Is a monthly magazine published by the KEEPING YOU C NNECTED
City of Commerce and mailed to It’s autumn in the City of Commerce and
through December. Please get involved and
Commerce residents. The Connection is you know what that means: shorter days, help those Commerce families and individu-
also available at all City facilities. cooler nights, and the beginning of the hol- als in great need get through the holiday sea-
iday season. For the next three months, City son. To donate or sponsor a family, please
Staff Writers and Photographers staff will be working
Daniel Larios hard to bring exciting contact the Commu-
Marie Hovik and festive programs nity Services Depart-
and events for resi- ment at (323)
Graphic Design Layout & Illustrator dents of all ages, be- 887-4460. You can
Anthony Aguilar ginning with various learn more about the
Halloween activities program on page 6 of
To submit a story idea or a high this month. The Connection.
definition digital photo for The Department of
publishing consideration, Parks and Recreation In addition to the
please contact the has several Hal- Holiday Cheer Pro-
Public Information Office loween activities gram, the Employ-
323-887-4453 planned including a ment Services staff
[email protected] Costume Parade that from the Community begins promptly at 6 Services Department
p.m. at all parks, on are partnering with
2 Connection October 31. For more the Citadel Outlets to
information, call the organize the annual
Parks and Recreation Citadel Commerce
Department at (323) Job Fair on October
887-4434. If you or 11 at 10 a.m. at the
family members are Citadel Outlets. This
going trick or treating this year, be sure to be Job Fair routinely
safe out there: use well lit paths, choose safe draws more than 100
houses, examine all sweets before eating employers and over 2,000 job seekers. The
and wear flame resistant costumes that are Employment Services Division works closely
visible to motorists. with the folks from the Citadel Outlets to pro-
The Public Safety and Community Services vide businesses and job seekers with a great
Department is collecting donations for this opportunity to connect.
year’s Holiday Cheer program, which starts With that, I hope everyone remembers
with the Thanksgiving holiday and runs good common sense while trick or treating.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
If I no longer live in Commerce, can I still use the library?
Yes! All California residents can apply for a library card which will give them access to the li-
brary’s impressive book, DVD and digital collection. For more information, visit, call 323-722-6660, or visit your local library.
KIds AsK:
dear Miss Commerce,
What is your favorite thing to do when you are not doing Miss Commerce
events? FrankieJoe Luna, 7
I like spending time with my family. I also enjoy my hobbies as a makeup artist and scrap-
booking. Recently, I started hiking with my dogs Sam and Walter.
dear Young Man of the Year,
What are you going to be for Halloween? Alfred Ranjel, 8
I will be Prince Charming, of course! Don’t forget to head over to your local park at 6 p.m.
on Tuesday, October 31 for the contests and games.
REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5 Tournament and First Place at the Tri City League.
Recognized the Commerce Travel Boys and Girls Soccer Teams for
Approved the Memorandum of Understanding with the Los Angeles their successful season.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority for Measure "M" 20% Transit Op- Recognized Alma Maldonado, Senior Office Assistant, as the Employee
erations Funds. of the Quarter for the 2nd Quarter (April-June, 2017).
Approved an agreement with New Flyer of America, Inc. for the pur- Commended the Department of Public Works and Development Serv-
chase of four 2018 transit buses. ices for Receiving the “Hard Won Victory” Award for the Commerce
Received and filed a report regarding stormwater activities for the Green Zones Action Plan from the American Planning Association.
City of Commerce. Approved the creation of a Special Needs Commission.
Approved the allocation of $6,000 from Measure AA funds to increase Received and filed a status update by the California Department of
the size of replacement trees as part of the City's Ficus Tree Replace- Toxic Substance Control regarding a summary of the final Environmental
ment Program. Impact Report and draft Remedial Action Plan.
Appointed two councilmembers to an Ad Hoc Committee to work with Approved an Interim Urgency Ordinance enacting a forty-five day mora-
staff to study, evaluate and recommend alternatives for the Veterans torium on the raising rents and temporary measures protecting residents
Park Recreation Center. from evictions without cause.
Appointed Carmen Marquez to the Library Commission; Jon Reno Received and filed a status update report from City and MIG staff on
and Steve Craig to the Measure AA Committee; Jon Reno, Mark Lopez the implementation of the Green Zones Action Plan-Phase 1, and ap-
and Robert Taylor to the I-710 Committee. pointed two Councilmembers to a Green Zones Subcommittee.
