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The Anvil Volume 1 2023

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Published by jzgmsat.anvil, 2023-08-14 07:44:44

Anvil 2023

The Anvil Volume 1 2023

THE ANVIL PHOTO BY WILSON ALFONSO C. PEREZ BY JAMIE L. ESGUERRA AND DANICA GUTIERA T H E O F F I C I A L S T U D E N T P U B L I C A T I O N O F J A C O B O Z . G O N Z A L E S M E M O R I A L S C H O O L O F A R T S A N D T R A D E S WHAT IS INSIDE? GRADUATION CEREMONY AT BALAY SILANGAN Page 3 W W W . J Z G M S A T . E D U . P H W W W . F A C E B O O K . C O M / T E S D A R 4 A J ob Ready Z ealous G oal-Oriented M ulti-skilled workforce to attain Sustainable development along with Advancement of Technology J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2 GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY for the Multi-Purpose Building It is another milestone for Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades (JZGMSAT) as Lone District Representative Hon. Marlyn “Len” B. Alonte-Naguiat donated a 4- story multi-purpose building for the second time. TESDA Director General Danilo P. Cruz and Hon. Alonte were introduced to lead the lowering of the time capsule. The students from the Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering Technology, with Mr. Edilberto Limosinero and Mr. John Abrigo Aragones, conceptualized the Internet of Things (IoT) to control the lowering of the capsule using a tablet or smartphone with an internet connection. Mr. Benito G. Reyes, JZGMSAT Administrator, welcomed the guests from TESDA, different industry partners of the institution, and agencies in the City of Biñan. Mr. Reyes also presented an overview of JZGMSAT Operations that includes the programs offered by the school, Scholarships, Career Guidance and Counselling programs, Assessment Center and Certification Program, and Results of Collaboration with Stakeholders and Industry partners. The event was also attended by the TESDA Deputy Director General for TESD Operations Aniceto "John" D. Bertiz III, Outgoing TESDA IV-A (CALABARZON) Regional Director Toni June A. Tamayo, CESO III, Incoming TESDA IV-A (CALABARZON) Regional Director Baron Jose L. Lagran, TESDA Laguna Provincial Director Cariza A. Dacuma, other school personnel, and representatives of various partners. During the Keynote Message, DG Cruz highlighted that constructing the multi-purpose building will assist every student in the institution. He also emphasized that the future utilization of the building donated by Hon. Alonte shall be necessary for honing the knowledge and skills of students who are considered to be future nationbuilders of the country. 5TH BIÑAN FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL Page 6 EXTENSION SERVICES Page 9

M I S S I O N To provide technical education and training for our stakeholders through innovative techniques essential to produce responsible workers V I S I O N JZGMSAT is a premier polytechnic institution in the region. Q U A L I T Y P O L I C Y We aim to achieve a premier standard of service to meet the satisfaction of our customers. G O A L S To establish qualification programs that produce job-ready graduates through innovative instructional delivery to meet global industry requirements and standards. To increase the number of Enrolled, Graduates, Assessed, and Certifies by 5% annually To establish more linkages with industries, small and medium enterprises, LGUs, and Entrepreneurship Program by 5% per year To strengthen the monitoring of Graduates by achieving a 5% increase in the number of employed graduates per year To continuously adapt practices for greening the environment by implementing at least 1 activity per year. 1. 2. 3. 4. O B J E C T I V E S S C H O O L N E W S P A G E 2 T H E A N V I L BAJAJ THREE-WHEELER HANDS-ON TRAINING at JZGMSAT BY CHRISTIAN MADRONERO AND FRANCIS DAVE S. ROSE JZGMSAT, in partnership with Bajaj Genuine After Care, conducted an orientation and hands-on training regarding the Engine Management System (EMS) on February 13, 2023. The program consists of topics about Fuel injection, Engine Specification, function, and informative activities that aim to help and increase the knowledge of the Motorcycle/ Small Servicing NC II learners about the topic. The event happened under the leadership of Giovanni Molina, Nerwil Capistrano, and Daryl Claude Cariño from Trimotors Technology Corporation. The participants in this event are the Scholars from Motorcentral Star Honda Bikeworld. Greetings to all! I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. As June ends, I am thrilled to share with you the remarkable achievements and successes we have conducted in our school operations. For the first six months of 2023, our dedicated team of educators and staff members has tirelessly worked towards providing an enriching and nurturing learning environment for all our students. I am proud to say that their hard work has yielded outstanding results. Our collaboration with the industries and Local Government Unit of Biñan City has continued to grow stronger, with active involvement from our trainers. The combined efforts have enriched the learning experience for our students and resulted in multiple donations including a 4-story multi-purpose building from Hon. Len Alonte-Naguiat for the second time. Our students will surely benefit from this building in honing their skills. With that, I am truly grateful to the people behind these projects. I am also delighted that one of our graduates under DomRAC NC II was able to represent TESDA Region IV-A during the Philippine National Skills Competition last March 2023. These achievements will undoubtedly motivate others to strive for greatness and uphold the proud tradition of excellence at our school. Let us all take this opportunity to honor our collective accomplishments for the first six months of 2023 and to set even higher aspirations for the rest of the year. J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

