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Published by bethany.triom, 2018-05-17 06:37:20

2018 TRIO PROGRAM-final

2018 TRIO PROGRAM-final




TRIO is an independent, not-for-profit, international organi-
zation committed to improving the quality of life of transplant
candidates, recipients, their families and the families of organ and
tissue donors. Through the TRIO Headquarters and a network of
chapters, TRIO serves its members in the area of:

Awareness Promoting organ and tissue donation as an important social
responsibility. Developing and supporting mechanisms
to improve the availability of organs and tissues on an
equitable basis to meet the needs of transplant candidates.

Support Providing support to transplant candidates, recipients, their
families and donor family members to help alleviate the
stresses and problems associated with the transplantation

Education Providing transplant candidates, recipients, their families
and donor family members with current information on
developments in organ and tissue donation, transplantation,
medications, social issues, and finances, as well as
information on initiatives in the field of transplantation
by federal, state and local government bodies.

Advocacy Making known to federal, state and local government
bodies the concerns and needs that affect the welfare of
transplant candidates, recipients, their families and donor
family members. Effectively communicating their views to
the general public on issues in the field of transplantation
and organ and tissue donation.

Remember and Rejoice


A Tribute to Our Donor Families

A Non-Denominational Celebration
Transplant Recipients

International Organization
TRIO Manhattan Chapter

Saturday, April 21, 2018

2:30 in the afternoon
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
New York, New York




Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise,
a baby’s face or love in the eyes of a woman
Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused
nothing but endless days of pain
Give my blood to the teen-ager who was pulled from the
wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his
grandchildren play
Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine
to exist from week to week
Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my
body and find a way to make a crippled child walk
If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses
and all prejudice against my fellow man
Give my sins to the devil
Give my soul to God
If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed
or word to someone who needs you
If you do all I have asked, I will live forever



NEW YORK, NY 10022

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Transplant Recipients International Organization, Inc.

Manhattan Chapter

PO Box 53 — Lenox Hill Station — New York, NY 10021

Facebook: TRIO Manhattan Chapter

April 21, 2018

Dear Donors, Donor Families, Transplant Recipients and Friends:

Organ donation is quite extraordinary. The words “thank you” seem too simple, hardly enough to express the
profound gratitude we have for selfless donors and families for their decision to give of themselves or their
loved ones.

We share our heartfelt gratitude for the miraculous gift of life that members of TRIO have received through
organ donation, and for those who have enhanced the lives of others through eye and tissue donation.

Thank you for joining us today to remember those who are no longer with us, who have gone on to live in
others as we cherish and celebrate their legacies. We are also here to thank those who became living donors to
help someone they know live on, and to pay homage to the altruistic living donors who gave of themselves to
help a stranger.

This is the 23rd year that we invite donor families to join us at our annual “Remember and Rejoice” service,
where we rejoice together as we treasure memories and celebrate the amazing gift you shared which is like no
other that anyone could receive in this lifetime.

I understand in a personal way, how amazing the gift of tissue donation is. My husband’s arm was saved in
1995 by a skin graft, received from a generous soul. I marvel at the thought of how different our lives would
have been without that family who said yes to tissue donation.

In my daily work with the organ procurement organization LiveOnNY over the last ten years, I have fondly
come to know the nexus of individuals who have been touched by the miracle of organ, eye and tissue
donation, many of you who are here at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral with us today. As President of the Manhattan
Chapter of TRIO, I am proud to volunteer my time to support and advocate for organ transplant recipients
alongside 29-year liver recipient Fran Dillon, who works tirelessly to coordinate our “Remember and
Rejoice” service every year, and the members of our Board of Directors who help guide us in our mission.

It is our hope that the acts of kindness of our donors and donor families who we celebrate today, and the
words we hear from our speakers will serve as an inspiration to others. As New York makes remarkable
strides toward increasing enrollment on the donor registry, reaching 31% of those 16 and older in the state,
we ask you to help spread the word so even more lives can be saved. New Yorkers can now register online to
become an organ, eye and tissue donor at

Warmest regards,

Bethany Stout-Davie
President, TRIO Manhattan Chapter


TRIO Transplant Recipients International Organization, Inc.
7055 Heritage Hunt DR, #307 • Gainesville, VA 20155
800-TRIO-386 • • [email protected]

April 21, 2018

Dear Donors and Families:

On this 23rd annual “Remember and Rejoice” ecumenical service, Transplant Recipients
International Organization, Inc., offers thanks to you for your priceless gift of life. Either through your own
living donation or supporting the donation of a loved ones’ organs, tissue or bone marrow at a time of tragedy
you extended the lives of many who were facing their own death, setting yet another new record of 34,771 organ
transplants and 6,183 living donor transplants in 2017! Just imagine: over the past 30+ years, transplantation
has saved and enhanced the lives of more than 700,000 people in the U.S. As an organ donor family, when hope
was running out, you gave them hope back through your often anonymous gift of love in organ donation.

As a heart recipient myself, living life fully going on 24 years now, I can personally attest to the benefit
your gift makes on another human being, in my own case, a father with three children who now lives a healthy
life to share with seven grandchildren, all of whom I would never have seen were it not for a gift that came out
of a terrible tragedy there in Brooklyn. How often I share that story of transplant success and Roberto’s
amazing gift of this heart, closing with a short question: “So where is Roberto’s heart today?” They’ve heard
the story of how it came to Philadelphia back in October of 1994, but slowly realizing that it is beating still
today in front of that classroom or meeting causes everyone to pause, seeing that in organ donation, in a very
real sense, a loved one lives on, touching each and every one of them these many years later.

In 2005, I fell in love with my ‘soul-mate’, Pam, , giving this new heart back in marriage to a donor
mother who had faced the loss and then donation of her 13 year old son Christopher’s organs. While riding his
bicycle, he was hit and killed by a speeding motorist talking on her cell phone. In a very different way, I am
now a loving spouse in a donor family and understand in a way few recipients can, something of the pain you
experience each day of life after such a tragic loss.

TRIO is very proud of our Manhattan Chapter, especially for its long tradition of thanking donors through
this beautiful “Remember and Rejoice” tribute to your loved ones. We join the Manhattan members in
extending heartfelt thanks for your generous donations as this wonderful tradition continues.

