District 3420 ROTARY
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District 3420 ROTARY Rotary International The 2022 - 2023 “Imagine” ROTARY Rotary : Imagine
District 3420 ROTARY THE 4-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say and do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it Build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP? 4. Will it BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Since the earliest day of the organitation. Rotarians were concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their professional lives, One of the eorlds’s most widely printed and quoted statements of business etchics is The 4-Way test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI president) This code of ethics for every one to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customer, and the survival of a company is creadited to this simple philosophy. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The 4-Ways Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. OBJECT OF ROTARY The object of Rotary in to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster : FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. SECOND. High Ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all usefull occupations, an the dignifying by each Roratian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society. THIRD. The application of the ideal of service by every rotarian to his personal, business and community life. FOURTH. The advancement of International understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional person united in the ideal of service
District 3420 ROTARY TABLE OF CONTENT District Conference Lombok 2022 Tema Rotary International 2022 - 2023 The Four Way Test - Object of Rotary Daftar Isi Ucapan Selamat DG Lina Sambutan Ketua Panitia Susunan Panitia Selamat Datang Sambutan DG Lina Sambutan Rotary International Agenda Acara Info Program Denah Ruangan Daftar PDG Rotary Indonesia Periode 1983 - 2023 Sambutan Gubernur NTB About Lombok Lagu Indonesia Raya Australian National Anthem Sambutan DGE Romy Iklan - Iklan Sponsor Ucapan Terima Kasih Peta Lombok
Congratulations DISTRICT CONFERENCE 2023 Lombok, 15 - 17 Juni 2023 District 3420 DG Lina Soeratman & Anton Affandy Tedjokusumo
District 3420 ROTARY Message from District Conference Chair Rotary International District 3420 District 3420 DGND DYAH ANGGRAENI Organizing Committe Chair District Conference 2023 Yang saya hormati, Para tamu VIP, PDG, IPDG, DG, DGAL, AG, PP, President dan semua rotarian beserta spouse Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Salam damai sejahtera bagi semua, Om Swastiastu, Namo Budaya, Salam kebajikan
District 3420 ROTARY Warm Regards, Organizing Committee Chair District 3420 Conference
District 3420 ROTARY District Conference 2023 ORGANIZING “Beyond Recovery Towards Sustainability” COMMITTEE CONVENER Lina Soeratman District Governor RY 2022-2023 HONOR ADVISOR Bpk. Gubernur NTB Bpk. Walikota NTB ADVISOR PDG Thomas Aquinas PDG Febri H. Dipokusumo IPDG Cindy Bachtiar PP Ninditarini Yutata PDG Nyoman Suastika STEERING COMMITTEE PDG Mufid Wahyudi DGN Suzana Chandra CP Hesti Utami PP Ace Robin RC Surabaya Metropolitan RC Solo Kartini RC Semarang Kunthi RC Semarang Kunthi RC Bali Kuta RC Surabaja RC Bali Denpasar RC Semarang Kunthi RC Mataram Lombok AIDE TO RI PRESIDENT REP’S PDG Wayan Suryawan RC Bali Denpasar ORGANIZING COMMITEE DISTRICT CONFERENCE CHAIR PP Dyah Anggraeni RC Semarang Kunthi VICE CHAIR 1 PP Indah Puspitasari RC Mataram Lombok VICE CHAIR 2 PP Agung Rosye RC Bali Taman TREASURER 1 Rtn Hesti Retno RC Semarang Kunthi TREASURER 2 PP Indah Puspitasari RC Mataram Lombok SECRETARY 1 SECRETARY 2 CP Sulistijo Hardjono RC Semarang Soegijapranata Rtn Tania RC Mataram Lombok COORDINATOR INFORMATION SYSTEM (WEBSITE & ONLINE PROMOTION) IPP Ketut Sudarwata PP Anang Rtn Glenn RC Bali Pecatu RCS Pandawa RCS Pandawa FUND RAISING PP Sri Ellyani PP Haryadi PP Diana Andalusi Pres Gung Tini Gorda Rtn Ricky Hartono RC Semarang Kunthi RC Solo Raya RC Surabaja-Darmo RC Bali Bersinar RC Mataram Lombok
District 3420 ROTARY EVENTS PP Eleonora Aprilita Rtn Desy W RC Semarang Bojong RC Semarang Pandawa WELCOME DINNER Pres Norce RC Sumba Tambolaka GOVERNOR BANQUET PP Ace Robin Pres Ketut Widi RC Mataram Lombok RC Bali Sanur FELLOWSHIP DINNER Rtn Rini Tory RC Mataram Lombok HUMANITY TOUR AG Megawati Rusligani PP Barbara Rtn Juli Trikisworini Rtn Tania RC Bali Taman RC Bali Kuta RC Semarang Kunthi RC Mataram Lombok EQUIPMENT & DOCUMENTATION Rtn Agustin Rtn Dessy RC Mataram Lombok RC Semarang Pandawa COUNCIL OF PDG Rtn Doddy RC Mataram Lombok HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP PP Farida RC Mataram Lombok PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL PGD Aloysius Purwa DGE Romy Junardi DGN Suzana RC Bali Kuta RC Surabaja RC Bali Denpasar PROMOTION INTERNAL DGAL, AG, President All Area D3420 REGISTRATION PP Elizabeth Kiky AG Retno W Rtn Nurul Hidayah Rtn Ala Robin Rtn Maria Penida RC Semarang Kunthi RC Kudus Srikandi RC Semarang Pandawa RC Mataram Lombok RC Semarang Pandawa ACCOMODATION & TRANSPORTATION AG Barbara AG Retno W Rtn Eddy RC Bali Kuta RC Kudus Srikandi RC Mataram Lombok PUBLIC RELATION PP Eleonora Aprilita CP Mieke Lestari Dewi Rtn Khadijah RC Semarang Bojong RC Batu RC Mataram Lombok ROTARY GUIDE DRR & Tim
