BBYRA Newsletter
The favored end
Commodore’s Log May 2018
By Paul Moyer
Ice Breaker 22 Apr 2018 In this issue:
What a spring (or lack of) this year has given us. As we
were setting up for the Ice Breaker Social, both Wild Moun- Know Your Club Members
tain and Buck Hill were still open for downhill skiing. Sev- A History of The “Steadfast
en days prior to the event many of us had 18” of snow
dumped on our yards. The lake still has a HEAVY layer of Sailor” Award
ice and the only open areas to be seen are around the docks A New Commodore’s trophy -
where bubblers are busy tuning over the water. Our May-
hem Regatta is in jeopardy as launch dates continue to get —-“The Bear”
pushed back. My own boat continues to be shrouded by Jochen’s Big Adventure (Part 2)
snow banks. We Say Good-bye — & — Hello
A Couple of Events
An air horn was used to bring the spring Ice Breaker Social
to order and I watched for Pavlovian responses from the …….and more
blast. Did anyone look over their right shoulder to see who
was above them on the starting line, are they going to be
over the line early, is that a wind shift coming ??…
Right now we can only imagine these sailing adventures
and start into the spring rituals of preparation as the last
remnants of winter fade away. This is a time of optimism
for a great new sailing season with wonderful weather,
abundant water and bountiful victories for everyone. After
such a long, unrelenting winter why not hope for the best
this summer?
Sail well,
Paul Moyer, BBYRA Commodore
Please visit the BBYRA Website!
On the website you will find up to date lis ngs of our race schedules, socials and other events. Be sure
to bookmark!
BBYRA Google Groups
As many of you know, a broadcast email from the BBYRA Google Group is one way to make sure infor-
ma on is distributed to BBYRA members. As racing season approaches please be sure to check your
email on race days for any last minutes news or updates.
Page 2
Know Your Club Members job back in the computer industry and with Cray Research
in particular. This job change took them for a brief 18
Cory & Don Hankins Steadfast Sailor month stint to the Los Angeles area with Cray Research
2017 before transferring back to the Twin Cities. This led them
to the White Bear Lake area where they bought their cur-
Don grew up in southern Idaho and came to the Twin Cities rent home in Birchwood. At this time their son Ryan was 9
to work for Control Data Corp as an operating systems engi- years old, and their daughter Melanie was 3.
neer after graduating from Case Western Reserve Universi- When they moved to Birchwood, Don and Cory bought a
ty in Cleveland, Ohio. Cory who grew up in the Milwaukee Chrysler 20 boat from the previous home owner, and also a
area came to this used C scow for pleasure sailing. After a couple of years,
area to work as a one of their neighbors, Steve Alnes, talked them into join-
registered nurse at ing the WBYC to race the C scow. They raced the C scow
St Paul Ramsey for many years, with Don and Ryan doing most or the rac-
Hospital (now Re- es. They capsized the C scow several times the first couple
gions) after gradu- of years, but somehow never managed to win the upside
ating from Milwau- down trophy, probably because the other sailors felt sorry
kee School of for them. Ryan also took sailing lessons at WBYC on the
Nursing. They met X boats. After several years of fun racing, the C scow had
after joining the given its best, and the hull separated from the deck. Don
Sitzmark ski club scrapped the boat and donated all of the spars and hardware
that provided year to Fletcher Driscoll.
round social activi-
ties. Not wanting to be without a sailboat, and wanting some-
thing a more suited to taking family members and others
The summer activities of Sitzmark ski club included weekly out, Don and Cory bought their Precision 18 in 2012. Don
volleyball as well as several lake activities. Don and a and Cory had not really planned on racing the Precision,
friend of his each had a C Scow that they would bring to but Craig Witthaus invited them to join the BBYRA. Don
these activities. That was the first introduction of both Don and Cory first joined as social members for a year, and then
and Cory to sailing. Neither of us had ever taken sailing at the urging of several sailing members, they decided to
lessons. It was not unusual to have 6 or 8 people and an join the BBYRA racing last year. They have had a great
appropriate amount of beer on the boat when we were sail- time racing the boat, and have learned what the back of all
ing it. There were several capsize incidents, and a hallmark the other boats look like.
