Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Shelter at the Lighthouse
Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Spanish translation by Tomás Cano Binder
A Literary Offering from Ka’rii Literary Entertainment
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Copyright 2013 by Mary Givens
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means electronic, written or mechanical, digital, including
photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
system except as may be expressly permitted in writing by the author.
ISBN 978-1-62209-657-2
Printed in the United States of America
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
God removed a piece of himself; the everlasting and impenetrable love that is
supreme goodness and he formed you. Then, he gave you to me. I dedicate
this book to my parents:
Tanya Trotter ♥ Vincent Givens
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Table of Contents 9
I. A Salvaging Light Pierces the Fog 13
The Winds of Your Eyes 17
July 19
Canopy 21
Sunset 23
Ode to a Goddess 25
Fishbowl 27
Her Need of Me 29
Little Things 31
Wayward Earths 33
Night-Light 35
Exposed 37
Bloom 39
Who’s There 41
Moor 43
Medicine Man 45
Love Completion 46
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
II. A Whimpering Flicker amid the Dark 51
Hypnotic 55
Desert 57
Disappointment 59
Bad Habit 61
Bringing In the Dusk 63
Torn 65
Weeping Door 67
Personal 69
Lady-Like 71
I Become the Dawn 73
Salvaged Me 75
Fragmented Me 77
Silly Rabbit 79
Helpless 81
Ablaze 83
Childless Mother 85
Breathe 87
Together 89
Recurring Dream
Living Space 91
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
A Salvaging Light Pierces the Fog
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
The Winds of Your Eyes
The winds of your eyes beguile the child of my dreams
Clumsily chasing the gust up memories tossed from beneath the scowl…
Struggling to extract recognition from the obstruction penetrating view…
Fleeing the torment of consciousness, desperation awaits meaning in fleeting
I seek rest in the effortless dance of your lips summoning me to
Allowing for the restoration of a warming glance to corral me into your
Falling softly upon rigid flesh is the bitterness left by your secretions
Igniting into fury a listless attraction abandoned to cripple the lingering savor
of you
The winds of your eyes have collided with the stench erupted from my need
of you
Ease the devastation collecting as my awareness whirls separate your whim
Guiding me into your bosom with a pulsating grip that sweeps away my
In grievance propelled we were toward acquiescence to imprisonment
I melt away in the vastness of you.
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Los vientos de tus ojos
Los vientos de tus ojos extravían a la niña que soñara
persiguiendo torpe arremolinados recuerdos arrojados bajo el ceño,
pugnando por lograr la aceptación de una mirada que penetre la obstrucción,
escapando a un tormento de consciencia, el desaliento buscando el porqué en
lo instantáneo.
Busco reposo en la danza liviana de tus labios clamantes de recuerdos
y espero a que reviva un gesto cálido que me convoque a tu presencia.
Caigo suavemente sobre tu carne férrea con la amargura que dejaron tus
incitando a la furia a la lánguida atracción, abandonada a arruinar el sabor de
ti, tan permanente.
Los vientos de tus ojos colisionan con la acre erupción de mi ansia de ti,
y aplacan la devastación naciente mientras el baile de mi consciencia se aleja
de tu capricho
conduciéndome a tu pecho con la fascinación inevitable que desvanece mis
En agravio impulsados hacia la aceptación del cautiverio, me diluyo en la
inmensidad de ti.
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
In the promenade silhouettes saunter as attraction meets the eye
Unleashing failed intentions meant to liberate the heart
In your eyes memories are banished that reflect my weakness
Thrashing to escape the recklessness of touch
We met on the untamed arm of eagerness
Desperate to shed the lonely depths of regretful attempts
And as secrets passed between the lips hope crept in the distance
Offering a remedy to vivid memories purposed to preserve the hurt
Weary eyes embrace the promise offered by rugged hands
Unalarmed to the innate residual soiled in disappointment
And your closeness weakens my hesitation to openness
Allowing for the occupancy of a surviving love
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
En el paseo deambulan siluetas, la atracción en la pupila,
desatando intenciones fallidas que pretenden liberar el corazón.