Events such as this “Remember and Rejoice” service offer recipients and those involved in the
transplant process an opportunity to acknowledge the generosity of donors. Now in its 31st year, as an
organization devoted to the improvement of the quality of life for transplant candidates, recipients, their families
and donor family members in the areas of donor awareness, support, education and advocacy, TRIO knows well
the importance of donors who create a future for so many who otherwise might not have had one. Because of
your generosity, someone – often more than one – has come off the 114,000+ growing waiting list for organs
and tissue to live a full life. You were part a 20% increase in transplants over the past 5 years. It is no secret that
transplantation works. However, the statistics still show that the number of donors does not nearly match the
need. It is our hope that your donation will in turn inspire others to make the same decision. You are the key to
a future without a waiting list for organs and tissue. Today, we celebrate you and thank you for your gift.


Jim Gleason
President, TRIO National Board of Directors
Heart recipient, 1994; husband to a donor mother


Procession Song: “Let It Be” sung Allison Hungate-Wood

Commentator: Bethany Stout-Davie, President, TRIO Manhattan

We have gathered in this sacred place to give praise, to offer thanks, to remember
prayerfully those who have generously donated of their bodies for the well-being of
others. As it is so often in life, this celebration is one which highlights both a joy and
a harsh love.

Presider: Rev. Thomas A. Lynch, Pastor of Our Lady of the Angels, Bronx, NY,
Living Related Kidney Donor to Brother

Let us pray:
O God, we thank you for the gift of love and life. We thank you for

bringing us together in this special worship service to celebrate those
gifts of love and life with one another. As we take time now to reflect on
your goodness, we ask for your blessings upon us so that as we remem-
ber and rejoice in your love, we may in turn strengthen one another with
the bonds of affection and gratitude that give glory to your Holy Name.

All: Amen

Presider: Let each of us be attentive to the Word of God

Reader: Anelise Noemi Feinstein Genesis 2: 18 -24

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper
who is just right for him.” So the Lord God formed from the ground all the wild ani-
mals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would
call them, and the man chose a name for each one. He gave names to all the live-
stock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. But still there was no helper
just right for him.

So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the
Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the Lord
God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man.

“At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my
flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man.’” That is why
a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one
flesh. (Some call this the first transplant ever recorded)

The Word of the Lord
All: Thanks to You, O God.


Please respond: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23

All: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Reader: He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

All: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Reader: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

All: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Reader: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

All: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Reader: Anelise Noemi Feinstein

And behold, a lawyer stood up to put the Lord to the test, saying, “Teacher, what
shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How
do you read it?” And He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and
your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do
this, and you will live.” But he, desiring to justify himself, said, “Teacher, and who
is my neighbor?”

He replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among
robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. Now
by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on
the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed
by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and
when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds,
pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an
inn and took care of him. And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them


to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will
repay you when I come back.’ Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a
neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed
him mercy.” And the Teacher said to him, “You go, and do likewise.”

The Word of the Lord

All: Thanks to You, O God.
Homily: Rev. Thomas A. Lynch Pastor, Our Lady of the Angels, Bronx, NY
Living-related Kidney Donor to Brother


Linda Addonizio, MD
Director, Program for Pediatric Cardiomyopathy,
Heart Failure & Transplantation

NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center

Helen Irving, RN, MBA
President & CEO, LiveOnNY

Andy Brattain
Liver Recipient, 2018

Noemi Castro-Feinstein
Double Cornea Recipient. 2004 & 2008

Natalie Benavides
Altruistic Kidney Donor, 2016

Vice President, External Affairs - LiveOnNY

Margaret O’Reilly
Donor Mom, Mother of Stephen Valsechi

Donor Advocate

Song: “You & Me Against the World ” sung by Jerrod Sanders



Please light your candle now.

Presider: Rise up in splendor! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines
upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the
peoples; But upon you the Lord shines, and over you appears his
glory. Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining
radiance. No longer shall the sun be your light by day, nor the bright-
ness of the moon shine upon you at night. The Lord shall be your light
forever, your God shall be your glory. No longer shall your sun go
down, or your moon withdraw, for the Lord will be your light forever,
and the days of your mourning shall be at an end.
(Isaiah 60: 1-3, 19-20)

Song: “Good Night My Angel ” sung by Allison Hungate-Wood

Distribution of Roses to Donor Families by
Tinamarie Sammon

Kidney & Pancreas Recipient
Laura Sammon-Linton

Living Kidney Donor to sister, TinaMarie
Paula Liguori

Mother of TinaMarie & Laura
Joanne Tannis

Names of Donors read aloud by
Fran Dillon, Liver Recipient, 1989
Past President, TRIO Manhattan Chapter

You may extinguish your candle now.


Song: “I’ll Stand By You” sung by Jerrod Sanders

Closing Remarks: Bethany Stout-Davie

Blessing: Rabbi Jill Hausman

Prayers of Petition
Presider: From our hearts filled with grateful remembrance, we pray:

Reader: Matthew Charles Crosland

For Donor Persons: that their loving generosity be enhanced
by God’s perfect love, we pray…
Reader: Lord God, in Your mercy, hear us.

All: For the family members of Donors: that their sorrow and
Reader: separation be lightened by the powerful example of the
generous love of the Donor Members, we pray…
Reader: Lord God, in Your mercy, hear us.

All: For the medical professionals, who have pioneered the efforts of
Reader: organ and tissue donation and transplants: that God may continue
to bless and increase their efforts, we pray…
Reader: Lord God, in Your mercy, hear us.

For the caretakers of persons afflicted with illness: that their
compassion and knowledge be appreciated and blessed, we pray…

Lord God, in Your mercy, hear us.

For the advancement of medical knowledge: that this
progress be always in the service of the good and respect of
all human life, we pray…

Lord God, in Your mercy, hear us.

For there to be peace in the world and the eradication of hate
among all people, we pray . . .


All: Lord God, in Your mercy, hear us

Presider: Gracious God, our confidence in You leads us to love and
respect the dignity of all life. We beg You to continue to
strengthen our desire to work faithfully for good. We ask
this of You, our God, forever and ever.

All: Amen

Presider: Let us bow our heads and pray for God’s Blessing:

May the Lord Bless you. May the Lord keep you. May the
Lord’s face shine upon you. May the Lord give you His
peace. And may Almighty God Bless you now and for all

All: Amen.

Recessional Song: “You Will Be Found ”

sung by Allison Hungate-Wood and Jerrod Sanders

Service Signed for
the Hearing Impaired by

Erik Genn, Kidney Recipient, December, 2009






Words of Thanks, Joy and Blessings


To My Donor Family . . .

Our few words here are a small but heartfelt way we can say thank you. Thank
you to all of the professionals who are part of the donation process, but especially
to our donor family. You are in our thoughts every day for your courage and your
commitment to life.