of good crew people was that they could hold their beer up
while going into the water, so as to not ruin a perfectly good In their words, "The racing with the BBYRA is a lot of fun,
beverage. Accidental gybes were not uncommon, and one and a great way to make sure we get out sailing several
time in particular, one of the group was just about to jump times each summer. We are proud recipients of last year's
off the boat when the boom came across on a gybe and sent Steadfast Sailor trophy, and we look forward to another
him flying an extra 20 feet out into the lake. great year with the BBYRA. Hopefully, we will get to see
what the front of some of the other boats look like this sea-
By 1976 Control Data was beginning to have serious finan- son."
cial troubles, and Don had a desire to move to Seattle. He Other than sailing, Cory and Don spend time with their
took job as an engineer with the Boeing Company. Cory daughter, Melanie, and their son, Ryan, and his family,
and Don got married on a cold winter evening and left the including their 3 year old grandson Jasper. Melanie who is
next day for Seattle. Cory easily found a job as a registered a school counselor lives in Hugo, and Ryan and his family
nurse at Seattle's Harborview Hospital and Medical Cen- live two houses away in Birch-
ter. They lived in Seattle for several years where their two wood. As a family, they spend
children, Ryan and Melanie were born. While living in about 2 or three weeks each
Seattle, they bought a Sol Cat 18 ft. catamaran and joined a year skiing in Colorado, and
group that raced on Lake Washington, and other local wa- they also spend a couple of
ters, including Puget Sound. This was their first introduc- weeks in Colorado each sum-
tion to racing sail boats. Lessons learned were that when mer, bicycling and hiking. The
the boat capsized, it was always the fault of the crew. family also spends a lot of
spring, summer, and fall time
After living in Seattle for several years, Don wanted to get a bicycling in Minnesota. Cory
and Don average about 1000
miles per year on their bicy-
Page 3
“Steadfast Sailor” a History
And now… ” The Bear”
From “past to present” what follows is a list of the Steadfast BBYRA is supported by many people in many different
Sailor “ award recipients: ways, An abundance of helpers make our socials success-
ful, Web support, advisors to new skippers, assistants on
1996 Hannelore and Heinz Wanger committee boat, cleaning and preparation for launch, ex-
1997 Lloyd Berquist traordinary financial support….
1998 Don Grillo We also have one member, Louis Newell, who is showing
1999 John Currier support through artistic expression by commissioning a
2000 Paul Moyer new project to be known in short as “The Bear”. This
2001 Don Grillo monument will be used as a record of commodore succes-
2002 Jim Schwarz sion throughout the club’s history. As the recent past
2003 Carol Robertshaw commodore, Brian Mathewson will be the first to hold
2004 Carol Robertshaw “The Bear”
2005 Jim Schwarz
2006 Rick Moeckel Special thanks go to Louis for showing his support to
2007 Jolene Thibedeau BBYRA with this project and in so many other ways.
2008 Scott Freeberg
2009 Paul Mueller
2010 Paul Mueller
2011 Eric Hegland
2012 Steve Larson
2013 John Currier
2014 John Currier
2015 Tom LeVere
2016 Tom LeVere
2017 Don & Cora Hankins
“A Sailor’s “Mini-Sabbatical” Page 4
Part II Sophia's Law -
Carbon Monoxide Law for Boaters
Sophia's Law takes effect May 1, 2018.
Jochen’s Big Adventure Jochen continued his Motorboats, regardless of fuel type, with an *enclosed
accommodation compartment must be equipped with a
epic story about the World ARC fleet that departed from functioning marine CO detector system installed accord-
Saint Lucia in 2017. This is a 26,000 NM trade wind cir- ing to the manufacturer’s instructions.
cumnavigation. Last fall’s report described his time with the Per the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) stand-
fleet in the western Pacific. This spring Jochen charted a ard A-24 Carbon Monoxide Detection Systems, July
boat in the Caribbean and rendezvoused with the fleet for 2015, detectors must be located to monitor the atmosphere
their closing ceremonies in Saint Lucia. in the main cabin and each sleeping area. Carbon monox-
ide detectors manufactured prior to 2012 should be re-
All gasoline-powered motorboats with any *enclosed oc-
cupancy compartment must display three CO poisoning
warning stickers as directed by law.
These updates must be complete by May 1, 2018 for law-
ful operation.
