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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-10-06 17:37:56

1935 January - To Dragma

Vol. XXX, No. 2

There are
Rings and other things in the
There's a joy in giving when it's a Balfour Gift. In the 1935 Balfour Blue Book you will find a choice selection of fine gifts— from a frivolous and gay compact or bracelet to a sterling silver cigarette case, and the zipper bill fold and key case so recently launched and so enthusiastically acclaimed.
Your gift, mounted with your fraternity coat of arms, will long be treasured and remembered.
To the Ladies:
Air Flo Compact Manhattan Lady Bracelet
Black Moonlight Dresser Set White Elephant Lamp Cleopatra Gold Ring
Things Men Like:
Zipper Bill Fold or Key Case Sterling Cigarette Case
Cascade Bill Fold Ensemble Scotty Book Ends
Henry VIII Ring
Send for your copy today!
Page 36 " 25
" 36 34 " 13
Samples of Balfour Christmas
Cards—to be embossed with y O U r C O a t o f a r m s a n d Pr i n t e d
" 37
" 37 o r d i e stamped — will gladly
" 42 be sent upon request.
" 44 " 4
S o l e Official Jeweler To Alpha Omicron Pi

»» JANUARY 1935
Edna Faust Bessie Anita
Song for Founders' Day
An Engineer of Society
America Needs New Housing . . Ghloethiel Woodard
Rignall Peters Wright Borton
Daughters E. Lea Reporters
A Woman Can See the World Younger Alpha O's
Studying Sea Life at Friday Harbor I n t e r v i e w i n g P r o m i n e n t A l u m n*a e
Published by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity

ALPHA—Barnard College—Inactive.
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New
Orleans, La.
No—New York University. New York City. OMICRON—University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
burg, Va.
Z«TA—University of Nehraska, Lincoln, Neb. SIGMA—University of California, Berkeley, Calif. THKTA—DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. BETA—Brown University—Inactive. DELTA—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass. GAMMA—University of Maine, Orouo, Me. EPSILON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y . RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. LAMBDA—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto,
IOTA—University of Illinois, Champaign, III. TAD—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y . UPSILO*—University of W ashington, Seattle, W ash. No KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal-
las, Tex.
BETA PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. ETA—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
A L P H A PHI—Montana State College, Bozeman,
OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
OMICIOH PI—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Mich.
A L P H A SIGMA—University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore.Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, OkU
Pi DELTA—University of Maryland, College Park,
KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynch-
No OMICBOH—Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
A L P H A GAMMA—Washington man, Wash.
State College, Pull-
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. PHI—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
D E L T A PHI—University of South Carolina, Colum-
TAO DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College, Bir-
mingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA—University of California at l^oa
Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICROH—Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. ALPHA RHO—Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallis. Ore.
CHI DELTA—University of Colorado, Boulder.
BETA THETA—Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. A L P H A PI—Florida State College for Women,
Tallahassee, Fla.
E P S I L O N ALPHA—Pennsylvania State
College, State
T H E T A ETA—University of
BETA TAO—University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.
A L P H A TAO—Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
B E T A KAPPA—University of Vancouver, B. C.
British Columbia,
bia, S.C.
B E T A GAMMA—Michigan State
NEW YORK ALUMNA—New York City. CLEVELAND ALUMNA—Cleveland, Ohio. SAN FRANCISCO ALUMNA—San Francisco, Calif. MEMPHIS ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn. PROVIDENCE ALUMNA—Providence, Rhode Island. MILWAUKEE ALOMNA—Milwaukee, Wis.
SAN DIEGO ALOMNA—San Diego, Calif.
N«w JERSEY ALOMNA—Metropolitan New Jeriey. BOPFALO ALOMNA—Buffalo, N. Y.
Wr.sicHESTER ALUMNA—Westchester C o u n t y ,
N. Y .

° P o l JO CWo. 2
Song for Founders' Day 2
An Engineer of Society 3
America Needs New Housing 4
Agnes Tufverson: An Appreciation 7
A Woman Can See the World 9
At Flemington With An AOII 13
Y ounger Alpha O's 15
Studying Sea Life at Friday Harbor 16
Interviewing Prominent Alumnae 18
Books for the AOIT Library 21
Lake Forest, Scene of 1935 Convention 24
How Did Psi Chapter Start? 26
Training People to Save Lives 29
Pacific and Northwest Convention Stresses University, Fraternity, Individual 31
The Quiet Corner 33 Your Money's Worth in Human Progress 34 The Pride of Alpha 0 37 Alpha O's in the Daily Press 50 Looking at Alpha O's 57 The Alumnae Chapters 62 Directory of Officers 76
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Oniicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne- sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at Si. Paul Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P.L.&R., authorized February 12, 1930.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial material to 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.
The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life subscription $15.
* <Hf>*
To Dragma

^ S = S t f ?
Officiaf tp..eficafio„ of
©micron ifr In the JANUARY • 1935 Issue

Song for Founders' Day
BY EDNA FAUST RIGNALL, Chi Dear Alpha O, within the firelight's fitful glow
Red petals drift as soft as sifting snow; In this still hush we dedicate ourselves anew
And homage pay to those who gave us you. Not we alone are gathered now to honor Thee
On hill and plain, in valley, sea to sea,
A sheaf of gold binds thousands in its molten ray
Fruition of the hopes and dreams of bygone day.
This fire may die, not so the light which drew us here; These friends may part, nor meet for many a year; This song be still, rose fragrance fade, yet, steady flame
Unites our hearts in service in thy name. O Lord of Light, who long ago beside the sea
Taught perfect love to those who came to Thee; Thy blessing give, Thy radiance shed on Alpha O,
May pearl and ruby ever with love's glory glow.

^ THERE ARE in this hospital some thousand veterans—here because they are unable to adjust themselves to home, society, and work. While many factors may have entered into their breakdown, it is felt that the experiences undergone during service may have exerted a
and the hospital may well be termed a "model institution." In fact, it is difficult to persuade a few of the men that they are ready to return to an environment in which there is little recreation and perhaps a lack of sym- pathetic and understanding treatment. The veteran is greatly assisted in his adjustment
An Engineer of Society
pressure which might not have presented itself
in time of peace. Perhaps many of them on the outside by the social worker from the
would have broken under some other great emotional or other mental strain, because of their inherent inadequacy. But nevertheless, here they are—the Phi Beta Kappa man and the unfortunate illiterate, the clubman and slum-dweller, the lawyer and the tramp, the memberoftheF.F.V.andtheimmigrant. For insanity recognizes no barriers, and no amount of wealth nor prestige can forestall its advent any more than it can a case of pneumonia. To be sure, money may provide a more favorable environment to which the individual must adjust himself, or the neces-
regional office nearest his home, who follows the recommendations made by the workers and psychiatrists at the hospital.
The function of the psychiatric social worker in the hospital is to assist in the in- terpretation of the patient to his relatives, the relatives to the patient, and both to the psy- chiatrist. She secures the social and industrial information in each individual case, necessary before a proper diagnosis can be reached, and assists the patient in his adjustment to the routine of hospital life. She refers the fam- ilies to the proper agency for financial or
sary psychiatric care for the mentally dis- other assistance, makes recommendations in eased, but it can do little else. And, like cases of trial visit and discharge, and handles
physical disease, it may be fought by means of eugenics, improved environment, and ad- equate facilities for preventive as well as institutional care.
a number of matters pertaining to pension, clothing for indigent patients, et cetera. In fact, a veteran may feel at liberty to discuss any problem with her, from the loss of his victory button to the placement of his child in an institution.
Several "lost" families have been located for the patients. No word had been received from one family in the south for sixteen years. They, on the other hand, had failed in an at- tempt to locate the veteran through newspaper
We are in ourselves a small city, located
on a high ridge overlooking the beautiful and
fertile Chester Valley. Our men are occupied
on the farm and landscape detail, in the handi-
craft classes, the laundry, bake-shop, kitchen,
print-shop, and the wards. We publish our
Newspaper, have our own glee club, harmonica
band, dramatic club, and dance orchestra. advertisement and personal search. Finally
The orchestra also furnishes dinner music daily under the able direction of our man- ager. There is no dearth of entertainment: inovies, card parties, minstrels, concerts, and dances are held each night. An attractive library, lounge rooms, and complete recrea- tional facilities are at their disposal. T h e base- wall team challenges teams from other hospi- tals; there is a miniature golf course, a picnic grove, and tennis court. T h e physio-therapy department, swimming pool, x-ray and clin- 'cal laboratories are all modernly equipped,
the belief was accepted that he had been killed overseas, despite reports from the War De- partment to the contrary. Soon after the patient's admission to this hospital he began to show an interest in his family, and the worker corresponded with the regional office located in the home city. As a result, the family was contacted, and the shock to the parents who had believed their son dead for sixteen years was offset by their great joy in learning of his well-being. A transfer to a [CONTINUED ON PAGE 30]

-+- THE OTHER EVENING on the train I over- heard one man ask another—"Just what is all this talk of government housing about, anyway? We have plenty of houses. If the government wants to put men to work on roads, dams, or public buildings, that's all right. But for them to start telling us how to live—that's going too far." We were rush- ing through Jersey City and Hoboken—past miles and miles of workers' dwellings. They were dreary, ugly, and crowded about great factories that belched foul-smelling black smoke across them. Children were playing in the dirty streets. Workmen were pouring out of gloomy factories into gloomier homes. There lay a sample of the problem which was
forcing "all this talk about housing."
We have looked at our skyscrapers, our factories, our super-highways for our super- Fords, and our million and one "gadgets" and called this chaos progress. We have been proud of our great cities—but, with the blind- ness of pride, have not seen that they are no longer cities "in which to live." As America's rapid industrialization forced millions of workers into the cities, few there were who recognized the need for planning for this rapid expansion.
A workman needed a place to live—a de- cent, clean dwelling in which he could live comfortably and rear his children in a proper manner. W hat did he find? H e was given cast-off middle class homes or speculative
jerry-built houses hopelessly crowded on thland in order that this land could bring thlast penny of profit to the speculator. Thnew speculative value of the ring of landabout the commercial center of the city madeits use for new residential building impractica—no owner cared to spend money for thipurpose when tomorrow his property might besold for a new skyscraper and would bringuntold wealth to him. The higher incomegroups were moving into the ring of reaestate subdivisions which sprang like mushrooms on the periphery of the urban unit. Thecity paid for new sewers, transportation facilities and other public services for theseareas, which were draining the populationfrom those areas in which these facilities hadalready been provided. The cities became impoverished, and still—no one was able to halthis mad speculation. The 1920's were but alast grand orgy of this unintelligent programWe continued to build spectacular new sky-scrapers, but we did not attempt to build de^Bird's-eye view of Radburn, New Jersey, modem town, financed by the Rockefeller interests.

Housing $ $ of Alpha Sigma
SLpt dwellings for the majority of our population.
In so-called "normal times," two-thirds of the population of this country have incomes of less than $2,000 per year, and half of these have less than $1,000. It has been estimated that one-fifth of an income should be the maximum rental paid by the upper portion of this two-thirds, in order to leave them a suffi- cient amount for the other necessities of life. Even today, with the somewhat lower rentals, where can any appreciable quantity of decent housing be found for the two-thirds who must pa}' under $33 per month for their shelter? How could our workmen do anything but crowd into the "left-overs"—the run-down houses and apartments in the blighted dis- tricts, or mortgage what little bit of security they may have found in order to purchase the little jerry-built shacks in the cheaper real estate developments? Today the condition is far worse than it was during the 1920's. For
four years, building (good or bad) has been at a standstill, and the problem of supplying enough houses to replace the older structures is not as acute as the "making-up" for four years of inactivity in the building industry. The housing problem in America is first—to get the building industry in action, and at the same time to prevent the past confusion which arose out of our blind speculative policy. If two-thirds of our population cannot afford really decent housing—is not it the time to begin a new social order which will make it possible for them to do so?
The "need" for good housing is no longer a controversial subject. F o r seventy years the social worker has paraded the evils of the slum before us. We can now prove that the slum is the breeding place of crime, disease, insanity, and a host of other social evils. Even though we were inhuman enough to dismiss this portion of our people as "the poor ye have always with you," we could justify the alleviation of bad living conditions on the oasis of their cost to the rest of the more for- tunate members of society. We coidd not only show that all our more serious epidemics,
e e e l s j - -
- t ij .

crime waves, et cetera, began in these slum areas, but that we have spent millions of dollars in taxes for the maintenance of prisons and hospitals to care for the victims of the slums. It is time we began to prevent instead of remedy these social evils. The great need for a Preventative program can be demonstrated. The solution of this problem is far more difficult.
Perhaps the complete breakdown of the profit system of capitalism might so erase the unequal distribution of wealth that the in- dividual could secure proper housing. H e could demand his right to the opportunity which all men should be in a position to de- mand—work by which he might secure the necessities of life. Today he cannot do this, and housing is but one of the many necessities which are denied him. He cannot pay the rentals which competitive private enterprise has provided. The remedies for today's ills are many and complex—we cannot deal with them here. Housing and economics are in- extricably bound—and the student of housing must be fully aware of all the problems which this century has forced upon him. We can- not just sit back and wait for our particular "utopia," but we must be willing to attempt to solve present day problems with present day methods at the same time that we are
Modernism in a new German Apartment.

evolving new methods. Y o u will find many persons who are unwilling to face this study of housing today, for they are convinced that the opposing forces are too great. From all indications, we do have the chance to do some- thing today under a modified form of our present government.
The major disagreement in housing is be- tween the two potential builders of low cost housing— the government and private business. Private enterprise has never given any decent housing to the lower income groups, and ad- mittedly cannot meet the rentals which are necessary in order that the majority of our people can live decently. If they cannot ful- fill this need—and the need is fully demon- strated—some other agency must be found.
Today, the government is the only body ca- pable of building low cost housing. Is it any more unreasonable that we have the oppor- tunity to live in decent dwellings than that we have clean drinking water, police protec- tion, public transportation or public health service? There should be no quarrel between
To DRAGMAagency to meet that demand will be createdThere is a movement of this nature afoot hthe east and it is spreading rapidly. In a fe^years we may see thousands of new dwellingssimilar to those reproduced with this article!which will be available to the majority ofworking America.
A new conception of the city will arise. Nolonger will we build in chaos—houses andapartments all mixed up with factories andcommercial buildings, apartments without sun*light, streets carrying commercial traffic running through residential districts, and slumsthe two potential builders of housing—private ward a large program. In addition to the enterprise failed and some other agent must architect, the financier, the economist amireplace it.
Europe has been building workmen's dwell-
ings for many years. Before the Nazi regime
in Germany, thousands of clean, modern low
rental dwellings were provided. The English
other technically trained persons, we need civic leaders. In many states there have been set up Housing Authorities to guide the hous- ing program. The public must be intelligently informed on the subject, in order to make these bodies effective. I hope manv of you
garden cities, the fine new housing in Holland,
Austria, Sweden — almost every European will investigate "all this talk of housing," and
country has made real progress in this field by help to direct the housing policies of the fu- some method of governmental building or ture. For housing should interest women
publicly controlled private enterprise. Russia has begun a great building program. We in the United States have at last paused to look at our thousands of dreary slums and dream of new cities for "living."
The Federal Housing Program has come into being under the guise of "relief"—a means by which we could revive the durable goods industries and put men to work. The implications of the program are far greater than this. President Roosevelt claims that he
is determined "as a matter of policy, to go forward with a plan to provide better housing on a vast scale for the Americans whose earn- ing power is so low that they cannot obtain private credit." This is a step toward the elimination of the slum and the sorry condi- tions which the slum has brought into being.
Government housing—as conceived today— will not be a drain on the taxable public, for it is a self-liquidating proposition, and should do more towards recovery than other projects which are completely subsidized. Actual work has started in some cities, and from the last statement by the President — considerably
greater funds are to be placed at the disposal of the Housing Division of thePWA.
The next step in the realization of such a
great program must be the organization of an
effective demand by the workers themselves.
When this majority has the power to carry
the housing program out of its "relief" stage
into one for "normal times," we can look for and is president of the women's dormitory, real progress. When the workers demand a Westminster Hall. A member of Swan Club, remedy for their poor living conditions—the she has placed on the swimming team.
breeding crime and disease. Instead of thiswe will have modern, sun-lit communities—where children may play in safety and theworkmen and their wives find new life intheir quiet rooms and along pleasant streets.It is not a dream—the hope for such cities. Itis possible to have these new clean cities, butwe must plan for them.
There must be more leaders to guide the new housing movement—there are not suffi-ciently trained men or women to carry for-even more than men, and intelligent women must become the force behind this project.
Dorothy Bender Plays for
Tennis Crown
-4- FOR THEFIRST time since 1928, Columbus tennis enthusiasts will have the oppor- tunity of witnessing a local girl battle for the women's championship in the central Ohio tennis tournament when Dorothy Jeanne Ben- der (IIA), a member of the East End Tennis Club, meets Edna Smith, diminutive Cleveland star, on the center court of the East End
club at 3 p. m. today.
Miss Bender advanced to the final round by eliminating Evelyn Fry, Akron, a match that brought out the best tennis of the tourna- ment. Roth contestants played each shot for all that they were worth and many long rallies brought applause from the spectators. How- ever, the brilliant driving forehand and back- hand shots of the local girl gradually wore
down her opponent until the Akron lady broke under the terrific third-set tactics of Miss Bender and the Columbus girl emerged vic- torious by 6-4, 3-6, 6-2 scores.
Miss Bender plays first position on the Ohio State University women's tennis team. She is on the staff of the Lantern. Anna Louise Frost, A T , attends Ohio State this year, too,

. i r
piUARY, 1935


and more from
the modern civilized man from all former life. In art, in pure science, in literature, for instance, many people find sustaining series of interests and incentives zvhich have come at last to have a greater value for them than any primary 'needs and sat- isfactions. These primary needs are taken for granted. The everyday things of life become subordinate to these wider inter- ests zvhich have taken hold of them, and they continue to value everyday things, personal affections dnd material profit and loss, only in so far as they are ancillary to the newer ruling system of effort, and to evade or disregard them in so far as thev are antagonistic or obstructive to that. And the desire to live as fully as possible within the ruling system of effort becomes increasingly conscious and de- fined."—H. G. WELLS' "Experiment in Autobiography."
IL To THOSE OFus who knew and loved Agnes T ufverson, the newspaper accounts pf her tragic disappearance were, in a large measure, highly colored bosh. To those of us who knew and respected her fine judgment, her superli courage, and her love of life, her dis- appearance means that she, who had lived her life in the open, had come, without warning and with no chance to avert its opening, to a terrible door which opened and closed—and she was away on that universal, final A d -
This is written to express in a fumbling and feeble way our appreciation of that part of her adventure which we call "life."
Thinking over the first time I saw her at New York University, I have tried to visual- ize what it was that stayed with me of that first visit. One of the Alpha O's in our newly reorganized chapter there asked me to see her, as she wanted Agnes for a member. I re- call now the sense of a tall, straight young pine tree and a radiance about it. Her smile
lighted up a typically Swedish face, rather dark maybe for that blonde race, but there were the fine teeth, the height, the straight- ness and poise of my pine tree. Surely, that is the feeling that comes of that first inter- view. She was so busy that her initiation had to be postponed and it took place over on East 36th, where Laura Hurd was living. Laura initiated her and I was her sponsor. Always I have been glad I could say I was Agnes Tufverson's sponsor. Thereafter and for a few years she lived up near me around Columbia University, and occasionally we ate at Childs, at 111th Street. I do not recall a single instance when she didn't have a book she was reading. Once it was Sandburg's "Lincoln." I remember we talked of that and of the reason so many Swedes were Repub- licans and we decided it was because they loved liberty and had always hated slavery, and had, mistakenly or not, felt the Republican tradition was anti-slavery. I remember tell- ing her why she would greatly enjoy her Sandburg's "Lincoln." These memories come
back as typical of the little daily intimacies of a busy life, and always there is the sense of vibrant, courageous smiling, and so whether I shall see her again in this life or that which is to come, I shall take with me a smile that covered a gallant spirit.
I am glad that my last memory of her is of laughter and humor. It was this way:
The October meeting of the New York Alumna; Chapter is always a political meeting at which the party platforms are discussed with more or less intelligence, but always with interest and spirit, by members of the respec- tive parties. October, 1933, Jessie W allace Hughan spoke for the Socialists, Mary Ten- nant for the Fusion-Republicans, Virginia
Mollenhauer for the McKee faction of the Democratic Party and I spoke for the Tam- many Democrats. Agnes was there and thoroughly enjoyed the banter of the occa- sion as well as the serious features of it. After it was over she walked with me and others over to Fifth Avenue and on the way she said, "Pinckney, almost thou persuadest me to be a Democrat."—She who was in- grained in the Republican tradition!
divorced immediacy, distinguish

She was well and happy and had contrib- uted much to the joy of our meeting.
The story of her life, so far as her material success is concerned, was written for McCall's some years ago by an abler pen than mine. Here is an excerpt from that article:
"Agnes C. Tufverson, of Michigan, looks like a blonde heroine of the Siegfried sagas. Here is the story of a girl who met toil, hard- ship and trouble and conquered them all single handed.
"She comes from Grand Rapids, where she left school before reaching her teens, to be- come the co-bread winner for a family of four younger sisters. But back in her mind, tena- ciously, was a determination to have a career. Not as a teacher . . . many of her friends were preparing for that vocation; not as a doctor . . . the sight of blood sickened her. She would be a lawyer!
"Her first job was in a store. Then she worked in an overall factory, eleven hours a day. She was tall and strong for her age, escaping the eye of the factory inspector. All the while she attended night school, studying stenography and bookkeeping. And all the while she helped with the work at home, cleaning and sewing and baking.
"When the war came, she was employed in a real estate office, but at a monetary sacrifice she went to Washington to do war work.
T o DRAGificrammed college and law school into a feyears, received the coveted degree, and beganto practice law. Today she enjoys a wide andvaried practice. The Electric Bond and SharCompany, a corporation with nation-wide interests, retains most of her time."
But her other life, given in utter devotionto her sisters and her friends, is another storyAs I have said, she loved life—she facedall of it—good or bad—with keen intereswith great good humor—with honor and thserene satisfaction that comes to one who hacounted the cost of being truly one's self—has dared to be just that and has won ouPoverty? She looked back at that obstacleand marked its victory with a whimsicalrather wistful smile. Hard work? How couldthat hinder this child of the race of Vikings?Sturdy, strong, resilient, thrifty, stubborn, industrious race—their children rise up and calthem blessed. Competition in a field claimedfor men? That was the supreme jest—menhave claimed much but all the sons of menmake room for gallantry, courage and abilityAnd so she came to us, a living example ofthe great virtues of her great race—and perhaps through her great strength came hergreat danger—her tragedy. Incapable of in-trigue, unafraid of fear itself, lover of fairplay, she, whose face was turned always tothe light, met the spirits of darkness. Noneof us can believe she ever knew fear or re-alized any danger. And she passed into that"Associations formed during the war led to
a secretaryship to Myron T . Herrick in New
York City. Then came the opportunity to unknown where we look vainly at—a closedcarry out her long deferred plans. She•door.
On February 10 undergraduate chapter reports and alumna? news notes are due?
A review of Mary Ellen Chase's best seller, Mary Peters, will appear in the March issue?
Alpha Gamma won the cup for having the largest number of fathers present at Wash- ington State's Dads' Day? They have won the Mothers' Day cup two years in succession. Alpha Phi actives had the highest average of any sorority on the Montana State Col-
lege campus?
Mary Filer, AIT, was awarded a gold key for her work on the 1934 Flastocoivo staff? Georgena Samson, AP, was elected assistant secretary of the Oregon State 4>K4>
Alpha Sigma won the cup awarded to the group serving the best menu during Health
week ?
Madeleine Bowden, BK, is vice president of the sophomore class in Arts at the Uni-
versity of British Columbia?
Beta Phi won the Arbutus sales contest?
Betty Kittle, XA, is president of W. A. A.?
Delta chapter had three members initiated into *BK this fall?
Epsilon Alpha won the Scholarship Cup for the second time?
Romance Cowgill was elected Queen of the Forensic Ball at Wisconsin?
Seven seniors of Gamma chapter were chosen All Maine Women at the last election? Nu Kappa won the cup for having the best decorated float in a football parade?
Lucille Bailey, fi, had the lead in the homecoming play?
Winn Ownbey, NO, is president of the Y . W . C. A. at Vanderbilt?
The president and secretary of the new chapter of Mortar Board at Maryland are
members of Pi Delta?
Evelyn Brumbaugh, IIA, had the highest average in the Arts College at Maryland? Tau Delta led Birmingham Southern cam*pus in scholarship this year?