Glenda Daggert and Ira Copperman
I am now writing my tenth letter of gratitude to my Donor Family for giv-
ing me the gift of life which enabled me to enjoy my three children and now my
granddaughter Emma!! And Owen!! I wish I could have done more to Thank them
but we only wrote to each other once. My doctors and nurses are always in my
thoughts, and whenever I can see them I let them know how much they helped
me through my transplant and how special they are.
I realize how every day is a miracle and I truly respect and enjoy them.
Thank all of you!

Shelley Blye
In 1999, I became the recipient of a new kidney. Your unselfish decision to
donate, after losing your loved one so tragically, made it possible for me to enjoy
so many blessings through the years. Not a day passes without the thought of my
donor and my donor family. Thank you from a grateful heart for the precious
“gift of life” I received.
To my devoted husband and my caring children, thank you for your strength
when I needed it, and most of all, your love. To my grandchildren, your hugs and
kisses are what makes it all worthwhile.

Eileen Vento
I thank a teenager named Emily for giving me the kidney that I have had for
close to 15 years. I will always be thankful to her and her family for this gift of
life that I treasure. I think of Emily frequently and wish she could see how she
has changed my life for the better.

Marcia Goldstein


To My Donor Family . . .

Dear Donor Family,
Not a day goes by where I do not feel blessed and thankful for your donation

of the gift of life to me via kidney transplant, nearly ten years ago. I know this
decision was made during the hardest time in your life, but it was truly the most
selfless gift one can ever receive.

My family and I will always remember your act of kindness and generosity.
May you know what a huge difference your altruistic decision to donate has made
in my and my family’s life; and may your loved one rest in peace.

Ivy G.
Dear Donor Family:

1t is now 10 years since I received your loved one’s heart. Please know in your
“heart” that there is someone who is eternally grateful to your family for the gift
of life you have given me.

To all donor families, thank you for your generous lifesaving gifts. To all the
doctors and staff at NY Presbyterian – I thank you for all your care and concern.

Kindest regards,

To My Donor Family,
With loving gratitude to Bridgette, Jeff and Trey, in memory of a son, a brother,

a father and my hero, Kenny Cross. I am forever grateful for the gift you have
given me and the love that we share.

Ed Schaefer
It has been almost 11½ years since I received your loved one’s kidney. There
is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about my Donor and Donor family for
this “gift of life.” I have been able to have a wonderful full life with family and espe-
cially my grandsons Max and Ollie. It is truly a miracle that is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much,

Joan Galkin


To My Donor Family . . .

Dear Donor
It’s hard to believe that in a couple of months, I will celebrate eleven years with

your precious kidney. Eleven years ago, my life changed so much because of your
gift. I would not have to go to dialysis three times a week for hours of treatment.
My life would be normal thanks to your generous gift.

I am forever grateful to you and the wonderful staff of Montefiore Medical
Center. Thank You.

With Gratitude Always
Iris H. Resto

25 years a Sister, 25 years an Aunt, 25 years a Recipient. Today, in 2018, Ronnie
Schwartz is the Great Aunt of a precocious 4-year old nephew and joyful 2-year
old niece. This would not have been possible without the generosity of strangers
25 years ago. Please accept my “silver” thank you.

Corey Schwartz, nephew of Ronnie Schwartz

To My Sister’s Donor Family,
Your decision to give the gift of life to my sister, Ronnie Schwartz, has made

it possible for countless people to benefit in so many ways from Ronnie’s kind
heart and wisdom, especially me. There are no words that can thank you enough.

Donald Schwartz, brother of Ronnie Schwartz

The greatest hero I’ve ever known is the organ donor who saved my life.
My heart is filled with joy and gratitude knowing that my donor has given me

an extra twenty-five years to adore my great niece and nephew, the loves of my life;
something that would never have happened had it not been for him.

Ronnie Schwartz

Dear Donor:
Thanks to you and your generous gift, I’m alive and well. Liver transplant

Michael J. Pfeifer


To My Donor Family . . .

Dearest Donor Family,
It has been 29 years since you lost your precious daughter, since you shared her

with me to save my life. My family and I remember her always in our thoughts
and prayers. She is our guardian angel.

With love,
Fran Dillon

To the family of Nicholas Miraglia:
Every day I have gratitude for your compassion. In your suffering, you have

given me health, hope, and life. Thank you never seems quite enough but please
know that my family and I send our loving gratitude and blessings to you today
and always.

Denise Fasano

I developed end stage renal failure in 1981 as a freshman in high school, at
15 years old. My mother donated her kidney to me, after months of dialysis, al-
lowing me to live again. It lasted 11 years. Over the next 26 years, I was fortunate
to receive three additional living renal transplants. The fourth was donated by a
friend who has become my hero, offering me more good days and times. Being a
donor is the greatest gift a person can ever give.

Elizabeth Morrissey

In 2008 and 2010, I received a kidney and pancreas transplant (named ‘Pat-
rick and Dax). Every year I celebrate their rebirths. Every day I thank God for
“Patrick”, “Dax” and the two donors who selflessly gave me these second chances
at life. They will forever be my Heroes!

Thank you.
Carol A. Heins

Dear My Donor Family,
I will never forget how scary that April was, waiting for the transplant. My

husband, daughter, mother,and friends were scared along with me. It was a long
recovery, but I have never forgotten what special and caring family made it pos-
sible for me to become a grandmother 25 years later.

With gratitude
Kallyn Krash


To My Donor Family . . .

Thirteen years ago, I received the gift of life from my husband Lee who donated
one lobe of his liver to keep me alive. Every day we marvel at the medical care and
support that allowed us to stay linked for these many years. We are happier and
more in love than ever. Thank you NYU Medical Center, Dr. Tobias and TRIO

Lucy Garnett

To the Hagstrom Family,
I am indebted to you and your son, Cole, for giving me a second chance at

life and especially for welcoming me into your family. Thank you for telling me
all about Cole and find out that he was such an amazing father, son, and brother.

Desirée Healy

Thanks to My Donor Family, Cheryl Kleigler, Rebecca Howels, Karel Boekbinder,
Lois Wadas, Dr. Schiano, Mt. Sinai, Mom, Dad,Weehawken Mayor Turner, Sandy
Stocker, Nuyorican Poets Café, N.Y. Yankees Organization, Lou Requena, the
DePasquales, Phil Murena, Gina and Barbara Butler, Weehawken Housing and
TRIO Manhattan. I’m 13 years post liver transplant.

