By : Muhammad Zikry Alauddin bin Shaiful Nizam
Class : 4 Cemerlang
Tyrannosaurus rex T. REX As the hunter, T. rex needed
was one of the largest very good eyesight.
meat-eaters ever to Its massive skull was so strong
walk on the planet. that T. rex could cope with
Fierce and fearless, crashing into prey at 20 mph
Its hunted alone. Its [32 kph].
name means ‘’king of
the tyrant reptiles.”
T rex used its long, heavy T. rex’s short arms were not long
tail to balance its big head. enough to reach its mouth.
Strong, powerful legs.
Sharp claws.
Spinosaurus With its long tail and spiny
sail, Spinosaurus probably
Spinosaurus had a sail along its both longer and taller than
back supported by long bones. T. rex. It was known as the
‘’spiny lizard ‘’ because of
Long stiff tail. the long spines on its back.
It had a long mouth and Having the sunshine on
stabbing cone-shaped teeth its tall , spiny sail may
like those of the crocodile It have helped Spinosaurus
ate fish and other dinosaurs. to warm up. If it was too
hot, it could turn so that
its sail did not face the
Clawed feet. Powerful legs. Clawed hand with
three fingers.
Ankylosaurus moved Built like a tank,
slowly, eating plants Ankylosaurus was very
close to the ground. good defending itself.
Its body was covered in
Strong muscles made it tough, bony plats, and
possible for Ankylosaurus to one swing of its heavy
swing its, heavy tail club from tail club was enough to
break an attaker’s leg.
side to side.
It soft belly was the only part Even its eyelids were
of Anykylosaurus’ body that armor-plated.
was not covered in bony
A peaceful dinosaurus, Parasaurolophus had a hollow,
Parasaurolophus lived in bony crest. It probably used this a
family group, or herds, bit used this a bit like a trumpet,
grazing on plants. It
could see and hear well making loud, honking noises to
and had good sense of warn the herd of danger.
smell. This helped it to
be alert to possible Parasaurolophus was a
dangers. duck-billed dinosaurus. Its
bony beak was good for
plucking leaves to eat.
When it was eating,
Parasaurolophus walked on four.
But to get away, it ran on two legs.
Triceratops had a large, Its bony head frill
bony head frill and three protected Triceratops from
sharp horns. It lived
peacefully in herds, grazing attack.
on plants, but would charge
to frighten away an Triceratops
attacking dinosaur. weighed more
than 11,000
lb[5000], as much
as an elephant.
Triceratops used its
beak to pick plants.
Triceratops could charge at
up to 25 mph [40 kph].
Denonychus had a big skull with a
large brain. Hunting together required
intelligence to time movements and
coordinate the attack.
Deinonychus tore at its Deinonychus was small but it cold
food with more than 60 outsprints much larger dinosaurs. It
lived and hunted in packs, working
knifelike teeth. They together to attack and kill dinosaurs
curved backwards to gift a four or five times its size.
powerful bite.
Deinonychus had feathers
on its body, like a bird