S C H O O L N E W S STRATEGIC PLANNING 2023 JZGMSAT Administrator, Mr. Benito G. Reyes, initiated the Strategic Planning for 2023. During Day 1 of the event, JZGMSAT Faculty and Staff conducted an activity on the "Register of Relevant Risks and Opportunities." This activity aimed to monitor and manage the risks and opportunities in the long term. On days 2 and 3 of the planning, every cluster discussed the allocated budget needed to conduct JZGMSAT's various operations. Setting overarching goals for the institution and creating a strategy to reach those are the two main objectives of this strategic planning. CAPABILITY BUILDING PROGRAM IN Quality Management System Mr. Jestoni G. Padua, QMS Focal, together with process owners: Ms. Valerie Anne B. Legaspi (Control of Documents and Records), Mr. Erwin E. Laberinto (Internal Quality Audit), Mrs. Arlene D. Nacario with Mrs. Susana A. San Jose (Admission and Enrollment) and Mrs. Rochelle B. Gomamis (Competency Assessment) shared their respective manuals and process flows. The two-day program raised awareness and imparted the importance of having set procedures for a quality-managed institution. REFORMATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM At Balay Silangan On April 26, 2023, 26 graduates living in Biñan City successfully completed the threemonth program at the Balay Silangan Reformation and Rehabilitation Center, which is situated in Dela Paz, Biñan City. Graduates completed Basic Welding with learning facilitator Mr. Rustum S. Romero and Cabinet Making with Ms. Jeanelle A. Samson in addition to the comprehensive and integrated program. The City of Biñan Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC) served as the program's coordinator. City Mayor Atty. Arman R. Dimaguila Jr., Vice Mayor Angelo Alonte, JZGMSAT Administrator Mr. Benito G. Reyes, and other city officials attended the closing program. PHOTOS BY SERBISYONG ARMAN DIMAGUILA P A G E 3 T H E A N V I L J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

M I S S I O N To provide quality and integrity in conducting competency assessment through standard practices essential to certify skilled workers. V I S I O N JZGMSAT is a premier assessment center in the region. To sustain assessment center operations through efficient management of assessment center resources. To increase the number of assessed applicants by 3% annually To achieve zero nonconformity finding during annual internal audit To participate 1 seminar or workshop for assessment personnel per year To achieve 100% availability of assessment facilities, tools, and equipment To apply at least 1 Green TVET activity per year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A S S E S S M E N T C E N T E R G O A L O B J E C T I V E S T H E A N V I L MECHATRONICS SERVICING NC III ASSESSMENT Third-year learners of the Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering Technology (MET) took Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines (Applications of Motion Control System), under Mr. Edilberto L. Limosinero (Assistant Professor IV). Last January 20, 21, and 22, 2023, JZGMSAT conducted the three batches of National Assessment in Mechatronics Servicing NC III with the said third-year learners of MET with the assessor, Mr. Narvine Santiaguel. 29 MET students completed the training, assessed, and certified during the assessment. As part of the curriculum for the Diploma in Hospitality Management and Services (HMS) at JZGMSAT, third-year learners of the said course took Coffee Management from April 2 until August 5, 2022, under Mr. Jericho C. Dela Rosa (Assistant Professor II). HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT & SERVICES 100% COMPETENT IN BARISTA NC II The Student Body Organization (SBO) Election was successfully held last June 5, 2023, at Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades. SBO is a group of elected students working with trainer's supervision to provide platform for students' expression and assistance in school affairs and activities and give opportunities for students to enhance their leadership skills. The election was held in preparation for the application of the Supreme Student Council (SSC) official candidates. The event is officially marked by Agnes A. Sagudang, the outgoing President of the SSC, and by Sir Mark Anthony R. Guerrero, the Supreme Student Council Adviser. The newly elected officers presented their goals after being elected. The new Public Information Officer (P.I.O), Francis Dave Rose, of Diploma in Hospitality Management and Services, would like to promote the importance of citizenship among learners by developing a sense of personal responsibility and earned selfrespect. Last January 19 and 20, 2023, JZGMSAT conducted the first batch of National Assessment in Barista NC II with the said third-year learners of HMS with the assessor, Mr. Ron Peter O. Pabellon. 100% of the students completed the training, assessed, and certified during the assessment. J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

