Happy New Year, City of Commerce! We Ruben Villalobos, and Library Section Super-
hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holi- visor Yolanda Cardenas-Parra. We are sad
day season with your loved ones. to see them leave, but are eternally grateful
2017 was a year of progress and transition for their many years of service to the Com-
and together, we’ll merce community.
hit the ground run- We wish them well
ning in 2018. as they enjoy their
As we enter the retirement.
New Year, let us Residents en-
look forward to new rolled in college or
changes and new who will be attend-
beginnings for our ing college this fall
City. First, we’d like are invited to apply
to welcome our for a 2017 City of
new City Adminis- Commerce Schol-
trator Edgar P. Cis- arship. Last year,
neros to the the City awarded
Commerce family. $80,000 worth of
Prior to accepting scholarships to 52
the Commerce City students. Applica-
Administrator’s po- tions will be avail-
sition, Cisneros able starting
was the city man- January 11 online
ager in Huntington only, via the Com-
Park. He previously merce Library’s
worked as a district website at
representative and
press secretary for The holidays
now retired State have come to an
Senator Martha Es- City Administrator end and it is time to
cutia and served on Edgar P. Cisneros remove the won-
behalf of the derful smelling, live
County of Los An- Christmas tree that
Is a monthly magazine published by the geles as the Senior Field Deputy for former has been in our living room for the past few
City of Commerce and mailed to
Supervisor Gloria Molina. He is currently a weeks. CalMet will collect Christmas trees
Commerce residents. The Connection is
also available at all City facilities. board member of the Montebello Unified throughout the month of January but resi-
Staff Writers and Photographers School District. We look forward to working dents are reminded to remove all decora-
Daniel Larios
Marie Hovik with him to make Commerce the Model City. tions, tinsel, and the stand. Flocked trees
Graphic Design Layout & Illustrator In addition, it is with a heavy heart that we cannot be recycled and should be placed in
Anthony Aguilar
announce the retirement of four long time your refuse container for disposal.
To submit a story idea or a high
definition digital photo for Commerce employees: Teen Center Super- Now that winter break is over, the time has
publishing consideration,
please contact the visor Lucinda Blancarte, Central Stores Spe- come to get back to business.
Public Information Office
323-887-4453 cialist David Hovik, Camp Program Manager
[email protected] KIDS ASK:
Dear Miss Commerce,
2 Connection How many crowns do you have? Emma Hernandez, 5
I wish I had many, but I only have one beautiful crown.
Do you like being Miss Commerce? Dannielynn Escobar, 8
Yes, I really love being Miss Commerce because I enjoy representing my city.
I love that I am able to cherish every moment I have with all of you.
DECEMBER 5, 2017 Established the Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee to work with
staff on economic development related matters.
Recognized Bell Gardens High School on their 70th Anniversary. Appointed Daniel Cortez to the Traffic Commission.
Recognized the Little Performers Group for their successful production Adjourned in memory of former Commerce Preschool teacher Connie
of “Annie.” Ochoa.
Received and filed an update regarding the potential reorganization of
the Bristow area from LAUSD to MUSD and directed staff to prepare NOVEMBER 7, 2017
a petition to be submitted to the County Superintendent of Schools.
Approved an Ordinance to change General Municipal Election dates Approved the use of Bandini Park for the 7th Annual Relay for Life Com-
to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March of even-numbered merce organized by the American Cancer Society.
years. Approved an agreement with Walden University Social Work Program,
Approved an Interim Urgency Ordinance declaring and imposing a 45- to authorize the City to offer field internships for students in the City's
day citywide moratorium on the establishment and operation of com- social programs.
mercial cannabis activities authorized by the Adult Use of Marijuana Received and filed a report regarding a potential ordinance addressing
Act. aggressive panhandling.
Approved funding for the Military Banner Program.
NOVEMBER 21, 2017 Appointed Alejandro Mendoza to the Library Commission.
