Monthly warmers and fragrances Monthly Specials
soouldt Warmer of the Month
March April May Haunting Good Time
Birds of a
Feather Life Is Beautiful Suc-cute-lent Scent of the Month
$70 $55
$50 Scary Good
September 2021
March April May
Pink Plumeria Peach Palm Trees &
Sugarberry Mint Ocean Breeze
June July August
Above the
Chromatic Night Sky
$55 Clouds $60
June July August
A-peeling Apple Stargazing Vanilla
Fill your life with fragrance® Electrical cord not shown. US-EN
Contact me today.
Scent and Warmer of the Month available while supplies last.
Scentsy and its logos are TMs of Scentsy, Inc. © 2021.
Top notes Wax
cinnamon sticks, ground nutmeg, fresh clove goes here
Mid notes
pumpkin puree, Indonesian ginger
Base notes Warmer is shown unlit.
sweet butterscotch, creamy vanilla, sugared musk Try this warmer with a colored light bulb (sold separately).
Scent of the Month Warmer of the Month
Scary Good Haunting Good Time
Pumpkin puree sprinkled with fresh cinnamon Up for a good fright? Fun is lurking in the shadows
encounters toasted butterscotch and creamy vanilla of this haunted house. Just lift the roof to warm your
in a spooky, yummy treat. favorite fragrance!
H© 10.5" tall, 25W
Fragrance family: bakery
10% discount — available in September*
10% discount — available in September*
Haunting Good Time Warmer
Scary Good Scentsy Bar $60 $54
$6 $5.40
Scary Good Room Spray
$8 $7.20
Scary Good Scent Circle†
$3 $2.70
Haunting Good Time Haunting Good Time Haunting Good Time
Warmer unlit in daylight. Warmer lit in daylight. Warmer lit in low light.
*Discounts do not apply to Bundle & Save. G = Glows when lit
†Made in USA.
H = Hand painted