Volume 27, Number 2
August, 2018
Dick Kaminski Interviewed by Son
Richard Kaminski was drafted into the Army at age 19. He served as a Waist Gunner the last few months of
World War 11 from January – May 1945. He had 15 missions on a B-17 named McGuire’s Chophouse in the
457th Bomb Group of the 8th Air Force in England. Greg Kaminski, his son, interviewed Dick earlier this year. It
was recorded on video by Kevin Callahan and uploaded to the internet.
One of the few remaining original 8th Air Force veterans in the 8th of MN Historical Society,
Dick had never been on an airplane or traveled outside of the country before. But, after he
was drafted, he was facing the prospect of doing both. More than 67-years later, his first
glimpse of a Flying Fortress remains fresh.
"Fort Knox had an airfield, and all of a sudden, here comes this big monster B-17 coming in
for a landing," he said. "Well, I thought that was the biggest thing I'd ever seen. It was really
a thrill. When we got to ride it, it was really something."
After gunnery school, Kaminski was shipped to England in 1944 to join
the 457th Bomb Group. Missions typically lasted roughly 9-10 hours,
and Kaminski spent the time in a leather flying suit to stay warm. “They
didn't work too well at 65 degrees below zero,” he recalled. As the war
progressed, he ended up wearing electrically heated suit, boots and
Kaminski flew his last mission in May, 1945, and was discharged in
November that year.
"People ask how it was, how we could do it," he said. "When someone
tells you to go, you go. Was I scared? Sure. Everyone was. It was quite
an experience. I bombed Berlin three times, Nuremburg twice. I don't
know if I ever hit anything when I fired the waist guns. You try,
Kaminski said he hasn't been able to find any surviving members of his
crew, but knows that the pilot and co-pilot have both died. McGuire’s
Chophouse, itself, was sold for scrap metal in Kingman, AZ in
November, 1945.
Luncheons are Wednesday, 11:15 AM
K of C Hall, Bloomington, MN.
See our website: www.8thmn.org
Eighth Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota
Officers & Directors as of January 1, 2018
President Vice President Treasurer John Ahaus
Steve Marks Dick Hill (179th FS) Gary Birchem 10548 Penn Ave., S
5121 Gorgas Ave. 934 Woody Lane 28790 Ivywood TRL Bloomington, MN 55431
Edina, MN 55424 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 Chisago City, MN 55013 (612) 720-8307
(952) 926-0148 (763) 755-3559 (651) 257-1550 [email protected]
(952)-797-2783 [email protected] almostaranch02@
[email protected] frontier.com Vince Parker
Dick Kaminski 38 Moonlight Bay
Marv Jansma 6633 Xerxes Ave S Gene Kretchmer Stillwater, MN 55082
14721 Denmark Ct Minneapolis, MN 55423 11206 Virginia Rd. (651) 439-8679
Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 869-5978 Bloomington, MN 55438
(952) 423-1260 (952) 943-3988
James Rasmussen Lawrence Sagstetter
18273 Fillmore St., NE 4035 Victoria St N #313
Cedar, MN 55011 Shoreview, MN 55126
(763)-434-3654 [email protected]
Past Presidents
Frank Frison (447th BG) William Herbert (96th BG) Earl B. Joswick (95th BG) Ed Kueppers (AM)
Dave Dahlberg (487th BG)
James Keefe (95th BG) Richard Postier (96th BG) Harold Rutka (34th BG) Don Kent (401st BG)
Al Anderson (ARDC)
Don Zupan (379th BG) Don Bruns (379th BG) Larry Bachman (392nd BG)
Clyde Thompson (490th Dick Kaminski (457th BG) Robert Clemens (15thAF)
Newsletter prepared and edited by Lawrence Sagstetter, 4035 Victoria St N #313, Shoreview, MN 55126.
Phone: 651-776-7434, Email: [email protected].
“Deterrence through strength, global strike on demand.”
8th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
Kevin Callahan, a master
President’s Report photographer/biographer, continues to add
photos and video to that site. Many of his
By Steve Marks photos have been included in this
newsletter. Kevin’s luncheon photos and
My thanks to all who volunteered at the airshows biographical videos provide an up-to-date
this summer. Thanks to all our 8th members who record of what is happening in our
helped organize and staff our selling tables. There organization. It provides a permanent online
are many who have done so much to help. presence of biographies of 8th of MN World
War II veterans past & present.
We participated in two airshows this past summer:
Discover Aviation Days in Blaine & AirExpo in The overall design of 8thmn.org will soon be
Eagan. We had good weather for each event. updated to a new platform. The same
Attendance was terrific. We did well selling information will be retained & featured
memorabilia and knick-knacks. As always, we online. It will just be presented in a more
received terrific support from the people at Golden easy to view up-to-date format.