Jeffrey Feller

It always amazes me how science and love can be equal partners in life. I love
my sister for saving my life and more each day that her selfless gift keeps me safe
as only a big sister can, and I am grateful to the beautiful soul I’ll never know
who chose to save a stranger. Our hearts are always with the loving family she left
behind. LSL & SMB my heart is yours.

Tinamarie Sammon

I will always be grateful to my donor family for the gift of a kidney at a difficult
time in their own lives. After being on peritoneal dialysis because of polycystic kid-
ney disease, their gift 17 and a half years ago has allowed me to have a healthy life.

Norman Stock

Dearest donor “daughter” whose wish “to save a life”came true in 2011, when
your gift of a pancreas rescued our Tina from diabetes, a life of despair and most
likely early death. The life you saved is filled with love and laughter and she is
committed to continuing your legacy of selfless love and good works. We will be
forever grateful to you and your parents.

Paula, Laura and newlywed Tina.


To My Donor Family . . .

Dear Precious Donor Family,
When my sister Geraldine Johnson received your son’s heart in 1999, she vowed

to spend her life instilling hope and courage to our very large, extended family. She
continues to repay her debt of gratitude to God and to your family by leading an
exceptional life. Because of your generosity she has been able to lovingly embrace
us for an additional 19 years; and in 2016 she witnessed the birth of two healthy,
bouncing great-grand sons! We are eternally grateful!!

Patricia Baker

To my brother Karry (Donor)
I received my second kidney transplant at New York Columbia Presbyterian

Hospital in 2015. There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank my brother
for his gift of life. Today, I am living life to the fullest, healthy, happy and thank-
ing God for the blessing and lifesaving gift.

Thank you and forever grateful,
Your sister

When a donor makes the decision to give up their organs, they don’t just save
the recipient’s life but are saving all the relationships they have made through their
lives. How does someone say Thank You for the extra time spent with loved ones?

Eric, Jen, Max & Ollie Galkin
Family of recipient Joan Galkin
Dear Donor Family,
I am so grateful for the decision you made nearly 29 years ago, it saved my
mother’s life. She needed a liver transplant and without it, I would not have my
mom with me today. I know the decision was made at a devastating time, and
that truly shows your heroism. Every day I silently thank you for your choice but
today I get to write it hoping that you will see it.
Thank you,

Danielle Dillon


To My Donor Family . . .

Lessons from Linda:
“Buckle up, and know that it’s going to be a tremendous amount of work, but

embrace it.” Tory Burch
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end

of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” – Mary Anne Radmacher
I love you, Mom.
Thank you,
Adrienne Verdone for Linda Shatzer

This April is my twentieth year with my new liver whose name is Happy. She
and I work very well together, and I want to give thanks to my donor and her
family for this wonderful gift. Happy and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for their
unselfish decision. Much love and blessings to my donor family.

Linda Strappazon

Remembering and Rejoicing with words of joyfulness and gratitude as I Send
a Voice in Prayers for others as well waiting to receive their gift of Transplantation
and a second chance at living and fulfilling their destiny...on behalf of Kenneth
Dale Teasley, my partner in crime and love one on this Journey called ‘Life’!

Albert Diaz-Cruz

I just marked the 20th anniversary of my kidney transplant. Can’t believe it.
Thank you to my anonymous donor, his family and to all donor families who
made a momentous decision to save others’ lives.

Richard Roth

Dear Donor Family,

The meaning of the gift of life your loved one has given me is truly immeasur-
able. Because of the miracle of this gift I have hope for a future which has firmly
placed me on a path to continue fulfilling not one, but two legacies.

Jared Alechman

Dear Donor Family,

It has been 7 full years of living with your daughter’s liver. Thank you for your
ultimate gift - a new liver and a new life. I cherish each and every moment. Your
daughter is now a part of me. Every day I give thankful prayers for your generous
sacrifice. God bless you. Sincerely,

Susan Mei


To my dearest sister, Caecilia,
There are no words to describe my gratitude towards the act of kindness that

you did to me on August 30th 2016! Thank you for your gift of life. xoxo
your little sister,

I have had almost 10 years of life that I wouldn’t have had if not for the gen-
erosity of a fellow human being. Thank you to my wife, Dr. Tobias, the NYU
transplant staff, my donor and my donor family.

Henry Brisen

To all Donor Families – Special Thanks
I am here today because of the gift of life I received. I live my life the best way

I can. I spend time with friends and family thanks to the best gift I ever had. I
am also grateful to the staff at Mt. Sinai for their continued support.

God bless you all in every way always,
Annie Jagmohan

Dear Donor Family,
I am and will forever be humbled by your generosity during your time of

grief.” I am honored as a Veteran to participate in the new Transplant protocol
that brought our families together. I am now using HIV advocacy skills to bring
change to the CKD community.

Kenneth D. Teasley

Our transplant journey began in 2010 when our daughter Laura saved her sister
Tina’s life by giving her her left kidney. Such courage!! Laura, you are a blessing
and your act of love is a miracle.

With love and pride,
Paula Liguori and Marianne Bradley

I would like to thank my donor and his family for their sacrifice and giving
me more time with my own family. Their selfless donation has enriched my life
and countless others. My friends, my parents, my husband and my kitty thank
you with all their heart.

With love,
Andy Brattain


In Loving Memory of BARBARA “BUNNY” BASSI

You lived your life on borrowed time, extremely grateful for every extra
day you were given. Those extra days turned into weeks, then many precious
years. You beat the odds!!

My mom was always independent, strong, caring and humble. She was
warm, tough as nails with the biggest heart, determined and fiercely loyal.
She ran her own business successfully for over 25 years. She was a wonderful
and committed friend, enjoying her longtime friends from Staten Island and
her new Manhattan friends. They literally took on The Big City, enjoying all it
had to offer. We called them “The Golden Girls”.

The most important thing in her life was her family. She was the most
devoted Mom to my brother and I and Grandmother to six beautiful children.
She had her own special relationship with each one of them.

Mom, you taught us through example to have strength, unconditional love
and kindness; to live each day fully because we are not promised tomorrow.

Her life would never have been possible were it not for my mom’s 2 kidney
donors and their families who gave so selflessly, the Gift of Life. I am extremely
grateful to them for the extra time we had together.

My Rock, My Mother, My Best Friend… I am so proud and blessed to have
been raised by my mother, a classy, gracious, loving and proud woman.

Shine bright in heaven, My Magnificent Mother!!

