Is a monthly magazine published by the KEEPING YOU C NNECTED
City of Commerce and mailed to The fall season has arrived, which
to anyone of any race, age, sexual orienta-
Commerce residents. The Connection is means shorter days, cooler nights and tion, religion or gender. According to the
also available at all City facilities. the beginning of the holiday season. National Domestic Violence Hotline, abuse is
Make sure to keep your eyes open for a repetitive pattern of behaviors to maintain
Editor various activities and programs provided by power and control over an intimate partner.
Lena Shumway the Parks and
Recreation Depart- These are behav-
Staff Writers/Photographers ment as well as the iors that physically
Daniel Larios Commerce Public harm, arouse fear,
Marie Hovik Library. prevent a partner
On October 18 at from doing what
Graphic Design Layout & Illustrator 10:18 a.m., the City they wish or force
Anthony Aguilar will be participating them to behave in
in the Great Califor- ways they do not
To submit a story idea or a high nia Shakeout Drill. want. If you are a
definition digital photo for The City urges victim of domestic
publishing consideration, everyone to partici- violence, you can
please contact the pate in this drill and seek help with the
Public Information Office Drop, Cover and Los Angeles County
323-887-4453 Hold On as if there Domestic Violence
[email protected] were a major earth- Hotline at (800) quake occurring at 978-3600.
that moment and to
2 Connection remain in this The City is also
position for at least asking residents to
60 seconds. The keep being vigilant
main goal of the of coyotes and to
ShakeOut is to get take precautions.
residents prepared This includes not
for major earth- leaving unsecured
quakes, so use the food around your
ShakeOut as an opportunity to learn what to property, leashing
do before, during, and after an earthquake. your pets when out
Visit for on a walk, and reporting any coyote sightings
tips on how to prepare, protect, and recover. to the City’s Animal Control Division at (323)
October is also Domestic Violence Aware- 887-4460 ext. 2236. With that, the City would
ness Month. Domestic violence can happen like to wish everyone a safe and happy
Does the city offer any early education programs?
The City offers Tiny Tots and Preschool Programs at local parks. In addition, the Commerce
Public Library hosts a Bilingual Toddler Time that is held every Wednesday morning at 11:30 am
at the Rosewood Park Neighborhood Library.
How do I know if the bus is running on time?
You can access the “CC Transit” app, which provides real-time arrival information for the City of
Commerce Transit System. You can track your bus in real-time on the live map to see your bus
exact location and receive estimated arrival times at your particular bus stop. Use the app to
mark favorite stops and routes, set reminders, get alerts via text message regarding delays or
service changes, provide feedback and access general information about CC Transit. The App is
fun, easy to use and best of all it’s FREE!
What is the trash holiday schedule?
CalMet Services does not provide service on Sundays on the following holidays: New Year’s Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. If the collection
day falls on or after one of these holidays, the services will be delayed by one day for the
remainder of the holiday week.
AUGUST 21 dispensaries within the City of Commerce. Businesses may not be
established within a 600-foot radius of a school, day care center, or
Appointed Monique Rodriguez to the Education Commission. youth center and no one under the age of 21 years is allowed on the
premises or to be employed by a commercial cannabis business.
SEPTEMBER 24 Approved an ordinance amending Title 19 "Zoning", Chapter
19.31.100 "Alcohol Sales - Development Standards and Use
Received and filed a status update regarding the Bandini Conditions" to allow for the ancillary sale and dispensing of alcohol
Elementary School Traffic Control Implementation Plan. Staff was when proposed in conjunction with a restaurant. In order for existing
directed to evaluate all options. businesses to grow and for new businesses to settle in Commerce,
Approved an ordinance repealing Chapter 5.61 "Medical Marijuana" the ordinance would allow for the sale and dispensing of alcohol by
of Title 5 (Business Regulations and Licensing) of the Commerce sit-down restaurants within 500 feet of a residential district, religious
Municipal Code and replacing it with Chapter 5.61 "Commercial facilities, public or private schools, public parks, and/or public
Cannabis Activities" of Title 5 (Business Regulations and Licensing). playgrounds and when located on Washington Boulevard or Atlantic
The ordinance heavily regulates commercial cannabis activities, sets Boulevard.
