JUNE 2021
Farmers Insurance - TAKE THE
Lampion Center
CO-CEO Letter
Advance regional prosperity
and global relevance
The Evansville Regional Economic Partnership
(E-REP) is in the business of advancing prosperity to create shared visions and strategies accelerating TARA BARNEY
for our region. While still in our early months, we economic resilience and growth.
build on a long history of empowering regional thinking CO-CEO
and economic prosperity by way of the predecessor Let us remind you of the transformational power of these
organizations that were the foundation of E-REP. programs.When our Southwest Indiana region – one of GREG WATHEN
Economic prosperity doesn’t just happen. It is the end- three regions awarded across the state – was granted
product of purposeful work to align business opportunity $42 million in Regional Cities funding, we leveraged CO-CEO
with our unique assets: our people, our location, good those funds into $926 million in quality-of-place projects
public policy and an eye to the future. It is the key to a that are transforming our quality of life through every
quality of life for those who make their home here now, corner of our region. READI welcomes Indiana regions
and those who will choose to join us in coming years. to make the case for up to $50 million to leverage
implementation of strategies that will strengthen quality
We have embedded regional thinking into our guiding of place and quality of life, innovation, entrepreneurship
principles to ensure that our priorities, our deliverables and talent assets.
and our culture are clear:
E-REP Guiding Principle: Advancing Regional We will be ready. Thanks to the work of our regional
Prosperity and Global Relevance – E-REP best communities, our business colleagues and our
amplifies regional prosperity and global relevance by philanthropic partners, we have a plan. It is good one.
seizing every opportunity to promote our assets and our Talent 2025 is the framework that ensures that the
image nationally and beyond. Making our region one Evansville region will be primed to compete for a
that stands out as creative, connected and energizing is READI investment that can accelerate our shared vision
the opportunity before us. for our future.
In May, Indiana launched the Indiana Regional What are the projects, the initiatives and the programs
Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative that matter the most? That have the best shot making our
(READI), which will dedicate $500 million in state region stand out as a creative, connected and energizing
appropriations to promote strategic investments for location that will be the talent magnet we need? Stay
quality of place and talent attraction. Like the Regional tuned. We will keep you updated.
Cities grant program launched by the state in 2015,
READI encourages communities to work regionally To read further on the READI grant and qualifying
projects, see page 14 of this newsletter.
SigCniractulere Evansville
The Signature Business
Investors are the voice Committee
of business in the
This select group of
Evansville Regional
Economic Partnership
(E-REP) Stakeholders
guides the E-REP’s
mission and priorities,
its affiliates and
its lines of work. It
drives the region’s
greatest opportunities
for progress and
addresses significant
Above all, this
leadership investment
affords E-REP the
capacity to employ
and retain a high-
quality staff to
execute the work of
the organization and
to ensure that it has
sufficient resources
to provide
leadership for the
region’s greatest
The City of Evansville Parks and Recreation Department The park — named CenterPoint Energy Square — will have
announced in May a $1 million grant from the CenterPoint room for a farmer’s market, outdoor dining, live music events and
Energy Foundation to renovate the park space at Fourth and community meetings. It will also will have a large green space
Main Street. that will be turned into an ice-skating rink during winter months.
“We’re grateful for the CenterPoint Energy Foundation’s CenterPoint Energy President and CEO Dave Lesar said, “Vibrant
investment in Downtown Evansville,” said Mayor Lloyd Main Streets and public spaces are vital to the economic growth
Winnecke. “This park will be a wonderful addition to our of a region. We’re committed to the growth and development of
revitalization efforts, and will complement the upcoming Evansville and to improve the quality of life for both current and
development around the block.” future residents.”
Pictured at podium: Dave Lesar, President & CEO, CenterPoint Energy
We’re committed to the growth and
development of Evansville and to
improve the quality of life for both
current and future residents.”
DAVE LESAR, President & CEO, CenterPoint Energy
Construction on the park will
be coordinated with the 4th &
Sycamore and 5th & Main Street
City of Evansville Press Release
May 12, 2021
Economic Development
Is All About Partnerships
By Members of the Indiana Economic Development Association
Board of Directors
The phrase "economic development" is often used to describe a wide
variety of activities, which sometimes causes the true value and
meaning of economic development to become obscured.
The definition that the Indiana Economic Development Association
uses is, economic development is the facilitation of investment that
leads to long-term community prosperity.
The definition was intended to be compact, but key words in
the definition were carefully debated and finally agreed upon to
communicate the essence of economic development.
The board settled upon the word "facilitation" to reflect the key role
that economic developers play in attracting and retaining investment in
a community, but to also acknowledge that many partners play a role in
bringing new investment to a community.
Our economic development team, advantage for communities attempting to attract high-paying and
along with others throughout stable quality jobs. Economic developers communicate with local
school districts to help prepare students for opportunities in the local
the state, are using this week to job market, along with working with Ivy Tech and other Indiana
promote understanding of the educational institutions to recruit qualified students for local jobs.
practice and benefits of economic
And as "quality of life" continues to grow in importance as a factor
development. for attracting both companies and workers, economic developers work
with a variety of local stakeholders such as community foundations,
If you think for a moment about all that goes into opening a new health providers, elected officials, and arts and leisure resources to
facility, you quickly get a sense of how many different people and create and maintain a positive quality of life.
organizations need to be engaged. Roads, sewers, walls, electricity,
water pipes, railroad spurs and trained workers are all critical Economic developers coordinate a number of activities in your
elements that are necessary when a company relocates or expands, community to create the optimal environment for attracting and
and each represents a partnership within the community that economic retaining business investment, all designed to facilitate opportunity
developers engage with to bring the new investment to fruition. and prosperity for local residents. Coordinating all of these partners
and activities for a seamless and welcoming transaction is the art and
To bring a deal to fruition, economic developers work with the utilities practice of an economic development professional.
to make sure water, sewer, electricity, gas, telephone and broadband
are available. Long before that engineering firms are engaged to survey Learn more about the Indiana Economic Development Center at www.
potential sites to determine if there are environmental problems, iedc.in.gov.
to assess the topography of the site and to help develop a plan for
construction on the site.