» e , ^
t e s t - , -
l .
- i ' '
ARYr 1935
To the
about Lillian
will recall the fascinat- ing travel letters written by her ivhile in the Far £ast some years ago. A
Barnard graduate, she
has served her college thy her interest in the Darnard College Camp,
f >>• which she collected the first money. A true Alpha O, she spoke at founders' Day dinner in Boston this year.
in The Boston Herald tells how—
readers of article
T o
a Woman Can See the World
-f- WITH SPRING COMES spring fever, and with that, travel fever. Summer may cure the first; but for the second, there's no cure, but
But what if you're a woman, and working
for your living?
Among the phobias which the public has
not yet been able to shake off, despite the ad- vance of feminism, is the feeling that women cannot travel alone, and that working women rarely can "get to go."
Lillian Schoedler, Alpha O Globe-trotter

"Oh, yes," people will say, "it's all right to go to California or Florida alone. Perhaps even to Europe, especially England or Ger- many. But tiavel alone to more distant places —to Asia or to the Orient, for example? Travel where you might be not only the only woman, but the only white person for miles around? Never. Impossible. And doubly impossible for a person who has to earn her
own living."
Well, it is not impossible. Nothing that has
been done is impossible. An American woman
has done it. She is living right here in Bos-
To DRAGMAmerican whom she met complained, or beon gaiety of the night club variety.
Miss Lillian Schoedler is a capable businewoman who has all her life wanted to see tfour corners of the earth, and she didn't thinthat there was any good reason, simply hcause she had to work for her living, why shshould not. So she planned and acted accordingly, and, as a result, there's only SoutAmerica and Australia left for her to see. Shhasn't done her traveling on any racing-fronplace-to-place basis, either, but leisurely, in vagabond spirit, staying wherever she wauntil she was really ready to move on to somton at present, where she is working as "right-
hand man" to one of the city's best-known other place. She spent three years, for exbusiness leaders. And occasionally she tells how she did it, for she is a helpful person, and would not willingly see any girl give up her dreams of travel because of a feeling that she might not be safe, or might never be able to manage without submerging herself in some hackneyed tourist group.
Her name is Lillian Schoedler (A). She is dark-eyed, gentle, and soft-voiced; kind, and capable in appearance. She is not any one of the possible female types that are called to mind when you think of a woman who has traveled alone for extended trips through the interiors of Indo-China, Burma, Siam, Persia, Iraq, Lapland, India, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Malaya, Baluchistan, Siberia, Korea, Japan
and many other countries. She is not mascu- line, and does not look aggressively athletic, although she was a star athlete at her college —Barnard; nor yet the professional type. She is not the kind that gets into breeches and puttees, and gets herself photographed and written about at every possible opportunity.
She never traveled to collect anything—except interest!—nor gave any lectures as she went along. And she wasn't either nostalgic for home, disappointed in Shanghai because there seemed to be too many Chinese in it, as one
ample, just in Asia.
"And my Travel Fund has been the basfor all of it," she said yesterday in her lowvoice, as she poured tea. Her motions aralert, her walk is quick, her manner enthusastic and her smile is vividly alive.
"I worked my way through college and havhad to work since for everything I have evehad. And, though I have always had goodjobs, I've always had constant and extensivfamily obligations to carry as well. Yet ispite of this I have been able to do all thtraveling I have ever done on money savedfrom my salary earnings—and I am sure thaany successful business woman could do thsame if she wanted to travel more than shreally wanted to do anything else in the world"I was born and brought up in New Yorkand was entirely content after I graduatedfrom college to go on working and livingthere. Then I took a job in Chicago and lovedliving there so much that for the first time icame over me that the sun didn't rise and seonly for Gotham. During summer vacationsand in connection with my work I graduallymanaged to see practically all of the UnitedStates, tramp through our lovely nationaparks and go for longish trips to Alaska andCanada and Mexico. And with each experi-ence, of course, the travel fever grew and Ikept realizing more and more that the worldwas large and wonderful, that life was shortand at least as far as we knew we had onlythis one chance at it. So I resolved to makethe most that I could of mine.
"I started what I called my Travel Fund.I began it as an entirely separate account ina savings bank and into it I fed everythingthat I saved, aside from ordinary expenses. Ididn't skimp or go hungry or deny myself things, for that wouldn't have seemed worthwhile. But every time I meant to pay $25for a dress and then paid $20, I would bank
the difference in my Travel Fund. Gifts omoney on birthdays or Christmas went inthere. If I bad planned to sj>end 50cents for lunch, and then got a sandwich and coffee for 25, the difference went in. The Fund really grew amazingly fast.
"I got my first trip to Europe out of it 10years after I left college—a marvelous trip which, instead of taking me to Paris to finda job as I set out to do, took me instead for five months into Egypt and Central Africa and Palestine and Syria, and for five more to ItaJand Switzerland before my travel fund wore

fil ss fii iJ e- e - h e j-
a s e
A N UARY, 1935
«I carted a new one as soon as I got home,
A then one day, when several thousand dol-
had accumulated again, and family mat-
you back just about what you give them. Courtesy, quiet and decent conduct, consider- ate regard for others, and a friendly smile are about the best equipment I know for safe traveling. Certainly in all of the three years I spent in Asia, and in many months and years spent in other countries, I never once ran into either danger or disagreeable inci- dents. In fact, I have often been tempted to write on the subject of whether or not Asia is safer than America. I am afraid that if my own experiences are a criterion, the palm would have to be awarded to Asia! No, I have never at any time carried any kind of a
weapon, whether in the wilds of Indo-China, going through desolate stretches of Baluch- istan or Iraq, or even riding all night through Persian deserts, miles from a railroad or any white person, in the front seat of a motor truck. The only gun that I have ever carried
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m tm J J * jS g*8 ' ' re such that I could risk leaving them, c
Prided to set out once more. This time xfrided to take a boat through the Panama
ind cross the Pacific—solely because the t time I had started across the Atlantic! ! iLieht a ticket only as far as Yokohama, I Suse that was the first port in the Orient f which the boat stopped, and I wanted to
main entirely free to make plans as I Tlicd irom that point on. That was what I ^ a saved my travel money for—so that it mild let rne d o whatever I wanted to do hat seemed worth while or interesting while 1 was under way, without feeling that I had follow some definite plan or route, or be •n some special place at some fixed time. This absolute freedom in regard to plans is one of my joys in traveling. I never buy round trip tickets, never have an itinerary, nor in feetever have any ticket except to the des- tination I am actually on my way to at the moment. And there is one other factor out of which I get much enjoyment, and that is that while I am under way, my travel fund exists to make it possible to do whatever I want most to do, regardless of whether it goes in one glorious splurge in a month, or lasts for a year. And I use it freely in that way—not like a business fund that has to be conserved and economized; I only know that by the time it is gone, I must be at home once
more. .
"In order to go to Asia, I gave up one ot
the best and most interesting jobs I have ever had, as executive head of a national organi- zation—and an offer to be executive secre- tary to Mrs. Herbert Hoover. When I went to tell Mrs. Hoover that I wanted to. go, I was afraid she might think me foolish to be rivingup my work for the sake of this vaga- bondage. Her reply, however, was illuminat- ing—and something to think about. She said, 'My dear, by all means go, and God bless you. Too many women who have to earn their living and look after others wait for
things to be too safe before they make pos- is a Flit gun. Nothing else. And Flit. In
sible for themselves something they have al- Persia and other sandy countries there are ways wanted to do. The result is that they lots of fleas—and Russian beds are simply
get old, or ill, or die without ever having alive with hospitable insects in the simpler the chance to do it.' inns in which I stayed. I was never troubled with anything worse than these—and even they "And so I went—alone, as I always travel, left no ill effects. In fact, I was never healthier in my life than during the years I spent in the Orient. I had no colds at all while I was gone, and only once in Indo- China I had a short bout of malaria. Other- wise I was wonderfully well. Of course I
for one reason so that I can be entirely in- dependent, and for another so that I can make the most of my opportunities to spend my time freely with the people of the countries I visit, get their friendship, learn their customs and their language, travel as they do, live as far as possible in smaller places as much re- moved as may be from those places where Americans, and especially American tourists, congregate, and, in short, get the richest value
out of the travel pennies.
"People so often ask if I don't feel afraid, traveling alone in such strange places, fnd among such Strang people. 'Of what?' •s the only answer I can make. And why any m °re so abroad than at home? People are Pretty much the same the world over, and give
had had typhoid and smallpox inoculations. They are particularly essential for Asiatic travel, where there is so much dirt and lack of sanitation, and where almost no drop of water is safely drinkable for our American constitutions unless it has been boiled.
"You have to watch out particularly about food, too, in the east, but if you are sensible you aren't apt to get into trouble. Y ou can't eat raw vegetables with safety in most places, or berries, or fruit that you can't peel your-

self. In fact, the matter of what you can't still farther parts of Asia, that she had neat is much more important than what you had to go into her travel fund at all for thoscan. But there are always some fruits that 18 months.
are safe, and even in the most out of the Miss Schoedler would have to talk steadiway places one can get rice, and usually for weeks in order to tell all the interestinchicken. You can get eggs most of the time, things that happened and all the experiencetoo. And soft boiled eggs are always a good she had, so many of which came entirely uand safe emergency choice, where dirty kit- expectedly, largely due to her avoidance ochens might cause complications. planning too much in advance.
"As to languages, I started out with a work- "If I were to have to name the most l>eauing knowledge of French, German and some tul place of all those I visited to live in, foItalian. Too frequently, however, especially sheer pleasure in idleness, majestic beauty anwhen you leave the beaten track as freely as charm, I would say Kashmir," she said. *I did, even those languages aren't enough in si>ent two heavenly springs there on a housthe east. Often English fails. Then your boat. But if I were to choose where I woulonly recourse is to learn the language—and like to live and work for any long period isomehow, it isn't a difficult thing to do when the East again, I believe I would choosyou really have to do it—particularly if you Japan—provided I had the chances I had becan't eat unless you can talk. Even a dog can fore of getting away from its big cities.
learn to speak for his food. Surely an intelli- gent human can do the same. I don't think any of us know how much we can do until we are really up against a situation—and no matter what it is, it's funny, how there's al- ways some way out. I would never let a language barrier keep me from going any-
where I really wanted to go.
"Then, the language of the last country you were in will at least help you to make your start in the next one, before you get too far away from the border.
"During the time I traveled and lived in the Orient, I learned to speak Malay well, and could make my way about in Japanese, Per- sian, Hindustani, Russian and Arabic. In the same way, on other trips, I acquired smatter- ings of Norwegian and Spanish."
For a time Miss Schoedler worked and lived in Japan, Singapore, Java and India as assis- tant to the far eastern representative of a world-wide automobile organization—a job which she says "fell into her lap" while she was traveling. With week-ends and occa- sional whole weeks off for her own trips as it was possible to take them, and one wonder- ful vacation of seven weeks driving through Sumatra, Bali and the rest of Java in a car
put at her disposal for the purpose by her em- ployers, she stayed with that work for a year and a half, and found when she finally gave it up in order to go on with her traveling to
"Perhaps the most curious experience othe many I had was in India, when I founmyself locked into a compartment in a passageless train with an Indian woman whgave birth to twins while the train was speeding through the desert at midnight.
"A mighty close second, however, was thexperience I had in acting as an assistanmatchmaker in a Mohammedan romance iPersia, which ended when the bridegroom-toto-be, who already had three wives livingproposed to me instead!"
From long experience. M iss Schoedler halearned to travel very lightly as far as bagbage is concerned. Throughout most of hetravels, she got along with a large suitcasand a duffle bag. In Russia she was allowedto carry through the country only two pairs oshoes, the ones she had on, and one othepair.
T o DRAGMif fSFP. , o r p M n s
bene Campbell seem to enjoy the role of fairy godmother.
Wild Wishing
XimLet me wander apart from the highzcays Under clear Romany skies,
Singing along the byways
Lured by a Gypsy's eyes.
The lilt of a song in the morning,
And the flash of a smile at noon,
Then dreams through the dusk of evening Along zvith the rise o' the moon.
*° ? Clxns'mas Parly at their University of California house.
S&uZhEr rSS^rZJfrjfJ ££2*3,
Slaughter, Jane Loughery, Carroll McGrath, Helen Rodgers, Betty Felthause, Doris Vinson, and Ruth
distributed dolls and candies. Rosemary Krlse Marjorie

13 At FlemingtoGn With A n AOII
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ej ts! nj -.; , s -• ri e1 f r! To DRAGMA does 'not pretend to pre- sent timely material unrelated to its members, but these first-hand impres- sions of one of the most touching dra- mas of our generation came as a sur- prise to your editor. We hope you will find interesting the details from an AOII
not carried by news stories.
_f- A s EVERYONE in the world probably knows, the trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the murder of the Lindbergh baby began in Flemington, New Jersey, on January 2. Flemington is only a fifteen minute drive from Clinton, New Jersey, where I live, and, on the second day of the trial, I drove there with some friends of mine who were going to attend it. I was going to Flemington to call for my car, which was being repaired there, and I honestly had no desire to attend
the trial.
But after seeing the crowds, the cameramen, the reporters, Mr. Reilly, and best of all my literary hero, Alexander Woollcott, I was dis- appointed because my friends were going to the trial and I wasn't. So you can imagine my excitement when I was offered the oppor- tunity that night of being one of the audience at the trial the next day.
the newspaper and newsreel game. Directly behind the lawyers is a line of reporters stretching from one side of the room to the other, and there is a chain of l)oys down each aisle passing copy continuously during every minute of the trial.
First came the jury. It is composed of or- dinary people from the county. I know only one personally: a girl who is secretary to one of our local lawyers. However, Rosie Pill is my favorite name for any juror. Nobody seemed to think they were very important nor give them credit for being, in the last analy- sis, the key to the climax of the whole case.
We stood up when Justice Trenchard came in. He is a nice-looking old man with white hair, slightly deaf and extremely deliberate about everything. Next, the prisoner was brought in. looking very neat and clean. He is quite pale, from being shut up so long I suppose, and that probably intensifies the weak and slightly sub-normal expression of his face.
We recognized Mr. Reilly and Mr. Fisher at the Defense table and Attorney General W ilentz, Prosecutor Hauck, M r . Lanigan, Colonel Lindbergh, and Colonel Schwarzkopf of the N . J . State Police at the prosecution table. Colonel Lindbergh has matured quite a bit since I saw him at the Curtis trial. He still has a very boyish expression though, and looked as if his eyes had been made up with purple eye shadow. That was the only sign of strain and outwardly he seemed calm and
where we arrived in time to visit the Union Hotel and see the crowds of news- and pic- ture-gatherers. Anyone who has lived in a small town can imagine how amusing it was to us to see drinks of all descriptions being served in the breakfast room by a dazed local waiter at nine o'clock in the morning.
We were safely seated in the little court- room by 9:15 on one of a number of benches arranged for the audience and had an excel- lent view of everything but the place where the prisoner was to sit. I wasn't excited at
first, but it was interesting to see Damon Runyan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winchell, who make a most attractive couple, Boake Carter, who looks a little bit as if he were connected with a circus, and other well-known people in
Colonel Lindbergh took the stand first and Attorney General Wilentz continued examin- ing him where he had stopped on the pre- vious day. Lindbergh told how D r . Condon had got in touch with him, how he had pre- pared the ransom money and gone with D r . Condon to deliver it.
Then came what must be one of the most dramatic moments of the whole trial. Mr. Wilentz asked if he had heard a foreign voice say "Hey, Doktor," and Colonel Lindbergh replied "Yes." Then Mr. Wilentz asked "Have you heard that voice again?" Lindbergh again said "Yes." Mr. Wilentz next asked "Whose voice was it?" and Colonel Lindbergh looked toward the prisoner and in a loud voice said, "Hauptmann's."

1 ' Bright and early the next morning (Jan-
uary 4), a friend of mine, whom I shall call
Hazel because that's her name (Page Mr.
Woollcott), and I set out for Flemington self-assured.

Mr. Wilentz finished his examination soon after that and Mr. Reilly began the cross- examination. Mr. Reilly looks exactly like the cartoons of Tammany politicians—he's big, red-faced, blustering and an artist at innuen- do, implying the opposite of what he says, and
using tricks to annoy and confuse the witness. In every way possible, he tried to discredit and confuse Colonel Lindbergh. He implied that Mrs. Lindbergh and the Colonel didn't care enough about the baby to investigate the servants watching it; that they didn't look at it often enough to give it proper care; that the servants disliked the Lindberghs; that Mr. Whateley, the butler at Hopewell who has
since died of peritonitis, could have taken the baby and was intimate with Violet Sharpe, the Morrow maid who committed suicide.
Colonel Lindbergh was under that awful strain all morning and for over an hour in the afternoon and never once did he break. I haven't had much experience in courtrooms but from the little I have seen, he must be a superb witness. With all the excitement, the
emotional strain of identifying the baby's clothing, of having his character slandered— he never looked the least disturbed, his hand never trembled, he never gave the slightest sign of giving way.
He even gave Mr. Reilly as good as he sent. Mr. Reilly tried to discredit the New Jersey State Police every chance he got and one time he was trying to show that Lindbergh's testi- mony about a certain matter could not be of
much value because Lindbergh wasn't ration- al enough the night of the kidnapping to give an unprejudiced opinion. "Lindy" smiled and said, "That's the reason I called in the New Jersey State Police."
T o DRAC;Malone. If he had a strong case, it wouldn'tseem necessary to blame it on everyone. We had our lunch in the Methodist chu^c^where the local ladies are serving dinner tothe State's people for $.75. It was very goodand we enjoyed it. We had chicken soup stew or fish, spinach, stewed tomatoes, coleslaw, coffee, and gingerbread or lemon pj Mr. Wilentz, who has an extremely pleasingpersonality, sat at the table with us and PettyCow and the butler's wife were directly j front of us at the next table. So many pic-tures were taken of Betty Gow that she couldhardly eat her dinner and began to cry. In-stead of being ashamed of themselves, thecameramen were furious because she put handkerchief in front of her face. We dashed back to the courtroom and the place was al- most packed by 1 :15 although court did notconvene again until 1 :45.
After Colonel Lindbergh's cross-examination was finished, Mr. Wilentz had begun to re-examine him when one of the jurors asked for a recess. There was a recess of five min- utes, and after that Lindbergh was excused and a local constable from Hopewell, the first policeman at the house that famous night, gave testimony to the fact that there were lad- der marks and footprints outside the nursery and! mud in the nursery. Mr. Reilly made a hash of him during the cross-examination but
didn't shake him on any important fact.
Then the butler's wife took the stand. She's
a mousy, chinless little Britisher with a voice the size of a whisper. After answering a few questions, she suddenly sat up and said in a loud voice, "And my husband was not in the habit of taking Violet Sharpe out." Of course, e
neverybody laughed and M r . Reilly protested. Everyone laughed and Tustice Trenchard Justice Trenchard had not heard it so the
again threatened to clear the courtroom. As far as I could discern, the Lindberghs have complete faith in all who helped them during the search for the baby, trust their servants
stenographer had to read it over, which made it more amusing than ever.
Her turn was over about 4:20 and court and are convinced without a shadow of a was adjourned then until Monday morning. doubt that Hauptmann is the kidnaper and We had been fascinated and could hardly move we were so emotionally exhausted. About that time a woman reporter came up
murderer of the baby.
Most of the men who described the scene
to us and asked if we would tell our names and opinions of the trial and testimony given •during the day. Hazel said she thought we were too prejudiced to give any opinion and
I didn't say anything. I could just see myself described in the Daily Nezvs as "Dowdy Home Girl from Clinton" or something like k. We were wrecks after having been there all day. Mrs. Hauptmann went out shortly before us. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hauptmann may be frightened, but you could never tell k by their faces. They always look, as far as we could
see, either unconcerned or amused.
When we came out, the porch and steps of the court house were crowded with people and the newsreel cameras were grinding away. >Flash lights were going off in every direction and the light blue uniforms of the New Jer- sey State Troopers gave color to the scene.
It didn't seem possible that all of it could be
taking place in a town we knew as well as Flemington. The whole day seems unreal as I look back on it, although I fully realize that I have had one of the most sensational expe- riences of my life. ,
over the radio thought Colonel Lindbergh's unruffled demeanor throughout the day was due to his desire to give fair and unprejudiced testimony. Rut his calm was unnatural. Ner- vousness would have been natural, but his self-control was almost inhuman. If I were a juror, I would feel sure that Lindbergh knows without a shadow of doubt that Haupt- mann is the murderer of his baby and is de- termined not to let any act of his weaken the Prosecution's case. T o me, Colonel Lind-
bergh's iron control of his will was a fright- ening thing.
It would appear that his identification of Hauptmann's voice would carry great weight with a jury composed of people with minds more likely to be influenced by emotion than cold reasoning. M r . Reilly is very clever but it seemed to me that he weakened his case by
implying that everyone could have stolen the baby instead of concentrating on one line of attack. First he tried to imply that the serv- ants did it, then that Morrow's chauffeur could have done it, then that a gang of local boot- leggers did it. next that Dr. Condon did it

1 ,
ARY, 1935

• l . j ^

Chapter. They are daughters of the late lo Leigh Bres Motse, Pi.
Ann Grcenawalt is president of W. A. A. at Indiana University and also heads her chapter, B*.
Elisabeth Scales, Pt. u the new sophomore class president at Newcomb » » f i « « mother is Leola Goodman Scales, Iota.
Emilie Farnsworth Delta is
of the freshman class at Tufts College. She il the daughter of Frieda Ungar Farns-
] > 4 • n
- worth. Delta.