strict application and permit rules, and prohibits any and all storefront
When paying for college, always explore scholarship opportu- your skills, activities, and interests. You can also talk to your school
nities before considering federal or private student loans. counselor and ask about scholarship opportunities that might be right
College scholarships are free money that you don’t need to for you. You can also visit the Commerce Public Library. Our librarians
pay back. There’s no limit to the amount of scholarships so apply for will be able to help you find information on scholarships that are perfect
as many as you can. for you.
Scholarships aren’t just for straight-A students or high school varsity Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships early and often
athletes. There are college scholarships out there for everyone: and apply for scholarships every year they are in college, too. Also,
crafters, gamers, vegans, green thumbs, you name it. You may not don’t overlook smaller scholarships. Even a few hundred dollars can
think of your hobbies and interests as a way to help pay for school, help offset the cost of textbooks and supplies.
but you should. If you’re a minority student, there are scholarships
available that can help you pay for school. Finally, don’t get discouraged by the scholarships that require you
to put in some time. Once you've completed an application or two you
How do you look for scholarships? There are free websites such as might find it gets easier and takes less time with each additional one.
Fastweb and which have listings for millions of Don’t psych yourself out or let yourself get overwhelmed by all you
scholarships. These sites will help you find scholarships that match need to do before you graduate high school.
Connection 3
The City of Commerce is fortunate to have a team of Community Service Officers (CSOs) to handle a variety of non-emergent, public safety
and crime prevention matters, easing the workload considerably for Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies to focus on more
critical calls. Since CSOs perform limited duties, they are usually able to respond quickly to calls. However, like the Sheriff’s Department, CSOs
must also prioritize their calls, with accident scenes and traffic control taking precedence.
Last year, the City received more than 900 public safety-related re-
quests or reports from residents and businesses. Here are some of the
ways the City’s CSOs served the community:
The most common parking violations are issued for vehicles blocking
a fire hydrant or driveway or for parking on a street during posted street
sweeping times. Anyone with five unpaid parking citations will not be
able to register their vehicle.
*Most of these vehicles are stolen outside of Commerce
During City Hall hours, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., please
call City Hall at 323 887-4460 if you need to report or request any of
the following:
1.Traffic control
Please note that due to safety reasons, CSOs do not direct traffic at
intersections with working traffic signals (including when they are
flashing red) or at stop signs
2.Parking issues
3.Stalled/abandoned vehicles
4.Vehicle unlock (fee may apply)
5.Vehicle jumpstart (fee may apply)
6.Vacation Watch - request that your home be checked while
you’re away
After hours and on weekends, please call the Sheriff’s Department at
323-264-4151. Depending on the nature of the call, the Sheriff’s De-
partment may dispatch CSOs rather than deputies. Anyone who needs
a report (burglary, vandalism, traffic collision, etc.) would need to call
the Sheriff’s Department. Other services they provide include checking
on the wellbeing of a family member who has not been heard from
(welfare checks) and the viewing of video surveillance footage.
For emergencies, residents need to call 9-1-1.
4 Connection
HALLOWEEN Did you know that more than 17 million people across the
world are currently living with cerebral palsy? On October
Halloween is known as a time for scary fun, but it doesn't 6, the City of Commerce is joining communities from all
have to be frightening for parents who worry about their around the world in observing World Cerebral Palsy Day to raise
kids' safety. Kids, especially tweens and teens who go trick- awareness and celebrate the lives of those 17 million people
or-treating with their friends, should be careful and aware of their living with cerebral palsy. The City encourages everyone to wear
surroundings on a night that can also be potentially dangerous. green on October 6, as it is the color of cerebral palsy aware-
The City encourages parents to take their trick-or-treaters to the ness.
