INSIDE East LA based band Thee Commons is comprised of Commerce resident Jose Rojas (center) and East LA natives David and Rene Pacheco. Photo taken from LA Times.
Page 2 Bringing a Bit of Commerce to Coachella
Commerce residents are some of the most talented people in the world. Pacheco at East Los Angeles College and geeking out over the sighting.
• Council Actions The Model City has produced world class Olympic-level athletes, sci- “I pulled up a photo of Thee Commons, shoved my phone into his face, and
entists at the top of their field and skilled artists. Among these re-
Page 3 markable residents is Jose Rojas, who has just performed at the world asked if that was him in the photo,” Rojas said. “He laughed and said ‘Yeah!’
famous 2017 Coachella Music and Arts Festival as part of the East LA We talked for a bit, exchanged numbers, and parted ways. David and his
• Reads Center cumbia-punk band Thee Commons. brother, Rene, needed a bass player and first contacted me because of my
• Code Zone extensive background in cumbia and norteña music. I showed up to my first
“It felt like we reached a major milestone in our career and lives,” Rojas practice that November and haven't stopped going since then.”
Page 4 told the Report to the People. “When we were asked to headline the Sonora
stage at Coachella, it was a call to be part of a movement of rising Latino In addition to Coachella, Thee Commons have performed at several pres-
• Miss Spring acts in times of political dissension. We feel honored to have brought a bit tigious venues and festivals, including Echo Park Rising, Viva Pomona, The
• Emergency Kit of our culture and community into the EDM, pop, and hip hop saturated Echoplex of Echo Park, The Regent Theatre of Downtown Los Angeles, the
grounds of Coachella.” Glass House in Pomona, the Roxy of West Hollywood, and the Observatory
Page 5 in Santa Ana; have been hosted for a residency by Eastside Luv in Boyle
Rojas has been a resident of Commerce since 2000 and has always en- Heights; and have opened up for such acts as Chicano Batman, Bomba Es-
• Women’s Water Polo joyed the benefits of being a resident, from the sports programs as part of tereo, Thee Midniters and even unofficially for The Pixies. The band took
• Coyote Warning the Bristow Park squad to working at the Bandini Library for the YES Pro- their music on the road, going on a 32-day tour across the country, playing
gram. venues from LA through New York City. With the acclaim and success from
Page 6 their performance at Coachella, the band might be going on their second
“It was my first job and I was really nervous during my first two weeks,” U.S. tour this fall, said Rojas.
• Cinco de Mayo Rojas said. “Once I found my rhythm, I enjoyed my time checking the chil-
• Spring Festival dren's summer reading reports and listening to System of a Down’s ‘Mes- Thee Commons’ debut 7 inch vinyl EP, “Sunburn at Midnight,” was re-
merize’ album while eating some Lucky Burgers. The paychecks were just leased by the band in the spring of 2013 and was soon followed up by a full-
Page 8 the cherry on top.” feature 20-song CD entitled “Rock is Dead: Long Live Paper and Scissors”
released by independent O.C. label Burger Records in 2015.
• Dialing Changes Since forming in 2012, the psychedelic cumbia-punk trio, founded by broth- The band’s last album, “Loteria Tribal,” was co-released with Burger Records
ers David and Rene Pacheco, has made a name for itself in the East LA on CD, cassette and limited edition Flexi vinyl in 2016. Looking forward to
Si le interesa recibir un artículo music scene. Named #15 on LA Weekly’s “LA’s 20 Best Live Shows of the future, Thee Commons plans to release an ambitious 18-song follow up
en español, por favor llame a 2016,” Thee Commons have created a buzz with their energetic and enter- album “Paleta Sonora” later this year.
la Oficina de Información taining performances. Rojas encourages up-and-coming musicians to practice every day and to
Pública al (323) 722-4805 ext just keep doing what they love: making music.
4453. Indique el título del “Live, they’re fearless, confident and ready to go off-script at a moment’s
artículo, la fecha y su domicillio inspiration,” said Chris Ziegler, founder of LA Record, in the LA Weekly. “It’s “The goal isn't to be great overnight, but to be just a bit better than the pre-
o correo electrónico. wild stuff, just as it absolutely should be.” vious week,” Rojas said. “Finally, let go of your musical xenophobia. Explore
“If Thee Commons aren’t the best live band in Los Angeles, they’re damn and expose your senses to all music!”
near the top,” said Chris Kissel in an article from the LA Weekly.
