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แบบฝึกหัดเสริมวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ม.3

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Published by chutimonjongrak, 2021-09-21 09:54:16

Worksheet M3

แบบฝึกหัดเสริมวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ม.3

Question tag

B Underline the correct tag
1. He is your friend, aren’t/isn’t/amn’t he?
2. She was in London, won’t/weren’t/wasn’t she?
3. His father drives a car, don’t/won’t/doesn’t he?
4. You can play the guitar, couldn’t/can’t/can you?
5. Liz won’t come, is/doesn’t/will she?
6. Sam went to the zoo, don’t/didn’t/doesn’t he?
7. Pat has a sister, haven’t/hasn’t/hadn’t she?
8. Mike can’t drive a car, could/can/can’t he?
9. They didn’t go there, do/does/did they?
10. Bob doesn’t like football, do/does/did he?

C Write the correct tag
1. You must come to the party, _________?
2. Sam doesn’t like cooking, ________?
3. You are on duty, _________?
4. Jim hasn’t got a dog, ________?
5. Tom is only twelve, _______?

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 50

Reported Speech

Direct Speech คือ การนาคาพดู ของผู้อ่ืนมาพดู แบบตรง ๆ โดยไมม่ ีการเปลี่ยนแปลงโครงสร้าง
หรอื เติมคาพดู ใด ๆ เขา้ ไป และคาพดู น้นั จะอยใู่ นเครอ่ื งหมายคาพดู (Quotation Mark “…”)

Tom said, “I have dinner with my wife.”
หรือ “I have dinner with my wife.”, Tom said.

ทอมพดู วา่ “ผมทานมอื้ เยน็ กับภรรยาของผม”

She said, “I’m teaching English online.”
หรือ “I’m teaching English online,” she said.

เธอพูดว่า “ฉนั กาลังสอนภาษาอังกฤษออนไลน”์


1. หลังประโยคหลกั จะต้องค่นั ดว้ ยเครอ่ื งหมาย comma (,) เสมอ
เช่น She said, “I’m teaching English online.”

2. หากสลบั เอาประโยคในเครอื่ งหมายคาพดู ข้นึ กอ่ น เม่อื จบประโยคให้ใสเ่ ครื่องหมาย comma
แล้วปดิ ดว้ ยเครื่องหมายคาพดู จึงตามดว้ ยชื่อผู้พดู เช่น “I’m teaching English online,” she said.
3. ประโยคในเคร่อื งหมายคาพดู จะขน้ึ ตน้ ดว้ ยตวั พมิ พ์ใหญ่

Indirect Speech หรือ Reported Speech คือ การนาคาพดู ของผู้อ่นื มาดดั แปลงเปน็ คาพูดของผู้
พดู เอง แล้วเลา่ ให้ผู้อ่นื ฟงั ซ่ึงจะมกี ารเปลย่ี นแปลงโครงสรา้ งประโยคเดมิ และไม่มีการใส่
เคร่ืองหมายคาพดู เชน่

Direct Speech: Tom said, “I have dinner with my wife.”
(ทอมพดู วา่ “ผมทานมื้อเย็นกับภรรยาของผม”)
Indirect Speech: Tom said (that) he had dinner with his wife.
(ทอมพดู ว่าเขาทานมอื้ เยน็ กบั ภรรยาของเขา)

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 51

กฎพน้ื ฐานในการเปลี่ยน Direct เปน็ Indirect Speech

1. เปล่ยี น Tense Indirect Speech
Direct Speech Past simple
Past continuous
Present simple Past perfect simple
Present continuous Past perfect continuous
Present perfect simple Past perfect
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Past simple Past perfect
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous

เปลย่ี น Modal Verbs (กริยาชว่ ย) Indirect Speech
would / should
Direct Speech could
will / shall might
can had to

ขอ้ ควรจา: Direct Speech ทใี่ ช้ Modal Verbs – could, would, should, might และ ought to อยู่
แลว้ เมือ่ ทาเปน็ Indirect Speech ไมต่ อ้ งเปลยี่ นคากริยาชว่ ยเหลา่ น้ี

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 52

2. เปลย่ี นคากรยิ าของประโยคนา (Reporting Verb) Indirect Speech
Direct Speech

says says (that)

said said (that)

say to + บคุ คล tell + บคุ คล + (that)

said to + บคุ คล told + บุคคล + (that)

3. เปลยี่ นสรรพนามบคุ คล (Personal Pronoun)

4. เปลย่ี นคาแสดงระยะใกล้เปน็ ไกล (Nearness → Remoteness)

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

here there

this that

these those

และเปลย่ี นคาบอกเวลา (Adverbs of time) Indirect Speech
Direct Speech that day
the day before
today the next day
yesterday the night/week/month/year before
tomorrow the following night/week/month/year
last night/week/month/year before
next night/week/month/year a year/month before
ago then
a year/month ago go

