Your mind
is your
Use it well.
-Aneta Cruz
Note from the Author
Discover how the Secret will help you set and
accomplish goals. Learn how to accomplish so
much more in your life...lose weight permanent-
ly...achieve good health and longevity...strength-
en relationships...get that promotion you want...
start your own business, attain financial inde-
pendence and so much more.
It is possible to have more control over your fu-
ture with the power you already possess within.
You’ll discover the Secret, which are basic laws
of the universe to get what you want in life. In
addition, you’ll discover how to unleash your
hidden and untapped potential for success you
already possess within through Gott Group Con-
sulting Seminars.
In this mini book of quotes and thoughts you will
be introduced to some of Gott Group Consult-
ing’s core philosophies and beliefs to get you
started on a journey of discovering the Secret.
The content in this mini book is only a tiny frac-
tion of the seminar that Gott Group Consulting
can offer you.
Are you ready to change your life and soak up all
that sucess?
I will live to give.
-John C. Maxwell
Pastor and Leadership Trainer
While many give unselfishly to others, quite
often they forget their own needs. We can
only enrich others when we first start with
giving to ourselves.
There is nothing wrong with enriching the
lives of others but, we need to develop the
feeling in ourselves first. This may be con-
tradictory to everything you’ve learned but,
I’ve learned that this is a very powerful law
of nature, and is my own deeply held spir-
itual belief that has enriched my life, and
can enrich yours too.
No man
rich unless
he enriches
-Andrew Carnegie
19th Century Scottish-
American Industrialist
Andrew Carnegie was a poor Scottish
American immigrant who built a vast for-
tune in the steel industry and was the
richest man in the world during the 19th
century. He lived the American dream and
discovered the Secret and how to apply it
in his life.
Many believe that giving is a one-way
street and that it is wrong to expect others
to reciprocate in kind. We were often told
by our parents as children to do charitable
deeds and they will endear you to others.
My thoughts
and feelings
control my
-Joseph Murphy
Author, D.D. and PhD
Your subconscious mind is the start-
ing point for all accomplishments. Your
thoughts control your destiny. What you
think you become. Think dreadful things
and you attract terrible things in your life.
Good thoughts create positive events that
will occur in your life. You will then be on
the pathway to a rewarding life.
Gratitude is
not only the
greatest of
virtues, but
the parent
of all others.
Roman Politician
How often do we forget to express our ap-
preciation to others for the simple tasks
that they perform for you? Some examples
include: holding a door open for someone...
giving up your seat on a bus or train to
someone who needs it...just being pleasant
to someone. A simple smile to acknowl-
edge appreciation, some verbal thanks you,
a handshake or a hug are forms of grati-
Always be the first to express gratitude for
the simple things in life. It’s contagious and
part of the Secret.
Life’s most
persistent and ur-
gent question is,
what are we
doing for others?
-Martin Luther King, Jr
Minister and Civil Rights Activist
Yes, indeed, what are we doing for others?
There are so many things we can do, start-
ing with simply being thoughtful and con-
siderate to others. Tell others why you love
them. Volunteer perhaps as a big brother or
sister. Express gratitude to others for help-
ing you with a task, project or a trouble-
some situation in your life. Be a mentor to
others. Just listen. Visit friends or relatives,
especially during a hospital stay. Surprise
the desk clerk at your hotel with dessert for
being kind to you during your stay. Buy a
meal for a homeless person. Thank a mil-
itary member for their service and offer to
treat them to a meal at an airport. Send a
‘thinking of you’ note. I think the above are
some of the things that Dr. King might have
told his audience to do in Montgomery, AL
in 1957. Reaching out to others during your
journey will surely have an impact on your
life. Help others to the max and you will be
rewarded with unlimited success.
Faith is the
substance of
things hoped for,
the evidence of
things not seen.
-St. Paul
One of the Twelve
Apostles from the Bible
St. Paul from the Bible, writer of Hebrews
11:1, was not referring to faith as salvation;
he was referring to Faith as an assurance
in the unknown and trust that it will be-
come reality.
Faith is not always easy to achieve. Faith
often comes from studying and learning
from other people who have developed
wisdom and success through their own
Do what
you fear
and fear will
-Vic Power
Motivational Speaker
I recite this quote every morning and it
helps me get through my day. We create
fear by allowing constant worry to per-
vade our thoughts. We convince ourselves
that things will only get worse. When we
confront our fears, we take control of our
thoughts and change our thought process.
While this is not as simple as it sounds,
with practice and a few simple techniques,
we can learn to chase fear from our mind.
Picture of Winston Churchill
“Young men, never give up. Never give up!
Never give up!! Never, never, never-nev-
er-never-never!”, Sir Winston Churchill,
Prime Minister of England
Near the end of his career, Sir Winston
Churchill, Prime Minister of England during
World War II, was asked to return and
speak to his old school, Harrow. During his
address, he gave this famous quote, Chur-
chill was truly the greatest statesman of
the 20th Century.
“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall
fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight
in the fields and in the streets, we shall
fight in the hills, we shall never surrender.”
- Churchill, 4 June 1940. With this type of
leadership, The Allies won the war.
Inspired by Churchill, my life’s mantra has
been derived and developed from the
above iconic quotes. Everyday I say to my-
self: “I will never, never, never, never quit –
Success is my only option.”
George J. Gott, founder of
Gott Group Consulting,
has had over 50 years of
successful experience in
the transportation and
logistics industry. before
transitioning into a moti-
vational speaker, mentor,
workplace and life coach.
George believes in the
power of the subconscious
mind which he believes is
the secret to unleashing George lives in Naples,
the hidden potential that Florida with his wife Carol
we all possess. Through and their dog Sparky. They
George’s process you will have 4 grown children.
learn to utilize untapped George is a U.S. Army vet-
potential to achieve what eran. George’s passions
you want in life. include: World War II his-
tory, physical health and
George makes it possble wellness, and continuing
for you to tap into his high- education.
ly-developed expertise
via the Success Principles
Process, his S.H.A.R.E.
Concept and many other
tools to unleash the power
within you.
Gott Group Consulting
Artwork & book design by
George A. Gott (George’s son) (239) 719-3355