Recognized Angel Agauto for his countless achievements and many OCTOBER 17, 2017
years of dedicated service to the City and for serving as a member of
the U.S. Army. Received and filed a presentation on the Department of Public Health
Recognized Jayda Silva and Claudia Torres for their heroic actions in Outreach Regarding Zika Virus.
helping a referee suffering from a heart attack at the Sept. 16 Com- Approved the plans and specifications and authorized staff to advertise
merce Swim Meet. for bids the contract package for repairs to the Veterans Park gym area
Received and filed a report regarding Commerce Refuse to Energy for the interim use of the Crush volleyball program.
Authority and impacts of closure. Appointed Noel Tapia as City Attorney and Norma Copado as Assistant
City Attorney.
Adjourned in memory of Juan Valdez, Paulo Solis, and Mabeti.
Connection 3
During every one of their regular season
home matches, the Los Angeles Galaxy
honors police, fire, and military person-
nel and their families through its Hero of the
Game program to express the organizations’
gratitude for their sacrifice and service. During
their October 15 game against the Minnesota
United, the LA Galaxy honored Commerce
resident and active duty marine Staff Sergeant
Eduardo B. Baltazar.
“I feel humbled and grateful that I was nom- ries in the City of Commerce. I want to thank Staff Sergeant
inated to be the Hero of the Game,” Baltazar Alfred Jaramillo who was my soccer coach for
said. “We always see military personnel at- many years and all the wonderful people who Eduardo B. Baltazar
tending public events but I never would of continue to interact and volunteer for the City
thought that I would have that honor and priv- of Commerce.” holiday season more magical than ever,” he
ilege to represent myself and the Marine said. “I will be always grateful to the City of
Corps.” Growing up in Commerce, he and his family Commerce for offering this uniquely special
were the recipients of the community’s gen- program for their residents.”
SSgt. Baltazar is the first in his family to en- erosity via the Holiday Cheer program. His fa-
list and serve in the military, going into the vorite memory of Commerce is of a visit from SSgt. Baltazar, who is currently married and
United States Marine Corp. in 2006, surprising Santa Clause, which was sponsored by the has a one-year-old son, has never forgotten
many of his family and friends. He served six program. where he came from and is deeply apprecia-
overseas tours, including Iraq, Afghanistan, tive to the City of Commerce and holds many
Japan and Qatar and served as a Marine “Santa Clause came to our house and gave fond memories of his hometown.
Corps Liaison alongside the Air Force, Army, me and my siblings so many gifts which made
Navy, and British Air Force. my parents emotional and made that special “The City of Commerce knows how to take
care of its residents,” he said. “I want to say to
“What made me enlist in the Marines is the all the residents to take care of their city and
pride of being part of an elite group that is support the community as it has a wonderful
highly regarded as the best of the best,” he reputation.”
said. “I believe everyone has a purpose in life
and for me, this is what I was destined to do.”
Growing up in the City of Commerce, SSgt.
Baltazar was active in different Commerce
programs, especially the City’s recreational
sports program. Playing sports in Commerce
led him to play soccer for over 20 years for
multiple youth club teams.
“As I have traveled to many cities within our
beloved country as well as overseas, I have
not seen another city care so much for its peo-
ple,” he said. “I have made wonderful memo-
4 Connection
SnackingCtheommerce Way
Commerce Sports Supervisor Frank Garcia grew up in Commerce and recalls
going to the Rosewood Park Snack Bar as a boy to buy fries and a soda for
25¢. Today, small fries and a small soda would cost just $1.75, but the 500-
1000 patrons who visit the Snack Bars every week spend $3 to $5 each.
What are they ordering? Food Services Supervisor Karla Torres, who oversees
the Rosewood Park and Bristow Park Snack Bars, says their best sellers are regular
fries, chili cheese fries, Icees and hamburgers.
But there’s more to the menu than chili cheese fries, hamburgers and Icees. Staff
can and will make food not on the menu such as breakfast burritos and taco salads.
If they have the ingredients, Torres said, they can make it. In fact, all the food they
cook is made to order, which not only guarantees freshness but is also in keeping
with Torres’ approach to food service. “We want to provide affordable meals made
with fresh, quality ingredients,” she explains.