Rojas joined the band in 2015 as a bassist, meeting guitarist David
From The Desk of Matthew Rodriguez City of Commerce Council Actions
Interim City Administrator Regular Meeting of May 2 Declared the month of April 2017 as Autism Awareness
Month and presented Certificates of Recognition to Daniel
As many of you know, the Rosewood and Veterans Approved an agreement with Pyro Spectaculars, Inc. for David Miranda II, Emilio Gudino, George Fernandez, Miguel
neighborhoods have experienced a number of coyote the 4th of July pyrotechnic display at Rosewood Park. Torres, Jr., and Travis Stevens.
sightings and attacks this spring. The City has dis- Approved an agreement with Rick Larson, DBA Wold
seminated information to residents and businesses on ways Amusements, Inc. for carnival services for the Independ- Recognized Larry Garcia as Employee of the Quarter for
to prevent your family members and pets from coyote at- ence Day Celebration at Rosewood Park. January-March 2017.
tacks. I would like to remind you to not leave your pet out- Approved an agreement with Remix Software, Incorpo-
side at night. Also, please do not feed coyotes or leave pet rated to purchase a transit planning software.
food or other food sources outside, especially during the Approved an amendment to the Sub-recipient Agreement
hours of sunset to sunrise. If approached by a coyote, shout, with the Gateway Water Management Authority for Propo-
wave, throw objects and otherwise try to frighten it away. sition 84 funded Advanced Meter Reading units.
Please report coyote sightings to the City’s Animal Control Authorized MIG Planning and Environmental Management
Division at 323-887-4460, ext. 2236. For emergencies, call Services to conduct an environmental initial study for a pro-
9-1-1. posed project at 6555 Gage Avenue.
Updated the on-call professional service agreements for
Spring was a busy season in the City of Commerce. From Environmental Science, Planning, Analysis & Assessment,
the Spring Festival to Cinco de Mayo, the City is proud to and Regulatory Compliance.
provide programs such as these for our residents. We are Approved three contracts for the Home Preservation Grant
also honored to partner with local organizations that sponsor Program [Community Development Block Grant Program]
events such as the Commerce Relay for Life, which raised for Fiscal Year 2016/2017.
thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society this Approved an Amendment to the Rio Hondo Community
past May. College Revenue Agreement extending the term date to
June 30, 2020.
As we head into summer, I encourage you to participate in Approved the project plans, specifications and engineer's
the many programs, events and activities that the City has to cost estimate for the Malt Avenue Street Racing and Traffic
offer. This month, residents can begin registering for Camp Calming Pilot Program and directed staff to advertise for
Commerce, Summer Day Camp and Swim Lessons. These bids.
are popular programs that will fill up quickly, so mark your Approved funding requests for the Astor Avenue Median
calendar. Island Beautification and Speed Hump Installation.
Sponsored the Renaissance Club at Rosewood Park
Speaking of popular City programs, registration for the City School to attend an 8th grade Leadership Camp to be held
of Commerce Public Library’s Summer Reading Program at Camp Commerce June 7-9, 2017.
will be starting on June 19. This program, which is open to Approved for First Reading An Ordinance Adopting the
children, teens and adults, is a great way to improve read- Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County
ing while being entertained. It’s free to join and programs are Fire Code.
free to attend. Check out the library’s website at for more details. Adjourned Meeting of April 24 Authorized Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc., to con-
duct a traffic impact study for a proposed project at 7316
With the arrival of summer, we want to make sure every- Approved internship agreements with Montebello Unified Gage Avenue.
one keeps cool during days with extreme temperatures. City School District and California State University, Fullerton for Approved a landscape maintenance agreement with the
facilities are available for the public to cool off during regu- the City's Cable Television Division. California Department of Transportation for maintenance of
lar business hours, which includes the park and library build- Directed staff to begin a process to address Cal Recycle is- westerly I-5 Interchange Landscape areas in the City.
ings; the Senior Center; and the Teen Center. The City offers sues, begin analysis of the franchise system and bring it Approved signing a one-year agreement for the City to par-
spray pools for children at all four City parks, as well as back to the City Council for decision, and engage refuse ticipate in the Our Little Helpers, Inc. Food Service Program
recreational swimming at the Brenda Villa Aquatic Center. haulers in the process. at Rosewood Park.