Tus ojos destierran los recuerdos que evidencian mi flaqueza
fustigando por escapar de tu tacto temerario.
Convergemos en un brazo indómito de impulsos,
ansiosos por librarnos de un abismo solitario de intentos deplorables,
secretos de labio a labio, la esperanza moviéndose apenas en la distancia,
ofreciendo el remedio para esa evocación viva decidida a preservar el dolor.
Con los ojos cansados abrazamos la promesa de unas manos agrestes,
sin que el residuo innato manchado en decepción nos cause alarma.
Tu cercanía atenúa mis reparos. Abro mi puerta
y consiento en que se hospede un amor sobreviviente.
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
In your absence I am awakened.
As the salty bitterness collects against my palm,
Smeared from along the brow…
I am still in the drunkenness of you,
Released on timid breaths
Left idle to reminisce.
Soiled grooves cloaked in fragrance,
Trace the silhouette of curious limbs
Purposed to explore the boundaries of my arrogance
Surrendered to the impenetrable need of you
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Bajo el dosel
Despierto entre tu ausencia
con la salobre amargura recogiéndose en mi palma,
untándose por mi frente.
Permanezco en mi embriaguez de ti,
liberada en tímidos alientos.
Libre para evocarte.
Resquicios impuros emboscados de perfumes,
dibujo una silueta de miembros inquisidores,
resuelta a explorar el confín de mi arrogancia,
rendida a mi impenetrable avidez de ti.
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Arms stretch across breasts
Enveloping womb to warmth
Securing promise
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Con los brazos tendidos sobre los senos
envolviendo el vientre en calidez,
amparando una promesa.
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Ode to a Goddess
The fatigue of tongues do proclaim
The endless beauty yours is to name
Extending purpose to idle minds
Charged to decree the worth of gods
The haste of mans’ lofty roam
Does submit to unrivaled thrones
By the scorn of earth and womb
Is the treachery of free will consumed
Disregarded vainly by mortal arms
Was the duty to cherish bonds
Could the knee be brought to bend,
Prosperity be restored to kin
The heal of such a mighty wind
Carries your presence into my senses
Vainly thrashing to exhaust functions
Maimed by the overwhelming need of you
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Oda a una diosa
La fatiga de las lenguas te proclama,
la belleza eterna ya sólo tuya
extendiendo intenciones a las mentes ociosas,
apremiadas a declarar la valía de los dioses.
La prisa del crecido vagar del hombre
se somete a tronos sin disputa.
El desdén de tierra y vientre
se nutre del libre albedrío traicionero.
Desdeñado vanamente por brazos mortales
quedó el deber de atesorar los lazos.
Si tan sólo pudiera doblegarse,
se tornaría en próspero el linaje.
El poder de una galerna sanadora
transporta tu presencia a mis sentidos,
agitándose en vano por extinguir funciones
mutiladas por la acuciante necesidad de ti.
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Withheld possibilities restrained by limitation of sight.
Circular life mocked by the endless light,
Witnessing only the purposelessness of life
Until vision is obstructed by convicting eyes
Devotion is known to unsuspecting minds
Fighting to survive in their knowledge of bonds
Exacerbating betrayal of faithful hearts
Fatigued by the folly of broken promises
Touch remedies enduring wounds
Soothed by the irreplaceable savor of love
Igniting the fever of souls to reminisce
The distinct pleasure of submission
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
Posibilidades retenidas, cercenadas por miras limitadas.
Una vida circular, escarnecida por luces infinitas,
testigo tan solamente del propósito fútil de toda vida
hasta que la visión se atasca de ojos acusadores.
Devoción conocida por las mentes sin sospecha
luchando por subsistir a los lazos aprendidos,
acrecentando la traición de los corazones fieles,
fatigadas por la folía de las promesas rotas.
El tacto repara las heridas incesantes,
calmadas por el gusto irremplazable del amado
y en ardorosa fiebre las almas rememoran
el deleite inconfundible de la entrega.
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré
[The rest of the pages have been omitted from this sample]
Shelter at the Lighthouse | Poems by Ahavah Mauré