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 53

Indirect Speech แบง่ เปน็ 3 ประเภท โดยแตล่ ะประเภทจะมีกฎในการเปลย่ี นแตกต่างกันไป ดงั นี้
1. Indirect Speech – Statement คอื รปู ประโยคบอกเลา่ หรอื ประโยคปฏิเสธ มหี ลักการเปล่ยี น
ดงั นี้

1.1. ตัดเคร่อื งหมาย comma (,) และเคร่ืองหมายคาพดู (“…..”) ออก
1.2. เปลีย่ น Reporting Verb ตามความเหมาะสม (ดหู ลักการเปลยี่ น Reporting Verb จาก
ตารางด้านบน) และจะเติม that หลงั Reporting Verbs หรือไมก่ ไ็ ด้
1.3. เปลี่ยนสรรพนามใหเ้ หมาะสม (ดูหลกั การเปลีย่ นสรรพนามจากตารางด้านบน)
1.4. เปลย่ี นคาแสดงระยะใกล้เป็นไกล และคาระบุเวลา
1.5. เปลย่ี น Tense ใหเ้ หมาะกบั Reporting Verb ดังนี้

ถา้ Reporting Verb ใน Direct Statement อยใู่ นรปู Present Tense ไมต่ ้องเปลยี่ น
Tense ใน Indirect Statement แตต่ อ้ งเปลยี่ นรปู กริยาตามประธานในประโยค เช่น

Direct: She says, “I am happy.”
Indirect: She says (that) she is happy.

Direct: He says, “I love you.”
Indirect: He says (that) he loves me.

ถา้ Reporting Verb ใน Direct Statement อยใู่ นรูป Past tense ต้องเปลยี่ น Tense ใน
Indirect Statement (ดูกฎการเปลย่ี น Tense ไดต้ ามตารางดา้ นบน) เช่น

เปล่ียนจาก Present simple tense เป็น Past simple tense
Direct: She said, “I drink milk.”
Indirect: She said (that) she drank milk.

เปลยี่ น will เปน็ would
Direct: He said, “I will meet her here tomorrow.”
Indirect: He said (that) he would meet here there the next day.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 54

2. Indirect Speech – Commands, Requests, Suggestions คือ รปู ประโยคคาสง่ั ขอรอ้ ง หรือขอ
อนญุ าต มีหลักการเปลี่ยนดงั นี้

2.1. ใช้กริยานา (Reporting Verb) ให้เหมาะสม เชน่ tell/told (บอก), ask/asked (ขอร้อง),
request/requested (ขอรอ้ ง), beg/begged (วงิ วอน), advise/advised (แนะนา),
propose/proposed (เสนอแนะ), command/commanded (ส่ัง), order/ordered (สงั่ ),
forbid/forbade (สงั่ หา้ ม), warn/warned (เตือน)

2.2. ใช้ to+V.1 ในการ บอก, แนะนา, ขอรอ้ ง หรือส่ังให้ทา ถ้าเป็นปฏเิ สธหรือห้ามทา ใช้
not to + V.1

2.3. ถ้าประโยค Direct Speech ไม่มกี รรม ใหเ้ ตมิ กรรมในประโยค Indirect Speech
2.4. ถ้าในประโยค Direct Speech มคี าว่า please ให้ตดั ออก

ตวั อยา่ ง:
Direct : The teacher said, “come in.”
Indirect: The teacher told him to come in.

Direct : Tom begged, “Please move into the living room.”
Indirect: Tom begged me to move into the living room.

Direct: The doctor said, “Don’t smoke.”
Indirect: The doctor advised me not to smoke.

3. Indirect Speech – Question คอื รปู ประโยคคาถาม มหี ลกั การเปลยี่ นดงั น้ี
3.1. ตัดเครอ่ื งหมายคาถาม (?) ออก เพ่อื ให้อยใู่ นรูปประโยคบอกเลา่
3.2. เปลยี่ นกริยานา (Reporting Verb) จาก say, said, told เปน็ ask/asked (ถาม),

inquire/inquired of (สอบถาม)
3.3. ประโยคคาถามทข่ี ้นึ ต้นด้วย Verb to do, to have, to be, และกริยาชว่ ย (Auxiliary

verbs) Will, Can, etc. เป็นต้น จะต้องเชอื่ มประโยคดว้ ย if, whether, whether or not,
whether….or not to

3.4. ประโยคคาถามทขี่ ้ึนดว้ ย Wh-Questions: What, Where, When, Why, Who, Whom,
Whose และ How ใช้คาเหล่านเี้ ป็นตัวเชอ่ื มประโยคได้เลย