P A G E 5 T H E A N V I L S C H O O L N E W S GRADUATION DAY of Small Engine Servicing NC II at Motorcentral Biñan PHOTOS BY ELISA MARIE R. SALINAS BY RICA MAE P. DUTERTE As part of the 20th anniversary of Motorcentral, the company conducted a program with the theme of "Train for Work" wherein fourteen utilitymen underwent training in collaboration with JZGMSAT; these utilitymen completed the course of Motorcycle/ Small Engine Servicing NC II under the supervision of Mr. Reginald Clutario. During the graduation day, representatives from three government agencies attended as they show their support to Motorcentral in this land of program: Mr. Guido R. Recio (Laguna Provincial Director of the Department of Labor and Employment), Ms. Revelyn A. Cortez (IV-A Assistant Regional Director of the Department of Trade and Industry), and Ms. Cariza A. Dacuma (Laguna Provincial Director of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) alongside with the President of Motorcentral, Mr. Dennis Lazaro. During his speech, Mr. Lazaro emphasized how they planned this program to bring out the ability of their employees. Mr. Benito G. Reyes, JZGMSAT Administrator, stated how overwhelmed he was by the graduates. He also ensured that he would continue to accept and find employees who are willing to be trained and enhance their skills related to their job. On February 28, 2023, JZGMSAT welcomed the SY3 Energy Maintenance Service Corporation for the signing of the memorandum of agreement and lathe and milling machine donation turnover ceremony. Mr. Benito Reyes, JZGMSAT Administrator, stated that the school is grateful for the donation of a lathe and milling machine. He also appreciated the trust they gave that led to signing a dual training agreement. He assured the Director and CEO Desiree Joyce Sy-Taña of SY3 corporation that the scholars using the equipment will not be in vain. Even the Regional Director of TESDA Region IV-A, Mr. Toni June A. Tamayo conveyed his thanks to the SY3 corporation for acknowledging the dual training system. He also stated the benefits that the company will gain from the system. Director and CEO Sy-Taña shared some of the achievements of the company and hopes that the students of the school be one of them. PHOTOS BY TESDA REGION IV-A MOA SIGNING with SY3 Energy Maintenance Service Corporation BY KYLL CASSANDRA M. VARGAS SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL to the newly elected PRESIDENT: MARC LOIS N. MACHA VICE PRESIDENT: VINCE CHRISTIAN D. REOLALAS • SECRETARY: JOYCE M. CONSTANTINO TREASURER: JOHN PATRICK I. OYTAS • AUDITOR: FRANCHEZKA A. CRISTALES PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS: KURT RUSSEL J. CUEVAS AND SEAN RALEIGH JANABAN J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

