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In this issue… Standardized testing breakdown. Variety in Valley P.E options. The importance of Special Olympics. Why we need better sex ed. Is school security good? School forces us into boxes. Art students paint themselves a bright future.

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Published by MVHS Newspaper, 2018-04-09 18:11:18

The Stampede: April 10, 2018

In this issue… Standardized testing breakdown. Variety in Valley P.E options. The importance of Special Olympics. Why we need better sex ed. Is school security good? School forces us into boxes. Art students paint themselves a bright future.


issue 5 | volume 9
APRIL 10, 2018



21 08



Hailey Hagemas ter STAFF EDITORIAL
Maddie Crabtre e Che sney War go

GRAPH ICS EDITO R STAMPEDE STAFF are related to subjects. Specifically the
Kaini n Blisset t ACT has the subjects English, Math,
GRAPH IC DESIGNE RS It is the month of April and stan- Reading, and Science with an option-
Kennedy Homan Isabella Gonzales dardized testing is all the buzz. al writing portion. The SAT does not
Alex Pressl Juniors find themselves stressing to differ much with the sections of Read-
increase their scores, while seniors sit ing, Writing and Language, Math no
PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR back and sympathize with their wor- calculator, Math with calculator, and
Ethan Meyers ries. Our society has created a culture an optional essay. Both are timed
PHOTOGRAPHERS that puts a single test in the hands tests, so that puts additional stress
of your future. The two common on the students to not only answer
Brittany Coates Maddie Crabtree standardized tests, the ACT and SAT, correctly, but time manage. The SAT
have been the recurring nightmare (non-writing) takes a total of 3 hours
Delaney Reed Aimee Leal for students because it’s said that the and 15 minutes with breaks while
score you get on those exams can the ACT (non-writing) takes 3 hours
HEADLINES EDITOR determine where you end up going and 30 minutes. The highest score
Chesney Wargo to college. According to, on the ACT is a 36 and a 1600 for the
more than 33 percent of US elemen- SAT. Often students find themselves
HEADLINES REPORTERS tary and secondary students experi- trying to get the highest score because
ence some test anxiety, up from 10-25 colleges have requirements on test
Thuy-An Nguyen Avani Shah percent in past decades. scores in order to receive scholarships
or simply be accepted into the college.
Laurel Westphal These tests are supposed to be This culture has had students focused
gauging college readiness, but instead so much on a number that it is taking
THE SCORE EDITOR they have turned into their own away from the comprehension aspect
industry at the cost of student educa- of education.
Kellie Foy tion.
So, if these tests are as bad as
THE SCORE REPORTERS After taking your first ACT or everyone says they are, then what
SAT, students may not be pleased is an alternative? On some college
Myra Bajwa Tyler Burleyson with their score, so it is common applications, instead of submitting
for parents to sign up their kids for a standardized test, there is a new
SPOTLIGHT EDITOR tutoring. This tutoring class now option that includes a portfolio. This
Connor Smith takes time out of your day, where you option would only be beneficial for a
could be learning something else, and college application if you are some-
SPOTLIGHT REPORTERS teaches you things you should have one who has a high GPA and low test
Claudia Grzyb Abbey Malbon already learned. It’s also interesting scores, test anxiety, or excel in one
because these classes or tutoring specific subject. These applications
Juthi Saha sessions consist of testing strategies are still highly competitive with the
or practice tests, so what are you portfolio option because colleges are
PROFILES EDITOR really getting out of them besides looking more into extracurriculars
Zyma Lakhani finding shortcuts? The whole point and teacher recommendations in
of a standardized test is to see what order to see what kind of student you
PROFILES REPORTER information you know but all of the are. Now, not many colleges have this
Tanvi Pant extra prep takes away from that. option yet so it’s important to make
sure to research the college of choice
PERSPECTIVES EDITOR The main issue with the ACT and and the different requirements before
SAT is that they both are used for completely giving up on standardized
Liam Sweeney ranking students instead of measur- testing.
ing what they know. Both tests are
PERSPECTIVES REPORTERS structured similarly since they both

Nate Burleyson Ryah Walker

Ben Weiss Brandon Yechout

Adam Page


STUDENTS FIND Graphic by Kainin Blissett


Blended classes have been a signif- AVANI SHAH They have the same junior/senior tracks
icant part of many students’ schedule. as Metea, as well as a self-defense course,
Next year, students have an even greater Physical Education as a junior or floor hockey, and body sculpt, which
opportunity to take a blended course. senior means having the ability to choose includes yoga and Zumba.
In blended classes, students are not how they exercise. Currently, students
required to stay in a classroom each choose from a variety of options in- “I would actually really like [self-de-
day rather the teacher can differentiate cluding team sports, working out in the fense]. That would be more interesting,
required attendance days. weight room, dance, and swimming. I’d say,” junior Matthew Corso said.
Students enjoy the freedom that comes Metea is currently considering a variety
Next year, courses like Blended with choosing how to work out. The of new additions to our P.E. program.
Chemistry and Blended Physical Educa- other schools in the district, Neuqua, and
tion will be available for students as well Waubonsie have similar programs with “We want to provide a wide variety
as the original blended courses such as slightly different choices. of options for students like we have our
Blended Government and Blended AP weightlifting class, we always try to offer
Statistics. “The freshmen and sophomores have group fitness and dance classes that are
their own class with junior and senior geared towards kids who don’t want
Students find satisfaction in the free- leaders. Juniors and seniors get to pick to be in an individual or team sport. So
dom that these courses offer them. Every between non-competitive, competitive, we’re really trying to meet the needs of
classes’ weekly routine is different, some skills and body, and some periods have everyone, that’s the big thing,” Physi-
students report to class only three days a self-defense, others don’t have self-de- cal Education Department Chair Craig
week and have independent work days fense, some periods have dance, others Tomczak said.
the other two days of the week. don’t have dance,” Waubonsie junior
Bridget Jansa said. Some of the current tracks offered at
Senior Sai Padmanabhan, a blended Metea are based on student suggestions,
government student, talked about the For the most part, the programs are like the Walking for Fitness class and the
benefits of his more flexible course sched- similar. The main differences are in the triathlon training in Track 3. Classes that
ule. separation of competitive and non-com- are potentially being added in the future
petitive sports, and the inclusion of are a water games class which would
“[Blended courses] are extremely self-defense as a program. “Self defense include kayaking and water polo, as well
helpful and beneficial for college-bound is only girls and is in a separate room,” as a self-defense class.
seniors because it has helped me become Jansa added. Waubonsie does not offer a
a good organizer and time manager. The lap swim program. “Our Track 3, for the first time, we’re
good habits I have developed in this class gonna test it out, they’re going to offer
will be my foundation going to college Neuqua has generally similar pro- a self-defense class. We’re going to see
when I have so much more free time on grams with a few additions. “Freshmen what the interest is and get some feed-
my hands,” Padmanabhan said. are in the freshmen building and have back from kids, whether or not we think
the usual sports and rock climbing,” students want it, and if they do, we’re
Talk to your counselors or check out Neuqua junior Richa Abraham said. definitely going to do it in the future,”
the 2018-2019 school year course catalog Tomczak added.
if you are interested in taking a blended
class next year.