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 55

ตวั อยา่ ง:
Direct: Sompong said to us, “Are you leaving for Bangkok today?”
Indirect: Sompong inquired of us whether we were leaving for Bangkok that day.
Direct: She said to me, “Can you sing a song?”
Indirect: She asked me if I could sing a song.
Direct: He said to her, “What are you doing now?”
Indirect: He asked her what she was doing then.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 56

Reported Speech

A Report the following statement.
1. She said, “I like volley-ball”. ___________________________________________
2. Tom said, “This river is the longest”.____________________________________
3. Pam said, “I will come to you”. _________________________________________
4. He said, “I was watching TV”.__________________________________________
5. They said, “We’ll play today”. _________________________________________
6. “Is Tony talking to your brother, Susan?”
Paul asked __ Susan if Tony was talking to her brother. ____________________
7. “My parents went to Italy last summer.”
Sue commented __________________________________________________________
8. “Will you post the letter for me, Pam?”
I asked _________________________________________________________________
9. “Sam hasn’t come back from England yet.”
Adam said ______________________________________________________________
10. “You should check your blood pressure, Mr. Black is too high.”
Dr. Newman advised ______________________________________________________

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 57

Reported Speech

B Rewrite the sentences into direct speech
1. My friend advised me not to drink alcohol that night since I had to drive back home.
…“You shouldn’t drink/ You’d better not drink alcohol tonight since you have to drive
back home.”……
2. The teacher remarked that our exams were really well.
……“Your exams are really well, children.”…………………………………
3. Tony asked me when we would meet for dinner.
4. Sally commented that she had travelled to Rome twice the previous year.
5. Dan’s sister refused to do the washing up for him.
6. The passenger wanted to know when the plane would land.
7. Adam suggested wearing smart clothes to Tom’s party the next Friday.
8. Mandy said she had forgotten to lock the garage when she had left that morning.
9. The children asked the teacher if they had to bring the dictionary the following day.
10. My father remarked that the new laptop didn’t work very well.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 58

Relative Clause

A Choose the correct option.

1) That’s the sheep …… I saw yesterday.

a)who b)whose c)that

2) He bought the souvenirs ….. he wanted.

a) which b) who c)whom

3) Paul is the boy …… calculator I’m using.

a) who b)that c)whose

4) I washed my car …... was very dirty.

a)whom b)which c) whose

5) Mary was the girl ……. had a bath.

a) whose b) who c) which

6) The birthday …….. we ate was delicious.

a)which b)who c)where

7) Anne has a school bag ….. she carries her books.

a)who b)where c)that

8) Julio is the person with …….he is working there.

a)whom b) which c) who

9) The book ….. we read in bed is fantastic.

a)which b)whose c)who

10) Ten o’clock is the time …… I go home.

a) whose b) when c) who

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 59

Relative Clause

B Fill the gaps to complete the sentences
1. Do you know the woman ……………… is talking to the teacher?
2. All he pictures ……………. Picasso painted are very valuable.
3. The flight ………….….. my friend took was very slow.
4. I don’t know the name of the student ……..……. grandparents are Italians.
5. She didn’t like the letter …….…….. she received last week.
6. That woman was wearing some strange clothes …….…….. looked very expensive.
7. The wallet ……………… my son found in the street belonged to Martha.
8. The vegetables ………… you are eating now are from the best supermarket in town.
9. Margaret gave me a big box ……………… contained some interesting leaflets.
10. The athlete ……………… won the competition was really good and handsome.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 60

Relative Clause

C Circle the correct answer.

1) Brad Pitt is an actor who ……………

a) has blue eyes. b) has black eyes. c) is a ballerina.

2) Lion, which …………. ,eats meat.

a) is a plant b) is an animal c) has two noses

3) The girl whose ………… lives in this neighborhood.

a) hair is short b) studies English c) standing there

4) 1881 is the year ……………… Ataturk was born.

a) which b) where c) when

5) The girl ……….. phoned me yesterday is my sister.

a) where b) which c) that

6) I went back to the town ………. I grew up.

a) who b) where c) whose

7) The woman with ……….. he fell in love left him.

a) whom b) which c) that

8) A mall is a place ………. people shop.

a) which b) that c) where

9) I met a man …………… mother tongue is Japanese.

a) whose b) whom c) who

10) London,……… is the capital of England, is beautiful.

a) that b) which c) where

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 61

prefix suffix

A Add a prefix to each of the following words to make new words.