An available and skilled workforce has become the competitive
WorkOne New Member Profile
Several state resources Agency
available to Hoosiers Let's welcome Farmers Insurance - Hanft Agency as a new member
of the Evansville Regional Economic Partnership. Farmers Insurance
searching for work - Hanft Agency is located at 2516 Waterbridge Way in Evansville and
can be can be reached by calling 812-609-7212. Read on as Reneé
On May 11, Gov. Eric Holcomb reinstated work- Hanft, president, tells us about Farmers Insurance - Hanft Agency.
search activities requiring that unemployment Tell us about Farmers Insurance - Hanft Agency and the services you
insurance claimants actively seek employment offer.
and be available for work. To be eligible for We are serving the greater Evansville area to provide those in our community with
unemployment benefits, claimants must attempt peace of mind through protecting what they value most! We offer insurance for life,
to secure full-time work in each week they claim home, renters, auto, pet, commercial, umbrella and more.
benefits. That requirement was suspended during What inspired you to invest your time and resources in this business?
the pandemic. I have always wanted to start a business. As I was exploring options, I was impressed
More information about the weekly work with the over 90 years of experience, best-in-class training and award-winning support
searches can be found at: www.in.gov/dwd/indiana- Farmers Insurance provides. (And I really like their commercials!)
unemployment/individuals/work-search/. What career advice would you give the younger generation
With recent changes to the state’s unemployment interested in this type of work?
insurance program, the Indiana Department of I would advise younger people that this line of work requires “thick skin” to face the
Workforce Development is reminding Hoosiers of “ocean of rejection” that is sales. In addition, empathy and a desire to help serve the
the many resources available to assist with training community.
and employment opportunities. In your opinion, what are three ingredients for success?
Based on the most recent data, Indiana employers Desire to help others, persistence, never stop learning.
have posted more than 115,000 job openings What has been one of your toughest challenges?
around the state. One of the toughest challenges is working through limitations to networking as a
Below are state resources to help Hoosiers gain result of Covid restrictions. It is exciting to see opportunities begin to open again as
more skills and find the career of their choice. work to get rid of the pandemic continues.
Workforce Ready Grant: Pays the tuition Why is the Evansville region a great place to operate a business?
and fees for eligible high-value certificate It is a diverse community that supports small businesses.
programs at Ivy Tech Community College, What do you like most about the community in which you live?
Vincennes University, Indiana Institute of We have many servant-leaders in our community who invest in the lives of others.
Technology or other approved providers. www. Is there anything else you would like to share?
in.gov/che/state-financial-aid/state-financial-aid-by- Farmers Insurance was chosen by Investopedia to have the best insurance options
program/workforce-ready-grant/ available for food truck businesses!
Indiana Career Connect: Provides
workforce services and tools to help employers EVANSVILLE REGIONAL ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP 7
connect with job-ready talent.
Hoosier Talent Network: Job-matching
and career-planning site powered by artificial
intelligence to help Hoosiers find the right job
and uncover new opportunities.
180 Skills: Delivers high-quality, online,
technical, employability and compliance
manufacturing skills training aligned with the
needs of employers. www.180skills.com
InDemand Jobs: Focuses on high-demand,
high-wage jobs for today and tomorrow. The
demand indicator used is based on a methodology
that ranks all Indiana jobs based on future
growth and wages. www.indianacareerready.com/
Hoosiers by the Numbers: Premier source
for labor market information for Indiana.
Also, Hoosiers can visit their local WorkOne
center to learn about reemployment services.
WorkOne locations can be found here:
She/Her He/Him They/Them
Pronouns and Why They Matter
By Ashley Riester, E-REP identity.
When in doubt, ASK! Sometimes people get nervous about asking
Unless you live under a rock, it is likely that you have seen personal for pronouns, so the easiest way to lean into asking someone about their
pronouns included in email signatures, name tags, social media pronouns is to share your own:
profiles or business cards. But do you know why they matter? “Hello, my name is Charlie and I go by ‘he/him/his’ pronouns.”
Gender implied pronouns are used in everyday conversation with By opening the conversation with your pronouns, you are signaling to
little thought – such as “he” to refer to a man/boy or “she” to refer to a the other person that you are familiar with the concept of pronouns and
woman/girl. But these associations are not always accurate and can be will be respectful of their identity. This also increases the normalcy of
hurtful when misused. sharing pronouns in public spaces and interactions. #goals
A person’s appearance or name is often used to assume that person’s So… What are some of the pronouns that people use?
gender. But you know what they say about assuming… The act of • She/Her
assuming (even if correct) sends a potentially harmful message – that a • He/Him
person must look or present a certain way to demonstrate the gender that • They/Them
they are or are not. • Ze/Hir
Using a person’s correct personal pronoun is a way to respect them • No Pronouns – Use My Name
and create an inclusive environment. It can be offensive or harassing to
guess someone’s pronouns or refer to pronouns that do not match their
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There are additional pronouns that New Member Profile
some people might use (ze/zir, per/
pers, ey/em, xe/xem, etc.). Please Let's welcome Advisa
check with the person and/or use as a new member
online resources to learn the proper of the Evansville
ways to utilize them. Regional Economic
Now you are probably Partnership. Advisa
wondering… what if I make a is located at 210
mistake? N. Rangeline Rd. in
If you use the wrong pronouns for Carmel, IN and can be
someone in a conversation and you reached by calling 317-574-1550 or visit them online
immediately recognize it, correct at www.advisausa.com. Read on as Patrick Howe,
yourself, apologize, and move on. It leadership consultant, tells us about Advisa.