IS To DRAGM Interviewing .
Behind the Scenes
Interviewed by
Prominen -+- "THECALIBRE of students receiving loans from the Students' Loan has been proved to be practically one hundred per cent" says
Josephine Pratt, 1907, who should know if anyone does, for she has been Treasurer of the Fund since 1926. She is now resigning in order to keep up with the many demands made on her by her work as bacteriologist at the Midtown Hospital and instructor at Hunter College.
In thirty years of making loans to students
the Loan Committee has had to write off
only one loan as a bad debt, and in this in-
stance the recipient had become a mental out with all bills for loans at that time. To case. This record is so far ahead of what those who do not reply a follow up letter and any of the other colleges have experienced bill go out. In a very few cases a third letter that Josephine Pratt believes that Barnard is needed. In only one case has legal action
must have the quality of instilling a high ethical sense in those attending.
Since she has been treasurer, the funds available and the number of loans made have quadrupled. With the growth of the Fund the administration of it has become a tremen- dous piece of work, and much of the work incidental to it has fallen on the shoulders of Jo Pratt. She stands out among the Alliums as one who has done a vast amount of work without any of us realizing its extent.
With $60,000 in loans outstanding there is never a week in the year that the treasurer doesn't get several letters or checks. There are nearly 4 0 0 active accounts which are con- stantly being heard from and which are billed every Fall. Many pay what they owe in ad- vance, which is very desirable, but which com- plicates the bookkeeping. Interest has to be figured out and girls are constantly writing to know the exact amount that they owe. In
the past year there have been 152 loans to 9 7 students, of whom the most have been upper classmen. It is the policy of the committee to advance money only in rare cases to sopho- mores.
Besides the actual accounting that Jo Pratt has done she has been one of those who have interviewed the thirty students who apply twice a year for financial help. Each applicant has to give two references. These have to be written to and investigated.
Josephine Pratt told me that in many cases those applying are not getting good marks. This does not deter the committee from granting the loan if it is sure that the girl is going to graduate, for it has found in so many cases that a girl who has to work her way through has not the proper living conditions
to make for good marks, or the time to study.
been taken, and that was when a girl was so flip about her obligation that the com m ittee felt it had to act. One graduate made the ex^ cuse that she couldn't pay because her hus- band did not approve of her having borrowed money. When it was pointed out that the debt was incurred before he had anything to say about her affairs she sent her check. Some- times marriage and children delay payment,
but they still pay up.
In the depression, payment has stood up re-
markably well. If a girl could not pa}' and has written to that effect, Josephine Pratt has gone on the assumption that she will, as soon as she can, and does not bill her for a year. A letter came from a woman who could not pay for she had no job. Three months later she got a job with the CWA and she remitted in full.
When asked on what the committee based the granting of a loan, Jo Pratt laughed and said that it was intuition.
"When you have acted for some time on the board you get so you can distinguish the worthy cases almost at once. One girl came up four times while at college and was re- jected. She managed to graduate just as we thought she could."
Nothing can compensate for the humanity and interest that Josephine Pratt has put into the work she has done and will do, for she is still a member of the committee. With gen- erosity and kindness, she and the rest of the committee have labored without stint, and we want to voice our appreciation to them. To- Libyan Stokes Darlington, 1924, who succeeds
Josephine Pratt as treasurer of the Student Loan, we wish the best of luck in an arduous but fascinating task.—Barnard Alumna Monthly.
Many times the committee has said that it would not give a loan unless the college would give a Dormitory Grant to the girl in orderfor her to have adequate living conditions^ The college has always given its fullest co? operation to the alumna?. It has sometimes happened that a student whom the college would like to remain at Barnard has not suU ficiently high marks to warrant her receiving a scholarship. Then the college has asked the
Students' Loan to help out.
The first payment on a loan is due in the
Fall after graduation. A bill for this is sent

|A N L -ARY, 1935
1umnae Adult Education in Evanston
Director CWES Adult School
, or
means of a questionnaire, a survey was made of 1,421 of these students. This study re- vealed that 28.1 per cent were men and 71.9 per cent women; that 81.5 per cent were white and 18.5 per cent negroes; that 46.5 per cent were married. The students ranged in age from 16 to 72 years, the average age being 29.7years. Their average term of resi- dence in Evanston was 12.9 years. Non- citizens made up 3.4 per cent of the number. College graduates formed 7.2 per cent of the group, while the average education of the students was 2 years of high school. T h e principal occupational classifications represent- ed were: Housewives, 28.3 per cent; un- skilled workers, 12.3 per cent; semi-skilled workers, 10.3 per cent; and office workers, 9.8 per cent. More than one-fourth of the students enrolled for purely cultural subjects
(art, music and foreign languages), 24 per cent for general subjects, and 17 per cent for home-making subjects. Every neighborhood in Evanston was represented.
In the hope of preserving something of the fine spirit which prevailed among residents of Evanston who participated in this program, a committee was formed of representatives from the classes. This citizens' committee, of which Sidney Steinberg is chairman, is work- ing actively in promoting plans for future organization for adult education in the com- munity. Not only the students who attended the classes but civic leaders who were in close touch with the project have expressed a strong desire that the adult education program be continued.
It is evident from a consideration of the factual data which were gathered during the four months' experiment that a felt need for a permanent program of adult education ex- ists in Evanston despite existing facilities pro- vided by other agencies. It is evident, also, that this need is not confined to a segregated group of citizens but is felt throughout the city, in all sections and among people of
g y
WHAT ABOUT adult education in Evans- ton? And why should there be any need it? T h e latter question readily arises in mind of the casual observer who has sur- -yed the activities for adults which have some years past been sponsored in our community by the churches, Northwestern university, the Public library, the public night school, the bureau of recreation, the Y . M . C. A. and many clubs. Thoughtful observers, however, have long been convinced that the needs of all the people were not being served
by these programs.
Extensive as were the church activities, they were reaching only a limited and se- lected group. This was true also of the uni- versity, of whose facilities the mass of the citizenry either are unaware or do not avail themselves. T h e activities of clubs and other organizations are of necessity exclusive. Moreover the bulk of the adult activities of the community have taken place during the daytime hours, which made attendance out of the question for most workers. The fee charged for the night school offerings has automatically barred some from attendance at those classes. When last fall the federal government decided to extend aid in the form of subsidies to be used for the employment of "needy persons and persons competent to teach," som e of these thoughtful observers determined to make it possible for our city
o take advantage of this opportunity to pro- vide a public program of adult education.
Under leadership of Miss Ida F . Wright and the three school superintendents, the E v - anston Advisory Council on Adult Education was formed, chairmaned by Ralph D. Shanesy. This council formulated a plan which was ap- proved by the government authorities who al- lotted a sum not to exceed $4,000 per month to pay the salaries of 38 teachers and 4 clerical workers. M rs. M arion Franco-Ferreira, a graduate of Northwestern university and for- mer principal of the Dante School in Chicago, was put in charge of the project. Early in February a program got under way which consisted of 178 classes, 40 to 50 informal groups, 2 special projects (the Lake Shore Opera players and the Negro Little theater), a counseling service which gave educational advice to students and a library service.
A total of 3,418 adults enrolled during the four months the classes were in session. By

HISTORY Epic of America—Adams
March of Democracy—Adams
Rise of American Civilization—C. A. and Mary Heard
Ancient Times-;-J. H . Breasted French Revolution—Carlyle Revolt in the Desert—Lawrence Gallipoli—John Masefield
Minn in the Making—Robinson Outline of History—II. 0. Wells
Naturalist on the Amazon—Hates. (Everyman's Ed.) Two Years Before the Mast—Dana
Voyage of the Beagle—C. Darwin
Old Calabria—Norman Douglas
Humanity Uprooted—M. Hindus Jesting Pilate—Aldous Huxley Wilderness—Rockwell Kent
Book of the Long Trail—Newbolt Sea and the Jungle—Tomlinson Geography—Van Loon
Marco Polo (Everyman's Ed.)
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres—Henry Adams Significance of the Fine Arts—Amur. Inst, of Archi-
tects, Com. on Education
Theory of Beauty—Carritt
Men of Art—Thomas Craven
The Lure of Music—Olin Downes
Art Through the Ages—Gardner Landscape Design—Hubbard and Kimball Ivory Apes and Peacocks—Huneker
How to Listen to Music—Krehbiel Expression in America—Lewisohn Guide to Music—D. G. Mason Leonardi di Vinci—Merejkowski Gate of Appreciation—Noyes
The Renaissance—Pater
The Graphic Arts—Penncll Apollo—Reinach (Tr. Simmons)
On Art—Tolstoy (Tr. Ed. by Maude)
Education of Henry Adams—Adams
Twenty Years at Hull House-—Addams
My Thirty Years War—Margaret Anderson Promised Land—Antin
Earth Horizon—Mary Austin
A Goodly Heritage—Mary Ellen Chase
A Son of the Middle Border—Garland Father and Son—Edmund Gosse
Far Away and Long Ago—W. H. Hudson
Story of My Heart—Richard Jeffries Napoleon—Emil Ludwig
Ariel—Andre Maurois
From Immigrant to Inventor—Fupiii Story of a Pioneer—Anna Howard Shaw Autobiography—Lincoln Steffens
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas—Stein Eminent Victorians—Strachey
Elizabeth and Essex—Strachey
Marie Antoinette—Anton Zweig
Daughter of the Samurai—Sugimoto
CLASSIC CIVILIZATION Tragedies—.Tv-. hylus
Greek Way—Edith Hamilton
Homer's Iliad or Odyssey (Tr.)
Herodotus (Everyman's Ed.,2 vols.) Hypatia—Charles Kingsley
Greek View of Life—Lowes, Ed. 7, 1925.
Virgil and His Meaning to the World of Today—J. M.
Marius the Epicurean—Walter Pater
Mneid—Virgil (T r .)
Greek Commonwealth—A. E. Zimmern
Euripides (Medea, Trojan Women, Electra), Tr. by
Gilbert Murray
Beyond Life—Cabell
Special Delivery—Cabell Modern Essays—C. Morley Essays—Montaigne Appreciations—Walter Pater
Americans and Others—Repplier The Common Reader—Woolf Second Common Reader—Woolf A Room of One's Own—Woolf
The Decameron—Boccaccio Tales--Anton P. Chekhov
Triumph of Death-—D'Annunzio brary)
(T r .
Selected Stories—de Maupassant
Crime and Punishment—Dostoevski
Three Musketeers—Dumas
Peter Ibbetson—DeMaurier
Madame Bovary—Flaubert (Mod. Lib.)
Growth of the Soil—Hamsum
Story of Gosta Berling—Lagerlof Buddenbrooks—Thomas Mann (Tr. by H. T. l-owe-
Swann's Way—Marcel Proust (Tr. by Moncricff) Jean Christophe—Romain
Gateway to Life—Frank Thiess
Anna Karenina—Tolstoy (Tr. by Garnet!)
Kristin Lavransdatter—Undset
World's Illusion—Wassermann (Tr. by Lewisohn)
(Everyman's T r .) DRAMA
Plays—J. M. Barrie
Green Pastures—Marc Connelly Flays—Henrik Ibsen
King's Henchman—Millay Representative British Drama—Moses Representative One-Act Plays—Moses Selected Plays—Eugene O'Neill Plays—G. B. Shaw
Journey's End—R. C. Sheriff
John Brown's Body—Stephen Vincent Benet Collected Poems—Robert Brooke
Complete Poems—Emily Dickinson
Poems 1908-1910—John Drinkwater
Seeds of Time—John Drinkwater
Poems of Wordsworth—Selected by Dowden Poems and Prose—Ernest Dowson (Mod. Lib.)
Selected Poems—Robert Frost
Golden Book (Everyman's Ed.)
A Shropshire Lad and Other Poems—A. E. Housman Give Your Heart to the Hawks—Robinson Jeffers Rudyard Kipling's Verse (Inch Ed.) Anthology—Richard Le Gallienne
Collected Poems—John Masefield
Spoon River Anthology—Edgar Lee Masters
Harp Weaver and Other Poems—Edna St. Vincent
Renascence and Other Poems—Millay
A Few Figs from Thistles^-Millay
Collected Poems—Alfred Noyes
Golden Treasury of English Songs and Lyrics—Pal- grave
Enough Rope—Dorothy Parker
Sunset Gun—Parker
Oxford Book of English Verse—A. T . Quiller Couch Little Book of Modern Verse—Rittenhouse
Second Book of Modern Verse—Rittenhouse

Soldiers Three—Kipling Coronet—Komroff
I, The Tiger—Komroff
Laughing Boy—Oliver LaFarge Sons and Lovers—D. H. Lawrence Arrowsmith—Sinclair Lewis Upstream—Ludwig Lewisohn Iceland F'ishermen—Loti
Bliss and Other Stories—Katherine Mansfield Of Human Bondage—Somerset Maugham Ordeal of Richard Feverel—George Meredith Conrad in Quest of His Youth—Merri
Esther Waters—George Moore
The Fountain—Charles Morgan Never Ask the End—Patterson Hlack April—Julia Peterkin
Scarlet Sister Mary—Julia Peterkin Wolf Solent—Powys
South Moon Under—Rawlings
All Quiet on the Western Front—Remarque
The Great Meadow—Madox-Roberts
The Time of Man—Elizabeth Madox-Roberts
Pierre and Luce—Rolland
Giants in the Earth—Rolvaag
All Passion Spent—Sackville-West
Family History—Sackville-West
Bambi—Felix Salten
Story of an African Farm—Olive Schreiner
Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine—
Odyssey of a Nice Girl—Ruth Suckow Song of Songs—Sudermann Nocturne—Frank Swinnerton
All Our Yesterdays—H. M. Tomlinson Gallion's Reach—H. M. Tomlinson
War of the Worlds—H. G. Wells Ethan Frome—Edith Wharton
House of Mirth—Edith Wharton Flush—Virginia Woolf
Venetian Glass Nephew—Elinor Wylie Street of the Islands—Stark Young
Mary Peters—Mary Ellen Chase Goodbye, Mr. Chips—James Hilton
Proverlis. Maxims, and Phrases of AH Ages—Comp. by R. F . Christy
Handbook of Punctuation—Century Cushing's Manual of Parliamentary Practice
A Lantern in Her Hand—Aldrich Anthony Adverse—Hervey Allen Winesburg, Ohio—Sherwood Anderson Years of Grace—Margaret Barnes Miss Julie Logan—J. M. Barrie
Old Wives Tale—Arnold Bennett Lavengro—George Barrow Wuthering Heights—E. Bronte Jane Eyre—C. Bronte
Good Earth—Pearl Buck
Limehouse Nights—Thomas Burke
Way of All Flesh—Butler
Messer Marco Polo—Donn Byrne
Alice in Wonderland—Carroll
Death Comes to the Archbishop—Willa Cather Professor's House—Cather
The Lost Lady—Cather
Short Stories—Joseph Con rail
Nigger of the Narcissus—Conrad
Lord Jim—Conrad
A Man Named Luke—March Cost
Prose Preferences—Sidney Cox and Edmund Free-
Memoirs of a Midget—de la Mare Joseph Vance—William De Morgan Broome Stages—Clemence Dane Jennie Gerhardt—Dreiser Father—Elizabeth
Afternoons—Susan Ertz
Little Man What Now?—Fallada
Broad Highway—Farnol
Bridal Pond—Zona Gale
Forsyte Saga—Galsworthy
Swan Song—Galsworthy
Straight Is the Gate—Andre Gide
Romantic Comedians—Glasgow
Sheltered Life—Glasgow
Education of a Princess—Grand Duchess Marie Tess of the D'Ubervilles—Hardy
Men Without Women—Heminway
Maria Chapdelaine—Louis Hemons
Three Black Pennys—Hergesheimer
Green Mansions—W. H. Hudson
Heat Lightning—Helen Hull
Portrait of a Lady—Henry James
End of the House of Alard—Sheila Kaye-Smith Selected Short Stories—Kipling
Daily Newspaper
Readers* Digest
Harpers, or Century, or Atlantic, or Scribner's Good H ousekeeping
New Yorker
Literary Digest
Books—(Literary section of the New York Herald
Tribune) either can be ordered.
Book Review Section of the New York Times, sepa-
rately from the newspaper. Saturday Review of Literature New Republic
Science News Letter
NOTE: Please order these magazines through the Central Office. National Work Fund benefits by the commission.
Bound Files of To DBAGMA
Reports of the National Panhellenic Congress (Com-
Baird's Manual
Alpha Omicron Pi Manual of Information Nurses on Horseback—Ernest Poole Clever Country—Caroline Gardner Fraternity Month (Bound)
Hanta's Greek Exchange (Bound)
ANIAKY. 1935
fcjfd Book of Modern Verse—Rittenhouse llecti<l Poems—Edwin Arlington Robinson
oetical Works—Dante G. Rossctti (Everyman's)
f Modern Poets of England and America—San- ders and Nelson
[ome Hook of Verse—B. C. Stevenson ollected Poems—Swinburne
Vers to the Sea—Sara Teasdale
thology of World Poetry—Mark Van Doren mplcte Poems—Elinor Wylie
Webster's Dictionary
Enclycopedia Britannica
The Bible (St. James' Version)
Cbssic Myths—Gayley
World Almanac
Synoynins and Antonyms—F. C. Allen
Twenty-five Thousand Words Frequently Mispro-
A Smaller Classical Dictionary—E. H. Blakeney

To DRAGMLake Forest, Scene of Our 1935i
TAe Nor/A Louiw wi7/ be a gay place when Alpha O's meet at Ferry Hall, Lake Forest,
next summer.


JANUARY, 1935 25
Convention, Has Traditions By CAROL ANGER, Rho
ing on the grounds or horseback riding cross- country through the woods.
Four miles north of Lake Forest is the Great Lakes' Naval Academy. One can almost
Something else you will love is the chapel. A small, austere, Gothic chapel, old and full of traditions and memories will be a most fit-
IAdjacent to Lake Forest are two institu-
tions of national importance. Adjoining the
city to the south is the Fort Sheridan Military
Reservation, where during the war thousands
of young men were trained to be officers. T o -
day, it is the home of the 134th Infantry with
part of the grounds being used by the Civilian
Conservation Corps, and in the summer the
Citizens' Military Training Camp holds forth.
The fort itself is an interesting place, and need fear of being stuck in an out of the way one rarely passes by without seeing men drill-
^ LAID IN BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN FOREST land and situated on a bluff about one hundred feel above and adjoining Lake Michigan is the residence city of Lake Forest, Illinois. Ac- quired and surveyed by Chicago business men in 1858 whose object it was to build up an educational suburban town, Lake Forest has grown to be a community of 7,000 persons. On parts of the 1,300 acres set aside for educa- tional purposes three institutions have grown p—Lake Forest University, Lake Forest
The city was incorporated in 1861 and has always been and still remains a strictly resi- dential and educational community. No in- dustries or factories of any kind are per- mitted except those necessary for the comfort and convenience of its citizens. The small business center is called Market Square; it was erected in 1915 and was one of the first model business centers in the West. Market Square is patterned after Market Place of old Nuremberg, Bavaria, and stepping into this picturesque square with the peaked gables of its broad houses turned toward the street, one is carried back to the Middle Ages. It almost seems as if the clock in the tower and the overhanging balconies could whisper secrets of underground passages, "chambers of horrors," and medieval intrigue. However, only for a moment do we have this feeling for the presence of V8 Fords and an Ameri- can flag brings us to our senses.
Lake Forest is the home of many prominent men whose names are found among the lead- ers in finance, industry, government, clubs and art.
In 1894, Onwentsia Club, one of the first golf clubs in the L<nited States, was incor- porated. It has grown to be one of the fin- est clubs of its kind in this country and is the meeting place of Society.
smelt salt sea air so suggestive of seaports and salt water docks is the atmosphere. Here young men are stationed throughout the year constantly being trained in the art of naval maneuver.
Just think, only an hour's ride from Chi- cago's amazing "loop" is found this community of huge estates and homes of well known people, of culture and refinement, of beauty and peacefulness; a community proud of its achievements and its people—a community not lacking in tradition.
To this place we gather for an AOII National Convention next June.
Friendliness Is the Keynote of
Convention Headguarters
-f- SOMETIMES THECOLOR of lapis lazuli; other times, turquoise; another hour, an- other day and it possesses the changeful luster of a moonstone. Of such colors is the gem which is set in varied shades of dark green. In such a way does this gem. Lake Michigan, become a backdrop of delicate colors for Ferry Hall, the headquarters for the 1935 AOII Convention. What a grand place it's going to be to get together. There will be plenty of room for everybody because we have ar-
ranged to take over the entire school.
The school itself is lovely. The exterior of the buildings is of Georgian architecture, and within the same style has been carried out with excellent taste. Every one of you will approve of the light airy rooms, the comfort- able beds, the hooked rugs, and the many other conveniences and attractions which helped to "sell" Ferry Hall to the committee
for our convention.
The stately drawing and reception rooms are large and beautifully furnished. There is a wealth of Oriental rugs in these rooms to make you gasp with wonder at their elegance. The spacious dining room is all white except for the colorful draperies at the high arched windows. In spite of its extensiveness there is something very friendly and warm about Ferry Hall that I am sure that every AOII, active or alumna, who comes will feel at home immediately. The different buildings are all conveniently connected so that no one
Academy for Boys, and Ferry Hall.

