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Published by Around&About, 2018-12-11 09:52:36

Around & About December 11, 2018 Issue 50, Vol 22


Check out our
December Flyer online 90 Gray Street, Unit 3
Espanola, ON
705.682.3362 Ext 900




December 11, 2018 Issue #50 - Volume 22
PLUS PDI, Nearly A Perfect Score In

made easier

Warning: Snowmobilescanbehazardoustooperate. Polarisadultmodelsareforridersage16andolder. Foryoursafety,always By Rosalind Russell - Scoring 99.9% No Fee. No Interest.* (Min. $200)
wearahelmet,eyeprotectionandprotectiveclothing,andbesuretotakeasafetytrainingcourse. Youmayalsocontactyour on its accreditation papers, one of the
PolarisdealerorcallPolarisat(800)342-3764. ForsafetytraininginCanada,contactyourlocalPolarisdealer.PolarisIndustriesInc. © highest in Ontario, is wonderful news Monthly price based on the sale price financed on a 24 month
for the Espanola Regional Hospital and NO FEE, NO INTEREST equal payments plan. Applicable
[email protected] Health Centre. sales tax, tire disposal fees & balancing not included.
Accreditation Canada surveyors *See inside back page of flyer for details.
SEASON’S recognized the hospital as a model of Offer Expires on December 27, 2018
care and a true example of integrated
septic service care across all health sectors. Ready for winter?
The survey team, RN Jeanne We service
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs Robertson and Dr. Cyd Courchesne, GAS, OIL, PROPANE
overviewed quality standards, required AND DUCT CLEANING
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G organizational practices and observed Need new equipment?
705-869-2448 the hospital’s teams in action.
705-356-3444 From October 22nd to October 25th, a FRuErnNaTceTsO, AO/CW, WNa(OtAeC)r
1-800-587-3599 detailed on-site survey was conducted
to review over 1,600 quality criteria in Heaters, Fireplaces
the hospital.
Accreditation occurs on a three-year Serving North Shore,
cycle, with a full, on-site survey every Espanola and the Island
three years.



AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Whatever Happened To “Trouble?”

Serving Certified Technician Before her death a decade ago, New York and the poor didn’t just jump a generation, it
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 Hotelier Leona Helmsley was the most jumped a whole species! Suddenly running
Business hated woman in America. Ruthless and around a New York mansion was a fluffy
Mobile conniving with business associates, tax little bitch with a “Puddy Toy” in her mouth
fraud put the millionairess in jail while who could well afford to take in hundreds
Sales & Service slapping and insulting employees put her in of homeless people! Or stray dogs.
the headlines. Think about it, you’re spoiled little mutt
RON RIVET When her son died she sued her daughter- now worth twelve and a half mil! You
in-law to get possession of his estate, wouldn’t have to hit me twice on the nose
CLEANING SERVICES wiping the woman out financially. Well with a rolled-up newspaper to figure that
25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE earned and on the money, Leona Helmsley one out:
was known as the ‘Queen of Mean.’ She If I was a rich dog,
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout gave credence to that old saying about Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba, deedle
Cleaning Cleaning the rich: “If you want to know what God deedle dum,
thought of money, look at the people He All day long I’d scooch across the rug, 705-862-1914 gave it to!” The woman also had an affinity On my deedle deedle, biddy biddy bum
for dogs which may have resulted from so If I were a wealthy dog …
Tune into Local Channel 10 or come on out to many people referring to her as a ‘bitch!’ I know exactly what I’d do if I was a
the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex. Leona became famous for her unique take multimillionaire mutt. First, I’d have all
on American financial responsibility. “We those guys in the painting “Dogs Playing
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay Poker” over for a weekly Friday night card
Independently owned and operated taxes.” Sound familiar? Remember when game. (And I’d give them cab fare so they
Trump was accused of not paying taxes he didn’t have to drink and drive.) Not one for
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 said: “That makes me smart.” I know what playing with toys, I’d hire a bunch of Weiner Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 you’re thinking but … no, I checked and dogs to come to my mansion and do that for
nobody in the Leona Helmsley extended me. (I’d also have vet cones put on the heads
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230 family ever had orange hair. just because I find that so damn funny!) I’d
Fax: (705) 869-6299 In her will, Helmsley left $100,000 to get fitted for a pair of Depends and then I’d
her driver, because although he did have walk through Central Park attempting but
New Clients Always Welcome motive and opportunity, he did not back the failing to pee on trees. I would give most
limo over her. The bulk of her wealth, $12.5 of my money to humanitarian and former
Formerly million was bequeathed to her little, snow US President Jimmy Carter to negotiate a
white Maltese dog named ‘Trouble.’ lasting peace agreement between cats and
Yeah, with one swipe of the pen in a dogs. The remainder of my windfall would
lawyer’s office, the gap between the rich
Continued on page three...