Wings Museum. Craig Shiller and Greg Herrick
were especially helpful at Anoka-Blaine. Note: We lost Al Pike June 14th to lieukemia.
He was a master of aviation photography,
The sun was hot at AirExpo in July. But so were did a lot of work covering 8th Air Force
the sales at our booth. Thanks to the Kaminski events. Godspeed Al!
family and to Bob Jasperson for their terrific
efforts in organizing that event, for getting the May God Bless Them All and may God
sponsors, for flying in the VIPs that distinguish Bless the United States of America.
AirExpo year after year.
-Steve Marks.
Once again, as he always does, Doolittle co-pilot
Dick Cole showed up at AirExpo. Dick is now 103 From our former chaplain, the
– years of age. He loves coming from his home in late Bob Clemens:
San Antonio, TX to attend AirExpo in Eden
Prairie. It’s the one event he continues to want to James 5:16b
be a part of. And the organizers and crowds of “The prayer of a righteous man is
people love to see him: the last surviving member powerful and effective.”
of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo. Good advice for all of us to follow.
Editors note: You did so much to perpetuate
Our Christmas Party at Manciniʼs Sunday, the vitality of the 8th Air Force Historical
December 2, is on the horizon. First, though, is Society of MN, for so many years. You were
Veterans Day on Monday, November 12. a fountain of humor jousting with Vince
Wherever you are that day, there will be events to Parker as emcee of Wednesday luncheons.
celebrate our nation’s veterans. Find a dinner, Rest in peace Bob Clemens!
church service or community event to attend. Be a
part of celebrating your service and sacrifices to 3
our country. You, the veterans, deserve it!
Our website, 8thmn.org, continues to grow thanks
to the efforts of Kevin Callahan. Click on the
Photos and Video link at the top of the page.
8 th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
The Dr. Harold C. Deutsch
World War II History Round Table
2018-19 Schedule
We meet at 7:00pm on the second Thursday of every month from September through May in
. the History Center at Historic Fort Snelling, unless otherwise noted below:
September 13, 2018 GUADALCANAL – Thwarting the Japanese Advance
October 11, 2018 NAZI PRISONER IN AMERICA – Out of the War
October 25, 2018 WORLD WAR ONE – Roots of WWII
November 8, 2018 The Dr. Harold C. Deutsch Lecture – The Plots to Assassinate Hitler
December 13, 2018 Pearl Harbor – The Attack that brought the U.S. into WW
January 10, 2019 What made the Nazi Military Work
February 14, 2019 Not All the Struggles for Victory were on the Battlefield
March 14, 2019 Intelligence from the Skies
March 28, 2019 The Contributions of Women in Air War
April 11, 2019 The Chief of Logistics in the European Theater – LTG J.C.H. Lee
May 9, 2019 Remembering the 75th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings
Spring, 2019 Historical Tour
Since the late 1990’s, the WW2 History Roundtable has organized Spring trips focusing on
various battle sites and/or themes for intensive, detailed, expert-guided experiences unique
to the European Theatre. Planned for next year:
2019 — TOUR to Normandy • May 20 – June 4, 2019:
Paris, Rouen, Normandy, Cherbourg, Channel Islands, St Malo, Brest, Lorient, St Nazaire,
Rennes, Mont St Michel.
Tour Contact: Don Patton 612-867-5144 [email protected]
8th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
News & Info Jottings
James R. McDougall, USN PBY
Ordnanceman at Discover Aviation
Historic Aircraft, including a B-25 bomber, took
to the skies over the Anoka County Airport –
Jane’s Field in Blaine June 2nd and 3rd. It was
the first time back after a one-year hiatus.
Discover Aviation Days allows the public a rare
and unique opportunity to see, touch and even
fly in aircraft dating back to WWII.
Jim McDougall visited Discover Aviation Days
and the Golden Wings Museum for the first tme
on Sunday, June 3, 2018. He had many personal
stories to tell from his youth about several of the
aircraft. The Ford Tri-motor was his first ride
($1), The SNJ was an aerobatic plane used to
keep his flight pay. The B-25 was used for
daytime raids in the SW Pacific. He made a
wheels-up landing on another plane (akin to the
last one shown below.) Overall, it was a good
show, a successful return to Blaine for Discover
Aviation Days & for Jim McDougall.
Here are photos of the event, taken by Kevin
Retired astronaut Kurt Brown speeds by the
crowd at the Anoka County Blaine Airport
Discover Aviation Days on a blustery June day in
"Sawbones," a modified SeaFury aircraft.
Air Expo 2018 August, 2018
8 th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota
8th Air Force Historical Soc. of MN,
June 6, 2018
Interesting day at 8th Air Force Historical Soc. of
MN luncheon, June 6.