Bodinc Arch, University of Pennsylvania, home of Psi
How Did Psi Chapter Start?
-+- "How DO FRATERNITIES begin?" questioned Eleanor, as she sat quietly curled up in one corner of the large, green sofa, thought- fully toying with an attractive party favor. "I've often wondered about that, and particu- larly now that I'm an AOII I've come to real- ize just how real and fascinating what we
call the history of something can be."
The hour was quite late on the evening of a mid-year initiation; the Psi girls were be- coming sleepily silent; conversational remarks became fewer and more hushed; without, gleaming snow occasionally crackled as a lone passerby made his way through the cold night. Faint midnight music, coming from somewhere above, mingled with and became a part of the atmosphere of friendly sisterhood that per- vaded the room on the icy night in February that saw old and new Psi girls enjoying the l>eace and happiness that comes from com-
radeship and understanding.
There were gathered there, that evening,
several representatives of the older classes at Pennsylvania; girls who, out of the chap- ter for a period of years, had been able to observe omnisciently the growth of the chapter as from year to year it passed to the leader- ship of young women who carried as cargo vitality, courage, and interest on their four- year college adventure.
Varied and exciting thoughts rapidly surged through the minds of these Psi members when
Eleanor's question drifted across the room and initiated a train of thinking that awakened memory and fostered prophecy.
Let us see, then, what facts, what ideas, what dreams, what plans we can gather as a foundation for Psi's sixteen years of history and what beauty is attached to them as they are remembered by the personalities that engi- neered them to fulfillment and perfection.
On March 7, 1916, a letter was sent to Mrs. Mary C. Collins, Grand Secretary of the Na- tional Panhellenic Association, stating the first instance of the organization that later became a chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. "We are or- ganizing at the University of Pennsylvania a local sorority to be known as the Pi Sigma Fraternity with the intention of applying at some later date when we are firmly established for admission into a National Fraternity.'- Three names apj>eared in signature: Cecelia
Gerson, Beatrice Barrington, and Violet Ab-. bott (Founders).
The year 1916 witnessed the rapid growth and development of the original group; de- tails of establishment were completed and a spirit of good friendship and democracy was fostered among the women students of the University of Pennsylvania.
In April, 1917, the subject of a Garden Party was brought up for discussion, and it was finally agreed to have one out in the "Bi-Gar- dens" on May 25, "more elaborate than last

Psi Chapter: front frou; left to right, Dorothy "Pincky" Davis, Winn Perkins, Edna Diehl, Marion Miller, Gertrude Jennings, Helen Euhrle, Helen f{ollotvay, and Betty Balburnie. Second row, Betty Bold, Dorothy Moloney, Annette Savin, Estella Von Hagcn, Frances Hadlcy, Eleanor Hibsch-
tnan, Mary Winter, and Mary Dry.
year." Yes, the "Bi-Gardens" are a lovely part of the Pennsylvania campus, endeared to every student by the memory of outdoor frol- ics, strolls, or snoozes enjoyed in their beauty.
But with all, Pi Sigma never forgot a stern- er duty; the suggestion that the local group start a Red Cross Fund among the women's fraternities at Pennsylvania was warmly ap- preciated, and in May. 1917, it was agreed that a sum of money be sent to Belgium for the support of ten children for one month. In October, 1917, the Book Loan exchange was organized, and in the same month a first Lib- erty Bond was purchased; in March, 1918, each girl agreed to pay five cents a week for the purchase of Thrift Stamps.
When spring came back to earth again in the eventful year of 1918, Pi Sigma became Psi Chapter of Alpha Amicron Pi. There must have been rejoicing and great prospects as the new entity began a career of marked activity.
The chief activity of the women of the University of Pennsylvania along war lines was the making of knitted garments of all kinds. Every one of the Psi girls knitted all winter and still continued the work into the summer. At that time there was a sock knit- ting campaign being conducted at the college. It was only necessary to knit the tops of the socks, since a knitting machine was available to complete them. Margaret Robinson made
the record for turning in the greatest num- ber of knitted articles of any girl in the col- lege. The chapter as a whole made a blanket for the University Base Hospital Unit No. 20. The colors were red letters on a blue field, and each girl was assigned a certain number of strips to make.
"One of our members, Sylvia Sutcliffe, is on the Farm Committee. The University girls are to have the farm which the Bryn Mawr students occupied last year. Alice Lipp and LaRue Kellar expect to be farmerettes."
In the Third Liberty Loan Drive, three Psi girls were on the Committee for subscriptions, LaRue Kellar, A vis Hunter, and Eleanor Roh- ner. All of the members gave part of their time to sitting in the booths which were in the various college buildings for the purpose of soliciting bond subscriptions. Alice Conkling and Cossette Kavanaugh were representatives of the Freshman Qass in the Thrift Stamp campaign being conducted.
"Psi Chapter associate members are good workers, too. Violet Abbott has become an expert sock knitter for one of the West Phil- adelphia Church Divisions. Evelyn Jeffries sold $25,000 worth of bonds in the Third Lib- erty Loan Drive during the first week of the campaign. Beatrice Barrington is very active on the Women's Committee of Mount Holly, New Jersey, for the entertainment of soldiers at Camp Dix, Wrightstown, New Jersey."

The years after the war almost mingle with the present; the war ended a period, as it were, and there came a changed outlook; a cheery lightheadedness made possible social gaiety and renewed spirit.
Laura Hurd, the Grand President, and Jo- anna Huntington, the District Superintendent, were guests during an eventful rushing season. Delegates from Nu Chapter in New York and the new chapter in Maryland were guests at an initiation banquet held at the Manufactur- ers' Club.
The second week of the new semester (Feb- ruary, 1920) was "junior week," There was a different event for the junior class every- day of that week. This included two lunch- eons, a theater party and junior stunt which was a musical comedy written by LaRue Cros- son.
The girls of Psi Chapter were honored by a visit from the Vice President, Miss Gachet, and spent a delightful afternoon while she was in Philadelphia.
In April, 1920, the chapter held an enter- tainment in which Miss Lucine Finch told her "Black Mummy stories." This was given to raise the amount pledged by the chapter to the fund for the women's club house.
To DRAGMAnd then—"All bacteriologists don't hatheir eyes glued to the microscope," says MGwendolyn H . Mason, speaking of Dr. MiriaIszard Guest (Dr. Mim) of Psi Chapter."And do you remember Ella Roberts, holdof the Alpha O Fellowship; Dorothy Crosan anthropologist of note; Charlotte EasbGraves, Genevieve McDermott Murphy, a pschologist for the Philadelphia Public SchoolMargaret McHenry, a Ph.D in English; LRue Crosson, a concert singer, who only larushing season delighted her audience witseveral lovely selections, and Ruth Cotton, seretary to the Dean of the School of Eduction, University of Pennsylvania; and Pinckney Estes Glantzberg, Panhellenic Delegate.
November, 1933, we were delighted to withe McCausland Scholarship Cup, in itself aevent already chapter history. In the sprinof the same year, Psi Chapter won the SkNight award in competition with all the women's fraternities on the Pennsylvania campusOur history is destined to go on for sixteetimes sixteen years as a part of the greainstitution with which we are associated. Icooperation with our other Greek sisters, wwill go on building an aristocracy of culturon the campus. As we attain and maintaithe ideals of the cultivated home, by thinkinand living in an atmosphere of refinement, wwill strive to make primary, not bricks, mortar, nor material grandeur, but all the littlamenities that add to the beauty of life andThe year 1920 also saw Senior Stunt and
"Pele Mele," a production given by all the
women students at Pennsylvania. T h e chap-
ter also gave the first of a series of interfra-
ternity luncheons to foster a feeling of friend-
ly cooperation among the members of dif- friendship, the spirit within the four wallsferent fraternities. On one afternoon, a Dads' the personalities that are the expression of thSmoker was featured in order that the girls' best.
fathers might become more intimately ac- quainted.
December 8, 1921—a date of importance, in- deed, and never to be forgotten. We run across a m essage of inspiration:
"On this, the twenty-fifth birthday of AOII —may the years to come fulfill their good promise and find us worthy in the Highest Service, guided by the Highest Wisdom, re- flecting the Highest Love—
Jessie W allace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella G. S. Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman"
Social Service work never went by the boards; every Christmas season from 1922 to 1926, found Psi girls joyfully filling stockings for kiddies throughout the city of Philadelphia.
Virginia Derr writes of her sister:
"Betty Herbst is without doubt one of the most active girls Psi Chapter, and for that matter the entire Pennsylvania campus, has had for a long time. We are extremely proud of her, and we want the rest of Alpha Omi- cron Pi to know about her, too."
From a beloved scrapbook we isolate the marriage announcement of Ann Marie Hassan to Raymond Edward Trainer in 1931.
Next, a picture frightens us terribly. Who could it be? Why, of course, it is none other than Ruth Bogaty costumed as a pirate to strike terror into the hearts of quaking fresh- men at Pennsylvania's Annual Pirates' Ball.
Chicago Chapters Dress 150 DollFor Kentucky

- f - T H E NORTHWESTERN CHAPTER of Alpha Omicron Pi and the Chicago Alumnae Chapter found a new meaning in the old word "Christmas" this year when they dressed one
hundred and fifty dolls for the children of Leslie County, Kentucky. So attractive did the dolls look that they made a bright ex- hibit in an Evanston store window. Was your Christmas happier because you brought joy to a neglected child?

ve . m
er s y y- s; a. st h c- a- - n n g it - .
n t n e e n g e - e
People to Save
Lives Is
Man-Size Job
For ETHEL MCGARY (N) there just wasn't
any winter this year. While the rest of the feminine world was shivering and pulling its furs closer she was steadily anticipating summer, when all the world goes swimming —and some people drown. She was stepping from street clothes to bathing suit and back again, diving neatly into swimming pools to train keen young women in the art of life saving.
Head of all the Red Cross life-saving activi- ties for women in New York, Ethel McGary has no time to worry about degrees below zero. At 25, she holds one of the most ardu- ous, responsible jobs in town—yet it rests lightly on her slim shoulders. A champion swimmer from the age of 14, water, salt or fresh, deep or shallow, holds no terror for her. Her work is as easy and natural to her as breathing to a fish.
Watch her in a pool, demonstrating a drowning person's hold and how to break it. A shallow dive which brings her far out to- ward the center of the pool, two easy strokes with her long arms and she is upon her res- cuer. Suddenly she is drowning and desper- ately afraid. She clutches the other girl around the neck and under they go. A brief, threshing struggle and they come to the sur- face, the poor student minus her cap and breathless. Miss McGary swims swiftly to the side of the pool, addresses the class
lined up there.
"Now, what did she do wrong?" she says, her blue eyes smiling. There is a chorus of answers, a quick nod from Miss McGary and then, in brief, exact
sentences, the lesson is given. Graphi- cally she describes what must be done and how. She ends with a pat on the back for her would-be rescuer, who has just emerged. The girls laugh and
scramble into the pool. There isn't one who wouldn't do anything for Miss Mc- Gary.
In her white-walled office at Red Cross headquarters, Ethel McGary is as charming and efficient as she is in the
Rescue of drowning persons is expected to be made easier by use of this oxygen breathing apparatus. The respirator enables divers to stay under the water with good visibility and ease of movement. Ethel McGary, noted swimmer, is being rescued.
s ft
in the New York Sun
pool. Her desk is as neat as a pinhead, her office quiet. Although she leads an active athletic life, there isn't the slightest suggestion of masculinity or muscles about her. Tall, slim, with short brown hair and a delightful smile, she
looks more like a college sophomore than the imposing title of Assistant Di- rector of the Life Saving Service.
And a look at her record shows that she has not wasted her brief years. At 14 she already held a world's record for swimming. Two years later she was on her way to Paris with the American Olympic team and Amsterdam saw her in her second try at the games four years after that. In 1925, at the age of 17, she was all-around national cham-
pion. Those are but the highspots in a swimming career filled with cups and championships.
Between the shots of the starter's pis- tol. M iss McGary managed to sandwich a successful scholastic career, culminat- ing in a B.A. Degree from New York University and an M.A from Columbia, the latter degree coming at 21. In her spare time, she has taught at schools and camps, played varsity hockey and

turned out several articles on swimming and savers we can get," Miss McGary pointed out. athletics. She confesses to a flair for fiction "So far the drowning loss in New York has
writing, which she hopes to indulge as soon as she has a little free time.
"But you want to know what I'm doing now. This is old stuff," she says, pointing to the record sheet before her.
First, there are the regular life-saving classes which go on, rain or shine, all through the year. At the moment Miss McGary is conducting one herself at the A. W. A. pool on Friday mornings. Then, she teaches a class at N. Y . U . and drops around every so often to observe the other classes. She is in constant touch with the swimming teachers in the high schools throughout the city, all of whom give life-saving courses. She is
always available for demonstrations and ex- hibitions of life-saving and swimming. She gives life-saving tests on demand, too.
The Red Cross maintains a First Aid Life Saving Institute at Narrowsburg, New York, where a ten-day course is given each June for advanced swimmers who expect to teach. Miss McGary is director of the women's aquatic school of the Institute and expects to have over 60 women in her charge this year.
The Red Cross receives dozens of calls at this time of the year for well-trained swim- mers to act as counselors at summer camps. Hundreds of girls apply to the Red Cross for recommendations to positions. Miss McGary brings the two groups together—another part of her many-faceted job.
But all these activities are routine matters to Ethel McGary. Just now she is very keen about two new projects which, she hopes, will help the cause of life-saving. One is a plan to enlist department store executives in a drive to train salesclerks and other store employes in life-saving methods. T w o of the city's largest stores have already displayed encour- aging interest.
"Don't say much about it, please," M iss M c- Gary begged, "for there's nothing settled. But everybody I've spoken to has been most in- terested. You see, swimming makes for real health and store executives realize that. And the more life-savers we send to the beaches each year, the fewer drownings will occur."
Which brought us to the second project. Miss McGary displayed with great pride the "drowning map," covering half the wall of a room. In conjunction with a student at New York University, she said, she is working on a survey of the number of drownings in and
around New York, their cause and the pos- sible cure. Into the map are stuck vari-colored pins, one for each drowning in a given year. Each pin has its duplicate in a Board of Health card which gives the name, address and sex of the person drowned and the cause of the drowning, if it is known. When the study is complete, the Red Cross hopes to work with the Police Department in an at- tempt to reduce deaths by drowning by proper supervision and protection of all dangerous waterfront points.
"That is why we need all the capable life-
been cut from 503 in 1928 to 374 in 1932. I hope the number will continue to diminish. And I think it should, for last year we passed 1,346 men and 691 women in senior life-saving in 'New York and vicinity.'"
The total for junior life-savers—those un- der 17 years of age—was 1,356 men and 858 women, Miss McGary said. And the highest grade life-saver—the examiner—emblem was given to 614 men and 561 women, after the severest tests possible in 1933.
Asked what were the outstanding require- ments for a good life-saver, Miss McGary said: "First, of course, the ability to take care of himself in the water. That is all, in- cidentally, that we expect of our juniors. Then, a good life-saver must be able to keep his head. He should try to save himself and his energy as much as possible. Our motto is 'Row, use a boat if available; Throw, a life buoy if no boat is available; Go, yourself when equipment is not at hand.' Notice, 'Go'
is last.
"In life-saving strong-arm tactics are out. There is no hitting on the jaw or knocking out among expert life-savers. They learn how to approach a drowning person, how best to break a grip, how to carry the person, and they do just as they have been taught.
"Above all, they keep their heads. And that is a good slogan for every swimmer—keep your head and you'll be all right."
An Engineer of Society— The Psychiatric W orker [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3]
Veterans Administration Hospital near his home is being arranged at the present time.
Through the assistance of the Polish Red Cross the family of another veteran was lo- cated in what was formerly a part of Russia. They also had given him up as lost in the war. When contacted, the brother wrote the veteran a letter in Russian describing the piti- ful home conditions, and as a result proceed- ings have been initiated for the aged mother to receive part of the veteran's pension, in accordance with his wishes. The Red Cross has assisted greatly in locating families in Russia, Italy, and other countries, and in se- curing from them the social data necessary in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. It has also served as a link between the patient and his distant family.
No two days in the hospital are similar; the problems which arise are challenging and varied in their interests. The psychiatric so- cial worker feels herself one of the many engineers of society, a reconstructor of human lives!

JAMARY, 1935
gates who attc
cific and Northwest District Convention
Pacific and Northwest Convention Stresses University, Individual
§a By CLAIRE MacGREGOR, Lambda, District Superintendent
-f- MARK TWAIN found a dime once when he was dead broke. He threw it away that he might experience the same thrill when he found it again. Those who attended the Dis- trict Convention at Berkeley recall, with some- what the same thrill, the splendid delegation represented there and the spirit of good fel- lowship which made itself so genuinely felt.
A cabaret dinner opened the convention so- cially. There in Sigma's spacious living room, with the bay and the surrounding country twinkling quietly beneath us, we perched "alone with the stars" to warm our hearts with fraternity songs. But one could never pass over the delightful exchange of stunts with no mention of the Southern California Alumiue who fluttered in as damsels of the devilish 90's to warble their contribution with a hundred trills and quivering sounds. N a - tional Officers, by the way, do not come to a convention, merely. They are the Convention.
Since the anti-fraternity agitators have ques- tioned, in no uncertain terms, our right to a niche in the educational scheme of the uni- versity and in the educational life of the in- dividual, it was imperative that our conven- tion theme should center around "The Uni-
versity, the Fraternity, the Individual." W e have been placed upon the defensive, and there we shall remain until we have looked to our- selves to find an answer to the challenge. On Friday, October 26, then, we turned to the round-table discussions to evaluate frankly and truthfully the various phases of our fraternity organization—to determine how far we are actually carrying out the educational aim of the university and fulfilling our obligation to the individual member.
We were pleased to have Muriel McKinney with us to take charge of the rushing discus- sion. In these times, the problem of finance has become one of such vital importance to both sorority and rushee that mutual under- standing is imperative. In some institutions, this is being tactfully handled through the local Panhellenic, deans' offices, and other offi- cial groups. Muriel told us in detail of the way Illinois and W ashington are attempting to meet the situation. In many colleges, sur- prisingly little has been done to clarify matters. The university as well as the fra- ternity must recognize the necessity of mutual cooperation. The situation merits and de- mands open financial agreement, whatever the system or agencies employed. V arious problems connected with organization of rush- ing were discussed in open and individual
Scholarship is a vital consideration not only
to us but to our opponents. Statistics have already been formulated in an effort to show the detrimental influence of sororities upon scholastic standard. The fraternity is forced to answer for the scholastic deficiency of its members. This round-table, with "Judy" Hauseman as leader, attempted to evaluate the methods we are now using. We were all impressed, I think, with the plans which have been formulated to improve scholarship. Our failure to gain satisfactory results lies not in the methods themselves, but in our apathetic attempt to put them into successful operation. Scholarship must be encouraged as a goal to be achieved rather than as a penalty to be imposed.

The chief point advanced in the pledge
round-table was the necessity of stressing the
opportunities for personal development which
our fraternity affords because of the nature
of its social organization. Pledge training, Presidential car en route. 'Tis rumored that approached in this way, shifts emphasis from our Vice President emerged with great dig- a hazy conception of fraternal responsibility nity from the window of the wreckage, as a duty to a constructive plan for the de- glanced furtively at her watch, and exclaimed,' velopment of the individual. A girl who feels "Let us be away or we shall be late for the the need for development of any personal game." The facts remain unknown, but to quality, whether it be leadership, social grace, the game she did go, she did return, and she
or cooperation has an opportunity to develop did live healthily ever after. (Enlightening that quality through the workable organi- commentary on our national spirit under
zation of the fraternity. If our pledges can be sufficiently intelligent to know what they need, and if, on the other hand, the fraternity will create for them an opportunity of gain- ing it, then only will we approach a sound conception of our educational obligations.
The nicest thing of all was the final banquet honoring Muriel and Helen with Rose Gilmore as speaker. In her frankly direct and friend- ly way, she restressed the significance of our individual responsibility. There is something very genuine about Rose Gilmore which works its way into whatever message she brings.
One of the most beneficial sessions was the
alumna? round table with Muriel McKinney as
leader. The discussion was devoted to a con-
sideration of the education of active members
for alumna; responsibility. Few of us realize goodbyes. But somewhere between the time until we stand with diploma in hand that fra-
ternity life is not confined within the limits of four years. It is a short step from active to alumnae membership. When we are ready to take it, we sense for the first time, perhaps, the permanency of fraternal association. A s the pledge period is a time of preparation for active membership, so active membership is a preparatory period for alumnae responsibility. The three are interrelated, and one is of as much importance as the other. Constructive plans were laid for a closer relationship be- tween actives and alumnae.
of hello and farewell, there came to us a clearer understanding of the purpose of our fraternity organization and a deeper apprecia- tion of the intrinsic fineness of all it en- compasses.
Studying Sea Life
cliff covered with the fossil remains of ani- mals. Once we visited a fish trap, where the owners gave us some huge salmon for a sal- mon bake. The outstanding trip was to the top of Mt. Constitution where we had an ac- tual airplane view of all the surrounding is- lands, water, and mainland, and spent the night under the stars. The next day we went swimming in the sparkling blue waters of che Sound at the foot of the mountain and had
The final session was devoted to a con-
sideration of the significance of our Conven-
tion theme. Our conclusion was that if we are
to justify our existence in this crisis, we must
(1) make sure that we understand fully the
educational aim of the university; (2) we
must turn to our fraternity itself, evaluate its
purpose and every phase of its organization in
terms of that educational aim; and ( 3 ) if we
can be assured, finally, that we are furthering
the educational interests of both university some pigs. Heaven, the highest point on the
and fraternity, we must have the courage to uphold those principles which form the basis of our conviction.
On Friday evening, Sigma presented for initiation Jean Kuerzel, Betty Layman, and Susan Crane. The service was conducted by Claire MacGregor, its strength and simplicity gently emphasized by the quiet impressiveness of Sigma's lovely chapter room. A dinner in honor of the new initiates followed. Delight Frederick (2) explained in a charming way the symbols and their meaning.
island, was the best place to see the gorgeous western sunsets and watch the stars come out one by one.
Best of all, this is not too good to be true. A summer at the Oceanographic Laboratories is an experience that any scientifically inclined university graduate may have at a minimum of expense—a summer thoroughly worthwhile at the time and even more so later, because of the memories that come trooping back, and because the things learned give added pleasure throughout life to our walks on the beach.
The Southern California-Stanford football game was hailed as the crowning event of Saturday afternoon, but it was shamed into minor key by the untimely upset of the Vice
The one unpleasant thing about a Conven- tion is that its ending must take its toll in
We were equally fortunate to have Helen
Haller as leader of the philanthropic discus-
sion, for she was able to give us an intimate
glimpse of our National Work as it is and as
it operates. We Westerners, separated from
the center of philanthropic activity, catch little
more than a reflection of its real significance.
That sense of personal association Helen far famed loganberry sundaes at the little brought to us with all its local and national
store at the resort.
San Juan Island, where the station is lo-
cated, is large enough to have good roads and many interesting places to see. From the cliffs on one side we could see the lights of Victoria twinkling across the Straits, also Roche Har- bor, built and owned by a man who operates a lime kiln there, picturesqque and the near- est to fairyland of any place I have ever seen. There are also old historic lighthouses and
forts built when the English and Americans r
went to war because of an argument over

UARY, 1935
And I Have Answered
y MILDRED E . WILLIAMS, Alpha You have asked me far
The why of desolation. And I have answered . . . "A very old reason."
Beware the love that comes With Spring.
On April nights
When you zualk not alone Beneath the moon's
Old crescent,
Look that you do not
Pause on silvered hilltops.
Shake from your liands
The dew of wild plum blossoms, Or your mouth zvill soon
Be drunk on it and shadows
On a face zvill close your eyes.
After the spring
Will be a summer.
Upon long curves
Of beach-sand
Foam-edged waters
Creep resistlessly.
Dawn brings white gulls That scream and
Wheel their wings
In warming sunlight.
And the world becomes
A bottomless tankard, Full of the too blue sky
And dried hot sand.
Kisses soak into you.
These lips never go.
Arms that hold beside
The sea are strong about you, There to stay forever.
Late summer goes.
And Autumn bleeds
Her laughter out
Against gold skies.
Nothing is so beautiful
As windy corners where The wheatCned sedge Bozvs to a browned earth.
There is naught to say
Of rooms and books.
Only and alone is
Wood smoke wis ping
Gray against the afternoon. Love is eternity, that dying Has forgotten death.
Winter pines blow Ended music.
Snozv drifts
The sill before
Drawn curtains.
Logs burn to ashes On a glowing hearth, And fall and burn For many lengthening Days.
Thus it is.
This is all ... .
Until the April
Comes again.
You have asked the why. And I have answered . .
"A very old reason."
The sun, the sea, a road, a tree— / found in you.
The sun's hot burning ecstasy, The sea, so restless, ever free,
All roads must part—and didn't we? A tree, aloof, alone, ignoring me.
Sometimes I hate you more than sin, Knozving how very cruel you've been; —And yet—
Perhaps 'tis best to end this way.
Eight Lines T o Shirley
(In Memory of Shirley McDavitt Lake) BY STELLA STERN PERRY, Alpha
If Shirley walks in fields of asphodel,
Fiach heavenly blossom lifts its head to see Hozv truly fair a heavenly flozver can be; And this zve know so blessedly and well Because, when Shirley zvalked among us here, Each heart she smiled on lifted up to try To merit well that radiance passing by
And be like Shirley, beautiful and dear.