Three carbon monoxide warning stickers and an informa-
tional brochure have been mailed to MN registered boats
19 feet and greater.
We wait patiently to hear the complete story of the second Minnesota is the first state to require CO detec-
leg , hopefully we will publish something in the next issue. tors in motorboats. Together we can lead our boating na-
tion in reducing CO poisoning accidents while Motor-
Safety and Rules Classroom boats, regardless of fuel type, must have a functioning
Session May 22 marine CO detector if they have an enclosed accommoda-
tion compartment, which is defined as a motorboat with
Get ready for the 2018 season with a review of boating safe- all of the following:
ty and sailing rules. A Two + hour session will be held at
White Bear Lake City Hall 2nd floor conference room at 7 1. Designated sleeping accommodations
PM. Presenters include Ernie Eisenberg, who has been cer- 2. A galley area with a sink
tified as an ASA instructor and Craig Witthaus, a long
(really long) term racing sailor on White Bear Lake. 3. A head (toilet) compartment
An enclosed occupancy compartment is defined as:
One contiguous space surrounded by boat structure that
may be occupied by a person.
If your boat just has an occupancy compartment you are
not required by law to have a CO detector in the space,
however, it is highly recommended for the safety of all
passengers that a detector be placed in any enclosed com-
A detector shall be located to monitor the atmosphere in
the main cabin and each sleeping area per the American
Boat and Yacht Council A-24 Standard. Supplementing
with additional low level CO monitors will alert passen-
gers sooner of the presence of carbon monoxide which can
be harmful at low levels/under 30ppm.
A detector is not required in head (toilet) compartments or
Page 5
Sophia's Law -
in sleeping areas separated by an open or non-permanent Welcome new members;
Please join in welcoming our new racing mem-
If you have a gasoline-powered motorboat with any en- bers; Heidi and Roger Humphry. They were on
closed space surrounded by boat structure intended for a the lake last year in a Seaward Fox, have upsized
person to enter, you are required to have the three CO warn- to a Capri 22 and have joined the racing fleet.
ing stickers displayed. The appropriate sticker is to be
1. At the helm (steering station)
2. In or at the entrance to any enclosed occupancy space
3. At the aft boarding/stern area.
Although it is not required, motorboats with diesel engines
are urged to display the stickers warning boaters of the dan-
gers of CO poisoning especially if they also have generators
or other fuel burning appliances.
The first violation will be a safety warning; additional viola-
tions are a petty misdemeanor.
If your sailboat is equipped with a motor you would be re-
quired to comply with the requirements of the law.
MN Statute 86B.005 defines motorboat as a watercraft pro-
pelled in any manner by machinery, including watercraft
temporarily equipped with detachable motors.
The carbon monoxide warning stickers are only required for
gasoline powered motorboats. Although not required, it is
highly encouraged to attach them on diesel powered boats
and boats with generators or stoves. The helm and stern
stickers are recommended on any motorboat.
For more information see;
Page 6
Bon Voyage Events
Diane & Mike Preston Safety and Rules Classroom Session
May 22
We send our best wishes to the Preston’s as they cast off
from White Bear Lake and White Bear Lake City Hall 7:00 P.M.
depart for new adventures
in the Carolinas. Both Mayhem Regatta
have been great supporters
of social events and the Keep your fingers crossed. The ice is out and hopeful-
Winches Race. Mike is a ly we will be ready to start our 2018 Race Season with
plank owner in the Capri The Mayhem Regatta Saturday & Sunday May 26 &
22 one design fleet on 27 Mayhem Social at the Witthaus’ following Sun-
Carpe Diem, former board day’s race. Races start at 12 P.M. (Skipper’s meeting
member and past commo- at 10:30 A.M.
We wish them fair winds
and following seas. First Race Tuesday 1st Series
(Diane may be sharing Look to be on the water for our first Tuesday night
new techniques in con- race of the season May 29th, 7:00 P.M. Start
flict resolution that she
'Tis the set of the sail that decides the goal,
and not the storm of life.
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Commodore: Paul Moyer
P.O. Box 10802 our members and friends, please send it to
White Bear Lake, MN 55110 [email protected]
[email protected]
All submissions are welcomed!
Website Editor: Larry Sagstetter TO:
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor:
Paul Peloquin
[email protected]