Advertise here for as
little as $26 per week
[email protected] •No Appt. Needed Oil Changes
•Rustproofing •Vehicle Detailing
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
Call 705-869-6883 for details 20 McCulloch Dr. (Behind the Mall)
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally
Don’s Electric
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry
(705) 869-0511
•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages Cell (705)-862-0753
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
Monday 9-5 Email: [email protected]
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5

91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880

Around&About December 11, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

The One Tot Stop Day Care,A.B.Ellis Site From Soup To Tomatoes
has Infant and Toddler spaces available.

For more information, please
call Devina at 705-869-3282

or email [email protected]

Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •

Continued from page two... American Express Card?

go to a lobby group to enlist ‘Trouble’ got old and bored
the mandatory death penalty
for anybody involved in dog and eventually passed away at
fighting except of course the
dogs. 12 years of age. I mean when
‘Trouble’ it seems, had no such
lofty ideals. Given New York you get tired of watching
City’s cold, damp winters and
the fact she was now fifty-six Dog Vision TV and biting the
human years of age – she just
moved to Florida. Yeah, snow butler’s ankles what is there left
white became a snowbird
almost overnight. to live for.
She flew by private jet under
the assumed name of “Bubble” The final line of Leona’s
– not making this up – so as
not to throw off dog haters will read: “I direct that when
and kidnappers. Once in “The
Sunshine State,” she settled my dog, Trouble, dies, her
into the exclusive Helmsley
Sandcastle Hotel in Sarasota for remains shall be buried next
the rest of her natural, privileged
life. to my remains in the Helmsley Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapusking early December to help support
Staff catered to ‘Trouble’s’ MP, Carol Hughes, says she the rapidly expanding program.
every whim 24/7. From an mausoleum.” was blown away by the show Healthy eating and exercise are
annual $100,000 budget, $8000 of support for the From Soup to foundations necessary for living
was spent on grooming, $1200 Pets however, are not allowed Tomatoes Program and what it a fulfilling life. From Soup to
on food and $28,000 on a gigolo has achieved in such a short time. Tomatoes is a unique armchair-
service for crazy rich Maltese to be buried in that cemetery Diabetes educator and program based exercise program that’s
Matriarchs. Okay, I made that founder, Susan Clarke and Renée helping real people achieve
last one up. However the bulk in Westchester County, Desjardins, Program Instructor, health and fitness goals they
of her annual cost of living went assist mostly seniors with the never thought possible.
to around the clock security New York. ‘Trouble’ was new trend they have started in To learn more about the
after receiving more than two helping people get fit in a fun program, visit: https://www.
dozen death and kidnapping subsequently cremated. Kinda and innovative way. A fundraiser
threats. Think about it, you’re was held at the ELks Hall in Photos by Carol Hughes
in the professional abduction touching really, the ‘Queen of
business. Which would you
prefer to get your hands on Mean’ burning in hell and her
– Jean Paul Getty’s ear or a
goofy little pup with her own faithful Maltese ablaze in a

small animal oven. Leona and

Trouble together at last.

Trouble was eventually

“privately retained”

according to Eileen Sullivan,

spokeswoman for the Helsmley

Family Trust which “supports

charities.” Leona’s charities

probably provided legal fees GNIaFmTe:CERTIFICATE

for people who put pins in ONTARIO CANADA

the Halloween candy or free

lunches for people who help

little old ladies halfway across

busy New York City Streets.

For comments, ideas and
copies of The Legend of
Zippy Chippy, go to www.

Starts Dec1, expires Dec 24th, 2018
Friday, December 14, 7:30 pm ONTARIO CANADA
Around&About December 11, 2018 Page 3
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

Logo Treatment - Storefront signage ONLY

Sacred Heart Daycare Centre “The store for all your electronic and music needs”
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL Located in the Espanola Mall

Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify Vintage Electronics & Sound (2008)
For more information, please call
Cardboard And Duct Tape Create A Unique Challenge

Teddy Bear Toss What can you do with Photo: Espanola High students
cardboard and duct tape? in the construction phase of their
The Espanola Lions Club Build a boat, of course. boats. Photo supplied by Skills
Annual Teddy Bear Toss Skills Ontario hosted Ontario
will be held on the 14th of Cardboard Boat Races at the
December at the Express Espanola Regional Recreation
hockey game. So practise Complex in early December.
your throwing skills, bring a Espanola High School
Teddy, support the Lions Club students put their design skills
and enjoy great hockey. All in to work to create cardboard
one night. Not bad! boats for races and weight
Espanola Council Formally Sworn In