Your Money's Worth
T o
One of the older girls in the Ishinael Saunders family. She is a member of the ConHuence sewing class and working here on her sweater —^a beautiful piece of work.
Note the
homemade needles.
Omicron Service
Pi Exhibit.
new at
room Wilder
Branch School.
America and her baby, Nurse li'orcester's special interest at the moment. America (yes, that's really her name) is making a quilt for the

JANUARY, 1935 35
Our Social Worker Visits the Centers I and Finds Troubles All the Way
For weeks I had been planning to make rounds of all the centers, and things to be taken up at the various centers had reached enormous proportions. Finally, the middle of November,' I got set to go, with the center at Conlluence as my goal for the first day, with sixteen horseback miles to traverse, and with so mairy stops planned en route that 1 should never have hoped to arrive by noon. I'A stop at the chair factory (work-relief pruf- 1 ect) in the interest of oak splits for chair bottoms versus hickory bark (the former more economical in terms of trees) ; a stop to take snapshots for one of our girls, now stay- ing in Cincinnati, of her favorite small niece; i a stop at the funeral of the little girl of one of our neighbors—and finally I had done the four and a half miles from W'endover to
At Hyden, what with checking up on the progress in court of the cases of two mental defectives for whom we are asking commit- ment to the State institution; buying a warm cap for one of our boys; consulting the local relief organization about the food budget for a family in which there is tuberculosis; dis- pissing with Mr. Rowan his little girl's prog-
ress at the School for the Deaf; conferring with the Superintendent of Education about the proposed consolidation of three of the in the W'endover district; calling for my mail and doing some last minute tele- phoning—with these and a few other tilings done, I was at last ready to be really on my way.
After the frosty beginnings of the day, the warmth of the noon sun was like an opiate. Gloria drowsed along, eventually getting one foot ahead of the other, but more by force oi habit than design. The warmth and quiet of a world lost in the brown and purple hazes of Indian summer left me likewise too per- vaded by the pleasantness of the moment to remember the mechanics of hurrying.
ery of the cap, long discussion of our boy's behavior problems, a very welcome impromptu lunch and a telephone call to Confluence to tell them to expect me for tea rather than lunch. Again on our way, we very soon overtook Mrs. Browning, herself and daughter mounted on the same small pony, and there followed a long conversation about her husband, who needs cataracts removed from both eyes and who at last, after three years of cogitating the step, has begun to lose faith in the efficacy of herbs and patent medicines and has almost (?) made up his mind that surgery is the thing. Dropping Mrs. Browning at her home, the next stop was occasioned by the tempta- tion to get a snapshot of a very blonde little girl, found resting on a stone by the side of the road and presenting a temptingly typi- cal example of the towhead children this A n -
glo-Saxon blood produces.
A few moments off my horse to examine the nice thick covering for the land consti- tuted by the matting of the fine stems of les- pedeza—a crop we spent no little time and effort in promoting last spring; a stop at the Dry Hill school to see one of our children; uneasy speculations on the safety of the swing- ing bridge at the Hell-for-Sartin school, with a mental note to take the matter up with the proper authorities to try again to get some- thing done; pleasant reflections inspired by a particular stretch of new road, built with relief labor (the road now high and dry on the hillside where once it clung uncertainly to the river bank with periodic dips into the river itself) ; satisfying note of an old log house
being treated to windows, real glass windows, and further on, a new little house, tightly built and blessed with windows from the outset: so engaged we did progress nevertheless and finally reached the center—in time for tea as promised (late tea).
It was sewing-class afternoon and the class was still in progress, the second relay of fif- teen having just arrived. Nurse Kelly takes them in two lots, the more distant schools first so that the girls won't be too late getting
The second lap of the journey, Hyden to
Confluence, was also not without its occasions
for stops, nor lacking in material to inspire
endless pondering and speculation. First there home, and the nearer schools last. Some of Was a visit to one of our luster homes, deliv- the girls were knitting sweaters, others were

36 To DRAGMA?e\ving on dolls' clothes (for some of the separate from those used by other membersAlpha Omicron Pi Christmas dolls), others of the family. And all this in a two-roomwere making underwear. The sewing class cabin, with the milk from one cow which isover, we settled down for a brief talk. Soon almost dry, three beds and a cot, bed coverscame dinner, however, early on account of the so few and thin that one does not wonderLiterary Society, and very shortly the meet- that the two tiny windows are not opened a|ing itself. The early comers brought a ban- night. These two girls are themselves frajl-jo and entertained themselves while waiting for six-thirty, the hour for which the meet- ing is scheduled. The large clinic waiting- room simply bulged with young people. It was really one of the most zestful perform- ances I have ever seen! The whole thing
was quite orderly, but with a great deal of spontaneity and overflowing good humor, from the lusty singing of their favorite roundelays (invariably accompanied by much laughter when the last group trailed out alone at the end), to the serious business of discussing and making suggestions as to the programme for the following week. And I, being asked, gave my perennial discourse extolling the value of
At last, the Literary Society dispersed and, sounds of the banjo fading away up the river road, we settled down for the good long talk which always marks a first evening at Con- fluence. Topics? Multitudinous—and, human nature being what it is, almost never finally settled: The family (now specially under our wing) in which the husband is sadly handi- capped by being deaf and who gave evidences some time ago of literally being driven out of his mind by the spectacle of his wife and children practically starving before his eyes; the new Upper Hell-for-Sartin school that has
neither well nor toilets; new idea for the lit— erar}' society programmes; the problems of the local school teachers who are cooperating with the County .Relief organization in providing hot school lunches, without space, without utensils, without time to give to the job! the community's efforts to build an additional room for the Wilder Branch school; the up- and-coming way in which folk on the creek have undertaken to make the Grassy Branch clinic more comfortable against the winter weather; the remote, but highly desirable pos- sibilities of finding a job for a young girl who needs to get away from home; the black outlook for tuberculosis cases, in particular and in general; the recent gratifying interest in stone-and-cement cellars, attended by fre-
quent examinations of the one at the center to make sure of their being right and frequent application to one nurse or the other that she come to inspect the results—on and on we talked until far into the night. Finally, hav- ing consumed a large part of a large cake and drunk quantities of milk, we took ourselves off to bed. (No sedatives required!)
Most of the next day I spent on the district
with Nurse Green. First, there was a visit to
the Ishmael Saunders family. The mother is
a pathetic, bedridden creature, who has had
three spontaneous fractures in the past year,
one arm and both legs having broken of them-
slender young things, with pale, pinched faces narrow chests and one of them is continuous-ly coughing. (And all the remainder of myvisit was punctuated by discussion of how working from every possible angle, we mighthelp to improve the situation.)
Returning from the Saunders' we made sev-eral calls; inspected the new toilets which thecommunity has built for the Grassy Branchschool; discussed hospitalization with a fam-ily in which the whole lot of them, five alto-gether, have trachoma, with the mother prac-tically blind; interviewed an unmarried mother!who has three children, the four of in an old wreck of a cabin, somehow keeping body and soul together, but how, onecannot see—at last getting the mother's con-sent for us to place the children, after two
years of working toward that end; and finallygot back to the center for a meal which might be identified as either lunch or tea. After tea, Nurse Kelly and I went over the moun- tain on foot, to see one of her families—not very far away but very much "up." W e found nine people living in one room, some of the children quite without shoes, to say nothing of clothes, and so on—another sad tale, but with the family unmistakably on the upgrade, thank goodness, else I think I could not have stood it. And the next day I moved on tffiBowlingtown.
Six centers, eight days—it was the same story all the way, with variations. Nurse Worcester's sponsoring of the beautiful quilt- ing done by the woman in a family in which she has taken a necessary and special interest; the Brutus Nurses' satisfaction in the success p| their lending library; Peggy's delight, not unmixed with misgivings, in a new sewing
class that had forty girls at its first meeting; and Stevie's very successful monthly square dances for the young people of the neighbor- hood—these are some of the highlights of the remainder of the trip.
Have I succeeded in conveying the pre- occupation which tended to set the tone of this trip? Whether or not my description gives itj the truth of the matter is, I found my think- ing more or less dominated by a persistent search for the signs of social progress, a tena- cious concern with the question of how it is that constructive, permanent social change comes about and what are the signs of its coming. I can't boast of any new conclusions on the subject; they are only those every per- son of any social maturity has thought oyer and over. There was, however, a fresh facing of the fact that real, widely diffused social progress is a little-by-little process. I can think of no more apt definition of the prin- ciple than the mountaineer's own, very char-
selves. Fred," a nine-year-old boy, has been
recently diagnosed tuberculous. Two older acteristic phrase, "by the littles." Need we
girls, fourteen and sixteen, are keeping house for the family of nine—trying to look after the invalid mother; trying to give the tuber-
cular boy the good "strong" food the doctor
try to measure our part in this process? Re- sults in this area do not lend themselves read- ily to tabulation; but it is something, a very real something, to recognize that the trend is onward, that much that we do cannot but
orders; trying to see that he gets plenty of
fresh air and sunshine without at the same enhance the direction and speed of the move-
time getting cold; trying to keep his dishes ment.

The Pride of Alpha O
: j (2artipM5
\evement$ in
AT Mary Schoessler ('36) made PX, phar- day evenings at 5:45. She also accompanies
macy honorary, this fall. Mildred Hann a singer on Friday afternoons. Frances Low- Pjays a fifteen-minute program of popular den is on the Chinook staff. Dorothy Clithero piano music over KWSC—the radio station was initiated into TAX,women's national ad-
Pf the State College of Washington, on Mon-
a$$voom ario
o n
vertising honorary, in May. Alice Janine

38 T o DKA(,MShepard is a Sptir for this year. Floy Lewis man demonstration on November 27. One ohad the honor of being initiated into National the solos and one of the choruses were heCollegiate Players. Lenore Morse, president, compositions. She is secretary of Orchesisattended the District Convention held in
Berkeley. She brought back many helpful
suggestions as well as new songs and news
of sunny California. When we had our
Dads' Day football game this fall with the
University of Idaho, our house had the larg-
est percentage of dads attending the game,
so we received a silver cup which we hope in the senior-sophomore demonstration onto keep. While we are on the subject of November 28. Charlotte was recently initiatedcups, our winning of the Mothers' Day Cup into the "F" Club. Mary Filer, president, washould be mentioned. This makes the second awarded a gold key for her work on thetime we have won this cup, and we are going annual staff last year and is picture editorto urge our mothers to come again this spring for the 1935 Flastocoim. Marjorie Carterso we can keep the cup for our own. "Judy" Hauseman, our new District Superintendent, visited us a few weeks ago. We all liked her very much and feel that she is going to be a great help to us. When she was here, we gave a tea in honor of her and our house- mother, Mrs. Chessman. Carolyn Wolters (Ar), Sue Ehrhardt (T), Rose Allen (T), Faithe Took (Ar), Miriam Lynn (A2), were among the alumna? who helped us with rush- ing this fall. Miriam McCroskey Lynn ( A 2 ) is president of the University Dames Club in Pullman. Lenore Morse is president of the Cosmopolitan Club. December 1 was the night of our semi-formal dance. Our motif was Southern Colonial; "Pardon My South-
ern Accent" was the theme song.
president of <i>B2, Spanish honorary, was re-cently bid to KAIT, education honorary, andwill be initiated with the Florida Universitymen on December 8.- Alice Porter, doingHonorary work, was bid to BUG, nationalFrench honorary, and took a leading part ione of the plays given F.S.CW. Week. AlphaPi's Founders' Day celebration was a luncheonat the house on December S with leanette LittigHumphries ( A n '30) as speaker. Alice Porter Mildred Williams, Clara Bell Matthews, allactive members, are celebrating their birth-days on the eighth, too.
sion. She is A. W . S. publicity chairman. SheA $ Margaret Johnson, Virginia Hanson, and Althea Bruhl ('35) are day editors on theJanet Ralph, and Helen Thorpe were Daily Barometer. Jean Allison ('35). Kuthinitiated by Spurs. We had two firesides, one Carlton ('36), and Carrie Oliver ('38), areof them was a derby sport dance. The fall in the Madrigal Club. Maxihe Kirkpatrickparty was December 1 at Mrs. Purdy's home. ('35) is a member of the Pharmaceutical"Glen Breneman plays a violin in the sym- Association. Lee Chapman ('37) is on thephony orchestra. Opal Petrauch played the student body social committee. Inez (Peggy) part of "Ada Figgins" in the college dramatic Lehrbach (*35), Jeanne Bauer ('35), andproduction "Hobson's Choice." W e were the first sorority on the campus to have a field hockey team, and we have two volleyball teams, and a rifle team. The Alpha 0 ac- tives had the highest average of any sorority on the campus last spring. Jane Jaccard is president of the Home Economics Club. Edith Watson is president of 4>T0 and a member of Mortar Board. Ellen Pope is social chairman of the Student Senate. Phi Kappa Phi pledged Helen Wellman and Opal Petrauch. Eurodelphians, national literary so- ciety, initiated Marjorie Hungerford, Elfreda Lloyd, Alice Knowles, Glen Breneman, and
Harriet Gilchrist. Margaret Herman is presi- dent of Spartanians, and Mary Lou Bailey is a pledge. Jean Carruth is at Lcland Stan- ford University this year and Mary Ellen Bielenberg is at her home in Deer Lodge. We held formal initiation for Edith Watson of Glasgow, and Roberta Pond of Whitefish on November 25.
AIT Mildred Williams attended the XA*. honorary literary society, tea on No-
Helen Burfeind ('38) have joined the Sal-magundi Dramatics Club. Lee, Peggy, Jvanneand Betty Ames ('35) were on the Student Directory Staff. Betty, Althea and Eleanor Snyder ('38) are on the Beaver staff, [une Wheeler ('37) was an Oregon State Monthlysalesman. Ardath Snced ('37) is a memberof Talons, service honor society for sopho- Women, and plays in the college orches- tra. "Artie" also was a homecoming station- ery salesman.
AS Mary Margaret Hunt ('36) became our new president in November. She is vice president of the Physical Education Club, president of Amphibian, swimming club, sec- retary of W. A. A., and was general chairman of Health Week held in November. Alpha Sigma won the Alden Cup which is awarded annually to the living organization having the best judged menu during Health Week. Helen Campbell had a lead in "Leave It To Psmith." presented by the Guild Hall Theater Players. Mrs. Hauseman, District Superintendent in- spected our chapter the first week in Novem-
ber and Jean Cook represented us at District vember 18. Mildredoften has poems published Convention in Berkeley. Doris Holmes has
in the Distaff. Mary Carson ('36) was direc- charge of the classified advertising in the tor of the dances given in the junior-fresh-
national dance honorary. At the homeconving dance Charlotte Cameron and Edith Ayewere among the members of Cotillion tapping new members. T w o of the thirteentapped were pledges of Alpha Pi: ElizabethFenn, Mt. Dora, and Mary Frances Hales oMiami. Edith and Charlotte both took parmore
assistant secretary of the local chapterGeorgena
('35) was
electedof 4>K* and took part in its first panel discus-

tfnerald and Gladys Battleson is night editor 0 f the newspaper. Marian Vinson won the all-campus posture contest held last May dur- ing Health Week. Ruth Carleton received recognition from -i>BK last year for having the second highest ranking scholarship in the Ifcphomore class. A m y Rapp Porter ('30), Portland, helped during rush week. Lee Chapman. Frances Fearnley and Ruth Carle- ton have transferred to Oregon State College jffls year.
AT Cap and Gown elected Rebecca Mathews, our president, and Lucille Perry, W . A. A. president, to membership last spring. Mar- jorie Beville, Jean Carle, Dorothy Walton and Miriam Dorr made Phi Society, national scholarship honorary. In June Martha Roe- buck, Jean Carle and Miriam were sent with the Denison delegation of nine to the annual ^Y, W. C. A. conference at Lake Geneva, Wis- consin. Martha was chosen representative for the Southern Area of Y. W. C. A. This fall Martha and Martha Stubblefield were elected to W . A. A. Outing Board. Miriam is program chairman on the Y. W. C.A.Cabinet. Martha Roebuck is chairman of the student- faculty relations on the Y . W . C . A . Cabinet. Mildred Hull is vice president of Math Club. Martha Jump is president and Virginia Babb treasurer of the freshman Classical Club. Kan Klingstedt was captain of the victorious "freshman hockey team and made the highest honors in hockey by being chosen member of the All-Shepardson honorary team, together with Lucille Perry; Mary Myers and Carol Dorr made class hockey teams. Nancy War- ner is social chairman for the freshman Y . W . p. A., pledge president and manager of fresh- man archery. Nancy and Jean are new mem- bers of W. A. A. Vangeline Cook was junior manager of archery. Vangeline, Nancy, Doro- thy Fuller, Helen Barbour and Miriam made class teams in archery. Marjorie Wiltgen, Frances Longley and Christine Matteson made Women's Glee Club. Marjorie sings in the chapel choir and is playing with Margaret Adams in the university orchestra and the string orchestra. Marjorie Jump is social chairman of AO and secretary of Spanish Club. Dorothy Hartshorn was elected secre- tary of the Franco-Caliopian Literary Society and Miriam Sears is president of Cosmopol- itan. Vangeline belongs to H E * ,Latin honor- ary, and Miriam Dorr to Orchesis. Phyllis Taber made women's varsity debate team and as president of a dormitory is on the W. S. G. A. board of house presidents. Mildred Hull, who is vice president of her dormitory, is also on this board. Twenty alumnae returned for our homecoming banquet. A raffle at the ban- quet and another at Founders' Day banquet at Granville Inn provided money to buy shoes for the children in Kentucky. We sent four hundred pounds of books and sewing material to Kentucky also. Besides contributing to our Kentucky philanthropy, we have contributed to a local fund for food for school children who need hot lunches and to the fund for a picnic shelter house to be erected for the use
of all organizations on the campus. Our so- cial affairs consisted of a tea for the faculty, three informal victrola dances, a formal dance, and our Fonnders' Day banquet at which Adeilia Hanks (OH), president of the Cincinnati Alumna? Chapter, spoke and the Frontier Nursing film was shown.
HP About the most thrilling thing that has happened here is our telegram stating that Mary D. Drummond accepted the invita- tion to be principal speaker for the Panhell- enic banquet on December 13. We can hardly wait until she comes. It is so exciting to think we are such a young fraternity on campus and yet have the main speaker for the banquet. We know Mary Dee will do us justice. Gretchen Appel ('35) is in charge of the program committee for the banquet. We celebrated Founders' Day with Omicron Pi Chapter, and every one was thoroughly im- pressed and had a lovely time. Mrs. Eleanor Waldo (On '20) entertained at a surprise birthday tea for Ethel Filbert ( E A '34). Clau- dine Burkhart ('34) was initiated as a charter member of the chapter of Mortar Board in- stalled here on November 24. Louise Muncie has accepted an invitation to join B A 2 . Ethel Marie Janson ('36), is heading our philan- thropic work (planning a layette to be sent to Kentucky). We are also planning to give Christmas baskets to some poor families. No- vember 17 we entertained our alumnae at a
waffle supper. This is an annual affair.
B0 Beta Theta's new bouse is located at 428 West 46th Street, one block from the University. Our new chaperon is Mrs. Frances Anderson of Havana, Cuba, and our new faculty ally is Mrs. Gino Ratti, wife of Dr. Ratti, the head of the French department. Early in the fall Katherine Davis, our District Superintendent, paid us a visit and in October Mary Dee Drummond and Mrs. Alice Thom- son were our guests. Frances Messick, presi- dent, is president of the University German Club. She is at work on the Panhellenic con- stitution and on the Senior Class Day com- mittee. Marion Messick ('37) recently won a school ping pong tournament and is to be initiated into W. A. A. She is a member of Spurs, chairman of the ushers committee for Women's League and a member of Spanish Club. Dorothy Winter ('36) is on the activity point committee for Women's League. Ruth Brinkman ('36) is on Woman's League pub- licity committee. Lenore Winter ('35) is in charge of our Friday afternoon social hour held for actives and their friends. Lenore and Virginia Sheely are doing social service work at the Christamore Settlement House. Virginia is active in Thespis and on scholar- ship committee of Panhellenic. Our members are contributing food and clothing to the Christmas baskets that the University is pack-
ing for needy people.
BK AOn is well represented at U. B. C. this year, in many and varied activities. Donna Moorhouse is vice president of Pan-
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liellenic and Madeleine Bowden is vice presi- dent of her class, Arts '37. She is also a prominent debater, a member of the Women's Undergraduate Society Executive, and a mem- ber of the Discipline Committee. Under the guidance of Rosemary Edmonds, as president, and Barbara Baird as vice president, the Literary Forum, our campus' leading club for women, is enjoying a most successful year. Lillian Walker is keenly interested in the Mu- sical Society, where she shows marked promise of following in Eleanore's footsteps. Lennie Price presides over our Swimming Club, while other AOH's are active in fencing, Player's Club, basketball, mathematics Club and His- torical Society.
Eleanore Walker (BK '34) visited us in No- vember and we were all her guests at a de- lightful supper party and "house-warming" in our new rooms. Our informal dance at Alice Daniels' home was a decided success. Initia- tion followed by a formal dinner at the Hotel Vancouver, marked an impressive Founders' Day for Beta Kappa.
In 1934, we acquired six B.A. degrees, and three R . N . degrees. W e welcome Grace Parkinson ('33) back to our campus, where she is taking Teacher's Training, along with two other AOII's. Grace will be remembered as leading her graduating class and winning the Governor General's medal and the French Government Scholarship for a year's study at the Sorbonne, Paris. We are also happy to welcome into Beta Kappa Chapter, our first two "sisters," Betty, sister of Maxine Morris
('35), and Lillian, sister of Eleanore Walker ('34), whom we initiated on December 8.
B $ W e won the Arbutus (yearbook) sales contest and are to have pictures of two freshmen, Calista Ann Batsch and Deloris Drabing, on special pages of the book. O u r intramural volleyball and folk dancing teams have been participating in the tournaments. Lucille Gust ('37) received a silver loving cup for winning the intramural archery tourna- ment. She is a member of the German Club and the Junior Home Economics Club. Portia Adams('35)isontheY.W.C.A.Council. Martha Clevenger ('37) is a sophomore Arbutus assistant, a member of the Glee Club and Chorus. Marjorie Michaelis ('38), Delores Drabing ('38), and Geneva Crayden ('37) be- came members of W. A. A. Elizabeth Garber ('38) was elected vice president of W . A . A . Catherine Edwards ('36) was initiated into Pleiades and is a 6S4> pledge. She and Phyllis Traxler ('38) are on the Daily Student staff. Ann Greenawalt ('35) received one of the Jun- ior Prom scholarships and is on the Senior Breakfast Committee. Lela Scott ('35) is on
a Senior Committee.
BT Early in April the graduating members were luncheon guests of the chapter and were presented with the little gold rose recog- nition pins. It was a well attended party— the toasts and "roasts" were many and per- tinent, and altogether the affair was most suc- cessful. May 24 found Beta Tau established
T o DRAGMAin Madeline Coyne's summer cottage on thshores of Lake Simcoe looking expectantly tothe coming week of "house-party"—an annuacelebration with us (since there is a generafeeling of relief that the last examination othe year has been written) and an annuaweek of jolly comradeship. T h e cup andsaucer shower for the chapter and the kitchenshower for Betty Potter who was married inJune, of which combined events Billie Boltonour alumna adviser, was the gracious hostesswere enjoyed by our actives and alumna; o$May 19. The cups and saucers were most acceptable and have since been useful indeedMargaret Christilaw and Margaret Cowan ajtended the District Convention in June heldat Evanston, Illinois. Judging from their taleswe who were not able to be present believourselves the poor unfortunates. T h e collegeterm opened amid a whirl of rushing—teasluncheons, breakfast parties—a very short period but extremely rushing! Then pledgingand the party, a very successful one, in honorof the pledges at the "Saucy Sue." We arvery proud of Thais Lamb who won a wellearned place on the University College tenniteam. Throughout the rugby season our sociaconvenor, Hilda Butler, arranged the most delightful teas in our chapter apartment afterthe games. "Come and bring your friends"was the slogan—to which stimulus eacli timethere was the genuine response of large numbers. This fall, Peggy Chadwick and Margaret Cowan were entertained at a tea inLondon, Ontario, given by a local fraternityof "Western" co-eds. It might seem rathera long jaunt to an afternoon tea, but they report that the trip was well-worth the undertaking. Then on November 18, Beta Tau sponsored a rummage sale. Elinor Doherty spenno end of time and energy in its interests andengineered it most ably.
X Our Hallowe'en party, held late in October, was a great success. W e had a lovelydinner appropriate to the occasion at which weentertained our pledges and some rushees. OnNovember 10, we had our annual informadance in honor of our pledges. The theme othe decorations was football. On November20 we had a visit from our District Superintendent, Mrs. Otto M. Buerger. She gaveus an inspiring talk on Chi Chapter as a partof AOII and as a part of Syracuse UniversityAt her suggestion we are now having a seriesof dinners and fireside chats to which we in-vite the interesting people on the campus. OnDecember 9, we gave a tea in honor of thealumna; and Mothers' Club to show our appreciation of all they have done for Clii. Katherine Burlingham, our chapter president, wona Fine Arts poster prize. Mary Broadbeckand Virginia Atticks have been elected secre-tary and corresponding secretary, respectivelyof Syracuse in China. Florence Ashley waschairman of the annual W. A. A. fall sportssupper. Mildred McDuff is manager of W. A^|dancing. Both Florence and Mildred are mem-bers of the W. A. A. Board. Bernice Duflo

