Page 2
•Council Actions
Page 3 Newly-crowned Miss Commerce Wiley M. Canjura and her Royal Court will serve as the City’s ambassadors.
•Polling Places Long Live the Queen: Wiley M. Canjura Crowned Miss Commerce
•Coyotes in Commerce Commerce resident Wiley M. Watson in the hit TNT TV show “The Closer” as well as its spin-off “Major
Canjura was crowned Miss Crimes;” Alicia Sixtos, actress best known for her role in the hit series “East
Page 4 Commerce 2017 at the Los High;” and Grecia Salamon, an actress, dancer and model.
57th annual Miss Commerce Pag-
•Women of the Year eant in front of a packed ballroom The night of the Pageant was a unique experience for Canjura.
•Relay for Life at the Commerce Hotel and “My nerves were really bad that day; somehow I was able to compose my-
Casino on March 11. self and speak. I’ve never spoken to a crowd that big,” she confessed.
Page 5 The 20-year-old Canjura is a sophmore attending East Los Angeles Col-
Joining Canjura as part of her lege studying nursing. After getting her degree, Canjura plans to become a
•Miss Cinco de Mayo Royal Court is Miss Dodgers and registered nurse. As Miss Commerce, Canjura would like to combine her
•Volunteers Miss Friendship Mayra Olivas passion for helping people with her new role as Queen.
Silva; Miss Clippers Gabriela “I want to volunteer a lot. I woud like to go to Children’s Hospital of Los An-
Page 6 Gomez; Miss Fourth of July Na- geles and just be able to engage with the kids during the rough patch in their
talie Magallon; and Miss Cinco de lives,” she said.
•Superhero Day Mayo Rosa Moreno. This year, Canjura has also set her sights on volunteering at a homeless shelter to
•ComCat Graduation the Pageant Steering Committee feed and brighten the day of those who need it.
added two more members to the In addition, Canjura said she and her Royal Court have discussed ways
Page 8 royal Court: Miss Spring Vivian they can help empower the youth in the community by “using social media
Bautista and Miss Autumn Gianna to encourage young men and women to try things they haven’t before and
•Rabies/Licensing J. Solorzano. Miss Spring’s fea- to be themselves.”
tured day was during the Spring As Miss Commerce, Canjura received a $2,500 scholarship from the Com-
Si le interesa recibir un artículo Festival on April 15 at Veterans merce Hotel and Casino, clothes and gift cards to Citadel stores along with
en español, por favor llame a Park and Miss Autumn’s featured other items donated by local Commerce businesses.
la Oficina de Información day will be the Annual Turkey Trot The Miss Commerce pageant is a treasured tradition that began with the
Pública al (323) 722-4805 ext 5K Run on November 18 at Rose- City’s incorporation in 1960. The Queen and Court serve throughout the year
4453. Indique el título del wood Park. Commerce resident as City ambassadors at various functions and social events. The City ex-
artículo, la fecha y su domicillio Marcos Mendoza was named the tends its deepest gratitude to all the Pageant donors: Rakken Tacos, On
o correo electrónico. 2017 Young Man of the Year and Da Verge Hair Studio, Ball of Cotton, Lucinda Blancarte, Commerce Evening
will attend the City’s events as well. Lions Club, Commerce Sister City Association, Ilusion, House of Winners,
A panel of celebrity judges individually rated each participant in the cate- Young Man of the Year 2016 Mark Anthony Jimenez, Smart and Final, and
gories of beauty, poise, personality, grooming and the ability to communicate Beverly Wiggins.
effectively. The judges were Phillip Keene, an actor who portrayed Buzz
From The Desk of Matthew Rodriguez City of Commerce Council Actions
Interim City Administrator Regular Meeting of April 4 Received and filed a report regarding the consolidation of
election precincts in the City of Commerce for the June 6,
Iwant to start by congratulating newly crowned Miss Presented a certificate of recognition to the Public Works 2017, General Municipal Election.
Commerce 2017 Wiley Canjura, her Royal Court, and and Development Services Department for receiving the
Young Man of the Year Marcos Mendoza. I have every 2017 Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Award Regular Meeting of March 28
confidence that these young ladies and gentleman will from the League of California Cities.
serve the City as our goodwill ambassadors with distinction Honored Vanessa Perez with a commendation for being Proclaimed March 21 as Down Syndrome Awareness Day
and dedication. We look forward to getting to know them in recognized as a 58th Assembly District “Woman of the and recognized Susan Cisneros for her advocacy efforts for
the months ahead. Year.” children with special needs.
Proclaimed April 9-15 as National Library Week.
In March, a young man placed a note with a bomb threat Proclaimed April 5 as Student Government Day. Recognized Schurr High School Girls Varsity Polo Team for
on a car in the Rosewood Neighborhood Library parking Proclaimed the month of April 2017 as Autism Awareness winning the CIF Southern Section Division 2 Championship.
lot. Fortunately, the threat was just a hoax and no one was Month. Introduced Miss Commerce 2017 and her Royal Court and
hurt. I’d like to thank the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Depart- Approved on-call professional service agreements for Ge- the Young Man of the Year 2017.
ment, especially the Bomb Squad, for handling the situa- otechnical Services and Planning Services. Honored Isabel A. Caldera with a commendation for being
tion in a quick and professional manner. The men and Authorized KTU+A to assist staff with processing proposed recognized as a 32nd Senate District “Woman of the Year.”
women who respond to these threats put their lives on the projects along the Telegraph Road corridor pursuant to their Declared March 29 as Arbor Day in the City of Commerce.
line for us and it is a responsibility that should be ap- existing on call services agreement. Adopted a resolution approving the Citywide Traffic Speed
plauded and commended. I would like to urge parents to Approved the award of an agreement to California Building Survey 2016.
sit down with their children and talk about how behavior Evaluation and Construction, Inc. for the Central Library Approved additional Civic Organizations for the year 2017
like this is not funny and may have serious consequences. Technical Services Improvements Project. as recommended by the Parks & Recreation Commission on
Approved contract documents consisting of Project Plans, March 2, 2017.
