Your Guide to ProSource Wholesale & More
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See all of the advantages to a beyond 24/7 access questions
ProSource Membership
FloorCoverings | C abinets | Countertops | P lumbing | Interior Finishes
You now have a whole new way to buy name brand
floorcoverings & interior finishes for less! As a
Member of the Trade Professionals #1 source for
wholesale floors, you have just sharpened your
competitive edge.
ProSource offers you more first-quality products than
any other source.
Features &
Benefits of
Why buy retail when wholesale saves you more!
Members Only Professional Showroom
With huge resources built for Our unrivaled selection You buy at the
you, think of your ProSource represents major lowest wholesale
Showroom as your "creative manufacturers as well as prices everyday -
idea center". With so many industrialists fit for high end
designer quality, interior projects that you won't find in guaranteed
finishing products available, retail stores.
you'll enjoy seeing your We support your business &
projects come to life. Most One of the advantages of help make you more profitable
importantly, the space is ProSource membership is by keeping our prices low. In
designed to help you & your keeping current with changing fact, if you find a lower price
clients make product styles. Manufacturers bring us on any item, just let us know.
selections quickly & their latest innovations first, so We'll beat it. Our $100 Low
conveniently. Products are you'll always know what's new Price Guarantee says you
departmentalized by category. and on-trend. won't find a better price on
Products are marked with our comparable first quality, non-
client friendly pricing system, Price Challenge closeout identical
ensuring complete profit merchandise!
confidentiality for your You'll see for yourself how
business. Your ProSource ProSource beats the
Showroom is not open to the competition in a price
general public, however our challenge everyday. Compare
Members enjoy the 24/7 product specs, retail price,
availability with our ProKey competitor price & our low
system. wholesale price side-by-side.
Professional Staff Client Pricing & Services
We are experienced Our pricing system makes it easy for you & your
professionals who know clients to see the exact price they'll pay. The
interior finishes & can be of wholesale, client price, includes a 10% referral
great assistance when it comes fee that will be paid to you. As an added
time to buy. Whether it's membership benefit, you do not have to
helping with product selection, accompany your clients on every visit. With our
meeting with your client, or unaccompanied client service, simply call ahead
placing your order quickly & to schedule the appointment. Rest assured -
efficiently, your ProSource your dedicated Account Manager will handle the
Team is trained to focus on you selection & selling process. This means you can
& your clients. make more sales without having to spend time in
the showroom.
Exclusive ProKey Privileges
For a nominal fee, ProKey makes the Showroom
available to you 24/7. It's like owning your own
Showroom, without the expense!
Marketing Support Material
ProSource offers professional print collateral
designed to help build your business. Speak with
your Account Manager about the FREE tools
available to you.
Free Sample Advertise your
Check Out business with a
FREE online account
Another ProSource advantage is
our free sample check out. Not Browse estimates &
sure of the style, color or track your project
texture you want? No problem. on-the-go
Samples are available for your
clients to see first-hand & can Speak with your Account Manager about these & other
be checked out for up to 48 benefits of
Do you know of a trade professional* who would benefit by becoming a member of ProSource? If so, give
us a call to let us know you are sending in a prospective member. If your associate becomes a member you
will be entitled to a 2% referral check on every order over $500 placed by the new member or their client
for one year. The person who refers you pays member price just like you, but this is our way of thanking
you for referring new business to us.
In order to process the Member-Get-Member referral we will need to get a W-9 form for your
membership records if you have not previously supplied one. So, break out those address books and
business card holders and see who might be a candidate to generate some extra income for you.
If you have any questions whatsoever about the program, your Account Manager would be happy to
answer them.
Thank you once again for your business!
*** Trade professionals would include: Architects, Builders, Contractors, Carpet Cleaners, Designers, Installers, Painters,
Property Managers, Real Estate Brokers, or Remodelers.
B2B CREDIT FOR MEMBERS It is required that a 50% CAN I BRING A
deposit be made based on CLIENT TO THE
The ProTrade Business Credit Program the total cost of SHOWROOM
makes it easy for you to do business with merchandise at the time ANYTIME?
ProSource & balance your cash flow. you place your order.