For more information call (323) 887-4404. Approved industrial hygienist services and additional Adopted an ordinance approving the transfer to Torrance
abatement and demolition services for the Veterans Me- Pipeline Company, LLC, of a pipeline franchise to ExxonMo-
June is also when we acknowledge and honor fathers and morial Park Lead Abatement/Demolition Project. bil Oil Corporation.
school graduates. Don’t forget to take time to acknowledge Approved revising the Commerce Speed Hump Policy. Received and filed an update on the Veterans Park Lead
and appreciate your dad, stepdad, or other father figures in Abatement Project.
your life. Also, congratulations to all the graduates out there; Regular Meeting of April 18 Received and filed a report on the fiscal year 2017-18
you did it! Reminder: Don’t forget to vote on June 6. budget, initial general fund projected numbers.
Declared April 2017 as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month”
Sincerely, and April 26, 2017 as “Denim Day.”
Declared April 2017 as “Child Abuse Prevention Month.”
Recognized Brenda Villa for Receiving the 2017 Pioneer
Women of the Year Award from the City of Los Angeles.
Approved an additional Civic Organization for the year
2017 as recommended by the Parks & Recreation Com-
Published Monthly and Mailed to Commerce Residents
Director of Administrative Graphics Design Resident Inquiry
Services and City Clerk & Layout
With California recovering from the drought, can I details. In addition to that, we encourage residents and
Lena Shumway Anthony Aguilar stop conserving water now? businesses to call the Sheriff’s Station at (323) 264-4151 to
The City of Commerce will continue to aid in the reduction of report any illegal street racing activities that go on in the
Editing/Writing: PIO Staff: urban water use in California. Therefore, the City will continue City.
Daniel Larios Alyssa Mendez to follow the water use restrictions for outdoor watering of
Marie Hovik Edward Torres landscapes. Please remember that outdoor watering between Is there any kind of financial assistance or pro-
Adriana Torres 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. is prohibited. Thank you for doing your part gram for spaying or neutering my dog?
(323) 887-4447 Darryl Leyden to help our community. Unfortunately, the City does not offer any programs to help
Monday through Friday, Joe Sandoval spay or neuter pets. However, there are a few organizations
What are you doing about the escalating street rac- that offer low cost or free neutering for pets. These are the
8 a.m. – 6 p.m. ing problem on Malt Avenue? Amanda Foundation ( (888) 349-
The City is currently in the middle of enacting a pilot program 7388, SNP LA ( (310) 574-5555, and the Sam
on Malt Avenue to deter street racers, which includes in- Simon Foundation ( (888) 364-7729.
stalling speed bumps, rumble strips and enhanced striping
2 • June 2017 • Report to the People
READs Center Combines Fun and Learning The Code Zone:
Reporting Code
You’re out for a leisurely drive through the city, enjoying your
afternoon and you notice something amiss:
One group of children is studying a board with sen- ask questions; maybe that’s not something they do at We aren’t talking about anyone’s taste in decor; this
tences containing misspelled words; another group school.” couch may have been very nice and comfortable in
is hard at work with writing exercises; a rather lively its day. However, in that condition, that couch on the
group is laughing uproariously while playing a game with Tutor Janice Ayala believes being closer to the children’s street is now an eyesore. Although Code Enforcement gen-
their tutor. Welcome to the Commerce READs Center. ages is also conducive to learning. “We’re not teachers, erally manages to take care of these situations quickly, we do
we’re students like them,” she explains. sometimes miss things. Did you know you can give your city
The Center serves students from the ages of 7-12 who Code Enforcement Officers a hand by reporting such eye-
have trouble reading in school and students from grades 3- Since all programs are provided free and to the entire com- sores to them?
12 who have been diagnosed with a learning disability. munity, the number of learners is often greater than the num-
bers of tutors available. Examples of Routine Investigations
The Center didn’t always serve young Commerce resi- by Code Enforcement:
dents. In 1984, the City of Commerce was one of the first “The more volunteers we have, the more people in our
cities in the state to offer literacy services to adults in an ef- community we can serve,” Diaz said. •Garage conversions
fort to combat adult illiteracy. It wasn’t until 2002 that services
were extended to children via the Commerce Kids Read and Diaz and her staff also manage the City’s annual Scholar- •Construction without a permit
One-on-One tutoring programs. Adult ESL Conversation and ship Program, which, thanks to the generosity of donors, has
Citizenship Classes were added in 2007. awarded hundreds of scholarships to Commerce residents •Zoning violations
pursuing post-secondary education.