S C H O O L N E W S 2ND RUNNER-UP DURING THE 5TH BIÑAN FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL PHOTO BY PAUL ANDREW A. GUBE Trembled with passion and desire are the dancers of Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades (JZGMSAT) as they secure the 2nd runner-up during the 5th Biñan Folk Dance Festival in the celebration of Biñan Day that was held last February 4, 2023. The said event was held at the Liwasang Bayan ng Biñan wherein nine (9) schools competed for the title and with the grand prize of 30,000 Pesos for the champion, 20,000 Pesos will be given to the 1st runner-up, 15,000 Pesos will be given to the 2nd runner-up and other schools will have the consolation prize of 10,000 Pesos. BY HAROLD L. FAUSTINO Mr. Carl Lyndon Sugaste, coach and instructor of the JZGMSAT Dance Troupe, stated, "JZGMSAT Dance Troupe dance artists are all brilliant. The dedication and willingness to learn about Philippine Folk Dance is one way of promoting Philippine Culture and Arts.” They have chosen Maglalatik Dance and Jota de Manila as the dance piece that led to their success. Saint Michael’s College Laguna won the championship title, followed by the 1st runner-up, Biñan City Science and Technology High School. The annual Biñan Folk Dance Festival program intends to preserve and strengthen the Philippine Arts and Culture for generations to come. Mrs. Belinda J. Ignacio, GAD Focal, and Mrs. Susana A. San Jose, Head of Support Services, coordinated with the GAD Office, Biñan City, on the participation of JZGMSAT Faculty and Staff during the City-wide Motorcade to kick off the month-long celebration. The event was attended by Biñanenses from different sectors showing their 2023 WOMEN'S MONTH KICK OFF immense support for women, promoting equality, and aiming for an inclusive society. During the program, JZGMSAT Faculty were given an opportunity to inform the participants from 24 barangays of Biñan City on the courses available in the institution as well as the livelihood services that the JZGMSAT may offer for the community. Afterwards, the GAD Office Biñan City presented a film showing to broaden the knowledge of everyone, especially women, on their significance to the community. P A G E 6 T H E A N V I L J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

S C H O O L N E W S BY KYLL CASSANDRA M. VARGAS AND KRIZZY C. PAGTAKHAN Philippine National Skills Competition (PNSC) is a competition in which TechVoc trainees and graduates from all over the Philippines showcase the skills they gained from their training in different areas. The winners in PNSC will represent the Philippines in the ASEAN Skills Competition (ASC). Joven Bumaat, a DomRAC NC II graduate from JZGMSAT represented Region IV-A in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology LEARNING EQUIPMENT TURNOVER CEREMONY with Motorcentral Group of Companies JZGMSAT welcomed the Motorcentral Group of Companies, Biñan City, Laguna, on January 16, 2023. The president of Motorcentral, Mr. Dennis A. Lazaro, donated one motorcycle and one engine for the Small Engine and Motorcycle Courses at the institution. During the program, Mr. Benito G. Reyes, JZGMSAT Administrator, extended his gratitude to Motorcentral for providing the motorcycle and engine that will enhance the quality of learning in the institution. Mr. Vergel Rapin, the HR Supervisor of the Motorcentral Group of Companies, delivered the message on Mr. Lazaro's behalf, saying that JZGMSAT students should be proud to be in technical education. He added that taking vocational courses proves that students are equipped with outstanding skills and the proper attitude needed in the industries. TESDA Laguna Provincial Director Cariza A. Dacuma graced the event and expressed her admiration for the generosity of the Motorcentral Group of Companies. trade area with Mr. Alvin Saulon as the Expert. Bumaat stated that he was overjoyed and excited as he did not expect that he could be one of the representatives of Region IV-A. During the preparation, he said that he did intense training so he can perform well during the competition and aim for a medal. As he received Medallion for Excellence at the end of the competition, Bumaat stated, "I lost, but I made a lot of friends, and I was happy in the match." PHOTOS BY MARION KRISTOFFER B. ALBARADO AND DANIEL A. AÑONUEVO T H E A N V I L MISSING PEN BY MARK ARVIN D. ESCANO PHOTO BY TESDA REGION IV-A BY FRANCIS DALE S. ROSE ARTISTS' CORNER J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2 JZGMSAT GRADUATE represents Region IV-A during PNSC JZGMSAT GRADUATE represents Region IV-A during PNSC