APRIL 10 , 2018

Students listen to the speaker discuss the current situation and future of DACA. Photo by Ethan Meyers.


THUY-AN NGYUEN Dong is also a Midwest Regional Mo- “The main reason why I came is
bilizer for the organization World Relief, because my situation is not DACA but it
DACA isn’t a political problem, it’s a which offers assistance to victims of is very similar. I have a visa, so I do kind
human problem. These were the words poverty, disease, hunger, war, disasters, of relate to some of the ideas I’m sure are
of speaker Liz Dong in front of an audi- and persecution. going to be shared tonight. I think it is
ence of Metea and Waubonsie students important that we talk about these sorts
and teachers on the night of Wednesday, She shared with students ways to get of issues only because there’s not a lot of
April 4. Dong’s speech was part of an involved in their communities and em- people who can relate and so I think it is
organized forum designed to educate phasized the importance of taking action important to be able to share these kinds
students about Deferred Action for on an issue like DACA. of stories.” Cavazos said.
Childhood Arrivals.
“Part of the main issue is that people To students like Cavazos, Dong ex-
Dong, who herself is a DACA recipi- are not informed. They think that some- pressed her hopes for both themselves
ent, shared her story and experiences in body is here undocumented, illegally. and the community around them to rally
hopes of shedding some of the negativity [There’s] the common stereotype that in support and tolerance.
surrounding the topic of DACA. they’re doing something illegal or that
they’re not necessarily supporting the “I just want to say to, especially the
“It’s really my hope to, through my country in a positive way, when in real- DACA recipients or the Dreamers out
story, put a human face to this issue, ity, most of these students are actually there, that they’re not alone, that there is
which is too often painted by stats, trying their hardest to have a second ed- a group, that they have people around
spoken in very abstract terms. And then, ucation,” senior Alejandra Cavazos said. them, whether it be their faith commu-
two, I’m really hoping this can be a way nity, their school, or others, who are
of empowering others to speak up,” While many of the students attended supporting and there are people who are
Dong said. the event as part of a civic engagement fighting for them and with them,” Dong
project, some like Cavazos, had other said.
reasons as well.



A waist wrapped in measuring tape to show the grasp weight can have on a person. Photo by Madeline Crabtree


MYRA BAJWA athletic performance but this can cause maintain a level of athleticism.
insecurities when girls compare them- “There’s an intensity and obsession
Body image is a sensitive topic for selves to the more non-athletic ‘ideal’
many adolescents. Most teens are con- body type. that is not seen in other students, espe-
cerned with how they look compared to cially when you are trying to eat healthy.
their peers and figures in the media. Ac- “Sometimes female athletes are under There are students that are trying to
cording to the Park Nicollet Melrose Cen- even more scrutiny because they have to change their eating habits and transform
ter, 78% of 17-year-old girls are unhappy be strong, in shape, and have muscles, into a more healthy diet, and that’s fine.
with their bodies and 57% of high school but society portrays them as ‘too mascu- This is more at the intensity level of
girls sunk to unhealthy eating habits. line,’ as if they are saying that muscles needing emotional control,” social work-
Female athletes especially struggle to bal- are a bad thing,” school psychologist er Deepak Santhiraj said.
ance society’s expectations of what they Janine Wange said.
should look like and the requirements of Although eating disorders are still a
their sports. Some sports have additional expec- prevalent issue for athletes, sports have
tations for their athletes regarding their come a long way in terms of awareness
According to Women’s Health, 30% of appearance. Dancers and cheerleaders from coaches and athletes alike.
Division I female athletes were worried feel that their teammates, or just the
about becoming too muscular and 15% stereotype of what they should look like, Coaches and instructors no longer
say that they have struggled with their can force a specific image upon them. openly state that athletes need to be a
weight and food. Serena Williams, an certain weight or closely monitor intake
accomplished female tennis player, has Furthermore, the uniforms and cos- of their athletes. In the past, specific ath-
long been ridiculed by the media for her tumes worn by dancers and cheerleaders letes needed to participate in weigh-ins
impressive build that later aided her in a can highlight perceived insecurities for and were penalized for not making their
win of 23 singles titles. According to Vox, girls. goal.
Williams has been compared to animals
and called 'manly' by Twitter users. Oth- “[Disordered eating] is common Coaches would create specific diet
er athletes have additional pressures put within [cheerleading]. Our uniform hugs plans and restrict what their athletes
on them within the sports community. your skin and the way we’re portrayed could eat in order to maximize athletic
makes it feel like it's ideal to be skinny performance.
In the high school environment, and fit,” Metea Valley cheerleader Julie,
female athletes also deal with the clash whose name has been changed for this “I feel like [the coaches] are promoting
between the ideals of societal norms and story, said. healthy habits and they specifically told
athletic requirements. Intense training us never to worry about our bodies and
naturally creates muscle essential to The line between what is considered how we look. Everyone’s different and
healthy and what are unhealthy behav- that’s okay. That’s what [the coaches]
iors is sometimes blurred by the fact that always told us,” sophomore dancer Pau-
athletes are expected to eat healthily and lina Bogdan said.