Literacy Program Manager Evelyn Diaz oversees the •Junk, trash and debris
READS Center with a staff of five and 26 volunteers. To be- Evelyn Molina is currently tutoring an adult and said she is
come a tutor, volunteers receive 12 hours of training and are doing so because she wanted to give back to the place that •Abandoned refrigerators and other appliances
asked to make a six-month commitment to the Center. Most awarded her with a scholarship when she was pursuing her that can entrap children
volunteers easily surpass that timeframe and stay for about college degree. She has proven to be a resourceful tutor,
three years. It’s easy to see why. using online games to help her learner. •Excessive or unpermitted signage
The adult learners are there because they are motivated “It’s important to find the best teaching method because not •Inoperable vehicles on private property
to learn. The school-aged learners are well behaved and ea- everyone learns the same way,” Molina said
gerly participate in the games and group lessons. They re- Whether it’s dumped furniture, trash, abandoned vehicles or
spond well to the tutors, some of whom are high school In addition to reading and writing assistance, the Center an illegal structure/converted garage, contacting the Code En-
students. also helps students who are seeking help with financial aid forcement division can be the first step in getting it resolved.
applications for college and personal statements.
Volunteer tutor Dolores Magadaleno, a high school senior, The most convenient way to report a possible code violation
thinks the Center creates an ideal learning environment that To volunteer or for information on literacy programs, con- is by calling the Public Safety and Community Services De-
gives the children “an opportunity to learn, to understand and tact the READS Center at 323-722-6660, ext. 2823. partment at 323-887-4460. Ask to speak to a Code Enforce-
ment Officer, and one will take the information. If you’d rather
Branding and Beautifying Commerce let us know personally, you can drop by the office, Monday
through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and an officer will gladly
At the request of the City’s Beautification Committee, the City Council, at its April speak to you.
4, 2017 meeting, adopted a Beautification, Branding, and Way-Finding Program
with the goal of communicating and promoting the Commerce brand. As part of Please have the pertinent information— such as the loca-
the program, the City’s logo was updated. tion and type of possible code violation—available. The more
detailed the report, the better. In this case, there is no such
The two c’s in the design are not only abbreviations for City of Commerce, but also thing as too much information.
represent movement, fluidity and continuous progress. The use of the gold color
conveys our Model City status and value. Residents will be seeing the new logo Oftentimes, you will be asked for your contact information,
on City publications, signs, banners and more. which will remain confidential. If the fact that your next-door
neighbor has a converted garage, trash strewn about the
yard, and a junk car in the driveway is bothering you, let us
know about it. We’ll never tell them you did.
Report to the People • June 2017 • 3
SPurBLomiegbmtrrtaaeemrrry:WRN“eBoeaurwdlidslidn” ga PRINCESS PROFILE: Vivian Bautista
The City of Commerce Public Library’s Summer Reading Miss Spring
Program (SRP) is a fun way to help children retain or
improve their reading skills over the summer break – How has your experience been on
and it is completely free! Children can earn prizes for reading the court so far?
and everyone is invited to attend fun family shows and pro-
grams available at all Commerce libraries. Registration for My experience on the court so far has been incredible. I
the SRP begins Monday, June 19, at your local library. Once have loved and enjoyed every moment of it. The girls in the
registered, children can earn prizes for reading. The Chil- court are all so friendly and have made every event we have
dren’s Summer Reading Program is free and open to chil- been to fun and unforgettable. I had a really great time at the
dren from the age of four through fifth grade. The library also Spring Festival, which was my day, and I can’t wait to attend all the
offers a Tiny Tots Summer Reading program for children up other celebrations in the upcoming year.
to three years old.
What do you hope to get out of your time
Summer Reading serving on the court?
Program Schedule The one thing I hope to get out of being on the court is the ablitity to
speak in front of a crowd without being nervous. I want to be able to
Kick-Off Show
“S.T.E.A.M. Works: The Puppet Musical” performed by go up on stage and be me, not the nervous person that forgets what
Noteworthy Puppets she has to say.