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and Jane G. Burlingham are members of the Chapel Social Service Committee.
XA. We have had several girls pledged and initiated into h o n o r a r y fraternities. Wilma Carey ('35) was initiated into KATI, honorary educational fraternity. Francis Evans
belongs to Spur and SES. Betty Kittle ('35)
is president of W. A. A. Lois Earl is chair-
man of the Point System. Ann Wagner and
Mary Kanavel, actives, Mildred Gramcko and
Margaret Smith, pledges, are on the staff of
the IVindozv, literary magazine. A n n is also
on the staff of the yearbook, the Coloradan,
and the Dodo, humor magazine. Elizabeth
Jensen ('37). Founders' Day was celebrated jointly with the Boston Alumna; Chapter by dinner at Wyman's Tavern, Arlington, fol- lowed by the initiation of Marguerite McKay ('37) and Doris Russell ('37). A rummage sale was held December 8, under the super- vision of Ruth Dresser ('35).
A<P Margaret Estes ('34), niece of Pinckney Estes Glantzberg, was married last June to the Rev. Carl Lee Shipton of Richfield. North Carolina. The bride's attendants were all AOH's—Shirley Bailey ('34), Ellen L a - Borde ('35), Edna Louise Lent ('33), Eulee Lide ('34), Margaret Niggel ( E x . '34), and
Shinn is on the Dodo staff and is a member of Emme Watson ('34). The young couple are
the Glee Club as is Eileen Hayward. The pledges gave the actives a very entertaining part}'. They gave several skits and served re- freshments of popcorn and fudge and apples. We bad our fall formal at the chapter house, on November 23. On November 25 we had our Thanksgiving dinner with all the members and a number of rushees present. We have been busy playing hockey and volley ball games in intramurals.
E Our rushing season was very successful under the leadership of Dorothea Fergu- son. Alpha Omicron Pi was in charge of the Panhellenic Dance which opens our rushing. Ethel Davis, a charter member of Epsilon, visited us the week-end of October 13 and generously presented the house with a check for $100. We held our Pledge Dance on No- vember 10, which met with its usual success. The alumna; gave a tea for the pledges on November 11 at the home of Mrs. Schmidt. We were very happy to have Johanna Bueck- iflg Buerger, our District Superintendent, with Us on November 22 and 23. The alumna; en- tertained with a luncheon on the twenty-third and the actives with a buffet supper in the evening. We are having our annual rummage sale on December 14 and 15, our Christmas Breakfast and Faculty Tea on the sixteenth. Virginia Lauder and Dorothea Ferguson have
been initiated into IIA9.
making their home in Richfield, where the groom is pastor of the Lutheran pastorate. Ellen LaBorde ('35), has been initiated into AKr , national honorary leadership sorority, and she is also secretary of Co-ed K.S.K., honor- ary service fraternity. Gertrude McDonald ('35), has been elected president of the Quin- tillian Club, local honorary educational organi- zation, and she is critic of the Hypatian Liter- ary Society. W e celebrated Founders' Day with a buffet supper in the club room. T h e president read greetings from Edith Ander- son and from Stella Stern Perry. The girls sat around the fire and sang Alpha Omicron Pi songs until a late hour. On Hallowe'en we entertained our pledges with a Hallowe'en party. We are sending a box of toys to Ken- tucky for Christmas and we also have some local philanthropic work in mind.
EA With second semester rushing at Penn State we have taken advantage of the one informal rush party a week authorized by the new Panhellenic rushing code. These parties are informal teas with entertainment. The chapter again received the Council of Campus Clubs Scholarship Cup which it held during the first semester of last year. Ruth Koehler ('36), and Marion Tomlmson ('35). are members of 0 2 $ ; Enid Stage ('35), of OA$, dramatics honorary; Janet Beman of Thespians and *SI. Marion Tomlinson, Nancy Stahlman, and Enid Stage belong to Arch- A On October 27, the Boston Alumna; Chap- ousai, senior women's honorary, which has ter organized a treasure hunt for the just been promised admittance to Mortar
seniors of Delta. After an enjoyable after- Board. Janet and Jean Beman have received
noon following clues, we had supper in By-
field. The treasure was a package of assorted
kitchen ware for our chapter rooms. At the
fall initiation of 4>BK, Delta was well repre-
sented by Elizabeth MacLeod ('35), Geraldine
Goldthwaite ('34), and Phyllis Howard ('34).
This year, a new plan is being tried out by
Panhellenic. Each of the four sororities, dur-
bids to join A*, local education honorary, and Dorothy Hull and Ruth Koehler ('36), have been elected to the editorial board of La Vie, college yearbook, of which Marion Tomlinson is women's editor. Bertha Cohen ('37), is president of the sophomore class, a Cwen, and assistant intramural sports manager. She was secretary of the freshman class. Ruth Evans ('37), is vice president of the sopho-
ing the year, is to entertain each of the other
three. On November 12, Lambda Chapter of more class, chairman of the freshman cus-
ASA was our guest. Omicron Chapter enter- tained us on December 3. Entertainment at both parties included games, readings, and songs, followed by refreshments. W e held our fall formal, December 1, at Longwood Towers, Brookline. Audrey Moran ('37) was
toms committee and costume manager for Players. Helen Clymer ('37), is social chair- man of her class, Doris Smith ('37), sopho- more class swimming manager and member of her class hockey and basketball team. R e - gina Ryan ('37), is a member of Collegian staff. Evelyn Kraybill ('37) has been elected
chairman, assisted by Mildred Burns ('37),
Mary-Ellen (Peg) White ('37), and Edith to the symphony orchestra, Penn State Play-

ers' Orchestra, Glee Club, Thespians and She is a member of Shorter Board and vice Louise Homer Club. Mary Holmes and president of 92*. Mary Courtright and
Frances Laubach are senior class swimming Florine Petri are members of this year's class and basketball managers respectively, while of Torch, activities honorary for junior Edna Ogilvee ('36) has been appointed women. Florine is junior editor of the Illio, women's fencing manager. A Founders' Day is a member of the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, and' tea on December 13, with Edith Huntington FAX. Marjorie Berryman ('35) is vice presi- Anderson as speaker; Panhellenic Ball on dent of ASP. Lois Davis ('36), our activities
January 25 at the Nittany Lion Inn; and a formal pledge dance at the A S * house on De- cember 1, were Epsilon Alpha's social affairs.
H Vivienne Wetter ('38) was chosen one of
the five best dressed girls on the campus.
Romance Cowgill ('37) was elected Queen of
chairman, is a junior manager of the lllio, a member of Woman's League finance commit- tee, the costume committee for Arepo's pres- entation of the opera, "Tales of Hoffman" and for the Illinois Union minstrel show. She is in charge of the University bowling con- test for women. Alice DuVal ('37) is chair- man of the Y. W. C. A. hostess committee,
the Forensic Ball and elected to Wisconsin
Players. We won the marathon swimming assistant director of the Y. W. freshman dis-
race. Jean Lackey ('35) was made assistant cussion group, representative at the doll show
society editor of the Daily Cardinal and was and doughnut drive, and a member of the so- pledged to *B, speech sorority. Donna Wes- cial committee of Woman's League. Alice
ton ('37) was made assistant national adver- and Jean Gougler ('37) are representing our tising manager for the Daily Cardinal. house in Shi-Ai. Edith Lang ('37) is a mem-
Dorothea Schumacker ('37) and Sue Stinson
('36) were initiated into Pythia Literary So-
ber of Y . W . social committee; Doris Krevis is a member of Freshman Frolic; and Mar- garet Baker of the Sophomore Cotillion com-
ciety. Charlotte Goedde ('35), president, is
our representative for Court of Honor at mittee. The sub-chairman of the ticket com-
Prom. Virginia Huen ('37) is a feature mittee for Junior Prom is Charlotte McGlade.
writer for the Daily Cardinal. Eleanor Park- In the Illini Theater Guild are Marjorie inson and Marion Douglass are our new Lewis, Jane Wendell ('36), and Marilyn Isley
alumna; advisers. Kathryn Knell C34), ('36). Helen Berg ('38) is a member of the
Kathryn Hall ('34), and Margaret Olson C34), have visited the house several times
program committee for "Orange and Blue Frathers." Virginia Perkins ( T ) and Doris Chamberlin ( 2 ) are two junior transfers in the house this year. Virginia is a member of Arepo and is in the cast of "Tales of Hoff-
during the past semester.
T Mabel Ash worth ('37) and Elizabeth Story man". Our members on the staff of the Daily
('37) were elected Eagles, a distinction re- Illini are June Mershimer, Jean Gougler, and ceived only by sophomore girls. At the last Maxine Cosgrove. Alice DuVal, Beth Fowler, election of All Maine Women, those Alpha Betty Jayne Wagner, Edith Lang, Mary Har-
O's elected were: Fern Allen ('34), Dorothy rington, Phoebe Sells and Margaret Baker
Moynihan ('34), Lucinda Ripley ('35), Marie Archer ('36), Ruth Walenta C34), Dorothy Romero ('34) and Mildred Haney ('34). Lucinda Ripley, president of our active chap- ter, is also president of the Y. W. C.A. Eliza- beth Storey is secretary of W. A. A., and Elizabeth Gardiner is secretary of the Maine Outing Club. Alice Sisco ('35) is vice presi- dent of Colvin Dormitory. At the pageant presented last June by the All Maine Women, several Alpha O's participated; one of the
work on the Illio. Beth is sophomore man- ager of Star Course. Jean Dragoo, Kathryn Graham, Ruth Ferguson, Florine Petri, Ma'rv Courtright and Lois Davis "rated" Axe
best character parts was played by Arlene
Merrill (*34). Phyllis Hamilton ('36) was
elected Honorary Lieutenant Colonel at the annual sophomore play, "The Devil Takes A
Military Ball held December 7. The other Holiday." Mattie Todd Little ('37) received
candidates were also AOn's and were: Helen an All-Star basketball letter award for her
Buker, Louise Steves, Claire Saunders, and fine playing. Founders' Day was celebrated Marie Archer. This* selection is based on with a banquet on December 8.
charm and personality. Charlotte Lachance ('35) played the lead in "Beyond the Hor-
I Jean Dragoo ('35) is the third woman's editor of The Daily Illini within the past five years to be a member of Iota Chapter.
izon," presented in the Little Theatre De- KO Teresa Lilly ('35) was elected High cember 5 and 6. In the recent class elections, Priestess of the Women's Sanhedrin those Alpha O's who were elected to an office Council. Rebecca Laughlin ('38) and Marv are: Dorothy Sawyer ('35), commencement Sands Dreisback ('38) have been brought out ball committee, Alice Sisco ('35), commence- by Pi, an exclusive intersorority organization, ment week committee, and Louise Steves and Dorothy Ann Fergerson ('37) and Teresa ('36), secretary.
by S A X .
K Kappa Chapter has been well represented in dramatics this year with Anne Mc- Kinley ('37) taking the part of Sister Joanna in "The Cradle Song" in which Mary Virginia Barnes ('35) and Anne Bundick also had roles. Several Alpha O's took part in the
Lilly ('35) have been brought out in S T. A. B., an exclusive intersorority for brunettes. Rebecca Laughlin was chosen as one of the football sponsors and Mary W alton Sohm C37) was one of the sponsors at the South- western-Sewanee football game. On No-

JANUARY, 1935 43
gsmber 9 the actives entertained with a car- ness staff of The Quad and belongs to hockey nival dance at the Lodge in honor of the club. Eleanor Cross ('35) started her nurse's pledges, and Eugenia Tully ('38) gave a break- training at the Stanford Lane Hospital. Mary fast afterwards. Eugenia and Mary Sands Atkins is a member of the choir and is in a re both on the staff of the Sou'wester, the charge of sophomore Y. W. C. A. group. An- school paper. Elizabeth Cobb ('38), Ann other choir member, Gertrude Blanchard Clark Miller ('38), Eugenia, Mary Sands, all ('37), belongs to the women's debating team. made the Southwestern Players. Kappi Omi- Jean Carruth ('36), a transfer from Alpha cron is very proud of Mary Walton Sohm, Phi, and Judith Boyle ('36) are members of
w ho made her professional debut in Memphis on November 5 as a solo danseuse. Founders' Day was celebrated with a lovely banquet in the Rose Room of Hotel Claridge. The theme of the program was "The Good Ship AOII." loue Adams was the toastmistress.
the choir and Glee Club. Martha Surface ('35), a transfer from Beta Phi, belongs to the debating team and took part in a debate
with San Jose State College.
N Nu has moved into a suite at the Judson Dormitories with rooms overlooking Washington Square. Among our social af- fairs, we have entertained the faculty at the "Favorite Professor" tea, have given a fall to the campus. October 14 we initiated six formal at the Hotel Ambassador, the profits at our sunrise ceremony. A lovely initiation of which went to our Kentucky Mountain breakfast followed the ceremony, at which fund, and on December 27 we entertained at tea in our rooms for all Alpha O's who live out of town. Jean Hobbs was initiated on De- cember 7 when Edith Huntington Anderson visited our chapter. Ethel Putz was married
J£0 Emerging from a gay week of rush parties. Kappa Theta held open house September 25 to present her eight new pledges
tin- >peakers were Margie Gillmor and Stella
wilhelm. Sally Culver, Jane Miller, Lucille
Burheck, and Frances Kildahl came back from
the district Convention at Sigma, October 23
jto 25, just full of lively tales of the fun they
had. November 17, we were given a lovely
informal dance by our pledges. The house
was decorated in masses of autumn flowers
and sponsors were presented with orchid cor-
sages. Sunday evening, December 9, Kappa new privileges is that of dancing on the cam-
to John Crawford Dunlop, Jr., on November 9.
NK We returned this year to a campus greatly enlivened by an extended pro- gram of student activities. Chief among our
Theta alumnae were hostesses at the Founders' gay dinner held at the active chapter house. There were alumna? from nearly every chap-
pus. Our social activities so far have been suppers after meeting and a Hallowe'en party at Gladys Bush's lodge on White Rock Lake,
ter. After dinner, which was made lively by which the pledges honored the initiates. by sorority songs, much to the enjoyment of We have also been active in other campus ac- the alumna?, we initiated Darlyn Dowell. Later tivities. W e won a silver loving cup for the
most original and attractive float in the parade of the S. M. U.-Texas A. & M. game. The theme of the float was the illustration of the S. M . U . pep song, "Peruna," and showed
we were entertained by many amusing skits.
December 10, our last meeting night before
Christmas vacation, we are having a Christmas
jiarty and every one receives a surprise pack-
age. This party generally ends in riotous Carroll Berly, dressed in a red and blue rid- laughter. December 12 will be our formal ing costume, driving six, prancing, white
tion in November. Seventy i>eople attended Blaine were elected to membership in AXA, our traditional Black and White Formal honorary commerce sorority, and are now
Dance. Lucille Morgan Gettens gave her treasurer and secretary of that organization.
wedding reception at the house. Beth Moul- Wynnfred Holloman was elected to *X, throp ('37) is chairman of finance on the honorary psychology, and Florence North to
Y. W. C. A. cabinet, a member of Stanford Z*H, honorary public speaking. Mildred
Browne, May Carroll, and Florence North were elected to Swastika, and Winona Blaine, Laurelle Ray, and Mable Robb were elected to Rahes Imogue. Both organizations are
Daily staff, the hockey team and a hostess at Y. w. C. A. suppers and teas. Helene Boorse ('35) is assistant staff manager and property girl. Fanita Yoakum ('37) and Sallie Taber
C37) are on the Stanford Daily staff. Betty inter-sorority groups on this campus. On Camm ('34) is in the graduate school and Founders' Day, we held a joint celebration
dinner-dance at the Mayfair Hotel.
A Lambda started the year in a completely redecorated home and showed her new possessions to her friends at an open house. The whole chapter enjoyed the hospitality of Sigma during the three-day District Conven-
horses. The sides of the float were decorated with bars of music and words from the song. In athletics, we entered the inter-sorority hockey tournament, and are now engaged in volleyball. Then, too, we have been making scrap books for the Crippled Children's Hos- pital and collecting articles of clothing for poor families. Dorothy Browne and Winona
an absence of two years. Another hostess at the Y. W. C. A. suppers and teas is Martha Springer. Muriel Pleasant ('37) sings in the choir and Glee Club and plays in golf matches. Alice Coen ('37) was in the telegraphic arch- ery meet. Janet Turner ('36) is on the busi-
Louise Zeek, and following the tea, we held initiation services for Florence North.
Q After the homecoming game we enter- tained alumna? and friends at an informal tea. Lois Stringfellow, our president, was

