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The Chronicle published on October 20, 2017.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2017-10-20 00:19:11

Edition 15.2

The Chronicle published on October 20, 2017.

Vol. 15, Issue 2 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 10.20.17



MAKING Senior portrays vengeful killer
in Sweeney Todd performance

MURDERER see story page 8 Photo by Staff Photographer Tanner Pearson

2 News October 20, 2017

Popular new club benefits local animal shelters

Andrea Hefferan | Staff Writer

Mason students are putting their hands to- Photo by Andrea Hefferan
gether to help all kinds of creatures. Seniors Amanda Cheng and Connie Mi volunteer at the PAWS Adoption Center and feed homemade treats to one of the cats.

Animal Shelter Alliance (ASA) is a new club Photo by Andrea Hefferan
dedicated to providing resources to animals in Senior and co-president Connie Mi plays with one of the cats living at the PAWS Adoption Center in Monroe, Ohio.
need. Every other Friday, nearly 100 members,
from middle schoolers to seniors, meet up to animals are fine now.’ But they’re actually not.” sider to be relatively wealthy and relatively good.
make much-needed supplies. ASA is partnered with ten shelters, all of which It really shocked me.”

Senior Amanda Cheng, co-president, had the are no more than an hour from Mason. Senior Mi hopes that ASA will continue long after the
idea for the club when she went to a pet store Connie Mi, treasurer, said the club opened her current leaders have left the high school.
and noticed how overcrowded it was. Soon after, eyes to how close to home this issue truly is.
she reached out to animal shelters to see how “It’s a new club, but I really hope that it’s
she could make a difference. “I realized just how much we neglect a lot of something that will continue in the future,” Mi
pets and animals in our area,” Mi said. “Just in said. “I’m a senior, and I just hope that when I
“One of their common problems is that they’re our area there are around five shelters. And that come back, it will still be here, going strong, still
taking in way too many animals, and at the same just surprised me; how many animals were being helping out the community.”
time they don’t have enough resources,” Cheng abused in our area, an area that we usually con-
said. “I tried to look for clubs in Mason that dealt
with animal awareness, but there weren’t any; I
might as well try and start my own.”

At each meeting, the members of the club
make toys and treats to donate to various local
shelters. Cheng believes that making each item
by hand is an important part of the experience.

“Part of it is just that sentimental value,”
Cheng said. “It’s not materialistic. We’re not just
giving materials and donating that to them.
We’re putting in thought and effort and craft

This aspect of the club allows each member
to contribute to the cause. Sophomore Eleonora
Julmy was excited to be a part of a club where
she felt she was making an impact.

“It’s been pretty cool to see that we’re actually
making a difference,” Julmy said. “We made

over 300 toys and treats (at the last meeting)
which is really cool.”

The club puts on many events in order to
support the animal shelters. On Halloween, the
club will be conducting a drive, which Cheng
explained requires participation from the com-
munity in order to succeed.

“Each shelter gave us wish lists of materials
they lack, like rugs, leashes, paper towels. We
basically ask around the community for dona-
tions,” Cheng said. “Then on Halloween we will
go around and pick up whatever is left on the

In addition to the regular meetings, the club is
planning to take a tour of a local animal shelter.
Senior Lauren Han, co-president, said that this
enables the members to see just how much their
help is needed.

“People don’t really think about what goes
behind a shelter, and they don’t see how much
work it takes,” Han said. “A lot of the shelters
that we’re partnered with right now, they’re
nonprofit, they’re donation-based, and it’s really
hard for them to be able to effectively help all of
the animals that they want to. I think having a
tour would be able to expose people to the reali-
ties of how hard it is for shelters to function, and
how they actually need our help, because people
just assume that, ‘oh, they’re in shelters, so those

October 20, 2017 News 3

Eyada, Galvin hope to unseat incumbents

Candidates take to campaign trail in preparation for election

Asia Porter | Editor-in-Chief district to the board and along make them better,” Yingling said. Fast facts about your
Three seats are up for grabs with it, new perspectives and ideas “One of those that is a highlight 2017 candidates
for the district’s future. for me and a lot of people is in-
in the school board election on novation: what can we do now for Connie Yingling
November 7. While the upcoming election students that we haven’t been able Board Member
does allow for the community to to do in the past? We’ve always Appointed in 1999
With only two incumbents in elect change in Eyada and Galvin, helped give kids a good education. Elected to 4 terms
the race, current President Mat- long-seated Steele and Yingling We try hard to give taxpayers a Has served as
thew Steele and member Connie have proven themselves to be good value, but now we have the Board President,
Yingling, at least one newcomer qualified and popular candidates. opportunity to not just help kids Vice President and
will earn a seat come November. figure out what they want to do Legislative Liason
Attorney Charles Galvin is hoping Steele was appointed to the pres- and what they’re able to do; we’re
to be that one. idential seat on January 10 of this able to let them focus and dig Matthew Steele
year. After having just been sworn deeper.” Board President
With the 2018 renovation proj- in, Steele said he intended to Represents the
ects on the horizon, Galvin said his continue on the path already set, Galvin, along with Eyada, will Finance, Student
main concern is the future (priori- confident the district was already look to unseat one of these incum- Achievment, Arts
tizing stability within the district headed in the right direction. bents as they start to look towards and Activities,
both financially and among the November 7. And while local Community
student body), specifically the “For us, it’s mostly staying the elections tend to get lost behind Engagement
intermediate-level grades and course and making sure that we’re national ones, Galvin said students Photos Contributed by Mason committees.
high school students, who will see setting up the administrative and are impacted by the results now, City Schools School Board.
a change in their school dynamic. teaching staff for success,” Steele but even more notably, long-term. Charles Galvin
said. “(It’s) making sure that the Attorney at Law
“My focus primarily is ensur- resources are there from state “When I had a choice to go Youngest
ing financial stability for the core resources or whatever resources somewhere for employment, to candidate
functions that the school district we need to make sure that people start my family, there were op- focused on the
has,” Galvin said. “Wanting to can do their jobs and do great for portunities in the area where I future (financial
maintain a stable financial support Mason City Schools.” grew up that I could come home,” and student
to primarily focus on the resources Galvin said. “I know a lot of people stability)
we already have, making sure the The final candidate in this year’s want to go to big cities and travel
money that we have coming in four-person race is incumbent Yin- the world, and there’s definitely a Photo Contributed by Charles
that we can count on is being dis- gling, who has been on the board time and place for that, but I also Galvin
tributed the best it can be. That’s since 1999. As a result, Yingling think that at some point, a lot of Noha Eyada
something that I would want to noted she has been able to witness people are going to want to start Clinical Research
have a hand in and do what I can the district’s rapid growth in her a family. I think that good schools Coordinator
to help make sure it stays on task, early years on the board along and a strong public school system Served on Mason
stays on budget and that all the with making important decisions is a huge draw- a huge boost to City School
students in the district are not that go along with such growth any community- so making sure Diversity Council
disrupted or bothered by some of you have leadership that can guide Committee, The
the changes going on.” Yingling said now that the dis- your school district in the right Better Angels
trict has begun to level off growth direction and make your school
Mother of three Mason students wise, she hopes to see Mason and system as strong as it can be is re- Photo Contributed by Organization
and doctor Noha Eyada is also its students go deeper and earn a ally important to everything that
looking to earn her spot on the more enriched education. keeps your community going.”
board. Eyada brands herself as
an individual that will bring the “We have opportunities now to
diversity reflected in the school stabilize the district and go for
depth. We have the opportunity
now to focus on the pieces and