APRIL 10, 2018


TYLER BURLEYSON Sara Hene at a compition for horseback riding. Photo by Brittanie Coates

For many students, athletics are an in- UNCONVENTIONAL SPORTS
tegral part of the high school experience,
and thanks to the coaches and volunteers CONTINUE TO HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT
behind Special Olympics, nobody has to
miss out. ON STUDENTS
KELLIE FOY time for those who choose to continue to
That’s part of the mission of Special participate.
Olympics, as laid out on the organiza- When you think of sports, what is the
tion’s website ( first sport that pops into your head? Is it “I’ve kind of always loved horse
Year-round sports training and competi- basketball or is it football? [riding], and my parents supported me,
tion offers special education students the so they let me start riding. I rode my first
opportunity to work on fitness, develop When people hear the word “sport”, horse when I was two, and I’ve been do-
social skills, and learn to participate and they tend to think of many of the more ing it ever since,” sophomore Sara Hene
work with others. “It gives us a chance popular ones, like basketball, football, said.
to, one, represent Metea and compete at soccer or volleyball.
a higher level that we wouldn’t normal- Athletes who are on the school basket-
ly be able to compete at, but it’s also a While many of the popular sports can ball team have one or two games a week
chance for us to show that we aren’t as be very exciting, there is still the list of with practices on other school days and
different as people think,” Special Olym- unconventional sports that aren’t typical- some Saturdays.
pics athlete and senior Thomas Kuhn ly a part of a school’s culture.
said. For someone who participates in an
For example, there are a variety of unconventional sport, they can dedicate
Research indicates that Special Olym- sports that students tend to participate their weekdays to school and their week-
pics usually achieves its goals. Partic- and compete in outside of the typical ends to competitions and practices.
ipation in athletics is one of the best school day.
indicator of social skills and positive With an easier schedule, unconven-
self-esteem in members of the special Perfect examples of these sports would tional sports can leave a positive impact
education community. Athletics bring include horseback riding, karate and on these students, including how they
competitors and their families together, ice-skating. deal with stress and how they bond with
and shows the community what they’re their peers and teachers.
capable of. “The community can take Often times, students start partici-
away that yes, even though someone has pating in these unconventional sports “I think what you need to be able to
a disability, that doesn’t stop them from at such a young age and continue to do as a [horseback] rider is to forgive
joining sports, taking part and doing be involved in them throughout high and forget pretty easily because when
what they love,” member of the Youth school. Numerous sports, like horseback something goes wrong, you can’t be mad
Activation Committee and senior Abby riding or archery, can easily start off as a at [your horse] for the next three weeks,”
Widd said. hobby, but then become competitive over Hene said.

The Youth Activation Committee is a
group of students who work to promote
Special Olympics in their schools. Thom-
as Kuhn is a member as well. Over the
years, Special Olympics has grown explo-
sively. “In 1968, they had 1000 athletes
from around the world come to Chicago
for the world games. Now, 50 years later,
they have over 5 million athletes world-
wide. So the outreach, not just at Metea
but worldwide, is huge,” Kuhn said.
The role that Special Olympics plays in
so many lives is incredibly valuable, for
the athletes and for our community as a



Photo by Aimee Leal


CONNOR SMITH Andy Mendez, the team’s current game are ran from an outside venue, such as
of choice is “League of Legends”, a a member’s house.
As a small child, senior David multiplayer online battle arena video
Nguyen loved playing in orga- game developed by Riot Games of Although eSports has been a
nized sports. However, injuries California. fixture of Metea’s extracurriculars for
constantly withheld him from competi- a few years, its popularity may only be
tions and socializing with others. Having strong teamwork skills peaking. According to a recent Chicago
and sense of individuality are both Tribune article, Illinois High School
Instead of trying out for teams stressed to be a successful member of Association executive director Craig
and risking getting hurt, Nguyen has the team. Many of the matches are one- Anderson noted that it takes approxi-
been able to put his competitive nature on-one, but the team meets regularly mately 80 schools throughout the state
to use as a member of Metea’s eSports after school to discuss strategies and for a sport to become recognized as
club. Now being a senior, he appreci- goals for future matches. official by the association. With new
ates being able to have the chance to gaming technologies constantly on the
participate in a unique activity that “A lot of it is communication. rise, members agree that its popularity
he has grown to be passionate about There’s the element of playing individ- may continue to spread.
during his four years of high school. ually but you have to alert your team
if someone leaves your lane,” senior “I think [eSports] will continue
“I’ve kind of moved onto video member Nathan Dale said. growing with other games. It’s easy to
games and it’s been fine with me,” get exposure but I think in the future
Nguyen said. Regardless of whether the given other games will be as big as League of
competition is multiplayer or single, the Legends,” Nguyen added.
Many students play a wide range average one lasts about 60-90 minutes
of video games for their leisure, but the and typically is played in a best-of- Members of the team take compe-
eSports club takes gaming to a whole three format. When the club was first tition against rivals seriously, its main
new level. Through a variety of differ- formed, the intention was to play one being Oswego East. However, they
ent online platforms, members com- directly from school, yet internet filters can all agree on one aspect: everyone
pete against other clubs from nearby have made it difficult to access some of on the team has the same desire to have
schools. Sponsored by dean’s assistant the desired platforms needed to com- fun at the end of the day while doing
pete. Instead, most of the competitions something they love and find joy in.


