Niblett’s Readers Digest
By: Maya Niblett
Table of Contents
1…What to Know for 8th Grade
2…Summer Options
3…Strange but True: Odd Disorders
4…Instant Drying Hair Wrap
5…Spotlight Biography
6…Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
7…Scared of Clowns
8…Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
9…Sharing Frozen Peas
What to Know for 8th Grade
Many times 8th grade students aren't prepared one the It’s a good idea to make a list of things to do once
end of summer rolls around, and the beginning of the you wake up. For example, make the bed, get
year doesn’t turn out well. It’s always good to prepare. dressed, eat breakfast, make lunch, and brush
First of all, as an 8th grader, getting all the school teeth. Be sure to have enough time for all of the
supplies should be handled long before school starts things to do, so set your alarm at a reasonable
(wikihow). That way, no one is running around at 10:00 time. More specifically, 8th graders focus intensely
o’clock p.m. the night before the first day of school. on problem solving skills. In 8th grade, the kids
Most schools will have a list of things people will need start really looking at words ad sentences in a new
for the rest of the year. Also, 8th graders should practice way. The math includes multi-step word problems
opening their locker. Although, most will already have that use whole numbers, decimals, fractions and
practice from previous grades, it’s still a good idea to get percentages all at once (understood). 8th Grade
the hang of your locker combination so there isn’t any can sometimes get hard, but you just have to keep
trouble trying to open it while at school. Another good on pushing. Besides everything else, the most
preparation is setting an alarm and morning schedule. important thing to do is SMILE! Smiling makes
Some people can wake themselves up, but many have to people more approachable and just simply giving
have an alarm blaring in their ear to get them up. someone a smile can change their day.
Summer Options
Sometimes people’s summer consist of laying around the Have a parent sign up online for a camp, as they can
house watching T.V. and staring at the phone screen for range anywhere from a one-day chess camp to a 3-week
hours. This isn’t a smart way to spend summer break. outdoor cabin sleepaway camp. Something else to think
First of all, it’s unhealthy. Second of all, it’s boring and about is the park. A possibility could be to go to the park
lame. One idea for summer break is craft-making. Crafts with friends and/or family. After getting to the park,
can be fun if you put your mind to it and have all the things someone could swing, play with pets if someone has any,
needed to make it. Crafts can take time and are hard, but have picnic, pick flowers, climb trees, etc. This is a healthy
that’s what makes it fun. It will take time out of your day way to spend time outside of the house and with people.
instead of staring at a screen. Another good idea is to go Also, it is great exercise and good for the body. Finally, a
hang out with friends. Being with other people is always good way to spend summer break is to go to the pool.
Some people may have one in their neighborhood, or a
more fun. Friends will always make eachother laugh.
Overall, the best thing to with friends is to listen to music community pool. Swimming is good exercise and a great
and dance! Anyways, another fun idea is to build a fort. It way to spend time on a hot summer day. In conclusion,
may sound childish, but it’s actually really fun! This is an There are many ways to use your time wisely during the
activity that people can also do with friends. The best way summer in a healthy way rather than being a constant
to make a fort is to get some chairs and a ton of blankets, couch potato for 3 months.
then throw the blankets on top of the chairs. In addition to
that, going to camps over the summer is really fun, too.
Strange But True: Odd Disorders Another disorder is anatidaephobia. Anatidaephobia is the
Boanthropy is a psychological disorder that makes a fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you. It
person believe they are a cow and also makes them act gets it’s name from the greek root word “anatidae” which
like one (wikipedia). This disorder causes the victim to eat is the biological family of ducks, geese, and swans. Also,
grass uncontrollably and crawl on his/her hands and legs in Greek, “Phobos” means fear. Many people get
to resemble a cow. One of the most famous cases of
anatidaephobia due to an intense event that involved
boanthropy occurred to King Nebuchadnezzar (prezi),
ducks/geese sometime in their childhood (fear of). This is
who in the book of daniel, was said to have turned into a a rare disorder, but many times a hard one to grasp. You
cow. Some have said that hypnotism and suggestions of may laugh at the thought of being scared of a duck, but to
the idea contribute to the seriousness of the disorder. It is
rare, but it’ also very serious when it does occur. anatidaephobia, it’s life changing and sometimes it can
even be life threatening. Symptoms of this disorder
Symptoms of this disorder include: eating grass and
include: Sweating, shivering, shaking, temporary
weeds, roaming in the fields with other cows, mooing and paralyzation, chest pains, and many more. This phobia
groaning uncontrollably, and walking on hands and legs, can also cause the victim to feel trapped, like they are
etc. There is no set treatment for boanthropy, as not many suffocating in an airtight room and can’t escape. It can
people have this rare condition. But, some go to have
eventually cause death, once the victim decides to refuse
psychological help. Other than that, there is not any
to leave their home as to come upon a duck.
Advertisement: Instant-Drying Hair Wrap Wait about 3-5 minutes and gently take the wrap off, then
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Spotlight Biography
Hollie Niblett is a creative, hard working website
designer, media designer, and a writing strategist. “I’ve
accomplished most of my life goals,” says Niblett. She
has traveled the world, learned many new languages,
been a better person, and made a difference. Not
surprising, considering what a great person she is. How
did she get so intelligent, you ask? Niblett went to K-
state and met most of her life long friends there. She
just happen to be living in Kansas at the time and
wanted to study agriculture. One of Niblett’s later jobs
in life was a teacher, a gardening teacher for kids. She
has one daughter, by the name of Maya, and one brother,
James. “My greatest fears are losing loved ones to early
deaths, war, and serious illness,” explains Niblett. Also,
she is loyal, creative, and has a good sense of humor.