4 News October 20, 2017

24-hour hack-a-thon Photo by Tanner Pearson
promotes practice (Left to right) Erika Smith, Laney Nelson and Jayme Hammons draw while participating in the group, A Brush of Hope.
in coding, computer
programming Group allows for stress relief during school day

Luke Hutchinson | Online Editor Lauren Serge | Staff Writer gling can learn a lot of life skills and coping
Ready, set, code. Discussion is brought together through art, mechanisms just through the language of art,”
Mason Hack club will host their first Hack-a- Lowrence said. “When I was in school, it really
the language that everyone speaks. would’ve made a difference for me to have had
thon at the University of Cincinnati College of During second and third bell on Mondays, A that kind of support.”
Engineering and Applied Sciences on Novem-
ber 4. A hack-a-thon is a 24-hour overnight Brush of Hope serves as a safe location where Lowrence said there is an ongoing trust be-
competition in which students interested in girls engage in an open conversation, then try a tween herself and the girls, which relies heavily
computer programming (CP) pair up into small medium of art that relates to the lesson. on the all-female dynamic within the group.
teams, brainstorm a potential CP project and
then build it through coding, all while being Junior Laney Nelson said being a part of the “The reason that the program is for girls is
served catered meals and Red Bull. group helps her to better communicate and because I think that girls are more drawn to art,
expand upon her artistic interests. and it seems to appeal to their style of learning
At the end of the 24 hours, teams present and the way they communicate with each other,”
their final product in an attempt to win prizes. “Being a creative person, I take a lot of art Lowrence said. “They are able to be in a setting
According to junior and Executive Director Me- classes at school, but unfortunately, they’re very where they can be themselves.”
gan Cui, there will be specific prize categories structured, and you’re very limited to the things
like Most Popular, Best Internet of Things Hack, you can do,” Nelson said. “The good thing about After they’ve attended the meetings, Lowrence
Best Gaming Hack and Best Robotics Hack. A Brush of Hope is that there’s no guidelines said there is an increase in grades, attendance,
and you can express yourself however you want and overall academic interest.
Junior Outreach Director Annie Wang said to.”
the prizes at the hackathon will be high-end “As the year goes through and as they get
technology products and people should be mo- This expression through art transcends into more comfortable with each other, their choices
tivated to win them. their candid conversations. Nelson said the become better,” Lowrence said. “They know
group’s location is convenient for school-orient- they’re going to come to the group and share
“We will be offering Go Pros, 3D printers, and ed conversations. things about themselves. They have that sense
Bose headphones,” Wang said. “The prizes are of community that makes them want to do bet-
highly exclusive, especially considering the “The fact that it is in school is great because ter.”
event has no admission fee.” you can be in the middle of a problem that’s
stemming from school,” Nelson said. “Mason’s Sophomore Erika Smith has attended the
Cui and Wang are the two students in charge just so big, so it’s nice to have a group of people group since middle school and said its emotion-
of organizing the event. They were denied who are all there for each other.” al and artistic nature forms diverse connections
approval to host it as a Mason school event in between the girls.
September. Despite the new challenge of adver- Sophomore Kristin Rojek said friendships
tising a non-Mason event to students, Cui said easily form between the girls after sharing their “We all have very different mindsets, and
they overcame the setback by partnering with personal issues while participating in the forms we’re all very creative and empathetic,” Smith
the Mason Accelerative Robotics and Science of art that week. said. “We use art as our outlet and draw how we
Fund (MARS). feel.”
“The art demonstrates what we’re feeling and
“We’re partnering with the non-profit organi- our personalities in different ways,” Rojek said. Smith said her experiences in A Brush of
zation that actually used to be the robotics team “It’s a good break from everything and a place Hope have encouraged her to understand others
at the high school named MARS,” Cui said. “We where I can be myself without hiding anything.” on different viewpoints.
wanted to partner with Mason, but we under-
stood why we couldn’t due to liability reasons A Brush of Hope founder and advisor Aimee “‘It’s a reminder that people are three-dimen-
with students from around Ohio.” Lowrence developed the group from her interest sional,” Smith said. “When we get together in
in character building through art. this group, I really get to see these people for
Every day from July to September, both Cui who they are.”
and Wang spent time reaching out to get spon- “I really feel that young girls who are strug-
sors for the hack-a-thon. Wang said this process
was the most difficult part of organizing the

“On Labor Day weekend, Megan and I sat
down in Starbucks for six straight hours and
cold emailed 60 companies,” Wang said. “What
I realized was companies don’t just want to give
out their money if you haven’t personally con-
nected with them.”

While Cui and Wang expect a turn-out of
around 150 students from Hack club and the
rest of Ohio, Cui said her main concern is that
people will be scared away by the idea that they
must be professional programmers.

“I didn’t think I was going to major in CP
when I attended my first hack-a-thon, but now
I plan on it,” Ciu said. “It’s a place for everyone
to learn so much with no judgement, and it was
the reason Annie and I started Hack club.”

October 20, 2017 News 5

Teachers invade


Photo by Jacob Brase

Mason High School sophomore Jack Cooper checks
his phone for Twitter updates from his teachers.

Teacher twitter invasion has students are important to that student.” fears her humor may be misunderstood
in search of new social media forum While teachers are just joining Twit- by teachers..

