As we enter the new year, we will be persistent in keeping our mission at the forefront of all we
through training and do. This new decade will bring different challenges, new milestones, and so much more and we
are ready for it all! I firmly believe we can reach new levels in this coming year, but it will require
life experiences your help. I could not be more grateful to be in a position to lead this organization that has grown
that build self-esteem so important to me and I am excited for the new things we will all do together. Do not hesitate to
and promote personal reach out to myself or anyone else that is a part of our organization if you desire to get involved.
Everyone at Bridgewood Farms welcomes volunteers and new board members. We couldn’t
independence. survive without you and your support. THANK YOU!
Page 2
Mee ngs for the Bridgewood Guardians family support group are
January 17 & February 21, 2019 at Luby’s in Conroe starting at 6PM
Speaker & topic details coming soon, so be looking for your email or flyer in
coming weeks.
The 2019 Around the World in 180 Minutes wine tasting event is tentatively
scheduled for March 23, 2019! Be watching for confirmed date and details coming
soon! Volunteers will be needed. Please call Kristi @ ext 103 or email
[email protected] to get involved.
UPDATE FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOWLERS: Clients who participate in Special Olympics bowling on
Wednesdays will be playing 3 games instead of 2 during the month of January, making the cost $6.50 per day for 1/9,
1/16, 1/23 and 1/30. Starting February 6th, bowling will return to normal cost and schedule.
Area Bowling Competition—Saturday December, 8, 2018
Congratulations to all of our amazing athletes! Next up, State Competition in Austin, February 2 & 3,
2019. Please support our Special Olympics Bowling Team by donating towards their travel expenses.
Unified Teams
T.J.K., Ryan W., Shelby Nelson, Mike Nelson Gold
Colleen O., Ryan Y., Melinda N., Phyllis W. Gold
Norma S., Kylie C., Janie A., Ruben S. Gold
Standard Teams Bronze
Gina S., Asilee B., Tim V., Scott N. Bronze
Michelle M., Christian O., Joe P., Marsha I. Gold
Aerianna D., Jennifer D., John Hu., Tiffani B. Bronze
Lynn S., Jason K., Jessica B., Juliet M. Silver
Tony C., Octavia J., Jennifer M., Dean B. Gold
Misty L., Julie H., Kenny W., Karen C. Gold
Justin L., Brennon L., Allison L., Melinda B. Silver
Hannah H., Pat M., Stephen S., Stephanie Z. Bronze
Tyson K., Evan F., Martha M., Jawn C. Silver
Tracy V., Kurt S., Naomi W., Gary A. Gold
Chris P., Janet D., Brandon H., Donna C. Gold
Lindsey C., Jennifer B, David P., Anne W.
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April Anne
July 8, 1968 -
March 26, 2018
The April Allard The April Allard Memorial Scholarship Fund
The April Allard Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to
Scholarship Fund assist those clients with financial hardship in funding the pro-
grams offered at Bridgewood Farms. Her loving family chose to
pay tribute to April by helping others and providing this beautiful
bench for her friends, like Kylie and Donna pictured above, to
relax and enjoy.
If you would like to contribute to this wonderful fund, and impact
the lives of special needs clients who otherwise couldn’t attend
Bridgewood, visit and click donate
and note “April Allard Memorial Fund” in the memo.
Valentine’s Day Lunch and Social
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we are ready to share the
love! Please join us on Thursday, February 14th, for our annual
Valentine’s Day Social at BWF!
Please donate candy, cookies, cupcakes and canned sodas to
share with our friends. Contact Enid at 936.856.6460 ext 104 and let
her know what you will be bringing.
And we can always use some volunteers!
Special Thanks to Pam and Davy Holak, Sheri & Bill Mardi Gras Ball is March 3
Brown, Karen Pinnell, Christy Smith and Stacy
Galindo for donating, Sure to be a good time, the Mardi Gras celebration is
preparing and on! We will be leaving Card & Party at 10AM and
serving our returning at 6PM. Please RSVP to Enid
wonderful Christmas with $5 to cover transportation costs.
meals for our clients Please bring all necessary
and staff! Your hard medications. We will also need drivers
work is deeply & chaperones so please volunteer! Call
appreciated! Judy at Ext 100 to reserve your spot
on the van.
From all of us here at Bridgewood, thank you so much for another great year!
And to those who went the extra mile to donate to our Christmas party, dance
and the Secret Santa for our staff, your generosity is sincerely appreciated!
