1. Ensure ground/concrete/masonry surfaces adjacent to the building perimeter slope to drain stormwater runoff away from the
foundation perimeter beam face.1
2. Generally, the customer may apply a low/medium viscosity epoxy adhesive into concrete floor/perimeter wall surface cracks/gaps
to help prevent their growth (length, width, depth) over time, and to restore the structural integrity of discrete, localized concrete
areas. Refer to: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Crack-Pac%C2%AE+Kit+
%28ETIPAC10KT%29 for purchasing information pertaining to a typical discrete concrete crack repair kit. Please note:
(a) Follow the manufacturer’s application instructions. Crack widths will determine the type and viscosity of the construction
adhesive. In some cases, foam backers must be inserted into the cracks or gaps to prevent excessive product loss. Gaps or
cracks greater than about ¾ inch may not be candidates for epoxy adhesive repair. Cracks or gaps with widths greater than
about ¾ may be candidates for filling with high strength concrete such as Sakrete MAXIMIZER® Concrete. Epoxy resin is a
structural adhesive and is not intended to function as a cosmetic finish.
(b) Caution: Cracks/gaps must be structurally capable of being repaired with an epoxy adhesive. Concrete surfaces near
targeted crack or other defective concrete areas must be verified as structurally sound before repairing them. One method for
doing so is “sound testing” the concrete surface layers near the crack/deflective concrete areas as follows:
i. using a hard rubber mallet or steel hammer, lightly strike the concrete surface suspect areas with the mallet or hammer
head. Do the same in a non-suspect area. Compare the sounds produced when striking each surface area.
ii. If the mallet or hammer strikes do produce a “hollow” sound within a suspect area, concrete materials in that area must be
removed to depths where “hollow soundings” no longer exist. Repeat this sounding method in all suspect areas.
iii. Identify and clean the crack area to its full depth (if possible) using an air or wire brush to prepare it for receiving the
epoxy adhesive.
iv. Fill the crack with an epoxy adhesive according to the manufacturer’s instructions and item (c) ii., iii., and (d) below.
v. Replace the removed concrete materials and fill any voids within the “hollow area” as specified and required by the
manufacturer using an approved ASTM C387 yield, high strength mixture of structural lightweight aggregate and cement
concrete based filler material such as Sakrete MAXIMIZER® Concrete.
vi. Apply a finish concrete (sand & cement) parge coat if desired;
(c) For suspect concrete crack areas which do not produce hollow soundings:
i. Clean the crack area to its full depth (if possible) using an air or wire brush to prepare it for receiving the epoxy adhesive.
ii. Apply the epoxy adhesive (by gravity pour or pressure injection) to the full depth “native” crack surfaces.
iii. Do not saw cut or “V-groove” the crack. Doing so impacts concrete cuttings into the crack and its secondary
fracture/fissures and diminishes available crack bonding surface area. Diminished bonding surfaces reduce the
effectiveness (tensile strength) of the epoxy crack repair.
(d) Prevent excessive epoxy leakage and loss through the crack bottom by using a medium or high viscosity epoxy initially to fill
and seal the bottom of the crack. Finish filling the crack with a low viscosity epoxy.
1. Consider waterproofing:
(a) any exposed foundation metallic materials (water repellent epoxy based construction adhesive may be used).
(b) any gap(s) between concrete flatwork (drives & porches) & the adjacent house foundation perimeter beam (water repellent
Polyurethane Sealant or elastomeric sealants may be used.).
(c) Any gaps between new and original concrete foundation systems (Epoxy Resins).
(d) any masonry veneer joints, cracks, or voids (temporary waterproofing measures may include filling cracks/voids with a water
repellent silicone or similar material).
2. Masonry Veneer Wall Covering Performance Enhancements:
(a) Add expansion joints along wall perimeters at approved intervals to help limit lateral and vertical wall covering displacement.
(b) Ensure wood frame structural systems supporting masonry veneer wall coverings are proportioned to help limit lateral and
vertical wall displacement.
3. Ensure any masonry veneer wall covering materials are securely anchored to their supporting wood frame structural systems.
Page 1 of 2……………………………..Form TXASCE-A-Rev. V7-2022………………..Copyright © 2001-2022 Lineberger Consulting Engineers, Inc……All Rights Reserved.
-1- [a.] Lots shall be graded to drain surface water a way from foundation walls. [b.] The grade shall fall a minimum of 6 inches within
the first 10 feet. [c.] Impervious surfaces within 10 feet of the building foundation shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent away from the
building. [d.] Where lot lines, walls, slopes, or other physical barriers prohibit 6 inches of fall within 10 feet, drains or swales shall be con-
structed to ensure drainage away from the structure. [e.] Surface stormwater drainage must be diverted to a storm sewer conveyance or other
approved point of collection that does not create a hazard.
Page 2 of 2……………………………..Form TXASCE-A-Rev. V7-2022………………..Copyright © 2001-2022 Lineberger Consulting Engineers, Inc……All Rights Reserved.