INSIDE The grand marshals of the SummerFest’s 2K Abilities Color Fun Run led a crowd of hundreds around Rosewood Park to kick off the Summer season in the Model City
Page 2 Summer in Commerce: The Season of Fun
Its summertime in Commerce, which means daily dips in the Brenda Villa working parents who do not have the resources for child care. Luckily, the
•Resident Inquiries Aquatics Center pool, ice cream from the snack bar, the Commerce Public City of Commerce provides a Summer Day Camp program that lets kids
Library’s Summer Reading Program and various other activities and events hang out with their friends, go on trips, stay cool by swimming in the pool,
Page 3
that go on throughout the City. and so much more.
•Election Results The first day of summer in Commerce started off with the now traditional “Day Camp is so fun, I love coming here every year,” said Commerce
Page 4 SummerFest Summer Kick Off event, which was held at Rosewood Park. resident and Day Camper Kiara Araiza. “Me and my friends get to hang out
•Library News The extravaganza began with the always fun and exciting 2K Abilities Color all summer and I think it’s awesome that we can do it in Day Camp.”
•Miss Dodgers
Run, which saw hundreds of residents in white clothing run 2 kilometers The City of Commerce is proud to offer these programs to ensure that
Page 5
around Rosewood Park while being pelted with color powder by City staff. In residents and their families have fun during their summer break. It’s just
•Youth Baseball order to raise awareness of individuals with disabilities, the grand marshals one of the many reasons why the City of Commerce is the Model City.
Page 6 of the run were a group of young Commerce residents who either had phys-
•Rabies Clinic ical or developmental conditions.
•4th of July
“This event is always so awesome and I’m incredibly grateful that the City
Page 8
chose my son to be one of the grand marshals,” said Commerce resident
•Coyote Alert
Erika Bojorquez. “My kid had a great time at the Fun Run and it was great to
Si le interesa recibir un artículo
en español, por favor llame a see the community enjoying the day together. There were so many well
la Oficina de Información
Pública al (323) 722-4805 ext thought out inclusive activities that made the event enjoyable and stress-free.”
4453. Indique el título del
artículo, la fecha y su domicillio Summer in Commerce also includes one of the most popular City events,
o correo electrónico.
the Annual Independence Day Celebration in Rosewood Park, where thou-
sands of people gathered to celebrate the birth of America. Official cere-
monies began with a welcome and introduction by Master of Ceremonies
Adolfo Marquez, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation and Miss 4th of
July Natalie Magallon.
At the beginning of the program, residents participated in activities, which
included the annual “Commerce’s Got Talent” talent show and were treated
to performances by the City’s Jazz, Folklorico, and Tap and Ballet programs.
Attendees also had a blast at the 4th of July carnival, which included a ferris
wheel, carnival games and a funhouse. The highlight of the celebration was
a dazzling 30-minute fireworks show provided by Pyro Spectaculars.
“I always love coming here for the Fourth of July,” said carnival-goer San-
dra Cisneros. “It’s an annual tradition I never miss and it’s one of the best city-
sponsored celebrations that Commerce has. The music, the games, the food:
it’s all good.” Day Campers are treated to various field trips and activities, such as fishing,
Summer is also the time when school is out, which can be an issue with watching movies, and much more.
From The Desk of Matthew Rodriguez City of Commerce Council Actions
Interim City Administrator Winners of the Library’s 2017 Children’s Bookmark and Essay Contest with members of the Education Commission
It’s hard to believe we are more than halfway through Regular Meeting of July 5 Approved Agreements for Architectural Engineering for En-
the summer, but the great news is there are still plenty vironmental Science, Planning, Analysis & Assessment, and
of City events and excursions to participate in, such as Recognized teens who participated in the Library’s Comic Regulatory Compliance and Planning Services.
the Back to School Bash, Dodger game trip, and much Book Workshop. Approved the execution of an Agreement with the County of
more. Los Angeles to provide massage establishment inspection
services for public health and safety purposes.