Selamat Datang di Kami siap menyambut Anda 15 - 17 Juni 2023 Lombok
Welcome to to Lombok We are ready to serve you
District 3420 ROTARY Message from District Governor Rotary International District 3420 DG LINA SOERATMAN District Governor 2022 - 2023 District 3420 Salam DG LINA SOERATMAN District Governor 2022 - 2023
District 3420 ROTARY Greetings DG LINA SOERATMAN District Governor 2022 - 2023
District 3420 ROTARY Rotary International President JENNIFER JONES Rotary Year 2022 - 2023 “Imagine Rotary”
District 3420 ROTARY
District 3420 ROTARY Materi Menyusul Sambutan presedient respresentative
District 3420 ROTARY Materi Menyusul Sambutan presedient respresentative 2
District 3420 ROTARY Susunan Acara Day Susunan Acara Rotary International District 3420 Conference Welcome Remark + Roll Calling by DG Lina Soeratman 19.35 - 19.45 Welcome Speech og Governor of NTB Dr. H. Zulkieflimansyah, SE., M.Sc. 19.45 - 19.55 18.00 - 19.00 Dinner Opening Ceremony : Indonesia Anthem: Indonesia Raya followed by March of Rotary 19.00 - 19.30 Minutes from Chair Committee of District Conference 2023 : DGND Dyah Anggraeni 19.30 - 19.35 Opening Ceremony marked by the thumping of Bedug / drum by NTB Governor accompanied 19.55 - 20.00 Opening Ceremony marked by the thumping of Bedug or drum by NTB Governor accompanied by RI Representative, DG Lina Soeratman and DGND Dyah Anggraeni 19.55 - 20.00 DISTRICT CONFERENCE Merumata Ballroom PARTICIPAN ARRIVAL AND ENROUTE TO EVENT VENUE Participans arrival Hotel Check in 14.00 House of Friendship in VIP Room (Optional) 16.00 - Conclude 16.00 - 17.30 17.30 - 18.00 08.00 - 14.00 Preparation for District Conference 1 Rotary International District 3420 Conference Welcome Remark + Roll Calling by DG Lina Soeratman 19.35 - 19.45 Welcome Speech og Governor of NTB Dr. H. Zulkieflimansyah, SE., M.Sc. 19.45 - 19.55 18.00 - 19.00 Dinner Opening Ceremony : Indonesia Anthem: Indonesia Raya followed by March of Rotary 19.00 - 19.30 Minutes from Chair Committee of District Conference 2023 : DGND Dyah Anggraeni 19.30 - 19.35 Opening Ceremony marked by the thumping of Bedug / drum by NTB Governor accompanied 19.55 - 20.00 Opening Ceremony marked by the thumping of Bedug or drum by NTB Governor accompanied by RI Representative, DG Lina Soeratman and DGND Dyah Anggraeni 19.55 - 20.00 Introducing the RI Representative Opening Remark and Speech by RI Representative 20.00 - 20.25 DISTRICT CONFERENCE - Report Minutes from DG - Update on Signature Project - DG & Chair Kalaedoscope - Update on Membership 20.25 - 20.40 Awards announcement on 7 Areas of Focus of Rotary 20.40 - 20.50 Fundraising 20.50 - 21.20 Talkshow 21.20 - 21.50 Fellowship & entertainment 21.50 - 22.30 Closing 22.30 Kamis, 17 Juni 2023 PARTICIPAN ARRIVAL AND ENROUTE TO EVENT VENUE Participans arrival Hotel Check in 14.00 House of Friendship in VIP Room (Optional) 16.00 - Conclude Sunset Coffee Break at Basillico Beach, Merumata Hotel. Enterainment : Live Music Acoustic 16.00 - 17.30 17.30 - 18.00 08.00 - 14.00 Preparation for District Conference
District 3420 ROTARY Susunan Acara day 2
GOVERNOR BANQUET DINNER At Senggigi Beach Merumata Hotel With DG Lina Soeratman 16 Juni 2023 Closing Event District Conference
District 3420 ROTARY
Merumata Hotel - Ballroom Rotary District 3420 Conference 15 - 17 Juni 2023
District 3420 ROTARY PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR- ROTARY INDONESIA PERIODE 1983 - 2011 DISTRICT 3400 ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA THAMRIN District 3400 Conference : Jakarta PDG. RMM Machribie R (alm) Share Rotary - Serve People RI President WILLIAM E. SKELTON RY. 1983 - 1984 RI Convention : Toronto - Canada “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA THAMRIN District 3400 Conference : Jakarta PDG. Soedarpo Sastrosatomo (alm) Discover a New World of Service RI President CARLOS CANSECO RY. 1984 - 1985 RI Convention : BIRMINGHAM - ENGLAND “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA District 3400 Conference : Bali PDG. Abidin Kartasoebrata (alm) You are the Key RI President EDWARD E. CADMAN RY. 1985 - 1986 RI Convention : Kansas City - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SURABAJA District 3400 Conference : Jakarta PDG. Don Nasution (alm) Rotary Brings Hope RI President M.A.T CARAPAS RY. 1986 - 1987 RI Convention : Toronto - Canada “ “
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA District 3400 Conference : Yogyakarta PDG. Ben J. Titiheruw (alm) Rotarians - United in Service - Dedicated to Peace RI President CHARLES C. KELLER RY. 1987 - 1988 RI Convention : Munich - Germany “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA District 3400 Conference : Jakarta PDG. Willy W. Wiguna Put Life into Rotary - Your Life RI President ROYCE ABBEY RY. 1988 - 1989 RI Convention : Philadelphia - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF KEBAYORAN District 3400 Conference : Bandung PDG. Soeroso Padmodihardjo (alm) Enjoy Rotary RI President HUGH M. ARCHER RY. 1989 - 1990 RI Convention : Seoul - Soutrh Korea “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF MATARAM YOGYAKARTA District 3400 Conference : Surabaya PDG. But Mochtar (alm) Honor Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm RI President PAULO V.C. COSTA RY. 1990 - 1991 RI Convention : Portland - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SEMARANG District 3400 Conference : Surabaya PDG. Jaya Suprana Look Beyond Yourself RI President RAJENDRA K. SABOO RY. 1991 - 1992 RI Convention : Mexico City - Mexico “ “ Mobile Phone : +628 1114 4366 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +628 1665 0044