Children of Migrants Workers and Kabalikat na Guro E X T E N S I O N S E R V I C E S Mr. Jestoni G. Padua conducted a 5-day blended training for the men and women in uniform at PNPSAFTB, Sta. Rosa. City, Laguna, from March 25 until 31, 2023. The aim of this training is to develop the computer literacy skills of the men and women in uniform as they perform their tasks using Google and other Microsoft Applications. ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE TRAINING On January 23, Ms. Jovelyn C. Vistan conducted a face-to-face orientation with the 25 BJMP Infirmary Personnel in Uniform enrolled in the course at BJMP Calamba City. From January 24 to 26, the training took place on an online platform. The aim of this training is to enhance the speaking skills of the personnel in uniform. On the last day of the training, January 27, everyone took the Institutional Assessment; wherein they performed an oral presentation and written exam via Google Form. For the oral presentation, they constructed extemporaneous speech relevant to their responsibility in the community and presented it in the class. BJMP Infirmary Personnel in Uniform P A G E 8 T H E A N V I L TESDAMAYAN at Project New Camp Sikat JZGMSAT Extension Services Outreach Program Team headed by Mrs. Belinda J. Ignacio, Head of Extension and Community-Based Program, Ms. Maribel E. Suarez, Assistant Focal of Extension services, together with PMSg Jarmaine Delos Santos Bais, Project Sikap-PNCO conducted the TESDAmayan for the indigenous people last February 1, 2023. Food assistance of 1 sack of 5 kilos of rice was distributed to 40 families and beneficiaries. They are all under the shelter of Project New Camp Sikat of the PNP Region IV-A in Kalayaan, Laguna. BASIC BREAD MAKING Last March 18, 2023, Mrs. Teofila S. Delos Reyes with Mrs. Marilou Quieres conducted a 1-day training on Basic Bread Making in coordination with Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial National High School (JZGMNHS). Beneficiaries of this training were Children of migrant workers and some faculty and staff of JZGMNHS. J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

E X T E N S I O N S E R V I C E S PERFUME MAKING Ms. Maribel E. Suarez and Ms. Cheryline A. Ulan conducted a series of Perfume Making training to Barangay San Jose (19 residents), Canlalay (25 residents), Timbao (39 residents), Zapote (28 residents), Platero (30 residents), Dela Paz (26 residents), Soro-Soro (27 residents), and Poblacion (25 residents). The training happened through the partnership with the Local Government Unit of Biñan City, Laguna through its Public Employment Service Office (PESO-Biñan). The aim of this training is to explain the importance and benefits of perfume in everyday life, the step-by-step procedure, the labeling, and packaging of the product, and also discuss a sample computation/costing on how to earn out of the produced product. The training materials used in this training were sponsored by the Local Government Unit of Biñan. Produced perfume products were distributed to the participants. Everyone received a 10ml perfume bottle as a sample product of the perfume-making training. Ms. Ulan also demonstrated the proper procedure for making perfume with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE-Region IV-A) last May 31, 2023. This event of DOLE IV-A is in connection with the Labor Day Celebration for the Workers in the Informal Sector with the Theme: “Inobasyon, Inklusibong Proteksyon at Pantay na Representasyong Panlipunan Tungo sa Matatag na Kabuhayan ng Manggagawang nasa Impormal na Sektor” held on May 31, 2023 at Hotel Marciano, Calamba City, Laguna. Barangays in Biñan City, DOLE, and DOTR Last May 19, 2023, the language trainers of JZGMSAT, headed by Mrs. Teresita G. Cariño, facilitated a 1-day workshop for the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English of Laguna State Polytechnic University-Sta. Cruz Campus. The aim of this training is to enhance the language and communication skills of students and future educators. Ms. Jovelyn C. Vistan discussed the importance of correct usage of words, vocabulary development, and lexical characteristics of learners. Afterward, Ms. Rafaella S. Quieres tackled how to be an effective English communicator. As the training continued, Ms. Myla B. Alulod elaborated on topics concerning with proper usage of grammar. Also, Ms. Elnora M. Hart explained the significance of fluency and strategies for improving one's speaking skills. As the training concluded, Ms. Hart prepared a collaborative activity for the participants as they displayed their language proficiency. P A G E 9 T H E A N V I L PHOTOS BY LSPU-SCC ENGLISH AMBASSADORS Laguna State Polytechnic University-Sta. Cruz Campus J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