Jim Rasmussen conducted a swearing-in ceremony
for a US Air Force airman with rank similar to
Jim’s former rank. People have such respect for
World War II veterans. The airman wanted Jim to
swear him in. He attended the luncheon with his
mother. Plus the 8th celebrated Lou Martin's 90th
How many years has it been now, Lou? FAKE
NEWS! Let’s put it out on Twitter: Fake news! It
can’t be so!
Nice photo of model of Lou’s plane with photo of
wife Chieko, whom he met as pilot with Japan Air
8th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
Lou Martin
makes one of
at June 6
Christmas Party Scheduled for
Sunday, December 2
It’s not too early to start planning for another 8th
Christmas party at Mancini’s downtown St. Paul,
Sunday, December 2. Plans are for Heidi Ziman to
once again provide entertainment. The price stays at
$30 per person.
Checks payable to 8th AFHS of MN
Gary Birchem
28790 Ivywood Trail
Chisago City, MN 55013-9634
Steak Chicken Fish @ $30 per plate
Steak Chicken Fish @ $30 per plate
Steak Chicken Fish @ $30 per plate
8 th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
Sue Rucker organized Memorial Day celebration
luncheon the end of May. Sue loves to celebrate
veterans’ and their contributions to our country. She
decorated tables with patriotic colors, centerpieces
and party favors. She got the kitchen to provide
buffet lunch to all attending. Sue brought in
individual bundt cakes for everyone, as she always
likes to do. She brought in a guitarist to provide
Here are photos of the event, provided by Dick Hill.
8 th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
8th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
8th Air Force Historical Society
of Minnesota Membership
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Street Apt. No. City State
Zip Code Tel. No. 8th AF unit or other service?
I want to subscribe for: 1 Year, $20.00_____ 2 Years, $40.00_____ 3 Years, $60.00_____ Other____
E-mail address____________________________________________________________________
Please send this form (or a copy) with your check or money order for $20.00 per year to:
8th Air Force Historical Society of MN
Gary Birchem, Treasurer
28790 Ivywood TRL
Chisago City, MN 55013
Colonel Jimmy Doolittle, Churchill & Roosevelt
Jimmy Doolittle building, Arlington, VA on sidewalk, National Harbor, MD.
8th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota August, 2018
Communication System.” for which they applied
Hedy Lamarr: for and received a patent. The original idea was
to solve the problem of enemies blocking signals
Hollywood Star and Patented from radio-controlled missiles during World War
Wartime Inventor 11. It involved changing radio frequencies
simultaneously to prevent enemies from being
-Sourced from Smithsonian magazine and Wall able to detect the messages.
Street Journal
This became known as “frequency hopping,” a
“My face has been my misfortune,” wrote Hedy secret communications system whereby a radio
Lamarr. That’s what it says on the web page transmitter and receiver jumped frequencies.
hedylamarr.com. Lamarr believed the technology could prevent
the Allies’ radio-guided torpedoes from being
Born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler in 1914 to a jammed by the Germans.
well-heeled Jewish family in Vienna, Hedy was
discovered to have terrific screen presence. She The Navy, skeptical of its practicality, told the
began starring in German films at 17-years old. actress to stick to raising money for the war
The 1932 German film, “Exstase,” brought her to effort. So she rounded up a record-breaking $7
the attention of Hollywood producers. million in one night alone. Yet years later, when
the Navy needed a way to encode messages
She fled a husband who sold arms to the Nazis about detected submarines, it turned to frequency
and Mussolini Italians and moved to Hollywood. hopping. The Lamarr/Antheil concept became
She was initially signed to contract with MGM. practical with the advent of the transistor and its
There, she changed her name to Hedy Lamarr. later downsizing. Lamarr’s idea became very
She starred in many of the popular films of the important to both the military and, in due time,
day opposite Hollywood’s elite corps of actors. the cell phone industry.
These included Charles Boyer, Clark Gable,
Spencer Tracy and Jimmy Stewart. The concept of frequency hopping was used
during the Cuban missile crisis. The idea
Lamarr captivated Hollywood and the country presaged wireless communication in cellphones,
with her talent and beauty. But when Lamarr GPS, and Wi-Fi.
wasn’t playing femme fatales or damsels in
distress, she was often sitting at a drafting table, But Lamarr, the instigator and credited inventor
inventing. She was highly intelligent and very of the technology wasn’t recognized for her
curious about things. She dabbled in technology technical contributions until she was 82-years
of the day. old in the latter 1990’s.
In 1942, 27-year-old Lamarr and composer Hedy Lamarr died in 2000. But her patent lives
George Antheil built what they called a “Secret on. It is the foundation for other more advanced
work that has been done since in the area of
technical communications. It Is only in recent
years that Hedy Lamarr has been recognized for
her real talent, which was to dream and think
about ways to solve technical communications
problems. And to sit at a drafting board and build
a solution.
Jim McDougall with B-25 at Discover Aviation Days, Blaine. Photo by Kevin Callahan.