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF MATARAM YOGYAKARTA District 3400 Conference : Surabaya PDG. Tjoet Rachman (alm) Real Happiness is Helping Others RI President CLIFFORD L. DOCHTERMAN RY. 1992 - 1993 RI Convention : Orlando - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BALI DENPASAR District 3400 Conference : Bali PDG. Soerjo Wibisono Believe in What You Do - Do What You Believe RI President ROBERT R. BARTH RY. 1993 - 1994 RI Convention : Melbourne - Australia “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BANDUNG SELATAN District 3400 Conference : Bandung PDG. Sukar Samsudi (alm) Be a Friend RI President WILLIAM H. HUNTLY RY. 1994 - 1995 RI Convention : Taipei - Taiwan “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SURABAJA - DARMO District 3400 Conference : Malang PDG. Januar Tirtaamidjaja (alm) Work for peace RI President HERBERT G. BROWN RY. 1995 - 1996 RI Convention : Nice - France “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BANDUNG District 3400 Conference : Bandung PDG.Azis Djajadiningrat (alm) Build the Future with Action and Vision RI President LUIS VINCIENTE GIAY RY. 1996 - 1997 RI Convention : Calgary - Canada “ “ Mobile Phone : +628 12380 2995 Email : [email protected] “
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA GAMBIR District 3400 Conference : Semarang PDG. Natalia P. Soebagjo Show Rotary Cares, for Your Community, for Our World, for its People RI President GLEN W. KINROSS G. BROWN RY. 1997 - 1998 RI Convention : Glasgow - Scotland “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF CINERE District 3400 Conference : Yogyakarta PDG. Mustain Sjadzali (alm) Follow Your Rotary Dream RI President JAMES L. LACEY RY. 1998 - 1999 RI Convention : Singapore “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA GAMBIR District 3400 Conference : Bali PDG. Mark K.Y. Wong Act with Consistency, Credibility, Continuity RI President CARLO RAVIZZA RY. 1999 - 2000 RI Convention : Buenos Aires - Argentina “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SALATIGA District 3400 Conference : Surabaya PDG. Wibowo Kusumadi (alm) Create Awareness - Take Action RI President FRANK j. DEVLYN RY. 2000 - 2001 RI Convention : San Antonio - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BANDUNG District 3400 Conference : Bandung PDG. Tjetje Siamsu Mankind is Our business RI President RICHARD D.KING RY. 2001 - 2002 RI Convention : Barcelona - Spain “ “ Mobile Phone : +628 1117 0752 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +628 1117 075 Email : [email protected] “ Mobile Phone : +628 1660 7617 Email : [email protected]
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA GAMBIR District 3400 Conference : Semarang PDG. Osman Bin Aman Sow the Seeds of Love RI President BICHAO RATTAKUL RY. 2002 - 2003 RI Convention : Brisbane - Australia “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA KEBAYORAN District 3400 Conference : Jakarta PDG. John S. Karamoy (alm) Lend a Hand RI President JONATHAN B. MAJIYAGBE RY. 2003 - 2004 RI Convention : Osaka Japan “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BALI SANUR District 3400 Conference : Bali PDG. Ritje Rihatinah (alm) Celebrate Rotary RI President GLENN ESTESS RY. 2004 - 2005 RI Convention : Chicago - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA GAMBIR District 3400 Conference : Surabaya PDG. Radolfo C. Balmater Service Above Self RI President CARL-WILHELM STENHAMMAR RY. 2005 - 2006 RI Convention : Malmo - Copenhagen, Sweden - Denmark “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BANDUNG District 3400 Conference : Bandung PDG. Miko Sujatmiko Lead the Way RI President WILLIAM B. BOYN RY. 2006 - 2007 RI Convention : Salt Lake City - USA “ “ Mobile Phone : +628 1681 7673 Email : [email protected] “ Mobile Phone : +628 1220 10582 Email : [email protected]
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF JAKARTA GAMBIR District 3400 Conference : Semarang PDG. Augustine Goh Rotary Shares RI President WILFRID J. WILKINSON RY. 2007 - 2008 RI Convention : Los Angeles - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF MATARAM YOGYAKARTA District 3400 Conference : Yogyakarta PDG. Keliek j. Soegiarto Makes Dreams Real RI President DONG KURN LEE RY. 2008 - 2009 RI Convention : Birmingham - United Kingdom “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SURABAYA METROPOLITAN PDG. Thomas Aquinas The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands RI President JOHN KENNY RY. 2009 - 2010 RI Convention : Montreal - Canada “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BALI KUTA District 3400 Conference : Bali PDG. Aloysius Purwa Building Communities - Bridging Continents RI President RAY KLINGINSMITH RY. 2010 - 2011 RI Convention :New Orleans - Louisiana, USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BANDUNG DAGO District 3400 Conference : Bandung PDG. M. Ridlo Eisy Reach Within to Embrace Humanity RI President KALYAN BANERJEE RY. 2011 - 2012 RI Convention : Bangkok - Thailand “ “ Mobile Phone : +6281 5570 4444 Email : [email protected] “ Mobile Phone : +628 1120 8313 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +628 1195 4671 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +6281 2269 1888 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +628 1650 6638 Email : [email protected] District 3400 Conference : Surabaya