is important not to make the situation
about yourself, your intention, or Tell us about Advisa and the services you offer.
make excuses about the mistake. We
all make mistakes, and even if you ADVISA is passionate about developing leaders and teams. All
feel terrible about it, it is not about
you. companies want to grow, and we help them do that through the
But what about when others
make a mistake? lens of growing their people. Whether it’s helping a leader become
If a person is not present when their
pronouns are misused, it is our job to more effective at stewarding their team through change, or helping
hold others accountable to using the
correct pronouns. a group align toward a unified strategy, we use data to steer them
When in a conversation with
someone else who makes a mistake, toward success. Essentially, we’re a passionate group of Sherpas
there are a couple of ways to navigate
the conversation and several things helping guide our clients to the top of whatever mountain they
to consider. First and foremost, is
personal safety. Some people may choose! PATRICK HOWE
only use certain pronouns in various What inspired you to invest your time and resources ADVISA
aspect of their lives. Some people
simply do not feel comfortable being in this business?
“out” in certain contexts. If you are
not sure if the person has shared It is the collective passion of everyone at ADVISA to help others grow and succeed. It’s not
their pronouns with the person you
are speaking to, ask them first before hyperbole to say that every single person on our team is thinking about and working each day on
making the correction.
So, what is next? ways to make the professional lives of others significantly better. That makes ADVISA a very special
Implementing best practices
for pronoun use: and unique place to come to work.
• Share your pronouns as part of your
introduction. What career advice would you give the younger generation
• Share your pronouns at the interested in this type of work?
beginning of every meeting, even
with folks who you have been Commit to lifelong learning and curiosity. There is so much great content available on professional
regularly meeting or know. Pronouns development already. But it is largely ineffective when applied improperly or without focused
can and do change for people. intention and commitment. At ADVISA, we work hard not to “write the prescription before the
Including pronouns as a regular diagnosis.” Any aspiring consultant should work hard to gain professional knowledge and then be
practice for introductions provides savvy enough not to wield it unless they understand a client’s unique problems or aspirations.
space for people to share and be
aware of how to refer to people who In your opinion, what are three ingredients for success?
are new to the environment. I’m a big believer in Stephen Covey’s Four Ls – to Live, Love, Learn and Leave a Legacy. But since
• Add your pronouns to your you only asked for three, I’ll condense for a professional mindset! To live means to be doing a job
business cards, email signatures and where you have resonance. It should give you energy and use your strengths. If it doesn’t, then find a
name tags. new path. To learn, as I described above, means to remain curious about the world and find ways to
personally get better. The third is to leave a legacy. To me that means imparting time, knowledge and
Taking these small steps can have resources to those around you for the betterment of all.
a huge impact on your team,
co-workers, family, friends and What has been one of your toughest challenges?
acquaintances. Through intentional We’ve all had roles/jobs in our lives where we weren’t able to use our strengths fully. That can lead to
effort, we can build a more inclusive frustration, anxiety and lower performance. Having true self-awareness and being able to self-manage
and equitable community. And who behavior is critical to adapting in those environments. I wish I would have spent more time earlier in
doesn't want that? my career learning more about the power of self-awareness. It would have made relationships with
others even more fruitful and productive.
Why is the Evansville region a great place to operate a business?
There are so many great and diverse things being produced in the area. The clients I work with are
not only affecting progress in the region and state, they are also impacting business on a global scale.
Talent is certainly in high demand, and I like the fact that businesses are constantly looking for ways
to get better and more competitive. I think that benefits the region, as a whole.
Is there anything else you would like to share? 9
The team at ADVISA is glad to be a new part of the chamber. We have worked hard to foster
great relationships with clients in the area for years. Now we look forward to learning about other
businesses and people too.
Tri-State Resource Recovery has installed an
AMP Robotics CortexTM high-speed robotics
system to sort plastic #5, polypropylene (PP)
Evansville is the FIRST city in Indiana to use robotic A ribbon-cutting celebrating start of high-speed robotic
sortation in a single-stream recycling facility thanks to the system to sort recovered plastic #5 took place Friday, May 12.
partnership with the City of Evansville, Indiana Department
of Environmental Management, Recycling Market WATCH VIDEO: Berry Invests in Sorting Robot for PP Recycling:
Development Program, and Tri-State Resource Recovery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myqnW_bDFNs
Sorting up to 80 items per minute, the AMP Robotics system
will primarily sort #5 PP cups and containers, but it will
also sort #1 PETE and #2 HDPE bottles with any available
The technology combines artificial intelligence (AI) and a
vision system to sort recyclable items by comparing their
appearance to an extensive image library.
9.2 million plastic bottles and containers will be sorted per
Thank you to Berry Global for donating half the funds, which
are being matched by IDEM through a Recycling Market
Development Program grant to fund the robotics system.