Jane Browder; Pat Thomas; Helen Schwisow; Brenda Dyson; Dalton Thomas;
Crumpler Family; Eric Kemp; Ramsey Family; Bubela Family; Doddridge Family;
Shumpert Family; Brown Family; Charles Lane; Krolczyk Family; Holak Family; Schumacher Family; Kristy
Waters; Simmons Family; Humphries Family; Mausser Family; Ruby Page; Norma Henneke; Ward
Family; Shawn Cannon; and many anonymous benefactors
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Meet Our Clients
Ivan Holt
As wri en by his Aunt Donna Johnson Reiling
My oldest nephew, 34 year old Ivan Holt, is one of the favorite members of our
family. He is loved dearly by his mom in Conroe, his dad and family in Sea le,
Washington, and all who have had a hand in his upbringing!
Ivan’s mom enrolled him at Bridgewood Farms and the DAD’s program when he
was just a li le boy and he’s been going to the Farm (as he calls it) for 28 years.
Ivan loves the kids who a end– he graduated from Conroe High School with
many of them, so he’s grown up with Bridgewood as part of his extended family.
Ms. Flo and Ms. Enid have both been a huge posi ve part of Ivan’s life.
Ivan loves to be included and needed and he loves to volunteer. He loves having a job and loved his job at
Crown Cork and Seal, a program that Bridgewood had for a while. And, oh, goodness, DID he love his job at
Whataburger while he was in high school. Ivan had to “re re” as he called it when his mom was in a horrible automobile accident.
Many things changed for Ivan a6er that year, but nothing could take away all the many friends he made during those fun years at
Whataburger. When I’m with Ivan in Conroe, it never fails, someone across the parking lot will shout, “Hello, Ivan!” He never forgets
them, which has always impressed me about Ivan! If you get to know Ivan—you never forget him.
I recently did his DNA for him and it turned out Ivan gets a third of his ethnicity from his Holt Norwegian grandparents, so
immediately he was proud to a ribute his ability to do hard work to his Norwegian roots! And I have to say I agree, because Ivan
loves yard work. Ivan goes to his mom’s house and mows and weed-eats her en re yard and also does the same things for his 92
year old grandfather. The 100 degree heat doesn’t bother him at all, he knows to take a short break and drink plenty of water! He
learned all about lawn care at Bridgewood and how to be successfully safe!
I’d guess everyone who knows Ivan know he loves being a role-model, he is a leader in his group. He loves to a end church services
at the Ark. He loves his country and is a serious supporter of all branches of the military and loves any and all military history, too! I
know Mr. Jason at BWF will agree to that! Ivan was born with Prader Willi Syndrome, a chromosomal disorder, and he has an ea ng
disorder where his brain doesn’t indicate that he has had enough to eat. Ivan has fought obesity since he was a li le boy. For years
he has worked on his weight loss dealing with frustra on, watching his weight go up and down, always on a diet. In 2015-16 Ivan’s
weight was back up close to 300 pounds. Coach Gregory and Coach Cary at Bridgewood helped him keep up walking on the treadmill
in gym class and his weight was coming down. In 2017, his dad & Aunt Terri helped a lot when he went for the 6 week trip to Sea le
and came back weighing a happy 250 pounds.
Late last year, 2017, there was a good turn of events for Ivan’s living situa on. For several years, Ivan had lobbied Ms. Elizabeth
Glosson to turn her beau ful home into a Montgomery County host home and take him as her boarder. Finally he convinced
her and she took all the necessary steps to apply and was able to provide just the right living environment. His weight was 250
when he moved in but with her dedica on and healthy diet for Ivan and all the exercise at BWF, Ivan has reached his goal of
185 lbs. Ms. Elizabeth raised her own great son and using some of the same proficiency, she has helped Ivan learn new skills
about ea ng healthy and knowing how to limit his por ons. He is the happiest that our family has seen him in many years and
he’s so proud of himself. We are ALL proud of him and admire him for his dedica on and desire to become healthy. He has
worked so hard and with the help of Ms. Elizabeth, he is a happy, handsome young man and we know Ivan will have many
First Annual Pancake Breakfast a Delicious Success!
We had so much fun at our first annual Pancake Breakfast hosted at Pacific Yard House! We appreciate all who
came, purchased and/or sold tickets and helped
spread the word. With your support, we raised more
than $1,000 to go towards Bridgewood Farms
programs and servicesO.that’s a lot of pancakes!
We look forward to doing it again in the near future!
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Our Special Olympics Bowling Team CHORD BUSTERS!
Needs Your Help! Once again, the Bridgewood
The State Bowling tournament for Special Farms family had the pleasure of
Olympics is quickly approaching on February 2nd welcoming the Chord Busters for
& 3rd ...but it takes money to get them there. The a musical performance this
total cost for sending our team to Austin for the holiday season! Not only did they
weekend is around $4,000! If you know a person sound great, but they took the
or business that would be interested in sponsoring time to visit with our clients and share some holiday
our team to help them make it to the state
tournament, donations can be made at cheer. We always appreciate them taking time out of their
busy holiday schedules to spread some joy at the Farm! or call 936.856.6460.