programs being held at Commerce parks like the Halloween
Costume Parade. Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition that affects move-
ments of the limbs and overall body. With cerebral palsy, moving
Trick-or-treaters should follow these simple Halloween Safety can appear to be stiff, jagged, or very active and sporadic. For
tips provided by the National Crime Prevention Council: Kids those who live with the condition, moving can be challenging and
should carry flashlights or mark their costumes with reflective tape take patience.
so motorists can see them; If kids go trick or treating without an
adult, they should travel in groups and stick to visiting familiar Commerce resident Matthew Dollins lives with cerebral palsy
households; Kids should never go inside someone’s home and and is active in many of the city activities. Matthew is a great kid
should only go to houses with the porch light on; Parents should who enjoys the support of his family and the Commerce commu-
check all treats thoroughly before kids eat them; Costumes should nity. He served as one of the grand marshals of last year’s Sum-
be flame-retardant so the little ones aren’t in danger near candlelit mer Kick Off 5K Color Fun run and helped cut the ribbon on the
jack-o-lanterns; and encourage kids to wear comfortable shoes. special needs swing set in Rosewood Park earlier this year.
The City of Commerce will also be hosting a number of While there is no cure yet, a person living with even the most
Halloween events this year. severe cerebral palsy can now live independently, work, and
make their own decisions thanks to the advancement of medicine
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS CELEBRATION and technology. In addition, personal attendant care has greatly
improved the lives of many and given adults living with cerebral
Sunday October 28 at 1 p.m.-5 p.m. at Bristow Park palsy their lives back to fulfill more of their potential.
Join us in celebrating and honoring our loved ones that have
passed away. Activities include: children’s craft workshop, music, For more information on Cerebral Palsy, visit the Cerebral Palsy
food, dancing, unique altars and more. All ages welcome. Foundation’s website at
Wednesday October 31 at 6 p.m.
All Parks – Free to all ages
Trophies will be awarded to various age groups, best decorated
pumpkin and best pet costume.
STARBUCKS PUPPET SHOW & STORYTIME telescope, which is 100 times more powerful than the Hubble Tele-
The Commerce Public Library is partnering with the Commerce Star- scope, will allow scientists to study the universe and better under-
bucks on the corner of Atlantic and Washington Boulevards for a fun stand its origins. After the screening, there will be a discussion with
morning of puppet shows, storytime and refreshments on Saturday astronomer Andreas Faisst from Caltech.
October 6 at 10 a.m.
IN-N-OUT BURGER READING PROGRAM Wanna share your story and get published? Join us for a reading
Children ages 4 to 12 are invited to participate in the In-N-Out Burger from novelist Darren Manley from his book, How to Build a Time
Reading Program from Monday, October 8 to Saturday, November 10. Machine, on Friday, October 12 at 4 p.m. at Rosewood Library. After
Children who read five books at their reading level and report at the the reading, Manley will share some tips about writing and getting
library will receive a certificate and coupon for a free hamburger or your voice out there.
cheeseburger from In-N-Out Burger. Pre-readers can receive credit for
books read to them by parents or caregivers. Children can register for 4TH ANNUAL COMIC INVASION
the program at any Commerce library. The City of Commerce Public Library is getting ready for the fourth
annual Comic Book Invasion, scheduled for Saturday, October 20 at
LUCHADOR MASK – HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH the Rosewood Neighborhood Library. The free event, which is open
A popular part of Mexican wrestling, or “Lucha Libre,” is his or her to the public, will have programs for children, teens and adults who
mascara, or lucha libre mask. The masks play an important part of the enjoy science fiction, fantasy and similar genres. Fans are also
storyline, and can also provide some anonymity in a country enthralled invited to cosplay (wear costumes of their favorite fictional characters)
by the sport of Mexican wrestling. Library patrons can get creative by and there will even be a costume contest.