Statewide internet speed test now available to Realtors, Radius Indiana and the Regional Opportunity Initiative to
understand broadband needs throughout Indiana help bring reliable broadband to the most unserved and underserved
Hoosiers in the Evansville Region are encouraged to test their internet communities across Indiana.
speed at https://evansvilleregion.com/indiana-broadband-speed-test/. The Indiana Speed test was created by GEO Partners, LLC, a
The Indiana Broadband Strategic Partnership (IBSP) announced the Minnesota-based company that focuses on enabling cost-effective
Indiana Speed Test, a crowd-sourced internet speed test that provides planning and deployment of broadband. GEO Partners, LLC is working
real-time internet speed data and pinpoints areas that are most in need with other states including Minnesota, Washington, Maine, Kentucky
of reliable, affordable access to broadband service. and Nebraska, as well as the nationally designated Delta Regional
The goal for the Indiana Speed Test is to gather data in all areas of Authority that covers parts of eight states along the Mississippi River,
Indiana. The data will be available to local governments and organized to gather broadband data.
broadband groups including the Evansville Regional Economic The Indiana Speed Test will appear on websites of sponsoring and
Partnership to analyze potential solutions and aid their applications collaborating partners to spread out the website requirements, even
for Indiana’s Next Level Connections Grants and a variety of federal though all data will be accumulated on the servers of GeoPartners LLC.
grants. The COVID pandemic put a spotlight on the lack of adequate
It is also hoped that the Indiana Speed Test data will jumpstart efforts broadband in Indiana, especially in rural areas. The IBSP’s goal is to
to plan broadband infrastructure investments from the local portions of encourage data-driven investment decisions that substantially impact
the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so that decision-makers make lives and our economic opportunity.
investments with the greatest impact.
ISBP is spearheaded by Indiana Farm Bureau along with Cook TAKE THE TEST TODAY:
Medical Group, Duke Energy Foundation, Indiana Association of
Artist group, Often Seen
Rarely Spoken from the
Louisville/Cincinnati area,
completed a new mural
in Downtown Evansville
at Old National Bank’s
ONSD building located
at 101 NW Fourth St.
The mural incorporates
the colors of the bank's
logo, along with a
depiction of the LST 325
and a P-47 Thunderbolt
fighter plane and e is for
everyone map marker.
Regional Leaders Ramping Up for the
$500 Million READI Program
In May, Indiana launched the Indiana Regional Economic Given the success we had
Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI), which will with Regional Cities, our
dedicate $500 million in state appropriations to promote strategic expectation is that we will
investments for quality of place and talent attraction. READI see and review more than
encourages communities to work regionally to create shared visions 200 potential projects for
and strategies accelerating economic resilience and growth. consideration."
“READI will lead the nation in encouraging regional collaboration, - GREG WATHEN, Co-CEO of E-REP
and it will equip Indiana regions with the tools and resources needed
to implement strategic investments in quality of place and innovation, Regional investments are expected to attract a minimum 4:1 match
creating a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our state for of local public and private funding. The ideas need to be bold to help
residents and for future generations of Hoosiers,” said Indiana Gov. accelerate regional growth along with positioning Southwest Indiana
Eric Holcomb. to become a nationally recognized location for talent. From strategies
focused on workforce housing to the purposeful revitalization of
Southwest Indiana, through the leadership of the Evansville Regional blighted or vacant properties for key redevelopment projects, all of
Economic Partnership (E-REP), is primed and ready to compete for these ideas will need to be vetted against a set of metrics as required
statewide funding. Officially formed on April 1, E-REP through one by the initiative. All of the ideas will be incorporated into a single
of its legacy organizations has a long history with the predecessor cohesive regional Southwest Indiana strategy.
program to READI called Regional Cities. Greg Wathen, Co-CEO of
E-REP, led the effort which transformed $42 million of Regional Cities The first milestone for E-REP has already started with designating
funding into nearly $1 billion for the Evansville Region. the existing Southwest Indiana Regional Development Authority
(RDA) as the framework for the official Southwest Indiana region.
“During the Regional Cities initiative, we vetted more than 100 Community engagement will include representatives from E-REP,
ideas from our four-county region and were able to fund 19 of those the RDA, a formal steering committee and a multi-partner working
projects,” said Wathen. “Given the success we had with Regional group. A finalized plan for submission will be distributed to the Indiana
Cities, our expectation is that we will see and review more than 200 Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) by the end of August.
potential projects for consideration, though that number could be much
larger given the interest. Submitted ideas will need to help the region Indiana will award up to $50 million per region to support the
implement and accelerate growth, which will be a key filter during the implementation of strategies focused on making positive developments
evaluation process.” in quality of place and quality of life, innovation, entrepreneurship, and
talent attraction and development. Funding recipients are expected to
E-REP, alongside its regional economic development partners, is be announced in December.
creating a shared vision for the future, mapping out the programs,
initiatives and projects that are critical to retain talent today and attract READI is expected to attract at least $2 billion of local public, private
the workforce of tomorrow. and philanthropic match funding that will propel investment in
Indiana’s quality of place, quality of life and quality of opportunity.
“When the state announced the READI program, our region already Read more about the READI Initiative here (https://www.iedc.in.gov/
had a jumpstart on a significant portion of the planning process that program/indiana-readi/about).
will be required,” said Tara Barney, Co-CEO of E-REP. “We’re
incorporating our regional Talent 2025 strategy as the framework
to how we measure success along with ensuring that we are taking
advantage of the unique opportunity of the new Ohio River crossing
E-REP, alongside its partners, will create a Regional Development Plan
(RDP) as the framework for the READI submission. The RDP will address
the region’s current state, its unique opportunities and barriers to growth,
and its plan to make public-private investments to propel its future.