Jacob Brase | Staff Writer “It was the first time Twitter was ter, most students at MHS have been “I like to make people laugh, (but)
being encouraged at a district level,” using Twitter for years. that humor is directed towards people
A new, yet all too familiar, audience McKay said. “Twitter was a big push.” my age,” Goldfarb said. “Teachers don’t
has joined Twitter, creating concern Sophomore Jack Cooper has been us- understand the humor of kids and
among students at Mason High School. McKay said this advocacy caused ing Twitter for three years. Cooper says their different slang because of the age
many teachers to use Twitter who have that the social media site has been the difference; they might misinterpret
On August 8 and 9, over 900 educa- not before. student platform for many years, and something. I don’t want teachers to see
tors from Mason and surrounding teachers’ being on Twitter jeopardises what I’m tweeting. Some of it’s weird,
districts gathered to discuss learning “Two years ago, I knew some that. and I don’t want teachers to have a bad
techniques at the second annual Mason people used (Twitter), but it wasn’t very impression of me.”
Learning Series (MLS). widespread at all,” McKay said. “Now “I’ve seen a lot of teachers create
it seems to be super prevalent; pretty Twitter accounts and follow their As students are seeing teachers on
The Learning Series was a combi- much my entire Twitter feed is teach- students,” Cooper said. “They’re kind Twitter, they can react to it in many
nation of conferences, speeches and ers’ posts.” of invading our space, and I think a lot different ways. The way they handle it
classes, this year with a focus on using of students don’t want to post as much will heavily impact the way students
Twitter. Keynote speaker George Cou- English teacher Betsy Carras was now.” use Twitter. While Some students do not
ros encouraged teachers to use Twitter skeptical of teachers on Twitter before mind teachers joining, it may discour-
to connect with students. the Mason Learning Series, but after Cooper said that staff and students age many from using the social media.
listening to Couros speak, she had a have different purposes for Twitter.
After attending the Mason Learning change of heart. Goldfarb said that students will uti-
Series this year, Digital Image Design “Students are on Twitter to interact lize other social medias to compensate
teacher Dan McKay said that Couros “If I didn’t go to MLS, I wouldn’t with each other and make funny con- for their lack of privacy on Twitter.
encouraged him to tweet in order to be be using Twitter,” Carras said. “They tent,” Cooper said. “Now that teachers
heard by students. really got teachers excited about using are on Twitter, they’re trying to change “Students are realizing that teachers
Twitter; that’s why we’re seeing such a the way we use it; they’re trying to are crossing over a boundary,” Goldfarb
“Couros’ main message was that sudden transition.” make it a platform for education.” said. “I think they’ll gradually start to
if teachers don’t use Twitter, they’re limit what they’re sharing, and share it
becoming illiterate,” McKay said. “He Mason City Schools Chief Innovation This year over 40 percent of teachers over different social medias.”
really encouraged people to do things Officer Jonathan Cooper has plans for are on Twitter, and posts with #Mason-
through Twitter.” Twitter to be a key part in his innova- Learns and #MasonShines are very com- While the district is attempting to
tion plan for the district. He said using monly seen from these teachers. connect with its students, this effort
While Couros is not affiliated with Twitter helps eliminate boundaries for may fail, for McKay said students could
Mason, the district used his message students’ education. The hashtags were used to get go as far as leaving Twitter to use a dif-
at the Mason Learning Series to get teachers to start tweeting at the Mason ferent platform.
through to teachers. “I hope that students and teachers Learning Series and has since accumu-
start to see each other (on Twitter) as lated over 185,674 impressions, or views “I can understand how when older
McKay said this was the first time he learners that are a part of a larger com- by Twitter users, making it clear that people suddenly are all trying to use
has seen the school come out and ad- munity,” Cooper said. “I want teachers teachers are involved on this platform. the cool new thing that teenagers use,
vocate Twitter usage among all Mason to be able to look on students’ Twitter it comes off wrong to students,” McKay
teachers. accounts and understand the things that For some students at MHS, the idea said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if this
of teachers seeing their posts is a scary causes students to migrate to a different
thing. social media.”

Junior Julia Goldfarb said that she
uses Twitter for comedic purposes but

6 October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017 7

8 Cover Story October 20, 2017




Actors channel deranged mindset of
murderers in making of Sweeney Todd

Freddie Wilhelm | Staff Writer Lovett poses a new challenge. she does it and not just think she’s and making a ramp that actors can
“It’s completely different for me, crazy.” slide down. The goal is to delight and
A mason student by day, but to- thrill the audience.”
night he will try his hand at murder as which is why I love it,” Kosiarek said. Characters such as Michael Mey-
Sweeney Todd. “I’m usually the sweet girl or the ers from the movie Halloween and Berman said he has enjoyed work-
normal girl. Playing someone who is Freddy Krueger from Friday the 13th, ing with these interesting features of
Tonight, the Mason Drama Club will murderous and downright crazy is so have portrayed murderers as people the show and that he has enjoyed
debut their production of Sweeney much fun, you get to explore a differ- who go on wild killing rampages, put- discovering many new aspects of
Todd. The storyline brings emotion ent side of yourself.” ting no thought into who or how they theater.
never explored by the drama club or are killing. In contrast to this, Berman
its actors. In order to effectively carry Young said that the preparation said he takes a more meticulous “We get to work on a lot of stage
out the plot, senior leads Matthew for playing a psychotic character, approach with his characterization of combat and different scenes where
Berman and Anna Kosiarek must involves the actor trying to find a hu- a murderer, making him seem more we kill people,” Berman said. “(We
develop the mindset of murderers, manistic nature in their character and intelligent and humanistic as opposed have to think about) crazy things like
Berman said although he has been relate to the motives of the murderer. to being insane like one of these what it sounds like when your throat
involved in many productions by famous characters. is slit, a bunch of things that I’ve
Mason Drama Club, he has found a “It’s always interesting when you’re never done before, and I’m having so
great difference in this role due to the playing a character who is evil; it’s “Other murderous characters, like much fun discovering them.”
immense amount of work required not that you become evil, it’s finding psychopaths, who have no want
to adequately characterize Sweeney within yourself what would drive you or control, go on killing rampages,” The many hours of preparation will
Todd. to make the same decisions,” Young Berman said. “I want the opposite. I be on display, as the show premiers
said. “So at the core, Sweeney Todd want to be methodical where each tonight in the Black Box theatre at 8
“I’ve never played such a complex is about revenge. You are horribly kill is thought out, more like Hannibal p.m.. Young said he can not wait to
character before,” Berman said. “To wronged, and you want to hurt those Lecter type of murderer.” see how the audience responds to
get into the mindset of a murderer that have wronged you. The goal is the show.
you have to find what is the moti- to make it honest and believable, not With a show so different from
vation for killing. What specifically over the top, by finding the humanity, others, involving trapdoors, murder “I always enjoy watching the
pushes a man to the edge so far that which is difficult to do.“ and more, acting cannot be the sole process come together,” Young said.
he wants to kill another human being focus for the club in this production. “We have over 100 students work-
as revenge?” Following Young’s advice, Kosiarek Special effects play a huge role in ing, whether in the cast or behind
said she found the humanity in Ms. any play; however, Young said this the scenes. We don’t get a sense of
Although the plot is heavily focused Lovett by analyzing her motives that show in particular gives the club an what we’re all doing until it all comes
on the thrilling murders, Sweeney drove her to kill. extra challenge in terms of special together. When the show comes
Todd also has elements of romance. effect work. together, I sit and watch the audience
Ms. Lovett, played by Kosiarek, aids “You always have to look at why watch the show: how is it effecting the
Sweeney throughout his plot for re- you’re doing what you’re doing,” ”Each show has a unique set of audience, particularly in a small the-
venge in order to win over his heart. Kosiarek said. “In this play, I’m killing challenges; this one has a lot of ater? I’m hoping for jump scares and
Kosiarek said while she is used to be- people for love; this is why it’s differ- special effect work,” Young said. “For laughter, and we get riotous applause
ing cast as a girl who is in love, Ms. ent. I’ve had to say, ‘She’s awful,’ but example, we will be throwing dum- at the end of it.”
she’s still a person. I want the audi- mies off the catwalk for jump scares
ence to like her and understand why