July was a busy month for us and I hope you all had a Authorized temporary street closures for the 2017 Annual
chance to attend the Independence Day Celebration. I 5K Freedom Run.
want to thank our City staff, in particular, the Parks and Approved the annual Appropriations Limit for fiscal year
Recreation Department for putting in long hours and hard 2017-2018.
work to make sure the three-day celebration went off with- Directed staff to finalize a new Holiday Decor Program with
out a hitch. I’d also like to congratulate all those who par- the City Council Sub-Committee for Holiday Decor
ticipated in our 5K Freedom Run. Adopted the Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-
Speaking of summer, our annual Youth Education and Presented outgoing Councilmembers Lilia R. Leon and Tina
Service (Y.E.S.) Leadership and Mentoring Program is in Baca Del Rio with commendations honoring their service to
full swing. This year, 85 Commerce residents ages 14-19 the City.
were hired to work for the City in different areas and de-
partments. This program allows teens from every part of Authorized staff to apply for Transportation Grant Funding Former Mayor and Councilmember Lilia R. Leon, pictured with daugh-
the City to learn basic job skills employers are looking for for Capital and Operating Assistance for Fiscal Year 2017- ter-in-law Nicky Leon, was recognized for her service to the City of
and to gain job experience that will look good on their re- 2018. Commerce.
sume. Approved the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purchase
of bus stop signage production.
Congratulations to the 2017 Commerce Scholarship re- Received and filed a presentation regarding California
cipients. This year, 52 scholarships, totaling approximately High Speed Rail Los Angeles to Anaheim Project section
$80,000, were given to Commerce residents who are at- and impact.
tending colleges in the fall. I would like to thank all the stu- Approved a resolution accepting the 2017 Active Trans-
dents who participated this year and all the generous portation Program Grant Award.
donors whose contributions made it possible for students Approved a public works contract with Calpromax Engi-
to pursue a higher education. I would also like to thank neering, Inc. for safety improvements at Washington Blvd at
the Commerce Library’s Literacy Services staff for organ- Garfield Ave./Yates Ave. and Garfield Ave at Yates Ave/Malt
izing and fundraising for this worthwhile program. This is Ave sidewalk.
just one of the many successful Commerce programs that Conitnued the allocation of $125,391.28 for semi-custom
we offer to invest in our City’s future. Streetlight Pole Replacement Project to enhance City beau-
tification and branding.
While the Commerce Scholarship helps current college Made the appropriate councilmember delegate and alter-
students, the City also helps prospective college students nate appointments to the outside boards and agencies.
find resources and networking opportunities with their Made appointments to City Commissions and Committees.
dream schools. The Commerce Public Library will be host- Allocated additional funds for the Adventure Club trip to
ing its 12th annual Commerce to College Fair on Septem- San Francisco.
ber 9, at Rosewood Park from 10 am to 2 pm. The event,
which is considered the largest college fair in Southeast
Los Angeles, is open to anyone who is interested in higher
I’d like invite you to participate in the 34th Annual Na-
tional Night Out on Tuesday, August 1. Sheriff’s deputies,
firefighters, public safety division staff and city officials will
be at block parties hosted by Neighborhood Watch block
captains throughout the City to provide safety materials
and listen to your concerns. Call the Public Safety Division
at 323-887-4460 for locations.
Matthew Rodriguez
Interim City Administrator
Published Monthly and Mailed to Commerce Residents Regular Meeting of June 20
Director of Administrative Graphics Design Declared the results of June 6, 2017 General Municipal Former Mayor and Councilmember Tina Baca Del Rio, pictured with
Services and City Clerk Anthony Aguilar Election and presented certificates of election. her family, was recognized for her service to the City of Commerce.
Presented Award Certificates and Prizes to the First Place
Lena Shumway PIO Staff: Winners of the Library Services Department 2017 Chil-
Eileen Zamorano dren’s Bookmark and Essay Contest.
Editing/Writing: Accepted the completed Veterans Memorial Park Lead
Daniel Larios Edward Torres Abatement Project.
Marie Hovik Adriana Torres Accepted the work performed by EC Construction, Co. for
Darryl Leyden the Slauson Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Project.