Saturday, June 17, 10 AM
Commerce Senior Center What is the best thing about living in Com-
2555 Commerce Way merce?
“Build a Better World with Rhythm” with One World Rhythm The best thing about living in Commerce is the residents, they are
6 PM all so friendly and without their help I would not have been able to get
June 19 Rosewood Library on stage the day of the pageant. I am very thankful to live in Com-
June 20 Bandini Library merce.
June 21 Veterans Library
June 22 Bristow Park Library Are you furthering your education and/or working?
“Storytime Signs” for Tiny Tots (Babies – 4 years) with Yes, I am furthering my education; I am currently enrolled in Rio Hondo College
Georgia Frawley where I am majoring in Child Development. I am also working for the City of
11:30 AM Commerce Parks and Recreation Department as a recreation aide.
June 28 Rosewood Library
What are your hobbies, extracurricular activities, in-
“Building the Greatest Magic Show Ever” with David Skale terests?
6 PM
July 3 Rosewood Library Well, in my spare time, I love hanging out with friends and family. I love to
July 5 Veterans Library dance! Any type of music that is playing, I will dance to it. I also enjoy baking
July 6 Bristow Park Library very much; it keeps me so entertained and I love learning about new recipes
to bake and decorate.
“Imagine a Jurassic World” with Dino Encounters 6 PM
July 17 Rosewood Library What are your plans for the future?
July 18 Bandini Library
July 19 Veterans Library My plan for the future is to be a preschool teacher and to teach kids all the fun-
July 20 Bristow Park Library damental skills they need to become successful students.
Ending Celebration Almost There: Shopping List for Emergency Kit Supplies for June
As the third installment of the American Red Cross’ “21 •utility knife
“Build a Magic World” Weeks to Prepare,” here are the June shopping lists •pliers
for your family’s emergency preparedness kit. •save $1.75 for a weather radio*
with Anthony the Magic
6 PM, Thursday, August 3 Week 11 Week 14
Commerce Senior Center
•1 gallon water •2 cans fruit/veggies
For more information, call the Rosewood Neighborhood Li- •1 pkg energy snacks •1 pkg eating utensils
brary at (323) 722-6660 or •emergency blanket •1 pkg plastic cups
•matches •paper towels/napkins
FREE SUMMER LUNCH •save $1.75 for a weather radio* •save $1.75 for a weather radio*
for Children and Teens Week 12 Week 15
The City of Commerce is partnering with the Los Angeles •flashlight •pet food & dishes
Food Bank to provide free, nutritious lunches for children and •batteries •extra water
teens ages 5 to 18 years old from June 19 to August 11. •cotton rope •leash
Lunch will be provided Monday through Friday at Bristow •1 bottle juice •litter pan/litter
Park from 11 a.m. to noon, and at Veterans Park from 11:30 •save $1.75 for a weather radio* •save $1.75 for a weather radio*
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Lunches are served on a first-come, first-
served basis and registration is not necessary. For more in- Week 13 *Save $1.75 a week and purchase your weather radio
formation, please call the Public Safety and Community at the end of 21 weeks.
Services Department at (323) 887-4460. •1 gallon water
4 • June 2017 • Report to the People
Women’s Water Polo and the Pursuit of Excellence Warning:
This summer, Water Polo Coach Gabriel Martinez will Martinez confirms this trend of water polo being largely a
say goodbye to eight of his Women’s Water Polo team family affair, stating that most of the athletes who join the Coyotes
members who are graduating high school and heading team are relatives or neighbors of players or former players.
Still Attacking
off to college. Young women water polo players tend to excel And he should know: he has been a Commerce aquatics Pets in Commerce
in both water polo employee for 25 Coyotes live throughout Califor-
nia and are increasingly living in
and academically, years, earning urban areas.
Keep coyotes at a distance!
Martinez says, be- several promo-
If a Coyote Approaches You
cause parents, staff tions and even
•Do not run or turn your back on it.
and athletes work more respect from •If attacked, fight back.
•Be as big and loud as possible.
together to ensure his players, their •Wave your arms and throw objects.