In Memory of Barbara Bassi

Kathy Bassi Nancy Kantor
Matt & Fran Dillon Sherri Miller
Raymond Niebling
Carolyn Friedman Robery, Rosemary & Julie Primiano
Frank & Judy Goodcoff John Ruddy
Jeffrey Saferstien & Felicia Walker
Ivy Gosseen Miriam Sirota
Anita & Mitchel Hill & Family Joann Zolfo & Barbara Smith
Elisa, Bill, Julia, Lauren & James

Ruth Hirschberg


In Loving Memory of Frank Alexis
A TRIO member since 1992 following the generous gift of a kidney from his sister.

Frank was the beloved husband of Ellen Alexis, a former TRIO board member
and loving father to Kile

and grandfather to K.J., Sakinah, Dilhan and Roman.

After his retirement as a N.Y.C. Detective
he had a successful dog grooming business for more than 20 years

that resulted in many lasting friendships.

Remembered by all who knew him for his kindness, patience,
thoughtfulness and generosity of spirit.
He was grateful for the gift of life
which enabled him to travel
and spend time with friends and family
as well as participate in TRIO events.

In Memory of Frank Alexis

Ellen Alexis Lisa & Tom Keiser
Cecelia & Dennis Bernstein Madalyn & Richard Kravitz
Simone and Donald Cochrane Alma Perry & John Clement

Matt & Fran Dillon Beth Schlank
Ethel & Lloyd Easton Linda Strappazon & Robert Shepard

Eileen Fischer Madeline Wein & Jim Sidebotham


In honor of all the

Family Members

with us today.
Thank you for your love,
your patience, your guidance
and your strength.
We love you!


In Loving Memory of . . .
Raymond Patrick Abbott

Remembering you is easy, we do it every day, but missing you is heartache that
never goes away.

We love you very much..xoxo

Alfred Michael Adamo Jr.

Our hero in life and in death, devoted husband, father, son, brother, teacher of
excellence. Your legacy will live on forever. All our love.

Joseph Adorante

In loving memory of Joseph Adorante, who had received a donor organ, and in his
untimely death has donated as well.

Love you forever, Kathy

Michael Amen II

We Love you Mikey & miss you! Wow can’t believe 9 years! Nadia in college
because of you! You have a heart of gold!

Francis N. Anderson

Loving husband, wonderful father, best friend.
love, all of us

Daniel Hamilton Andreotti

Daniel was our amazing son, brother, grandson and friend. Daniel loved life and
was VERY proud to check the organ donor box. We love you Daniel.

Nicky Antico

To my wonderful husband and loving father. You were gone too soon from our
lives. We miss you every day, but your memory lives on in our hearts.

Love always,
Anna & Arianna Antico

Margarita (Rita) Kuskis Apt

They say time heals all wounds, but the hurt still remains. We love you and still
miss you every day.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Antoine Bailey

Your life was a blessing, your memory a pleasure. You are loved beyond words
and missed beyond measure.

The family

Louis C. Barbieri Jr.

In loving memory of Louis C. Barbieri Jr.

Alexandra J Barnes

Alex, so missed so loved, you are and will always be the best daughter. Thank you
for being you, I love you 4-EVER!


Mark Bevilacqua

The hole in our lives and the hole in our hearts grows larger with each passing year.
We miss you, your laughter, your hugs.

Mom, Dad & Matt

Philip A. Bilotti

For the giving and loving person you were. For teaching me how to love. I will
always honor and love you.

Scott Christopher Boegle

Beyond the door, there’s peace I’m sure. And I know there’ll be no more tears in

Nicola Campbell

An angel sent from heaven to touch our lives. Nikki was loving, caring, peaceful.
Her smile lit up the room. Her spirit will live on.

Craig John Caras

Loving Son and Father. We miss and Love You. You will be forever in our hearts.
Gone too soon.

Love, Vera Caras


In Loving Memory of . . .
Barry Steven Chait

Loving husband, father, son, brother, uncle, coach, mentor, and friend. We will
miss your infectious smile and laughter, generous heart, and bold presence in our
lives. Rest peacefully.

JayCee Chaney

Throughout her life she gave joy to a lot of people. With God taking her home,
her purpose was to give joy in her re-birth.

David Chaput

Some say death is the most tragic loss of life. I disagree, it’s the pain death leaves
inside the heart left behind. I hope you found peace, David. Until we meet again,
you will hold a special place in my heart.

Love, Marilyn

Gavin Charrette

Your Laugh is contagious, your smile can light the sky. We gained an angel when
we had to say goodbye.

Rest in peace Homie.

Stephanie Chow

You are forever with us. We miss your smile and laughter. Love you always.

Stephen John Clark

Our beloved son, brother, and friend. We miss your love and warmth. You put
others before yourself in life and when you passed on.

Joseph Coluccio

Look up at the sun all whom has a part of my son Joseph. It will make you smile
and keep you warm always.

Love your mother Nora

Sandra Conover

In living she was a selfless giving soul and in dying her giving love lives on. The
compassion and giving character of Jesus Christ was her reflection. Her compas-
sion ignited the hearts of those she touched.


In Loving Memory of . . .
William Michael Costa

Always helping others and never asking for any in return. You are deeply missed
but happy you “Live On” in others.

Your Beloved Wife, Laura

Michael Crafa

“There is a time for all seasons.” Michael, you are a Prince among Gentlemen,
King of all Kindness and a Son and Brother like no Other.

Your loving family

Kenny Cross

With every heartbeat you are missed; so loved my son. Sad here without you. “How
wonderful life is while you’re in my world.”

love, Mommy, Jeff and Trey

I think about you every day Daddy and miss you so much. Are you dancing in the
sky? I look for you in the clouds. I really love you Daddy.

Love your baby girl Gianna, age 3

Aida Lynnette Cruz

Mother, daughter, sister. There are not enough words to portray how blessed we
all are for the 23 years you gave us. We will always remember you.

Luana Monique Cummings

Loved and missed by all. God bless you!
Family and Friends

Jimmy Cutro

My brother worked in Hazardous Waste Management. Visualized the pain of Flight
800 and the 9/11 attack. Donated the gift of sight, to show beauty.

Edward William Dammes

We miss you dearly. Please continue to watch over us. Your generosity continues
to live on. We love you and miss you.

Vitantonio Difonso

You are and always will be the shiniest of one of our seven stars. We love and miss
you. We know you are our angel. Until we meet again.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Wade Ellis Dixon

Wade’s end gave hope, life, and continuance. There’s ALWAYS light at the end of
any dark tunnel. LiveOnNY was our family’s light. Thank you.

Timothy F. Dowd

Fly with the Angels.