APRIL 10 , 2018





Isat in my seventh grade health but isn’t knowing how our bodies work Graphic by Isabella Gonzales
classroom and listened to my teach- worth a few giggles in class?
er profess to the class that he “had Some schools use misogynistic
never thought to simply teach boys not A common fear associated with sex demonstrations to discourage teens from
to rape.” The following year, I sat in the education is that it will promote pro- having premarital sex by comparing girls
same classroom, with the same teacher miscuity and as a result increase teen who have had sex to used pieces of tape,
and watched as he compared a diagram pregnancy rates. This is why many states worn socks, or chewed up chewing gum.
of the uterus to the Chicago Bulls logo. have implemented abstinence-only sex These kinds of fear tactics only serve to
Although my story is unique to my mid- education (sex education that empha- confuse teenagers, mystify sex, and harm
dle school, many students nationwide sizes abstinence, usually without men- our body image. Instead of providing
experience similar events. tioning other forms of contraception). information about how to have safe sex
However, a study done by researchers and how to get tested for STDs, teens are
According to the Guttmacher Institute, at the University of Washington found taught that the only way to avoid preg-
only 13 states require that sexual edu- that when comparing abstinence-only nancy or STDs is abstinence. This can
cation be medically accurate. Addition- sex education with comprehensive sex lead to serious misconceptions that can
ally, the gap between what the federal education, comprehensive sex education follow teens into their adult years.
government suggests schools should be was associated with a 50% lower risk of
teaching and what schools are actually teen pregnancy. While you can’t control Providing teens accurate information
teaching is quite significant. In 2014 the if teens are sexually active, you can at about their bodies and about sex will
CDC School Health Profiles reported least make them safe and knowledgeable only help them. We shouldn’t keep teens
that “fewer than half of high schools and about it. in the dark about how to properly care
only a fifth of middle schools teach all for themselves, nor can we continue to
16 topics recommended by the CDC as scare them about their bodies.
essential components of sex education.”
Students throughout the United States
are receiving different and often false
information regarding topics such as
sexually transmitted diseases, pregnan-
cy prevention, and puberty. Another
study conducted by Guttmacher Institute
revealed that 43% of adolescent females
and 57% of adolescent males did not re-
ceive any information about birth control
before becoming sexually active.

A federally funded national survey
revealed that the average age for teens to
become sexually active is 17. If the aver-
age age across the nation is that of a high
school student, why have our govern-
ments and school systems failed to teach
us accurate and concise information
regarding our bodies and sex? Sex can be
an awkward topic to teach to teenagers,


10/ THE STAMPEDE Graphic by Valerie Morrice

APRIL 10, 2018



JUTHI SAHA she is usually concerned about the price. In a foreign country, there are obvi-
Some programs that regard studying ously different styles of learning and
Post high school life comes with abroad are very affordable. According a different experience in general. The
many different experiences and to the College Board, the average tuition program usually includes educational
opportunities that are not offered for private colleges during the 2014-2015 classes that regard the specific major of
when you are in high school. Studying school year was $31,231. Meanwhile, the student and then usually transfer
abroad allows students to have a chance a year at the University of Amsterdam back to credit toward one’s major.
to see new terrains, natural wonders, costs around EUR 12,000, or $10,700.
museums, and landmarks. It also gives Additionally, many students say that it is “It’s definitely been very cool. In my
students an opportunity to take upon cheaper to study abroad than to study on program you take 4-5 classes, a lot of
new languages, cultures, and customs campus. which will transfer back to IU and count
they would not see in their own country. towards my major,” Thompson said.
“For out-of-state students like me, it’s
Studying abroad brings many chal- actually cheaper to study abroad than to For housing, many of the times stu-
lenges as well. It pushes students out of study at IU in terms of tuition, because I dents get options on the type of living
their comfort zone and introduces them can apply my scholarships still,” Indiana environment. Additionally, programs
to languages they might not know or University junior and Metea Valley grad- plan weekend trips that travel to natural
speak frequently. The language barrier uate Jessica Thompson said. wonders such as the Alps.
seems to be the major difficulty while
traveling abroad High school is the first opportunity to “My favorite program-planned trip
branch out and try something new such was a ski trip to the Alps,” Thompson
“Sometimes you face a language bar- as club, sport, or extracurricular activity. said.
rier abroad, but most people in Europe Similarly, traveling abroad requires that
speak English and are willing to answer same mindset including stepping out of From branching out to different
a question or help if needed. It becomes your comfort zone and trying something extracurricular activities to traveling to
difficult going into small shops or food new. Europe, Metea alumni have carried their
stands on the street where they may only interest in stepping out of their comfort
speak a foreign language,” UIUC soph- “I think Metea prepared me for college zone from high school to college and
omore and Metea Valley graduate Drew and studying abroad by pushing me to now experience adventures they will
Danko said. get involved and get out of my comfort cherish for years to come.
zone. I was very involved in extracurric-
When a student makes the decision ulars at Metea, and I think that carried “Overall, I would highly recommend
whether to study abroad or not, he or over to getting very involved in college studying abroad to anyone who is con-
as well,” Danko said. sidering it. You will enjoy anywhere you
go, and certainly have the experience of a
lifetime,” Danko said.



BEN WEISS enter and access the school. This mainly
affects doors that are outside the main
In a time where school safety has become a entrance, since these are the doors that
recent issue in our society, the current state of Me- don’t include the new doorbell system.
tea’s security has been brought into question. At
the moment, our school holds 2,871 students and “I feel like that’s
despite this large number, there is only one Stu- just a lot of
dent Resource Officer that occupies the building.
pressure to put on
For those who are unaware, the SRO’s job is to one person.”
protect and prevent crime in our school as well as
to educate the law or put it into place. Our current “I feel safe most of the time actually.
SRO officer is Troy Kern. Despite his importance We just need more police. I think we
to the security in our district, our school only has only have like one or two. A huge thing
one.This just so happens to be lower than the na- that we could do is to keep making
tional average of the nation of 2.4 law enforcement sure doors are locked when they’re
officers to 1000 civilians or about 1 officer for every supposed to be locked. It’s really easy
417 citizens. to get into our school if you wanted to,”
sophomore Truman Mitchell said.
Although many students admit to feeling most- Recently, a parent of a Special Olym-
ly safe within school, others feel as though there pics athlete noted how it was easy to get Metea Valley has only one security resour
should be an increase in security to give reassur-
ance. into a game without any sort of secu-
rity or analysis. All the security asked
“I feel like that’s just a lot of pressure to put on was “are you here for the meet” and he was let in that occur in the lunchroom
one person. We should have more [SRO officers], without care. Despite the addition of a doorbell handling most of the fights
because one person can’t do all of the protecting system, with the intention to ward out people who prepared to handle these vi
for all of the students,” senior Natalie Ludwig have malicious intentions, the school do not seem there’s plenty of videos on
said. to focus enough on basic security measures that people causing fights in the
could benefit our school. type of supervision or secu
With recent threats of school shootings across bullying that have been evi
the country and fighting within the schools becom- “I went to see the Special Olympics and I is slow to act.
ing a greater issue in our own building, it’s not parked in the wrong place. So I went to the doors
enough to have one person handle the problems in where people had lunch. The doors were open and
a limited amount of time. Putting all of the pres- one guy asked if I was here for Special Olympics. “It’s really
sure on one person doesn’t cover the vast amount Especially considering the Florida shootings, I was into our sch
of threats that could occur throughout the build- kind of shocked by that,” parent Howard Weiss
ing, especially in a building with as many people said. wanted
as ours. In fact, our school has multiple safety related
problems that further prove we need to have more
Some students have also brought up that some security. There are numerous amounts of fights
measures of security are neglected, especially There are people who sm
when it comes to gaining access to the building. A
couple students have pointed out how sometimes
the doors aren’t always locked, making it easy to