An RDP should address the following issues:
► Definition of the region ► Projects, programs or initiatives that
are required to implement the region’s
► Current state of the region strategic plan
► Stakeholder engagement, community ► Investment plans that sustain the
and leadership support implementation of the region’s plan
► The region’s identity and its vision for if or when state funds are exhausted
the future ► Identification of sources of funding that
► Goals and outcomes the region expects could be accessed to help implement
to achieve if the plan is successfully the region’s plan
implemented ► The estimated return on investment
► Distinct strategies tied to achieving the for the region and the state if the plan is
region’s goals and objectives successfully implemented
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5 Essential Ways to Safeguard Your
Business Against Cybersecurity threats
CBy Better Business Bureau bypassing firewalls)
ybercrime is on the rise, and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic • Installing IDS (intrusion detection systems)
has left businesses more vulnerable than ever. In the first • Changing passwords frequently (and especially when employees
nine months of 2020, hackers exposed 36 billion
records through methods such as phishing and leave)
malware. In just the past two years, the number of internal cybersecurity breaches
A big reason businesses don’t prioritize cybersecurity is that many has escalated to 47%, according to The Ponemon Institute, making it
don’t recognize the gravity of cyberattacks. Securing your online more essential than ever to implement these policies and changes.
system protects everything from your employees’ personal information 5. Create an incident response plan
and health records to your intellectual property and data. Here are When it comes to physical emergencies, such as fires, most workplaces
5 essential ways to safeguard your business against have a plan in place. However, and IBM study found that an
cybersecurity threats. overwhelming 77% of organizations do not have a response plan
1. Back up your data ready when it comes to cybersecurity. Considering that, according to a
Most businesses are familiar with data backups; in fact, over 90% Black Hat USA survey in 2019, 65% of business leaders predict the
of companies claim to secure their information through backups. occurrence of a security breach in their organization in the coming year,
However, out of this number, only 28% perform weekly data backups. you should have a protection plan ready.
Nearly 70% of companies are losing precious information because An incident response plan (IRP) is a set of instructions designed to help
they did not back up their recent data, according to Acronis. The simple recognize, address and recover from network security threats. In short,
task of securing your files on either a virtual database, like cloud storage, an IRP calls for creating a list of responsibilities for team members,
or a physical database, like a USB drive, will grant you access to your summarizing technologies that the team should use, and detailing a data
information in cases of cyber threats, as well as accidental deletions and recovery process.
power outages. The main purpose of an IRP is to detect a cybersecurity breach as soon
2. Install security software as it happens. In the unfortunate incident that employees fail to prevent
According to Tessian, 88% of cybersecurity breaches are the the breach, knowing about the incident can lead to a smoother and
result of human error. In other words, most cyberattacks take place swifter recovery. Believe it or not, in a 2016 Bitdefender survey, 74%
because of the unintentional actions of employees, such as clicking on of companies reported that they didn't even know how hackers gained
malware or using a vulnerable password. A Google/Harris poll found access.
that 65% of people use the same password across all or multiple sites, Cybersecurity resources
making it easy for hackers to access workplace systems. The fact that we can’t physically see cyberattacks doesn’t make them
Downloading security software can help prevent these mistakes from any less dangerous. A single data breach in the United States can cost a
occurring. In addition to antivirus software and firewalls, it’s advisable company over $8 million and expose employees’ and clients’ personal
to set up spam filters to protect against phishing campaigns. information, hurting the brand itself and the people behind it. That’s
3. Use encryption and MFA why it’s more important than ever to take steps to secure your business
Encryption is a technique that encodes information, making it impossible against cybersecurity breaches.
for hackers or anyone outside of your workplace to consume your Learn more about cybersecurity resources by visiting these BBB tips
data. The number of businesses that utilize encryption is on the rise, on cybersecurity
with nearly 50% of companies claiming to encrypt their data in Visit BBB.org/get-accredited to learn how trust, honesty and
2020. integrity can play an integral part in your business’s success.
While encryption is a strong line of defense, it should not be your only
one. Businesses should take advantage of multi-factor authentication For more information or to review this article and hyperlink
(MFA) to prevent cybersecurity breaches in the first place. MFA requires references in full, visit: https://www.bbb.org/article/busi-
extra information, such as a unique code sent to a mobile device, to ness/24136-bbb-business-infographic-5-essential-ways-to-safe-
protect against hackers. guard-your-business-against-cybersecurity-threats
4. Protect against internal threats An infographic (PDF) is available for download at: https://www.
Verizon claims that 30% of data breaches come from internal bbb.org/globalassets/local-bbbs/council-113/media/smallbusi-
actors. While you can do your best to hire trustworthy employees, it's
impossible to verify the reliability of every single person you hire. ness/5_essential_ways_to_safeguard_your_business.pdf
Methods to prevent internal breaches include:
• Outlining strict computer policies (forbid employees from BBB of Southern Piedmont and Western N.C. contributed
this article.
New Member Profile
Let's welcome the Lampion Center as a new What inspired you to invest your time and resources
member of the Evansville Regional Economic in this business?
Partnership. The Lampion Center is located at 655 Children and families are worth all that we can invest into them as a
S. Hebron Ave. in Evansville and can be reached community. We know that when people experience trauma that they
by calling 812-471-1776. Visit them online at www. can heal and grow from it with the appropriate help, brain science and
lampioncenter.com. Read on as Jennifer Childress, treatment. Lampion Center is passionate about offering this type of
development director, tells us about the Lampion high quality service to our community because it will clearly make our
Center. community a better place to live, work and raise a family when we are all
healthy and strong.
Tell us about the Lampion Center and the services
you offer. What career advice would you give the younger
Lampion Center is a non-profit counseling agency, founded in generation interested in this type of work?