Kyle Christopher Drummer

You were taken so young. Your final gift was a continuation of your lifelong
generosity and kindness to others. We love & miss you!

Camdyn Jayel Duckworth

Camdyn was a blessing to our family and became a blessing to others. He touched
so many hearts with his lovable cuteness.

We love you Camdyn, Kisha (a proud auntie)

Daniel Duhigg Jr.

“And my heart still beats your name” - Killswitch Engage

Susan Lynn Duncan

Daughter, Sister, Mother, Niece, Cousin & Friend. You live on in our hearts through
our memories of your infectious smile and joyful spirit.

Lovingly submitted, Mom, Dad, April, Keith, Son, Will

Christian Duva

Time goes by, but there’s not a day that I don’t think of you. I miss you so much,
you’re forever in my heart.


Christopher John Esposito

Dear Chris, I am so proud of your being a donor and quietly living on while al-
leviating suffering in the lives of others.

Love, Mom

Juana Estrada

Kindhearted, humble and loving. We miss you mom and will never forget you.
Because of you we are better human beings.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Robert Fernandez

Your Love, Compassion and Beautiful Smile will live in our Hearts Forever! We
Love and miss you Rob!

Joseph Alfred Ferriso

Time slips by and life goes on, but from our hearts you’re never gone. We have
many memories, but we wish we still had you.

Brett Adam Field

Loving husband, brother, Uncle, friend and Cousin
Missed by all who”s lives he touched

Always & Forever BAF

Juan Figueroa

Para mi siempere y recordado esposo, tu recuerdo esta en nuestros corazones.

Toni Marmo Fiorello

You are missed more and more as each day passes. Forever in our minds, dreams
and hearts. Luv you more.

Your Loving Family

Michael Robert Fodera

I greet you in the sunrise, I dream of you at sundown. I seek solace in the perfec-
tion of knowing you.

Leroy Edward Ford Jr.

Lee left a lasting impression on everyone that he met. He loved his wife, dogs and
family with all of his heart.

Rory Anthony Forehand, Sr.

God has you in His keeping, we have you in our hearts. We love you Rory forever.
Even though you are gone, we are still a team.


Jessica Franco

Full of life and love, I was lucky Jessica was in my life. Her joy & spirit is an
inspiration & example of God’s presence on earth.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Steven W. Galic

Son, our hearts still ache in sadness, and secret tears still flow, what it meant to
lose you, no one will ever know.

Mom & Dad

Ken Gilleo III

In loving memory of Ken Gilleo 3rd, who gave the gift of life. Always in our hearts.

Nathaniel Gomez

God has given you to us. You taught us humility, faith, honesty and love. Nathaniel,
a gift from God! We are forever grateful.

Christopher A. Gonzales

“Dizzy” – Hard to sleep and not dream, Hard to dream and not sleep. Hard to sleep
and dream and still be still. So I sleep and dream a fitful sleep – still.
by Christopher

love his wife

Kevin A. Lopez Goris

Te fuiste ante de tiempos has dejado un vacio en los corazones de tu familia. Cuantas
faltas nos has hechos. Siempre estare presente en nuestro corazones.

Michelle, Joseph, Papa y Mama te amo

Alprentice Gray Jr.

Our AJ! We miss you and love you very much. You always worked so hard in
school. You had the most beautiful eyes.

Love forever, you Dad and Maria

Andre Gradon

Always in our hearts your memory lingers deeply, tenderly and truly. With every
passing day, you’re in our thoughts. Love you always, your family

From the Green Family

We love and miss you greatly. Thank you for all your hard work and love. You
are appreciated.

With love, your wife, April Green


In Loving Memory of . . .
Omar Edgardo Mejia Guardado

In loving memory of Omar Edgardo Mejia Guardado

Raquel Gutierrez

Raquel, it will be about ten years since your passing, but you still remain in our
lives and we know you are an angel who is taking care of us. We will forever love
you and miss you.

Clarence C. Hanchard, Jr.

He will remain our silent hero. A loving, giving soul, gave love to all. Lives in
our hearts, made us who we are today. Missing your smile.

Your Mom, Daughters & Family

Alison Michele Harp

You are missed every day and our lives are forever changed. You left this world at
22 but you will be in our hearts forever!

Dane Duncan Hendy

You are always in our hearts.

Christian Hernandez

A kindhearted individual aching for adventure and accomplishment through up-
lifting others. His vitality, warmth, and laughter continue wherever his paths have
crossed and are crossing.

Denis Heron

My brother Denis, the kindest, smartest & strongest person in my life. Till we meet
again, you’re the star in the sky.

Your sister Gayle

Lee Andrew Hirsch

Every move I make, every step I take, every single day, every time I pray. I’ll be
missing you

Love Mom - Aunt Gemma loves you!

McKayla Elizabeth Hirschy

Forever in our hearts. Gone, but never forgotten.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Grant Eric Hodgdon

You left a 30 year old hole in our hearts that will never heal. Missing your laugh,
green eyes, amazing smile. You’re with us, Son.

Royce Hodge

Royal, Outstanding, “Yes” to God’s will, Courageous, Eternally alive, Humorous,
Outlandishly happy, Determined Prince of Peace to succeed, Generous and ever
Earnest – this is how I remember Royce.

Ryan T. Horodnicki

Donated his golden heart, liver and kidneys giving life to 4. Our Irish Angel is
forever in our hearts until we meet again.

Peter D. Hourigan

Through your eyes you saw loving family faces, remarkable nature, golf courses,
musical performances that touched your soul. Now, someone else can see beauty too!

Emily Irene Jenkins

Sweetest “Em,” you are the light and LOVE of our lives. Always and forever,
Mom, Dad, John, Sarah, Will & Laura

Joseph Terry Johnson

To our father, brother, son and friend, we miss you every day and are grateful for
the life that you shared.

Kacper Juerss

You celebrated life every day. You wanted to change the world. You did. You are
our beautiful son and brother. Love you always and forever.

Daniel J. Key

A young man who lived, loved and laughed “Lifetimes” in his thirty short years;
as he touched the hearts of everyone who knew and loved him!

Zackery Kimble

Zackery Kimble was my best friend/husband. He loved his family. He was a great
dad with a heart of gold. He loved us so good. We miss him.


In Loving Memory of . . .
George Kornienko

In loving memory of the life and spirit of George Kornienko. He continues to live
on in so many ways.

Clarence Lanier

Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words
and missed beyond measure.

Walter Lemmerman

(Gator) My Angel, I hope you give me signs. Find a way to show me you’re with
me. You are so Loved and Missed. There will never be another like you.