Approved the final Landscape Plans for landscape improvements re-
Adjourned in the memory of Father Jules Mayer, Pastor Emeritus of quested by the City Council at the I-5 Freeway south bound ramps.
Saint Marcellinus Church. Received and filed a presentation on the results of the City of Com-
merce Homeless Count 2017.
REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 15 Appointed Sharon Basic to the Measure AA Advisory Committee, Es-
ther Zavala to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Isabel Caldera to
Recognized the Commerce Senior Soft Ball Team “The Eagles” for the Traffic Commission.
winning First Place at the Senior Olympics, First Place at the Fontana
Connection 3
CommerCe AquAtiCs he Commerce Water Polo program competed in the Junior
Olympics over the summer, hosted by USA Water Polo at
CHAMPIONS Tvarious venues throughout Orange County.
Leading the pack was the 14 & Under Boys Water Polo team, which
placed 1st in the Gold Division held on Tuesday, July 25, 2017.
The team played Santa Barbara 805 and Commerce was victori-
ous, 15 to 8.
The 14 & Under Girls placed 2nd in the nation out of 60 teams on
Sunday, July 30 at the Woollett Aquatic Center in Irvine. They
played against Laguna Beach, beating them 10 to 9.
The 18 & Under Boys Team competed in the Classic Division of
the Junior Olympics and placed 2nd out of 48 teams, beating Sad-
dleback El Toro (SET), 15 to 8.
The Girls 10 and Under Water Polo Team gained 4th place at the
Woolett Center.
The USA Water Polo Junior Olympic Championships is the
largest age group water polo tournament in the Nation. Athletes
and teams come from across the country to compete on the na-
tional stage. Teams compete over a 4-day period within their re-
spective age category.
The City of Commerce is home to the Brenda Villa Aquatics Cen-
ter, where the City sponsored highly competitive national and in-
ternational men’s and women’s swimming and water polo programs
are based.
4 Connection Commerce Swim and Water Polo are year round competitive pro-
grams serving the residents of the City of Commerce by offering
high quality professional coaching and technique instruction for all
ages and abilities. The programs strive to provide every member
an opportunity to improve their skills and achieve success at his or
her level of ability, from novice athlete to international competitor.
If you are over 6 years old and love to swim or want to play water
polo, stop by the Brenda Villa Aquatic Center with your swim suit
and towel and train to be one of the best in the world. For more in-
formation on the Aquatics program, contact the Brenda Villa
Aquatic Center at (323) 887-4404.
Ozzie’s Diner
7780 E. Slauson Ave.
Monday - Friday: 6 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday: 6 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sunday: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Since 1957, Ozzie’s Diner has been an en- décor which consists of a long counter, Javaheri is very satisfied with the location of
during landmark at what is now one of the turquoise seats and black and white checker- this Commerce institution.
busiest intersections in the City: Slauson board tile.
Avenue and Telegraph Road. “I’m very pleased where I am, very satisfied
In addition to retaining the diner’s retro am- and happy that we are a Commerce corpora-
Purportedly, before Ozzie Chitjian decided biance, current owner Jimmy Javaheri said he tion,” he said.
kept the business’ name because Ozzie was
to open his diner, he counted the number of a friend. To further pay homage to his friend, Doing Business
Javaheri left Ozzie’s black and white framed
passing trucks, ostensibly to gauge the photos displayed throughout the eatery. •In 1987, a fire caused the diner
to close for several months.
amount of potential customers the eatery The diner’s •24 current employees.
menu, however, •Two popular menu items
might realize. is decidedly are hamburgers and omelets.
•The customer base typically
What he not so retro. consists of local employees,
Although travelers and regulars.
couldn’t count burgers and •Space is available for
meetings and parties.
was the num- fries are the
traditional Connection 5
ber of his cus- options,
there is a
tomers that plethora of other
choices, such as
would remain omelets, Mexican food, sandwiches, Chinese
chicken salad, steak, chicken and much more.
loyal to the Undoubtedly, the extensive menu serves to
satisfy the diverse palates of Ozzie’s cus-
diner for tomers, some who discover the diner while
driving by. Now, counting the many trucks and
decades. vehicles that stream pass the diner every day
would be difficult, but it is also unnecessary as
John Salcido, who favors
the diner’s Armenian Sand-
wich, used to frequent the diner to conduct
business. Now retired, he still feels drawn to
the place.