SWEET SCENT OF L VE FOR EVERYONE Elisa Marie R. Salinas In the celebration of Valentine’s Day 2023, there are a lot of people on social media platforms who keep on sharing posts that they should not put Valentine’s Day on the calendar. From a citizen post sharing a list of movies, “Eto mga movies oh ready na ‘ko sa Valentine’s day kahit walang kadate” it says that the netizen will not just celebrate Valentine's Day without a partner, but it is still a celebration just for oneself. Valentine's Day is about love, and there are no given boundaries as to who should celebrate it. The modern youth in the Philippines think that Valentine’s Day is only special for couples or two(2) person that is in a relationship. But what people forget is that Valentine's Day is about love, it's not just between 2 people but also for everyone. According to an old legend, the blind daughter of the prisoner was given sight by Saint Valentine. And wrote a letter to the daughter with its signature “from your Valentine”, as a farewell before being put to death. ILLUSTRATED BY FHIL ANDREI DE LEON E D I T O R I A L According to another myth, Saint Valentine officiated at marriages for Christian soldiers who were banned from getting married. Then Valentine’s story was later told, and people realized that Valentine’s sacrifices were about love. When ideas of courtly love were in full bloom in the 14th and 15th centuries, the day became connected with romantic love, possibly due to its relationship with the "lovebirds" of early spring. The feast of Saint Valentine was celebrated on February 14 shortly after that, and it was first noted in the 8th century. There are different celebrations of love in different countries. On March 14, one month after Valentine's Day, individuals celebrate White Day by giving gifts to those who gave them on Valentine's Day in exchange. It was first celebrated in Japan in 1978, and since then, it has become a worldwide tradition in a number of Asian countries. That somehow a good celebration in order to give what one had received. Black Day, a occasion which is often referred to as "Single's Day," honors single people. Each year on April 14th, Black Day is honored. Then, two months have passed since Valentine's Day and one month has passed since White Day on March 14. And it is the last romantic holiday in Korea for a year. Moreover, this holiday is celebrated with the tradition of eating black noodles dedicated to the singles. Some of us believe that chocolate is associated with Valentine's Day. So, in Ghana, people celebrate February 14 as “National Chocolate Day” and since they are one of the largest cocoaproducing countries in the world they took a step in making the holiday possible. Additionally, there are numerous other ways that people around the world commemorate Valentine's Day while keeping the sentiment of love alive. People show love to their partners or even to themselves if they are alone. This is not just an article but also a message to tell everyone that Valentine's Day or any kind of celebration linked to love should be celebrated by all people because each human being should be loved, not just by couples but also by means of self-love. Lastly, self-love is what we all need because, at the end of the day, each of us has our own decisions, own choices that no one can change. It is self-empowerment, which entails deciding deliberately to control your own fate and making your own positive decisions about what you want. And self-love is making ourselves enjoy life the way we want to be. P A G E 1 0 T H E A N V I L J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

E D I T O R I A L N A T I O N A L W O M E N ' S M O N T H C E L E B R A T I O N 2 0 2 3 ILLUSTRATED BY KURT RUSSEL CUEVAS Deserie De Leon This year's theme for the National Women's Month Celebration is a positive affirmation and a call to action: We for gender equality and inclusive society. This aims to close gender gaps in the country and to gather more support for the advocacy. The recurring theme also aligns with the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, which aims for " deep economic and social transformation to reinvigorate job creation and accelerate poverty reduction by steering the economy back on a high growth path" Philippine Commission on Women (PCW). According to the article I've read from PCW, they plan to make the growth of the country inclusive, which means a society that overrides differences in SOGIE class, ability, generation, status, and culture. A society where everyone has equal rights and responsibilities. Also to build an environment that provided fair opportunities to all Filipinos and equip them with skills to fully take part in an innovative and globally competitive economy. Women empowerment does not necessarily mean that women are superior to men, it just shows that women also have the skills and knowledge men have. Gender equality aims to provide opportunities to both genders without the presence of discrimination. And no one is higher or lower than any other gender. Being entitled gives women the courage to do things. For example, Mrs. Leni Robredo filed for candidacy as President, she was the only woman who ran for President in last 2022 Presidential Election. Although she didn't win, her bravery, in filing a candidacy shows that women are capable of many things. To give another piece of proof Teresita SyCoson is known as the most powerful woman in the Philippines. Mrs. Coson is the Vice Chairperson of SM Investments Corporation. People consider her empowered because she has a part in running their family business, which is malls all over the country. Ms. Sara Duterte, our current Vice President, is known for her fierceness when it comes to disciplining Davaoenos, especially when she won as Mayor of Davao City. Aside from being the daughter of our former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, she built an image for herself when she filed her candidacy for Vice President and eventually won the election last 2022. Celebrating Women's Month every year does not mean that the country is in favor of women. A commemoration like this is held to stop the violence against women and to remind everyone of the significance of women in our country. There are ways to promote gender equality, to name a few, you should give everyone the chance to be heard, let everyone share their opinion, and respect every human being. ANVILSTAFFERS P A G E 1 1 Writers: Jamie L. Esguerra • Danica Gutiera • Christian Madronero • Francis Dave S. Rose • Rica Mae P. Duterte • Kyll Cassandra M. Vargas • Harold L. Faustino • Elisa Marie R. Salinas • Deserie De Leon • Krizzy C. Pagtakhan • Marc Aldjous J. Marfil • Arabella Jade S. Cervantes • Kishen Ren L. Hinayon • John Marvin F. Laraño Photojournalists: Marion Kristoffer B. Albarado • Wilson Alfonso C. Perez • Daniel A. Añonuevo • Paul Andrew A. Gube • Justine Paul C. Maranan • Marjorie M. Cumba Layout Artist: Liliana Faye Enriquez Cartoonist: Mark Arvin D. Escano • Francis Dale S. Rose • Limuel H. Pecaña • Fhil Andrei De Leon • Kurt Russel Cuevas Contributors: JZGMSAT Research and Development • Assessment Center • Extension Services • Ms. Maribel E. Suarez • Mr. Jestoni G. Padua • Ms. Valerie Anne B. Legaspi • LSPU-SCC English Ambassadors • TESDA Region IV-A Publication Adviser: Ms. Jovelyn C. Vistan Consultants: Mrs. Arlene D. Nacario • Mrs. Susana A. San Jose • Mrs. Teresita G. Cariño • Mr. Benito G. Reyes J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

