Annual Talent Show Success: Drum-line Steals Show
Amazing talents This year’s talent show first place recipients performed a drum-line routine. They are made up of Garrett Red-
are very prom- mon, Ben Dudley, Austin Lawson, and Ian Neilson.
inent in this years
friendly competition Antonio Reyes, senior, placed third in the talent show for per-
of the Morristown forming mind boggling magic tricks.
West Highs’ annu- Chloe Bolling, junior, sang “Reflections” by
al talent show. Below Disney’s Mulan to place second in the talent
are the contestants for show.
this year’s talent show:
• Torie
• Chloe Bolling
• Sebastian
• Tanner
• Ben
• Ian
• Austin
• Garrett
• Micah
• Kennedy
• Heidi
• Antonio
• Andrew
Contestants Chloe Bolling singing ing.” Tanner Collins preformed You Stay, place, winning $150, the busses after school.
across the Trojan Na- Reflection, Sebastian sang I Have Nothing Antonio Raves pre- was the Drum Line. Student Council also
tion came together to Spencer performed by Whitney Houston. formed magic tricks Student Coun- gives funds to pay for
show off their talents. army 5 on the piano. The Mor- and Andrew Southern cil raised $2000 each student a free
This year 10 Spencer ex- ristown West High sang I’m A Believer. from the event. Trojan Nation t shirt.
contestants went head pressed, “I think the Drum line included The three Money raised last year Jennifer Cobb,
to head to compete talent show was okay; Ben Dudley, Ian Neil- winners included in went to purchase pic- sponsor, said “We plan
for the first, second, everything went son, Austin Lawson Third place Anto- nic tables outside the to sponsor a basketball
and third place prizes. smoothly, the intro- and Garrett Redmon. nio Raves won $40, freshmen academy for Homecoming dance in
This year’s ductions to the acts Micah Vannoy sang in second place was an outdoor classroom/ January and will use
competitors include were okay and the When I Was Your Chloe Bolling win- lunch space and for some for decorations,
Torie Jones Butterfly, acts were interest- Man, Heidi Campbell ning $75, and in first students waiting for music, security, etc. “
Men’s Cross Country
Races for State Title
BY IRVING FLORES race, Coach Farmer give Lovelace – junior 87th,
STAFF WRITER the boys encourage- Christian Henry – Ju-
ment for the race, and he nior 112th, Nathan Sia-
The Trojan’s Boy congratulated them for Junior 126th, Patrick Li-
Cross Coun- making it to State and posky- Sophomre 126th
try team participated for their hard efforts. Luis Hernandez – Se-
in the TSSAA State Seven out of fourteen nior 150th, and Ricar-
Championship at boys that went had do Flores-Senior 169th.
Nashville, Tennessee. the opportunity to Overall, the
The Champion- race the State course. mens cross coun-
ship hosted 24 teams, In their race try team did great at
and with great success, there was 203 boys in State , this is also there
the Boys placed 16th out total. Jesus “Chuchi” Pa- 2nd time in a row.
of 24 teams. Before the checo placed 34th, Trent B-F Ricardo Flores, Luis Hernandez, Jesus “Chuchi” Pacheco, Chris-
tian Henry, Trent Lovelace, Nathan Sia, Patrick Liposky
A22 ONcOotocvtebomebrbeer2r02120401188 NNeewwss NNeewwss EEddiittoorr::MShoaMuncaKHinonneayker
Veterans Honored By
Trojan Nation
quickly Day
proached the halls of
the Trojans; the JROTC
hosted this year’s cel-
ebratory welcoming,
and as usual the stu-
dents piled in by the
hundreds into the gym.
JROTC began
by doing a celebratory
march, then JROTC
leader Chris Cox stood
up towards the podi- Senior Christopher Cox Welcoming Honored
um and began to hon- Veterans.
or the veterans that
were there that day. East and West JROTC color guards after honoring
Cox continued veterans.
with his speech stat- did a phenomenal job and hopefully they
ing the bright hopes with welcoming and will one day find a ca-
that he has for his fu- honoring Veterans, reer in the military.
ture, while welcom-
ing and also honoring
students who were
hoping to find a career
within the military.