making their very own luchador mask at the Veterans Library on Tues- Events like these encourage fans to socialize and meet the creative
day, October 9, at 3 p.m. Registration is required. visionaries behind their favorite comics. They are also a great venue
to buy collectable figurines, artwork and comic books. If you have
INTO THE UNKNOWN – DOCUMENTARY VIEWING, an idea for a panel, workshop or just want to be involved, contact
WITH DR. ANDREAS FAISST, FROM CALTECH Erik Jackiw at the Department of Library Services at (323) 722-6660
The Commerce Public Library is hosting a documentary screening of
“Into the Unknown” on Monday, October 1 at 6pm at Rosewood Library. SOLDADOS: CHICANOS IN VIETNAM
The documentary tells the story of the James Webb Space Telescope, HISPANIC HERITAGE PROGRAM
which is set to be placed in orbit one million miles from the Earth. The The Rosewood Library is hosting a documentary screening on Thurs-
day, October 11, at 5 p.m. Based on the 1991 American Book Award
6 Connection winner of the same name, “Soldados: Chicanos in Vietnam” is the
first documentary to recount the harrowing experience of a genera-
tion of Mexican-Americans who fought in Vietnam. The movie screen-
ing will be followed by a Q&A with a Vietnam Veteran
Saturday, October 13, 6 – 8 p.m. @ Rosewood Library
The film traces her life from her birth in 1919 as Isabel Vargas Lozano
in Costa Rica, beginning with her parents rejecting her because of
her boyish demeanour. As a young woman she moved to Mexico City,
where she sang in the capital’s cabarets, and where her career really
took off once she rejected the conventional feminine mannerisms.
WAREHOUSE 323-888-2424
For the Sapper family, relocating their business, Carpet Manufac- was called at the time, in downtown Los Angeles in 1918! They are
turers Warehouse, from Los Angeles to Commerce in 1969 was a believed to be one of the City’s oldest businesses.
smart move. The move meant the family
would no longer pay a gross receipts tax, a tax The warehouse’s substantial inventory, along
Commerce has never levied. with a reputation for providing exceptional
customer service and charging approximately
“Our business was growing and we carry 40% less than retail stores, has netted the
large amounts of carpeting in stock,” explained business many longtime customers including TV
Vice President Howard Sapper. “The City of and movie production companies, and even
Commerce offered us a way to carry more third-generation customers whose parents and
inventory without hurting our bottom line.” grandparents were customers.
The warehouse’s location in Commerce Another way the company maintains its close
made the warehouse’s inventory easily acces- ties to the community is by hiring locally; since
sible as well. “Our inventory arrives from the the 1980s they have been using the City’s
South Eastern part of the United States and employment referral services to fill their staffing
we use the railroad to move our product.” needs. As a result, the majority of their
Sapper said. “Commerce is centrally located employees are Bell Gardens High School
to the railyards and allows quick delivery of our graduates.
new inventory.”
Carpet Manufacturers Warehouse is also an
Stocking a large quantity of carpet enables environmentally-responsible company and by
the company to meet customer demand and developing and promoting carpet recycling in the
gives Sapper the right to boast that Carpet State, they are making a difference. Since 2010,
Manufacturers Warehouse has “the largest in- the company has participated in a massive
stock selections of carpet in Southern Califor- recycling endeavor by collecting and diverting
nia.” He said the business also has the nearly two million pounds of used carpet from
distinction of being one of the first manufacturers closeout warehouses local landfills.
to open in the United States. The business has been around for a while; Carpet Manufactures Warehouse at 6111 Randolph Street is open
Sapper’s great grandfather opened Karl Sapper & Son, as the business to the public Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Connection 7
October is Down Syndrome Awareness month, which is a chance
to spread awareness as well as celebrate people with Down
According to the National Down Syndrome Society, one in every 700
babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome, making Down
syndrome the most common chromosomal condition. Of those babies,
about half of them are also born with a congenital heart defect. Up to
75% of babies with Down syndrome have a hearing loss, and about
50% have an eye problem which requires them to wear eye glasses.
Approximately 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United
States each year.
Due to advances in modern medical technology, individuals with Down
syndrome are living longer than ever before. In 1910, children with
Down syndrome were expected to survive to age nine. Now, with recent
advancements in clinical treatment, approximately 80% of adults with
Down syndrome reach age 60 and older.