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF BALI KUTA District 3420 Conference : Bali PDG. Pandudiana Kuhn Peace Through Service RI President SAKUJL TANAKA RY. 2012 - 2013 RI Convention : Lisbon - Portugal “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF UJUNG PANDANG District 3420 Conference : Makasar PDG. Imam Mudjari Engage Rotary - Change Lives RI President RON D. BURTON RY. 2013 - 2014 RI Convention : Sydney - Australia “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BALI KUTA District 3420 Conference : Yogyakarta PDG. Hanny Arianto Light Up rotary RI President GARY CK HUANG RY. 2014 - 2015 RI Convention : Sao Paolo - Brazil “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SURABAJA District 3420 Conference : Surabaya PDG. Mufid Wahyudi Be a gift to the World RI President KR “RAVI” RAVINDRAN RY. 2015 - 2016 RI Convention : Seoul - Korea “ “ Mobile Phone : +628 1139 7041 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +6281 2434 81992 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +628 1139 2270 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +628 1131 9487 Email : [email protected] PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR- ROTARY INDONESIA PERIODE 2012 - 2022 DISTRICT 3420
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF BALI TAMAN District 3420 Conference : Bali PDG. Nyoman Nilawati Rotary Serving Humanity RI President JOHN F. GERM RY. 2016 - 2017 RI Convention : Georgia - USA “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SURABAJA - DARMO District 3420 Conference : Semarang PDG. Hermanto Angka Making a Difference RI President IAN.S RISELEY RY. 2017 - 2018 RI Convention : Toronto - Canada “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BALI - DENPASAR PDG. I Wayan Suryana Be The Inspiration RI President BARRY RASSIN RY. 2018 - 2019 “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF SOLO - KARTIKA District 3420 Conference : - PDG. Febri H Dipokusumo Rotary Connect the World RI President Mark Daniel Maloney RY. 2019 - 2020 “ “ ROTARY CLUB OF BALI - KUTA District 3420 Conference : Bali PDG. Nyoman Suastika Rotary opens Opportunities RI President holger Knack RY. 2020 - 2021 “ “ Mobile Phone : +6281 5671 9896 Email : [email protected] “ Mobile Phone : +628 1139 2873 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +628 1629 7330 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +6281 2160 38779 Email : [email protected] Mobile Phone : +6281 2389 5805 Email : [email protected] District 3420 Conference : Jakarta RI Convention : Hamburg - Jerman Virtual Convention Virtual Convention : Taiwan
District 3420 ROTARY ROTARY CLUB OF SEMARANG KUNTHI District 3420 Conference : Semarang IPDG. Cindy Bachtiar Serve to Changes Lives RI President SHEKHAR MEHTA RY. 2021 - 2022 “ “ Mobile Phone : +628 1228 73619 Email : [email protected] Virtual Convention : Texas - USA
Lombok Wonderful
District 3420 ROTARY Dr. H. Zulkieflimansyah Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Barat
District 3420 ROTARY About Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) The capital of NTB is Mataram, and other major cities include Bima and Praya. The province is divided into eight regencies, namely West Lombok, East Lombok, North Lombok, Central Lombok, Sumbawa, Dompu, Bima, and West Sumbawa. NTB has a tropical climate with two distinct seasons, wet and dry. The rainy season typically occurs from November to April, while the dry season lasts from May to October. The province is home to various natural attractions such as Mount Rinjani, the second-highest volcano in Indonesia, and the Gili Islands, which are famous for their crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches. The majority of the population in NTB are Sasak people, who have a distinct culture and language. However, there are also other ethnic groups such as Balinese, Javanese, and Chinese. The people of NTB are known for their hospitality and friendliness. Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) is a province located in the southern part of Indonesia, comprising the western portion of the Lesser Sunda Islands which are stretching from Bali to Timor. The province is known for its beautiful beaches, diverse ethnic cultures, and unique landscapes. It has a total area of 19,708.79 square kilometers and a population of approximately 5.5 million people, according to the 2020 census. The economy of NTB is mainly based on agriculture, fishing, and tourism. The province is a major producer of rice, corn, and livestock. The fishing industry is also significant, with a variety of fish, lobsters, and other seafood caught in the waters around the province. Additionally, tourism has become a significant industry in NTB, with many visitors coming to enjoy the province's natural beauty and cultural diversity.