Cox then con-
cluded his speech al-
lowing the JROTC
to begin a march
done in order to con-
clude a meeting. Saira Martinez, Kyle Ross, Samuel Collins, and Brandon Goskie perform
The JROTC flag ceremony.
Opinions EOdpitinoiro:nCshEadriltieorN: eill Opinions A3SNeopvtember 20183
Meet the Staff: Who is West Side Story
October Edition: Joshua McBee, Addison Pennington, and Hannah Lakins
he West Side Story newspaper comes out every month for the halls of the Trojan Nation to read. The paper consists of
EDITOR the latest news thats going on in and out of the building, fun pages and many more interesting and exciting articles. The
paper does not write itself though. It consists of many staff members apart of West High who come out with a paper each
Hmonth. Every month, staff members will be featured.
annah Grace Lakins, sophomore, is a
new staff member. Lakins joined the
class because Kimberly Cook, a CTE teacher,
recommended that Lakins take the class. She
has also been interested in taking a course
based on journalism for her future profes-
sion. Lakins hopes to gain proficient writing
skills, and to learn more about technology.
Her time at West High has been a journey
and experience she will never forget. She
enjoys playing volleyball and dabbling in
the makeup field. Her favorite animals are
cuttlefish, and she has one younger sister.
Joshua McBee, sophomore, is also a new Addison Pennington, senior, was intro-
member to the 2018- 2019 newspaper staff. duced to the West Side Story newspaper
McBee joined the staff to showcase his impres- staff, because of his excellent computer skills.
sive graphic design skills. He is always bring- He joined the class because he believes that
ing positive vibes to the classroom. He enjoys he will learn a lot. The class will help better his
chowing down on Asian food while watching writing, communication, and business skills.
his favorite movie, “Lord of the Rings.” He Outside of school, Pennington really enjoys
has two older siblings. He has gotten his CPR playing video games and playing with his pet
certification here at West High. McBee has dog named Shadow. During his time here at
also greatly enjoyed his time here at West. West High, he has earned his Industry Cer-
tifications in Word, Power-Point, and Excel.
BY AMANDA West High Students Compiles
MILLER Thoughts on Thanksgiving
STAFF WRITERS 1.What is your favorite part about Thanksgiving?
2. What are you thankful for?
3.Are there any traditions you and your family do for Thanksgiving? If so what?
Tia Mills (Freshman) Ethan Hall (Sophomore) Vivian Matamoros (Sophomore)
1. Tia’s favorite part about Thanksgiving is 1. Ethan’s favorite part about Thanksgiving is 1. Vivian enjoys eating and spending time with
spending time with her family. the food. her family on Thanksgiving.
2. She is thankful for her friends and family. 2. He is thankful for the food. 2. Matamoros is thankful for her family as well
3. A tradition the Mills’ family takes part in 3. Although he and his family don’t have any as her friends.
every Thanksgiving is to have dinner together. traditions they do on Thanksgiving, they still 3. One of the traditions that Vivian and her
enjoy coming together and spending time with family participate in on Thanksgiving is to eat as
one another. a family and thank God.
Christian Yates (Junior) Ashley Rojas (Junior) Deondre McIntosh (Senior)
1. Christian’s favorite part about Thanksgiving is 1. Ashley expressed that her favorite part about 1. Deondre pointed out that his favorite part
that it is also his birthday. Thanksgiving is the food. about Thanksgiving is eating.
2. Yates is thankful for his family, friends, and 2. She also said that for Thanksgiving she gives 2. Dre is thankful for his friends and family.
food. thanks for her family. 3. A tradition in the McIntosh family on
3. A tradition that Christian and his family par- 3. Even though they do not have any traditions Thanksgiving is that they all gather up as a fam-
ticipate in is that he gets to carve the turkey. for Thanksgiving, they still enjoy their time ily and “EAT.”
together and have dinner as a family.