1885 by local women reaching out to meet needs of children Find work that you love, and you will never tire of it. Our community is
and families. Today we provide counseling and other supportive desperate for Licensed Mental Health Therapists.
services at affordable rates for children, adults and families to If you have a passion for helping people, then social work may be
help them through the life stresses, transitions and traumas they something you love.
face. The therapy we provide is of the highest level, utilizing
the latest research and expertise to ensure that families receive In your opinion, what are three ingredients for success?
services that will bring relief, hope and solutions. Nonprofits need three things to have great success.
Primary Services: 1. Committed and highly trained professionals.
- Counseling for children, adults and families, with specialties 2. A functional and active board of directors is integral in the success of
in young children and trauma therapy (Half of our counseling the nonprofit when they excel at providing the long-term governance and
clients are children) fiscal resources responsible for driving and maintaining the agency.
- Community Services, including Parenting Support and 3. Engaged donors who share the vision and value of the nonprofit and
Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse believe in the service the agency provides to the community.
- Adoption Services
- Training, Advocacy & Leadership, with emphasis on What has been one of your toughest challenges?
neuroscience-informed services, systems and collaborative One of our toughest challenges has been hiring qualified therapists. There
community change is a national shortage of licensed therapists in our field.
Throughout our history, we have adapted and expanded our
services to meet community needs. In 2005, we learned of the Why is the Evansville region a great place to operate a
importance and possibility of providing trauma counseling to business?
adults and very young children alike. Research showed that Evansville is the best community any nonprofit could ask for. We believe
trauma was “treatable” and that even children as young as 3 that for-profit businesses value the impact we make and they work hard
years of age respond wonderfully to new counseling protocols. to support our work with their financial resources. This community is
We thus invested in trauma-focused training for our therapists, so very giving of their time, talent and resources. We are grateful for the
beginning with EMDR training (Eye Movement Desensitization many, many businesses that support Lampion Center.
Lampion Center works alongside organizations such as What do you like most about the community in which you
Holly’s House, Albion Fellows Bacon Center, EVSC, Mental live?
Health America, physicians, the Department of Child Services, We love our community. It is so strong, resilient and family focused.
and many others. Together we provide seamless delivery of This is a fabulous place to live, work and raise a family. We love how
care, schedule clients in a timely fashion and offer quality everyone has come together through this pandemic to support the
services at rates they can afford. nonprofit community and children and families in need. Our community
Lampion Center keeps up with emerging science and is is strong and resilient. Everyone has worked together to stabilize our
constantly seeking opportunities to share our gained knowledge economy, stabilize families and keep things as strong as possible during
with our community. This knowledge can bring True change for these unprecedented times. We are so thankful for our community, its
a lifetime…True change for families and generations to come… members and the businesses that make Evansville strong!
True change for our community.
David Hubert 812-499-4005
APRIL 2021 [email protected]
6471 Romain Rd., Poseyville, IN 47633
DeRan Chinn 812-250-5948, [email protected] MEMBER RENEWALS
14831 Foundation Ave., Evansville, IN 47720
Monica Esarey 888-280-4331, [email protected] • A+Derr Heating & • HCW Development
www.amazon.com Cooling • Hearing Healthcare
B. LANAE SALON • Acceptance Home Center, Inc.
12101 US HWY 41N Ste., A, Evansville, IN 47725 Mortgage, LLC • Heritage Woods of
Brittany McHugh 812-307-4100 • Adaptive Innovation Newburgh
[email protected] Solutions • Hoesli Diesel Service
CAPITOL COIN SHOP • Advanced Network & • HR Solutions, Inc, an OI
10233 IN-662 Newburgh, IN 47630 Computer Services, Inc. Global Partner
Brad Lisembee 812-490-1090; [email protected] • American Electric Power • ID + A, Inc.
www.capitolcoinshop.com - Rockport • Indiana State Games
CHAMFIT STUDIOS • American RV Center • Jackson Kelly PLLC
110 N. Main St., Evansville, IN 47711 • Award World Trophies • Katherine L. Kleindorfer,
Charles Hamilton 812-303-4011 • Bassemiers Fireplace Ph.D.
[email protected] & Patio, Inc. • Mater Dei High School
www.chamfit.com • Bayer's Plumbing, Inc. • Mattingly Charities
CHEMO BUDDIES • Beam, Longest and Neff • Mel-Kay Electric Co., Inc.
3700 Bellemeade Ave., Ste. 118, Evansville, IN 47714 • Blinds For Every Size • Meuth Carpet
Jill Kincaid 812-598-7910; [email protected] • Bookkeeping & More, Inc. • Mitchell Transmission
www.chemobuddies.org • Carts Gone Wild • Patriot Engineering
CHICKEN SALAD CHICK • Commonwealth • Pet Supplies Plus
1401 N Burkhardt Rd., Evansville, IN 47715 Engineers, Inc. • Progressive Health
Hannah Witherspoon 812-401-2770 • Connections Deaf Rehabilitation
[email protected] Centers • Reinbrecht Homes
www.chickensaladchick.com • Custom Sign & • Restoration 1
DALE CARNEGIE Engineering, Inc. • Safety Medic, LLC
Jim Mattingly 812-760-0190; [email protected] • DANCO • Sigma Equipment
www.dalecarnegie.com • Diamond Equipment, Inc. • The Salon Professional
EDWARD JONES – AARON FLECK • Duncan's Janitorial and Academy
101 Plaza East Blvd Ste., 117, Evansville, IN 47715 Carpet Cleaning, Inc • Tropicana Evansville
Aaron Fleck 812-473-0225 • Ellis Park Racing • U.S. Surveyor/AES Group
[email protected] • eLuxurySupply International
www.edwardjones.com • Evansville Marine Service • VenuWorks
LYONDELLBASELL • Evansville Otters • Volunteer Lawyer
15000 Hwy 41 N, Evansville, IN 47725 • Evansville Vanderburgh Program of
Kelly Rideout 812-480-9358 School Corporation Southwestern Indiana
[email protected] • Felts Lock & Alarm Co. • YMCA
www.lyondellbasell.com • Freeman, Will & • Yoshis Industrial
MATT’S LAWNCARE & LANDSCAPING Niemeier, Inc. Packaging Supply
Matt Willis 812-457-0726; [email protected]
www.mattwillislawncare.com TRI-STATE
20 NW 3rd St., Ste. 930, Evansville, IN 47708 MANUFACTURERS’
William Martin 812-275-0750; [email protected] ALLIANCE
The Evansville Regional Economic Partnership is pleased to offer Lifestyle Health
Plans as a unique health benefits program designed for E-REP partners to address
the underlying causes of the rise in health care costs - employee health behaviors.