9 Feature October 20, 2017

Students develop website for breeding and sale of geckos

Luke Hutchinson | Online Editor head Reptile Rescue being located in The first step in the process is making
Freshman Thomas Chapman is getting a Cincinnati, students have the opportunity to the female and male comfortable with each
volunteer alongside more advanced reptiles other; Chapman said a steady climate plays
headstart in herpetology with GeckosInMa- in addition to their own pets. Chapman is a major role in reproduction. an active volunteer, and he decided to invite
freshman Jason De Anda to help him with “You put a female in a tank with familiar
Chapman recently created the site the breeding process. De Anda said they shelter and let her acclimate to her environ-
and is using it to professionally breed share similar interests, but both had to do ment, and then you set up an identical tank
extensive research before launching the site. for the male,” Chapman said. “After about
geckos and then sell them. a week, you can introduce the male into
While reptiles are still consid- “I had a little bit of prior knowledge, the female’s environment, and they will be
ered exotic pets, many species but I had to read many articles and watch comfortable and willing to mate in order to
like leopard gecko have become a lot of YouTube videos. I even talked to fertilize.”
increasingly docile as the pet professional breeders,” De Anda said. “I was
trade continues to make them friends with Thomas for a while, but we just About three weeks after fertilization, the
available. Chapman said when recently started talking about geckos, so female will lay between two and 26 eggs
he took care of a teacher’s I went to his house and we got the idea of inside the substrate of the tank. Chap-
leopard gecko over winter breeding through” man’s next step is incubation, which he said
break, he had found a way requires extreme caution in order to protect
to earn money. The breeding process requires mature the gecko embryo.
“I fell in love with my adult geckos from both sexes; De Anda
first leopard gecko because currently owns six females, and Chapman “It’s crucial that you first open up the
he liked interacting a lot, owns three, in addition to a bold stripe male, incubator and check the moisture inside,
and I realized I had two which is an acquired trait that buyers seek because the eggs could potentially fry up,”
options: I could mow lawns, out. Chapman said his male will be the right Chapman said. “There’s a specific way you
or I could do something like size in time for the next breeding season, have to remove the eggs from the cage, and
a business,” Chapman said. which spans from January to Septem-
“I remember looking over ber. it requires precise
at my gecko and thinking ‘I markings. You
could breed them.’” have to pick
With the Ar- up the eggs
exactly how
Photo by Luke Hutchinson you did the
first time,
Freshman Thomas Chapman posesrwoiwth- because if
the egg
his own leopard gecko, which will be used for tilts even
breeding in January. slightly
the embryo
will suffo-
cate when it
tries to hatch.”
In addition to

the morphs, Chapman
and De Anda also sell a few
reptile accessories on the site and
breed feeder insects. After earning
profit from their first few batches, Chapman
said he hopes to move on to more advanced
variations of geckos and to pursue a career
related to reptiles later on.
“We want to get as many rare morphs
as we can in the near future,” Chapman
said. “When you look at species that have
been bred with the most desirable traits like
the Black Pearl, you’re looking at a price
range of around 1000 dollars. This might
be a stretch, but I really want to own a store
when I get out of college and become a
professional herpetologist.”

10 October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017 Feature 11

trending now Social media sparks
plant-based diet fad
Sunny Patel, junior
Kaitlin Lewis | Staff Writer such as eggs, milk or cheese
“For us, in our religion, we believe
that we don’t want to hurt anything Filling your Snapchat are taken in.
to get food from,” Patel said. “Killing story with pictures of your “You keep seeing more
animals, killing something that has favorite salad may have
a heart, that can think for it’s own-it’s more of an influence than and more videos on vegan-
taking a life. We can get many other you think. ism,” Frey said. “And with
nutrients that we need from not killing the whole YouTube com-
anything, from plants.” There has been an obvi- munity, it’s (now) a very
ous increase in those who common trend to be vegan
Yana Artemov, senior choose a plant-based diet. or vegetarian.”
Since 2014, veganism in the
“For me, I did it just because I was United States has increased The more informa-
curious and I wanted to challenge by 6 percent, making 1 in tion that is shared about
myself,” Artemov said. “But once I 20 Americans vegan or vegetarianism, the more
actually looked into it I was like ‘holy vegetarian. misconceptions about the
crap, this is amazing.’ Being vegan is diet are proven wrong.
better for the environment, it is better Some of the most popular Many people think that a
for my health personally, and it is bet- rationales include doing it plant-based lifestyle would
ter for the animals. It makes me feel for personal health. Others be too hard to try or would
better that I contribute much less to look at it as a way to reduce not sustain them long-term.
issues like global warming. My carbon harm to the environment Artemov said that she, too,
footprint is smaller. and the animals that live on had misconceptions about
it; however, a new motive veganism before she started
Bri Frey, senior is revealing itself. With the researching but has since
rise of social media and adopted a new mindset.
“I went vegetarian when I was 14 at people’s desire to share
the end of the school year because I every aspect of their life on “Before I became vegan,
just really love animals,” Frey said. “I such platforms, such as their I would always hear people
think that for me, if I am able to sus- whereabouts, daily activities, make jokes about these
tain myself off of alternative protein and certainly what they eat, crazy hippies who only eat
sources and not killing an animal, I users have begun to admire grass and weeds and salads,”
think that is fantastic. I don’t consider others’ eating habits and Artemov said. “I was just as
myself to be above any other being on follow suit. According to Se- ignorant as everyone else.
this planet.” nior Yana Artemov, who has Then, I became curious
been a vegan for two years because I’m on the internet
now, outlets like Netflix a lot, and there are a lot of
have contributed to the rise bloggers (that) show how to
of this dietary trend. have a well-balanced vegan
diet, and I was like, ‘Wow,
“There was a documen- these people are so happy
tary that came out called and so healthy and never
What the Health,” Arte- have an issue at all.’”
mov said. “It is really eye
opening. There are a lot of Veganism and vegetari-
vegan documentaries that anism have a chance to
have come out, but as more bring positive change in
people start watching Netf- the future, according to
lix, it really exposes a lot of Junior Sunny Patel, who has
the food industry and how eaten vegetarian all his life.
it all has to do with how to Patel believes that the more
make money.” people follow this “trend,”
the healthier the world can
Public figures on Insta- be all around.
gram post pictures of their
plant-based diets. As more “I think it’s better that
people join the social media more people are joining in
community, more people in having a better diet and
are exposed to vegetarian- saving animals,” Patel said.
ism, in which consumers re- “I don’t see it as a bandwag-
frain from eating meat, and on, I think it is a good thing.
veganism, in which meat If you do say it’s a bandwag-
nor any animal products on, then it’s a bandwagon to
do good.”

Pictured above: Rice spaghetti Photos by Ryan D’Souza
with peanut sauce and assorted Kaitlin Lewis

12 Arts and Ent

King’s Island haunters face re

HELP HNathalie Schickendantz | Staff Writer
ired hellions are in for many frights themselves while attempting to
startle guests.
Kings Island celebrates the month of October with Halloween Haunt.
A night of thrill is created by 10 haunted attractions, three outdoor scare
zones, three live shows and scary characters lurking in the night.
Senior Katie Pennetti spends her October nights scaring strangers at Kings Island.

Pennetti reenacts the tale of little red riding hood, wearing a red cape covered in

blood and haunting makeup. Pennetti is a roamer, assigned to walk around the park

scaring people, and said while her job can be fun, she oftentimes finds herself in awk-

ward situations when she encounters students and teachers while on the clock.

“There’s a lot of people from the school who I’ll see, like teachers and even stu-

dents that I’ll scare, and they won’t recognize me, and they’ll make comments and

yell at me,” Pennetti said. “People’s reactions to being scared is to get mad, just in-

stantly get mad,. Or afterwards they’ll tell me I’m not scary after they just screamed,

and then I’ll see them at school, and it’s funny but can be awkward because I’ll see

old teachers or students.”

Scaring does not always bring out the best in people. Pennetti said visitors’ primary

reaction comes from a source of aggression.

“Last Friday, opening day, this guy, I scared him, and he turned around and ini-

tially sucker punched me in the stomach,” Pennetti said. “That was just his reaction.

He felt bad afterwards and didn’t mean to do it, but it definitely hurt.”

Senior Riley Berg portrays a horrified nurse covered in bloody scrubs. Haunt-

ed house Urgent Scare recreates the life of a hospital turned upside down

with blood and bodies everywhere. Berg said it can get hectic in the house.