APRIL 10, 2018

rce officer in the building at a time. Discussions have occurred as to whether or not more officers are necessary. Photo by Ethan Meyers

m, and despite the deans bathrooms and get away with it despite having security measures added to the school are wel-
s, they may not be as security that should be able to stop them. We have come, the school itself is a safe environment. While
iolent situations. Plus several problems going on in our school that could she is aware that our school is mostly a safe area,
social media showing be solved with higher security. Problems like these she did bring up some very good information,
e bathroom without any are all things that go against the safety of our stu- such as how the school is a bit too easy to access,
urity. There are acts of dents, which needs to be given more attention. one of many concerns brought up by the students.
ident where the security
Despite the concerns of our student body, our “‘I’ve been at schools where there are metal
easy to get facility and staff feel as though everything is fine detectors. To be honest, I would love any measure
hool if you in the building, which is evident based on the that any school could afford. I honestly love uni-
d to.” interviews we had with Dean Reyes and Officer forms. I like kids not wearing book bags. I’ve been
Troy Kern. Acknowledging the benefits of certain to schools where they had clear book bags. [I’ve
moke or vape in our security measures shows that there are areas for been to schools] where they’ve had lanuards and
improvement, but they continue to tell us that the they had to wear their ID at all times. Would I love
security of our building is adequate. to implement all of it? Absolutely,” freshman dean
Jennifer Reyes said.
Dean Reyes, for example, stated that while any



Security cameras outside of the school. Photo by Ethan Meyers

continued from previous page ing more SRO’s would be beneficial, up new gun legislation and deal with the
but there have been situations where mental health epidemic we as a school
According to our own officer Troy a lack of security overwhelmed oth- can make sure our campus is more
Kern when asked whether we should ers in hostile situations. In one of the secure by having more student resource
increase the amount of SRO officers in most infamous school shootings held at officers within the facility. Students feel
the building, he replied with something Columbine High School in April 1999, that overall security measures could be
very interesting. the assigned student resource officer, better handled despite the advancements
Neil Gardener, wasn’t enough to stop that we have attempted. Our school
“Easier… of course, be- the boys. Despite his best efforts, two does put make changes whenever its
cause then that means I students were already dead and ten necessary, though like Dean Reyes said,
have to do half the work. were wounded around the time of his we could always be do stuff to make it
I wouldn’t think it would response. better.
make it safer, but it would
make my job safer,” This is one of the biggest school disas- Although we’re not sure if what we
ters of all time, and the fact that much say will change things, or whether our
Student Resource Officer Troy Kern of the conflict was a result of a lack of observations will be noticed by the staff,
said. security shows how we seriously need to we hope that the people can decide on
zero in on all of the cracks that could be whether the students views can in-
The staff may not agree that add- in the open at our school fluence the safety of our overall great
While we as a society need to bring


APRIL 10 , 2018



LIAM SWEENEY day about whether
our current grading
We all know school sucks. This system is good or
torturous structure of school has bad, but that’s not
been the source of many crit- the point I’m bring-
icisms from students and adults alike. ing up. These hyper
Many see this system as degrading and competitive grades
creates more problems than it solves. are directly paral-
It creates a culture that promotes suc- lel to the absolute
ceeding by any means necessary, while cutthroat nature of
stifling student creativity. It shapes us society.
students into carbon copies of each other The American
rather than better individuals, and in the Dream tells us that
end, does not prepare us for society in if you work hard
anyway. enough you will
make it in life. That
But that just isn’t the case. No, it’s far mentality is directly
worse. School molds us to be obedient reflected in school.
members of society, but that society it We are told that
prepares us for is no longer the society if we don’t work Graphic by Alex Pressl
we live.
hard, we will end
First off, our education system and up working at Mc-
school activities are directly reflective of Donalds the rest of our lives. However, if useless condition us to be used doing
our society. I mean that is pretty obvi- we work hard, we’ll become the next Jeff dumb busy work. We become condi-
ous on the educational front as we often Bezos. The pressure to succeed is drilled tioned to do things because an authority
learn things that relate to current events into us at school, where we’re told that if figure tells us to, not because they give
and lessons based off of them. But that is our grades aren’t on par, we’ll be fail- us emotional satisfaction or fill us with
just the tip of the iceberg with how our ures and won’t get into a good college. meaning. Instead we trade that in for an
culture holds such influence over our Period. unquestionable obedience to those that
school lives. have control over us.
And finally, our favorite and most
Ever wonder why we have pep rallies cherished part of high school: home- All in all, we are molded and shaped
and promote school spirit? It’s because work. We all absolutely love doing by our school system into perfect pawns
of American Patriotism. Think about it. worksheets or readings that overall for our society’s big game of chess.
We live in a culture that glorifies and bear no use to the actual things we are But the thing is, that game of chess has
promotes an intense love of the nation learning and feel like unnecessary busy become a game of checkers. Our cur-
and its history. Nationalism is not just work with no purpose. All joking aside, rent society has evolved from when
born within us, it is stoked by society. homework often feels like a degrading things such as pep assemblies, grades,
And what better way to stoke such feel- slog that eats at your insides while you and homework were first established.
ings of pride and love than to instill it in toil away. So of course it is just another Unbridled patriotism is both much less
a smaller situation, like a school. It is the reflection of how society functions. common and in some circles frowned
why we recite an oath of allegiance to a upon, you can’t work hard and instantly
flag before we even start our school day; There is something that also feels be middle class successful anymore, and
to make us more nationalist. degrading and soul eating: menial jobs. such monotonous work is less common
Such desk and assembly line work re- these days than it used to be. The society
But our patriotic passions aren’t quires obedience in order for the people that our schools engineer us for does not
the only aspect of our society that has working in such oppressive conditions exist anymore.
entered our school system. Grades to not instantly quit. But in order to force
have always made school competi- such obedience onto the workers, they So in the end, we are molded and
tive and stressful for many. You need need to be used to the degrading kind crafted to be perfect members of society
good grades in order to get into a good of work that such workers go through. that does not exist anymore. I know it
college, so teachers and parents put Here is where homework comes in. sounds macabre and dreary for us all
pressure on us all to keep a certain letter While essays, projects, and other bigger but trust me, it is exactly as terrifying as
grade that’s supposed to tell us whether assignments are exempt from this issue, it sounds. Welcome to the Kafkaesque
we’re smart or not. Now we can argue all the small bits of homework that feel so nightmare we call reality.