Helen Gilchrest ('35) is with us again after with the alumna? at a tea at the home of

chosen as an attendant to the homecoming also president of the Y . W . C. A., Patricia
queen, while Lucille Bailey, who had the lead in the homecoming play, is one of our sopho- more members. She and Mary Jane Car- others were recently initiated into Ye Merrie Players. T h e active chapter was entertained by a trio of pledges composed of Juanita Smith, Jane Pearce and Leolyn Miller at our tea-dance held at the Oxford College Ball- room this fall. T h e y are to be featured soon at an All-Student Assembly and will sing with the campus orchestra. The group is known as the AOII Trio. Leolyn made the varsity hockey team while Virginia Weyman, Wilma Lang, Kathryn Benedict, Willa Jane Thomps-
son and Jean Finkbone made the freshman soccer team. T w o of our pledges were in- vited to join Madrigal Club, one of the oldest musical organizations on the campus.
O i l W e were fortunate in having as fall visitors Edith Anderson, who came dur- ing fall rushing, and Mrs. Breckinridge of the Frontier Nursing Service, who was our lunch- eon guest. Mrs. Breckinridge talked to us and our luncheon guests, the deans of women, about the work of the Frontier Nursing Serv-
ice in the Kentucky Mountains. On the staff of the Michiganensian we find Stella Glass as women's editor, Mary Alice Baxter as one of the four junior editors, and Betty Miller and Ruth Sonnanstine on the lower staff. Laura Zimmerman is on the business staff; Billy Griffiths is vice president of Women's League and a member of Comedy Club. Working on the various League committees, we find Polly Woodward, chairman of the World Fellow- ship committee; Laura Zimmerman on the Theatre and Art committee; Edith Forsythe, children's play committee; Ruth Sonnanstine, Merit System chairman; Patricia Woodward, Orientation Week committee; Delta and Stella Glass and Betty Miller, social committee. Mary Alice, Edith, Dorothea Davenport, Eleanor Heath and Gerda Stanger are all altos in the university choral union. Mary Alice is librari-
Spearman is president of Lotus-Eaters, an in- tersorority organization composed of fresh- man and sophomore girls, to promote friend- liness among sororities. Lela F r y is also a member. Robin Eastes and Eloise Robinson are members of Bachelor-Maids, a junior- senior organization with the same purpose as Lotus-Eaters. We have several girls in Co- Editors, a freshman-sophomore literary club. These are Patricia Spearman, Virginia Car- son, Grace Snell. Shirley Kirkpatrick, Winn Ownbey, Martha Snell, and Ellen Henry are members of Scribblers, a junior-senior liter- ary club. Robin Eastes was chosen to sponsor the Vanderbilt-Tennessee game on November 17, the homecoming game. Nu Omicron won
second place in the swimming meet sponsored by the Woman's Athletic Association. Lor- aine Binkley and Margaret Thompson won first place in the side stroke and twenty-yard free style events, respectively. The actives have entertained twice for the pledges, with our annual pledge dance and with an open house following pledge service. The pledges themselves entertained the pledges of the other
sororities with a kid party which proved to be quite a novelty and was thoroughly enjoyed. The pledges also served a banquet on the night of December 8, in commemoration of the founding of Nu Omicron, at which time they also presented a clever stunt.
an of the Stanley Chorus. Patricia, in addi- garet Lyman is secretary of the junior class; tion to being vice president of the Student June Bayless is sophomore class treasurer;
Christian Association, is manager of the rifle team and is busy arranging tournaments with other schools. Betty Evans is on the W . A. A. Board, a member of the swimming club and holds* along with Laura and Pauline Wood- ward, positions on the Cabinet of the Outdoor Club. Stella and Betty are members of the Crop and Saddle Club. We have entered volleyball and basketball teams in the intra- mural tournaments and are forming a bowl-
Kathleen King ('38) is vice president of the freshman class. Dorothy Smith C35) and Kathryn Crow ('35), our Cap and Gown rep- resentatives, were chosen to * K # at the fall election of members. Intra-mural sports are engaging much of our time. We increased our total standing a number of points in the December annual swimming meet. Dalia Peet ('37) took first honors in the back stroke com- 'petition. Nancy Poore ('38) proved her
ing team. Stella and Billie hold committee superiority in the side stroke races and our positions in the senior class and Ruth is on relay teams also did their bit in the final
the executive committee of the junior class. Among the seventy-four alumna?, actives, and pledges who attended Founders' Day banquet was the membership of Beta Gamma Chapter. Mary AJice Emmett, Edith Forsythe and Laura Zimmerman attended Beta Gamma's installation earlier in the fall.
NO We are quite proud of our representa- tives in many phases of Vanderbilt life this year. Winn Ownbey, our president, is
scoring. Gwen Bittle ('37) and Vivian Gies ('37) have developed into expert shuftleboard performers and reached the finals during the tournament as Omicron's representatives. Our basketball team shows great promise in prac- tice sessions and we are beginning to look to- ward another championship this year after several lean seasons. We followed our usual custom of observing Founders' Night with buffet supper at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Morgan, the actives and pledges being
An informal spaghetti supper was held at
the home of Bessie Mitchell on October 9, at the conclusion of formal pledging, in honor of the newcomers. On October 17 a lovely tea was given by Mrs. Robert S. Young, one of our patronesses and the mother of Elizabeth Y oung ( E x . *29), for the actives, pledges, alumnae, and patronesses. Evelyn!Roth ('35), Omicron's president, and Peggy Blackburn ('38), president of the pledges, were in the receiving line. Evelvn Roth is battalion sponsor for the University R. O. T. C. Mar-

home on State Street. Other parties this vear. besides rushing teas, have been our annual fall tea-dance, and bi-weekly Sunday night suppers, and the Founders' Day luncheon, prepared by
the guests of the alumnae for the occasion.
Dean Harriet Greve ('06) was master of cere-
monies and Mrs. Anderson's greetings and
\jr - Perry's letter were read to us by Alice
Calhoun Cox ('13). Fay Morgan, our alumna the alumna?. On the last occasion the alum-
H In recent elections, Mildred Rae Shaw
was named assistant cheer-leader for ^ Psi chapter girls are now very much at
Newcomb College, and Halcyon Colomb and
Adele Heaton were elected cheer leaders for
the senior and freshman classes, respectively.
Halcyon was also elected to ON, honorary jour-
nalism fraternity, and the Turk Club, an under-
graduate association to promote school spirit.
Other Alpha O's elected to T.U.R.K. were
Mildred Shaw and Elizabeth Scales. Dorothy Euhrle has been elected to become a member Brumby had a role in the November presenta-
tion of the Dramatic Club, Barrie's "Twelve-
Pound Look," directed by Virginia Freret. In
December, Glendy Culligan and Virginia
Payed parts in a three-act play, "Miss Nellie
the first Campus Night of the year, directed Directress of Women, Miss H. Jean Craw- by Halcyon Colomb. The committee that ford, in honor of Mrs. Thomas S. Gates, wife
planned the annual junior party for the fresh- of ihe president of the University of Penn- men was headed bv Janice Torre. Alpha sylvania. We were privileged to have with us, Omicron Pi had two girls on Newcomb bas- Edith H. Anderson, on the occasion of our ketball teams, Sarah Douglas and Adele Hea- Founders' Day ceremonies.
ton. On the third Friday in November we
entertained the mothers of the actives and P At Homecoming this year Rho chanter promises at a tea at Mrs. McLellan's lovely won two new cups, for house decorations
and for frolics. Virginia Sanders ('35), the
of New Orleans." Ann Kelly, Adele Heaton,
and Mildred Shaw were on the program of entertainment at a formal tea given bv our
and Aldene Kizler were chosen as second best sophomore class and treasurer of the Fresh-
dressed couple at the Puff-Pant Prom. The man Honor Society. We have two of the girls of Phi were happy to have as their guests, three girl cheer-leaders, Helen Wollman and
adviser, was the speaker of the evening.
na? presented a much-appreciated gift to the active chapter, a redwood cupboard in which to keep our ritual robes.
Phi was greatly pleased to have as their
guest for a short time during rush week, IIA We are first in scholarship in the Pan-
Edith Huntington Anderson, as she was on her ^ay to visit a western chapter. We were very pleasantly surprised when we arrived back at
hellenic group, second onlv to the Jew- ish sorority, B2II. A chanter of Mortar Board was installed on December 8. Helen Wollman,
the house this fall, to find that the Kansas president; Evelyn Brumbaugh, secretary, and
City Alumnae had had the walls of the living
rooms and the dining room redecorated, and
at Thanksgiving time they had the kitchen re-
decorated. Ruth Pyle, Lois Lippitt, Alice
Wesley, Velma Markham, Betty Brown, Jane
Lewis, and Aldene Kizler are in the Women's
Glee Club. Lois Lippitt and Alice Wesley are
in the Dean's Choir. Ruth Pyle, Alice Wesley,
Jane Lewis, Lois Lippitt, and Aldene Kizler tary of State, at a luncheon. We gave a tea
have been chosen for the Christmas Vespers in October in honor of our new housemother,
Chorus, a chorus made up of ninety voices Mrs. Louella Martin, from New York City. selected from the entire student body. Ruth Our girls hold many offices on the campus.
Pyle is president of T2, honorary dancing so- Martha Cannon is the new secretary-treasurer roritv. again for the second year. Lois Lippitt of the Student Government Association. Betty
was elected to ITA0, honorary education so- Quirk is secretary of the junior class and
rority. Margaret Schwartz is secretary of women's editor of the yearbook. Mary Alice the Y. W. C. A. Ruth and Duane Coe are Worthen is president of the Y.W.C.A. Mary
both members of the rifle team. Velma Mark- Stallings is womens' editor of the school mag- ham is a member of Spanish Club, and Rachel azine. Flora Waldman is secretary of the
Shetlar is a member of German Club. Ruth
seventeen girls from Zeta, who came down for Sophia Hoenes. Helen is also president of the Kansas-Nebraska football game. Found- Panhellenic; Betti Buschman and Helen Woll-
ers' Day was observed at the chapter house man are members of er, honorary Home Eco-
on December 8, with a formal dinner. Nine nomics Society. On pledge day we pledged girls from the active chapter attended the eight girls, and they have every freshman class
Founders' Day Banquet given by the Kansas office. Barbara Judd is secretary, Dorothy
City Alumnae, in Kansas City, Friday night.
Ho'<" s is women's representative, and Eleanor Quirk is historian. We enjoyed Ann Nichols' visit so very much.
Mary Stallings are our members. We wel- comed our alumnae back at a buffet supper both at the anniversary of the founding of our chapter and Homecoming. Evelyn Brum- baugh was pledged to #K#, having the high- est scholastic average in the college of Arts and Science. Early in the year we entertained the Honorable Sumner Wells, Assistant Secre-
home in their new house at 124 South 36th Street, Philadelphia. T h e scholarship ring for the past vear went to Edna Diehl. Betty Bal- birnie and Pinkie Davis have been unusually active in the dramatic work of the Zelosophic Society this semester. Betty Preston ( E A ) is living in at the Psi house this year. Helen
of the Campus German honorary society. E s - tella Von Hagen was elected Feature Editor of the Bennett News, weekly indication of the women students at the University. Frances Weaver, one of our pledges, assisted in the

chapter social chairman, was in charge of both pledges. The interest in activities has been stunts, assisted by Margaret Rowe ('35), and very good. Jean Kennedy ('36) has been ap- Virginia Liddle ('35) on the house decorations; pointed the head of badminton, a major in- Harriet Rossi ('35) and Anne Higgins ('35), tramural sport. Virginia Simpson ('36), Jean with the costumes; Mildred Boehm ('35) and Kennedy ('36), and Jane Lovell ('36) received Jessalyn Malmgren ('36) with the dance for their junior appointments on Vocational Guid- Frolics. T h e girls dancing were Jessalyn ance. Patricia Appleton ('37), and Louise L e u - Malmgren ('36), Virginia Liddle ('35), Mil- enberger ('38) are active on Personnel. Mari- dred Boehm ('35), Phyllis Poetter ('38), Dor-
othea Stuclik ('38), and Jean O'Donnell ('38). That same week-end, Rho Corporation held its annual alumnae banquet at the house. T h e pledges were introduced at that time and pro- vided the entertainment later in the evening. Margery Drcyc-r ('36), is on the Junior Com- mission, Virginia Sanders ('35) is on the Senior Commission, and Isabel Queen ('37), on the Sophomore Commission. Jessalyn Malm- gren ('36) was initiated into Shi-Ai as the sorority's junior member. She is also Admin- istration Editor and co-circulation manager of the 1936 Syllabus. Other girls working on
the yearbook are Elsa Junker ('37), Betty Pat-
terson ('37). and Judith Baird ('37), who has
charge of the subscription drive in the house.
Ardis Olscn ('35) was selected for the Uni-
versity A Cappella choir. Pi Lambda Theta,
on Force ('37), Janet Elliot ('36), and Marian Smith ('38), are on Little Theater, while Dor- is Robinson ('38), Barbara Gale ('38) and Rosemary Kruse ('37) are on A. S. U. C. Tea Committees. In late October, Sigma was hos- tess to the District Convention. Our fall in- formal was held in November at the St. Fran- cis Hotel in San Francisco with Betty Arm- strong ('37), in charge. On November 26, Sigma Chapter and the alumnae chapters cele- brated Founders' Day with a delightful ban- quet. We had a Christmas party for twenty
orphans on December 3, and with the celebra- tion of our own party that night, the semes- ter's activities came to a close.
T On December 1, a party was held at the chapter house in honor of the pledges; Irma Hammerbacher, Susan Stewart, Sylvia
honorary education fraternity, has recently-
elected Alice Eichhorn ('35) to membership. Striegl, Esther Sethney, Mary Stone, Antoi-
This vear, Jean MacLean ('38), Bettv Snyder ('38), Ardis Olsen ('35), Kaye Stahmer (36), and Nita Potter ('38), are in Daughters of
nette Bernath, Lois Hanson, Jeanette Ecklund, Jean Ashton, Jane L a Blant, Charlotte T es- chan and Evelyn Pearson enjoyed the hospital-
Neptune. Jeanette Carling ('38), Ruth Len- ity of Eta Chapter the week-end of the Min- cione ('38) and Delphine Wilson ('37), are nesota-Wisconsin football game. Our presi-
working on the Vocational Guidance Commit- dent, Irma Hammerbacher, marched fourth in tee of the W. S. G. A., of which Tsabel Queen line at the^ Military Ball, having received an
('37) is chairman. When Catherine Lang ('35) honorary Cadet Colonel commission. Irma is
pinned the sorority colors on the R. O. T. C. Battalion I I I at the Navy Day exercises, L u - cille Goodman ('37) acted as her assistant. Lucille is a transfer from Alpha T au Chapter. The pledges entertained the actives at a party at the home of Merva Dolsen Hennings ('10), one of Rho's founders. T h e chapter gave a faculty dinner in honor of Mrs. Mary Breck- inridge when Mrs. Breckinridge was visiting the house this fall. Mary Bailey ('35) is pledge captain for H 2 # , honorary classical language fraternity, to which Margery Drey-
er ('36) has just been pledged. Betty Pat- terson ('37) is on the E . C. A. Dance Com- mittee, and Nita Potter ('38), Isabel Queen ('37), and Anne Higgins ('35) served on vari- ous homecoming committees. Lucille Good- man ('37), Jackie Jones ('38), and Blanche Eggman ('38) have been working on the Set- tlement Committee of the Y . W . C. A., fixing Christmas stockings for the settlement chil- dren. Isabel Queen was in charge of this. The chapter and alumnae celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet at the Orrington Hotel
in Evanston. At that time the ring for the most outstanding pledge of last year was awarded to Isabel Queen ('37). T h e Mothers' Club recently gave a benefit bridge and are buying some new furniture for the house from the proceeds.
S Our informal, a cabaret dance, was held in September in honor of our sixteen new
also the treasurer of W. A. A., senior class council member, president of A K T , dental hy- gienists' sorority and chairman of executive committee for freshman week. She is also the interprofessional representative of W. S. G. A., Vivian Murray, Louise Casey and Su- san Stewart also being on the committee. Alpha O's on the rifle marksmanship squad are: Margaret Jerome, Melissa Robbins, A n - nette Scroggins, Jean Behrends and Mary Putman. Genevieve Mattson was the captain of the recent Ski-U-Mah subscription drive in which we received second place. Mildred Dud- ding was the second best saleswoman on the
campus. Rachel Frisvokl and Susan Stewart answer roll call at A # A , national honorary Art sorority; Rachel is also co-publicity chair- man. Sylvia Striegl has charge of the Gopher pictures for the house. Alice Eylar is a rep- resentative of the W. S. G. A. sophomore council, Y. W. C. A. sophomore cabinet and W. A . A . unorganized sports. Bette Sommer recently appeared in the play, "Makeshift," presented by the Masquers, dramatic club. Bar- bara Tyson is the freshman representative for the Minneapolis Business Women's Club. Gifts
of food, clothing and dimes were put in the Christmas box on Founders' Day. We also pledged the Community Fund drive. We owe a great deal to our Mothers' Club for the splendid support they have given us this year. They gave a bridge party December 10, to raise money to redecorate the town girls' dormitory;

and we are proudly displaying the new trophy
47 bers of the Collection staff of The DePauzv.
The Mirage editorial staff is represented by Mary Evelyn Martin and Harriet Knapp; the Business staff by Helen Burress. Lydia Camp- bell is treasurer of the American Guild of Organists. Mary Evelyn Martin made Duzer Du, dramatic fraternity, and 0 2 # . She is also a member of Der Deutscher Bund. Martha Ellen Rector is a member of DePauw wom- en's debate team. Ruth Brautigam, Lucille Klauser, Janette Fisher, and Martha McKin- ney are members of the Education Club.
@H We are quite thrilled this year, since
we are embarking on a new venture—
an apartment. The Mothers' Club furnished
the four rooms—living room, sitting room,
dinette and kitchen, dressing room, and bath.
Jane Hupman (P '34), having been sent to
c a?c
they gave us.
Mrs. Charlotte Kearney, our District Su-
perintendent, was here for a few days during rush season. After pledging eight girls we have enjoyed many parties together—a Chinese party on the night of pledging, a skating party, a .Sunday afternoon tea, a steak fry on the crest of Shades mountain. Be- fore our active meetings on Tuesday, we have lunch served in the sorority rooms. Our an- nual dance was given on December 5. The members were presented in a "leadout" as they stepped through a huge red rose. O u r chapter took a very active part in the How- ard-Southern parade before the annual game, and decorated three Austin cars with balloons and crepe paper and had sorority letters on
sponsor; Sara Dominick, K A sponsor; Sarah Griffith and Anne Ratliff, Y . M. C. A. spon- sors; Idalene Fuller and Mary Jane Wing, Co-ed Council sponsors; Louise Stange, parade sponsor on Miss Birmingham Southern's float. Tau Delta received the silver loving cup for highest scholarship among sororities again this year. Sarah Griffith, Martha Lynn Thomp- son, and Anne Ratliff are president, vice presi- dent, and secretary-treasurer, respectively, of the Freshman Commission. Mary Jane Wing is vice president of the Co-ed Council, presi- dent of the Classical Club, and secretary of H2#. Nancy Kate Gilbert is treasurer of the junior class. Nancy Kate and Louise Stange were elected to the Amazon Club, an inter- sorority organization.
@ We were exceedingly honored to have as our guests, Mary Dee Drummond and Mrs. Thomson. Mrs. Drummond spoke to Panhel- lenic Council about our National Philanthropic work and we feel that Theta Chapter bene- fited immensely by her visit. Theta women are still prominently participating in DePauw's activities. Mary Garrison Walker, our presi- dent, is also president of W. S. A., member of 8 2 # , #21, and treasurer of Mortar Board. Janette Fisher, a senior, is president of the Panhellenic Council. She is also concert-mis- tress of the DePauw symphony of which L u - cille Klauser, Katblene Magenity, Mary Evelyn Martin, Helen Morton and Harriet Jean Wright are members. Helen Morton is a member of the concert band. Martha McKin- ney is a member of W. S. A. Board, which or- ganization also includes Ruth Locke, Ruth Brautigam, Harriet Knapp, Maribeth Homer, Peg Kyle, Marian Sykes, and Nancy Gavin. Peg Kyle is a member of #21, Mirage Board of Control, Panhellenic Council, A . W . S. Board, and W. S. A. Harriet Knapp and Nancy Gavin are new members of Niad, swim- ming club. Lucille Klauser is our representa- tive in Latin Club and is also secretary of the senior class. Marian Sykes is a member of the Freshman Committee. Science Club is repre-
sented by Maribeth Homer and Mary Ellen Fine. Harriet Knapp, Helen Burress, Mary Evelyn Martin, and Lydia Campbell are mem-
ored us by being the first guest to stay over- night in the apartment. After a very suc- cessful rush season, we pledged nine girls. On October 26, we held our formal pledge dance at the Cincinnati Club. On December 7 we held an impressive Founders' Day banquet at the Vernon Manor. Margaret Mayer ('35) is president of the Sociology Club; Gladys Roberts ('35) is captain of Guidon, national honorary sister society of Scabbard and Blade; and Jeannette Merk ('35) is president of the Junior League of Women Voters, as well as a member of Mortar Board.
Y Fall initiation was held at the chapter house on Sunday evening, October 21, fol- lowed with a supper honoring our two initi- ates. A few weeks ago "Judy" Hauseman, our new District Superintendent, visited us for a few days. While she was here jve gave a formal dinner in her honor, having also as honor guests the Dean of Women and the Associate Dean of the University. Our house- mother, Mrs. Forsythe, had a birthday a few weeks ago, so at dinner we presented her with a lovely cake and her gift, surprising her as much as the rushees who had dinner with us that night. A costume party and three ex- change dinners kept us busy fall quarter and on November 24 our alumnae gathered at the house for a Homecoming reunion. During the evening our pledges were presented to the alumnae. Following the introduction Doris Berry played and sang the AOII sweetheart song which she composed. Gladys Phillips, prominent in campus activities and former president of Mortar Board, played her violin.
Z The formal pledging of eleven new girls, which took place on October 4, was fol- lowed by a dinner which both old and new- members attended. Since then we have pledged two other girls and initiated five girls into the active chapter. When our President, Edith Huntington Anderson, honored us with a short visit on September 20, we all had an opportunity to meet and talk with her at the luncheon given in her honor at the chapter house. We entertained at a buffet luncheon, which about thirty alumnae and parents at-
top of the cars. Sue Jordan rode as ATJ2 Cincinnati on a case by Bland Morrow, hon-