“At the end of Urgent Scare, there’s fake bodies hanging from the

ceiling in plastic bags,” Berg said. “This group of twelve teenage boys

came through and hit me with the bags. It was intentional. They

were acting like the body bags were punching bags.”

Senior Alec Pipala is a first time scarer playing the role of

a french noble. Pipala said he goes into each scare with a

detailed strategy guaranteed to achieve the ultimate scare.

“One of my favorite ways to scare people is called the Ping

Pong technique,” Pipala said. “They described it the first day I worked

Run! Run! there. The first time you scare somebody, you scare them up front, and Pl

they fall back, and then people behind them scare them, which
makes them move that way, and you create a train. That makes it
really fun.”

Senior Liam Wood embodies the dead working as a zombie at Haunt.

Wood is the final shock before exiting the Maze. As an exit usher,

Wood startles people at the very end and patrols the area for people

out of place. Wood seeks the thrill of terrifying people and sees it as an odd

form of entertainment.

“More fun aspects are making people cry,” Wood said. “This weekend, I

beat my record and made six people cry. Another time, I made a kid drop to

the ground; he fell back and hit one of our props, a potted plant. I also made

a dad fall over his own kid; I scared him, and he tripped over, and the dad

started to run. It didn’t end well.”

These scarers are seeing for themselves that fear brings out the best and worst of

us. Wood said witnessing differing reactions institutes a sense of accomplishment.

“It’s fun seeing the different reactions people have,” Wood said. “When you make

a kid cry, it’s that little magical moment when you know you did a good job. You’re

scary. You made a kid cry.”

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tertainment 13

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Photos by Nathalie Schickendantz
(Left to right) Seniors Katie Pennetti, Alec Pi-
pala, Liam Wood dress in costume to scare
park goers at Halloween Haunt.

you may be a good candidate for The Chronicle staff. Stop by C103 today for more information!

14 Arts and Entertainment October 20, 2017


Billboard chart topper brings awareness to suicide prevention

Lauren Thomas | Staff Writer Draper said. “It’s not focusing on
tragedy or suicide. In fact, he’s starting
It is the number one song in the conversations about suicide prevention,
country. It is also the number for the as opposed to suicide.”
National Suicide Hotline.
Senior Avery Wilson also said Logic
Up and coming R&B artist Logic’s is leading the way for other artists in
1-800-273-8255 featuring Khalid and the industry by including fellow sing-
Alessia Cara has sat atop the charts for ers, Khalid and Alessia Cara, and giving
weeks now, accumulating over 264 mil- his fans a positive message about
lion listens on Spotify. Popularity aside, mental health.
the real meaning of the song lies in the
lyrics. “The fact that Khalid and Alessia
Cara sang with him is really good pro-
“I feel like I’m gression toward more celebrities and
out of my mind/ singers making it clear to their audienc-
It feel like my es that having a mental illness is okay,”
life ain’t mine” Wilson said. “It shouldn’t be thought of
as you’re ‘not normal’ or ‘weak-minded’
Authenticity echoes as the rapper and rather being in company with oth-
himself dealt with depression and
anxiety driving him to similar feelings. ers feeling the same way.”
While the beginning is dark, it is mim- Still Logic feels he hasn’t done
icking the early stages of a conversation
on the helpline, conveying the feelings enough. While some artists use their
of someone on the verge of suicide. music to selfishly promote their own
brand, Logic’s entire album, “Every-
As the song goes on, there is a shift body” tackles issues like mental health,
to violins and choir voices radiating domestic violence, and drug abuse.
hope and positivity. Later in the song The singer chronicles the journeys of
he voices the other side of the conver- abusers and victims and pleas for their
sation, simulating a responder to the justice. He hopes to bring light to those
hotline. struggling.

“I want you to be alive/ You don’t “I want you to Photo contributed by
gotta die today,” Logic said. be alive/ You Logic performs his song 1-800-273-8255 at the Video Music Awards in August.
don’t gotta die
After the singer’s August Video Music
Award performance, the hotline had a today”
50% increase in calls according to CNN.
Logic is advocating for prevention This attitude is what puts him in a Photo contributed by
and lives. Calls varied from people in league of his own within the industry. Suicide survivors accompanied Logic at the finale of his performance. Each survivor wore a
literal crisis, to those calling to find out He recently tweeted, “Many of you have white shirt with the National Suicide Hotline printed on the front.
what the number was, to praising the told me it’s even saved your life. I’m
helpline for its efforts. beyond humbled. But I felt I haven’t

In an interview with CNN, John done enough.”
Draper, director of the National Suicide Wilson hopes that the music industry
Prevention Lifeline, said Logic, unlike
other media platforms of suicide, is as a whole becomes more accustomed
advocating for the lifeline. Shows like to the taking on the serious issues.
“13 Reasons Why” have infamously glo-
rified suicide as a solution; whereas, the “Music is going to have more celebri-
hit song encourages listeners to use the ties make it normalized to sing about
hotline and reach out for help. issues like this,” Wilson said. “Of course
there are going to be celebrities that
“But here’s what’s really important: sing about sex, alcohol and drugs
Logic is generating calls with a song rather than mental illness, but people
about getting help and finding hope,” that have a wide platform should take
advantage of the ability to reach more

VibeOctober20,2017 Arts and Entertainment 1 15

latest&greatest 5


1. turtlenecks

BEAUTY 2. belts 2
3. denim skirts
TO TRY 4.booties 3

5. neckties

Tempted 6.vansslipons


Rose Gold 4


Juniors Carly Gallagher (left)
and Cassie Franks (rgiht)


Bareminerals -4 Apples, cored and sliced 1/8” thick
-2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
$15 -2 tsp. Granulated Sugar

VIBE -Cooking Spray
Compiled by Chronicle
staff writers DIRECTIONS
Kaitlin Lewis
Millie Ortega -Preheat oven to 200 F.
Nathalie Schickendantz -Thinly slice apples and sprinkle on cinnamon and sugar.
Lauren Serge -Spray baking sheet with spray and lay slices
Lauren Thomas -Bake 2-3 hours until chips are dry and soft.
-Allow to cool completely. and store in airtight container.

Recipe and photo by Nathalie Schickendantz

16 October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017 Sports 17


It’s been
quite the ‘Tripp,’


Student assistant coach Photos by Tanner Pearson
forms special bond with Pictured top left: Bradley Tripp poses with the senior varsity soccer players on senior night. Pictured
girls soccer team right: Bradley surrounded by his father Toby Tripp, Emily Tripp, and mother Missy Tripp.