“A lot of people who come here have come
here for a long time,” he explained. “It’s a clas-
Classic certainly describes the diner’s 1950s
3rd annual Comic Invasion In-N-Out Burger Reading Program
The City of Commerce Public Library is getting ready for the third an- Children ages 4 to 12 are invited to participate in the In-N-Out
nual Comic Book Invasion, scheduled for Saturday, October 14 at the Burger Reading Program from Monday, October 9 to Saturday,
Rosewood Neighborhood Library. The free event, which is open to the November 18. Children can register for the program at any
public, will have programs for children, teens and adults who enjoy Commerce library. Children who read five books at their reading
science fiction, fantasy and similar genres. Fans are also invited to level and report at the library will receive a certificate and
cosplay (wear costumes of their favorite fictional characters) and enter coupon for a free hamburger or cheeseburger from In-N-Out
the costume contest. Burger. Pre-readers can receive credit for books read to them
by parents or caregivers. Children may read up to fifteen books
and receive a maximum of three coupons.
Science in the Library!
Hands-on fun and learning with “STEM” subjects (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math). Science educator Angie
Paz will lead children in science learning with a fun hands-on
activity. All materials will be provided for free. Space is limited.
Ages 8 – 10
4 to 5:30 PM
Thursday, October 5 – Bandini Library
Friday, October 6 – Bristow Library
Thursday, October 12 – Veterans Library
Friday, October 13 – Rosewood Library
Please register at any Commerce library or call (323) 722-6660.
Registration open until filled.
“Fitivities” Game Programs
As part of the library’s Health and Wellness initiative, “Fitivities”
fitness board game sessions for children are being held at the
four libraries. “Fitivities” is a board game that encourages phys-
ical activity through fitness activities such as push-ups, burpees,
and other exercise challenges. All programs are from 4 to 6
October 25 – Bandini Library
November 1 – Bristow Library
November 8 – Rosewood Library
November 15 – Veterans Library
To access the online resources, go to and click on
the Electronic Resources tab. A Commerce Library card number is
Halloween Home F or nearly 20 years, the City’s Holiday Cheer Program has bright-
Decorations Contest ened the holidays of Commerce families by providing them with
food, clothing, gifts and more during the Easter, Thanksgiving and
Thursday, October 26 Christmas holidays. The program’s success depends heavily on the
$75 gift card for each winner generosity of benefactors, including Commerce businesses, residents
and civic organizations.
(one per neighborhood)
Information coming soon! There are two ways businesses, organizations and individuals can
help families have a better holiday season. One way is by donating
Halloween Costume Contest money, gift cards, clothes, food, and toys to the City’s Department of
Tuesday, October 31 Public Safety and Community Services for distribution. To give gifts di-
6 p.m. All parks rectly to a family is to sponsor them. Participating families are selected
Best Decorated Pumpkin, and screened by Social Services staff. After staff verifies eligibility and
Best Pet Costume and Games conducts a home visit, sponsors are provided with wish lists to help
them shop for the family.
According to Social Services Coordinator Moyra Garcia, the Holiday
Cheer program is beneficial to all participants.
“The Holiday Cheer program is unique because it gives businesses
in the community an opportunity to help struggling families via donations
or sponsorship,” Garcia said. “Every year, I see the joy and smiles this
endeavor brings to both sponsors and families.”
However, despite the generosity of donors, there is always a concern
that the needs may outweigh the amount of canned food, toys and
money donated, according to Social Services Coordinator Ed Saucedo.
Helping to fill the void is the Commerce Hotel and Casino holiday
party, complete with dinner, entertainment and toys for registered chil-
dren and one of their parents. The holiday party, Saucedo believes, is
vital to the program.
“One constant that remains and we cannot do without is the Com-
merce Casino,” Saucedo said.
One particular mother and her children have been grateful Holiday
Cheer program recipients for many years. She said her kids “really have
fun at those parties.” Although her husband works, the holidays are
challenging for them.