mis / anti / im / in / il / un / dis / non / pre / re / en

______possible ______understand ______attentive ______polite ______place

______depressive ______employed ______turn ______vision ______frost

______agree ______able ______justice ______lead ______gravity

______happy ______legal ______like ______write ______school

______active ______regular ______logical ______sense ______stop

______fix ______fiction ______expected ______historic ______cursor

______loyal ______cover ______dote ______dress ______courage

______do ______able ______literate ______face ______climax

B Add a suffix to each of the following words to make new words.
y /ly / less / ful/ er / or / ness / able / ment / tal / ary / ous / proof / free / ity / ian

fear______ teach______ help______ brother______ happy______
accident ______
tough______ photocopy______ understand______ loud______ courage______
friend ______
popular______ kind______ care______ home______ fashion______
fame______ water______ jealous______ speech______ tax______
clear______ hope______ mad______ suit______

rely______ bullet______ pain______ danger______

comfort______ fog______ environment______ act______

Brazil______ drink______ encourage______ deplore______

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 62

prefix suffix

C Choose the best answer: Prefixes and suffixes

1. He was acting in a very __ way

a) ( ) childsome b) ( ) childless

c) ( ) childful d) ( ) childish

2. Why are you so __?

a) ( ) antisocial b) ( ) unsocial

c) ( ) insocial d) ( ) dissocial

3. I was __ to solve the exercise.

a) ( ) inable b ( ) unable

c) ( ) disable d) ( ) anable

4. This sentence is not correct, __ it please.

a) ( ) unwrite b) ( ) diswrite

c) ( ) rewrite d) ( ) dewrite

5. My brother is still young but his company is very__.

a) ( ) successless b ( ) successful

c) ( ) successment d) ( ) unsuccessful

6. She has been married for 10 years, but she is still __.

a) ( ) childful b) ( ) childish

c) ( ) childhood d) ( ) childless

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 63

prefix suffix

7. I like your cousin, she is so __

a) ( ) uncomplicated b) ( ) discomplicated

c) ( ) decomplicated d) ( ) incomplicated

8. I think you should __ your decision.

a) ( ) disconsider b) ( ) unconsider

c) ( ) deconsider d) ( ) reconsider

9. I’m __ about the time he is coming.

a) ( ) incertain b) ( ) discertain

c) ( ) decertain d) ( ) uncertain

10. It’s __ to speak on the cell phone when you are driving.

a) ( ) illegal b) ( ) iligal

c) ( ) inlegal d) ( ) unlegal

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 64

prefix suffix

D Read the sentences and underline the prefixes and suffixes. Color the words with
prefix RED and suffix BLUE

1. My sister reread her old book
2. That man is good teacher
3. This is a friendless situation
4. The cat is unhappy in the house.
5. My sister has a washable car.
6. This book is very colorful
7. I have to precook the fish.
8. They disobey the teacher.
9. She repaints the house three times.
10. The prehistory is very important
11. I dislike this game
12. That book is very helpful for my homework
13. The bus is unclean
14. This is a wonderful party.
15. Some animals can be lovable.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 65

Sentence Structure

A Identify the subject and the verb in each sentence (Subject in red, Verb in blue)

1. The boys never play football at school.
2. I’m a teacher.
3. When is he coming?
4. My family likes going to the beach.
5. Laura has two older brothers.
6. We spent our summer holidays in the mountains.
7. My mother cooks pasta every Sunday.
8. They are waiting for the bus.
9. Sam has broken the window with the ball.
10. The man in the black suit didn’t pay for the coffee.

B Write sentences with the words given
1. at /gets up/ seven/ She/ always

2. working /They/ airport/at / are /the

3. here/ We/ for/ have/ ten/ lived/ years

4. isn’t/ She /doctor/ good/ a

5. park /morning/ to run/ I /love/ in/ the /the/in


Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 66

Present Simple tense

A Underline the correct variant

1. Tom _____ his room every Saturday.

a) tidy b) tidies

2. We _____ to the music every day.

a) listen b) listens

3. Mary usually _____ TV in the evening.

a) watch b) watches

4. The girls often _____ with the dolls.

a) play b) plays

5. I _____ in the pool on Sundays.

a) swim b) swims

B Add –s or -es to the verbs

1. see _____ 10. help _____ 19. pass _____

2. take _____ 11. Cut _____ 20. come _____

3. brush _____ 12. cry _____ 21. fight _____

4. kiss _____ 13. swim _____ 22. water _____

5. call _____ 14. wake _____ 23. choose _____

6. give _____ 15. teach _____ 24. fly _____

7. play _____ 16. lose _____ 25. match _____

8. study _____ 17. catch _____ 26. carry _____

9. watch _____ 18. buy _____

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 67

Present Simple tense

C Rewrite the sentences with the new subject

1. Kate likes to eat an ice-cream. (I)
2. We go to the zoo every Sunday. (Sam)
3. The boys play football well. (Tom)
4. My brother speaks English well. (They)
5. The girls like to draw dolls. (My sister)
6. I play computer games every day. (Pam)

D Fill in don’t or doesn’t
1. Bill _____________ play tennis every Sunday.
2. We _____________ go to the park.
3. Kate _____________ like to eat fish.
4. Sue _____________ wear long dresses.
5. I _____________ like to get up early.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 68

Present continuous tense

A Add –ing to the verbs below: 9. argue __________
1. sit __________ 10. come __________
11. leave __________
2. stop __________ 12. make __________
13. fly ___________
3. hit __________

4. swim __________

5. skip ___________

6. knit ___________ 14. try ___________
15. cry ___________
7. write ___________ 16. die ___________

8. bake ___________

B Underline then correct the mistakes.