Bryan Hudnell | Staff Writer eventually, the role kind of ¨Bradley is awesome,¨ spective that goes beyond understands and realizes how
The varsity girls soccer team evolved from there. It will be a Metzger said. ¨He always wants the game of soccer. special he is to all of us because
lifetime role as long as I’m in the best out of everybody, he left a significant impact on
is undefeated at home when charge of the program.¨ but he’s also super sweet and ¨I think the team learns everybody on the team.¨
senior student assistant coach nice. He has one of the biggest perspective from him after
Bradley Tripp is on the sideline. Throughout the duration of hearts that I know. Even with every match, whether we’ve Missy Tripp, Bradley´s
this season, Tripp has helped his condition, he’s still the most won six to nothing or lost five mother, enjoys seeing her son
Tripp was born with Cerebral aid the team by motivating and positive person ever and has so to nothing or somewhere in on the sideline and observing
Palsy: a condition that affects cheering on the players. much joy in him everyday.¨ between, he kind of always has how significant her son is to the
muscle tone and coordination the same message about the players and coaches.
of movement, which forces According to Schur, having After a tough 5-0 loss at Love- relationships and the moments
him to be in a wheelchair. Girls Tripp on the sideline has been land on September 9, Tripp that we’re sharing together are, ¨I don’t even think they’ll
varsity soccer head coach Andy mutually beneficial for both managed to boost the team mo- in the end, what matters, and understand how much it means
Schur met Tripp through the Tripp and the team. rale after the game was over, it’s not necessarily always the to us,¨ Tripp said. ¨It means the
Top Soccer organization and of- which was something Metzger result on the field,¨ Schur said. world that they accept him as
fered him the opportunity to be ¨It’s definitely a two sided and the team needed. part of their team. We’re really
a student assistant coach at the relationship,¨ Schur said. ¨I Before their game against proud and happy for him that
beginning of this season. think he gets a lot out of being ¨(After) our game against Colerain on October 3, Tripp, he gets to do something as
there and develops a sense of Loveland, he just had this huge Metzger, and all of the senior exciting as this.¨
¨I met him a couple of years community for him, and at the smile on his face the next day, players were honored on
ago through Top Soccer and same time, we just get so much which was something that re- senior night for their careers at Even though Bradley will
had him in class, so I offered from him, so much perspec- ally helped us,¨ Metzger said. Mason. be graduating this year, Tripp
him a contract that said that he tive, so much excitement, so ¨I’ll miss seeing his smile on believes that her son will con-
would be our student assistant much joy seeing him out there. the sidelines and listening to ¨Senior night was probably tinue to find a way to support
coach and gave him a bunch I think it’s great for all parties his pump up speeches before the coolest thing ever,¨ Metzger the team in future games.
of gear,¨ Schur said. ¨After he involved.¨ and after games.¨ said. ¨Bradley got to go first,
signed the contract, he started walking down, and he got to be ¨Bradley will always support
to come to weight room ses- Before each game, senior Whether the team secures honored with us. Every single the girls even after he gradu-
sions in the winter, and he was forward Annie Metzger enjoys a meaningful win or a disap- senior thanked Bradley in their ates,¨ Tripp said. ¨The entire
there a lot this summer,and seeing Tripp on the sideline pointing loss, Schur believes speech because of the impact team means a lot to him, and
and has learned a lot from his that Tripp offers a unique per- he’s had on our team. I hope he it’s something that he’ll never
positive outlook on life. forget.¨

18 Sports October 20, 2017

BEAST MODE NUMBERS stats and rankings as of October 12

2000th CAREER


Best time of 16:02, GMC rank 4




19 Pts, GMC rank 6

Staff Photographer MATT
Tanner Pearson captures
sophomore runner Johan SORA
Meyer powering his way
to the finish line STATS
You never know when a
Chronicle photographer 583 Rushing Yards, GMC Rank 4
might be around !


On Tuesday, October 3, freshman Maya Collins passed away after a long battle
with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. At the homecoming game, hundreds of Mason High
School students honored Maya with a moment of silence and a ‘blue out’ theme.

October 20, 2017 Sports 19

No one gets

left behind

Girls cross country team
displays genuine comradery

Millie Ortega | Staff Writer marathon] was something we all wanted from cross country and with it being se- it was going to be slow but I didn’t think
The girls cross country team is break- to do together and then she couldn’t. We nior year, I didn’t want to just give it up” it was going to be so difficult.”
ing both records and stereotypes. then right away thought ‘what is going Reckers said. “I was doing really well in
Running for fun sounds like an oxy- to happen with cross country?” Smith my physical therapy and so [my doctors] Within the first half mile of the 5K
moron, but for over one hundred and said. “We were really stressed because it’s told me that maybe it could happen so Reckers was ready to quit, until Smith
fifty girls on the MHS Cross Country senior year and it’s a big deal and she re- that propelled me forward to keep work- lingered back to Reckers’ pace and de-
team, the mental and physical challenge ally wanted to run.” ing really hard.” cided to stick with her for the rest of the
is what they love most. race.
The objective of the sport seems sim- Throughout the summer, Reckers at- After months of playing team man-
ple: run as far and as fast as you can, tended almost every single practice and ager and watching her friends sweat in “The whole time that I was running I
setting the stigma that cross country is assisted coach Chip Dobson with atten- the hot sun during runs while she hung was crying and hyperventilating because
centered solely around the individual dance to ensure she could still interact back to do stretches for physical therapy, I literally had no energy in me,” Reckers
success of each runner. with the girls and be an active teammate Grace’s doctor gave her permission and a said. “But Emily was calming me down
But, senior Emily Smit, who has been in preparation for the slim chance that new brace that allowed her to run in the the whole time and telling me I was go-
running cross country for all four years her doctor would allow her to run in at Cedarville ‘Friendship Race’. ing to be okay and we were going to fin-
of high school, says she would never had least one race. ish the race. She sacrificed her race so
made it all the way to this year without “I had no idea how I was going to run that I could finish mine.”
the constant push from her teammates. “I met some of my greatest friends during the race,” Reckers said. “I figured
“We’ll be in seven mile runs when the “In my mind the whole time I was
temperature is 90º and you just think to Photos Contrtibuted by Grace Reckers and Rue Whitmore thinking ‘my friend is more important
yourself, ‘why do I do this?’ but then you Pictured above right: Mason cross country senior Emily Smith (left) goes back to help Grace than any time’,” Smith said. “This time
go to team dinners and meets and get Reckers cross the finish line had no impact on my life but helping
the spirit wear and do the prayers and my friend is what really matters. I would
cheers and you realize that is why you do run ahead and then circle back around to
it,” Smith said. “The team aspect really her and run backwards and say ‘Come on
keeps you going.” you can do this!’ and she would tell me
Perhaps the companionship, and not that she wanted to stop and I would tell
just coach Chip Dobson’s incredibly ef- her that no matter what, we were going
ficient runners, is what has helped the to finish.”
Comets bring home seven consecutive
Greater Miami Conference champion- Smith’s tough love attitude and words
ships. of encouragement towards Reckers led
“The team is so close that you don’t re- them to the finish line. Tears poured
ally want to miss out. You want to go to from the eyes of fellow teammates, par-
practice and you want to stay together ents, and coaches as the duo crossed the
because that’s how you keep your friend- finish line with every last ounce of en-
ships,” Smith said. “And even though it is ergy in them.
such a large team, we’re all good friends
and you can name all 150 girls half way “We finished in thirty one minutes
through the season because we’re that which is the worst the both of us had
close.” ever done,” Reckers said. “But I didn’t
Smith not only runs for the school, care about the time because I didn’t even
but also in her free time with her friends think I was going to get to run a race my
Mckayla Peebles, Lily Thieken, and senior year, and I only finished this one
Grace Reckers. The running quartet was because Emily helped me.”
training to run the Flying Pig half mara-
thon this past spring, until a wrong move Reckers and Smith took the meaning
during a soccer practice caused Reckers behind the ‘Friendship Race’ to heart
to fall during a drill and tear her ACL. as they made their run more about the
“We were all very upset because [the journey, rather than the destination.