The More Food, The Better

Espanola Mayor, Jill Beer, Bill Foster as Deputy Mayor Members of the Espanola held at Freshco’s on Saturday,
who took her initial oath in of Espanola for a one-year Emergency Medical Services December 1, 2018.
November welcomed her new term. Another motion formally are doing their part to feed others Kryzanowski adds around 600
council on Tuesday, December named councillors to different through the Holiday Season. food items and over $200 was
4th. The inaugural meeting committees. Following the SusanKryzanowski,thepresident collected.
included a swearing in of the meeting, a social gathering was of the Espanola Helping Hand Another 516 items were also
council and a blessing by held to congratulate the new Food Bank, says the emergency added through the Stuff the Bus
Minister Jason Snider. Beer council members. Photo by providers included paramedics, campaign held earlier this fall.
then presented a motion naming Rosalind Russell police, fire and military service Photo provided by Susan
personnel were at the food drive Kryzanowski
Hearing Solutions

for the Whole Family
Our Audiologists Michael Blythe and
Jean Roveda have over 50 combined
years of clinical experience.

Call 877.255.4976 to schedule your
hearing health assessment today!

825 McKinnon Drive. Espanola, ON

Conveniently located in the Espanola Hospital for over 20 years

Around&About December 11, 2018 Page 4

Two Espanola Organizations Come Together To Help With The Safety Of Others

Club has outfitted our mobile directors who accepted office

command centre with up to at the Annual General Meeting

date equipment which will are new President Jeb Brown;

be used not only for search Vice-President Adam Page;

activations, but also for team Directors Michelle Matthews,

training. Our team members will Real Demore and Thelma

now be training with the latest Pelland, along with our returning

equipment in terms of mapping Directors; Steve Jackson, Mel

software and in an organized Cecchetto and Jason Devoy

mobile command centre.” who have one year remaining

“It is because of generous in their term of office. A hearty

donations from sponsors such thank you was extended to Bill

The Espanola Lions Club much appreciated. as the Espanola Lions Club, Noon who has headed up the

presented a cheque for $4,000 to “The new generator was required that we can continue to train organization for many years.

members of North Shore Search to have ‘Clean’ power for the and be ready for activation at a Photo: Members of the Espanola

& Rescue (NSSR) Unit on sensitive computer equipment. moment’s notice. On behalf of Lions Club and North Shore

Saturday morning, December The 43” screen allows the search North Shore Search and Rescue, Search and Rescue Unit met at

1st. manager to quickly assess where we say Thank You, Espanola the NSSR command outpost in

With the funds, the unit his teams have been and to look Lions Club for your continued Espanola to present the cheque

purchased a 2,000W Yamaha forward to the next task. The new support.” for the new computerized

Inverter Generator; 27” Gator computer allows us to run the The search & rescue unit is command mobile centre. The

Carry Tote Bag for New RAM intensive QV7 Mapping totally funded by fundraising support is vital to the success

Computer; 43” Gator Carry Software.” and support from local partners. of the NSSR, which is totally

Tote for New TV Screen; 43” “This computer is essential in Still with the story, the NSSR self-sustaining by doing its

HD LED TV Screen for Search running an organized search. held its elections on Tuesday, own fundraising and/or by the

management; Canon PIXMA QV7 is a mapping software December 4th and a new generosity of organizations

MX492 Printer/Scanner/Copier; which allows the user to president is at the helm. The including the Espanola Lions

(2) 24” x 36” White Boards; 8’ download information and newly elected executive and Club.

HDMI Cord; HP Pavillion 27” display it on a variety of maps. Royal Canadian Legion Br 39 - Espanola
All in One PC, touch screen, These include topographical

Intel Core Processor, 1TB maps, google earth, hybrid POPPY TRUST FUND
HDD; QV7 Quo Vadis Mapping maps, and many others. The
Software and Surge Protector new printer allows us to print off

Power Bar. things such as tasking sheets and Opening Balance (October 1, 2017) $16,445.51

Newly elected NSSR vice- reports to name a few.” 2017 Poppy Campaign $11,452.35

president, Adam Page, says the “In summary, this generous Expenses: $518.23
generosity of the Lions Club is donation from the Lions Youth Programs

Christmas 2018 Promotional Material $657.44 $16,290.82
Riverside Enterprises Local Expenses $238.81 $12,605.45
Veterans’ Assistance $2,717.38
Christmas Schedule for Donations $12,158.96 $998.41
Garbage & Recycling.
Bank Statement as of September 30, 2018
Adjustments for cheques issued in
September to clear account in October 2018
Posted Balance as per Branch Records $11,607.04
Residents of Thank you

Township of Baldwin To all of the volunteers, businesses, and citizens
Township of Nairn who contribute time and money towards the
Garbage Pick-up
will remain the same for
Wed, Dec 26/18 &

Wed, Jan 2/19
Must be at the curb
no later than 6:00 a.m. success of the poppy campaign.