Joe Sandoval
Commerce Resident Inquiry
Please call (323) 887-4453
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. or How do I know if the bus is running on time?
visit us online at You can access the “CC Transit” app, which provides real-time arrival information for the City of Commerce Transit Sys-
tem. You can track your bus in real-time on the live map to see the exact location of your bus and receive estimated arrival
times at your particular bus stop. Use the app to mark favorite stops and routes, set reminders, get alerts via text message
regarding delays or service changes, provide feedback and access general information about CC Transit. The App is fun,
easy to use and best of all it’s FREE!
What is the trash holiday schedule?
CalMet Services does not provide service on Sundays on on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Inde-
pendence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. If the collection day falls on or after one of these holidays,
the services will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the holiday week.
2 • August 2017 • Report to the People
The Commerce Public Library has recently hosted a Conozca Sus Derechos During a CERT exercise, trainees practice moving an “injured” youth.
number of workshops to help immigrants understand
their rights. For those who could not make it, if you, a Si usted tiene que tratar con oficiales de Inmigración y Emergency Response
family member or friend have to deal with Immigration and Control de Aduanas (ICE) en la casa, calle, o en algún
Customs Enforcement (ICE) or other law enforcement offi- otro lugar, recuerde que tienes derechos. Chances are, during the early stages following a disas-
cers at home, on the street or anywhere else, remember you Immigrantes tienen derechos: ter, your neighborhood may need to fend for itself.
have rights. -Usted tiene el derecho de permanecer callado. Usted However, if your neighborhood has anyone who is on
puede rechazar hablar con un oficial de inmigración. the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), you
According to the National Immigration Law Center, -Lleve consigo una tarjeta que tiene tus derechos, y and your neighbors will be much better off.
Commerce residents who are immigrants have the fol- enséñela si un oficial de inmigración lo detiene.
lowing rights: -No abra la puerta. Para poder entrar en su hogar, ICE The concept of the CERT program is simple: Train people
-You have the right to remain silent and may refuse to tiene que tener una orden judicial firmada por un juez. Si so that they can take care of themselves, their family and their
speak to immigration officers. un agente de ICE quiere mostrarle una orden judicial, lo neighbors in the event of a disaster. Those CERT-trained peo-
-Carry a know-your-rights card and show it if an immigration puede hacer poniéndola contra una ventana o la puede ple can then help others in the community, including busi-
officer stops you. pasar por debajo de la puerta. nesses.
-Do not open your door unless an ICE agent shows you a -Usted tiene el derecho de consultar a un abogado. Antes
warrant, either through the window or slid under the door. de firmar cualquier documento, consulte con un abogado. TRAINING INCLUDES:
-You have the right to speak to a lawyer. -Siempre lleve con usted cualquier documento de inmi
-Before you sign anything, talk to a lawyer. gración válido que tenga, por ejemplo un permiso de tra •Disaster preparedness
-Always carry any valid immigration documents you have, bajo válido o una tarjeta de residencia permanente (la •Damage assessment
such as a valid work permit or a green card with you. “green card”), asegúrese de traerlo con usted por si nece •Extinguishing small fires and teaching fire safet
Do not carry a foreign passport. sita enseñarlo como identificación. No lleve documentos •Performing light search and rescue operations
-If you are worried ICE will arrest you, let the officer know if de otro país, como un pasaporte extranjero. •Performing triage and providing medical treatment
you have children. -Si usted tiene hijos y tiene miedo de que ICE lo arreste, •Organizing the procurement of supplies
dígale al oficial de ICE que tiene hijos.
For more information or to print a Know Your Rights card, In addition to disaster response, CERT members can assist
contact the National Immigration Law Center at (213) 639- Para mas informacion o para obtener una tarjeta que tiene with other non-disaster functions as well.
3900 or visit their website at sus derechos, llame al National Immigration Law Center
(213) 639-3900 o visita CERT members should not be confused with the City’s 20-
member Urban Search and Rescue Team (USAR), which
June 6 City Council consists of dedicated City employees who are trained to re-
Election Results spond to disasters occurring in the City such as power out-
ages, severe rain storms and other emergency incidents.
