Bleed For best results keep text and images that must be Place this template in a separate layer in your layout program and Issues and Science Drawer Content Layouts and Refills for Third Edition LAND, WATER, AND HUMAN INTERACTIONS
Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 1 No. Description Item No. 3 2 4 5 6 1 Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 1 1. HC-1-3EA 2. SS-1B26E 3. SMS-B008 4. SA-1B03E 5. IAES-P080 6. HC-2B12E 7. SMS-B009 8. SMS-B010 9. SS-1P30E 10. DR-004A 11. IAES-B008 12. MS-004 13. IF-1-8EA 14. TL-MSX16E 15. Calcium Chloride, 10 g vials Denatured ethanol, 60 mL drop controlled bottles Fertilizer Solution, 30 mL drop controlled bottles Food Coloring solution, blue, 15 mL drop controlled bottles Mesh sleeves Mineral oil, 60 mL drop controlled bottles Nitrate extraction solution, 120 mL bottles Nitrate testing powder, 3.5 g vials Nitrogen color charts Pipets, plastic Rocks, small, bottle Scoops, white Sodium Chloride, 25 g vials Stir sticks Water, 30 mL empty drop controlled bottles WH-1-4EA Third Edition 7 15 11 12 10 9 14 13 8
No. Description Item No. 3 4 7 6 1 Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 2 1. IAPS-P12 2. TX-P009 3. DI-001B 4. DI-001A 5. FU-001 6. CT-001 7. Colored pencil sets, 8 colors Filter paper discs (underneath) Number cubes, blue Number cubes, white SEPUP funnels SEPUP tr ays Timers, MyChron SW-005 Third Edition 2 5 Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 2
No. Description Item No. 3 2 4 5 6 1 Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 3 1. SMS-P502 2. MS-L024 3. GC-011 4. SMS-L025 5. SMS-L040 6. SMS-L031 7. VIAL030A 8. TW-9CX16 9. C1-VCX16 10. C1-VX16 11. IAES-P028 7 8 9 10 11 Third Edition Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 3 Building bricks, 2-button Contaminants and the Water Cycle cards, set of 6 Graduated cylinders, 50 mL Macroinvertebrate chip set (8 difierent samples of 3 time periods) Macroinvertebrate content list (not pictured) Macroinvertebrate vial labels, 1 sheet of 24 labels (not listed on drawer label) (already on vial caps) Macroinvertabrate vials with hinged lid Plastic cups, 9oz Vial caps Vials, clear plastic, 10 dram Sand mixture, 1250 cc bottles
No. Description Item No. 3 5 6 1 Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 4 1. IAES-P028 2. IAES-V006 3. TW-GCX16 4. PL-006 5. MA-024 6. RU-003B 7. SA-1P54E 8. IAES-V007 9. Sand mixture, 1250 cc bottles Cliffmakers, plastic (underneath) Cups, graduated, 30 mL Landform lids, transparent, plastic Markers, dry erase, black Rulers, metric, 15 cm Spoons, plastic, large Wavemaker paddle holders (underneath) Wavemaker paddles (underneath) IAES-V008 7 8 9 Third Edition Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 4 1 2 4
No. Description Item No. 3 2 4 5 6 1 Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 5 1. Channel makers SMS-V001 2. Landform models IAES-V001 3. Plastic bins with line IAES-P040 4. Rainmakers IAES-V005 5. River model catch basins IAES-V004 6. River model stands IAES-V003 7. River models IAES-V002 7 Third Edition Land, Water & Human Interaction Drawer 5