60 McCulloch Dr, Espanola, On Have a Safe and Gary MacPherson
Happy Holiday! 2017 Poppy Chairman

Around&About December 11, 2018 Page 5


705-869-6883LPPSRoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! NORMAN PAUL LANDRIAULT - It
is with sad and heavy hearts that we
SERVICES FOR RENT announce the passing of Norman
Landriault, son, husband, dad, grandpa,
MASSAGE THERAPY - Amanda FOR RENT - One bedroom apartment papa, great grandpa, great great
Elliott, Registered Massage Therapist for rent on Second Ave in Espanola. grandpa, brother, uncle and great friend
is moving her practice to In Touch Large unit with spare room. Ground to all. Norman passed away on
Chiropractic & Wellness Group, floor with main door to outside. Fridge Saturday, December 1, 2018 in the
Espanola. Starting January 1st 2019. and stove. $950 per month heat and Nipigon District Memorial Hospital
Phone number 705-207-2346. 1/1 hydro included. First and last required. with his family by his side. Norman
APP COMPUTER SOLUTIONS– Available January 1st. call 705-869- was born and raised in Walford,
Complete computer repairs and service 7557 or 705-869-2443. 18/12 Ontario, the baby of fourteen children.
calls! Trojan and spyware removal – FOR RENT – One-bedroom apartment He was proud to serve his country,
tune ups – system reloads – hard drive in Espanola. $650.00 /month, first and overseas, as a member in the Army - Canadian Armed Forces. On
and memory upgrades. Clean up your last required. Gas paid, pay your own release from his service he moved back to Walford to marry the love of
PC today. Call 705-869-8872. 1/1 hydro. 705-869-1378. 12/11 his life Jeannine of fifty-one years. They raised four children in a modest
house which he built and was very proud to call home. Norman
CHIROPRACTOR - DR. DARIO FOR RENT - Lang Lake Resort – 1 (Stormin Norman) took much pride in his work as a pulp dryer at E.B.
LAURENTI, D.C. 27 years’ & 4 bedroom cottages available. Full Eddy Forest Products Limited/Domtar for twenty-eight years. Norman
experience. Instrument, Manual, Cranial kitchen, satellite TV. Call 705-285- loved the outdoors, camping, fishing, woodworking, puttering in his
Adjusting, Acupuncture, Orthotics. Call 4241 for monthly rates. Available shed, playing cards and spending time with his family and friends.
705-869-2737. All Insurances accepted. November 1. 12/25 Norman was a compassionate man and would help family, friends and
12/18 strangers in need. In 2008 Norman and Jeannine moved to Elliot Lake to
PHYSIOTHERAPY OFFERED BY FOR SALE enjoy retirement. Predeceased by his parents – Bertha and Theodule
MARILYN WITTMANN - Located at Landriault and by eight siblings – Vital (Ruby and Eileen), (Andy)
Physio Moves in the Espanola Hospital. FOR SALE – Limited dry wood for Antoine (Marion), Orval, Helen (Eugene) Mailloux, Noella (Noble)
Accepting new patients. WSIB and kindling/backyard fire. Also table & Andress, Howard (Carol Anne), Henry (Grace) and Alfred and by
MVA patients welcome. Acupuncture chairs, one cast iron frying pan. Call in-laws – Joe Sidock and Brenda Landriault. He is survived by his wife
available. Visit Greg 705-822-4734. 1/1 of fifty-one years, Jeannine Landriault (nee Leblanc) of Nipigon, by
for services, rates, and hours, or call 705- children, grandchildren and great grandchildren – Debbie Landriault
988-3737. 1/22 - R NOTICE (Jay Durham){and Brenden Durham}of Hamilton, Ontario, Wanda
Phillips of Little Current, Ontario {Nathan and Duncan Phillips both of
TOTAL MAINTENANCE HAIRSTYLIST AMANDA Nairn, Ontario and their father Dale Phillips of Webbwood, Ontario},
FAIRBURN MOVED TO NEW Terrilynne (Michael) Elliott of Nipigon {Rainy Elliott (Dustin Roberts)
SERVICES - Plowing, carpentry, LOCATION— I am pleased to of Thunder Bay, Ontario and Winter Elliott [Owen] of Nipigon}, Robert
painting, steel & shingle roofing, tree (Courtney) Landriault of Hamilton, Ontario, {Leah [Olivia], Alexander
cutting, decks, dump runs. No job too announce that I have moved to a and Faith Landriault all of Hamilton}, by five siblings – Marie (Bill)
new location at Donna’s Hair Studio Sabe of St. Thomas, Ontario, Gloria Sidock of Blind River, Ontario,
big or too small. Call 705-936-6160 120 Tudhope Street, Espanola. Theodore Landriault of Massey, Ontario, Zella (Aurel) David of
1/1 - R Espanola, Ontario, Leo (Laurel) Landriault of northern British Columbia
(across from Royal Bank) To book and by in-laws – Violet Landriault of Walford and Livy Landriault of
an appointment call (705) 822-6161 Summerland, British Columbia. Numerous nieces, nephews and other
ESPANOLA SELF STORAGE – 6x8 Everyone welcome! 12/18 relatives also survive including Anne and Stephen Withers of Elliot
and 8x10 Storage units available in Lake, Ontario. According to Norman’s wishes cremation has taken
Espanola. Located behind the car wash. CHERYL’S MASSAGE THERAPY place. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, May 25, 2019 at
Call 705-869-8405. 1/22 - R & ACUPUNCTURE – NEW 11 A.M. at the Walford Community Centre with John Rimore officiating.
LOCATION. 363 John St. Espanola. Interment of cremains will follow at the St. Francis of Assisi Church
HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS To make an appointment call 705- Cemetery, Walford. Friends so wishing may make donations to the
COLOMBUS. I do flooring, painting, 863-3223. cherylsmassage7@gmail. Walford Community Centre, the Nipigon District Memorial Hospital
mudding, drywall, trim, install doors and com 1/22 R Palliative Care or the Walford Catholic Women’s League. Arrangements
frames, build head boards and bed frames are in the care of Elliott Funeral Home Ltd., Nipigon, Ontario.
and much me Stephane
Coulombe 705 863 3434. 1/1 - R THANK YOU Moose
The Moose 99.3 FM CJJM - Espanola is proud to support local
Massey Agricultural Society monthly Sables-Spanish Rivers charities and organizations. If you have an event you want to
meetings - 3rd Thursday of the month. Fire Dept
Held at Massey Firehall @ 7pm. share, please call Roz at 705-869-6397 or email your
(Next meeting is November 15th) We information to: [email protected] The Moose- Espanola's
welcome the public’s attendance. 04/23
Biggest Variety! Your Station, Your News, Your Stories
HELP WANTED would like to thank all those
who supported our firewood