“Following a disaster, we all need to be prepared to take
care of ourselves for the first 72 hours,” said Assistant Emer-
gency Preparedness Officer Ernie Fierro. “LA County emer-
gency first responders will not be able to meet the need of
every neighborhood needing assistance. With the help of the
City’s CERT and USAR teams, Commerce will be better able
to manage itself.”
CERT training is held in the spring and in the fall. This year’s
fall session is being condensed into three, eight-hour classes
on Saturdays; spring session is a seven-week course of
three-hour classes that meet on a weeknight.
In addition to taking the required spring or fall training, stu-
dents must be 18 years old and be able to demonstrate that
they’ve acquired and retained the requisite knowledge.
However, early next year, the City will be forming a Teen
CERT program with training being held over a weekend at
Camp Commerce.
Although CERT certification never expires, CERT volun-
teers often opt to take refresher courses to keep their skills
and knowledge current.
Congratulations to the 17 spring 2017 CERT graduates who
join the ranks of the nearly 100 CERT-trained individuals in
the community.
Since there are no physical requirements to join CERT,
physical limitations should not prevent anyone from becom-
ing CERT certified.
To enroll in the fall CERT course or for more information
about the program, please contact Assistant Emergency Pre-
paredness Officer Ernie Fierro at 323-887-4460 or email
[email protected]
Report to the People • August 2017 • 3
Library News PRINCESS PROFILE: Mayra Olivas
Library Wins PR Excel- Miss Dodgers/
lence Award Miss Friendship
The City of Commerce Public Library has been awarded How has your experience been on the
a California Library Association PR Excellence Award. The court so far?
PR Excellence Awards honor the highest quality efforts of
California libraries in promoting and communicating their Genuinely, my experience in the court has been filled with nothing
message to their customers. The library won the award for but excitement, laughter, memories, and an endless amount of
their Instagram Challenge initiative. The award will be pre- food. It is an honor to represent the City of Commerce as Miss
sented at the California Library Association Conference Dodgers and Miss Friendship and I cannot wait to see what else
Awards Dinner Gala on Friday, November 3, 2017 in the future has in store for me.
What do you hope to get out of
Commerce Library Home- your time serving on the court?
work Centers
Re-Open August 21 I hope to be able to promote and encourage young women to get
out of their comfort zone and to be able to show everybody what the
The Homework Centers at all four Commerce libraries City of Commerce is made of. I just hope to become a positive role
will re-open on Monday, August 21. All elementary, mid- model to all the young women in Commerce.
dle school, high school, and college students are welcome
to come to the centers for help with homework and school What is the best thing about living
assignments in all subjects. Registration is not necessary. in Commerce?
The centers are open Monday to Thursday from 3 to 7
p.m., and the Bandini and Bristow Library homework cen- The best thing about living in Commerce is the endless amount of oppor-
ters are open Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. tunities that are provided for people of all ages, like the Commerce Schol-
arship program, the Cultural Excursion along with the memories made by
Non-Fiction Writing participating in the events.
Workshop for Teens
Are you furthering your
The Commerce Public Library will be conducting a non- education/working?
fiction writing workshop for teens on August 12 at 11 am
at Rosewood Neighborhood Library. Come by and learn I am currently enrolled in California State University Long Beach, where I am
more about writing argumentative essays and journalistic pursuing a degree in Kinesiology and I hope to one day have a career in the
writing. Participants might find this useful for high school medical field. For the moment, I am currently working in retail and am em-
or college courses. ployed at Hollister.
Argumentative essays require authors to make and de- What are your hobbies, extracurricular
fend a claim. We’ll discuss what that means and charac- activities, interests?
teristics of good essays. In addition, the purpose of
journalistic writing is to inform the public by reporting on I just love being involved in my free time. I enjoy doing anything active and ad-
local, national and global news and events. Journalistic venturous, such as going on hikes, going to the beach, and visiting new places.
writing is objective, meaning that it relies on facts and ev- I love the adventure and taking part in new experiences.
idence, rather than opinions or emotional appeals. We’ll
discuss the elements of good journalism and why it’s im- What are your plans for the future?
portant in today’s society.
