On the morning of September 16 during
a swim meet at the Brenda Villa local veterans for their service to our country.
Aquatics Center, a referee walked to The annual Commerce Turkey Trot 5K Run
the official’s table and dropped his bag and will be held on Saturday, November 18 at 8
a.m. in the Rosewood Park neighborhood.
leaned against the
Kids ages 2-5 can
table. Commerce also participate in the
Kids Fun Run right
swimmer Claudia Tor- before the 5K.
res realized something The Tree Lighting
Ceremony is on De-
was not right and cember 4. Since the
holiday season is
asked him if he was about giving, we en-
courage local busi-
OK to which he replied nesses and residents
to consider brighten-
that he was fine. How- ing the holidays of a
family in need by
ever, she then went bringing a new, un-
wrapped toy to the
over to the head offi- Tree Lighting. Also,
donations of food,
cial and shared her clothing, funds and
gift certificates are
concerns. The head being accepted for
the Holiday Cheer
official went to check Program. To find out
more, please call the
on the man and the Social Services Division at 323-887-4460.
City Hall and branch libraries will be closed
meet administrator on November 10 in observance of Veterans
Day, on November 23 and 24 for Thanksgiv-
called paramedics. ing and on Monday, December 25 for Christ-
The referee was We wish everyone a happy, healthy and en-
joyable holiday season.
rushed to a hospital
where it was deter-
mined that he was suf-
fering from a heart
attack. The City of
Commerce com-
mends Claudia for her
sound judgment and quick thinking.
The City of Commerce is getting into the
holiday spirit with a plethora of programs and
events. This month, the community is invited
to join the Mayor and Council in honoring our
Is a monthly magazine published by the nation’s veterans at the Veterans Day Cere-
City of Commerce and mailed to
mony being held at Veterans Park on Satur-
Commerce residents. The Connection is
also available at all City facilities. day, November 11 at 10 a.m. This event is a
Staff Writers and Photographers great opportunity to come out and thank our
Daniel Larios
Graphic Design Layout & Illustrator STOP THE SPREAD OF HEPATITIS A
Anthony Aguilar Due to the rising concerns regarding an Anyone can get hepatitis A, but
outbreak of hepatitis A in the San you are at higher risk if you:
Calendar Editorial Diego, Santa Cruz and Los Angeles
Eileen Zamorano counties, the Los Angeles County Depart- •Are homeless
ment of Public Health is advising residents to •Live with someone who has hepatitis A
To submit a story idea or a high take precautions against the highly conta- •Use recreational drugs
definition digital photo for publishing gious liver disease. •Have intimate contact with someone
who has hepatitis
consideration, please contact the The best way to prevent hepatitis A is by •Travel or live in countries where hepatitis
Public Information Office 323-887-4453 getting vaccinated. The hepatitis A vaccine
is given as two shots, six months apart. The A is common
[email protected] vaccine is safe and effective. If you cannot remember if you got the hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis A can be spread by:
there is no harm in getting it again. Visit your
2 Connection doctor’s office, a pharmacy, or call 2-1-1 to •Touching objects or eating food that
find a local clinic or doctor in your area that someone with hepatitis A infection has
may offer hepatitis A and other vaccinations. handled
•Come into contact with someone who has
You can also prevent the spread of hepatitis a hepatitis A infection
A by washing hands with soap and water •Consuming food or drinks that are
scrubbing vigorously for 20 seconds before contaminated by the virus
eating or preparing food and after using the •Forgetting to wash your hands after
bathroom or changing diapers. cleaning up the stool or changing the
diaper of an infected person
For more information, visit or call 2-1-1.