The demand for healthier fare, especially by Fitness Center patrons, has led Torres
to expand the menu, mainly at the Rosewood Park location, to include mixed berry
smoothies, garden salads, yogurt parfaits, protein burgers (with lettuce instead of
a bun) and chicken wraps.
Besides adding options for the health-conscious, Torres has emulated another
restaurant practice: seasonal menu items. Although her creativity is limited by the
Snack Bar’s confined space and the lack of an oven, Torres still finds ways to aug-
ment the menu. “Since I’ve started, we have tried to introduce more seasonal items:
broccoli soup, potato soup, chili con carne soup, aguas frescas and mangoñadas,”
she said. Other seasonal items are seasoned fries, chamoy candy apples, yogurt
parfait and Cuban sliders.
Keeping the menu dynamic is not Torres’ only goal. She also wants the Snack
Bar experience to be convenient for patrons so she is looking forward to the addition
of a POS (point of sale) system, which would allow the Snack Bar, for the first time,
to accept credit and debit cards.
Not surprisingly, the Snack Bar has cultivated a loyal following. Anna Hernandez
frequents the Snack Bar because of its close proximity to her workplace, among
other reasons. “It’s quick, local, and the food is good,” she said.
Candace Fernandez said her children like coming to the park; when they get hun-
gry she buys them chili cheese fries and hamburgers.
The Rosewood Park Snack Bar
is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Bristow Park Snack Bar
is open from Wednesday through Sunday from noon to 4:30 p.m.
Connection 5
The moment you walk into On Da Verge Hair Studio on Atlantic and Washington, you instantly
notice this isn’t your typical hair salon. That’s because Virginia Morales, owner and operator
of On Da Verge Hair Studio, lives and breathes hair.
“It has been my dream to open up a hair studio,” Morales said. “I have been doing hair for 15+
years and it’s been an honor to work and live in the City of Commerce, the heart of LA. Where
else would I set up shop other than in the Model City?”
Morales, a Commerce resident since 1992 and a business owner for 13 years, is known by
her clients and the community as the stylist to go to for any special occasion.
“I have been going here for many years and Virginia has never disappointed,” wrote customer
Vianey H. on the hair studio’s Yelp page. “I always leave very happy with my hair/all services I
may go in for. She always knows exactly what I want and offers great customer
Morales has worked hard to make On Da Verge the best hair studio in Southern
California, whose client list includes CEOs, Designers, Models, and Queens, in-
cluding getting contestants ready for the Miss Commerce Pageant. What’s her se-
“Consistency, Respect, and Endurance: we aim to please,” she said. “We create
and we see what others can’t see when it comes to hair.”
Among the services that On Da Verge Hair Studio specializes in are hair color,
hair cutting, and hair styling. However, each case is unique.
“Every day, every client is a project and that is always a challenge,” she said.
“The trust between client and stylist is hard to come by; it’s a relationship many
people don’t understand. It symbolizes growth and experience.”
On Da Verge is a welcoming environment and open to the community to
enjoy a world class hair styling experience.
“Don’t be afraid of change, risk it once in a while,” Morales said. “Make your
hair ideas come to life and do not always believe less is more: Play and have
Prospective clients can book appointments via phone at (323) 266-3316.
5211 E. Washington Blvd Ste#11
Wednesday-Saturday: 10 AM to 7 PM
6 Connection
Community Services Assistants have one
of the most important jobs in the City – as-
sisting children across busy streets before
and after school. These 13 men and women were for-
merly known as crossing guards about two years ago,
but were recently reclassified to Community Services As-
sistants. This allowed current staff to continue serving
as crossing guards as well as also acting as the City’s
extra eyes and ears of the community by patrolling parks
and residential neighborhoods while children are in
school. CSAs are a big help to the City’s Community
Services Officers, whose patrols are interrupted when
they must take reports, direct traffic or respond to other
types of calls.