I plan on studying abroad for a couple semesters until I graduate from Cal State
Virtual reality is coming to Long Beach. Afterwards, I plan on interning in a hospital environment to be able
Commerce Libraries! to have some experience and networking so that I can get my foot in the door for
my future career in the medical field.
Get ready to play games, travel, explore and more!
For more information call 323-722-6660. Hot Out? Dogs Feel It Too! Did you know that dog’s paws burn? Before taking your dog
outside or for a walk, please consider the temperature of
the pavement. For example, a 77 degree day may not
seem all that hot, but the asphalt temperature on such a day
could, depending on conditions, reach 125 degrees! To test the
pavement, dog owners can place the back of their hand on the
surface for five seconds.
Besides hot pavement, hot temperatures in cars can also be
harmful and even be deadly to dogs. According to the American
Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the outside temperature
does not have to be that warm for a car’s interior to become dan-
gerously hot. When it's 70 degrees outside, it is estimated that
within one hour, the temperature inside a car will reach 115 de-
grees. Apparently, leaving the windows down does not seem to
make a difference, either.
Because of the inherent dangers of leaving animals in hot cars,
the AVMA has this advice for pet owners: “Before you put your
pet in the vehicle, ask yourself if you really need to take your pet
with you – and if the answer is no, leave your pet safely at home.”
4 • August 2017 • Report to the People
The Numbers
While the invasive Aedes mosquitoes aren’t currently These symptoms can last for several weeks to months. One Youth Baseball/Softball League Bandini Pinto Jaeden Hernandez
transmitting any viruses, the common Culex mos- in 150 people infected with the virus will become extremely goes for the ball during a game against the Bristow Coed team.
quitoes unfortunately are spreading West Nile ill. Severe symptoms include high fever, muscle weakness,
virus. The virus is primarily transmitted from bird to bird by neck stiffness, coma, paralysis, and possibly death. Play Ball:
mosquitoes, but people
can also become ill if bitten How to Prevent West
by an infected mosquito. Nile virus Dump and
West Nile virus is endemic drain any standing water
to Los Angeles County so around the home. Mos-
we can expect it to become quitoes lay their eggs on
active every year. the surface or near the
edge of stagnant water.
The Greater Los Angeles Also, using insect repel-
County Vector Control Dis- lent when you’re in an
trict tracks the virus in Commerce and other cities using area where mosquitoes are active is highly advised.
mosquito traps. Here are the number of mosquito samples Still need help? There are resources available at no extra
that have tested positive for West Nile virus in Commerce charge. All Commerce residents can contact the Greater Los
and across the District in Los Angeles County: Angeles County Vector Control District to request an in-
Symptoms of West Nile Virus spection and, if necessary, a treatment of their property for
mosquitoes. Contact Vector Control at 562-944-9656 or
There is no cure for West Nile virus. One in five persons
infected with West Nile virus will exhibit symptoms. Symp-
toms usually occur between five and 15 days, and can in-
clude fever, headache, body aches, nausea, or a skin rash.
Freedom 5K Highlights minutes and 18 seconds. Congratulations also to the oldest Although the play-
male runner, 83-year-old Raymond Torres and oldest female ers are only 7-9
The 2017 5K Freedom Run drew participants from all runner, 87-year-old Guadalupe Castanedo. This annual years old, these
over the City who ran or walked the 5 kilometer (ap- event serves as a fun experience for children, adults and kids are at ease whether
proximately 3.2 miles) course in the Rosewood Park families, as well as amateur runners who utilize it as an op-
neighborhood. This year’s top runners were Laura Velasco, portunity to tune up or get in shape.
the first place finisher in the female division who finished with
a time of 21 minutes and 34 seconds and Alexander Frias, fielding groundballs,
the first place finisher in the male division with a time of 18
throwing, base running
or hitting. They get along
well with their team-
mates and do not let
missed balls or opportu-
nities upset them. This is
life in the Youth Base-
ball/Softball League
which consists of two all-
Brianna Barrios played for the girls, two all-boys and two
Rosewood Pintos, typically an all- co-ed teams. The Sports
boys team.