•Commended the City of Aguascalientes on the Occasion of •Declared September 24-30, 2017 as Deaf Awareness Week and
their 442nd Anniversary recognized four young Commerce residents with a proclamation
•Declared October 2017 as Crime Prevention Month •Appointed Interim City Administrator Fernando Mendoza to the
•Declared October 2017 as National Bullying Prevention Month Oversight Board, Southeast Water Coalition Joint Powers Authority,
•Declared October 2017 as “National Breast Cancer Commerce Refuse -To -Energy Authority, L.A. Gateway
Awareness Month” Region Integrated Regional Water Management Joint Powers
•Received and filed a presentation from SmallGreenForce Authority, and the I-5 Consortium Cities Joint Power Authority.
regarding a proposal for establishing a dog park in the City of •Approved an agreement with Kosmont & Associates, Inc. for
Commerce recruitment and outreach at the International Conference of Shopping
•Received and filed presentation on the comments compiled and Centers Western Conference
drafted on the recirculated Draft Environmental Impact •Authorized the refunding of the 2007 Tax Allocation Bonds
Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for I-710 •Appointed Susana Cisneros, Erika Bojorquez, Anne Lozano, Ramona
Corridor Project Villa, and Mairim Madrigal to the Special Needs Commission
•Adopted the annual operating budget enhancements and CIP for •Appointed Jose Gonzalez to the I-710 Committee
fiscal year 2017-2018 •Adjourned in memory Sergio Rivera
•Approved a list of Street Rehabilitation Projects for FY 17/18 under
the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017
Dear Miss Commerce,
Is your crown heavy? Do you get to keep all your
dresses & shoes?
Jewel Mercado, 5
When I first put on my crown, it doesn’t seem so heavy.
After a couple of hours it tends to feel a little heavy.
The outfits for special events such as Cinco de Mayo
and Fiestas Patrias, although they are beautiful dresses,
belong to the Miss Commerce Pageant. I buy all the
other outfits and shoes I wear to all the other events like
the Pageant.
Connection 3
“When I first started, I couldn’t do a turn,” confessed Rylee Vil- membering to bring their hair accessories). These are the same
lalobos as she recalls her tentative foray into Recreation Jazz. skills, Gutierrez points out, which the girls need when they are
older and preparing for job interviews.
Apparently, that quickly changed under Recreational
Leader/Dance Instructor Anthony Gutierrez’s tutelage. “He Gutierrez also wants his lessons to prepare the girls who decide
helped me and encouraged me to be better and I succeeded,” to pursue competitive dance. “My classes look up to the compet-
Rylee said. itive teams. I want to give my teams the same opportunity that the
competitive teams have,” he explained.
In fact, the eleven-year-old has turned into such a talented
dancer that she becomes nervous before dance performances The two Recreation Jazz classes, which learn a variety of dance
because when the other dancers are following her lead, she styles, were presented with such an occasion in July when they
knows that if she makes a mistake, they will, too. performed on the Dodger Stadium field in a special pregame
cheer event. Gutierrez relishes providing opportunities which give
But the pressure is easily overshadowed by the enjoyment she the young dancers a chance to shine. Besides serving as enter-
derives from belonging to the dance troupe. “It’s fun. It really en- tainment, performing helps the girls gain confidence.
courages me to be better in life,” she explains.
“I love for them to build their self-esteem because you know
Actually, Gutierrez uses dance as a way to prepare the girls in how this world is. I tell them, ‘No matter what people say about
his two Recreation Jazz classes for life. He encourages them to you, you dance your heart out,’” he said.
express themselves by dancing which he believes helps them
become better communicators. At the end of his classes, he sets Following that advice is nine-year-old Sophia Zamora whose
aside time for each girl to dance freestyle, to use their move- participation in Recreation Jazz has had such a positive impact
ments as a form of self-expression. on her that she has become a different person, her mother Patty
Somano boasts. Somano credits Gutierrez with Sophia’s trans-
Performing at the City’s various events such as the Cinco de formation: “Now she’s more outgoing, positive about herself. Her
Mayo Celebration, 4th of July Celebration, Fiestas Patrias and self-esteem has gone up. I love that he goes out of his way for
Tree Lighting Ceremony teaches the girls to be punctual, pre- the girls.”
pared, attentive to their appearance and responsible (like re-
4 Connection
How has your experience been on the court so far?
In the time I’ve been given the privilege to represent the City, I have
gained many wonderful memories along with the court. I feel very lucky
to be a part of the Royal Court with such adventurous and gregarious
people. I cannot express how grateful I am to the City for the opportunity,
the exposure and the encoHuorwagheamseynotuIrneexepdertoienfucrethbeerednevoenlothpemcyosuerltf
as a strong young far?