Last month, Commerce hosted Student Government Specifications, and Estimates for the Washington Blvd. at Awarded a consultant contract to JMDIAZ Inc. for the prepa-
Day, in which an impressive group of young people took Garfield Ave. Sidewalk and Traffic Signal Improvements ration of project plans, specifications, and estimates to for
over City Hall for a day. These high school seniors shared Project. professional engineering services for design of the Com-
a wealth of ideas on how to improve the City. I hope that Approved a resolution to release a Request for Proposals merce way and Sheila Street Connectivity and Beautification
these future leaders enjoyed their day at City Hall as much for the City's Holiday Decor Program. project.
as we did. I am sure they are all destined for great things Authorized the execution of the Low Carbon Transit Oper- Approved revisions to an agreement with the Los Angeles
in their chosen career paths. ations Program Project "Blue Route Service Expansion." Regional Food Bank for participation in the Emergency Food
Authorized staff to proceed with the City of Commerce Assistance Program.
Another Commerce tradition happening in May is the Tree Planting Project awarded by the office of Supervisor Approved the License and Hold Harmless agreement with
Preschool Graduation Ceremony at Veterans Memorial Hilda L. Solis in the grant amount of $200,000. Wash-Tel Commerce, LLC for testing at the property located
Park on May 13, 10 a.m. I know I speak for the City Coun- Authorized staff to submit applications for the City to par- at the northwest corner of Washington Blvd. and Telegraph
cil when I say congratulations to all the young Commerce ticipate in the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Summer Road.
residents who will take their first steps towards a brighter Food Service Program at two sites. Received and filed a presentation regarding California High
future. We look forward to being at the ceremony to per- Authorized the Mayor to sign a letter of support for Senate Speed Rail Los Angeles to Anaheim project section.
sonally congratulate each and every little scholar on their Bill No. 231 and a letter of support for LA County Public Received and filed a presentation on the Security Cameras
achievement. Health Department grant application to HUD. Rebate Program.
Reclassified the position of Business License Clerk to Fi- Authorized All American Asphalt to proceed with citywide
On behalf of the City Council, I want to wish everyone a nance Clerk, and established the job description and salary painting of curb house numbers for all residential streets.
happy Mother’s Day, which is on Sunday, May 14. Let’s level of said position. Made appointments to Committee and Commissions.
take time to appreciate our mothers, grandmothers, aunts Approved the recommended beautification effort with new
and other women in our lives who do so much for us. branding, Neighborhood Identification, and Beautification
Finally, May 29 marks Memorial Day. A day to remember Received and filed a status update regarding Green Zones
the brave men and women who died while serving in our Implementation Phase 1.
country's armed forces. Let us all take time to remember Authorized staff to proceed with the FY 2017/18 Pavement
that they sacrificed their lives while serving. The City of Rehabilitation Project Design and authorized Transtech En-
Commerce is proud to serve as home to many Veterans gineers Inc. to proceed with the necessary work.
and military families. We are forever grateful for their serv- Received and filed a status update regarding the Wash-
ice and sacrifice. In observance of this special holiday, ington Boulevard Construction Project.
Commerce City Hall and libraries will be closed on Mon- Received and filed a report regarding the Citywide Street-
day, May 29. light Pole Replacement Project.
Renamed the Rosewood Park Preschool Room after re-
Sincerely, tired City employee Connie Ochoa and the Bandini Park
Preschool Room after retired City employee Alice Sterling.
Renamed the City's Council Chambers the "Founders
Published Monthly and Mailed to Commerce Residents
Director of Administrative Graphics Design Resident Inquiry
Services and City Clerk Anthony Aguilar
Does the City have a department or agency that There are cars speeding on Astor Street, ignoring
Lena Shumway PIO Staff: helps find homes for rent within the City? stop signs and it’s a danger to children. What is
Alyssa Mendez Unfortunately, the City does not offer services to residents to the City doing about it?
Editing/Writing: Edward Torres find homes for rent. However, the Commerce Public Library The City shares your concerns about cars speeding on
Daniel Larios Adriana Torres has librarians who can connect you with information on how Astor Avenue. The City assures residents that we are work-
Marie Hovik Darryl Leyden to look for rental homes in the City or nearby areas. Please ing on safety measures designed to make Astor Street both
Joe Sandoval call the library at 323-722-4805, ext. 2275 for assistance. safe and beautiful for Commerce children and families. City
Intern: Staff is currently working on proposals that will utilize the
Taylor Rodriguez Can the City do anything about the trains? They findings from the Traffic Calming Study we commissioned
blast their horns at night and it’s becoming un- recently and will pay for the project out of Measure AA
Please call (323) 887-4453 bearable. funds.
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. or You can report any disturbances and inappropriate activity
created by trains to Union Pacific at 888-877-7267 or to BNSF
visit us online at at 800-832-5452.
2 • May 2017 • Report to the People
Out of
Calzona St S Alma Ave Percy St S Townsend Ave S Eastman Ave S Gage Ave S Herbert Ave S Downey Rd Dr E Hubbard St S ArizonSa AArviezona Ave E 6th St Margaret Ave S Belden Ave Eagle St Repetto AvVeiaRVCeipoaerCottonoraoSSEntBtaeverlyWWViVBaiaCColroovrnoandaStS Gerhart Ave N Bradshawe St N Leonard St Via San Clemente Via San Carlo Via San Delarro Morris Pl
S Indiana St S Hicks Ave S Rowan Ave S Record Ave S Bonnie Beach Pl E 6th St Via San Delarro Donna Wy N Wilcox Ave Commerce
S Ditman Ave Sydney Via Altamira W Lincoln Ave San An
Frwy E Hubbard St E Hastings St Via San Delarro N Hay St ViVaiaNCinaamille W Lincoln The City of Commerce has recently experienced an in-
Via Lucia Via Camille crease in coyote sightings and attacks on family pets,
S Sunol Dr BeachS E Hubbard St S La Verne Ave S Oakford Dr N Bradshawe St Via Acosta N Via Val Verde W Victoria Ave N Wilcox Ave Ave including a dog that was attacked in a backyard. The
Fraser Ave S Margaret Ave Morris Pl most recent sightings and attacks occurred in the Rosewood
Siskiyou St S Ditman Ave S Eastman Ave S Herbert Ave S Bonnie Beach Pl S Brannick Ave Long S Ford Blvd S Duncan Ave S McBride Ave Ave Clela Ave Amalia Ave S Hillview Ave S Eastmont Ave Hoefner Ave S Sadler Ave N Findlay Ave Via Corona N Garfield Ave amira Via Acosta W Victoria Ave and Veterans neighborhoods. However, coyotes have been
S Record Ave Ave S Williamson Ave Brady Ave Via Lastre Via Alt spotted near the Commerce Casino and in other areas.