Love Mom

Rafael Acosta Lemus

Dear Son, it has been hard with you away, your smile and kindness will live forever
on those around you. We love you.

Harry Lennon

Harry is remembered by family and friends for his warmth and humor. He died as
he lived: dramatically and with a full head of hair!

Clarence Little Jr.

“What a friend to take, what a bond to break.” I’m still missing you.
Your loving sister Nellie

James Lovizio

Thank you for being a wonderful son and always being there for me. I miss you
and love you so much.

Ryder Luepkes

While our hearts weigh heavy every, day, the ray of sunlight that shines through
the multiple lives he touched through donation fills our hearts with joy. The hope
that someone got a second chance through Ryder’s organs provides us with much
peace & comfort. Love and good wishes for all the recipients.

Roy Lujan

We will always love and miss you! Thank you for all the many memories!


In Loving Memory of . . .
Christopher Orlando Luzi

May the winds of Heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear how much we love
and miss you and wish that you were here.

Matthew Malone

Matt was a young man full of love, life and promise for a bright future. His playful
personality and zest for life will always be remembered. A light that went dark
way too soon.

Craig Manganello

Rest in peace, our dear son, knowing that you gave a precious gift. Our hearts
know you would be so pleased.

Louis D. Marrero II

You were the light that lit up all our lives and we miss you so much. A wonderful
husband, father, grandfather – Truly a Great Man.

love the Marrero Family

Clemuel F. Marteena

Though you are gone from my touch, your love is forever felt in my heart. I will
always love you.

Missing you, Chris

Andrew R. Martin

Abundance of gifts. Indelible blessing on this world. Gone from our sight far too

Love your father, Steve Martin

Brian Corey McDaniel

You were taken too early in life, you are missed, loved and remembered by so
many. You touched lives and gave new life to others. You are always in our hearts
and prayers.

Love always dad, family and friends. Taz forever.

Robert Raymond Meehan Jr.

To hear you laugh and see that smile again. We Love and Miss You so much!


In Loving Memory of . . .
Fior Del Alba Mejia

A daughter, a sister, she birthed two children but was a mother to so many, and a
best friend to all.

Luciano Jose Melanese

Yo siempre te voy a recordar. Te quiero.
tu amor, Lillian

Sebastian Olivier Mendez

Our SUNSHINE boy. Thank you for being strong and showing us how to be strong.
Thank you for your love and making us feel loved.

love your mother Leonida

Wesley R. Mensing

Wes loved life and the Lord. His motto: “What are you doing today to “Better the
Kingdom?” We will see you again dear son!

Ellen Mihalko

Our family has experienced a year without a mother, sister & best friend. 365 days
of memories without her. Ellen is deeply missed & loved.

Nicholas Miraglia

So much we wish you were here to see, your brother’s marriage and their baby to be.
The pain of your passing never goes away. We miss you more with each passing day.

Mom, Dad and Robert

Pedro Cabrera Monegro

My husband was a humble, loving, kind and caring human being. He took great
care of me and anyone around him who needed help. He was a shining light in
the world.

Colin Monroe

Most giving and appreciative in life, to both humans and animals, makes it most
fitting he be honored for his final gift to others.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Angel E. Moreno

“Love does not end in death, and nothing is lost, and all in the end is harvest.”Always
loving you,

Mom, Esthela Montgomery

Lucy Mounier

As our Family Honors your Memory Dear Lucy; Our Mother, our Sister, our Titi and
Friend,We Loved you through Life from Beginning to End. Forever in our Hearts,

The Mounier Family

Jessica Alejandra Tomala Murillo

Memory of me to be a happy one, an afterglow of smiles. An echo whispering softly
down the ways, of happy, laughing times, bright, sunny days!

Love your mother

Nicholas Joseph Mytko

Loved beyond words, missed beyond measure. Forever on our minds in our hearts
forever. Until we meet again.

Love, T. Mytko

Seth Nadel

Your family will love you forever. We were so blessed to have you.

Caitlin Mary Nelson

Angel Baby, she was the kind of girl that lived by the sun and loved by the moon.
Always in our hearts!

Love Mom & Anne

James “Jimmy” Nicoletto

Son, brother, uncle, friend. Not a day goes by that we don’t think about you. You
will forever be in our hearts.

Frank J. Oderifero

Frankie, we miss your loving smile, kind heart and gentle soul. Your “Gift of Life”
gives us such comfort knowing you helped others. You are forever in our hearts.

Love Mom, Dad, Danny, Benny Amanda & Buddy


In Loving Memory of . . .
Joseph O’Donnell

Another year you are not here. Another year is hard to bare. We know you’re up
there, you were my angel down here. Miss you.

All of us & Lorry too

Keiko O’Neill

She brought joy to the lives of all she knew – and life to a man she never met.
Your loving husband, James

Aida Luz Ramos Ortiz

Mother, we all miss you every day and we get sad sometimes, but we remember
how joyful and giving you were, and we feel better.

Sandra Iveth Narvaez Palaguachi

Tu sonrisa y tu bonda sera siempre nuestra ensenanza.

Gina Marie Palleschi

In loving memory of our Angel Gina. You are loved and missed beyond words.
You are always and forever in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

AlySun Panichi

“Be what you want to see.” May Peace Prevail On Earth and in Our Hearts.

Billy Policke

You are thought about and missed every day. It’s hard to believe almost two years
have gone by. We know you are smiling down on us!

Daniel Mark Pope

When Danny walked into a room, it was like a breath of fresh air, with his upbeat
personality and infectious smile. Love you forever.

Gloria Ann Quinones

Gloria is remembered for her love of family and her special bond with her grand-
daughter. Her strength and compassion live on today within her family.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Anthony Matthew Razziano

He is walking the streets of gold. May the journey on your next adventure be happy.
Your mother, Margot

Mary Catherine Reddan & Alyson Marie Finn

Sisters, Mary Catherine and Alyson Marie, were taken too early. They are missed
tremendously. Life brings tears, smiles, and memories. The tears dry, the smiles
fade, but memories last forever.”

Darryl Anthony Regan

My beloved son, husband, father, brother I carry you in my heart every day. I miss
you so much but I know we will be together again.

Love, Mommie

John A. Reyes

Sadly missed along life’s way, quietly remembered every day. No longer in our life
to share, but in our hearts, he’s always there. Always so good, unselfish and kind.
Never one like him we will find. Honorable and upright in all his ways, Loyal and
true to the end of his days.