In the time I’ve been given the privilege to rep-
What do you hope to getroesuetnotfthyeouCrityti,mI heasvergvainingeodnmtahneycwoounrdt?erful
I hope to be able to utilize mtheismporrivieilsegaelotnogdewmithontshteracteoumrty. gIrafteiteuldveetroy-
wards the City that has gilvuecnkymtoebseoampanrtyoof tphpeoRrtouynaitlieCsouarntdwbithenseufciths
throughout my life. I aspire to become a great role model for the younger
generations of this City and be able to aid in the upcoming events as
much as I can. In addition, I want to be able to promote the importance
of community service and the impact that city programs has to the de-
velopment of our youth.
What is the best thing about living in Commerce?
It cannot be overlooked that Commerce provides many opportunities for
one to be involved in their community. This is perhaps what I love best
about Commerce: being able to easily take part in our city which not only
has shown being beneficial for the growth of our community but also for
one as an individual.
Are you furthering your education/working?
Over the summer I received training to become a lifeguard and was cer-
What are your hobbies, extracurricular activities, interests?
In my spare time, I enjoy playing the piano, saxophone, guitar, and bass,
mainly the piano. I also enjoy coloring, art, and Sudoku. I love going to
museums and any art music exhibitions. Currently, I am in a band where
I serve playing the piano and saxophone. We played for many of my
church services as well as weddings.
Connection 5
Veterans Day is on November 11 and every year on this date, the City
holds a Veterans Day Ceremony at 10 a.m. at Veterans Park. In honor of
their service to their country here are some personal glimpses from a few
Benjamin Soto local veterans.
Although Benjamin Soto is proud to have served his country from 2002 to 2009 in
the Marine Corps and for completing three tours in Iraq, the retired corporal down-
plays his military service, saying that he was “just doing his job.”
However, once people learn that he is a veteran their inclination is to heap attention on
him. He doesn’t mind the discounts at coffee shops, but the attention, as well intentioned
as it may be, is overwhelming for this veteran who suffers from PTSD (post-traumatic
stress disorder).
Because Soto found it difficult transitioning to civilian life, his advice to military per-
sonnel is to pay attention in their Transition Assistance Program (TAP) class, ask a lot
of questions and talk to someone who has recently left the military. Soto feels so
strongly about transition assistance that he aspires to become a peer counselor to help
other veterans who suffer from PTSD.
Jesus Quintero
Jesus Quintero was born and raised in Commerce and joined the Army because he
was appalled by the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis. During his 1980-1983 service, the
specialist-4 medic was stationed in Germany and throughout the United States. Quin-
tero works as a part-time Library Assistant at the Rosewood Library.
For those who are leaving active service, Quintero’s advice is for them to use the dis-
cipline, comradery, organizational and social skills they acquired while in the service be-
cause they are useful wherever they go. He believes everyone should be required to
serve in the military to acquire these valuable skills.
Veterans are encouraged to visit the City’s Veterans Resource Center, located
in Rosewood Library, for assistance with benefits, jobs and more. For more in-
formation about the Center or to become a volunteer, please call Olivia Audoma
at 323-722-6660 ext. 2851.
6 Connection
Sharon Rowe
Commerce resident Sharon Rowe served in the Army from 1965-1968 and reached
the rank of sergeant (E5). She says she feels “such love for this country” that she
would go back in if she weren’t so old! Her staunch patriotism, she says, comes from
learning the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance as a girl.
She likes to share advice she received from her uncle, who retired from the Air Force.
His simple, practical advice: Take one day at a time. She also says that everything you
learn while serving is applicable and helpful in civilian society; that skills you wouldn’t think
would be useful often are. She recalls telling a fellow serviceman complaining about hav-
ing to serve to “get a skill.”
The most difficult assignment her commander ever gave her was to write letters to the
families of her fallen comrades. She still thinks of those families and hopes her letters
brought them comfort and closure.