Lee St Verona St S Gage Ave S Vancouver Ave S Gerhart Ave N Hay St
Verona St S Townsend Ave S McDonnell S Fetterly Ave S Woods Ave Ave N Concourse Ave So far, the City’s Animal Control Officers have captured
S Rowan Ave Arizona Ave three coyotes. In addition, the City is consulting with animal
os Palos St S Downey Rd Verona St §¨¦710 S Kern Ave S Ferris Ave S Belden Ave Simmons Ave W Beverly Plaza Libre experts and trappers to find the best way to prevent coyote at-
Prado St S Keenan Ave tacks in our city. One of the City’s contractors is Capture Spe-
E 7th St S Indiana St S Alma Ave Burger Bradshawe Ave Via Norte Via San Clemente N Orah Libre Plz Belmont St W Beverly Blvd cialist Jimmie Rizzo, who says the presence of coyotes in
S Hicks Ave S Leonard Ave Blvd Commerce indicates that a mother coyote has chased off her
S State Route 72 Via Corona full-grown offspring. Unfortunately, those offspring chose to
make Commerce their home.
Atlantic St Dennison St Percy St Via Cerro
Whittier Blvd Residents can make their neighborhoods uninviting to
Beswick St Beswick St Interstate 5 ¦¨§5 ¦¨§5 TelegSraphRad TnelteagraApnhaRdFrwy AvSe Verona St S La Verne Ave S Woods Ave E Hubbard St School Ave N Hay St Via Corona coyotes by knowing what they should and should not do:
Fraser Ave Grace Pl Harding Ave N GarfVieialdLuAnveteo Harding Ave
Prado St S HickA S Townsend S GageAve S Brannick Ave S Augusta Ave S Marianna Ave Clela Ave 1.Do not feed the coyotes. It is important that coyotes fear
La Puerta St S Vancouver Ave humans; lack of fear may lead to aggressive behavior.
S Alma Ave Ave S Herbert Ave Wilkins Ave Arizona Via N ConcaomurosneteAve People who feed coyotes endanger their neighbor’s pets
sve S Record Ave Vist a and small children.
S Ditman Ave S Eastman Ave
S Rowan Ave S Bonnie Beach Pl Mines St Louis Pl Louis PlS Hillview Ave Hendricks Ave Via Mir N Via Val Verde Morris Pl 2.Feed your pets indoors.
Carolina Pl Grace Pl 3.Do not leave pet food outdoors.
S S Woods Ave Verona St Goodrich Blvd Findlay Ave N Hay St Harding Ave 4.Keep small pets (cats and small dogs) indoors as
S Brady Ave
La Puerta St S Alma Ave S Ditman Ave S Gage Ave Telegraph Rd Wilkins Ave S Eastern Ave S Duncan Ave S McBride Ave Carolina Pl 1430006A N 21st St much as possible.
S Hicks Ave S McDonnell Ave 5.Bring large dogs inside after dark. Coyotes are most
S Townsend Ave S Herbert Ave Boswell Pl S Brannick Ave ¦§¨5 S Arizona Ave Amalia Ave onard Pl Saybrook Ave W Madison Ave N Wilcox Ave
S Rowan Ave S Record Ave S Kern Ave active from sunset to the early morning hours. If keeping
Dedeaux Wy S Eastman Ave Augusta Ave S Ferris Ave Ave Goodrich Blvd S Gerhart Ave MontebMelolontPeabrekllWo Pyark Wy orthside DrLeonard Ave S Hay Ave your dogs indoors is not an option, consider purchasing
Simmons Ave E Easton St S Mobile Ave an enclosed kennel to keep them safe.
S Indiana St Union Pacific Ave S Bonnie Beach Pl S Fetterly Ave Verne E Cody Dr Le Via Del Oro St Repetto AveVia Del Coronado St 6.Pick up after your pet. Fecal matter serves to let
coyotes know there’s an animal nearby.
S Hicks Ave S Downey Rd S Marianna Ave (A Interstate Telegraph S La Boswell Pl S S Hendricks Ave E Allston St Via Clemente St Via Clemente Via Vista Via Vist W Cleveland Ave N Concourse Ave 7.Do you have fruit trees? Do not leave any fruit on the
S Sunol Dr 5 Ave Dennison St N Garfield Ave Repetto Ave ground. Coyotes can live off of fruit.
8.Keep trash can lids closed properly to discourage
Tuttle St Rd Union Pacific Ave Ave Ave Boswell Pl E Olympic Blvd Leonard Saybrook Ave Repetto Ave W Cleveland Ave LOS ANGELES COUNTY scavenging.
Pacific Pl Union Pacific Ave Server Ave
(B 1430002 Triggs St Fraser Ave Clela Ave ASveVancouver S Woods Ave Ave W NorthsidWe DNr S Hendricks Ave S Hanover Ave W WhitStiertBalvtde Route 72 Via Vist REGISTRAR-RECORDER/ “Coyotes will eat anything small enough to swallow or slow
(D1430002A Pl Center Pl Westside Dr COUNTY CLERK enough to catch,” Rizzo cautions.
S Duncan Ave Amalia Union Pacific RR W Whittier Blvd WWWhSStaWWtiattehhtetiiRttRittoiieeeourrutreBBtel7lvv72dd2Blvd S Concourse Ave S 22nd St N 20th St
S Mc Bride Ave Morrow Blvd N 21st St CITY OF COMMERCE If you or your pets are approached by a coyote, try to
Contessa Dr Noakes St Lovett St §¨¦5 S Garfield Dr GENERAL MUNCIPAL ELECTION frighten it away by shouting in a deep voice, waving your
Dunham St S McDonnell Ave arms, throwing objects at the animal and looking it directly in
Union Pacific RR Contessa Dr S Eastern Ave Vancouver Goodrich W Northside Dr JUNE 6, 2017 the eyes. If you are seated, stand up. If you are wearing a
ods E Easton St coat or vest, spread it open like a cape so that you appear
Union Pacific RR Noakes St Bristow PDuanhrakm SCt ommunity Center Clela Pl W Northside Dr E Allston St StatWeWRhittoieruBltved 72 KERN COUNTY larger. Retreat from the situation by walking slowly backward.
E Easton St Do not turn your back on the coyote.