•Face the coyote, stare directly into its eyes
that high standards parents and other and back away slowly
are set and met. pros in the world Protect Yourself and Your Pets
Commitment to of water polo. •Conduct outdoor activities during daylight hours.
•Use extra caution dusk through dawn.
their sport helps However, tryouts •Walk with a walking stick.
•Carry noise makers and/or rocks to throw.
too. are not all about •Do not leave pets out unsupervised, especially at night.
•Do not leave pet food/water outside.
The dedication re- who you know or •If you have fruit trees, pick up fallen fruit.
•Keep pets on a short leash.
quired to be on the your water polo •Do not allow dogs to interact with coyotes.
•Avoid known or potential den sites.
women’s water experience. “If •Coyotes can jump an average of 5-6 feet, but
polo team is im- they have a Resi- are capable of climbing and scaling a 10-foot fence.
•Do not feed coyotes or stray cats!
mense. The players dent Card and
More Information
practice for approx- they can swim
•California Department of Fish and Wildlife South Coast
imately five to well, we are not Region Office
seven hours per week and play games during several week- going to turn them away,” Martinez asserts.
ends. Of course, this cuts into the time they have for their You can see water polo alumni in action at the annual •City of Commerce Animal Control Division
323-887-4460, ext. 2236
other responsibilities, like homework and social activities. alumni game held in the summer.
Carissa Perez, who has been playing water polo since she The City has been a staunch champion of water polo for Report to the People • June 2017 • 5
was seven years old and will be attending Brown University, many years, which Martinez and the players readily ac-
credits the water polo program with helping her achieve bal- knowledge. “I'm incredibly grateful to be a part of the
ance. “It made me acquire excellent time management women's water polo program,” Contreras said. “We are
skills,” she said. given so much support from the City which allows us to pur-
Other benefits of being a part of the nationally-recognized sue our dreams and careers in water polo.”
program include learning how to be a team player and set- Water polo may not be for everyone, but Perez believes all
ting goals. For some, playing water polo was a given. “It ran Commerce youth can excel. “As long as you always put in
in the blood; my parents both played and my dad is actually the most amount of effort that you possibly can, all your hard
the men's head coach. “My older siblings all played and I just work will pay off.”
ran with it. Also, I'm quite clumsy on land,” admits Brooke Contreras concurs. “I say stick to one thing, and make it
Contreras who will be playing water polo for the University of your own.”
the Pacific.
High School Seniors Take Over City Hall by Taylor Rodriguez
Last month, nearly 30 high school seniors from Bell Gar- pected it to be very informative, very serious but I felt like
dens and Schurr High Schools took a day off from the staff made it light-hearted and very enjoyable for us.”
school to participate in Student Government Day at
City Hall. Student Government Day is an annual event that The student city council, attorney and city administrator
pairs students with city staff members to give them insight on conducted a mock City Council meeting where issues,
what working for local government entails. specifically the ongoing coyote sightings, were discussed.
The students shadowed councilmembers and staff to learn
about services and programs provided by the various de- The meeting was followed by a group photo session in the
partments, such as Public Works and Development Serv- Council Chambers and a luncheon at Steven’s Steakhouse,
ices; Library Services; and Public Safety and Community where students had a chance to mingle and chat with each
Services. Students took a tour of City Hall and the City’s other about the day’s events.
cable TV studio.
The City was honored to have Judge Craig Mitchell as the
“I think it’s an excellent program. It’s a good way to let the guest speaker of the event. In a moving and inspirational ad-
young adults in the community learn how local government dress, Judge Mitchell told the students of his personal strug-
works,” said Carlos Heredia, who served as the student gles, determination to succeed and his many well-earned
Mayor Pro Tem for the day. achievements. To further motivate the students, Judge
Mitchell shared some of his philanthropic endeavors as well.
Learning about government does not have to be boring as
Heredia learned. The City hopes students will continue to be passionate
about Student Government Day and to consider careers in
“I didn’t expect it to be as fun as it was,” he said. “I ex- public service.
Young Commerce artist Mia Borja shows off her artwork during the Library’s Earth Day Art Show. Miss Cinco de Mayo Rosa Moreno celebrates her special day of Mexican food and festivities with Miss Com-
merce and the Royal Court.