“Sometimes I can’t afford Christmas presents for all my kids so this
program really helps me,” she said.
Residents can register for the Holiday Cheer Program on Tuesdays
from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and on Thursdays from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the
Community Services Department until December 12. Program guide-
lines are available at the Community Services Department.
Businesses, organizations and individuals wishing to make a donation
or sponsor a family are urged to call the Social Services Division at 323-
887-4460 to learn more.
Connection 7
This soccer season, 18 recreational strives to improve her team’s skills collectively accomplish more,”
teams were formed to accommodate the and acknowledges the physicality of the sport. The coaches’ efforts are noticed and appre-
255 kids who wanted to play the popular
sport. “Playing soccer requires you to be in good ciated by their players who are quick to praise
shape, so it promotes good health,” she said. them.
“It’s enjoyable and fun, even if you don’t “Being a part of any team teaches discipline
know how to play soccer,” said Arturo Nunez, and hard work.” “I like how the coaches condition us,” said
11, who plays soccer for the Bandini Park Rosewood Park’s Alondra Lugo, 10, who also
team. “When you play, more people will want The 7-9 year-old girls on the Veterans Park plays for the City’s travelling soccer team.
to play it because they see us having fun.” team are coached by Fatima Garcia who has
been focusing on fundamentals and coordina- Juan Mendoza, 12, of the Bandini Park team
Brianna Monterrosa, 13, is one of the two tion. believes coaches help players improve. “If
girls who plays on the boy’s Bristow Park team you’ve never played soccer before, you have
and shares that sentiment, if for different rea- “It’s hard to run with the ball and to maneuver a coach and can learn more and become a
sons. or pass it,” she acknowledges. better player.”
“It’s different from playing with all girls,” she She attributes her team’s steady progress to Working to become a better player, along
said. “Boys are more aggressive than girls. It’s their hard work and eagerness to learn. Garcia with enjoyment of the sport, is at the heart of
really fun.” is also trying to instill one of the most important Commerce soccer and Brianna Monterrosa
principles of soccer that will lead to success agrees:
There is, of course, hard work involved in on the field: teamwork.
playing soccer. “It’s not about winning, it’s about having fun,”
“They learn how to work together as a team, she said.
Jessica Hannah has been a soccer coach as a group, that’s what we teach,” she ex-
since 2004 and routinely introduces drills that plained. “They’re playing as a team, not indi- For more information on the City’s recre-
will benefit the team. Like any good coach, she vidually. They’re learning that together they ational or travelling sports teams, contact the
Sports Office at 323-887-4432.
The Youth Education and Service (YES) Working in the YES Program also gives Parks and Recreation, Public Works and De-
Program is offered by the City of Com- teens the experience of a daily routine of get- velopment Services, Library Services or
merce every year in order to give Com- ting up, getting ready and going to work. Par- Transportation.
merce teens necessary job skills and ticipants get a feel for what it is like to work a
experience over the summer. This program fo- job and a clear idea of what type of job they “I worked at the City’s Graphics and Printing
cuses on helping youth develop the knowl- want to pursue in the future. Other benefits in- Services Department and learned Photoshop,
edge, experience and self-confidence needed clude building references, mentoring from City how to make posters, and so much more,”
to succeed in a professional work environ- staff and developing strong social skills. said 15-year old Karen Rincon. “I thought I
ment. wouldn’t like this department, but once I
“It’s a new experience,” said 15 year old An- started, I liked coming back in to work.”
“It’s a calm, nice environment: the City staff gelique Cabral. “It teaches you to do a job, get-
is nice, patient and great to work with,” said ting the hang of it, and develop a good work For more information on the YES Program
15-year-old Kevin Espinoza, who worked at ethic that future bosses will appreciate.” or for career opportunities in the City of Com-
the City’s Finance Department as a YES merce, contact the Human Resources Depart-
worker this summer. “It’s a good program. You To qualify, teens must be 14 to 19 years-of- ment at (323) 722-4805 ext. 2266 or visit the
learn how to work at a young age and get ex- age and have a current Resident Activity Card. City’s website and click on “Employment”
perience out of it and can put in on your re- Applicants can work in one of the Cityʼs many under Useful Links.
sume.” departments including, Administration, Com-
munity Services, Community Development,
Connection 9
Back to School Bash
An energetic attendee gets the dancing started at the Back to School Bash Celebration.
