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This is a book about a guy who has to go on a business trip. He somehow gets on the wrong plane, what will he do?

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Published by Emily Macziewski, 2019-05-08 11:12:38

The Hard Traveling

This is a book about a guy who has to go on a business trip. He somehow gets on the wrong plane, what will he do?

​The hard 


Written By Emily 




“Good night, Billy. Have a safe flight tomorrow.” Billy’s wife 
said as it was time for bed.  

“Good night, dad,” said John, his 12-year-old son.  
“ How long are you going to be gone? Are you going to be gone 
forever?” Billy’s five-year-old daughter, Jill asked with a worried 
look in her eyes.  
“It is only going to be for a week, not forever.” Billy calmed her 
Billy went to bed early, so he can get up early, so he can get to 
the airport on time. He then got into bed and set his alarm clock to 
5:00 am. Then he fell asleep right away. 
Billy was Going to San Francisco for a very important business 
trip. The business trip was going to be on the 28th of August. The next 
day, Billy was going to be on his flight. There was a meeting on the 
evening of the 28th, and it was going to be the meeting to decide 
whether he is going to be fired or make a lot more money than he made 




It was 5:30, am and it was pouring outside. He wasn’t worried 
about it though, because the forecast said the rain will clear up by the 
time he got on his flight. Then he got in his car that was a dull red 
car with chipped paint all over the car. The car was as old as time. It 
was 6:13 am, and he was 50 miles from the airport when his car broke 

Billy tried to figure out what had happened to his car. He looked 
at his gas tank, and he was out of fuel for his car. Billy got out of his 
car but he hit his head on the way out like he always does. He looked 
for any gas that was in his car. His clothes were soaked by just 
standing out of his car for a minute. It was pouring so hard that a 
paper can disintegrate instantly. Then out of nowhere, he saw a deep 
purple car that looked brand new. “ Stooooop! Please stop!” Billy 
yelled like a crazy person. The car stopped and there was a woman that 
was 19 and 5 feet 6in tall. She was wearing a bold blue summer dress 
with daisies on it.  
. “Hi! My name is Emily. What do you need?” the women asked.  
“I need gas for my car, and I have to be at the airport now.” The 
woman then got some gasoline from her trunk and gave it to Billy. 
“Thank you so much!” He then drove the rest of the way to the airport. 




After the drive of eternity, Billy finally parked his car in the 
parking lot of the airport. Then he went into the airport. He went 
through airport security, which took forever times infinity, then waited 
for his flight. Then billy heard on the loudspeaker, “Flight 3864258 is 
ready to board. He then was going on the flight. The guard stopped him 
and asked for his passport. He was tired and didn’t think much of it.  

“ That’s weird. I’m only going to San Francisco.” Billy mumbled 
to himself.  




He then got in his seat and relaxed. He was in first class because 
he was on a business trip and got the aisle to himself. It was the most 
comfortable seat in the plane. It was as soft as a cloud. Then there 
was a person who came minutes before the plane took off. The man was 
so short that he looked like a 14-year-old boy. He had black hair that 
was really long and a beard that was as long as a strand of spaghetti. 
Before they flew off, there was a video about airplane safety. The 
pilot’s voice came on the speaker and he said,  

“ Attention travelers! We are going on a ten-hour flight. This is 
flight 3864258 saying have a good flight!”   





Billy was glad to be on the plane and relaxed when suddenly he 
realized that the flight was 10 hours! The plane started to take off so 
Billy looked at his travel ticket and it read: Flight 3864250 To San 
Francisco, California; Billy froze and started to think of how he can 
get off the flight. He started to cry as he looked out the window. The 
person next to him looked at him and tried to calm him down. ¨ 

We can get a flight attendant if you want.¨ the man suggested. 
¨I am supposed to get to the business meeting on August 23 in 
the evening. I would never get there on time.¨ Billy said, with worry in 
his eyes.  
¨It is only August 22, not the 23. That means you have a whole 
other day to get to where you're supposed to go.¨ The man said  
“Oh! I guess I was worrying for nothing.” It was about 1 hour 
into the flight and Billy was getting bored so he talked to the guy 
because there were about 7 hours left on the flight.  
“ What’s your name?” asked Billy.  
“My name is Sans,” he said. 




They talked forever with sans and when he got off he went on a 
10-hour flight that went straight to San Francisco. He slept for 
almost the whole flight. 

It was 3:00 pm when he got off the plane so he only had 4 hours 
to get ready. The meeting went so well that Billy got promoted to get 
paid $25 an hour for five years! He was so happy that he threw a party 
with all of his coworkers. They all had a great time!  



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