A4 OpinionsNovember 2018 Opinions Editor: Charlie Neill
Tale of Two High Schools
BY BROOKLYNN Letcher County Central, my previous high school in Whitesburg, Kentucky. my surprise coming LCC, different de-
COLLINS to Morristown West partments like the
STAFF WRITER My current school, Morristown Hamblen High School West. and seeing students math, English, and
only had four peri- science departments
My name is had to make some two different worlds. I had seven class- ods a day and class- had their own set of
Brooklynn major adjustments. One reason es a day and had es switched each laptops that students
Collins, and I am a Morristown West Morristown West the same classes semester. I was com- used during the day.
sixteen year old ju- compared to my old is so different from all throughout the pletely flabbergasted. Other coursework
nior. I just moved high school is like my old school is that school year. Imagine Moreover, an- that had to be done
three and a half other drastic change online had to be
hours away from my I had to get accus- completed at home
small town in Ken- tomed to was the on your own laptop
tucky called Whites- school size. At my or computer. Being
burg to Morristown. old school, there able to take a com-
In my old town, I were only 800 stu- puter home with you
went to a small high dents enrolled while was very shocking.
school called Letch- MHHSW has double Moving to
er County Central that amount. See- Morristown West
High School. Mov- ing so many peo- High School has
ing schools, trying ple in the hallways been something I’ve
to find new friends, and lunches was have had to adjust
and trying to get very overwhelming. to, but overall I’m
caught up to match Furthermore, grateful to have such
your new school’s another thing that an amazing oppor-
curriculum can be took me by surprise tunity in a school
stressful. Since com- was that the fresh- with such high aca-
ing from Kentucky men, sophomore, demic achievement.
to Tennessee, I’ve and junior classes got
their own laptops. At
Vaping Faces Backlash
BY TYLER CONNELL Liquid nico- no evidence that vap- thinking that vaping
FEATURES EDITOR tine is also poison- ing helps people quit is cool and safe to
JUSTIN CALL ous when it is either smoking tobacco. use. The companies
STAFF WRITER swallowed or ab- Vapes and mention things like
sorbed through the e-cigarettes can also flavored nicotine, or
Vaping is more skin of an individu- cause more exter- trendy looks.
than meets the al. The vapor that the nal physical harm In the end,
eye. All of the vapor e-cigarettes make is as well. Vapes and vaping is just like
companies claim an aerosol that can e-cigarettes have smoking a ciga-
that the vapor is contain nicotine, been known to ex- rette, it is addict-
just water, but that toxic chemicals, plode or catch fire ing and just as dan-
is wrong. It contains and heavy metals. in people’s hands gerous or worse.
nicotine, formalde- Vaping can or pockets due This infor-
hyde, nickel, acet- also lead to many to battery issues. mation is supported
aldehyde (a chem- health issues like Vape com- by Maya Desai and
ical used in paint Asthma attacks, panies have also medical profession-
stripper), and toxic popcorn lung, and been known to use als at, ”Journey-
and heavy metals. lung and throat irri- advertising to trick works Publishing.”