Rowe gets tears in her eyes when talking about Veterans Day. “We are celebrating
the veterans that came before, the ones who gave their lives for all the freedoms we
enjoy. I’m really celebrating the lives that those brave men and women sacrificed for my life
and sometimes I just don’t feel worthy,” she confesses.
Edward Hernandez
For Gulf War veteran Edward Hernandez, enlisting in the Army was a dream come true.
Most of Specialist (E4) Tank Crewman Hernandez’s 1990-1994 service was spent in
Germany where his marksmanship skills were rewarded with a gold badge in a Ger-
man military shooting competition.
Before leaving the Army, Hernandez decided he would pursue a higher education when
his service ended; he earned a BS in Finance and an MA in Public Administration. He is
the Library’s technical services supervisor and advises those on active duty to do as he
did and set goals before leaving the military.
Hernandez says he did not receive the recognition that veterans receive today, that
being a veteran was not a big deal.
Connection 7
Pajama Storytimes with Paddington Bear
Children of all ages are invited to wear their pajamas and
bring their favorite stuffed animal to Pajama Storytimes the
week of November 6 at the Commerce Libraries. Parents
can bring their camera or phone to take photos with beloved
children’s book character Paddington Bear and refreshments
will be served after each program. The programs will begin
at 6 p.m. and they are free and open to everyone. For more
information please call (323) 722-6660.
Monday November 6 Wednesday November 8
Rosewood Library Veterans Library
Tuesday November 7 Thursday November 9
Bandini Library Bristow Library
The Commerce to FITIVITIES Games
College Fair provides
useful information For the next several months, the Commerce Library is host-
and raffle prizes like ing several programs to promote Health & Wellness for chil-
an iPad mini. dren, adults and teens. To encourage children to participate
in fun fitness activities, the libraries are hosting several ses-
8 Connection sions with “Fitivities,” a board game that challenges players
to perform different exercises. Sessions in November will be
held as follows:
Wednesday, November 1
4 – 6 pm
Bristow Library
Wednesday November 8
4 – 6 pm Rosewood Library
Wednesday November 15
4 – 6 pm
Veterans Library
Tasty Tea @ Rosewood Library
Thursday, November 9 @ 5:30 p.m. - 7:30p.m.
Come, hear and learn about teas from an Herbs of
Mexico expert! El programa será bilingüe.
Healthy Food @ Rosewood Library
Monday, November 13 @ 6 p.m
Learn how to make healthy smoothies and how to read food
labels. Learn from Todo Verde founder Jocelyn Ramirez, a
vegan cook, yoga instructor, and advocate for healthy food
access in her community. Limited to 25 people. El programa
será bilingüe.
Boxing Tournament
The boxing tournament held at the Hispanic Heritage Month event drew more than 100 spectators.
Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month
Ballet Folklorico dancers are one of the highlights of the City’’s events. Grupo Jesmas was one of three bands performing as part of the City’s Tribute to Hispanic Heritage
Commerce to College Fair Grandparents Day
Attendees learn about preparing for college. Grandparents and grandchildren spend quality time together at this special event.
Connection 9
DECEMBER 1 2 3 4
SMT W T FS Senior Citizens Hecho a Mano “Gratitude is not only
12 Commission Veterans Library the greatest of virtues,
12:30 p.m.
345 6 7 8 9 5:30 p.m. but the parent of
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Fitivities for Kids all others.”
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Bristow Library Parks and Recreation
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Commission -Marcus Tullius
31 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Cicero
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Daylight Savings English book Club Pajama Storytime Task Force Tasty Tea City Hall & Libraries Veterans Day
Time Ends 6 p.m. Bandini Library 3 p.m. Rosewood Library Closed
6 p.m. Veterans Day Ceremony
Turn clocks back Pajama Storytime Fitivities for Kids 5:30 p.m. 10 a.m.
one hour Rosewood Library City Council Meeting Rosewood Library
6:30 p.m. Pajama Storytime
6 p.m. 4 p.m. Bristow Library
6 p.m.
Youth Advisory Traffic Commission
Commission 6:30 p.m. Community Services
7 p.m. Commission
6:30 p.m.