Duties of CSAs can be summed up in three words: See, Observe
and Report. Via radio or phone, CSAs report graffiti, parking violations,
traffic collisions, improperly discarded bulky items, stray dogs, potholes
and other road hazards, suspicious persons and any other safety-re-
lated issues they happen to observe. The most common calls CSAs
make are for the removal of bulky items and graffiti.
Public Safety Manager Laura Tilley says the CSAs are an integral
part of the City’s vast crime prevention and public safety network. Staff
is constantly communicating with each other, other departments and
with the community to keep Commerce as safe as possible. The net-
work is so effective, she said, that it’s not unusual to receive calls from
dedicated staff who are reporting hazards on their days off!
The CSAs may see many hazards in their line of work but the most
challenging part of their jobs, Tilley believes, is likely when they are
performing their crossing guard duties as distracted motorists often
speed or fail to yield at stop signs.
The public’s response to the additional patrols has been positive;
parents have said they appreciate the CSAs’ presence which they feel
makes parks and neighborhoods safer.
Connection 7
Food Smart Workshops
Food Smart Workshops that are part of Commerce Library’s
six-months series of Health and Wellness program will begin
in January. AltaMed will be presenting six workshops on how
to find nutrition information, cook healthier meals, and more.
The program will be bilingual and those that attend all six will
receive a certificate. Please call 323-722-6660 to sign up.
The workshops will be on Tuesday’s at 6:30 and will rotate
among the libraries:
January 9 January 30
Rosewood Library Veterans Library
January 30 February 6
Bandini Library Rosewood Library
January 23 February 13
Bristow Library Bandini Library
Comic Book Hecho a Mano
attendees Hecho a Mano/Hand Made is our monthly craft program for
met comic adults. In January, we’ll be making no-sew fleece pillows. All
book authors supplies are provided.
and artists.
The City’s Aces Baseball Club participated in a Toy Drive Baseball January 9, 11 am
Tournament. All the toys were donated to Commerce children. Rosewood
8 Connection
January 10, 6 pm
January 11, 5:30 pm
January 17, 6pm
January 18, 5:30 pm
Occulus Rift Demos
We will also have virtual reality demos using our Oculus Rift
for ages 13 and older. The dates are: Monday, January 29,
5pm @ Rosewood and Wednesday, January 31, 5 p.m. at
How has your experience been on the court so far?
This has been such an exciting experience! Since I have been on the
court, I made new friends in our community and have a greater appreci-
ation for the amazing opportunities our generous city provides. I also
have grown tremendously throughout my time on the court. I am so grate-
ful to all of the people that work diligently at putting the pageant and pag-
eant outings together; they do everything with a smile, and have made
every event feel like I am traveling with family.
What do you hope to get out of your time serving on the court?
I hope to continue to be a positive role model to the young people in our
community and let the people who work in the City know just how thankful
I am for their hard work. I also hope that my family will be proud of how
active I am in the community.
What is the best thing about living in Commerce?
The City of Commerce has so many opportunities for its residents. The
best thing about living in Commerce is being a part of the community; It
is always so welcoming, warm and friendly, like one big happy family.
Are you furthering your education/working?
As of now I am finishing up high school in hopes of attending a four-year
What are your hobbies, extracurricular activities, interests?
Some of my hobbies include traveling, volunteer work, reading, writing,
animal care, swimming, paddle boarding and going on hikes. Some ex-
tracurricular activities I have taken on are ASB, Photography Club , Big
Sister Club (mentoring program) and serving as student advisor repre-
sentative. Some of my interests include pin collecting, babysitting, solv-
ing puzzles, being active in the community and bringing awareness to
women's issues.
What are your plans for the future?
I plan to complete a four-year bachelor’s degree at the university of my
choice, attend a physical therapy program in hopes of pursuing my dream
to be a sports physical therapist. Through that process, I hope to travel.
Connection 9
Veterans Day
Veterans from the United States Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and Marine Corp. were honored
during the annual Veterans Day Ceremony in November.