1466 South McDonnell AveS Sydney Dr S Wo Simmons Ave Fairfield St S Hendricks Ave Server Ave S Concourse Ave 20 h St t
(CInterstate 710 Fairfield St S 19th St If you or your pet are attacked by a coyote, immediately
1430002AUUnnioinoPnaPciaficciRfiRc RR Union Pacific RR Noakes St S S Gerhart Ave E Sout E Southside Dr clean the injured area and seek medical attention. Please also
N 19th St notify the City of Commerce Animal Control Division at 323-
E Noakes St Noakes St Union Pacific RR E Clarendo n St EhsSidoeutDhrside DrE Brookfield StS CSooCloidogliedgWeyWy Gloucester St S Hanover Ave S Garfield Ave 1E4H3e0re0fo0r1d ADr Easton St W Easto n St Allston StMMW MeielddfloirfdsoStrSd tDr 887-4460.
Union Pacific RR E Clarendon St E Hereford Dr Westside Dr E Allston St
Noakes St Telegraph Rd S Atlantic Blvd Saybrook Ave Fairfield St Ferguson Dr Kensington Wy MeWdMfedoforrddSDt r Besides wilderness areas, coyotes tend to occupy rails
Server Ave Union Pacific RR spurs, vacant lots, riverbeds, and even parking lots. In fact,
S Indiana St Union Pacific RR Union Pacific RR (A Nairn Ave coyotes live throughout California and are increasingly in-
habiting urban areas. Urban coyotes do not tend to fear hu-
Union Pacific RR 1430009A Union Pacific RR Gaspar Ave S Hendricks Ave E Southside Dr SConcourseAve S Concourse Ave W Olympic Blvd mans. If you have never seen a coyote in Commerce, it could
Union Pacific RR S Elton Ave E Southside Dr Hornby St Dr be because coyotes are nocturnal hunters.
S Pine St (B (B Barney St Santa Ana Frw Union Pacific RR Ferguson Dr Work StSouthside DSr outhside If you would like more information about coyotes, visit the
Union Pacific RR Pickering Wy California Department of Fish and Wildlife website at
Luella Dr The agency en-
Oak St Astor Ave eld Ave Flotilla St Hereford Dr grove Ave courages the public to use the website to report all sightings
Ash St W Cole and contact with coyotes.
Southern Pacific RR E Pacific Wy 1430012 §¦¨ 1430033Union Pacific RR 710 E Como St Camfi Cougar St Burrard Ave W Malden Dr
Tolmie Ave Report to the People • May 2017 • 3
Astor Ave Ave Fair Farrar St Stevens Pl y Interstate 5 Hoefner Ave Nicola Ave Denman Ave Yates Ave 11443300000180AAFerguson
Everington Davie AMirvacele Pl Dr
( ( 14300(09 (( ( ( (( (LReonuiAsbSten G Couts Fitzgerald Ave Joyce St Ferguson
Hepworth Ave Quigley St St C S Tubeway Ave Store St Dr
1430009A Gafford Union Pacific RR Thynne St
Ayers Ave DCS Citadel Dr Thurlow St
Atchison Topeka Jillson St Blvd
And Santa Fe RR Bedessen Ave C. Batres CommH unity Center A St Wilma Everington (EE Village
Connor Ave
S Indiana St And Arrowmill Ave E Pacific Wy 4725 Astor Ave Cowlin Ave Atlantic Ave Pueblo Ct Dr (B Corvette St Mines Ave VENTURA
Santa Sheila St DF Plaza St Flotilla St COUNTY SAN
Atchison Fe RR Cobb St Kinsie St rbor St Estrada Ct Fleet St BERNARDINO
Leo Ave Saybrook Ave
Topeka Ayers Ave Ha Fairgrounds S t CitadelCDr itadel Dr Corvette St COUNTY
Bedessen Ave
Connor Ave Hepworth Ave Noble St Leonis St Harbor St (DE Mission Wy School House Ct §¨¦5 Gaspar Ave Smithway S Triumph St Corvette St Flotilla St
Dennis Ave E Joaquin Ct
Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR Nobel St Jillson St Jardine St Strong Ave (A t
S Bonnie Beach Pl Hepworth Ave Ransom St Bewley Ave Wilma Ave Gaspar Ave 1430031A
E 26th St Couts Ave Bewley Ave(E Harbor St S Tubeway Ave
Union Pacific RR
Jillson St 1430031 (C
Saybrook Ave
¦§¨ (B Ralph Lieberman O Neill Ave Commerce Wy Travers Ave Davie Ave
710 Senta Ave Yates Ave
S Vail Ave
Sheila St 1430032Strong Ave Gaspar Ave 1430003A Beach St
Bandini Blvd Ayers Ave O Neill Ave Fitzgerald Ave Jardine St (A Bartmus St Gayhart St E Acco St ORANGE RIVERSIDE
Ayers Ave Sheila St Acco St COUNTY COUNTY
S Sunol Dr Fitzgerald Ave 1430030
Daniel Ave Ave
Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR Pennington Wy E 26th St Daniel Ave ( (B CJillson St Elkgrove Ave Travers Fidelia Ave Kurt Ave Saybrook Ave S Maple Ave
District Blvd Ave Boris Ave Corsair St (A
1430031A Leo (B ¨¦§5
E 48th St ILnotenrgstBateeac7h10Frwy Senior Citizens Center Senta Ave SAN
Corona Ave E 49th St 14300342555Commerce WCy ommerce Way DIEGO
Pennington Wy Sheila St Elkgrove Ave E Washington Blvd Yates Ave PACIFIC OCEAN
Leo Ave
S Eastern Ave Fidelia Ave S Vail Ave
E 50th St Atchison Topeka And Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR Yeager Wy Bandini Blvd (D Telegraph Rd Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR S Maple Ave
52nd Pl 52nd St Lindbergh Ln Interstate 5 Santa Ana Frwy
Fruitland Ave Santa ¦¨§710 3rd St Amelia Earhart Wy Sheila St
E 52nd St
E Fe RR 1st S Malt Ave
E 53rd St
Corona Ave G St Date St S Maple Ave Frankel Ave Election Precinct, Poll Location, Poll Address
Gifford Ave 14th St
Fishburn Ave Cudahy Ave 5th St RdWiley Post Carrier Ave ^_ 1430002A, Bristow Park Community Center, 1466 South McDonnell Ave
King Ave S Taylor Ave _^ 1430009A, Ruben C. Batres Community Center, 4725 Astor Ave
E 54th St Mayflower AveE 52nd Dr Atchison Topeka I St Rickenbacker Rd Yates Ave Espanol Ave Date St ^_ 1430031A, Senior Citizens Center, 2555 Commerce Way
E 55th St Heliotrope Ave Santa Fe Mansfield Wy _^ 1430036A, Veteran's Memorial Park Community Center, 6364 Zindell Ave
E 56th St Pine Ave And H St Vail Ave Condor St Condor Ave Date St
3rd St Tanager Ave CITY OF COMMERCE
E 57th St E 55th St E 52nd Pl RR (B E 26th St Elm St
E 58th St Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR Precincts