District 3420 ROTARY WISATA DESA SADE LOMBOK TENGAH YANG UNIK Desa Sade adalah salah satu dusun di desa Rembitan, Pujut, Lombok Tengah. Desa Sade merupakan salah satu Desa Adat Suku Sasak, terletak persis di samping jalan raya Praya-Kuta, jaraknya 30 km dari Kota Mataram. Apabila menggunakan kendaraan, Desa Sade dapat ditempuh dalam waktu satu jam perjalanan. Desa Sade dikenal sebagai dusun yang mempertahankan adat suku Sasak. Semenjak tahun 1975 desa ini sudah dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan, baik dari dalam negeri maupun dari luar negeri. Ekowisata atau ekoturisme merupakan salah satu kegiatan pariwisata yang berwawasan linkungan dengan mengutamakan aspek konservasi alam, aspek pemberdayaan sosial budaya ekonomi masyarakat lokal serta aspek pembelajaran dan pendidikan. Setiap rumah di Desa Sade terbagi menjadi tiga bagian. Bagian depan untuk tidur kaum pria dan orang tua. Sementara bagian dalam yang harus melalui dua atau tiga anak tangga menuju bagian atas berisi dapur, lumbung dan tempat tidur perempuan. Kemudian bagian ketiga yaitu sebuah ruangan kecil yang digunakan untuk tempat melahirkan. Walaupun setiap rumah memiliki bentuk yang sama, tetapi terdapat pembagian menjadi tiga tipe menurut penggunaannya yakni “Bale Bonter” yakni rumah yang dimiliki oleh pejabat desa, “Bale Kodong” untuk warga yang baru menikah atau orangtua untuk menghabiskan masa tua. Dan terakhir ialah “Bale Tani” yang digunakan sebagai tempat tinggal. Desa seluas 5,5 Hektar ini, memiliki 150 rumah. Setiap rumah terdiri dari satu kk, dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 700 orang yang kesemuanya adalah suku Sasak Lombok. Semua penduduk di desa ini masih merupakan satu keturunan, karena mereka melakukan perkawinan antar saudara. Bangunan desa ini memiliki ciri khas dari bangunan Suku Sasak dimana dinding dan tiang terbuat dari bambu, dengan atap yang terbuat dari alang-alang kering. Keistimewaan dari atap alang-alang ini adalah atap tersebut akan menyejukkan bangunan saat cuaca terik, namun sebaliknya memberikan kehangatan di malam hari. Lantainya terbuat dari tanah liat yang di campur dengan sedikit sekam padi. Jarak antar bangunan sangat rapat, dan masing-masing bangunan dihubungkan dengan jalan setapak yang tak bisa dilewati kendaraan bermotor. Salah satu keunikan dari Bale Tani adalah cara perawatannya. Seminggu sekali lantai Bale Tani digosok dengan kotoran kerbau yang masih baru dengan dicampur sedikit air, kemudian setelah kering disapu dan digosok dengan batu. Di dalam rumah ini tidak tercium bau menyengat dari kotoran kerbau tersebut. Menurut mereka penggunaan kotoran kerbau ini berfungsi untuk membersihkan lantai dari debu, memperkuat lantai, serta menghangatkan rumah di malam hari. Masyarakat Sasak percaya bahwa kotoran kerbau tersebut dapat mengusir serangga sekaligus menangkal serangan magis yang ditujukan pada penghuni rumah. Disana pekerjaan utama peduduk Desa Sade adalah petani. Sawah yang mereka tanami hanya mengandalkan sistem tadah hujan. Menurut kepercayaan masyarakat Sasak, yang boleh mengambil padi adalah wanita yang telah berkeluarga. Dipercaya jika hal ini dilanggar, maka wanita yang melanggar tidak akan mendapat keturunan. Pembuatan kain tenun di Desa Sade dimulai dari pemintalan kapas menjadi benang. Benang tersebut kemudian diberi warna yang berasal dari pewarna alami dan ditenun menggunakan alat tenun yang terbuat dari kayu dan bambu. Pembuatan kain songket sepanjang dua meter memerlukan waktu pengerjaan antara dua minggu hingga tiga bulan, bergantung pada tingkat kerumitan polanya. Mari menikmati budaya Indonesia yang sangat kaya. Selamat berkunjung ke Desa Sade.