Graphic by Valerie Morris

ZANIE QURESHI efforts to encourage society to be more someone else dismissing your opinion
healthy. As a high school student, we all of yourself, don’t you think? Having
For a long time, the way people look go to get our physicals to start school in confidence doesn’t necessarily need to
had always been a set caricature of September. During those doctor’s visits, mean that you think you look great, it
society. This enabled years of ostraciza- often times will a physician advise their can just as well mean that you place your
tion for those who looked out of place, patient to either increase or decrease “amour-propre” in who you are as a
relative to the beauty standards at that their weight, or practice healthier eating person and the role you, as an individual,
period of time. The “right” or “wrong” habits. In recent times, this advisory com- play in society.
way to look is an old concept that people ment has become one associated with
have been attempting to master for ages. being “stuck in old times,” or that they’re That brings me to my last point. The
perpetuating “unhealthy stereotypes.” body positivity movement is great and
Although the tone has slightly shift- This is a misconception. The idea that should be applauded, but why is it
ed in the past couple years. The narrative doctors are trying to promote unrealistic necessary in the first place? Putting aside
has gone from “You need to look this standards is preposterous. They have the fact that this movement sprouted in
way to be accepted and liked,” to “You no agenda against you, it’s their job to the midst of discrimination individuals
can look however you want because ev- help you become more healthy. Doctor’s were facing due to not conforming to the
eryone is pretty.” Years of discrimination aren’t always 100 percent correct all the set caricature of what the word “pretty”
based on how someone looks is no longer time and it’s not against the law to be meant, this movement is in the works
the growing emphasis on society. People unhealthy, it’s definitely in everyone’s because people are prioritizing attrac-
are Instagram-ready with their #body best interest that you follow your doc- tiveness far too much. People are hurt
#positivity #hashtags. tor’s advice to the best of your abilities by others not finding them attractive,
and knowledge. but why should that matter in the first
Everybody is pretty because beau- place? Why does it matter that someone
ty is subjective. In the same sense that Another negative effect of the move- doesn’t find you good looking if you’re
someone has the ability to decide that ment that not many people take into a hardworking, intelligent person with
the color green is their favorite color account is that it seems to be a crime in great character who can get a laugh out
as opposed to the color orange, people today’s age to care about how you look. of people every now and then? Having
decide what is attractive to them. While You can be confident and still want to a defined sense of self is much more
the movement to promote body positiv- look your best self. They don’t have to important than how you wear your face
ity has made it to the mainstream, other be intertwined concepts. One can eas- and what others think of it.
problems have risen. It’s a great concept, ily exist without the other. It seems as
but there are some things to watch out though it’s become impossible to say, It’s in my personal opinion that some-
for when promoting it. “I don’t look too great today,” without one can find me or someone else ugly
someone chiming in countering that and it’s okay that they think that. Other
The first thing to watch out for is one statement now a days. While their inten- people won’t always find you attractive
of my biggest pet-peeves when I witness tions are in the right place, it should still and that’s alright because your worth
it happen. Attractiveness is all relative, be okay to have a bad hair day without should not be bound to superficial stan-
but some have found this as an excuse to dards such as how others see you.
romanticize toxic habits and demonize


