By Matias Aguirre Koziner
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Preparing Yourself 1 Chapter III: Writing Essays 19
1.1 Find Learning Styles 2-5 3.1 Argumentative Essay 20
1.2 Work Area 6 3.2 Research Essay 21
1.3 Schedules 7 3.3 Introductory Paragraphs 22
1.4 Growth Journal 8-10 3.4 Body Paragraphs 23
1.5 Test Anxiety 11 3.5 Conclusion 24
1.6 Mind Maps 12 3.6 Rebuttal 25
Chapter II: Plagiarism 13 Chapter IV: Online Safety 26
2.1 Plagiarism and You 14-15 4.1 Dangers of the Online World 27
2.2 Quoting 16 4.2 How To Be Safer Online 28
2.3 Paraphrasing 17
2.4 MLA Citing 18
Table of Contents
Chapter V: Evaluating & Annotating Bibliography 40
Websites 29 Bibliography 2 41
5.1 Source Evaluation 30
5.2 Annotating Your Sources 31
Chapter VI: Presenting and Debating 32
6.1 Debates 33
6.2 Strong Presentations 34-35
Chapter VII: Extras 36
7.1 Prepositions 37-38
7.2 Said is Dead 39
Chapter I:
Preparing Yourself
Lesson 1.1: Find Learning Styles 2
What are learning styles?
You and me are different from each other , we like different
sports, we have different hobbies and we are different in
many aspects. That is why you and me could very possibly
learn in different ways!
What are the different learning styles?
There are 3 learning styles, Visual, Auditory, and Tactile are
the 3 different learning styles.
Personally I am a Tactile learner
What is your learning style?
To know your learning style you must take the following quiz!
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Now that you know your learning styles you need to know what each of
this learning styles mean!
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Lesson 1.2: Work Area 6
You need to organize yourself and your work area in order to
study much faster and more efficient.
There are four things that your study area will need!
● Proper lightning
● Good organization
● All necessary materials
● No distractions!
Lesson 1.3: Schedules 7
The best thing you can do is to make yourself a schedule to plan
your week out!
When doing your Schedule make sure that you have the
following things:
● Includes all of your activities
● Enough amount of sleep
● Enough time to study and do homework (You are now in
● Make sure that your time is fairly arranged
Lesson 1.4: Growth Journal 8
The Growth Journal is incredible to see the progress you are
doing in any assignment in any course
So what do you need to be capable of doing in order to do
your growth journal is, First set a SMART goal.
● SMART stands for specific, measurable, aptainable, realistic,
and timely.
Then you have Include all of the Following in your growth
Page 1: Write the quote: “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” Thomas Edison.
Page 2: You need to write down one smart goal that will be achieved within one month.
Page 3: Write down 5 inspirational quotes that are meaningful to you!
Page 4: Write and sketch your Plan of Action, where you are going to draw 6 specific steps.
Page 5: You need to draw a pyramid, that will be divided in 3 parts.
Page 6: You need to write 3 big wins that you had this week, sketch what you learned about yourself
and your goal this week. List 3 positive experiences from the week.
Page 7: Create a chart: In the first you need the daily actions you will take, and the next, the days of
the week. (Check when you complete the action).
Page 8: Free Writing (Collect your thoughts about your goal).
REPEAT PAGES 6,7,8 for Week 2, Week 3, and Week 4!
Final Page: Sketch the end-result of your goal, write how will you reward yourself for reaching your
goal, and how did reaching your goal motivates you to continue setting goals
Lesson 1.5: Test Anxiety 11
Test in High school are much more challenging than those in
Middle schools, this can cause anxiety, do not worry about this
here are some tips that will help you with Test Anxiety!
First to solve test anxiety you need to first understand what
causes test anxiety, three things can possibly cause test Anxiety
1. Previous bad grades (solution): Start with everything do not
have previous bad grades, if you did it understand this is a
completely new test.
2. The test looks really hard (solution): Study a bit harder and
stay positive and calmed!
3. You are not prepared for the test: Prepare better for next
Lesson 1.6: Mind Maps 12
Mind maps are really good to study and take notes, especially if
you are a visual learner!
There are three steps in creating a mind map:
1. Draw an image of your central idea
2. Put main branches around the central idea
3. Develop the main branches with little branches (The smaller
the more detailed)
Chapter II:
Lesson 2.1: Plagiarism and You 14
Plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas
and passing them off as one's own.” It can also be considered
plagiarism whenever you turn in your own work in any other
Best ways to avoid plagiarism
1. Give the author credit for
the work (doesn’t give you
permission to copy
someone else's work completely)
2. Paraphrasing
3. Quoting
Consequences of Plagiarism 15
1. If you are lucky: Fail the assignment
2. Medium luck: Fail the course
3. What you deserve: Get expelled!
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Lesson 2.2: Quoting 16
Quoting is whenever you copy any work word by word and put it
in the middle of this “ “ This will help whenever you need put
strong information from anyone.
Example: “Success is the best revenge for anything” ( Sheeran,
Quotes are crucial to write a strong and interesting essay!
Lesson 2.3: Paraphrasing 17
Paraphrase is the key to success whenever writing an essay.
Nobody expects you to know everything you need in order to
write an essay. Paraphrasing is whenever you restate someone
else's work into your own words.
- How do you paraphrase?
1. Read the passage 2-3 times
2. Make sure you understand the main themes of the original
3. Write your own passage without looking at the original
4. Check that these two don’t sound the same!
Lesson 2.4: MLA Citing 18
MLA citation is the best way to cite your
sources! MLA stands for Modern Language h-spotlight-perdue-owl/
- In our school you are required to cite
you source the MLA way, you need to
know how to cite sources for most of
the courses you will take on high
- The following Owl Purdue website can
teach you all you need to know about
MLA citations!!!