District 3420 ROTARY Sade village is one of the hamlets in Rembitan village, Pujut, Central Lombok. Sade Village is one of the Sasak Traditional Villages, located right beside the Praya-Kuta highway. The distance from Mataram City to Praya Kuta is 30 km traveled by vehicle. Sade Village can be reached within an hour's drive. Sade Village is known as a hamlet that maintains the customs of the Sasak tribe and since 1975 Sade village has been visited by tourists, domestics and foreigners as well. Ecotourism is one of the destination activities that is environmentally friendly by prioritizing aspects of nature conservation, socio-cultural empowerment, the economy of local communities and aspects of learning and education, economic empowerment of local communities as well as aspects of learning and education. One of the uniqueness of Bale Tani is the way it is maintained. Once a week the floor of Bale Tani is scrubbed with fresh buffalo dung mixed with a little water, then after it dries, it is swept and rubbed with a stone. There is no pungent odor from the buffalo dung inside the house. According to them, the use of buffalo dung serves to clean the floor from dust, strengthen the floor, and warm the house at night. Sasak people believe that buffalo dung can repel insects as well as ward off magical attacks aimed at the occupants of the house. Let's enjoy Indonesia's rich culture. Enjoy your visit to Sade Village.. Each house in Sade Village is divided into three parts. The front part is a sleeping quarter for men and the elderly, While the inside, which has to go through two or three stairs to the top, contains the kitchen, barns and kitchen is for women to sleep. Then the third part is a small room used for a maternity ward.Although every house has the same shape, there are three types of room according to its use. namely "Bale Bonter", a house owned by village officials, "Bale Kodong" for newly married residents, "Kodong" for newly married residents or parents to spend their old ageA ,and finally "Bale Tani" is used as a residence. This 5.5 hectare village has 150 houses. Each house consists of one household, with a total population of around 700 people, all of whom are Sasak Lombok tribe. All residents in the village are still one descendant, because they marry between relatives. The village buildings are characterized by Sasak buildings where the walls and poles are made of bamboo, with roofs made of dried alang-alang. The specialty of this alang-alang roof is that it will cool off the building during hot weather and provide warmth at night.The floor is made of clay mixed with a little rice husk. The distance between buildings is very tight, and each building is connected by a path that cannot be passed by motorized vehicles. The main occupation of Sade villagers is farming. The rice fields they cultivate only rely on a rain-fed system. According to the beliefs of the Sasak people, the only ones allowed to harvest rice are married women. If this belief is violated, the violating woman will not have offspring. The making of woven fabrics in Sade Village begins with spinning cotton into yarn.The yarn is given a color that comes from natural dyes and woven using a loom made of wood and bamboo. Making a two-meter-long songket cloth takes about two weeks to three months, depending on the complexity of the pattern
District 3420 ROTARY SIRKUIT MANDALIKA SIRKUIT TERINDAH DI DUNIA Sirkuit Internasional Pertamina Mandalika (secara resmi bernama Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit) adalah sebuah sirkuit balap yang terletak di Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Mandalika (KEK Mandalika) di Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Sirkuit dengan panjang lintasan 4,31 km dan 17 tikungan ini memiliki kelas homologasi kelas A dari FIM. Pada 12 November 2021, Presiden Joko Widodo meresmikan Sirkuit Mandalika beserta infrastruktur pendukungnya. Alih-alih memilih satu lamaran, ternyata putri jelita tersebut justru menghempaskan badannya ke dalam gulungan ombak Pantai Seger dan menghilang tanpa ada jejak. Uniknya, setelah sang putri menghilang, Pantai Seger kemudian dipenuhi oleh cacing laut berwarna-warni. Masyarakat lokal pun mempercayai cacing laut itu sebagai bentuk lain dari Putri Mandalika. Dengan legenda Putri Mandalika, hadirlah perayaan upacara Bau Nyale yang selalu diadakan setiap tahunnya dan menarik perhatian wisatawan lokal hingga mancanegara. Bau Nyale sendiri merupakan ritual mencari cacing laut yang diyakini sebagai jelmaan Putri Mandalika yang menghilang setelah terjun dari atas Bukit Seger ke Pantai Seger. Selain digunakan sebagai tempat penyelenggaraan Moto GP, Sirkuit Mandalika merupakan sirkuit paling indah yang ada di dunia. Sirkuit ini juga menjadi tuan rumah berbagai pagelaran lain seperti World Superbike, Kejurnas Mandalika Racing Series, Shell Eco-marathon, dan National Track Day. Mandalika pertama kali menggelar Grand Prix Sepeda Motor Indonesia pada Maret 2022 setelah sukses menyelenggarakan Kejuaraan Dunia Superbike pertamanya pada bulan November 2021. Sirkuit ini memiliki panjang 4,301 km dengan 17 tikungan, dengan kapasitas 50.000 tempat duduk di tribun dan total mencapai 195.700 orang. Bangunan pit Sirkuit Mandalika yang terbentang sepanjang 350 meter memiliki dua lantai (sebagian tiga lantai) dengan kapasitas 50 garasi. Bangunan pit tersebut dapat dialihfungsikan menjadi pusat konferensi saat tidak menggelar balapan.[8] Ada sebuah bangunan pusat medis modular yang berjarak 100 meter dari race control, dilengkapi dengan tiga helipad. Permukaan sirkuit Mandalika menggunakan aspal berjenis Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) yang lebih kasar dan diharapkan akan memperkuat cengkeraman ban. Ada sebuah legenda atau cerita rakyat terkenal di Mandalika, yaitu legenda Putri Mandalika yang jadi asal-usul nama daerah tersebut. Dirinya merupakan seorang putri cantik dari tokoh suku Sasak terkemuka dan pesonanya menghipnotis semua lelaki, bahkan hingga luar Lombok. Lalu, suatu ketika Putri Mandalika kewalahan menerima banyak pinangan para pelamar dan memutuskan untuk menenangkan diri dengan bersemedi. Keesokan harinya, Putri Mandalika mengumpulkan seluruh para lelaki yang menyukainya di Bukit Seger.