“The next day at practice Dobson rec-
ognized me for running with Grace dur-
ing the race and he said it was the best
team relationship he had ever seen,”
Smith said. “It was nice that he could see
that sometimes the friendship is more
important than the time.”

20 Sports October 20, 2017

New wrestling coach Zhang earns GMC girls
brings diverse
background golf Player of the Year honors

New Mason Eric Miller | Sports Editor Golf is a fickle sport, Photo by Mason SID
wrestling coach The top girls golfer in the Greater Miami Conference some days you play
(GMC) resides at Mason High School. Junior Julanna great and other days
Matt Mcintire Zhang took home GMC player of the year honors after not so well. Her con-
grapples with a compiling a 39.25 average across 108 holes for the 2017 sistency has allowed
wrestler during season. a teammate to have
Zhang led the Comets to a second place finish in an off day, and not af-
a workout on the GMC tournament, as the Comets fell to Lakota fect the outcome of a
October 12. East 659-665. Girls golf coach Chad Layton said Zhang’s match.”
awards are due to her will to improve as a player. Zhang said a ‘team
Photo by “Based on last season, I knew the potential was there,” first’ mentality was a
Yogesh Patel Layton said. “Julanna’s Player of the Year recognition key factor in helping
is directly a result of her dedication and work ethic not not only herself but
Jacob Brase | Staff Writer only during the season, but in the offseason as well.” the entire team find Junior golfer Julanna Zhang
Zhang, who was fifth in the GMC in scoring average
Over 12 years ago, Matt Mcintire was one ‘yes’ away as a sophomore, said the award was not something she success.
from going to Hollywood. ever expected to earn. “I feel like all of us really work together,” Zhang said.
“I didn’t think I would have this honor at all my en- “We do everything together and it’s not always just one
Mcintire, who was recently hired to be Mason’s wres- tire high school career,” Zhang said. “I practice a lot, person saying, ‘Let’s do this’, everyone plays their part.”
tling coach, has been a lifelong singer and wrestler. everyday, to the point where my sock tan looks like I’m Zhang will return to lead the girls golf team as a se-
Mcintire started singing at a very young age, acting wearing socks. It’s just a lot of hard work and a little bit nior in 2018, and Layton believes the offseason is key to
in numerous plays such as Joseph and the Amazing of mental game because golf is a lot of mental game.” how Zhang’s senior campaign will unfold.
Technicolor Dreamcoat. On top of Mcintire’s theatre For Layton, it was Zhang’s ability to be a constant “I’m excited to see the growth that she has as a player
singing, he also was a high school wrestler, winning force throughout the course of the year that benefitted between her junior and senior year,” Layton said. “If it’s
the National Championship for his weight class, and the Comets as a team. anywhere near what she was able to do between sopho-
finishing with an impressive 165-6 record. “In almost every 18 hole event we played this season, more and junior years, the sky will be the limit for her
she broke 80 (strokes),” Layton said.” Her nine hole av- as a player. I’m also looking forward to working with
Mcintire said he enjoyed participating in both of erage over the course of the season was right around 39. her on being a leader of our team and set the example of
these activities during his four years in high school. what that looks like and means for our younger players
coming up in the program.”
“I would leave wrestling practice to go to theater
rehearsal,” Mcintire said. “I enjoyed being on the Freshman dominates GMC tennisttournament,
stage and being on the mat; I never felt like I was out tournament, captures Player of the Year honors
of place. For me, competing in front of an entire stadi-
um for the state (wrestling) finals is no different than Joey Deaton | time since Lakota East swept back in 2011.
performing in front of a full house for a big show.” Staff Writer “We were so happy,” Kim said. “We swept, so we were

After graduating from Lakota West, Mcintire wres- Jamie Kim did just so proud of each other.”
tled collegiately at Indiana University, where he also not lose a single Head coach Mike Reid said that the most surprising
completed a degree in voice performance. game en route to
winning the first thing about Kim was not her tennis, but her personality.
In 2004, ‘American Idol’ announced they were hold- singles Greater “I knew quite a bit about her ranking and her success.
ing tryouts in Cleveland, Ohio, and as a junior in col- Miami Conference
lege, Mcintire decided to audition for the competition. (GMC) crown. I followed her results, but I didn’t really know what a
She’s a freshman, great kid she was,” Reid said. “She’s very humble; she’s
“In Cleveland, my first audition, I got cut in 15 sec- by the way. very team-oriented. I’m not surprised by her tennis, but
onds after waiting for 2 days,” Mcintire said. “It was Kim said that Photo by Tanner Pearson when you look at her, she’s not that big, but she has a
disheartening at first, but then, I decided to keep big heart and fights real hard on the tennis court, and
practicing. I knew I could do better.” although she was Freshman Jamie Kim returns during she’s a lot of fun to coach.”
nervous, her team- the GMC tournament on October 7.
Mcintire tried out again the next year, and ended Reid said that although Kim has a habit of getting
up being one of the very few people picked to sing in mates helped her move past her early nerves. nervous before matches, she is no stranger to the spot-
front of the judges. “I was really nervous, but I got motivated by my team light considering her career of playing United States
because they were supportive, and that helped me get Tennis Association (USTA) tournaments.
“There was only about 200 people left out of 25,000 through all my nerves,” Kim said. “It was a fun experi-
for the final audition,” Mcintire said. “When I walked ence. Every match was (6-0 6-0). I didn’t think that I was “She’s really experienced,” Reid said. “A high school
in to perform, it was super bright; I couldn’t even see going to win every match (6-0 6-0).” environment is a little different in that we can coach
the judges. Paula Abdul liked me; she said yes, but According to, Kim is a five-star during a match. She’s used to playing USTA tourna-
the other three judges said no, so I was one vote away recruit who is ranked number two in Ohio, and number ments where the coach can’t come onto the court, so
from making it. I was so close. I was right there.” 42 in the nation for high school girls. Kim did not play it’s nice to go out there and calm her down if she’s a
for Mason Middle School and said that she did not ex- little rattled.”
While Mcintire was disappointed he didn’t win, he pect to play first singles as a freshman.
was grateful for the many lessons ‘American Idol’ “I didn’t really care if I was first singles, second sin- Kim said that she would like to win the state tourna-
taught him. gles, or doubles,” Kim said. “I just wanted to be a part ment but will be thankful for the opportunity to play.
of the team.”
“I had to be mentally tough and push through Kim leads a team that won all five matches in the “I hope that I can get to the state tournament. I wan-
when things weren’t fun,” Mcintire said. “Those are GMC championships, a feat accomplished for the first na be first, but I don’t know. I’ll have to compete,” Kim
all things that you have to do when you’re an ath- said. “I’m just going to try and be in perspective and be
lete as well, and I want to instill those values into my grateful if I make it through state and just be grateful
wrestlers here at Mason.” for each match that I have.”

Mcintire said his experience singing and wrestling Reid has confidence in his freshman star.
showed him how important it is to be well rounded. “I think she can play with anybody,” Reid said.