1) Megan is makeing tea for her dolls.
2) Dad is fixxing the car.
3) Today I amn't washing up.
4) Do you answering the question?
5) Are they not watching TV?
6) Where are you runing, Michael?
7) Just we are waiting for the bus.
8) Who hiding behind that tree?
9) Daisy isn't lieing in the sun.
10) Mum is ironning now.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 69

Present continuous tense

D Look at the chart below. Then complete the sentences with is, isn't, are and aren't.

read a book Charlotte
swim in the sea Mr and Mrs Davis
play in the sand Julie and Sam
climb a tree
write a letter Joe
lie in the sun Kim
sit on a towel Mandy
throw a ball Sarah and Charlotte
play sand ball Travis, Fred and Daisy
eat an ice-cream Tom, Paul and Greg
Mandy and Sarah

1) Mrs Davis ______________ swimming in the sea.
2) Kim ______________ writing a book.
3) Mandy and Sarah ______________ eating an ice-cream.
4) Tom and Paul ______________ playing sand ball with Fred.
5) Sarah ______________ reading a book.
6) Julie and Sam ______________ playing in the sand.
7) Mandy ______________ lying in the sun but ______________ reading a book.
8) Fred and Daisy ______________ throwing a ball to Travis.
9) Joe ______________ climbing a tree.
10) Sarah and Charlotte ________ sitting on a towel but __________ eating chocolate.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 70

Present perfect tense

A Complete the table with the missing forms of the verbs.

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
ride grew
drive was / were
see had done

B Choose the correct item.

1 Have you ever / never / just eaten fried worms?
2 We have just / ago / yet met Kate.
3 Mum has yet / ever / just met my English teacher.
4 My friends haven’t finished lunch just / yet / ago.
5 Sue’s little sister has yet / ago / just started school.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 71

Present perfect tense

C Match the sentences to make short dialogues.

1. Have you read Tom’s new article? _____
2. She has won a holiday to Spain. _____
3. Is he ready for the trip to Greece? _____
4. Are your friends in the USA now? _____
5. Have you ever been to Paris? _____

a) Oh, what a great prize!
b) Yes, they’ve just gone there.
c) Yes, I’ve been there three times.
d) No, not yet. I haven’t had time.
e) Yes, he has already got his passport.

D Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. _______ you _______ the new Twilight film? (see)
2. Hector _________ his injection. (have/just)
3. I __________ the dog yet. (not/brush)
4. My father ______ jeans. (never/wear)
5. Kate and Sarah ________ their clothes for the school trip yet. ( not/choose)
6. ______ your brother _________ Chinese food? (ever/eat)
7. They ______________ to Japan. (never/be)
8. Mum isn’t ready. She _________ her things yet. (not/pack)

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 72

Present perfect continuous tense

A Read the following, putting the verbs into the Present Perfect Continuous form.

1. I (live) ……………………………………………………………….………………… here since 1928.
2. The cat (sit) ……………………………….…………………in front of the fire since tea-time.
3. I (look) ………….…………………………at this picture for five minutes, but I can’t see

you in it.
4. I’m afraid you (look)………………………………….………………………at the wrong one.
5. I know you (talk) …………….……………………… about grammar for the last half an

hour, but I’m afraid I (not listen) ……………………………………..………………………...
6. ……….……You………..………………………..……… (wait) long for me?
7. Yes! I (stand) ……………………………..…………………here in the rain for half an hour.
8. He (learn) …………..………………………English for three years, but he can’t even read

a newspaper yet.
9. Nobody has come to see us since we (live) ……………….……………… in our new house.
10.What you (do) ………………….………………………………while I have been out? We (sit)
………………………………..………here writing our homework, but it’s not quite finished yet.
11. He (work) ……………………………………………………In the post office for twenty years.
12.Lunch is not quite ready yet, although I (cook) ……….…………………… all the morning.
13.She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she (read)
………………………………..……………… too long.
14.They are tired because they (work) ……………………………………… in the garden

since nine o’clock.
15.Look! that light (burn) ………………………………..……………………… all night.
Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 73

Past simple tense

A Fill in the verbs in the correct form


Yesterday I …………….… (1decide) to go to the department store. I …………….…
(2want) to buy a new sweater. I also …………….… (3invite) Liz, my friend with me.
When we …………….… (4arrive) there, we …………….… (5see) a lot of people. We
…………….… (6find) the counter with sweaters and …………….… (7begin) to choose
them. They …………….… (8be) of different colors and sizes. I …………….… (9ask) to
show me a blue sweater which … (10be) my size. I …………….… (11decide) to try it on
and …………….… (12go) to the fitting – room. It …………….… (13be) wonderful! It
…………….… (14fit) me perfectly! Liz …………….… (15advise) me to buy it, because it
…………….… (16be) nice and not very expensive. I …………….… (17ask) where the cash
desk …………….……(18be). I …………….… (19pay) money, …………….… (20take) my
sweater and we …………….… (21go) home. The day …………….… (22be) lucky!