tended, before seeing the Iow a-N ebraska
football game on October 13. After the game
we entertained at a tea-dance which was at- D. Anderson of Sioux City, Iowa. Eleanor
tended by about thirty couples. A n d on October 14,the rooms were lit with numerous candles and decorated with several bouquets of Jacqueminot roses in silver vases for the tea which we gave in honor of our new housemother, Mrs. Jessie Angle, who comes here from Northwestern University. Elsie Ford Piper and Mrs. C. A. Reynolds, two of our most active alumna?, poured, and about two hundred invitations were issued to the fraternity and sorority sponsors, sorority pres- idents, members of the alumna? association, members of the Mothers' Club, and faculty members. On October 16 we all attended th e a n n u a l P a n h e l l e n i c b a n q u e t w h i c h w a s
held at the Cornhusker Hotel. W e entertained our Dean of Women, Miss Amanda Heppner, and assistant Dean of Women, Miss Piper, at a dinner on October 17. Dad's day was observed on the campus the day of the Ames- Nebraska game on October 27, at which time many of us attended a luncheon in honor of our dads and an all-university party in the evening. The day of the Pittsburgh-Nebraska game, November 10, another luncheon was held for the alumna? and parents, and a tea- dance after the game, to which representa- tives of each fraternity on the campus came. Alumna? who came from out of town were Phyllis Ridle, Myra Grimes, W illa Perry, Harriet Nesladeck, Margaret Upson, and La- bile Hendricks. Making the trip to Lawrence, Kansas, for the game the next Saturday, No- vember 17, were Muriel Hock, Pauline Rey- n o ld s , A l l e n e M u m a u , I n e z H e a n e y , L u c i l e Berger, Clover Beckman, Margaret Kerl, Helen Humphrey, Marian Craig, Catherine Carver, Happy Kean, and Betty Temple. On Sunday evening, November 25, we entertained
at a buffet supper at the chapter house. About tw enty-five couples w ere present. A llen e Mumau and Eleanor Pleak were members of a committee in charge of making arrange- ments for the national convention of T A X , woman's honorary advertising sorority, which was held in Lincoln October 12 and 13. Four Alpha Omicron Pi's. Muriel Hook, Lorraine Hitchcock, Mary Virginia (Happy) Kean, and Jane Temple, were among the sponsors for the companies and battalions in the Re- serve Officers Training Corps, and were pre- sented at the annual m ilitary ball on D e- cember 7. The Mothers' Club has gotten un- der way with plans for a busy year. Twenty-
five were present at the luncheon held at the chapter house on October 12,the first meeting of the year. The alumna? made the plans for the Founders' Da>' banquet, held December 11, following a buffet dinner at which Mrs. W. S. Culver was hostess at her home. There were about twenty present and the committee which made plans for the banquet included Mesdames Harold Hein, Herman Witte, and Perry Morton. Two of our alumna?, Helen Klein and Mildred W right, have been married this fall. Helen became the bride of Harold N. Olson of Orleans at a wedding which took
Jones, an alum na from W ym ore who grad- uated last January, has received an appoint- ment recently to teach kindergarten at Broken Bow, Nebraska. Both Helen Klein and Dorothea Kropp will have their work dis- played in an exhibition of the College Art Association in New York, having been two of the fifteen selected by the fine arts depart- ment of the University of Nebraska to repre- sent the school in the exhibit.
M a y Hibbard.
A*—Dorothy Searle, Cascade; Harriet Gilchrist,
Miles City; Carolyn Batch, Dorothy Brazelton, Hel- ena; Margaret Moser, Butte; Irene Johnson, Great Falls; Glen Breneman, Anaconda; Mary Anna Boyd, Wyola; a n d Edith Watson, Glasgow.
AP—Ardath Sneed, June Wheeler, Nellie Leicht, Eleanor Snyder, Helen Burfeind, Carrie Oliver.
AS—Virginia McCorkle, Joyce Newberg, Margaret Adele Martin, Mary Jane Piper, Ann Herrenkohl,
place Saturday m orning, Novem ber 24. Mil- dred was married on November 29 to Robert
Portland; Violet Gladys Battleson, Carolyn Grannis, Modesto, Calif.
Jones, Canby; Cottage
Renee Bette
Hempy, Beckley, Doris
Eugene; Elkton; Holmes,
AT—Margaret Adams, Coshocton; Virginia Babb, Xenia; Beverly Berman, Lake wood; Emma Collins, Newfane, N . Y . ; Mary Louise Holaday, East Cleve- land ;_ Clara Jorgensen, Lakewood; Martha Jump, Martins Ferry; Jean Klingstedt, Canton; Mary- Rei- ter, Pittsburgh, P a . ; Beatrice Uncapher, Marion; Nancy Warner, Morristown, Pa.,and Margery Wilt- gen. Schenectady, N . Y .
_ BK—Madeline Margaret Knox, Vancouver.
B*—Portia Adams, Calista A n n
Beecher, Frances Bavlor, Mary June Cave, Geneva Crayden, Deloris Drabing, Florence Griffith, Marcella Lawler, Marjorie Michaelis, Candace Puckett, E v a Mae Schwab, Nora Sullivan, Phyllis Traxler, Marv Whitely.
BT—Eileen Dorman.
X—Dorothy M . Jaggers, Eleanor M . Schaefer. XA—Margaret Smith, Frances Evans^ Boulder ; Mil-
dred Gramcko, Denver; Betty Kittle, Douglas, Wyo.; Ann Miller, Patrice Miller, Crested Butte.
A—Elizabeth Dunn, Nancy Ellis, Charlotte Newton.
A*—Marguerite Andrews, Eleanor Hatchell, Mar- garet Simpson.
E—Leila Crowell, Ruth Becker, Marian Harden, Adelaide Hartwell, Elizabeth Johnson, Rosemary Laity, Helen McCaffrey, Marian Owen, Inez Squas- soni, Caroline Thro, Harriet V a n Inwagen, Margaret Weeks. Ruth Williams.
H—Dorothy Jane Schaller, Virginia Huwen, Vivi- enne Wetter.
T—Henrietta Cliff, Geneva Epstein, Phyllis Ham- ilton, Louise Hastings, Charlotte Miller, Ruth Perry, Elizabeth Philbrook, Claire Saunders, Madeline Rous- sin. Naida Sanders, Elizabeth Shiro, Margaret Sewall, Elizabeth Story, Louise Steves, Margaret Thayer.
I—Helen Berg, Mary Bradney, Maxine Cosgrove, Jane Wendell, Marilyn Isley, Doris Calvin, Marita Hennessy, Frances Hennessy, Marjorie Lewis, Jean Forster, June Mershimer, Helen Longmire, Phyllis Burns, Betty Jayne Wagner, Janet Shute, Marjorie Wyatt, Phoebe Sells, Doris Krevis, Catherine Dolch, and Mary Harrington.
K—Martha Chastain, Mary Alice Peebles, Helen Fitzhugh, Suzanne Eggleston, Vera Dickens, Peachy Booker, Sarah Lucy, Virginia Strother, Dorothy Webb, Dorothy Morgan, Linda Catherine Terry, Jane Darrow, Jane Minetree, Alice Heard, Margaret Priest, Marv Elizabeth Wilson, Charlotte Granberry, Marion Shelton. Ellen Taylor, Ruth Sale, Ella Crad- dock, Frances Stokely.
KQ—Margaret Stockard, Rebecca Laughlin, Eugenia Tully, A n n Jeter, Alice Hagler, Blanche Boyd. A n n Clark Miller, Virginia Cunningham. Jean Dolan, Janet Tucker, Grace Waring, all of Memphis; Eliza- beth Cobb of Helena. Arkansas, and Mary Sands Dreisback of Mobile, Alabama.

JAN UARY, 1935
K o Okla Taylor, Annabelle Kirk, Jane Shean,
\t»rr Elizabeth Wallace, Virginia Champney, Beth c.raiion, Beatrice Campbell, Ruth Movius.
49 Reader,
Br—Marguerite Cork, Helen
Gretchen Appel, Irene Wager, Margaret Millar, Louise Gregory, Myrtle Winslow, and Ethel Marie Janson. T h e pledges are: Marie Tenny, Donna Sigs- by, Laura Kronquist, Barbara Bemis, Donna Mes- senger, Dorothy Jackson, and Louise Muncie.
BK—Florence Adeline Barbaree, Rosemary Hum- phries Edmonds, Dorothy Jean Rennie, N e w West- minster, B . C.; Donna L . L . Moorhouse, Vancouver; Valetta Beatrice (Betty) Morris, Matsqui; Lillian Robins Walker, Brentwood B a y .
AT—Marie Dray, Youngstown, Swissvale, P a .
a n d Nellie
F rbe=. Klizabeth Garrett. Wviinfred Holloman.
Kg Madeline Baldwin, Jean Ballinger, Lois Becker, tfathrvn Benedict, Muriel Booth, Rebecca Davis, t>an Finkbone, Josephine Fisher, Martha Giffen, Martha Kline, Wilma Lang, Alta Laub, Leolyn
Mildred Monteith, E . Tane Pearce, Marilyn
L e e , Maxine
worth, Jane Miller, Isabel Bruington, Darlyn Dowell.
DC -„
+—Elizabeth Balbirnie, Mary Winter, Gertrude Jennings.
P—Dorothy Sprafka, Dorothy Bartholomew, Del- phine Wilson.
2—Susan Crane, Jean Kuerzel, Gertrude Layman.
T—Helen Fisher, Proctor; Lorraine Kleinman, S t. Paul; Jane L a Blant, Mary Putnam, Minneapolis; Dorothy Schroeder, Morton.
TA—Marian Bruce, Idalene Fuller, Nancy Kate Gilbert, Rufie Holloway, Louise Stange, Mary Jane Wing.
9H—Marie Huwe.
T—Betty Poindexter, Mary Belle Wickersham. Z—Janet Swift, Inez Heaney, Lincoln; Jane
Temple (a sister), Lincoln; Margaret Kerl, West Point; Ellen Srb, Dwight.
Lake Forest 1935 Convention Site
ting background for our simple and inspiring ritual services. The lovely Tiffany window above the heavy panelled door, the tall spire piercing the heavens, and the majestic trees all combine to give you a picture you will never forget.
Spacious law ns, paths up and dow n the wooded ravines, tennis courts, horseback rid- ing, golf, a swimming pool, and an outdoor theatre are going to be a delight to everyone. Furthermore, one of the grandest things is that we will have our own private beach— long, wide, and clean. For miles the light sandy margin stretches with hardly a thing to interrupt it save a sudden change of the shore line. In fact we are almost afraid that this will prove too alluring, for nowhere can
s t I f
_ _ A n n Adams, Carroll Berly, Lorraine Blanks, Frances Ilradley, Mildred Browne, Helen
al-Frances Early, Clementine Early, Nancy Poore,
Anne Prater, Josephine Harris, Peggy Blackburn,
Nona Lee Brown, Kathleen King, Nanette Manning,
Helen Jennings, Knoxville; Barbara Kiser, Mary-
Crawford, Birmingham, Alabama; Eleanor Noell, Norris; Evelyn Holman, Fayetteville; Clara Haw- kins, Hartlett; E v a Duncan Hawkins. Memphis; Harvey Banks, Hernando, Mississippi; Katherine Tavlor, LaFollette.
A Adele Heaton, Cita Goodell, A n n Kelly, Jerry O'Connor, Donna Lemarie, N a n Davis, Marjorie Lemarie, and Dorothy Colomb, all from N ew Orleans, and Emily Jane Carter, Jackson, Miss.; Sarah Tay- lor liirmingham, a n d Martha Brumby, Franklin.
IIA—Barbara Judd, Pasadena, Calif.; Virginia Webb. Dorothy W oolf, Eleanor Quirk, Dorothy Hobbs, Mary Virginia Conway, Dolores Piozet, Washington, D . C . ; Katherine Kenny, Quogue, N e w York; Ruth Reville. Baltimore.
\f Dorothea Smart, Margaret McCausland, Fran- ces Weaver, M'adelon Mitchell.
p June Ahlstrand, Jeannette Carling, Katherine Dinin-. Gene Fowler. Laverne Giles. Ruth Helbig. Elizabeth Johnson, Jaqueline Jones, Elsa Junker, Ruth Lencione, Jeanne Lepine. Jean MacLean, lean O'Donnell, Ardis Olsen, Phyllis Poetter, Nita Pot- ter, Blanche Eggman, Betty Snyder, Sidonia Spinka, Dorothea Stuclik, Winnifred Austin, Betty Patterson, Dorothv Robins. . • -
2— Helen Basler, Ruth Gene Campbell, Helene Costello. Elizabeth Dooling, Janet Elliot, Elizabeth Felthause, Elizabeth Finger, Barbara Gale, Loen Goss, Janice Hesser, Rosemary Kruse, Louise Leuen- berger, Virginia Lewis, Jane Loughery, Grace Mar- shall, Margaret Nelson, Helen Patton, Doris Robin- son. Helen Rodgers, Norine Schwab, Marian Smith, Wilma Stone.
T—Antoinette Bernath, Bette Sommer, St. Paul; Elizabeth Buckbee, Marion C o x , Lois Hanson, Jane La Blant, Maxine Mair, Annette Scroggins. Barbara Tyson, Mary Whitney, Minneapolis; Jean Given, B e - midji: Florence Kettner, Excelsior; Florence M c - Donald, Spooner; Dorothy Schroeder, Morton: Jes- sie Taylor. Duluth; Margaret Tefft, Lombard.
TA—Cassie Boswell, Lois Brown, Christine Bryant, Sara Dominick, Sarah Griffith, S u e Jordan, A n n R a t - liff, Ellen Grace Reese, Martha Lynn Thompson.
9—Nancy Gavin, Kathlene Megenity, Lile Jane Payhoff. Lydia Campbell, Marian Sykes, Ruth Locke, Harriett Jean Wright, Jean Johnson, a n d Helen Morton. In the fall we initiated Mary Ellen Fine and Ruth MacNiell.
6H—Evelyn Berney, Isabella Bowden, Ellen Dun- bar, Elizabeth Koenig, Erna Kramer, Alberta Rob- inson. Sara Somes, Sue Ward, Ruth Wetterstroem.
T—Dorothy Jewell, Dorothy Jollv, Maxine Slate, Dorothy Smith. Dorothy Adams, Dorothy Dawson, Susan Koke, Iola Nicola, Nellie Thomas.
Z—Margaret Anderson, Kearney; Clover Beckman, Stromshurg, Helene Beebe, Eloise Benjamin, Vir- ginia Barnard, Dorothy Bradt. Lula L e e Marshall, Maralyn Spahn, Lincoln; Harriet Heuman (a sister), Seward. Margaret Kerl, West Point. Margorie Kry-
EA—-Jane Caterson, Helen Clymer, Jean Cousley, Doris filer, Ruth Evans, Mary Fenton, Evelyn Kray-
5jli - M ac Betty Nelms, Chattanooga; Katheryn e
Muriel Moodie, Bernice Carey. KG—Raydene
N a n
S u e Stinson, Schumacker,
ger, Neligh; Cora L e e Smith Rpsina Smith, Central City.
( a
Ar—Esther Reimann; Alice Janine Shepard.
Edith Mary Watson, Glasgow, Montana; Ro- the swimming and sunbathing be surpassed.
berta Jeanette Pond, Whitefish, Montana.
AS—Kathleen Cochran. Oak Grove; Dorothy Jen- tend convention in June. This is going to be
Better begin now to scheme and plan to at- sen. A-toria. the biggest and best convention of all time.
sen, Eugene; Ruth Carleton, Springfield; Viola Jen-
XA—Elizabeth Maloney, Littleton.
A4>—Maude Charles, Ellen L a Borde, McDonald, Carolyn McGregor Smith.
bill. a n d Regina Ryan. H—Dorothy Morbeck, Donna
Weston, Dorothea
S)—Lucille Bailey, Dorothy Brooks, Nancy C a r - mean, Mary Jane Carothers, Frances Cenfield, Carolyn Dunbar, Mary Anna Farley, Bettie Hanson, Ann Harris, Phyllis Kreuzwieser, Jeanne Long, Virginia Randt.
NO—Mary Thayer Barnhart, Imogene Bratton, Virginia Carson, Helen Harris. Margaret Emily Harvey, Prances Murrey, Louise Patton, Mary
Russell Robinson, Henrietta Sawyer, Grace Snell, Emily Taggart, Margaret Thompson, Evelyn Widell. II—Martfialee Craft, Beverly Colomb, Margaret Davis, Virginia Freret, Elizabeth Scales, N ew O r - leans; Sarah Douglas, Birmingham; Ethel Rollins, Gulfport, Miss.; Louise Scales, Columbia, Tenn.;
Harriet White, Shreveport.
nA—Betty Weaver, Ellicot City; Ruth Somerville,
Cumberland; Marjorie Higgins, Hurlock; Sophia
Hoenes, Baltimore; Claire Boeckoff, Washington,
Y oung, Cecelia Butter-

To DRAGMaM i n i m
Miss Colcord Voices Criticism The recommendation that the governmeof FERA
hnd means of putting every unemployed peson to work was concurred in by all exceone member of the committee.
-+- A PLEA to social workers to cooperate
with the New Deal in effecting permanent "We should like to see wages and housocial and economic rehabilitation rather than so adjusted," Miss Colcord said, "in compltemporary relief was made here tonight by ance with the N R A standards, as to producRexford G. Tugwell, Assistant Secretary of cash earnings which will provide a minimuAgriculture, before the National Conference subsistence without supplementary home rof Social Work. "Abandon thought of any lief. We believe that it is within the comexclusive personal mission to be or do good, petence of the nation to provide such worand sublimate the moral force of personal opportunities and within its power to pay thcharity into a sense of social responsibility," bill."
Mr. Tugwell asked. In making the recommendations, the comMan-made institutions for providing a fair mittee said that it visualized "a future exchange of goods and services, he asserted, which large numbers of people are going had failed, and the New Deal was trying to be quite permanently harrcd from participatioreconstruct those institutions to satisfy normal in the ordinary processes of industry, in whichuman needs. He denied that the New Deal the chance to work at all will be a preciouwas trying to change people, for "people are opportunity, eagerly sought after, and in whicpretty much the same, with respect to their the agencies of government will have to exerbasic wants, urges and passions, as they were cise imagination and ingenuity as never befor5,000 years ago." to develop worthwhile tasks in the publservice to use the powers which the machin"What is demanded of us in America to- has usurped."
day," he said, "is the making over of the in- Ten health and social work authorities havstitutions controlled by and operated for the summed up the national health question in benefit of the few, so that, regardless of their single sentence, Dr. Emerson said. The sencontrol, they shall be operated for the benefit tence is: "Health insurance today is thof the many. answer to the request tor a national healt"What the Old Order describes as 'rugged plan."
individualism' meant the regimentation of the Asserting that the depression was having many for the benefit of the few. The social profound effect on both the donors and thmission of the New Deal has a somewhat
higher standard of individualism—it believes recipients of health service—physicians, nursein freeing the many from the regimentation dentists, medical social workers, and the pubof the few." lic health service, on the giving side, and thTwo New Yorkers were among the speak- general public on the receiving side—Drers heard by the conference today. "A Job Emerson said:
for Every W'orker," was the theme of Miss "The public health service is learning severJoanna C . Colcord (T), director of the charily lessons in the stern laboratory of realityorganization department of the Russell Sage Sharply reduced appropriations have been foFoundation, and "Health Insurance" was the the most part a calamity, but not withousubject of D r . Kendall Emerson, director of ameliorating features. Economies have forcethe National Tuberculosis Association. a re-examination of public health services, Miss Colcord, speaking for a committee ap- ties and a closer cooperation witli related compointed by the American Association of Social munity agencies. . . .
Workers to analyze and make recommenda- "Public medicine thus far in America hations on the government's relief activities, pro- been concerned largely with the preventivposed that the United States Government aspects of health, although it lias certainly enadopt a wide work relief program that would croached to a considerable degree on the sqgive a job to every person who cannot main- called 'prerogatives' of the practicing phystain himself otherwise. cian. Experiments to extend its activities hav"Up to the announcement in January," Miss met with marked hostility on the part of orColcord said, "of the impending cessation of ganized medicine, and by no means with opencivil works, the profession of social work was arms on the part of the somewhat over-indeenthusiastic in its support of F E R A policies. pendent American citizen. Nevertheless, From that time on, however, we have found have the feeling that, should the depressionourselves less and less in accord with the re- continue, we would gradually drift along linetreat from a program of recovery into a posi- of least resistance until we had perfected tion considerably in the rear of even adequate rather complete system of public health andrelief. With regard to the program as out- private practice clearly bracketed under thlined in March and April, we would like to label 'Public Medicine'."—New York Herald register our discontent." Tribune.
weeding out of obsolete or dispensable activi

I^IJARY, 1935
Alpha O Visits in U. S. A.
HONORING Mrs. C. E. Whitamore (2),
who arrived here yesterday from China fter an absence of nearly four years, a farming luncheon and bridge party will be 2jven at the Women's Athletic Club in Oak-
members of Panhellenic fraternities, the Board of Directors has faced many unforseen prob- lems during the past two years.
Primarily, the Board of Directors believes, the Panhellenic House Association is engaged in a real estate project in which national fra- ternities have participated and which must
land by the young matron's mother, Mrs. John compensate the stock owning groups.
r. pt p Cook, on Thursday afternoon. The affair ..jj] assemble seventy guests. Luncheon in \ t main dining room of the club will be fol- lowed by bridge in the club lounge.
"The affair is one of many which will honor
. Whitamore during her five-weeks stay ti e r e before she leaves for England, where s ],e will reside for two years before returning t 0 China. She will join her son, John A n - thony, at his school, Hilltop Court, in Seaford, which is in the south of England. Next year they will be joined by Mr. Whitamore, who js in the consulate service in the Orient. Just before her departure from China, Mrs. Whita- more spent five weeks in Canton, to which city her husband has just been transferred. Their former home was in Shanghai.
Mrs. James Fleming will entertain at her San Francisco home on June 11 at a luncheon and bridge party for Mrs. Whitamore and on lime 13 she will be the guest of honor at a dinner party to be given by Mrs. W. A. Con- nolly of San Francisco. Next Saturday she will' join members of the family at a dinner party at the home of her sister, Mrs. John
J. Allen, Jr., where twenty kinsfolk will as- semble. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Ralph E . Lori- mer, sisters of Mrs. Whitamore, are also planning parties for the visitor.—Oakland, Calif., Tribune.
Panhellenic House Becomes Beekman Tower (Panhellenic)
the Panhellenic House, New York City, which in the future will be known as Beekman Tower (Panhellenic), is now being made by the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic House Association to fraternity groups throughout the country. Mrs. Frederick A. Ives, representing Alpha Omicron Pi on the Board of the Panhellenic House Association, is taking an active part in shaping plans in- volved in the change of name.
According to the announcement of the Board of Directors, Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn, president, one of the prime reasons for mak- ing the change is the necessity for increasing local patronage which should result in a future financial return to the fraternities whose orig- inal support made the House possible.
It has become increasingly evident, the an- nouncement continues, that Panhellenic House, originally intended as a hotel exclusively for women, would function better if it could en- joy general patronage. T w o years ago the first definite step was taken in this direction by making Panhellenic hospitality available both to men and women.
Because of the impression on the part of the public, resulting directly from the name Panhellenic, that the House was restricted to
With this end in view, on July 17, 1934, the Board of Directors voted to change the name of the Panhellenic to the name "Beek- man Tower (Panhellenic)," with the under- standing that the name Panhellenic be re- tained with the new name.
This step was taken after each individual director had taken the matter up with her respective fraternity group, each of which considered the matter carefully before the change was made. It was not without a pang of regret that those who built the Pan- hellenic House and worked so unceasingly for its success voted that the new name was for the best interest of the House and of the participating groups.
The announcement of the Board of Direc- tors adds, however, that the policy of the Pan- hellenic will not be changed, that the same high standards which always have prevailed will continue as before, and that the status of the Panhellenic's relationship to the fra- ternity groups will remain the same. The Beekman Tower (Panhellenic) will continue to be recognized fraternity headquarters in New York City for the accommodation of and service to fraternity members throughout the country. In addition, it will continue its functions as a center and meeting place for alumna; groups and for all active chapters in the vicinity of New York.
The New York City Panhellenic Club also will continue to maintain its headquarters at the Beekman Tower (Panhellenic) and the annual founders' day luncheons, banquets, regular monthly meetings, bridge parties, teas and other functions sponsored by fraternities active and alumna? will continue to be held at the House.
In the announcement which is being sent over Mrs. Hepburn's signature on behalf of the Board of Directors to fraternity groups and officers throughout the country, apprecia- tion is expressed for the support accorded the Panhellenic House Association by the frater- nities of the country as follows: "In the spring of this year we appealed to you for the purpose of re-enlisting the support of all fraternity women and undergraduates in the Panhellenic and since then, as shown by the decided improvement in the patronage of the House, we have had a most generous response, so that we now feel very much encouraged. Your continued interest and support are of vital importance to us."
First President of Zeta Dies
-f- CORRIS DAMON PEAKE, charter member of Alpha Omicron Pi at the University of Nebraska and first president of the local chap- ter, died Wednesday following an operation
from which she failed to rally. The family
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