Enrollment is FREE & handled Payment must be made in Yes, during normal business
electronically. ProTrade offers credit limits cash, authorized check, hours OR 24/7 with ProKey.
according to your credit needs. approved bank card,
credit card or ProTrade HOW ARE CLAIMS
As a ProSource Member, you can offer Members or clients Claims are handled quickly &
your clients special financing for up to one assume full responsibility fairly through our in-house,
full year on purchases with approved for installation (if any) After Sales Department.
credit. This powerful program provides performed, measured &
your clients the ability to upgrade inspected of merchandise. DOES PROSOURCE
purchases or complete more rooms. Members agree to abide INSTALL?
by manufacturers' policies
HOURS OF OPERATION regarding returns and/or No. Rather than contracting
defects. out or providing direct
Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm service, we make a list of
Saturday 9am to 12pm Members are informed professional installers in the
Sundays CLOSED immediately when area comprised of our
merchandise has arrived. Members.
Full payment on any
remaining balance is due
upon arrival of
Multi-Level Design Packages
psPearocleSkcoatguioercnsest .Wh Tahhtoealerdeseabslaiegs nwepdilalodcneksasigpgeenscmiwfiucilllttiihn-lecelmvuedelesd,aebnsuditgcnnooltor
fliimxtitueredst,omciallwbionrekt,rwy,aflllofoinriisnhge, cso&u nmtoerreto. ps, plumbing
Kitchen & Bath Design
Odeuvr eelxoppeirniednivcideudaKl iltacyhoeuntsananddBtaatkheD-oefsfisgnfotrecaambiwnielltry
fcaenoadlltecucorteuiodnntc.ea rYbtoionupeswt sillilnpfeeinscdiifnioccvltueodr ye2o0Euudrripofrfpoeajre' Omuuaerrlteszisxs
Financingcporomdpulcettsetahsaitganraetuinrcelulodoekdtion yoouur rsptorocjkecptr.ogram to
special online services.
Wholesale Value
D PoronS'tosuarccreif Wicehoplreosdaulec tgvivaeluseytoouptrriucee!wholesale
vtharluoeu,gmheoaunrienxgcyluosuivreecbeuivyeintgopponwaemr.e brands for less
904-288-5688 Showroom
5250 Sunbeam Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32257
PArcocsoouunrcteMoafnJaagceksroantvPillreoSAoccuorcuentoMf Oanralagnedro (if applicable) ____________________________________________________
Last Name ___________________________________ First Name ____________________________ MI __________
Business Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Primary Mailing Address, Suite # _______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address or Home Address _______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________
Home Tel # ___________________________________ Work # _____________________________________________
Cell # _______________________________________ Fax # _____________________________________________
E-mail Address ________________________________ Date of Birth _________________________________________
How did you hear about ProSource? Mailer Ad Referred by _______________________________
Who are your previous flooring suppliers? ________________________________________________________________
What percentage should ProSource use when selling your clients if you are unable to accompany them?
[ ] MMeemmbbeerr CCoosstt [ ] 1100%%Referral [ ]O5th%erR_e_fe_r_ra_l_o_n_C__a_b_in_e_ts_/_C_o_u_n_te_r_to_p_s__[_]__O_t_h_e_r __________________________________
((IfIyfoyuo, uas, aasPraoSPourorcSeoMuermcbeeMr, deomnboteprr,odviodenyooturpcrloievnitdweithyothuerscellliepnrictew, PitrhoSthouercseerlelsperrvicees,thPerroigShot tuorsceell yreousrecrlvieenst atth1e0%rigrehfetrtroal soen lflloyooriungr acnlide5n%t aretf1er0ra%l onrecfaebrirnaelt.s)/countertops)
Business Category Installer Remodeler Architect/Specifier Real Estate
Builder Designer
Consumer Club Property Mgmt Cleaner/Restoration Other ________________________
Referral checks to be paid to: Business Individual (Note, a Form W-9 will be required to receive referral checks.)
FEIN # (for business) or Social Security # (for Individual) ___________________________________________________
Driver’s License # ______________________________ State _____________ Expires ________________________
Please list any of your associates who would benefit from membership at ProSource of Orlando:
_______________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________
Method of Payment Business Finance Credit Card Type: ___________________________
Cash Check
Account # ___________________________________ Expires: __________________________
(If payment is not received within 30 days of the date the order was picked up, Member agrees to allow the invoice amount to be charged to the credit card indicated above)
Member Signature ______________________________________________ Date ____________________________
File: Common\Forms\Membership Application 8-24-5