B Write positive sentences

1. My sister/finish/her studies/two years ago.
2. My neighbors/buy/a new car/last week.
3. We/spend/the whole afternoon/in the park.
4. Dan/write/an interesting report/yesterday.
5. My father/bring/a nice cat/last month.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 74

Past simple tense

C Write negative sentences:
1. She had a nice dress on yesterday.
2. I came to school very late.
3. Jane went to London last week.
4. Our class won in football competition.
5. He saw Kate on TV last night.

D Write general questions:
1. You/do homework/yesterday?
2. She/see/an interesting film/on Sunday?
3. Jim/go/to the sports club/last week?
4. Lucy/send/ a message/to her friend?
5. Tom/get/ a new task/ yesterday?
Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 75

Past continuous tense

A Choose the correct answer:

1) Last night, Irem’s boyfriend ……………….. the room while she was talking with
another boy on the phone.

a) was entering b) entered c) had entered

2) Tan …………………… on the sofa when the baby started to cry.

a) had slept b) slept c) was sleeping

3) World War 1 ……………………. when World War 2 began.

a) was already ending b) had already ended c) already ended

4) Ece …………………….. the movie ‘Da Vinci Code’ at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) watched b) was watching c) had watched

5) The family last ……………... on a vacation in 2010.

a) was going b) had gone c) went

6) The crowd ………………. after the mayor had made his speech.

a) had cheered b) was cheering c) cheered

7) We …………… a huge, beautiful house when I was a child.

a) had b) were having c) had had

8) Before the man ............. this job a year ago, he had graduated from university in

a) had found b) found c) was finding

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 76

Past continuous tense

B Fill in the blanks with “when” or “while”.

1) I was doing my homework __________ my parents were watching TV.
2) _________ I broke the vase I felt very sorry.
3) Mehmet was waiting for somebody _________ I saw him.
4) We were having breakfast _________ the school bus came.
5) _________ my father was cutting the trees my mother was cooking.
6) I washed my face _________ my brother was brushing his teeth.
7) _________ Sevgi was knitting her grandchildren were watching TV.
8) What were they doing ________ you called them?

C Rewrite the sentences with “when” or “while”.

1) I was combing my hair. My sister came in.
2) Murat painted the fences. Kubilay was planting some trees.

3) Tahsin was playing snowball. We saw him.

4) My mother was having a rest. We came home.

5 ) I was having an exam. The headmaster opened the door.


Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 77

Past perfect tense

A Look at the sentences and decide which happened first.

1. By the time Charles arrived at the office, the boss had already left for the meeting.
 Charles arrived at the office.
 The boss left for the meeting.

2. Britney had washed all the dishes when her husband came.
 Britney washed all the dishes.
 Her husband came.

3. After he had had the accident, he reported it to the insurance company.
 He had an accident.
 He reported it to the insurance company.

4. Tom had saved a lot of money so he bought a motorbike.
 Tom saved a lot of money.
 He bought a motorbike.

5. After Margaret had read the book, she took it back to the library.
 Margaret read the book.
 She took the book back to the library.

6. Before my parents visited London, they had visited Paris.
 My parents visited London.
 My parents visited Paris.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 78

Past perfect tense

B Fill in the sentences with the correct form (Past Perfect Tense) of the appropriate
verb, and then match the sentences to the pictures.

1) After Alex had sent a letter to his granny, he went to the playground. 1
2) Mr K wanted to sell the watches he ________________________ before.
3) After John ________________________ an A+ in English, his parents praised
4) Tom broke his leg after he ________________________ through a rock.
5) _____ Mum __________ little Ben before she had lunch?
6) After you _________________ an electric shock, you were taken to hospital.
7) Why _____ Jason __________ the front door before he went to bed?
8) Hank started dieting after he _____________________ too much apple pie.
9) Marty met his friends after he ________________________ his homework.
10) _____ the students ____________ bingo before they wrote a test?
11) _____ Jim _______________ the driving exam before he passed it at last?
12) After Mary ________________________ out the coupons from the newspaper,
she did the shopping.
13) After Jillian ________________________ her tooth, she got something from the
tooth fairy.
14) After Hugh _____________________ a snowman, he put a hat on its head.
15) Before Jack went to bed, he ________________________ his mum.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 79