tation. There is also teens and adults into Think before vaping. Vaping contains nic-
otine, formaldehyde, nickel, acetaldehyde,
and toxic and heavy metals
For the Record Volume V The Cassettes Strike Back
BY CHARLIE NEILL hence the sick graph- 1. “Don’t Look Back Into the
OPINIONS EDITOR ic by Trevor Lovell. Sun,” by The Libertines
Now sit down 2. “We Care a Lot,” by Faith No
Hello and wel- ,take off your shoes, More
come to the switch them for a set
fifth rendition of of crocs, button up 3. “…While Your Alive,” by Jeff
“For the Record”. your Mr. Roger’s ther- Rosenstock
apy sweater, and grab 4. “ Perfect Sound,” by Jeff Ro-
This tiny square a cup of cocoa , no senstock
contains a sporadic judgment there, and 5. “State of Shock,” by Green
list that goes with the listen to this month’s Day
month or my current
mood.- Usually you n o n - t h r e a t e n i n g 6. “My Hero,” by the Foo Fight-
can tell the difference. massage of your lim- ers
Summer is ited attention span. 7. “Bohemian Rhapsody,” by
long gone and now Queen
suddenly approaches
the dark embrace of
fall, so naturally we’re
feeling nostalgic;
Editor: Features Editor: Staff Writers: Tyler Webber
Jenni Diaz Tyler Connell Zachary Barnette Dawson Wood
Justin Call
News Editor: Sports Editor: Michelle Farias Photographer: One Trojan Trail, Morristown, TN 37813
Shauna Honaker Trevor Lovell Irving Flores Chyna Jorden Phone: (423) 581-1600
Oswaldo Guzman Fax: (423)585-3791
A&E Editor: Opinions Editor: Hannah Lakins Advisor: http:://
Joanna Cardenas Charlie Neill Joshua McBee Amy Whaley
Amanda Miller
Addison Pennington
West Side Story is a student publication that reflects the views of individual students instead of Hamblen County
Schools or Morristown Hamblen High School West.
Features EOdpitinoiro:nTsyEledritCoorn: nell Features SNeopvteemmbbeerr 22001183 A5
Disporto Promoted: Staff CTE Corner: Video Production
Provides Students Film Opportunities
Sergeant AFJROTC to Fulfill Career Paths
BY JOSHUA MCBEE BY SHAUNA East Freshman, Federico Olvera, puts in practice
STAFF WRITER HONAKER what he has learned in his A/V production class.
The roles of a annually, the educa- ing in Audio Visuals.”
Staff Sergeant West High of- tion needed, and also There is one
in AFJROTC are fers an A/V the criteria of that industry certifica-
logistics, being a production pathway job. Some of the ca- tion available in this
leader, and sup- for students. There reer choices are News class. That indus-
porting fellow ca- Domenick Disporto promoted from are three courses for Anchor, DJ, Weather try certification is
dets. The respon- Sargent to Staff Sargent. He is a Junior this pathway. The Person, Sports Re- Adobe Certification.
sibilities of a Staff at West High School. classes are A/V I, porter, and Director. Leslie Drew,
as a bookkeeper A/V II, and A/V III. A/V Production teach-
of AFJROTC (Air There are them, and teach This program AJ Huffman, er, is also looking into
Force Junior Re- teaches students how sophomore, said, taking students to
served Officers special abili- them what they to film and edit videos. “This class is helping the Citizen Tribune
Training Corps) is ties used to talk know to become The students and maybe touring
to issue and record with cadets, train a Staff Sergeant. learn how to use all the me to prepare for col- a local radio station.
uniform turn-in. equipment that West lege classes and career
Staff ser- High has. They utilize
geants in the several cameras, mi-
AFJROTC pro- crophones, lighting,
gram to have and green screens.
the responsibili- While students
ty of taking care spend most of their
of all the oth- time filming, they also
er fellow cadets have to do research on
and other ranks the laws of broadcast-
in the program. ing and the careers that
can be achieved if they
continue with this path. path that I plan on tak-
During ca-
reer research students
have to look at how
much money is made
Visit Rural King for Supplies
Morristown is
slowly grow-
ing in size. Not
only is it grow-
ing in population,
but many stores
are opening up in
Morristown, and
Rural King has
made its way here.
Rural King
sells a variety of
things. They have
livestock food,
clothes, food, farm
equipment, such as
lawnmowers, trac-
tors, plows, etc.