Thank you, Patricia Schulze and Robyn Lane for We Need Your Equipment!
your donation!
Do you have a treadmill, elliptical or other piece of
workout equipment in
good condition that has
become more of a 2nd
closet? Donate it to
Bridgewood Farms. Our
clients love to exercise
and our equipment is getting tired and old!
Here are just a few ways that you can give back to Bridgewood Farms!
• Purchase items on the Wish List • Give your time to assist teachers in class
• If your employer provides matching charitable
• Donate any unused or unwanted workout equipment
donation fund, donate and match! that is in good working condition
• Support our Special Olympics teams • Assist with the Valentine’s Day party
• Join the BWF Guardians Parent Group • Like and follow us on Facebook to keep up with us!
A Special THANK YOU to all who have volunteered and made
contributions to Bridgewood Farms!
Helen & Lynn Schwisow; Bentwater Volunteer Families; Misty Bither; National Charity League—Bluebonnet Chapter; National Charity
League—Monarch Chapter; National Charity Roundtable; Vernon’s Kountry Katfish; Eduardo Rodriguez; Mary Gail Doddridge; Karen
Pinnell; Nancy Hicks; Shelby Nelson; Patrick McGannon; National Youth Theater; Emily Currid; Tim Duckworth; Leslie Guillermo;
Quality of Life Chiropractic; Christy Smith; Exxon Mobil—IT Operations; Chord Busters; Michelle Wakefield; Rhonda Fox; Charlie
Warner; Linda Carter; Duane & Karen Simmons; Bill & Sheri Brown; Cathy & Stephanie Silva; Texas Special Children’s Project;
Bridgewood Farms Board of Directors; Bridgewood Friends, Families and Staff that donated towards our
Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas festivities, gift baskets and Secret Santa; Bridgewood Farms Clients; Jackson
Leggett; Katie Leggett; Taylor Mapston; Deidre Olanrewaju; Jessica Jones; Angela Harris; Ruby Page; Jerry
Malin; Mike Bodman; Ginny Bodman; Vickie Ruiz; Billie Martinez; Romelia Buentello; Edna & Stan Bubela; Kristi
Self; Karen Gordon; The Ark Church—Special Needs Ministry; Shawn Cannon; Mary Krolczyk; Rita
Schumacher; The Ward Family; Cindy Garza; Ron Saikowski; Teddy Gipson; Pam & Davy Holak; Jerry & Paula
Shumpert; Jim Jansen; Javier Quintanilla; Rod Chaves; Robbie Turek; Jim O’Hare; Billly Hill; David Hanshaw; Leslie Fischer; Décor
Builders Hardware; Lena Kemp; Larry & Shirley Shook; Linda & Edward Denison; Brenda Dyson; Jay & Julie Humphries; Judith
Crumpler; Kristie Waters; Susan & Larry Mausser; Robyn & Charles Lane; Stacy Galindo; J Taylor; Trina Bentley
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January Happenings 2018-19 Important Dates
01/01: NEW YEAR’S DAY—BWF CLOSED Jan 1: New Year’s Day— BWF
01/08: Incredible Pizza $15 CLOSED
01/15: BoD Meeting 6PM @ WCC
01/17: Bridgewood Guardians Support Group Feb 16: Go Texan Parade–
01/21: Star Cinema Grill $23 Feb 23: Conroe
HLSR Parade—Houston
February Happenings
March 11 : HSLR– Zach Brown Band
02/02: State SO Bowling—Austin March 29 - April 7: Montgomery
02/09: Special Olympics Basketball Individual Skills 9:00-3:00
County Fair Week
Oak Ridge High School
02/14: Valentine’s Day Luncheon & Social $5 April 19: Good Friday– BWF
02/15: Incredible Pizza $15 CLOSED
02/16: Go Texan Parade– Conroe
02/19: BoD Meeting 6PM @ WCC April 23: Family Picnic
02/21: Bridgewood Guardians Support Group
02/23: Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Parade (departing 7AM May 27: Memorial Day—BWF
from Card & Party; Dress Warmly & Bring Meds)
02/28: Star Cinema $23 June 11: Aqua Zumba starts
July 4: Independence Day– BWF
March Happenings CLOSED
July 5 : Burn Your Buns Charity
03/03: Mardi Gras Ball—Galveston Aug 10: Bike Ride
03/04: Incredible Pizza $15 Client Luncheon
03/01-15: HLSR Concert TBA Moody Gardens
03/08: SO Track & Field - Walker County Invitational
03/09: BWF Dance at The Woodland Community Center Sept 2: Labor Day—BWF
7-9:30PM; Celebrating Jan, Feb & Mar Birthdays
Will need volunteers to provide refreshments 2019 DANCE DATES
03/22: Star Cinema Grill $23 March 9 @ 7PM
03/29: Sunshine Day at MC Fairgrounds
03/30: SO Track & Field - Kiwanis Invitational May 11 @ 7PM (Prom)
Sept 28 @ 7PM
All special events and community outings MUST be paid for 1 week prior to Dec 21 @ 12PM
scheduled event
New for 2019!