District 3420 ROTARY Instead of choosing one proposal, it turns out that the beautiful princess actually threw her body into the waves of Seger Beach and disappeared without a trace. Uniquely, after the princess disappeared, Seger Beach was then filled with colorful sea worms. Local people also believe the sea worms to be another form of Princess Mandalika.With the legend of Putri Mandalika, comes the celebration of the Bau Nyale ceremony which is always held annually and attracts the attention of local and foreign tourists. Bau Nyale itself is a ritual to find sea worms that are believed to be the incarnation of Princess Mandalika who disappeared after jumping from the top of Bukit Seger to Seger Beach. Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit(officially named Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit) is a racing circuit located in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK Mandalika) in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The circuit with a track length of 4.31 km and 17 corners has a homologation class A of the FIM. On November 12, 2021, President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Mandalika Circuit and its supporting infrastructure. There is a famous legend or folklore in Mandalika, namely the legend of Putri Mandalika which is the origin of the name of the area. She was a beautiful daughter of a prominent Sasak tribal. Her figure and charm hypnotized all men, even outside Lombok.Then, one day Princess Mandalika was overwhelmed by the many proposals of the suitors and decided to calm herself by meditating. The next day, Princess Mandalika gathered all the men who were over the heel by her beauty at Bukit Seger. Apart from being used as a venue for MotoGP, the Mandalika Circuit is the most beautiful circuit in the world. The circuit also hosts various other events such as World Superbike, National Championship Mandalika Racing Series, Shell Eco-marathon, and National Track Day. Mandalika held its first Indonesian Motorcycle Grand Prix in March 2022 after successfully hosting its first Superbike World Championship in November 2021. The circuit is 4.301 km long with 17 corners, with a capacity of 50,000 seats in the grandstand and a total of 195,700 people. The Mandalika Circuit pit building, which spans 350 meters, has two floors (some three floors) with a capacity of 50 garages.The pit building can be converted into a conference center when not holding races. There is a modular medical center building 100 meters away from race control, equipped with three helipads. The Mandalika circuit surface uses a rougher Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) type asphalt that is expected to strengthen tire grip.
District 3420 ROTARY NYONGKOLAN PROSESI SAKRAL RITUAL PERNIKAHAN DI LOMBOK Saat pelaksanaan tradisi nyongkolan ini, arak-arakan pasangan pengantin didampingi oleh dedare dedare dan terune terune sasak, juga ditemani oleh para tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat, atau pemuka adat beserta sanak saudara berjalan mengelilingi desa. Peserta iring-iringan tersebut haruslah mengenakan pakaian khas adat suku Sasak, untuk peserta wanita menggunakan baju Lambung (kadang-kadang juga menggunakan baju kebaya), kereng nine / kain songket (sarung khas Lombok), sanggul (penghias kepala), anting dan asesoris lainnya. Bagi pengiring laki-laki menggunakan baju model jas berwarna hitam (atau variasi) yang dijuluki tegodek nongkeq, kereng selewoq poto (sarung tenun panjang khas Lombok) dan capuk (ikat kepala khas Lombok). Salah satunya yang paling menarik menurut para wisatawan adalah Ritual atau Tradisi nyongkolan. Nyongkolan adalah sebuah tradisi lokal di Lombok, dimana sepasang pengantin di arak beramai-ramai seperti seorang raja menuju rumah / kediaman sang pengantin wanita. Arak-arakan ini selalu diiringi dan diramaikan dengan beraneka tetabuhan alat musik tradisional dan kesenian khas suku Sasak. Tujuannya agar para warga sekitar mengetahui bahwa pasangan pengantin tersebut sudah menjadi sepasang suami istri yang sah. Untuk memeriahkan acara nyongkolan, biasanya diiringi dengan tabuhan tabuhan gendang beleq khas Lombok, atau sejenis musik rebana dengan lagu lagu daerah Lombok disertai penari dengan pakaian khas tari. Jika sang pengantin merupakan kaum ningrat atau bangsawan, iring-iringan nyongkolan pastinya dilengkapi dengan gendang beleq dan pasukan berani mati yang berkostum seperti prajurit jaman dulu kala. Tidak hanya itu, rudat sebagai kesenian dari Timur Tengah dengan menampilkan berbagai gerakan pencak silat juga ikut meramaikan tradisi nyongkolan khas Sasak ini. Uniknya, ada mitos dan kepercayaan yang masih dipegang oleh warga suku Sasak terkait dengan nyongkolan ini. Menurut kepercayaan lama yang masih berkembang dan turun temurun, jika tradisi nyongkolan tidak digelar setelah prosesi akad nikah sang pengantin, maka rumah tangga sang pengantin tersebut biasanya tidak akan bisa bertahan lama atau keturunan dari pasangan pengantin ini biasanya akan terlahir dalam kondisi cacat fisik. Belum ada yang bisa mengkonfirmasi kebenaran mitos ini, namun yang pasti hingga kini nyongkolan masih terus dilaksanakan dan tak jarang bisa menjadi pemicu utama kemacetan ruas-ruas jalanan di Pulau Lombok.