They also
sell livestock, like
chickens, turkeys, The new Rural King located in Morristown.
bunnies and many K-mart used to Many em- Rural King was now 109 store loca- Support is $7.83/
other farm animals. be located at. ployees are there to tions nationwide. hour but can
They opened There is no help one, with any performed by If one wish- range all the
membership need- assistance needed. Kermit Speer and es to work at Rural way to $12.93/
up the Morristown ed to go in and The very Keith Bearid in King, the average hour for an As-
location Tues- make a purchase. first opening of pay for Technical sistant Manager.
day, Aug. 7, where 1960 in Mattoon,
Illinois. The are
FeaturesFeatures OEdpiitnoiro:nTsylEedritCoorn: nell SNeopvteemmbbeerr 22001183 B1
Salansky Meets Honorary
Captain Against Cancer
BY CHARLIE from Bearden. nior Matt Salan-
NEILL She was sky appeared in
the honorary front of the girl.
DOPINIONS captain for He said,
Bearden that “ It felt awesome
EDITORuring the night. The whenever I shook
f o o t b a l l pl a c e k i cke r hands with her.”
game against for Bearden I’ve never been
Bearden in was doing through any-
Kn ox v i l l e, a k i ck s for can- thing she’s gone
little five year cer, and when through, and
old girl with the place kicker I’m sure she is
cancer came and the five year more of a fight-
out to t h e old were begin- er than I am.”
field with the ning to exit the
pl ace k icker field, Trojan se-
Senior Matt Salansky Shakes Honorary Captain’s
hand at Morristown West vs. Bearden game.
Moore Explains Law
Enforcement Career
BY TYLER WEBBER many de- point at the iff ’s Department
STAFF WRITER partments Sheriff De- was established in
JOSHUA MCBEE within the partment. 1870. The Sher-
STAFF WRITER Hamblen Sheriff iff ’s Department
County Jarnigan is has been around
Law Enforce- Sheriff ’s de- over the entire for 148 years.
ment is re- partment. department, Officer
quired in modern There are with Chief Moore has been
society. Without five different Mize sec- with the Ham-
it, there would departments ond in com- blen County
be crime at ev- with in the mand . Cap- Sheriff ’s Depart-
ery doorstep. jail. They are tain Moore ment for 10 years.
There is a Detectives, is in third Officer
level of education Narcotics, command, Moore knew at
required to be in- Patrol, Court and over all a young age she
volved with law Security patrol per- wanted to be
enforcement. One and the Jail. sonnel. Cap- in law enforce-
needs to have at There tain Laws is ment. She could
least a high school are 92 pa- over the Jail. not imagine do-
diploma, be at trol officers They also ing anything else.
least 21 years of that are as- have their West High is thank-
age, and success- signed to Officer Andrea Moore, Unit 133 in the Hamblen County Sher- own adminis- ful for her service
fully complete the D e t e c t i v e s , iffs Office, serves as West High’s SRO. tration office as the School Re-
Police Academy. Narcotics, personnel. source Officer.
There are patrol, and Jail Personnel are but they are usu- The Ham-
Court Security. not post certified, ally the beginning blen County Sher-
Reasons to Join Number One
Speech and Debate Team in Tennessee
BY DAWSON WOOD be able to inter-
STAFF WRITER act with some-
TREVOR LOVELL one else,” Ha-
SPORTS EDITOR leigh Henry says.
The Speech
“What is speech & Debate team
and debate travel across the
about? It in- state and coun-
cludes three cat- try to visit mul-
egories: 1. De- tiple colleges
bate 2. Acting, and compete in
and 3. Speaking tournaments.
Category,” says Being a part
Suzanne Terry. of this team al-
She has lows one to travel
been coaching and visit poten-
Speech & Debate, tial colleges and
formally known 4th period Speech & Debate team of 2018-2019. make connections
as Forensics, and
has been lead- along the way.
ing the team for The Speech
many years. “For as their coach.” all of the seniors money. Almost self in a inter- and Debate team
the past years my Speech & in this class have $25,000 towards view setting and
seniors graduate Debate offers been accepted to a my schooling. it is better to be offers classes all
and they get mon- interacting with throughout the
ey for college and great opportuni- college or offered One can get al- these people, and school year, and
that is my goal ties for college s c h o l a r s h i p s . most all or half in an interview
scholarships and “It can at least. You can you can be a per- is always eager
son who may not for new mem-
also recognition. send you to col- speak, you can bers to join!