E 56th St AtAchtcihsoisnonToTpoepkeakaAAnnddSSaanntataFBFeeaRRnRRdini Blvd S Greenwood Ave
S Spruce St SubPrecincts
E 57th St Mayflower Ave Heliotrope Ave District Blvd ¦§¨710 6th St Rickenbacker Rd Supply Ave Oakwood St
Election Precincts
Atlantic Blvd E 58th St Alexander St Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR ¦§¨5 Minson Wy 1430002A
Slauson Ave Zambrano St 1430009A
Riverside Ave Otis Ave Flora Ave Mayflower Ave Woodlawn Ave Boxford Ave Church Rd 1430031A
Alamo Av e Garfield Ave S Maple Ave (C Sycamore St Elm St 1430036A
E 59th Pl King Ave E 59th Pl Heliotr Heliotrope Ave E Slauson Ave S Malt Ave Peerless Wy Sycamore Connector Rd
E 60th St Railroad
Otis Ave ope Cir Canning St Minor
Fishburn Ave Pine Ave E 59th Pl Atchison Topeka And Santa Secondary
Clarkson Ave Primary
Mayflower Ave E 60th St Boxford Ave (C 1430035 Ba Sycamore St S Montebello Blvd Highway
Vinevale Ave Freeway
Gifford Ave E 61st St Woodward Ave Prospect Ave Woodlawn Ave Fe RR Interstate 5
Randolph St ndini Blvd ®
E 61st St E 60th Pl Alamo Ave District Blvd Peachtree St
Randolph St E 61st St Pala Ave 0 0.5 1
¦¨§710 1430036A
Heliotrope Ave Palm Ave Wilcox Ave Walker Ave E 61st St Miles
Otis Ave Fishburn Ave Clarkson Ave Randolph St E 61st St S Malt Ave Atchison Topeka And Santa Fe RR Gage Rd THIS MAP SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.
Pine Ave Woodward Ave Vinevale Ave Randolph St Watcher St Union St SECTION,12400 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY NORWALK, CA 90650
Minnewa Ln King Ave Prospect Ave Randolph St Randolph St Lanto St Scott Wy (A
Federal Ave Mayflower Ave Filmore St Palm Ave Woodlawn Ave Wilcox AveFilmore St Southern Pacific RR GreeTrnawviosoAdveAve TEL NO. (562) 462-2473
Pala Ave E Gage Ave Triangle Dr 1430036 Volmer Ave Santa Ana Frwy
Otis Ave Federal Ave Walker Ave Casitas Ave Watcher St Loveland St Randolph St Oxford Wy Todd AveWell m Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Home Ave River Dr Agra St Domini on Cir
Lanto St Specht Ave Ajax Ave (F Gage Rd CITY OF COMMERCE-Dataset:DBO.Default On Date:12/5/2016 12:00:00 AM
Clarkson Ave El Selinda Ave Watcher St Watcher St
Pine Ave Prospect Ave Acacia St Gage Ave Agra St Colmar Ave Lanto St an St
Mayflower Ave River Dr (E SoutherNnePenaachificStRR
Jaboneria Rd Ramon Ct C hapin Rd
Alamo Ave Southall Ln Darwell Ave (EWatcher St Todd Ave
Beck Ave Emil Ave nielson Ct
Otis Ave Bell Pl Nevada St ¦¨§710 Da Watcher St Watcher St Greenwood Ave
Fishburn Ave Bell Pl
Bell Ave Flora Ave Acacia St Loveland St Sun Ln Pacific Dr Lanto St (D
Bell Ave Loveland St
Bell Ave King Ave Nevada St Chanslor Ave (DAgra St Chalet Dr
NyeNySet Ave
Bell Ave Vinevale Ave Nelson Dr Nelson Dr Selfland Ave
Mayflowe Heliotrope Ave Bell Ave Marlow Ave
Brompton Flora Vista Dr S Atlantic Ave Brompton Ave Wilcox Ave Specht Ave (AAgra Lanto St Zindell AAvveenida AguascalAviAeegCAnCuvaiadalenilsaienenindttetaeses s (C
Ave Woodward Ave Eastern Ave
Pine Ave Mayflower Ave Crafton Ave Purdy Ave Perry Rd St GreenCallewLasoFodlores Ave 14Ku3hl D0r 036A
Beck r Pl Walker Ave El Selinda Ave
Ave Georgia Ave Prospect Ave Southall Ln SouthaCllt River Dr Adamson Ave Colmar Ave Ave Loveland St ¦§¨(Veteran's
Ave Brom pton Ave Lubec St Emil Ave MPeasmeo6Do3erl6Ri4iaoViaVerdle ZPiBnadrkelCl Aomvemunity Center
Beck Ave Southall Ln
Lubec St Ajax Ave El Cortez Kress Ave Hannon St Camino DelSol AvenueAguascalientes
Jaboneria Rd
Weik Ave Beck Ave Lubec St Ira Ave AguAavsecnaidliaeAntevs enida Aguascaliente
Ludell St Darwell Ave
Weik Ave Toler Ave Granger Ave Foster Bridge Blvd Priam Dr Dr
Charner St Cassandra Dr
Weik Ave Alvina St Chalet Bairnsdale St InteBrsatnagtleeRd5
Ave Dos Rios Rd
Walnut St Los Jardinas Bairnsdale St Dos Rios Rd Rives Ave
Live Oak St Scout Allengrove St Smallwood Ave
Flora Ave Specht Ave Loveland St Rivergrove Dr Brookpark Rd Danvers St
Hartle St Hartle Ave Clarkson Ave E Florence Ave §¨¦710 CoolgrHovSaenhnaDodrnyFiOSntaeCkvlaDelaerrDgGrrolevnecDlirff Dr Alderdale Tweedy Ln
Walnut St Perry Rd Florence Pl Suva St Crider
Clara St Fry St Botany St
Live Oak St Wilcox Ave Emil Ave Bluff Rd Guatemala Ave ACllBoeonalgigrrnroosvdvDeeaalSDentvrSetrs St
Clara St Live Oak Ln
Live Oak St Fry St Florence Pl AveFlorence Foster Bridge Blvd Smallwood
Live Oak St Toler Tweedy Ln
Pl Emil Ave Shady
Purdy Ave SudaSnuAdvaen St Finevale Dr
Jaboneria Rd Scout Ave Suva St Dr Oak Horley Ave
Rives Ave
Ira Ave Scout Ave Gaymont Ave
Toler Ave
Granger Ave
Perry Rd
HaHratlretlAevSet Fry St Dr
Live Oak St
Suva St Glencliff Dr Cleargrove Allengrove StLowman Ave
Calmcrest Dr od Ave
All registered voters are encouraged to review their Voter with the Voter Registration Guide. Applications for vote by
Registration Guide before going to vote on Tuesday, June mail could be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office between
6, 2017. The location of your polling place is shown on the now and May 22, 2017. Please note that vote by mail bal-
back cover of your Voter Registration Guide and could have lots will be mailed out starting May 8, 2017, which is the first
changed from the last election. legally allowed day to mail vote by mail ballots. Until that
time, applications will be collected and held in the City
GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION: The City Clerk’s Office cannot accept any applications re-
ceived less than seven days prior to the election, unless you
•Bristow Park Community Center become ill or disabled or for some unforeseen reason will be