PrBom esties


18/ THE STAMPEDE Graphic by Kainin Blissett

APRIL 10 , 2018


ence (Kabuki), which is why approaching of the restaurant’s bar, now packed to the
BRANDON YECHOUT this film for me was like running face- brim with drunks. The “Royal Garden”
first into a brick wall. As such, I feel that sequence is composed entirely of a num-
Rashomon (1950): at the moment I’m not suited to assign ber of brilliant concurrent gags, and the
Akira Kurosawa’s “Rashomon” is this film a rating. I will have to re-eval- attention to detail in frame composition
uate the film at a later date, bearing in is so great that you’ll often spot multi-
a psychological thriller and period film mind what I’ve been able to gather about ple gags running simultaneously in the
that tells of a terrible crime through the Kurosawa’s approach. Brando’s rating? same frame; every time the shot changed,
accounts of four witnesses (including a Nothing, for now. my eyes were darting around looking
murdered man, who testifies by means for everything I could find. This is an
of a medium). All four accounts of the Playtime (1967): unbelievably well-composed film; a work
crime are contradictory to one another, Jacques Tati’s “Playtime” follows of comic art that easily earns my highest
and the true nature of the crime is never rating. Brando’s rating? Four out of four
explicitly revealed. Taking shelter from the bumbling Monsieur Hulot as he stars.
heavy rainfall under the Rashōmon gate, explores a sterile, colorless Paris, and
a group of men deliberate upon the na- attempts to navigate the modern world. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000):
ture of humanity and truth as a woodcut- He eventually arrives at “The Royal The Coen brothers’ “O Brother,
ter presents them with each of the three Garden”, a restaurant whose opening
testimonies that were relayed in court, as night gradually spirals into mayhem as Where Art Thou?” is a reimagining of
well his own testimony of what he saw. everything that could possibly go wrong Homer’s “Odyssey” set in the deep
does. American South during the 1930s. It tells
This is the most challenging film I of three escaped convicts, who search
have ever watched, an honor previously This is a movie that uses the medi- for an alleged treasure whilst evading
held by Andrei Tarkovsky’s mystifying um of film to the fullest extent, and in the law and encountering all manner of
allegorical sci-fi film “Stalker.” Funnily that regard, is probably one of the finest eccentric characters along the way.
enough, despite the ambiguous nature films I’ve ever seen, objectively speak-
of the film’s plot, the structure and story ing. Every shot in the film is so densely This quirky adventure is a delight-
of the film are not what challenged packed, so meticulously constructed, fully creative interpretation of Homer’s
me the most. Rather, I was challenged and so riddled with subtle humor that, “Odyssey,” and anybody familiar with
because this is the first foreign film that during the entirety of the extensive the poem (which I’m not to any great
I’ve watched that feels truly foreign to “Royal Garden” sequence, my eyes were extent) will likely enjoy deciphering
me. The film’s acting initially struck me busier than they’ve ever been in any what this film represents. My favorite
as completely ridiculous, so much so film. Tati continuously introduces great is probably John Goodman’s character
that I was completely unable to invest gag after great gag, and the beauty of of “Big Dan,” a brutish conman with
myself in the film to any degree. Baffled, his skillful direction is that every gag an eyepatch meant to echo the cyclops
I engaged in a bit of research, and was is meaningfully expanded upon over Polyphemus. George Clooney delivers
able to piece together some of the reasons the course of the sequence it’s intro- a snarky, enjoyable performance as Ev-
why the film was performed in the way duced in. For instance, the chairs in the erett, the leader of the convicts. The rest
it was. Kurosawa was heavily influenced “Royal Garden” sequence are revealed of the cast is memorable as well, and the
by both silent films and traditional to imprint patterns on the backs of the film overall does an excellent job of cap-
Japanese theatre, both of which feature people who sit in them. There’s only turing the atmosphere of the American
stylized pantomime and, with Kabuki one person afflicted by this, at first, but South (both the good and bad) through
theatre specifically, extremely hyper- throughout the sequence, you’ll be able its plentiful use of folk music and its
bolic delivery. Kurosawa intentionally to spot more and more people in the faded, sepia coloring. A quaint, pleasant
directed the acting in such a way so as to background with the pattern on their film and a solid effort from the Coen
mimic these performance styles. Western back. Another example, the sign outside brothers. Nothing outstanding, but good
cinema is generally devoid of such influ- the restaurant begins leading drunkards for what it is. Brando’s rating? Three out
inside. More and more enter over time, of four stars.
and eventually, we are shown an image


SPOTLIGHT Photo by Aimee Leal

APRIL The Things I Wish I Could Say by Kaitlin Santiago, Junior
POEMS I sat at a table where I knew
that everyone else who was sitting at the same table didn’t
April is National Poetry Month. Want to read more want me there
I sat in silence while everyone made conversation with each
poems? Check out the Metea Valley Lit Mag. other
While I made conversation with myself inside my head
A Girl of Frost and Rain by Danielle Moy, Sophomore I started by questioning myself about why I even made an
A girl of frost and rain. appearance
Soaked to the skin of the morning dew. Was it so I’d feel less lonely?
What is she doing here? Did I want to see if they’d keep pretending that they’d want me
The very essence of her soul calls her to the winds. there?
Lovely and sweet, or was it so I could see if people wanted to be honest and tell
Is the façade of the breeze. me to leave?
Dangerous and tempting. Either way no one bothered to speak with me
She seeks the face of herself, so I continued to have a conversation with myself
Lost in the broken mirrors and endless chambers. I questioned why the most beautiful of roses would dry out
Can she face the dangers ahead? and die
Evil lurks at every corner, just waiting to grab her. like the beginning of friendships somehow turn to dust
Stumble she did, I started to realize that every day had a night
Laugh she did. Just like every good thing that had happened could have a bad
To seek her face among strangers was beyond strange. side too
How could she, of all people, find her face? That under all my concealer and eyeshadow there are pimples
Beautiful she was, and blemishes
Lost she is. and my skin would turn red with every tear that ran down my
Never one to stray away from a challenge, cheek
She rises to the occasion. I was a walking strawberry
She leaps, People would pluck me off the growing stem that I was a part
And gains a powerful magic. of
Glittering sparks fly out of her fingertips and the trees whistle to blend me in their own personal smoothie
with song. and engulf me in their sadness
Don’t be afraid, my child. to make themselves feel better
You are a special one. You see, people wanted me around to make them feel good
No one can replace you. but as soon as I’d need assistance
With that, I wasn’t as important to them anymore
Her face was revealed, The little seed that would roll and drop on the floor
And she realized all that she had overlooked. They sweep it up and throw it away
She was and always will be a sparkle in the mist. Instead of replanting it to grow for another day
She’s small, I am a one and done canon
But when showered with the proper care, I’ll be there to use at your beck and call
She can shine. but once you’re done I am over in your life I would love to feel
secure in a friendship But I am a charity to them
Sand getting covered in salty sea water and I thought I was saying these things out loud but then I
Do you feel like you’re getting sucked in? Do you have many realized
doubts? I’m having a conversation with myself inside my head
These clouds shine gray
What more do you have to lose?
Take all I’m worth
Place your hands out so you can hold onto a spark
The feelings can not be held
They spill out and etch shame onto the ground
The world spins monochromatically
One person in such a place


APRIL 10, 2018




TANVI PANT Korean Dance Club at practice getting ready for their competition. Photo Courtesy of Korean
Dance Club
The Korean Dance Club has recently
had the spotlight with their popular and “We are really excited because we get dio and East2West who do Kpop dance
inspiring performances. The club has to show more of our performances, and covers as well as original dance covers.
gained attention and an audience after I used to dance for a team and then I Oh yeah, and of course we look up to all
years of trying of hard work to start it stopped. Now that I am able to start per- the K-pop idols who have to work super
off. Participants in the club have shown forming again and the performances are hard day and night to show fans the best
growth in confidence and being open becoming more public, it’s really cool to performances,” Gipson said.
about their personal interests. They are see how we can affect and inspire other
expressing that the club is fun and a people,” Keda said. The girls in the club have pressed on
stress relieving environment for anyone. about how starting a club isn’t easy or
In terms of where to get inspiration, quick, but the impacts that the team can
“I’ve actually been working on this the Korean Dance Team has plenty of have on others and the school is some-
club for two years. I started when I was sources. From looking at other dance thing that can’t be taken away. From
a freshman, [and] there were definitely teams and companies to seeing solo being a fun environment to a stress free
bumps in the road. Freshman year we covers, to even just viewing the original place, the club has had a lot to offer. The
started super late, and sophomore year Kpop stars, the group has plenty of de- girls hope to grow more and keep look-
we didn’t have enough people. [By] monstrative influences. ing up to their idols for inspiration that
Junior year, however, an opportunity change lives with their passion.
opened when they wanted to branch off “We look to other dance teams and
of an Asian American club,” Keda said. companies such as 1MILLION Dance stu-

The girls on the team have all men-
tioned how the club has changed them
personally and helped them grow as
individuals in different ways. From being
able to explore their passions, to learning
to express their talents, the girls have
come a long way.