This program is made available through a partnership with NFP.
• Level-funded major medical plan designs
• Underwritten by “A” rated carriers
• Member savings averaging 5-15% in most cases
• Integrated wellness incentives and cash rewards
• Up to a $500 deductible credit available to all wellness participants
• Integrated concierge telemedicine, outpatient lab and diabetic supply benefits
Level-funded plans are essentially prepackaged self-insured health plans, with
low attachment stop-loss coverage. For many groups, level-funded plans reduce
health care spending significantly versus a fully insured ACA small group plan. And
because of their structure, level-funded plans do not have the volatility in monthly
cash flows, associated with self-insured plans, that can cripple a small business.
Level-funded plans are underwritten, health applications are required.
For larger groups applications can be avoided if two years of claims
history can be provided.
[email protected]
*Any broker that sells Medova
Lifestyles Insurance and wishes
to get the E-REP rates may
forward the quote request to
Jessica Elliott with NFP who
will be acting as the
General Agent on behalf
of E-REP.
Helping our
partners thrive!
SOUTHWESTERN INDIANA Chicken Salad Chick celebrated a grand opening
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana with a ribbon-cutting at 1414 Hirschland Rd., Ste.
celebrated a relocation with a ribbon-cutting A in Evansville. Chicken Salad Chick has taken
at 320 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Ste. C this Southern favorite, chicken salad, to a whole
in Evansville. This new location will provide the new level with 12 flavors of chicken salad served
space to host match activities and allow them to from the heart. Contact them at (270) 871-8225
be more accessible to the community they serve. and follow them on facebook: facebook.com/
Contact them at (812) 598-8562 or online at chickensaladchickevansvillein.
Peoples Trust & Savings Bank celebrated a grand Welborn Baptist Foundation celebrated a grand
opening with a ribbon-cutting at 2201 N. Green opening of the Welborn Community Room &
River Rd. in Evansville. Peoples Trust & Savings Collaboration Hub with a ribbon-cutting at 20
Bank is your friendly hometown bank providing N.W. Third St., Ste. 1500 in Evansville. As a gift to
personal and commercial banking products and the community, these are spaces that facilitate
services. Contact them at (812) 454-3063 or and inspire learning and collaboration while being
online at www.peoplestrust.bank. equipped to host gatherings with adaptable
20 EVANSVILLE REGIONAL ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP furniture for events such as training, meetings
or banquets. Contact them at (812) 774-6080 or
online at www.welbornfdn.org.
Chemo Buddies celebrated an expansion River City Rodeo celebrated an event kick-
grand opening with a ribbon-cutting at 3700 off at 201 E. Boonville New Harmony Rd. in
Bellemeade Ave., Ste. 118 in Evansville. Chemo Evansville. River City Rodeo brought some of
Buddies opened a new wig shop, Karen's Wig the best cowboys and cowgirls in the country
Shop, where cancer patients can come and try to Evansville, IN on the quest to make it to the
on and choose a wig and accessories, skincare, National Finals Rodeo. Learn more online at www.
makeup, and other items ALL AT NO CHARGE. rivercityrodeo.org.
Contact them at (812) 456-1386 or online at
Chamfit Studios celebrated a grand opening with Edward Jones - Drew Heckert celebrated an
a ribbon-cutting at 110 N. Main St. in Evansville. anniversary with a ribbon-cutting at 431 E. Fourth
Chamfit Studios is a state-of-the-art facility. St., in Mount Vernon, IN. Drew Heckert is proud
Contact them at (812) 319-5595 or online at to work for an organization that puts the client
www.Chamfit.com. first and looks forward to many more successful
years serving my clients and the community.
Contact them at (812) 838-0555 or online at
newsmakers PRESENTED BY:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Digestive Care Center welcomed Dr. Peter Airel
Indiana hired Ciara Terry as a child enrollment to its team of Gastroenterologists, and he now
coordinator. Terry first joined the staff in is accepting patients. Airel has a distinguished
Evansville as a social work intern in January military background, after completing his MD
2021 and recently accepted the part-time at Pennsylvania State College of Medicine and
position focused on child enrollment. Her job Graduate Medical Education Gastroenterology
responsibilities include interviewing potential Fellowship at San Antonio Military Medical
Littles and their parents and working closely Center. He served in the United States Air Force
with other members of the staff to help establish matches. She is in numerous capacities but most notably as a Flight Surgeon, Deputy
enrolled in the Accelerated Master of Social Work or Advanced Chief of Medical Staff, acting Chief of Aerospace Medicine, and staff
Standing Accelerated Program (ASAP) at the University of Southern Gastroenterologist. He is a member of the American Board of Internal
Indiana. Medicine – Gastroenterology. Among other military honors, Dr. Airel
received the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Commendation
MARGARET BERNARDIN STUCKEY Medal, and the Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal twice.