Turkey Trot Tree Lighting
The City hosted its annual Turkey Trot 5K Run last November, drawing Miss Commerce Wiley Canjura, her Royal Court and the Young Man of the Year Marcos Mendoza put
from a range of people including serious runners to those who enjoy a nice everyone in a holiday mood.
stroll around Rosewood Park.
Grease was the word at the Teen Center as Unplugged performed the classic musical in Miss Commerce Wiley Canjura and her Royal Court brought joy to the crowd by wishing
front of a packed house. them a Merry Christmas.
10 Connection
1 2 3 4 5 6
New Year’s Day Senior Citizens Dinner and a Movie
Commission Rosewood Library
City Hall and Libraries 12:30 p.m.
Closed 5:30 p.m.
Parks and Recreation
6 p.m.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
19 20
Each day has a Education City Council Meeting Hecho a Mano Scholarship
different shape to it. Commission 6:30 p.m. Rosewood Library Applications Available
You just roll with it.
6 p.m. . 6 p.m. Online
Ben Zobrist
Traffic Commission Public Safety &
6:30 p.m. Community Services
6:30 p.m.
14 15 16 17 18
Martin Luther City Council Meeting Hecho a Mano Hecho a Mano
King Jr. Day Bristow Library
6:30 p.m. Bandini Library
6 p.m.
5: 30 p.m.
Special Needs
City Hall and Libraries Commission 6:30 p.m
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Library Commission I-710 Local Advisory Planning Commission Spanish Reading Club Stranger Things
6 p.m. Committee 6:30 p.m. Rosewood Library Program
6 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Rosewood Library
Food Smart Workshop 2 p.m.
Bristow Library
6:30 p.m.
28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY MARCH
58th Birthday Virtual Reality Food Smart Workshop SMT W T FS SMT W T FS
City Incorporation Rosewood Library Veterans Library 123 123
6:30 p.m.
5 p.m. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
City Hall & 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Libraries Closed 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
Connection 11
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040 U.S. POSTAGE
Important Phone Numbers
Aquatic Center 323-887-4404 Residents 50+ years & people with disabilities
Public Safety 323-887-4460
Animal Control 323-887-4460 FREE ride (curb-to-curb) to the store, bank, etc. within 12
Weekend/Evenings 562-940-6898 miles of City Hall. Make your reservation at
Calmet 562-259-1239 least 24 hours in advance
SCE St. Lights Out* 800-611-1911 Transportation Department 323-887-4480
Mayor Oralia Y. Rebollo *Provide Light Pole # for Report
Mayor Pro Tem Ivan Altamirano
Councilmember Hugo A. Argumedo E.L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. 323-264-4151
Councilmember Leonard Mendoza
Graffiti Hotline 323-887-4444
Councilmember John Soria
Vector Control 562-944-9656
Union Pacific 888-877-7267
BNSF 800-832-5452
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, CA 90040 • (323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841 •
Channel 3 City CABLE Guide Residents who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves during
an emergency or disaster are encouraged to register for the City’s Special
Award winning cablecasts of the City Council Needs Checklist program. In the event of an emergency or disaster, first re-
Meeting sponders will check on the welfare of individuals on the checklist and render
Mondays 8 a.m, Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. necessary assistance.
(Live every 1st and 3rd Tues.), Wednesdays at 10 a.m.,
Thursdays at 5 p.m., Saturdays at 9 a.m. and To register for the program or for more information, please call Social Services
Sundays at 10 a.m. Division at 323-887-4460.
“In A Council Minute”
Mondays at 4 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 a.m., Wednesdays at 1
p.m., Thursdays at 4 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m., Saturdays at
11:00 a.m., Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Commerce City News
Mondays at 4:30 p.m., Tuesdays at 8 a.m., Wednesdays
at 3 p.m., Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., Friday at 5:30 p.m.,
Saturdays at 5:30 p.m., Sundays at 3:30 p.m.
Get to Know the C.S.O.”
Mondays at 12 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays
at 4 p.m., Thursdays at 3 p.m., Fridays at 9 a.m., Saturdays
at 6 p.m., Sundays at 8 p.m.