This year lege with a lot of articulate your-
B2 November 2018 A&E A&E Editor: Joanna Cardenas
Spice up Home with DIY Harvest Popcorn Snack Mix
Garland Leaves DIY Recipe
Falling Leaves Ingredients:
• 6 cups of popcorn
Supplies: • 1/2 a cup of
• Artificial leaves
• Liquid Glue pretzels (squared
• Glitter preferably)
• Ribbon • 1 cup of roasted
• Hole puncher peanuts
• Paintbrushes • 4 tablespoons of
• 1/2 a tablespoon of
light corn syrup
Directions large ribbon strand. Picture by Joanna Cardenas • 2 tablespoons of
1. Grab an artificial 5. Ta-da, you can sugar
leaf and apply glue now decorate your • 1/2 a pkg. of or-
with a paintbrush. ange flavor gelatin
2. Next, sprinkle home with these • 1/4 cup of candy Picture is from
glitter over the leaf. sprarkly garlands.! corn
3. Then, let the glue Chocolate syrup 7. Microwave choc-
set and afterwards • cook and stir 2 min. olate in micro-
Bring to boil, stir- waveable bowl on
shake off excess glitter. ring constantly; HIGH 30 to 60 sec.,
4. Punch a hole at Directions simmer on medi- stirring every 30
the top of each leaf um-low heat 5 min., sec.; drizzle over
and attach a ribbon 1. Heat oven to 300ºF. stirring frequently. popcorn mixture.
Pour over popcorn 8. Break popcorn
that you can tie to a 2. Combine first mixture; toss un- mixture into bite-
til evenly coated. size pieces; place
Book Review: Stars Wars 3 ingredients in large bowl.
in large bowl.
Fate of the Jedi Outcast 3. Cook butter, half- 5. Spread onto
and-half and corn 2 foil-covered
BY ADDISON syrup in saucepan rimmed baking
PENNINGTON on medium heat sheets sprayed with
STAFF WRITER until butter is melt-
ed and mixture is
Anew era for Star well blended, stir- cooking spray.
Wars. The impe- ring frequently.
rials are in charge, the 4. Add sugar and 6. Bake 10 min.; cool
Jedi are hated/feared dry gelatin mix; completely. Add can-
and Luke Sky-walker dy corn; mix lightly.
is public enemy num-
ber one. Things have
changed. This was an
enjoyable continuation
from the Millennium
Falcon. It is slightly
shorter that the than
average Star Wars
book. As stated, a lot
of changes and prom-
ise of things to come.
This era is the This picture was taken by the West Side Story Staff.
dealing with the fallout (Luke) has. Politics. It is what happened to Ja-
from Jacen Solo’s turn impossible to discredit cen and where during
to the dark side. His Luke in public opin- his journey to discover
short by brutal rule as ion, simply of his year new force techniques
reign as Darth Caedus of service, but they can did Jacen turn to Cae-
has left the universe bring charges holding dus. He leaves the Jedi
reeling. Admiral Na- him accountable for in the hands of Master
tasi Daala is not the Jacen’s turn. Also, not Kenth Hamner, who is
Chief of State of the helping the Jedi, cause accepted by the gov-
Galactic Alliance, and something is causing ernment as he fits the
Jagged Fel is essentially the Jedi to act “crazy”, military man how fol-
the Emperor (Head of the first Jedi to be af- lows orders direction.
the Galactic Empire or fected was Seff Hellin, Great book
the Imperial Remnant, not it has affected Valin can’t wait to see what
depending on which Horn, causing him to happens next. Any-
ear you are partial go on a paranoid ram- one reading the Star
to). So, you have two page. More shocking Wars Legacy era in
high ranking Impe- to Luke is that Valin is the comics, the seeds
rial officers in charge exhibiting force tech- are sown here. Great
of both governments. niques only employed character develop-
The Jedi are by Jacen himself. ment. I am all for ag-
blamed and mistrusted Luke and Ben ing the characters as
due to Jacen’s actions. Skywalker set out on the series moves along.