The United Way of Southwestern Indiana hired
Margaret Bernardin Stuckey as Community LEE VEAZEY
Impact Director. Stuckey has practiced social Lee Veazey joined Dentons Bingham
work in Atlanta and Chicago and, in 2010, Greenebaum as a partner in its Litigation
she helped launch the Chicago chapter of the practice in the Evansville office. Veazey’s
nationally-recognized social enterprise Genesys practice is focused on private client service,
Works, which provides job training, college litigating high-asset dissolutions of marriage,
access support, and paid internships to low- advising on succession planning, business
income youth. Most recently, she served as the Director of Mission counseling in dissolutions of marriage,
Advancement and Community Relations for Evansville Goodwill child custody and parenting time matters,
Industries. She graduated magna cum laude from the University guardianships, and trust disputes. Prior to joining Dentons Bingham
of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Greenebaum, he operated a small commercial litigation firm before
she also earned a master's degree in Community Social Work from joining a local family law firm. Veazey earned his JD from the
Georgia State University. Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. He is a
member of the Evansville Bar Association. Veazey is a member of
E-REP AMBASSADORS OF THE MONTH the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, playing double bass, and
conducts the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra.
APRIL 2021
KASEY GRAY FRED EMORY WHITNEY Amy Fisher celebrated her 30th Anniversary
MCGREW with Fifth Third Bank. She began her career
STATE FARM EPIC INSURANCE in the Bookkeeping Department and has held
ETFCU numerous positions during her tenure. She
MIDWEST is currently a Vice President and serves as
FINANCIAL Financial Center Manager of the Haubstadt
Financial Center.
Classification: Internal Use
Thank you!
COMMUNITY! partnered to provide exclusive
FELTS LOCK & ALARM savings on all of your business needs.
This discount program is available
exclusively to E-REP member
businesses and their employees.
F.C. Tucker Emge REALTORS® welcomed new agents to its offices. Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union added five staff members.
Ryan Moore, Jessica Ruiz and Austin Angie Turpin is now a
Loveless are new agents in the Newburgh
office. Moore joined The Ken Haynie Team. Branch Manager. She
possesses 30 years’
He is a graduate of Olney Central College and experience in the
McKendree University with an associate’s banking industry and
degree and a bachelor’s degree in business has worked as Teller,
administration. Moore was previously the Head Teller, Universal
assistant manager at Evansville Country Banker, and Assistant
Club. Ruiz joined The Spalding Group in Branch Manager. JANETTE JESSICA
the Newburgh office. Loveless is a new agent
with The Dana Smith Team in the Newburgh NICOLE David Sullenger is SAVAGE GODSHALL
an Assistant Branch
office. He is a graduate of Oakland City
Manager. His experience includes that of a Teller, Mortgage Broker,
University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and education and
Loan Originator, and Assistant Manager.
has been a teacher at North Junior High School for four years.
Nicole McDaniel is a new agent in the Eagle Crest office. Ryan James is now a part-time Teller. He has gained customer service
McDaniel joined the Ellis-Schafer Team. She is a graduate of the skills working in the retail and food service industries. He will work
University of Southern Indiana with a degree in elementary education at the Newburgh Branch.
and was the director of sales for the Holiday Inn Evansville Airport.
Janette Savage gained banking experience at Spencer County Bank
VINCENNES UNIVERSITY and joins Diamond Valley as New Account Rep. She joined the team
Students in Vincennes University’s national award-winning Jobs for at the Newburgh Branch.
America’s Graduates (JAG) College Success Program dominated a
state competition while showcasing their skills and demonstrating Jessica Godshall joins Diamond Valley as Teller. She gained her
their career readiness. VU students swept the top three places in customer service and cash handling experience at several retail
the College Success Program category during Indiana’s annual establishments and at United Fidelity Bank, where she worked as a
JAG Career Development Conference held virtually at the Indiana Teller.
Government Center in Indianapolis on May 7. Competitors in the
event delivered presentations explaining their career pathway and WorkOne helps people find a new
shared how participating in the JAG College Success Program or better job, choose a career,
benefits them. JAG is a state-based national organization committed find a good employee,
to supporting young people of great promise and focuses on access training, or get the
helping them reach economic and academic success. VU’s Mason information needed to
Caudill of North Judson, Indiana won first place. Emily Carrico of succeed in today's
Winslow, Indiana finished as the runner-up. Gretchen McCrary of ever-evolving workplace.
Winslow, Indiana took third. Caudill and McCrary are Conservation
Law Enforcement majors. Carrico is majoring in Psychology and www.workonesouthwest.com
Homeland Security.
To feature your new hires or promotions in the next #StrongerTogether
digital newsletter, email a short description and
photo to: [email protected]
JUNE 11, 2021 | 11:30 AM - 1 PM
Each year, Indiana’s top elected leader
travels to Southwest Indiana to join us for
Lunch with the Governor.
Sold-out crowds fill tables at this Signature Event,
which provides an opportunity for our members
and the business community to hear directly from
the Governor of Indiana on topics that impact
the state’s business climate, upcoming or recent
legislative priorities, and updates from straight
from the Statehouse.
For more information on sponsoring this event, contact: REGISTER
Karen Robinson: 812-425-8147 | [email protected] NOW
Tina Fuhrer: 812-598-8505 | [email protected]
318 Main Street
Suite 400
Evansville, IN 47708