12 13 14 15 17 18
“Never was so much Healthy Smoothies Library Embajadoras Fitivities for Kids Turkey Trot 5K/Kid
owed by so many Rosewood Library 6 p.m. Veterans Library Hecho a Mano
to so few” Bandini Library Fun Run
–Winston Churchill 6 p.m. Measure AA Meeting 4 p.m.
6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8 a.m.
Education Commission Hecho a Mano
6 p.m. Bristow Library Spanish Reading Club
Rosewood Library
5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Library Embajadoras Planning Commission Thanksgiving Day City Hall & Libraries “A hero is someone
READs Center Meeting City Hall & Libraries Closed who has given his or
6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. her life to something
Closed bigger than oneself.”
City Council Meeting
6:30 p.m. -Joseph Campbell
26 27 28 29 30
“Be present in all Library Commission I-710 Local Advisory Spanish Reading Club
things and thankful for 6 p.m. Committee Rosewood Library
6 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
all things.”
Maya Angelou
City Hall &
Libraries Closed
10 Connection City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
1 2
Library Children’s Holiday
Council Chambers
10 a.m.
34 567 8 9
Community Tree Hecho a Mano Senior Citizens Commis- Hecho a Mano Tiny Pajama Party 23
Lighting Rosewood Library sion Veterans Library 6:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
English Book Club City Council Meeting Hecho a Mano Parks and Recreation
6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Rosewood Library Commission
6 p.m.
Youth Advisory Commis- 6 p.m.
7 p.m.
10 11 12 13 14 15
Education Commission Coffee with Veterans Task Force Community Services "The most important
6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 3 p.m. thing in the world is
Brain Games Measure AA Meeting Spanish Reading Club family and love."
Bandini Library 6 p.m. Location TBA 6:30 p.m. John Wooden
5:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m. Brain Games
Veterans Library Traffic Commission
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
17 18 19 20 21 22
"No one has ever Brain Games Library Embajadoras
become poor by Rosewood Library 6 p.m.
giving." 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting
Anne Frank 6:30 p.m
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
City Hall & Libraries Children’s Holiday Faire Spanish Reading Club "Giving is an
Closed 10 a.m. Rosewood Library expression of
5:30 p.m. gratitude for our
Christmas Day Planning Commission
Meeting blessings."
City Hall & 6:30 p.m. Laura Arrillaga
Libraries Closed -Andreessen
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040 Connection 11
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040 U.S. POSTAGE
Important Phone Numbers
Aquatic Center 323-887-4404
Public Safety 323-887-4460
Animal Control 323-887-4460
Weekend/Evenings 562-940-6898
Calmet 562-259-1239
SCE St. Lights Out* 800-611-1911
Mayor Oralia Y. Rebollo *Provide Light Pole # for Report
Mayor Pro Tem Ivan Altamirano
Councilmember Hugo A. Argumedo E.L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. 323-264-4151
Councilmember Leonard Mendoza
Graffiti Hotline 323-887-4444
Councilmember John Soria
Vector Control 562-944-9656
Union Pacific 888-877-7267
BNSF 800-832-5452
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, CA 90040 • (323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841 •
channel 3 city CABLE guide
City Council Meeting Income-qualified residents can receive up to $2,000
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. (Live every 1st and 3rd Tues.) every two years for material costs for eligible exterior
Mondays 8 a.m., Wednesdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays at 5 p.m., repairs or alterations that are visible from the street.
Saturdays at 9 a.m.
Applications are available in the Planning Division.
“In A Council Minute” For information about the program, call the
Mondays at 4 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 a.m., Wednesdays at 1 p.m.,
Thursdays at 4 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m., Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., Planning Division at 323-722-4805 ext. 2820.
Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Commerce City News
Mondays at 4:30 p.m., Tuesdays at 8 a.m., Wednesday
at 3 p.m., Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., Friday at 5:30 p.m.,
Saturdays at 5:30 p.m., Sundays at 3:30 p.m.
Veterans Day Ceremony (beginning Nov. 16)
Mondays at 12 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays
at 4 p.m., Thursdays at 3 p.m., Fridays at 9 a.m., Saturdays
at 6 p.m., Sundays at 8 p.m.