Chapter III:
Writing Essays
Lesson 3.1: Argumentative Essay20
Argumentative essays are those that are used to argue
any topic. In this types of essay the writer must take a
position on the topic and argue to convince other people
to take the same position as you did.
The structure of a body paragraph is the following
1. Introduction
2. Body Paragraphs (3 body paragraphs)
3. Rebuttal
4. Conclusion
Lesson 3.2: Research Essay 21
Research papers are use to show the actual raw
facts, no opinion included. This type of essays
must be supported with formidable sources!
● Steps in writing Research Essay
1. Research a lot
2. Write an introduction
3. Write 3 or more body paragraphs
with P.E.E format
4. Write a conclusion
5. Of course! Cite all of your sources
Lesson 3.3: Introductory 22
The Introduction and the hook are the most important in your
essay! This two will decide whether the reader will actually read
your essay or just skip to the next.
- The Introduction is composed of 3 very important parts
1. Hook: This is the first sentence in your essay, it can be
anything from a question, to a quote, to an explanation but
trust me, it has to be amazing
2. Some background info: The prompt of the essay on your own
3. Thesis Statement: Give your opinion and thoughts in one
Lesson 3.4: Body Paragraphs 23
Body Paragraphs need to be written in
P.E.E stands for
- Point, main idea, the topic of the
- Evidence, All the possible facts
you can find about the topic
- Explain, Explain what evidence
states, in your own words
Lesson 3.5: Conclusion 24
The conclusion is the ending of the essay, this is most likely what
the reader will remember!
- What are the things you need on your conclusion?
1. Restate the Thesis on the Introduction
2. Sum up all of the essay
3. Finish it with Super So What, if you want suspense
Lesson 3.6: Rebuttal 25
The rebuttal is only used in Argumentative essays. This is the
paragraph where you will show the view the opposite view from
yours. This will help you do many things such as;
- Expose the other side arguments (do not show many)
- Counter and make their arguments look dumb and show why
they are not good reasons.
- This two above will help improve your credibility and affect
the opposition credibility!
Chapter IV:
Online Safety
Lesson 4.1: Dangers of the Online27
You need to be safe on the internet on
every moment! The internet can become a
really dangerous place, here are some
● Identity Theft
● Losse college opportunities, such as
getting accepted or a scholarship
● Online Predators
● Online Pedophiles
● The online dangers can even lead to
in real life problems!
● Cyberbullying
Lesson 4.2: How To Be Safer 28
Being safe online is a very easy thing to do, here are some tips
and things you can follow to be much safer on the internet!
- Use strong passwords
- Do not talk to online strangers
- Privacy settings always on maximum
- No personal information
- And just, Think! Before posting any
picture of you drinking, doing
drugs, smoking or anything that
won’t look good for colleges!
Chapter V:
Evaluating and Annotating
Lesson 5.1: Source Evaluation 30
When writing a paper, especially a research paper, you need the
make sure that your sources are credible and trustworthy.
To figure this out you can use the 5 w’s
Who is the author, is he credible?
What is the purpose?
When was it created, or updated?
Why is it good/useful to your essay?
Where does the information come, and where is it on the https://www.haikudeck.
internet (extension)?
Lesson 5.2: Annotating Your 31
Evaluating the source is the first step in what you need to use a
website in a correct, to annotate your source is the second step
to use a website perfectly!
Annotating is taking information from the website, there are two
things you must do in order to annotate.
1. To highlight everything 2. Annotate in the margins
That is important, make importance thing that could help
Sure you do not highlight you once you start writing.
Chapter VI:
Presenting and Debating
Lesson 6.1: Debates 33
Debating is a key thing in both high school https://www.studiobind
and life. Being able to debate is really
important in your life. So how do you os-logos/
A key to debate is
Ethos- Persuade your audience with
Pathos- Persuade your audience with ethic
Logos- Persuade your audience with logic
and facts.
Lesson 6.2: Strong Presentations34
Presentations are also used in your life and are key for success!
Follow this steps in order to have an espectacular presentation!
1. Very few words on each slides, more images!
2. Images that don’t repeat words, just add to the presentation!
3. Not use the usual powerpoints explore new and innovating
Now that you have an amazing presentation you need to know learn
35how to present it!
1. Eye contact with the audience at every moment!
2. Good body language!
3. Clear pronunciation and a clear voice!
4. Know the material (this will give you confidence)
Chapter VII:
Lesson 7.1: Prepositions 37
Some very important prepositions in the english language are:
In/At/On you must learn how to use these three in order to write
in proper english!
Complete the following Quiz! 38
Lesson 7.2: Said is Dead 39
Using “Said” is one of the worst things you can do whenever
showing something that someone else said. Just stop using said!
Here are some other things you could use!
Battaglia, Soheila. “How to Write a Rebuttal Essay.” Education, 21 Nov. 2017,
Bradford, Alina. “Crocodiles: Facts & Pictures.” LiveScience, Purch, 25 June 2014,
Cherry, Kendra. “What Causes Test Anxiety and Academic Stress.” Verywell Mind, Verywellmind, 9 Dec. 2018,
College Dublin, Trinity. “Essay Structure .” Essay Structure,
Bibliography 2
Eastern Washington University. “Reading and Study Strategies: Annotating a Text.” Research Guides, 2018,
M. Felder , Richard. “Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire.” Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire,
NG, Florence. “Interesting Debate Topics: Social, Cultural, and Beyond.” Udemy Blog, 2014,
Schrock, Kathy. “The 5 W'S of Website Evaluation.” Schrockguide, 2016,
Accessed 16 May, 2019.
“Time: At / In / On.” All Things Grammar, Accessed 16 May, 2019.