1466 S. McDonnell Avenue away from your polling place on Election Day.
•Veterans Memorial Park Application for vote by mail ballot may also be distributed
Community Center by individuals, candidates, committees, organizations or
6364 Zindell Avenue groups. Your application must include your printed name,
residence address, address you want the vote by mail bal-
•Ruben C. Batres (Bandini) lot sent to (if different from your resident address), your sig-
Community Center nature and the date.
4725 Astor Avenue
Your vote by mail ballot will be mailed/provided directly to
you by the City Clerk’s Office. Ballots will not be given to
any individual, organization or group to deliver to you. When
your vote-by-mail ballot is received by the City Clerk, your
signature on the return envelope will be compared to the sig-
nature on your voter registration card to ensure they match.
•Senior Citizens Center If you need an application for a vote by mail ballot, please
2555 Commerce Way contact the City Clerk's Office at 323-722-4805, Ext. 2253
or 2342.
•See the back cover of your Voter Registration Guide REGISTRATION FOR THE JUNE 6, 2017
•Call the Office of the City Clerk at 323-722-4805 ext. 2342 ELECTION CLOSES ON MAY 22, 2017.
•Call the L.A. County registrar-recorder at 562-466-1310
•Visit Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder Office In order to vote in the June 6, 2017 Election, resident must
Election Division website - register/submit Voter Registration application to the Los An-
geles County Registrar Recorders Office by May 22, 2017.
Any registered voter may vote using a vote-by-mail ballot
instead of going to the polls on Election Day, June 6, 2017.
Applications for vote by mail for June 6, 2017 election are
available at the City Clerk’s Office and also will be included
SeaRreclhafyofrotrhLeifCeure Commerce Women of the Year
Perez was nominated because of the tremendous positive
impact she has had on young Commerce residents.
Congratulations to Vanessa Perez for receiving this distinc-
tive honor.
Another Commerce resident who was awarded the title
Woman of the Year is Isabel Caldera. Caldera received the
32nd Senate District Woman of the Year Award from Sena-
tor Tony Mendoza at the Senator’s 2017 Woman of the Year
Awards event.
The City is once again partnering with the American Vanessa Perez proudly accepts her award from Assemblymember Isabel Caldera was honored to receive her award from Senator Tony
Cancer Society (ACS) to bring Relay for Life of Com- Cristina Garcia. Mendoza.
merce to Veterans Memorial Park on May 20 – 21 at 9
a.m. Relay for Life is an organized, overnight community Every year, Senator Tony Mendoza and Assembly- “I am deeply humbled and honored to receive this award.
fundraising walk where teams of people camp out around a member Cristina Garcia honor women from every city Thank you to the Senator and the City of Commerce for all
track and members of each team take turns walking around in their district, who have made a significant impact in they do,” Caldera said.
the track for 24 hours. their communities, with a Woman of the Year award. Two
Commerce residents were awarded with the distinction of Caldera is deeply involved in many facets of her commu-
This year’s theme is Dr. Seuss “For the Cure,” so partici- being Women of the Year. nity ranging from her participation in civic and service or-
pants are encouraged to dress up and decorate their team ganizations, such as the Auld Lang Syne Club, to
booths in the Dr. Seuss theme. There is still time to join a Longtime Commerce resident Vanessa Perez received volunteering to help others in the community.
team, register your own team or donate. the 58th Assembly District Woman of the Year Award from
Assemblymember Cristina Garcia at the 2017 Woman of the She also provides a valuable public service to the com-
Each year, more than four million people in over 20 coun- Year Awards luncheon held at the Southern California Gas munity through Non-Profit Legal/Paralegal work as a Notary
tries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives Co. Energy Resource Center in Downey. Public, translating Real Estate, Civil/Criminal, INS, IRS and
from cancer through the Relay for Life movement. During a “Thank you for this award. I couldn’t do the work I do with- Worker’s compensation documents from English to Spanish
Relay event, participants and survivors celebrate what out the Teen Center and Commerce teens who inspire me to and vice versa under the supervision of an accredited attor-
they’ve overcome, remember people lost to the disease and give back to my community,” said Perez. ney.
honor people who have fought or are fighting cancer and in-
spire each other to take action against a disease that has For Perez, things have come full circle. She spent her “My mission in life has, remains, and is to change the life-
taken too much. teenage years frequenting the City of Commerce Teen Cen- line of society, step by step, one person at a time and em-
ter and has since made her career there by working her way power them to continue the process,” she said.
The most moving moment occurs during the Luminaria Cer- up to the position of the Teen Center Senior Recreation
emony. As the sun sets, luminaria bags will line the track. Leader. Caldera is an advocate for safe driving and transportation
Each luminaria is personalized with a name, photo, message issues, having been an instructor and partner with the East-
or drawing in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one who At the Center, she helped expand various programs, in- side Driving and Traffic School and currently serves as chair-
has been affected by cancer. A luminaria can also be dedi- cluding revamping the annual camping trip into a group now person of the City of Commerce Traffic Commission.
cated in support of a Relay participant. known as “Adventure Club.” She also organized various ex- In her spare time, Caldera uses her artistic abilities and re-
cursions for the teens, such as a weeklong trip to San Fran- sourcefulness to create original jewelry out of recycled ma-
The ACS estimates there will be 1,688,780 new cancer cisco last year. terials.
cases and 600,920 deaths in the US in 2017. While these are
estimated numbers, they are serious indicators of the impact Not only do the youth gain valuable volunteer experience, Caldera was nominated because of the tremendous posi-
cancer has. These numbers are also a reminder that the fight they also get to see different places to expand their horizons tive impact she has had on residents.
is not over, but through public awareness, education, and and visit places they “would not be able to go otherwise”,
fundraising, individuals can fight cancer. such as the mountains and desert landscapes. Perez un- Congratulations to Isabel Caldera for receiving this dis-
dertakes the responsibility of helping the teens fundraise for tinctive honor.