In observance of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Club 21 Learn-
ing and Resource Center for Individuals with Down Syndrome is hosting
a “Together is Better” Walkathon on October 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
at Central Park in Pasadena. The City of Commerce Special Needs
Commission is encouraging the community to participate in this event
to support Jose Cisneros, a young Commerce resident who has Down
syndrome. Register at
Free transportation will be provided from City Hall. Residents can
register for transportation to the Walkathon by calling the Public Safety
and Community Services Department at (323) 887-4460.
October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
and to educate children about this social problem, the
City’s Social Services Division will give a “Stand up and
Speak Out” presentation to Rosewood School and Bandini
Elementary School students. In conjunction with the schools’ Red
Ribbon rallies, the focus is on building courage, confidence and
Social Services Coordinator Ed Saucedo, who has been
coordinating and presenting the rallies for years, wishes bullying
awareness and prevention information was available when he was
growing up in Boyle Heights.
“I was actually bullied in school,” he said, “You feel powerless,
afraid and you want to run away. You don’t want to tell anyone.”
But telling an adult is precisely what Saucedo urges children to
do. He also explains to them that bullying is typically done when
others are not around, so staying in a group or near an adult is
advised. Saucedo said the purpose of the rallies is for children to
learn that it is never okay for anyone to make them feel bad, and
that help is available.
In addition to the two presentations at the schools, the Social
Services Division will also be hosting an anti-bullying rally on
October 24 at 4 p.m. at Bristow Park. All children are invited.
For more information about preventing bullying, please call the
Social Services Division at 323-887-4460 or visit www.stopbully-
88 CCoonnnneeccttioionn
Holiday Cheer While it may have been true at one time, we no longer have
mosquito seasons; they are active throughout the year.
Program The Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District
reports that "All mosquitoes need stagnant, dirty water to go
Qualified residents who would like to receive food and gifts this through their life cycle." That life cycle, when a mosquito goes from
holiday season can register for the Holiday Cheer Program an egg to adult, takes just 7-10 days.
beginning on October 11. Eligibility is based on City of Com-
merce residency and total household income. Registrants must bring The Vector Control District website lists 14 types of mosquitoes
a current City of Commerce Resident Activity Card for each member found in their district. Most of these mosquitoes can transmit harm-
of the household. Proof of income for adults ages 18 and older living ful diseases such as dengue fever, West Nile Virus, yellow fever,
in the household is also required. chikungunya or canine heartworm.
Registration will be accepted on Tuesdays from 9:30 - 11 a.m. Your best defense against mosquitoes? Get rid of stagnant water
and on Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. on the following dates: in your backyard and around your house. You should also ensure
that there are no containers that can collect water. When you buy
October 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 insect repellent, make sure at least one of these is listed as an
November 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 27, 29 active ingredient:
December 4, 6, 11, 13, 18
•DEET •Picaridin •IR3535
The Social Services Division is accepting donations of money, gift •Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus
cards, non-perishable food, new toys and new clothes for this
program. Family sponsorships are also available. For more information about vectors, visit
For more information regarding registration, donations or sponsor- Connection 9
ships, please call the Social Services Division at 323-887-4460.
Back to School Bash
The City celebrated the end of summer with a 90’s themed celebration, complete with a 2K Glow Run.
Food Truck & Game Night Volleyball Clinic
Attendees had fun playing games and eating at the City’s first Food Truck Volleyball Clinic held at the Veterans Park gym which is open on a limited basis for volleyball practice.
and Game Night.
Commerce Jam III Commerce to College
McCall Cadenas, former Teen Center performing arts group member, sings for the band Daisy More than 40 colleges, universities and trade schools were on hand at the College
Dell. fair, which drew approximately 1,000 students from all over the Southeast LA region.
10 Connection
1 2 3 4 5 6
Into the Unknown Hecho a Mano Seniors Computer Class Hecho a Mano Teen Video Games World Cerebral
Rosewood Library Rosewood Library Rosewood Library Veterans Library Rosewood Library Palsy Day
10 a.m.