Past perfect continuous tense

A Choose the correct answer: 6) When I met him, he _____ running.
A. have already been
1) The bird _____ singing on the tree. B. already had been
A. has C. had already been
B. had 7) It _____ for hours so the floor _____ wet.
C. had been A. has been raining/was
2) The grinder _____ working well. B. had been raining/was
A. had C. had rained/had been
B. hadn’t 8) I just knew about the news. _____ working all
C. hadn’t been day?
3) My kid was sad. He _____ waiting for his A. Had he
mother. B. Had he been
A. had been C. Has he not
B. has been
C. had 9) My kids were so tired. They ____ all day.
A. had been playing
4) At last, I found my key. _____ it for days. B. had been played
A. I have been finding C. have been playing
B. I hadn’t been finding
C. I had been finding

5) I _____ here for hours before you arrived. 10) Wipa _____ English for years before she
A. was sleeping _____ a tour guide.
B. had been sleeping A. have taught/became
C. had slept B. had teaching/become
C. had been teaching/became

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 80

Past perfect continuous tense

B Make the past perfect continuous
1) I_______________________________(work) all day, so I didn't want to go out.
2) She ____________________________(sleep) for ten hours when I woke her.
3) They ____________________________(live) in Beijing for three years when he

lost his job.
4) When we met, you ____________________________(work) at that company for

six months.
5) We ______________________________(eat) all day, so we felt a bit ill.
6) He was red in the face because he ____________________________(run) .
7) It ____________________________(rain) and the road was covered in water.
8) I was really tired because I ____________________________(study) .
9) We ____________________________(go) out for three years when we got

10) It ____________________________(snow) for three days.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 81

Future Simple tense

A Put the verbs in brackets into Future Simple Tense.
1. Jack……………………………………………… to the cinema. (go)
2. Sandy……………………………………………… a novel. (write)
3. I……………………………………………… a famous singer. (become)
4. My friends……………………………………………… an exam next week. (have)
5. Jane……………………………………………… to school tomorrow. (go)

B Negate the following sentences.

1. We will travel to the Mars.
2. Bob will have lunch with me tomorrow.
3. I will play football with you.
4. Mr. Green will work in a library.
5. They will have a party next week.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 82

Past perfect continuous tense

C Put the words into the correct order.

1. go out / will / you / tonight ?
2. Ben / tomorrow /go dancing / will ?
3. in June / get married / they / will .
4. next week / won’t / it / be cold .
5. by car / she / travel / will ?
D Complete the sentences.
1 What _________ you do tomorrow?
2 I think she _________ (buy) a colourful coat.
3 She _____________ (not eat) junk food because it is unhealthy.
4 My father ______________ (drive) us to the holiday place next summer.
5 People _____________ (get) fit if they do sports.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 83

Future continuous tense

A Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. (affirmative)
Mr. Scott is cleaning his car in the garage. This time on Monday

he............................................ to the airport. (drive) Mrs. Scott is reading a fashion magazine.
This time on Monday she .......................................... meals at the restaurant. (cook) Marion,
their daughter, is playing with a ball in the garden. And her grandma is watching her.
This time on Monday Marion ......................................... a geography lesson. (have) And her
grandma ........................................ a doctor. (see) Ben, the oldest son, is still sleeping. And his
grandpa is trying to wake him up. This time on Monday Ben ......................................... football
in his club. (practice) And his grandpa ........................................ for grandma at the doctor's.
(wait) Samuel, the youngest son, is chasing their dog Spot around the house. This time
on Monday Samuel .................................... in a physical education lesson. (exercise) But we
have no idea what Spot ............................... tomorrow. (do)

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 84

Future continuous tense

B Choose the correct forms.
On my holiday I will be getting up | I won't be getting up at 6 o'clock as usual. I

want to relax a lot. You are so late! Everybody will be working | won't be working when
you arrive at the office. You think that Derek will be playing | won't be playing tennis
at seven? Why not? Computers will be translating | won't be translating all texts in a
couple of years. It's impossible. Mary will be waiting | won't be waiting in the arrivals
hall this time. She is ill. Can I take your camera? You will be using | won't be using it
this morning, will you? The cinema will be showing | won't be showing any films next
week. They will be delivering | won't be delivering parcels even on 24 December. He
can find her easily in her red coat. - But she will be wearing | won't be wearing the red
coat. I won't be here this time tomorrow. I will be travelling | I won't be travelling to

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 85

Future continuous tense

C Make questions
1. Jack | work | time | what | it | on
..................................................................................................................................................... ?
2. at | have | you | lunch break | your | still | one o’clock
.................................................................................................................................................... ?
3. Leeds | in | live | time | in a few years' | I
.................................................................................................................................................... ?
4. in | tide | come | at nine | the | tonight
.................................................................................................................................................... ?
5. where | the match | sit | you | during
.................................................................................................................................................... ?
6. weeks | again | in a few | he | walk
.................................................................................................................................................... ?
7. at the party | you | wear | what
.................................................................................................................................................... ?
8. interview | tomorrow morning | you | who
..................................................................................................................................................... ?