District 3420 ROTARY One of the most interesting according to the tourists who visit Lombok is Nyongkolan which is a ritual and local tradition in Lombok, where the bride and groom are escorted like a king to the bride's house / residence. This procession or arak-arakan is always accompanied and revived by a variety of traditional musical instruments. Traditional music and art are typical of the Sasak tribe. The goal is to make the local residents know that the bride and groom have become a legal husband and wife. During the implementation of this nyongkolan tradition, the procession of the bride and groom is accompanied by dedare dedare and terune terune sasak, also accompanied by religious leaders, community leaders, or traditional leaders along with san san and relatives walking around the village. The participants in the procession must wear typical Sasak tribal clothing, for the women use Lambung clothes (sometimes also use kebaya clothes), kereng nine / songket cloth (typical Lombok sarong), sanggul (headdress), earrings and other accessories. The male attendants wear black suits (or variations) called tegodod,tegodek nongkeq, kereng selewoq poto (a long woven sarong typical of Lombok) and capuk (Lombok headband). To energize the nyongkolan event, it is usually accompanied by the beating of a typical Lombok drum,beleq or a type of tambourine music with Lombok folk songs accompanied by dancers in typical dance outfits and clothes. If the bride is a noble or nobility, the nyongkolan procession is certainly equipped with beleq drums and a troops as well who are wearing costumes like an ancient warriors, not only that, rudat is an art form from the Middle East featuring various martial arts movements, also brighten the nyongkolan tradition. Uniquely, there are myths and beliefs that are still held by Sasak tribesmen related to this nyongkolan. According to old beliefs that are still developing and passed down from generation to generation, if the nyongkolan tradition is not held after the bride's marriage ceremony, then the bride's household usually will not be able to last long or the offspring of the bride and groom will usually be lost or be born with physical disabilities. No one has been able to confirm the truth of this myth, but certainly until now nyongkolan is still carried out and can often be the main trigger of traffic jams on the streets of roads on the island of Lombok.
District 3420 ROTARY Indonesia, tanah airku Tanah tumpah darahku Di sanalah aku berdiri Jadi pandu ibuku Indonesia, kebangsaanku Bangsa dan tanah airku Marilah kita berseru Indonesia bersatu Hiduplah tanahku Hiduplah negeriku Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya Bangunlah jiwanya Bangunlah badannya Untuk Indonesia Raya Indonesia Raya, Merdeka, Merdeka Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta Indonesia Raya, Merdeka, Merdeka, Hiduplah Indonesia Raya Indonesia Raya, Merdeka, Merdeka Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta Indonesia Raya, Merdeka, Merdeka, Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
District 3420 ROTARY Lagu kebangsaan lain
District 3420 ROTARY DGE Romy Junardy Incoming District Governor Fellow Rotarians terkasih, Sekali lagi selamat kepada DG Lina sukses DISCON LOMBOK 2023 dan salut serta bangga pada DISCON Chair DGND Dyah dan team yang sudah mensukseskan acara dengan hebat. Terima kasih. Pertama-tama saya ingin menyampaikan selamat kepada DG Lina Soeratman atas terselenggaranya District 3420 Conference Lombok dengan sukses luar biasa. Terlebih berkat kerja keras seluruh panitia yang diketuai oleh DGND Dyah Anggraeni yang sangat fantastis untuk sukses dan lancarnya seluruh rangkaian acara Discon Lombok. Demikian sekapur sirih dari saya. Fellow Rotarian D3420 dan beberapa dari district tetangga serta semua tamu undangan pastinya sangat menikmati seluruh rangkaian acara dan bahkan sejak menginjakkan kaki di pulau Lombok, kita semua telah merasakan layanan panitia yang sangat luar biasa, keramah-tamahan serta jamuan yang melimpah dengan sajian Nusantara yang kaya raya. ROMY JUNARDY District Governor Elect D3420 RY 2023-2024 D3420 RY 2023 - 2024
District 3420 ROTARY Dear Fellow Rotarians, Thank you For the most part thanks ro the hard work of the entire committee chaired by DGND Dyah Anggraeni who was outstanding for the success and smooth running of the entire Lombok Distrcit Conference Event. Fellow Rotarians from Distrcit 3420 and several from neighboring District as well all the invited guests certainly enjoyed the whole series of events. Again, congratulation DG Lina Soeratman for the success og the District 3420 Conference in Lombok. On top of that, I take my hat off for the chairwoman of the District 3420 Conference, no other than DGND Dyah Anggraeni and her outstanding team who have made event such a great success Since we sat our foot on the island of Lombok, we all have experienced the remakable helping hand and the hospitality of the committee. The abundance of Bangquets with rich selection of Indonesian cuisine are really out of this world. Those are my words of welcome To begin with, I would like to congratulate DG Line Soeratman for holding the District 3420 Conference in Lombok with extraordinary success. ROMY JUNARDY District Governor Elect D3420 RY 2023-2024
Thank you To All Participans, Sponsor & Supporters of District 3420 DISTRICT 3420 CONFERENCE LOMBOK, 15 - 17 JUNI 2023