Runners from all over Commerce started on Commerce Way Division forms co-ed
and ran 5 kilometers through the Rosewood Neighborhood.
teams when parks do not have enough boys or girls to
form a team.
The teams do don uniforms and the teams play each
other, but you won’t find a scoreboard in use. As Senior
Recreation Leader Steve Campos explains, “In this divi-
sion, no score is kept; more emphasis is put on improving
the players’ individual skills and teaching them the rules of
the game to help them when they move on to the next di-
There are also other traits that are being developed.
Rosewood Tinys’ Coach Corrine “Sassy” Ledesma, who
has been a Commerce coach for more than 10 years and
a former Commerce softball player, says her coaches were
also mentors.
Laura Velasco, the fastest overall female runner, crosses the finish First place finisher and fastest male runner Alexander Frias crossed “Because of them, I’ve learned the value of teamwork,
line to a cheering crowd. the finish line with an impressive time of 18:18. sportsmanship, hard work, and self-confidence.”
Ledesma is now imparting these values to the Tinys.
City Council Adopts Operating Budget Tinys softball player Valentina Loya, 8, embraces every
aspect of being on the team.
“When we play, we always bat, we get the balls and we
The Commerce City Council approved a $59.9 million A list of Budget Workshop dates for the month of July will throw and we have fun, and we can get dirty,” she said.
budget for fiscal year (FY) 2017-2018 that included a be proposed to the new Council for early July and will allow
projected surplus of $270,891 during their regular for the following areas to be reviewed: Bandini Pinto third baseman Jaeden Hernandez, who
meeting of June 20.
•All Departmental Requested Enhancements turned 8 on June 30, also likes to throw and bat, but he
Normally, the City Council would be adopting a budget •All Departmental Requested Capital Outlay
based on decisions that would have been made during •A Proposed Capital Improvement Project budget enjoys the comradery as well.
budget workshops during the months of May and June. In As of the writing of this edition of the Report to the People,
light of this year’s election date being moved from early the City council has yet to adopt an amended budget, which “I have a lot of friends; after [the game] we can play with
March to early June, the previous Council thought it best to is scheduled for July 18.
defer any decisions to the newly elected Council. However, the budget passed by Council on June 20 will each other.”
continue to fund valuable programs and services provided
As a result, the new City Council chose to adopt a status to residents, businesses, employees and visitors in the City Perseverance is also taught. Coach Jovanny Mata, in
quo budget, which means carrying over last year’s baseline of Commerce.
budgets. The exceptions to the status quo budget would be For more information, contact the City’s Finance Depart- his first season coaching the Bandini Pintos, is teaching
the increase in salary and benefit figures and increases due ment at (323) 722-4805, ext. 4418.
to contractual obligation. his team the importance of “not giving up even if you fail to
hit the baseball or reach the base and just having fun and
enjoy playing baseball.”
The City still needs volunteer coaches, so they are grate-
ful to any parents who volunteer.
For information about the City’s Youth Softball/Baseball
Division, please call the Sports Division at 323-887-4432.
Report to the People • August 2017 • 5
YES Workers Angelique Cabral and Karen Rincon are learning about the City’s The Summer Kick Off Celebration began with an Abili- Residents brought their dogs to Rosewood Park for the annual Rabies
Graphics and Printing Services Division. ties Awareness 2K Color Fun Run, where participants Vaccination and Licensing Clinic. If you missed it, please contact animal
were doused with color powder. control at (323) 887-4460 for information on licensing.
The City’s facilities maitnenance staff worked in the
early hours of the morning to give the Bristow Park
Boxing Gym some much needed TLC.
Miss Fourth of July Natalie Magallon and the Royal Court celebrated her day with carnival rides, delicious food and the awesome fireworks show at the annual Commerce Independence Day Celebration.
The City’s facilities maitnenance staff worked in the Young library patrons were challenged to create the tallest free standing structure using
early hours of the morning to give the Bristow Park a marshmallow, string, tape and dried spaghetti.
Boxing Gym some much needed TLC.