Thanks to our generous friends at Abby Realty, we have officially
launched our Bridgewood Farms digital check-in system! Every day,
clients, staff and visitors are able to scan their fingerprints and IDs to
provide an accurate detail of who is on campus. This system provides
increased safety and information to allow us to better serve our clients
and community. PLEASE NOTE: All staff, clients, volunteers, parents
and visitors will now be required to check-in with the new system every
day. Thank you for your cooperation as we all adjust to the new system!
January 2019 PagPea3ge 7
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6 7 12 3 4 5
13 NEW YEAR’S 12
20 DAY—CLOSED 10 11
27 19
8 9 26
Pizza $15
14 15 16 17 18
BWF Board 23 Bridgewood
Meeting Guardians
21 22 24 25
Star Cinema &
Grill $23
28 29 30 31
February 2019
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
SO Bowling
3 4 56 78 State Comp–
SO Bowling 12 13 Austin
State Comp–
Austin 9
SO Individual
10 11 14 15 Basketball
Valentine’s Day Incredible Skills—Oak
Luncheon $5 Pizza $15 Ridge HS
17 18 19 20 21 22 16
BWF Board Bridgewood Go Texan
Meeting Guardians Parade–
HLSR Parade-
24 25 26 27 28
Star Cinema &
Grill $23
Bridgewood Farms
11680 Rose Road
Conroe, TX 77303
Phone: 936-856-6460
Fax: 936-856-2620
“ Bridging the gap for the
Intellectually Disabled”
Become a fan of Bridgewood Farms
We enjoy having visitors come see our
facilities and meet our clients & staff. To
request a tour or learn more about our
programs, services, and volunteer oppor-
tunities, call us at 936-856-6460 or visit
our website
Dining Room: New Microwaves (4); 60” Commercial Grade Round Plastic Tables (10); 6’ or 8’ Commercial Grade Rectangular
Plastic Dining Tables (10); Lifetime Commercial Grade Plastic Folding Chairs (30) [Tables & Chairs Available at Sam’s Club]
Pre-Vocational Training: Acrylic Paints (Primary Colors); Paint Brushes; Bingo Prizes; Wooden Puzzles; Hobby Lobby &
Michael’s Gift Cards
Ceramics: Studio Equipment and Materials; Kiln Shelves RF159 21” x 1” ; NRA-04 Pugmill (to recycle clay); Assorted Mayce Glazes;
Firing Rods; Slip; Clay; Stilts (bed of nails)
Horticulture: Tarps; Potting Soil; Seeds (Vegetable—Asst. Peppers, Herbs, Tomatoes, etc.; Flower—Marigold, Sunflower, Wildflower);
Sand Paper; Glue (6000 & Elmers); Acrylic Paint; Large Pots; Metal Leaf Rakes; Newspaper; Blue Painters Tape; White T-Shirts (L, XL)
and Fabric Paint; Miracle Grow; Organic Soil Conditioner; Osmacote (Flower & Vegetable Plant Food); Epsom Salt
ACE: Legos; Chalk (Dust Free); Pencils/Erasers/Eraser Tops; Expo Markers; Wooden Handle Puzzles; Activity Workbooks &
Coloring Books (Assorted Levels); Books (Assorted Levels); Dollar Tree Gift Cards; Construction Paper; Manilla Paper
Health and PE: Pedometers (Class Set of 30); Jump Ropes (heavy gauge rope); Stress Balls (hand sized); Treadmills & Elliptical
Machines; Exercise Resistance Bands; Bridgewood Farms shirts
Grace Manor: 2 Lawn Rakes; Water Hose; Light Kit for Ceiling Fan
Evelyn’s Manor: Bagless Vacuum Cleaner; Knife Set; Household Tool Set; Flatware Set
Hick’s House: Bagless Vacuum Cleaner
Residential Properties: Riding Lawn Mower; 50’ Extension Cords; Leaf Blower
Shop/Barn: Various Shop Tools (screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, etc.,); 4” Angle Grinder; Stihl 20-24” Chainsaw; Riding Mower;
Shop Vacuum
Office: Industrial Coffee Pot; Bagless Vacuum Cleaner
Celebra ng 50+ Years Serving the Special Needs Community 1967-2019