The City’s facilities maitnenance staff worked in the Residents went to work cleaning and beautifying the Bristow Park area at this year’s Spring Clean Up.
early hours of the morning to give the Bristow Park
Boxing Gym some much needed TLC. SPRING FESTIVAL
Young Commerce residents performed in front of a packed Commerce Casino ballroom at the
Annual Commerce Dance Recital.
The City’s facilities maitnenance staff worked in the Miss Spring Vivian Bautista gives a lucky young Commerce resident a Peeps candy dur-
early hours of the morning to give the Bristow Park ing the Spring Festival and Easter Egg Hunt.
Boxing Gym some much needed TLC.
The City of Commerce Public Library recognized volunteers from various library programs at the Vol-
unteer Breakfast.
6 • June 2017 • Report to the People
July 2017 1 2 3
SMTW T F S Hecho a Mano Teen Video Games Camp Commerce Registra-
1 Veterans Library Rosewood Library tion
2 34 5 67 8 5:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 a.m.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Parks and Recreation Com- Father/Daughter Dance
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 mission Senior Center
30 31 6 p.m. 6 p.m.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
“My father used to City Council/Succesor Hecho a Mano Senior Citizens Commission Community Services Com- Teen Video Games Swim Lesson Registration
say that it's never Agency Rosewood Library 12:30 p.m. mission Rosewood Library Rosewood Park
6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8 a.m.
too late to do 11 a.m. Video Games 3:30 p.m.
anything you Youth Advisory Commission Bandini Library Wonder Woman Day
wanted to do. And 7 p.m. City of Commerce Bandini Library
he said, 'You never Municipal Election 3:30 p.m. 11 a.m.
know what you 12
can accomplish Rabies Clinic
until you try.' Education Commission Rosewood Park
Michael Jordan 6 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
11 "The future belongs
to those who believe 13 14 15 16 17
in the Coffee with Veterans Task Force 3 p.m. Hecho a Mano Teen Video Games Summer Reading
beauty of their Rosewood Library
Rosewood Library Video Games Bandini Library Program Kick-Off
dreams." Veterans Library 4 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Eleanor Roosevelt 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Rosewood Library/Senior
Hecho a Mano Summer Kick Off
Bristow Library Rosewood Park Center
6 p.m. 8 p.m. 10 a.m.
Traffic Commission
6:30 p.m.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Summer Reading Program One World Rhythm Summer Begins One World Rhythm "We do not need
Begins Bandini Library 6 p.m. Bristow Library magic to change the
City Council/Successor Video Games 6 p.m.
Spray Pools Open Bandini Library world, we carry all
Agency Spanish Book Club the power we
One World Rhythm 6:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Rosewood Library need inside
Rosewood Library
27 One World Rhythm 6 p.m. ourselves already:
6 p.m. Veterans Library we have the power
Teen Program 6 p.m. 29 to imagine better.”
Financial Literacy Program Bristow Library
Rosewood Library 28 Teen Program JK Rowling
6 p.m. 4 p.m. Veterans Library
I-710 Advisory Committee Toddler Storytime 30
26 Rosewood Library 4 p.m.
6 p.m. Dinner and a Movie
Teen Program 11:30 a.m. Bristow Library
Rosewood Library 5 p.m.
Teen Program
4 p.m. Bandini Library
Library Commission 4 p.m.
6 p.m.
Planning Commission
City Hall & 6:30 p.m.
Libraries Closed
City of Commerce
2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841
Report to the People • June 2017 • 7
Commerce, CA 90040 U.S. POSTAGE
Where Quality Service Is Our Tradition
Important Phone Numbers
Aquatic Center 323-887-4404
Public Safety 323-887-4460
Animal Control 323-887-4460
(weekends/evenings) 562-940-6898
Calmet 562-259-1239
SCE St. Lights Out* 800-611-1911
*Provide Light Pole # for Report
Mayor Ivan Altamirano E.L.A. Sheriff’s Dept. 323-264-4151
Mayor Pro Tem Tina Baca Del Rio
Councilmember Hugo A. Argumedo Graffiti Hotline 323-887-4444
Councilmember Lilia R. Leon Vector Control 562-944-9656
Councilmember Oralia Y. Rebollo
Union Pacific 888-877-7267
BNSF 800-832-5452
City of Commerce, 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040 • (323) 722-4805 Fax (323) 888-6841 •
8 • June 2017 • Report to the People