The Women’s Club of Rosewood Park donated $500 to the Commerce Scholarship, which will be distributed later
this month at the Commerce Scholarship Breakfast.
6 • August 2017 • Report to the People
October 2017 1 2 3 4 5
September 2017 SMTW T F S National Night Out Senior Citizens Commission Parks and Recreation Com- Adult SRP Ending Party
1 234 5 6 7 Various Sites Citywide mission Rosewood Library
SMTW T F S 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 6 p.m.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 29 30 31 Children’s SRP Ending Cele-
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 bration
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 Senior Center
6 p.m.
678 9 10 11 12
English Book Club Coffee with Veterans Task Force Community Services Com- "When people went
Bandini Library Rosewood Library 3 p.m. mission on vacation, they
6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. shed their home
Traffic Commission skins, thought they
Youth Advisory Commission Adult Computer Classes 6:30 p.m. could be a new
7 p.m. Rosewood Library person." -
6 p.m. Aimee Friedman
Measure AA Meeting
6 p.m.
13 14 15 16 17 18
"Like a welcome Education Commission Library Embajadoras
summer rain, humor 6 p.m.
6 p.m.
may suddenly City Council/Successor
cleanse and cool the Agency
6:30 p.m.
earth, the air and
you." -
Langston Hughes
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Homework Center Opens I-710 Advisory Committee Oversight Board “It’s a cruel season
All Libraries 6 p.m. 5 p.m. that makes you get
ready for bed while
Adult Computer Classes LEAmos juntos/LEAmos to-
Rosewood Library gether it’s light out.” -
6 p.m. Bill Watterson
Rosewood Library
5:30 p.m.
Planning Commission Meet-
6:30 p.m.
27 28 29 30 31
“People don’t notice Library Commission Adult Computer Classes Spanish Reading Club
whether it’s winter 6 p.m. Rosewood Library Rosewood Library
or summer when 6 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
City Hall &
they’re happy.” - Libraries Closed
Anton Chekhov
City of Commerce
2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
Report to the People • August 2017 • 7
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040
Where Quality Service Is Our Tradition
Important Phone Numbers
Aquatic Center 323-887-4404
Code Enforcement 323-887-4460
Animal Control 323-887-4460
(weekends/evenings) 562-940-6898
Calmet 562-259-1239
SCE St. Lights Out* 800-611-1911
*Provide Light Pole # for Report
Mayor Oralia Y. Rebollo E.L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. 323-264-4151
Mayor Pro Tem Ivan Altamirano
Councilmember Hugo A. Argumedo Graffiti Hotline 323-887-4444
Councilmember Leonard Mendoza
Vector Control 562-944-9656
Councilmember John Soria
Union Pacific 888-877-7267
BNSF 800-832-5452
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, CA 90040 • (323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841 •
Commerce City Council Meeting
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. (Live every 1st and 3rd Tues.) Mondays 8 a.m.
Wednesdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays at 5 p.m., Saturdays at 9 a.m.
“In A Council Minute”
Mondays at 4 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 a.m., Wednesdays at 1 p.m., Thursdays
at 4 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m., Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Commerce City News
Mondays at 4:30 p.m., Tuesdays at 8 a.m., Wednesday at 3 p.m.,
Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., Friday at 5:30 p.m., Saturdays at 5:30 p.m., Sun-
days at 3:30 p.m.
“Adopt a Pet”
Mondays at 12 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays at 4 p.m., Thurs-
days at 3 p.m. Fridays at 9 a.m., Saturdays at 6 p.m.,
Sundays at 8 p.m.
4th of July Community Celebration
Mondays at 6 p.m., Tuesdays at 12 p.m., Wednesdays at 8 a.m.,
Thursdays at 6 p.m. or after City Council Meeting, Fridays at 6 p.m., Satur-
days at 11:30 a.m., Sundays at 5:30 p.m. .
Annual Twilight Dance Concert
Mondays at 5 p.m., Tuesdays at 3 p.m., Wednesdays at 5 p.m.,
Thursdays at 3 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m., Saturdays at 3 p.m.,
Sundays at 2 p.m.
8 • August 2017 • Report to the People