An earthquake is a weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden movement of rock materials below the earth’s surface. The earthquakes originate in tectonic plate boundaries. The focus is the point inside the Earth where the earthquake started, sometimes called the hypocenter, and the point on the surface of the Earth directly above the focus is called the epicenter (Department of Science and Technology PHILVOCS). The occurrence of an earthquake in a populated area may cause numerous casualties and injuries as well as extensive property damage. In this project research, a vibration sensor can detect the slightest vibrations; when vibration occurs, the input device senses and converts those into signals for the outputs to actuate, such as relay, bulb, and buzzer. It is all possible through the application of the microcontroller Arduino. Hence, the researchers proposed this research entitled “ARDUINOBASED EARTHQUAKE ALARM SYSTEM” to warn the public of threats concerning earthquakes and unusual vibrations of a building. The prototype is a combination of conventional electronic devices and Arduino components with an Arduino microcontroller as the main controller that is applicable. Each part of the alarm system is for dual warning indicator that is required to fulfill the objectives of the study. The alarm system is composed of five (5) major parts: (1) Arduino- UNO, (2) 5v relay, (3) alarm bell, (4) incandescent bulb, and (5) 9v battery and AC plug. Each part is composed of several pins and terminals to perform its independent function. This research will be installed in JZGMSAT premises including new and old school buildings. The possibility of integrating it into other alarm systems such as fire alarms and paging systems will be further studied and developed. MR. ERWIN E. LABERINTO MR. JOHN ABRIGO V. ARAGONES EDISON A. GAIN KIMUEL M. MACHA AL FRANCIS N. MANE JOHN PATRICK P. REYES ADRIAN D. VERTUDEZ NESTOR GABRIEL C. ZAFE ARDUINO-BASED EARTHQUAKE ALARM SYSTEM A B S T R A C T R E S E A R C H A N D D E V E L O P M E N T P A G E 1 2 T H E A N V I L CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The development of the project is technically acceptable because the equipment is working according to the purpose it was designed for. The materials used in the project are locally available and affordable. The microcontroller, Arduino, is reliable for the effective functioning of the system. The completed project design was simple and easy to operate and will be user-friendly. ·The project functions well according to its particular purpose and does not impose any hazard to the user. ·The safety features of the system meet the standard. Based on the results and findings acquired from the respondents, the following conclusions are made: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Improvement of the overall appearance of the project. Upgrading of the system to integrate the fire alarm system. An additional power source such as a battery has a continuous supply even if the power grid is cut off. Based on the conclusions derived from this study, several recommendations are to be considered: 1. 2. 3. J A N - J U N 2 0 2 3 V O L U M E 1 O F 2

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