For more than 65 years, the American Cancer Society has the trip, which includes expenses for students’ lodgings and
been finding answers from changes in lifestyle to new ap- all excursion fees.
proaches in therapies to improving patients’ quality of life.
Perez has worked at the Center for over 14 years and cur-
To find out more information about how to support this event rently leads “Girlology”, a program at the Teen Center that
by either joining a team or donating, visit provides young girls with the skills and resources to em-
to find the Commerce page. power themselves. Under the program, young girls have an
opportunity to travel on various excursions and journal about
In Your Community: their experiences. Perez is a role model who inspires young
Spring Job Fair individuals to become vested in their community.
The Social Services/Employment Referral Services Di- Library News Story Performances by Flights of
vision is inviting job seekers to its annual Spring Com- Fantasy Story Theater
munity Job Fair on Wednesday, May 24 at 2 p.m. at The Commerce Public Library’s Children’s Department is 6:00 PM Tuesday, May 2
Rosewood Park. celebrating Día de los Niños/Día de los Libros and Chil- Bandini Library
dren’s Book Week during the first week of May.
Companies are currently looking to fill positions in various El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book 6:00 PM Wednesday, May 3
fields, including retail, clerical, warehouse transportation and Day), commonly known as Día, is a celebration every day of Veterans Library
much more. Potential employers include local companies, children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April
such as S. Bravo Systems, Dolphin Trucking School, the 30. This May also marks the 98th anniversary of Children’s 6:00 PM Thursday, May 4
Citadel Outlets and National Polytechnic College. Book Week; the theme for this year’s celebration is “One Bristow Park Library
World, Many Stories.” Both celebrations emphasize the im-
Those interested in attending are encouraged to dress pro- portance of literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural All programs are free and open to the public. Refreshments
fessionally, wear comfortable shoes, bring multiple copies of backgrounds. will be served after each program
their resume and prepare to be interviewed on the spot.
Children’s Book Week 2017 Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-
The Employment Referral Services Division, which is under Magic Show featuring Arty Loon running national literacy initiative in the country. Día is a na-
the auspices of the Public Safety and Community Services 6:00 PM Monday, May 1 tionally recognized initiative that emphasizes a daily
Department, offers job preparation classes, employment Rosewood Library commitment to linking children and their families to diverse
events, job referral services and other resources for potential books, languages and cultures.
job seekers throughout the year.
For additional information, please contact Liz Chavez in the
City of Commerce’s Public Safety and Community Services
Department at 323-887-4461.
4 • May 2017 • Report to the People
PRinCeSS PRoFile: Rosa Moreno Volunteers Make
Miss Cinco de Mayo Commerce Shine
it has been one month; how has your Volunteer barber Alex Martinez cuts Commerce resident Ruben Ren-
experience been on the court so far? don’s hair at the senior center.
Although it has only been a month, I can honestly say that being It’s no secret: the City of Commerce’s robust sales tax
a part of this year’s Royal Court has been a true blessing. Not revenue and sound fiscal decisions make it possible to
only did I make new friends, but I have gained so much confi- provide residents with many exemplary programs, serv-
dence in such a short amount of time. I am still over the moon ices and events that are the envy of other cities. But that’s
and really excited for what is to come. not all Commerce has to boast about. The City also takes
great pride in its army of dedicated volunteers who help
What do you hope to get out of your enhance programs and services. Here are just a few ex-
time serving on the court? amples of how volunteers help make Commerce the
Model City.
I really want to gain more experience in community service while
on the court, as I have always loved the fact of being able to help To ensure that the library’s recent “Commerce Loves
others who are not as lucky as we are. Reading” Book Festival met attendees’ expectations, Teen
Librarian Erik Jackiw asked the library’s Teen Advisory
What is the best thing about living Group to help with event planning, creating promotional
in Commerce? videos, moderating panels and introducing authors. Jackiw
was pleased with the teens’ involvement because they
Being lucky enough to grow up in Commerce, I got to take advantage “took leadership roles and shaped their own program. I
of the amazing sports programs offered in the City, which I really love. was impressed with their efforts and so were our authors.”
The City has motivated me to continue playing soccer as I got older.
While attending barber school, Alex Martinez began cut-
Are you furthering your education? ting hair at the Senior Citizens Center for experience. Mar-
tinez has since received his license, but enjoyed the
I am currently attending Pasadena City College, where I am studying relationships he built with his fellow residents so he con-
to become an elementary school teacher. I plan on transferring to a tinues to provide the service on his day off.
university to complete my education as soon as I can.
As a child, Chris Valente enjoyed participating in Com-
What are your hobbies, extracurricular merce football, water polo and swimming; now the father
activities, and interests? of four serves as a volunteer coach for the City’s Water
Polo team for boys ages 7-18. Although Valente is pas-
I really enjoy volunteering, coaching, working out, and having as sionate about the sport, he thinks coaches can serve as
much family time as I can. Currently, I am a volunteer tutor at the role models as well. “Some coaches teach you how to win,
Commerce Public Library, and I am an assistant coach for the Com- but not how to be successful in life,” he explains. He is
merce girls’ soccer team here in the City. committed to teaching the team that they can achieve their
goals, “with hard work and dedication, you can get there.”
Get it Together: Your Family’s Emergency Preparedness Kit Items for May
As the second installment of the American Red Cross’ “21 •comb & brush The City is fortunate to have its own cable channels, TV
Weeks to Prepare,” here are the May shopping lists for your •1 potted meat studio and equipment to record and playback council
family’s emergency preparedness kit. •save $1.75 for a weather radio* meetings, news programs, events and more. This valuable
service is augmented with several volunteers who assist
Week 6 Week 9 staff in a variety of ways while acquiring marketable skills.
Volunteer Jennifer Alfaro appreciates the training she has
•1 gallon water •towels & washcloths been receiving for the past year. “I love that we are able to
•first aid kit & guide •toothbrushes & paste get hands-on experience with cameras, lighting equip-
•latex gloves •shampoo, bar soap ment, and audio equipment.”