“I’ve personally changed a lot since
being on this team. I’ve become less
self-conscious and more open to liking
Kpop in general. When you have a place
to go to just be free and dance it can be
a super fun and a stressing [relieving]
environment,” Gipson said.

Overall, the members in the group
are most proud with what impact they
are able to make on others. With recent
growth in popularity, the girls are able to
see how their talents and K-pop culture
affect others.



A light is not often shed on students planning on majoring and going into some
type or form of art, and putting a spotlight on Metea’s art students and their
talents is just as essential as the spotlight put on for math, science, athletics,

and so on. Students like Elena Fazio and Torre Campise confidently tread ahead
towards their bright futures as the question of college and the type of art career

they want to pursue becomes a pressing subject.

Graphic by Valerie Morrice


APRIL 10, 2018



What form of art are you majoring and its expectations and certain stan- college. They asked me a couple ques-
in? dards you had to meet for that specific tions and then showed me their individ-
college, nothing major related. ual projects of what they were working
Fazio: Computer Animations is what I on and it was super cool. They showed
want to go into but for like portfolios and What school do you plan on going to? me different apps to use and get to
stuff it was mostly realistic drawings and Fazio: Ringling if I don’t get into know, and they showed me around the
paintings. CalArt which is the most well-known for office. There was a series of photo shoots
computer animation. going on for different big named brands
Campise: Graphic design. Campise: Iowa State University. and even food photo shoots with many
What schools have you applied to How has Metea helped you grow in models. I absolutely fell in love with the
and gotten into? your art? major more and more after my visit and I
Fazio: I only applied to art schools like Fazio: I think the art program at Metea knew it was for me.
Pratt, SVA, Ringling, CalArts, SAIC, and has helped me learn more about the art
so on. community and advance my skills in the Is there a certain place you see your-
Campise: Illinois state, Iowa State, arts by providing resources and excellent self at in the future regarding your art
Oklahoma State, Florida Gulf Coast Uni- teachers. career?
versity, Western Michigan, and Universi- Campise: I have taken every single art
ty of Iowa. class at Metea that you can imagine, ex- Fazio: Pixar, dreamworks, and so on is
What was the admission process like cept for graphic design. I just would like the dream, but you never know, they are
since I’m sure it’s different than apply- to thanks Ms. Popovich for being such a really competitive.
ing to other schools with kids majoring great art teacher all four years and Ms.
in other things? Olson because without them, I wouldn’t Campise: Even though I don’t have a
Fazio: Yeah, you have to make a have learned so many skills and be specific place or designated area I want
portfolio with like 20 pieces in it, and where I am today as an artist. Every class to work in, I hope to get an internship
then there’s an artist statement. I usually I have taken and enrolled into has been out of college or even start fresh and out
had these pieces ready beforehand from such a joy and I will cherish what they of my dad’s business and make a name
different classes and places. I also went have taught me and use it to the best of for myself somewhere else..
to National Portfolio Day, it’s in every my knowledge in the future. Without
state and they have different dates, and them, I probably wouldn’t be majoring in Did you face any discouraging
I would ask the colleges and they would art like I am today and I never expected comments when you told people you
tell you ‘Oh, we like this’ ‘Oh, we don’t to. wanted to go into art?
like this’. When did you realize you wanted to
Campise: The admission process was go into this field? Fazio: Kind of, I remember telling
like any other school, there was nothing Fazio: I don’t really know. I’ve always teachers I wanted to go into art and they
special about it. I didn’t have to send any been interested in the arts specifically in did that little head nod and smile ‘yea
work into any of the schools since it was the production of animated films. that’s fine; you’re going to be a starving
only optional at OSU and ISU. At the Campise: I realized I wanted to go artist but that’s cool’. Some people think
time I was undecided in what I wanted to into this field when I figured out my it’s a bad career, but I want to go into
major in, so I unfortunately didn’t send dream as a little kid (wanting to major computer animation. I feel like they are
in any pieces that I created. in meteorology) wasn’t my thing. I hate thinking about fine arts because it’s a
Do they check other criteria too? math. I’m not a math person. I’m very lot harder because you have to promote
Fazio: Different schools have different creative: I doodle on my paper in class all your own work and it’s a lot of competi-
requirements. [For] Ringling, you needed the time in math class because I just want tion. However computer animation, yes
to do all realistic work not expres- to keep brainstorming ideas for different it’s a lot of hard work and competition,
sive-feely art, for example, I remember designs for companies in the future. My but it’s more applicable to different
making a bunch of drawings of realistic dad was a former graphic designer in the things like advertisement and movies.
hands. Other schools, though, wanted past, but he is now in sales. He took me
more abstract stuff. Also, your SAT or to his office in Chicago that’s very close Campise: I only got a few from my
ACT scores don’t matter as much with to the United Center. I absolutely loved dad, he asked why I wanted to go into
the admission process and criteria. the atmosphere of the office and the en- the business because it’s a very hard,
Campise: They didn’t have any other ergy, [and] he introduced me to a team of cutthroat [career], and you need to be the
special criteria for all six schools. They graphic designers that were fresh out of best of the best and give clients exactly
were just like any other average school what they want. He just wants me to do
well in life and he wants me to be suc-
cessful, so he’s just looking out for me in
the end and I want to make him and my
mom both proud.


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