The government use a new direction they
this one weakness a must accept exile;
wise (but still a little na- during which time he
ive) Grandmaster Jedi will try and find out
A&E Editor: Joanna Cardenas A&E B3November 2018
November Horoscopes
Aries (Mar 21-April 19) Taurus (April 20 - May 20) YoGue’rme ignoiin(Mg taoyg2o1t-oJtuhnroeu2g0h)
This month will be tough, During this month, you can take challenges in this month, but
but great things are coming your time on mastering life skills. at the end, you’re going to get
your way. a surprise by someone special.
Lucky Days: 23,11 Lucky Days: 21,16
Lucky Days: 23,19
Cancer (Jun 21- July 22) Leo (July 23- Aug 22)
Try new things in life, Trust your guts because by the end Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
and don’t be hesitant. of the month, everything will work Get rid of negative in-
Lucky Days: 29,4 out.
stincts, and be prepared for
Lucky Days: 30,18 a lot of surprises.
Lucky Days: 24, 11
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22) Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Sagittarius (Nov 22 -Dec 21)
Take stress off your shoul- If you’re happy, don’t let peo- In this month you will
ders and have fun. ples’ opinions change the way
have both great and poor
Lucky Days: 23,5 you live. things happen, but stay
Lucky Days: 25,20 focused.
Lucky Days: 28,14
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 18) Pisces (Feb 19 -Mar 20)
This month you have new You should get out of your comfort Be patient and calm because
and exciting things com- zone and try new things. it’s going to be a wild month.
ing up.
Lucky Days: 25,1 Lucky Days: 21,18 Lucky Days: 26,10
Birthday MONTHS
Master Stylist Happy
[email protected] Birthday
4327 West Andrew Johnson
Morristown, Tennessee 37814
Philippians 4:13 I can do all
things through Christ which
strengthen me.
B4 November 2018 Sports Sports Editors:Trevor Lovell
Successful Senior Night
Senior Football Players
Jamal Spradling Zack Young Mason McDaniel Brian Stewart
Alex Koeing Brandon Graves Grant Misenheimer Jadon Payne
Matthew Salansky Sejdi Oruglica Kevin Caldwell Chad Broyles
Garrett Jenny Corbin Yount Ryan Shaver Stephan Riner
Dallas Dawson Jagger Hurst Jackson Burgett Adrian Martinez
Bradley Fuchs Alex Morales
Senior Athletic Trainers
Briana Fluker Autumn Snapp Mary Hannah Statzer
Senior Cheerleaders
Leila Britt Autumn Miller Briana Gammel Taylor Whitehead
Sports Editors:Trevor Lovell Sports B5November 2018
Grayson Horsley Mikala Livesay Paige Tipton
Senior Band
Heather Barnett Hayden Avery
Jadyn Baker Tanner Collins Alexis Bolling Haley Carroll
Seth Davis Kymberly Dean Ryleigh Goodman Jackson Fleming
Sarah Hernandez Michael Jones Myiah Portrum
Aryn Smith Micah Vannoy Steven Ross Alexandria Rivera Chris Cox
Dylan Isaacs Parker Gair Nicholas Noble Alondra Gonzalez
Golf Golf Cross Country Soccer
2007 Ford Explorer- $5,950 2009 Mini Cooper- $5,950
2013 Ford Focus- $6,950 2011 Nissan Juke- $6,950
2011 Honda Accord- $7,950 2006 Ford F-150- $7,950
2014 Dodge Grand Caravan- $8,950 2017 Volkswagen Beetle- $8,950
2014 Jeep Compass- $8,950 2010 Toyota Highlander- $9,500