•tweezers •deodorant Mary Gibson, a Commerce resident since 1984, has been
•save $1.75 for a weather radio* •save $1.75 for a weather radio* volunteering for the City for 20 years. She has been a ded-
icated volunteer for the City’s food distribution program
Week 7 Week 10 and is also one of the original ComCats, helping to keep
Commerce safe. Gibson admits that she volunteers so she
•thermometer •umbrella/rain poncho can stay informed about the City but also acknowledges
•allergy/pain reliever in childproof container •scarf the benefits she reaps. “It gets me out of the house, gives
•sunscreen •winter gloves me something to do and keeps my mind busy.” Gibson
•save $1.75 for a weather radio* •1 bottle juice does not plan to stop volunteering anytime soon. “I’ve en-
•save $1.75 for a weather radio* joyed every minute of it and I’m still doing it.”
Week 8
*Purchase your weather radio at the end of 21 weeks. The City is grateful to all its volunteers and encourages
•1 gallon water you to thank them as you see them working throughout
•feminine hygiene supplies our Model City.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the City,
please call the Human Resources Department at 323-722-
Report to the People • May 2017 • 5
Erica Hernandez ponders a prickly plant at the Annual Garden Show, which featured a mariachi Local superheroes take a break from saving Commerce to pose for a quick photo with Miss Commerce Wiley
group and polynesian dancers. M. Canjura, her Royal Court, and Young Man of the Year Marcos Mendoza.
The City’s facilities maitnenance staff worked in the
early hours of the morning to give the Bristow Park
Boxing Gym some much needed TLC.
Rosewood Park School students learn about the process of planting trees at the Annual Arbor These newly graduated Comcats will assist the Public Safety Division with various programs, services, and
Day Celebration. events.
WATeR Polo Book FeSTiVAl
The City’s facilities maitnenance staff worked in the Author Jeff Garvin (Symptoms of Being Human) explained how to write a story the “Harry
early hours of the morning to give the Bristow Park Potter way” at the “Commerce Loves Reading” Book Festival.
Boxing Gym some much needed TLC.
The Schurr High School Girls Water Polo Varsity Team was recognized for their recent CIF Southern
Section Division 2 win by the Commerce City Council.
6 • May 2017 • Report to the People
1 2 3 4 5 6
English Book Club Hecho a Mano Senior Citizens Commission Hecho a Mano “A hero is some- Baby Show &
Bandini Library Rosewood Library 12:30 p.m. Veterans Library one who has given Operation Kid ID
6 p.m. Rosewood Park
11 a.m. Video Games 5:30 p.m. his or her life to
Youth Advisory Commission Bandini Library something bigger 10 a.m.
7 p.m. City Council/Successor Parks & Recreation Com-
Agency 6:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. mission than oneself”
6 p.m. -Joseph Campbell
Video Games
Bristow Library
4 p.m.
7 89 10 11 12 13
Education Commission Day Camp Registration Task Force Loteria Night Teen Video Games Preschool Graduation
6 p.m. 8 a.m. 3 p.m. Bristow Library Rosewood Library Veterans Park
City Hall 10 a.m.
Nuts and Bolts for Your Video Games 6 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Small Business Coffee with Veterans Veterans Library
Rosewood Library Community Services
Rosewood Library 5:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
Traffic Commission
Measure AA 6:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mother’s Day "Respect for the Library Embajadoras Video Games Hecho a Mano Community Dodger Night Relay for Life
rights of others 6 p.m. Bandini Library Veterans Park
means peace" Bandini Library
-Benito Juarez. City Council/Successor 3:30 p.m. Camp Commerce Registra-
Agency 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. tion
Hecho a Mano
Bristow Library 8 a.m.
Council Chambers
6 p.m.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Database Fair Video Games Community Job Fair Spanish Reading Club Teen Video Games “The secret of
Rosewood Library Veterans Library Rosewood Park Rosewood Library Rosewood Library getting ahead is
2 p.m. 6 p.m. getting started.”
5:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Database Fair Database Fair Mark Twain
Library Commission Database Fair Veterans Library Bristow Library
6 p.m. Bandini Library
5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Planning Commission
I-710 Advisory Committee 6:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
28 29 30 31 June 2017 July 2017
Memorial Day “With the new day SMTW T F S SMTW T F S
City Hall & Libraries comes new strength 1 23 1
and new thoughts.”
Closed –Eleanor Roosevelt 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 34 5 67 8
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
City Hall & 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Libraries Closed 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
City of Commerce
2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
Report to the People • May 2017 • 7
Commerce, CA 90040 U.S. POSTAGE
Where Quality Service Is Our Tradition
Important Phone Numbers
Aquatic Center 323-887-4404
Code Enforcement 323-887-4460
Animal Control 323-887-4460
(weekends/evenings) 562-940-6898
Calmet 562-259-1239
SCE St. Lights Out* 800-611-1911
Mayor Ivan Altamirano *Provide Light Pole # for Report
Mayor Pro Tem Tina Baca Del Rio
Councilmember Hugo A. Argumedo E.L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. 323-264-4151
Councilmember Lilia R. Leon Graffiti Hotline 323-887-4444
Councilmember Oralia Y. Rebollo
Vector Control 562-944-9656
Union Pacific 888-877-7267
BNSF 800-832-5452
City of Commerce, 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040 • (323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841 •
City Council Meeting
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. (Live every 1st and 3rd Tues.) Mondays 8 a.m.
Wednesdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays at 5 p.m., Saturdays at 9 a.m.
“in A Council Minute”
Mondays at 4 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 a.m., Wednesdays at 1 p.m., Thursdays at
4 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m., Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Coyotes: What you need to know
Mondays at 12 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays at 4 p.m., Thursdays
at 3 p.m. Fridays at 9 a.m., Saturdays at 6 p.m., Sundays at 8 p.m.
City news
Mondays at 6 p.m., Tuesdays at 12 p.m., Wednesdays at 8 a.m., Thursdays at
6 p.m. or after City Council Meeting, Fridays at 6 p.m., Saturdays at 11:30 a.m.,
Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
“lights out” Concert
Mondays at 5 p.m., Tuesdays at 3 p.m., Wednesdays at 5 p.m.,
Thursdays at 3 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m., Saturdays at 3 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.
Cinco de Mayo
Beginning May 8, Mondays at 7 p.m., Tuesdays at 5 p.m., Wednesdays at 3
p.m., Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 12 p.m., Sundays at
3:30 p.m.
8 • May 2017 • Report to the People