Economic Development & Planning Department
Spring is here!
Construction kicks into full gear.
• Redby Community Center
• Old College Building
• Foods Initiative Greenhouses
March 2016
Support Local Businesses
1. Local Character and Prosperty 6. Entrepreneurship
In an increasingly homogenized world, Entrepreneurship fuels U.S. economic innovation &
communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind prosperity, and serves as a key means for families to
businesses character have an economic advantage. move out of low-wage jobs and into middle class.
2. Community Well-Being 7. Public Benefits and Costs
Locally owned businesses build strong communities Local stores in town centers require comparatively
by sustaining vibrant town centers, linking little infrastructure & make more efficient use of
neighbors in a web of economic and social public services relative to big box stores.
relationships, and contributing to local causes.
8. Environment Sustainability
3. Local Decision-Making
Local stores help sustain vibrant, compact, walkable
Local ownership ensures that important decisions town centers-which are essential to reducing sprawl,
are made locally by people who live in the automobile use, habitat loss and pollution.
community & who will feel the impacts.
9. Competition
4. Keeping Dollars in the Local Economy
A marketplace of hundreds of small businesses is the
Compared to chain stores, locally owned businesses best way to ensure innovation & low prices over the
recycle a much larger share of their revenue back long-term.
into the local economy, enriching the whole
economy. 10. Product Diversity
5. Job and Wages A multitude of small businesses, each selecting
products based, not on a national sales plan,
Locally owned businesses create more jobs locally & guarantees a much broader range of product
in some cases, provide better wages than chains. choices.
“The 10 Reasons to Support Locally Owned Businesses”
by Stacy Mitchell
December 10, 2012
Glen Mountain, the grand prize
winner of 48” Vizio HDTV!
Economic Development & Planning conducted a survey
of Red Lake members living in Minneapolis/St. Paul
area. The survey was to learn about their services,
housing, and economic needs as Red Lake investigates
potential investment opportunities in their area. As an
incentive to complete the survey we provided the listed
door prizes. Congratulations to our Winners!
I called Glen Mountain Carolyn Gurneau Garry Lussier
yesterday to tell him he $50 Target Visa Card 1 Night stay @ RL Casino
had won the TV, but had to
$10 food gift card w/ stay
leave a message. He called
me back at 1:40am, and
left me a message saying
he couldn’t sleep because
he was so excited. It was
the greatest thing when
Glen came to pick up his
prize a few minutes
ago. You guys made him
the happiest lil man in
town. He came with his
sister and mother
Rosemary Mountain, who
informed us that Glen has
cancer. ~~Roberta Boyd
Economic Development & Planning Department
Would like to introduce
New staff member!
Boozhoo Gakina awiya,
Donovan Sather indizhinikaaz, Mikinaakoons indigo,
Makwa indoodem, Miskwaagamiwi zaga’iganing
indoojiba, Gaasinikong indaa, Niminwedaam ayaayan
Niwii-Anokiyan Lead Planner in Economic
Development and Planning Department.
Hello Everyone,
My name is Donovan Sather, my Indian is name is Little
Snapping Turtle, I am Bear Clan, from Red Lake and live
in Little Rock. I am happy to be working as the Lead
Planner in the Economic Development and Planning
I have three boys, which I have raised all their lives thus Donovan Sather, Lead Planner
far, and a daughter who grew up with her side of the Economic Development & Planning
family all her life. I earned an Associate of Arts degree
from Red Lake Nation College, a Bachelor’s degree in Red Lake Nation
Indian Studies and minor in Ojibwe Language from
Bemidji State University, and continued on to earned a
Master’s Degree in Tribal Administration and
Governance from University of Minnesota Duluth. I am
a believer in higher education and how it will transform
our lives, from just working in a job, to working in a
career we can enjoy.
As the Lead Planner a few major Projects I will be
focusing on this coming year are:
• Strategic Plan of our Nation, this is an important I will provide updates on current and new
project as it guides Red Lake Nation moving projects as I move forward.
I am exciting about RL Nation’s future; we
• Land Use Plan, this important for understanding are in the process of growth and working on
where we have land and projects today for a better tomorrow and
generations to come.
• Capital Investment Projects, it is important to
know our assets/buildings and how to maintain Miigwech !
Welcome to the Team!
Waasabik Ojibwemotaadiwin
Immersion School
Ojibwemowin Phrase of the Month
Ani Ziigwan
(It’s starting to become spring)
Majigaawag Aninaatigoog
(The maple trees are starting to run)
(They’re getting ready)
Upcoming Events:
Education Information Gathering
April 7th, 2016 – 6 – 8pm
Red Lake Nation College
Ziigwan – Spring
Red Lake Nation
Foods Initiative
February Community Interaction Meetings
Guest Speaker:
Sue Peterson, provided training on “How to Grow your Garden.” Her training consisted of gathering
information of planning your garden plot, where to purchase seeds, garden tools, maintain a journal for
planting dates, layout plan which is important for crop rotation, location of garden where water is
available and north side vs. south side, Soil type and testing, as well as Soil amendments.
Rebecca Yoshino, Wozupi Tribal Gardens, provided training on “Growing your garden in Succession.”
She displayed how to grow multiple crops in 4X6 plot throughout the season by planting new plants where
other plants had grown and have been harvested. We also had planting demonstration.
A 5 year Strategic Planning Session was held on March 7 & 8th at Seven Clans Casino-Red Lake. We
came up with a lot of excellent information and found out that we have so much assets. Working together
will enable us to provide technical assistance to those that need it, help our Food Initiative meet our goals
and stimulate our local food economy.
Our next scheduled Community Interaction meetings are March 30 & 31, 2016. Our topic is Growing
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs, training will be provided by Sue Peterson, and our cooking session will be
How to make Fried Rice and Egg Rolls by a local store owner Minam.
We have requested a quote from Red Lake Builders to assess the ‘old’ greenhouse in Redby. All but two
building structures are solid as well as the cement area with the heating pipes, where the green house will
be setup. We are also obtaining quotes on purchasing a High Tunnel to put in there at the green house
We have organized a location for a community garden in every district this year. Kade from Engineering
will purchase seedlings from Wozupi Tribal Gardens for the gardens as well as the seeds.
We have received a Mentorship grant and have asked Wozupi Tribal Gardens from Shakopee
Mdewankanton Sioux Community to be our mentor. We will be taking members down there for green
house training and how to construct a high tunnel.
March, 2016
Upcoming Events
Economic Development & Planning
Mark your Calendars
March 30, 2016 – Foods Initiative Community Interaction Meetings
10am – 12pm, Oshkimaajitahdah, Redby, MN
3pm – 6pm, Little Rock Community Center
March 31, 2016 – Foods Initiative Community Interaction Meetings
10am – 12pm, Ponemah Boys & Girls Club
6pm – 8pm, Red Lake Community Center
April 4, 2016 – Entrepreneur Classes, 5:30 – 8:30pm,
Contact: Sharon James (218) 679-1456, [email protected]
April 7, 2016 – Education Information Gathering, 6 – 8pm
Contact: Liz Strong (218) 679-3396, [email protected]
April 7, 2016 – Grants for Artists
10am – 11:30am, Grant Presentations
11:30am – Noon, Lunch
12pm – 3pm – Individual Sessions by Appointment only
Credit Repair: The Next Steps – Coming Soon!
Contact: Sharon James (218) 679-1456, [email protected]