Juan Norman Richardson

We can no longer see you, but we feel you are near. Gone, always loved and never

Your family

Zenona S. Rinaldi

A lady who would share part of herself in every way, to help anyone in need, at
any time on earth, before her departure.

Love, Michael

Andrew Rivera

Always on our minds and forever in our heart.

Yvonne Rivera

You may be gone from our sight... but you are never gone from our hearts. You
have a niece due this month and we are naming her after you, an angel. Not a day
goes by we don’t think of you We love you and miss you so much.

Your family Ivan, Lina, Yvette, Jovann and baby Yvonne


In Loving Memory of . . .
Colleen Jean Robinson

A smile that lit up every room, a compassionate heart, a beautiful person inside and
out. Colleen touched the lives of so many and will live on through them forever.

Leopoldo Rojas Jr.

Loving father...devoted son...loyal brother. He dedicated his life to family. He will
always be loved and eternally missed. Te queremos mucho Opi”

Michael John Rowe

Beautiful blue eyes. Heart of Gold. My loving husband and very best friend. He
gave so others could live better lives.

Brian Schnirring

Since you left our lives, nothing is the same. You took a big part of me with you.
I miss you every day.

Love Mom

Joan Anne Sciame (nee Murphy)

It has been a while since you left us. But our challenges are at least bearable know-
ing that you’re watching over us.

Jesse John Semeraro

My beautiful son Jesse, you are and always will be my precious gift from God. We
miss you and look for signs every day, which is our gift from you.

Love Mommy and Melissa

John G. Shack III

John lit up a room with just his smile and good heart. We will miss his talent,
dreams, empathy, and love of food and music.

Adam Sinanan

Death doesn’t concern us because as long as we exist, death isn’t here, and once
it comes, we no longer exist. I love you.

Davina Dominique Speight

A fun-loving, free spirited young woman. Her passions were family and the inde-
scribably powerful feelings that traveling the world brought to her life.


In Loving Memory of . . .

Yvonne “Bunnie” Stewart

You were my sister, my strength and my pride. Only God may know why I still
get by. I am missing you.

Horia Stoita

I thought of you today, but that’s nothing new... God has you in his arm, I have
you in my heart!

Thomas Matthew Sweeney

We continue to miss you terribly, although we know you are always with us! Keep
sending pennies from Heaven! Look after Dad and Uncle D.

Steven Joseph Topp

Nothing is the same without you. I’ll always love you.
Carol Ann

Alberto Torres

Words cannot describe how grateful I know Alberto is that he was able to help give
another soul life by being a donor. God bless you all.

Tammy Torres

Wilfredo Torres

A loving husband, father, and friend. The hardest of workers. A caring and great
man. Wilfredo “Tito” Torres will forever live on in the lives he has touched.

Patrick Joseph Tracy

A heart bigger than life! May your kindness, love, courage, compassion, humor,
joy and faith live on forever. Will love you forever. Continue to pass it forward.

Family & Friends

Wyatt Devon Tyler

Some might forget all that he said in his short life, others all that he did, but none
will forget how he made us feel.

Jonathan Ray Umphlett

My Son, it broke my heart to lose you. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.


In Loving Memory of . . .
Stephen Valsechi

Thank you for the life you shared with us. Love from all your family and friends.
Your mom, Margaret O’Reilly

Miguel Vasquez

We never got to meet, but I know of you and call you “Gampa.” I know you watch
over us. I love you Gampa.

Love Your Princess Angelle

Jose Ramon Morraz Velasquez

Tus ojos siguen viviendo en otra persona. Fuiste mi gran amor, Me cambiaste mi
vida. Me duele tu partida.
Tu amorcito,

America (Mery) C. Morraz

Jesse Walters

First born to Tish and Greg, brother to Dakota and Chelsea, a grandson, nephew,
cousin, best friend, adventurer, joker, giver, orange haired. Love and missed deeply.

Love Patricia McMaekin

Cory Michael Watson

Our beautiful son, you taught us compassion, unconditional love and understand-
ing. You are deeply missed every moment.

Love, Mom, Dad, Billy Alexa and Michael

Matthew Wiseman

Matthew Wiseman was a sincerely loving, fiercely intelligent and fearlessly adven-
turous human being; he could always start a riot when he wanted to.

Peter F Zuzzolo

Peter was blessed with a loving wife for 50 years and 3 children who loved him
dearly along with 7 grandchildren who he loved more than life itself. Not a day
goes by that I don’t miss my dad “My Best Friend!”



To all organ and tissue
donors, and their families,
NYP says thank you.

The Transplant Programs at NewYork-Presbyterian
Columbia University Irving Medical Center and
Weill Cornell Medical Center wish to honor all
donors, and their families for their compassionate
choice to consent to donation. Because of your
generosity, the gift of life makes it possible for
others to live.

Donor families give hope to candidates awaiting
transplantation, whom we also commend for
their patience, courage, and hope.


In recognition and admiration for the humanity and the selfless gift of donor
families, as well as for the courage of the living donor

We must all consciously and continuously promote organ donation and share
with our fellow citizens the stories of lives saved and the vitality renewed

through the gift of life. There must be an ever-pressing clarion commitment to
organ donation.

We thank TRIO-Manhattan Chapter for their perseverance and compassionate
dedication on behalf of all transplant donors and recipients.

Thomas D. Schiano, M.D.
M. Isabel Fiel, M.D.

“……however much I am at the mercy of the world, I never let myself get lost by
brooding over its misery. I hold firmly to the thought that each one of us can do a little

to bring some portion of that misery to an end.”
- Albert Schweitzer


“Never believe that a few caring people
can’t change the world.

For indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
~Margaret Mead

Thank you to all the donors and donor families
who changed so many people’s worlds for the better.

Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program
Rogosin Institute
in cooperation with

New York-Presbyterian Hospital
and Weill Cornell Medicine

affiliated with
New York-Presbyterian Hospital

and Weill Cornell Medicine


“How can I be useful, of what service can I be?
There is something inside me, what can it be?”
~Vincent Van Gogh

We, at Montefiore Medical Center’s Transplant Program,
wish to recognize and thank all our donors and
their families for their tremendous generosity.

The greatest gift you can give someone is the gift of life.

“You are Special”
~ Anonymous

True gifts from the heart are rare,
But you have so graciously, selflessly decided to share.
Share, not just sympathy, which would do little good,

You gave your precious organ, which surely would.
You had anxiety, questions and doubt,

Your giving certainly helped a loved one out.

Thank you for giving is so easy to say,
You have shown thanks by giving in such a special way.


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