“I don’t want kids to feel like they can’t do things
that are different from what they already do,” Mcin-
tire said. “I would love my players to get involved in
multiple activities, it helps you as a person and as an

October 20, 2017 Opinion 21

Staff Editorial

to the editor A conditional first amendment right

Liberals and conservatives invalidate
opposition if not in agreement

As Americans, we have the right to freely say and the national anthem has once again shown
what is on our mind. That is, if it is the correct the weaknesses in our current society. It has
opinion. exposed us to be incapable to communicate as
people, taking in what the opposition has said
Last year, Colin Kaepernick kneeled for before mindlessly ranting our own viewpoints.
the national anthem, sparking outrage from
right-wing Americans and praise from the left. Twitter has become a hub for this behavior.
This year, Alejandro Villanueva went against The social media site has become a platform
his teammates and stood on the field for the for the two sides to scream at each other with-
national anthem, reversing the reactions from out any true communication taking place. We
the two sides. do not listen. We do not take in the other side.
We simply type our point in all-caps, disregard-
Kaepernick’s supporters argued for the ing what was previously said.
quarterback’s right to act as he did, citing the
first amendment yet scalded Villanueva when Our nation is divided. It is no surprise to
his form of expression did not align with his anyone, yet nobody seems to want to put in
team’s. This season, Villanueva’s supporters, the effort to bring us together. We will never
however, praised his actions, calling them all agree; we do not have to. The foundation
honorable but called Kaepernick a disgrace, of our nation is being able to listen to one
for his actions another and compromise, listening to each
other and finding a common ground. But that
Freedom of speech does not only apply to is just that, in order to do this, we must listen,
the speech we agree with. Both sides are guilty meaning we must allow each other to voice
of this. Liberals fling insults around when their opinions regardless of how ridiculous or
conservative views are found to be the driving radical we find them to be, and afterwards, we
force behind policy and viral Twitter hashtags must accept what was said and rather than bla-
on. Conservatives discredit the left when tantly ignoring what was said, we must listen
Kaepernick and other NFL player’s protest the and find a common ground.
social injustice they see in their nation, saying
they are not allowed to feel oppressed because Whether you agree with the action or not,
of their economic status. according to the first amendment, the players
kneeling for the anthem have a right to do so.
The issue is, we have no problem fighting On the flip side, whether or not you agree with
for each other’s first amendment rights, when the backlash they are receiving for doing so,
it means defending something we believe according to the first amendment, their oppos-
in, but when the roles are reversed, we try to ers have the right to voice their disapproval of
silence our opposition, making their point out the players’ actions.
to be invalid and unworthy of being said. The
first amendment does not come with an aster- The first amendment is not conditional to
isk written beside it, yet we feel as though it the group voicing their opinions. While their
only applies to certain groups who are deemed are limitations to what is covered by the first
to voice the correct opinion. amendment, unpopular opinions do not fall
under this restricted category.
The controversy surrounding NFL players

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22 Opinion October 20, 2017

Distracting Editorial Cartoon

Vulgarites What a coincidence

Cursing takes away from Not enough being run, I have the right to peacefully voice my
message displeasure, much like these professional athletes.
National anthem
Andrea Hefferan | protests are ineffective Racial inequality is an issue all Americans
Staff Writer should resent no matter what race they are.
Bryan Hudnell | African Americans should not be the only ones
As a child, a very strict policy on bad words was enforced Staff Writer demonstrating their umbrage and disapproval. It
upon me. I was forbidden from saying words such as stupid, requires people of all walks of life to see every-
shut up, that sucks, crap. My parents would not tolerate It has been over a year since the former 49ers one as equal. We need to put aside our biases and
such foul language in our household. quarterback first protested racial inequality and tendencies for the better of this country.
police brutality, but what does America have to
You can imagine my shock when I got to high school, show for it? It is hard to argue that any significant And in order for that to happen, professional
hearing words much worse uttered casually in daily con- change has resulted from these protests. In fact, athletes need to find a new way of protesting.
versation. No repercussions were given to students who said rather than talking about these important issues People are spending more time talking about
them, and they did not seem to be bound by the rules I had and working together to help solve a vital prob- the national anthem rather than the issues that
grown up with. lem in our country, we spend our time scrutiniz- they’re protesting about. Awareness of your audi-
ing these athletes for disrespecting the flag. ence is crucial for the effectiveness of any protest
Of course, one gets used to it. We hear profanity on a that you’re trying to conduct. There has to be a
daily basis, on the bus, in the halls, during lunch. People The national anthem and flag symbolize certain level of respect for both sides of the issue
curse a lot–but it is time for high schoolers to tone down many things to Americans. They represent hope, so a solution can occur. If there isn’t, the other side
these obscenities. freedom, and the opportunity for a better life. The of a debate will never see any potential flaws.
national anthem is played at sporting events of all
I am not calling for a complete disownment of all curse levels to help remind us of these core American The way I see it, professional athletes need to
words. If used correctly, they can alert people of your values. Furthermore, it reminds us of the brave take a more active role in their respective commu-
strong opinions on a subject and intense emotions. They men and women who sacrifice their lives for these nities. They need to go to police stations and speak
can get people’s attention and draw them into what you are liberties. So when athletes take a knee during the to officers about solutions to police brutality. They
saying. But that is where the problem comes in–we are not anthem, people are going to take offense to it. should visit schools and city hall meetings to help
using them the right way at all. spark discussions about how to solve racism in
I am not saying that these athletes do not have their city. An issue like racial inequality requires a
People swear so much that the words have practically the right to protest during the national anthem. lot more than taking a knee.
lost their meaning. Their initial shock value decreases as we
become accustomed to hearing them. Anyone who is con- For me, the national anthem represents a time Are athletes wrong in kneeling before the
stantly spewing profanity will not be taken seriously when of reflection of what America has given my fam- game? No. But taking a knee during the anthem
they actually mean what is coming out of their mouth. It is ily and me. I can go to church on a Sunday morn- only increases tensions and continues to offend
people who rarely curse that make the largest impact when ing and not worry about practicing my religion. I more people which takes the focus away from the
they do let an expletive fly. am heard on Election Day when I walk in a voting true point of protesting. If professional athletes
ballot. If I am upset with how our government is continue to do this, no progress will be made
It aggravates me to be around someone who feels like anytime soon.
they need profanity just to have a conversation. A valuable
trait in life is to keep cool during tough situations, and if
every little grievance causes someone to blow their lid off,
I won’t think very highly of them. Neither will teachers,
coaches, potential colleges or employers. Constantly repeat-
ing the same couple words makes someone seem unedu-
cated, like they don’t have any other way to express their
opinion. That’s not a great way to make a first impression.

An outpouring of expletives distracts from the overall
message a person is trying to get across. All I can focus on
are those words, and in the end I don’t listen to anything
else the person says. I just hear the same thing over and
over again.

Some people think bad words are a joke, but not every-
one else feels that way. Cursing, along with using rude
gestures, might seem funny to the person using them but
offensive to the person on the receiving end. Whenever I
hear profanity, I cringe, always a little appalled at what’s
being said. It’s clear that people fail to remember what
these words truly mean and just how offensive they are.

Oftentimes, the bad word is unnecessary to the point you
are trying to make and should be eliminated whenever pos-
sible. That way, when you really mean it, people will listen
to what you have to say. Swearing can temporarily vent
your anger, sure, but in the long run, it does more harm
than good. If you curse, someone is sure to be offended;
if you don’t, nobody will be upset about the absence of
obscenities from your vocabulary.

Anyone can say a bad word. It takes more strength to
refrain from using them. Language can be powerful, but if
it is used the wrong way, it can eventually lose its meaning,
and a way to express yourself has been lost.

October 20, 2017 23

24 October 20, 2017

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