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 86

Future perfect tense

A Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. I'll tell you tomorrow. I .................................................................... by then. (decide)
2. When you come next time, we .................................................................... in a new house. (move)
3. By the time we reach the coast, the storm ..................................................................... (end)
4. In two years’ time I .................................................................... my university studies. (finish)
5. He .................................................................... the film before he retires. (complete)
6. Next year we .................................................................... in Spain for ten years. (be)
7. Don't worry. I .................................................................... the manager by noon. (contact)
8. The dinner will be ready when we get back. Mum .................................................................... it.

9. Please, call again later. Mr. Jones ......................................................... by two o'clock. (return)
10. The garden party will be in July. Do you think the grass
............................................................................... in time? (grow)

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 87

Future perfect tense

B Make questions in the present perfect to complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in the box.

start reach cover read clean

turn paint do change update

1. What time ............. you ..................................... the windows?
By 5 o'clock, I hope.

2. When ............ Samantha ................................................... the book?
She'll give it back to you in two weeks' time, she promised.

3. How many projects ............... you ................................................... when you finish this one?
This is only my second project.

4. When .............. Susan ............................................... the portrait?
Before the end of the day, I would say.

5. ............ you ................................................. the oil before we collect our car?
Yes, I will. I'll have done it by one o'clock.

6. ............ the show ................................................ if we come in two hours?
I'm afraid it will start in an hour.

7. ............ Angie ................................................ her CV by the time she goes to the interview?
She's already done it.

8. When ............ you ........................................................... all the topics?
When I finish my lectures.

9. ............ we .................................................. the top of the mountain before the sun sets?
Don't worry. It's just two hours walk.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 88

Future perfect tense

C Make affirmative negative and sentences with future perfect tense


+ prepare the wedding reception - buy wedding rings

0. She will have prepared the wedding reception. She won't have bought wedding rings.


+ send wedding invitations - regret her decision

+ order a photographer - receive wedding gifts

+ try on her wedding dress - change her surname

+ find a place for the wedding reception - leave for her honeymoon

+ book hotel rooms for wedding guests - move to a new place

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 89

Future perfect continuous tense

A Make the future perfect continuous. Choose the positive, negative or question form.
1) I ……………………………… (work) all weekend so I won't be energetic on Sunday night.
2) How long ……………………………… (you / wait) when you finally get your exam

3) Julie ……………………………… (not / eat) much, so we'll need to make sure she has

a good meal when she arrives.
4) How long ……………………………… (she / plan) to move house when she finally moves?
5) ……………………………………..……… (she / wait) long by the time we get there?
6) …………………………………….(he / play) computer games for ten hours when he finally

7) They ……………………………..…………… (study) all day, so they'll want to go out in

the evening.
8) They ………………………………….… (not / stay) in the hotel for long when she arrives.
9) I ………………………………….… (not / walk) when I meet you – I'll have been cycling.
10) She ……………………………………………….. (play) squash, so she won't be dressed up.
11) We ………………………………………...… (look) at houses for four months next Tuesday.
12) We …………………………………………(not / do)this project for long when the inspector

13) How long ………...……………………… (you / work) on this project when it is finished?
14) …………………………………………..…………………(you / buy) clothes when I see you?
15) He …………………………………………(not / do) much work, so he'll be happy to start a

new project.
Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 90

Future perfect tense

B Choose the correct answer.
1. My mom ________ for two days by the time I see her.

o has been travelling
o will have been travelling
o will has been travelling
2. They'll be exhausted by dinner. They will have been _____ hockey for seven hours.
o playing
o played
o play
3. Will you ________ here for ten years by the time of the Christmas party?
o have been worked
o have to work
o have been working
4. It's a 24-hour relay. They'll only have been ________ for half the time by 6pm.
o ran
o run
o running
5. We ________ been waiting long.
o will not have
o have not will
o will have not

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 91

โครงสรางของ Tense 12 Tense

Present Simple S + V.1
Continuous S + is, am, are + V.1 ing
Perfect S + have, has + V.3
Perfect Conti. S + have, has + been + V. 1 ing

Simple S + V. 2 Continuous S + was, were + V.1 ing

Past Perfect S + had + V.3
Perfect Conti. S + had + been + V.1 ing

Future Simple S + will, shall + V.1
Continuous S + will, shall + be + V.1 ing
Perfect S + have, has + V.3
Perfect Conti. S + have, has + been + V.1 ing …

Name……………………………………………………………………………….No. …….… Class …………. 92

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