6 p.m. 11 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Holiday Faire
Senior Citizens 10 a.m.
YAC Commission City Council Meeting Commission Parks and Recreation Logic Study Group
7 p.m. 6 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Commission Rosewood Library Starbucks Puppet
6 p.m. Show/Storytime
Comic Book Anthology 4 p.m. Starbucks, Atlantic &
Meeting Rosewood 11
Library 6 p.m. Washington
Teen Concha Fest 10 a.m.
Veterans Library
789 10 12 13
4 p.m.
Education Commission Luchadores Mask Craft Community Job Fair Meet Author Chavela Film Screening
6 p.m. Veterans Library Citadel Outlets Community Services Darren A. Manley Rosewood Library
3 p.m. 10 a.m. Commission Rosewood Library 5:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Measure AA Meeting Seniors Computer Class
6 p.m. Rosewood Library
10 a.m.
Traffic Commission
6:30 p.m.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
City Council Meeting Halloween Bag Craft Hecho a Mano Club 21 Walk
6 p.m. All Libraries Bandini Library Center Park- Pasadena
4 p.m.
5:30 p.m. 9 a.m.
Special Needs
Commission Comic Book Invasion
Rosewood Library
6:30 p.m. 10a.m.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Library Commission Video Games Red Ribbon Day Halloween Home Itsy Bitsy Halloween
6 p.m. Veterans Library Decorations 6:30 p.m.
Seniors Computer Class
4 p.m. Rosewood Library Contest Judging Teen Book Club
10 a.m. 6 p.m. Rosewood Library
Oct. 23 – 31 2018
Red Ribbon Week Planning Commission 4 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Paint Night
Rosewood Library
6 p.m.
Dia de Los Muertos Library Escape Room Toddler Pumpkin Fun SMT W T FS SMT W T FS
Bristow Park Rosewood Library Rosewood Library 1 23 1
1 p.m. 11 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 234 5 6 7 8
City Hall & Halloween Costume 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Libraries Closed Parade All parks 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
6 p.m. 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
Connection 11
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040 U.S. POSTAGE
Important Phone Numbers City of Commerce/Citadel
Aquatic Center 323-887-4404 10th Annual Job Fair
Public Safety 323-887-4460
Animal Control 323-887-4460 Wednesday, October 10
Weekend/Evenings 562-940-6898
Calmet 562-259-1239 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
SCE St. Lights Out* 800-611-1911 Citadel Outlets
100 Citadel Drive
Mayor Hugo A. Argumedo *Provide Light Pole # for Report
Mayor Pro Tem John Soria Visit the Commerce Library booth for help
Councilmember Ivan Altamirano E.L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. 323-264-4151 building and printing your résumé.
Councilmember Leonard Mendoza
Councilmember Oralia Y. Rebollo Graffiti Hotline 323-887-4444
Vector Control 562-944-9656
Union Pacific 888-877-7267
BNSF 800-832-5452
City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, CA 90040 • (323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841 •
City Council Meeting
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. (Live every 1st and 3rd Tues.)
Mondays 8 a.m. Wednesdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays
at 5 p.m., Saturdays at 9 a.m.
In A Council Minute
Mondays at 4 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 a.m., Wednesdays
at 1 p.m., Thursdays at 4 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m.,
Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Commerce City News
Mondays at 7 p.m., Tuesdays at 8 a.m., Wednesday
at 3 p.m., Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., Friday at 5:30 p.m.,
Saturdays at 5:30 p.m., Sundays at 3:30 p.m.
“Adopt a pet”
Mondays at 12 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.,
Wednesdays at 4 p.m., Thursdays at 3 p.m. Fridays
at 9 a.m., Saturdays at 6 p.m., Sundays at 8 p.m.
Annual Twilight Dance Concert series
Mondays at 5 p.m., Tuesdays at 3 p.m., Wednesdays
at 5 p.m., Thursdays at 3 p.m., Fridays at 3 p.m.,
Saturdays at 3 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.