After asking her what she treasures most in life, she
replies “people.” Niblett also has a great sense of
fashion. Her favorite place to shop is! Hollie’s favorite book she’s
ever read is The Hobbit, as many others agree. To wrap
it up, Niblett is an intelligent, hard working, creative,
website designer and a wonderful media writer, as well
as a kind and loving mother.
Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies This recipe is important to me because I used to make
Ingredients oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with my grandpa
sometimes, and we’d eat them together. Oatmeal cookies
1 ½ cups packed brown sugar
1 cup butter or margarine, softened are his favorite and I like to add chocolate chips into it to
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg make it even more delicious. These cookies are really
2 cups quick-cooking oats yummy, but that’s not surprising because after all, they are
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda cookies. Another reason why I like cookies but especially
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips (6 oz) this recipe, is because I love eating the raw dough.
1 cup chopped nuts, if desired Although it has eggs in it, it’s probably fine because I
won’t die. Raw cookie dough is delicious. The oats
counteract the sweetness of the chocolate and the texture
is so tasty. Sometimes when i go to visit my Pa, he has
cookies already made. He almost always has cookies in
Steps the house and he loves making
1.Heat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, stir brown sugar and them and especially oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I
butter until blended. Stir in vanilla and egg until light and could eat these cookies any day and I’m always in the
fluffy. Stir in oats, flour, baking soda and salt; stir in mood for them.
chocolate chips and nuts.
2.Onto ungreased cookie sheet, drop dough by rounded
tablespoonfuls about 2 inches apart.
3.Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Cool
slightly; remove from cookie sheet to wire rack.
Scared of Clowns
When my mom, Hollie, was a kid, my grandma brought
her to a carnival because her friend
was working as a clown. Little did grandma know that
Hollie was terribly terrified of clowns. My
grandma decided that it would be a good idea for Hollie to
meet the clown friend, she thought she’d like it. Hollie got
this huge ice cream cone before she went over to meet
the clown. As my grandma brought her over, the clown
handed Hollie a balloon. My mom she reeked of fear,
dropped her ice cream on the dirty road, and ran away.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Sufferers of OCD often have the repeating urge in their
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as O.C.D, is a head to do something, as it can be something random,
disorder causing adults or adolescents to have the they feel they need to do it or they can’t go on. For
recurring urge to carry out a certain behavior over and example, a victim of OCD may have the urge to turn the
over. People with OCD will have either obsessions, light switch on and off seven times before they leave the
compulsions, or both. Some symptoms of OCD include: house. Another problem victims of OCD suffer from is fear
Fear of germs, unwanted thoughts, checking or counting of contamination, or in other words, always feeling the
when not necessary, constant checking stove or time, need to wash hands or take showers. Another form of this
etc. In other cases, some may show signs of depression, can be proved by cleaning every inch of a home until
tension, worry, or even anxiety. There is medication used every nook and cranny is spotless and shiny to ensure
to treat OCD, and it’s most like another medication for their house is 100% germ free. In conclusion, OCD is and
anxiety disorders. For more serious cases of OCD, anxiety disorder that causes great discomfort depending
psychotherapy is recommended. In many cases, on how bad the case is. Severe cases can cause distress
disturbing or even horrific images replay over and over in and dramatically interfere with a person’s daily life.
their mind.
Sharing Frozen Peas
At the age of 5, my cousin and I fought all the time. Katie
and I would get into non-stop arguments about who got
the purple car seat and who had to sit in the ugly black
one until and adult offered us frozen peas. Sharing frozen
peas was something special Katie and I did together, and
it broke up our fights. As soon as sharing peas was
mentioned, Katie and I ran straight to the kitchen and
under the dining room table. After our small bowl of frozen
peas was handed to us, we munched and crunched until
they were all gone., How Does it Affect Teens? Already,'s numbers suggest it’s enemies are is a mixture of Vine, Snapchat, and Dubsmash. Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Fifteen-year-old Baby is a social media app that allows kids (or Ariel is one of the op musers on, and has used
anyone) to create lip syncing, 15 second music videos her audience to gain a followers on YouTube
and post them for others to watch. Also, you can create and Instagram (rollingstone). On YouTube, she posts
dancing videos and post choose slow motion or fast tutorials that have over 5 million views, and
motion. This app lets kids be creative and express comedy videos that have gotten more than a million hits.
themselves in the form of music, singing, and dancing. is entertainment. features daily
(teenvogue) Many kids also use to use their musical.lys and those features are posted worldwide for
own singing voices and share it with the world. This app everyone to see (billboard). There are comedies, muser
allows you to connect with your friends and see what voice-which is acoustic singing of someone on,
they’re doing, along with these amazing videos. Not only lip sync, dancing, stop motion, drawing videos, tutorials,
can you make music videos, but you can live stream. Live and basically anything you can think of. is a big
streaming on can bring friends closer together influence in teens lives, and a good one.
and communicate more.