Summer Camp Ends
Commerce Jam 2 Rosewood Day Camp ending party was troll-tastic.
Young Man of the Year Mark Lopez with his family enjoying the annual
concert in the park at Rosewood.
Bandini Elementary School
Hurricane Harvey Relief
The City recently added crossing guard service at Kinsie and Couts in front of Bandini Ele- The City’s Community Services Department raised much needed funds for Hurricane Harvey
mentary School relief with a Snow Cone sale.
10 Connection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Appy Hour City Council Meeting Senior Citizens Parks and Recreation Science Fun Starbucks Puppet
Healthy Living 6:30 p.m. Commission Commission Ages 8-10 Show
Rosewood Library 12 p.m. 6 p.m. Bristow Library
Atlantic & Washington
6:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 10 a.m.
Youth Advisory Hecho a Mano Cry Now Movie Meet
Commission Rosewood Library & Mingle
7 p.m.
6 p.m. Rosewood Library
6:30 p.m.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Education Coffee with Veterans City of Science Fun Science Fun Comic Book Invasion
Commission Rosewood Library Commerce/Citadel Ages 8-10 Ages 8-10 Rosewood Library
5:30 p.m. Rosewood Library 10 a.m.
6 p.m. Job Fair Veterans Library
Computer Class 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m.
Virtual Reality Rosewood Library
Latin America Task Force Community Services
Rosewood Library 6 p.m. 3 p.m. Commission
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m. Measure AA Meeting Traffic Commission
6 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
16 17 18 19 20 21
City Council Meeting Teen Obstacle Course Laughter Rhythm
6:30 p.m. Bristow Library Rosewood Library
5 p.m. 6 p.m.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Library Commission Computer Class Fitivity Hecho a Mano Itsy Bitsy Halloween
6 p.m. Rosewood Library Bandini Library Bandini Library 6:30 p.m.
6 p.m. 4 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Senior Center
I-710 Advisory Planning Commission Spanish Reading Club
Committee Meeting Rosewood Library
6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Dia De Los Muertos City Hall & Halloween SMT W T FS SMT W T FS
Bristow Park Libraries Closed 1 2 34 12
1-5 p.m. Halloween Parade
6 p.m. sharp 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 345 6 7 8 9
All parks 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
Connection 11
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040
Important Phone Numbers
Aquatic Center 323-887-4404
Public Safety 323-887-4460
Animal Control 323-887-4460
Weekend/Evenings 562-940-6898
Calmet 562-259-1239
SCE St. Lights Out* 800-611-1911
Mayor Oralia Y. Rebollo *Provide Light Pole # for Report
Mayor Pro Tem Ivan Altamirano
Councilmember Hugo A. Argumedo E.L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. 323-264-4151
Councilmember Leonard Mendoza
Graffiti Hotline 323-887-4444
Councilmember John Soria
Vector Control 562-944-9656
Union Pacific 888-877-7267
BNSF 800-832-5452
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, CA 90040 • (323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841 •
channel 3 city CABLE guide
Award winning cablecasts of the City Council Meeting
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. (Live every 1st and 3rd Tues.)
Mondays 8 a.m., Wednesdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays at 5 p.m.,
Saturdays at 9 a.m.
“In A Council Minute”
Mondays at 4 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 a.m., Wednesdays at 1 p.m.,
Thursdays at 4 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m., Saturdays at 11:00 a.m.,
Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Commerce City News
Mondays at 4:30 p.m., Tuesdays at 8 a.m., Wednesday
at 3 p.m., Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., Friday at 5:30 p.m.,
Saturdays at 5:30 p.m., Sundays at 3:30 p.m.
“Adopt a pet”
Mondays at 12 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays
at 4 p.m., Thursdays at 3 p.m., Fridays at 9 a.m., Saturdays
at 6 p.m., Sundays at 8 p.m.
Teen Center Performing Arts presents: “Grease”
Mondays at 6 p.m., Tuesdays at 12 p.m., Wednesdays at 8 a.m.,
Thursdays at 6 p.m. or after City Council Meeting, Fridays
at 6 p.m., Saturdays at 11:30 a.m., Sundays at 5:30 p.m.