HELP WANTED - Looking for raffle fundraiser with proceeds Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
caring, dependable person to provide to community fire safety trailer.
Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
part-time respite care for teenage girl OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
with complex medical issues in her Winners:
home. Must be available for a variety Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
of shifts, including weekends. All 1st: Rob Proctor, Richard Gagnon - Production
training provided. Must be willing to 2nd: Karen Ellin, Crystal Lecuyer - Office Sales/Production
3rd: Jamie Heaton 705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected]
Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Distribution by Around & About
provide CPIC if hired. If interested,
please email resume with references Firewood donated by The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
to [email protected] with Goodchild Woodlot Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
RESUME in subject line or mail to Box and Agnes River Outfitter produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
12, Massey, P0P 1P0. 11/20. 12/18 publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Around&About December 11, 2018 Page 6 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EHS Christmas Concert - Espanola High School gym
December 11, 6:30 p.m. Admission is silver donation to the
Employment Opportunity band or Donation to the food bank.
Children’s Clothes’ Closet at Calvary Baptist Church
Studio Twelve Hair Design is looking to fill a – Wednesday, December 12 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
part time (with potential of full time) position. Accepting donations at this time.
Spanish River Snowmobile Club - next meeting Wednesday,
Preferably licensed stylist. December 19, 7:30 p.m. at the Spanish River Inn.
From Soup to Tomatoes - Basic Class 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.,
If you are motivated, enthusiastic Gentle Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m., Yoga Class 11:00 – 11:30
and enjoy working with the public a.m. Mon-Wed-Fri at the Elks Hall for all three classes.
please drop off a resume at: Mon-Wed-Fri Basic class only at the Seniors Drop In Centre.
400 Centre Street, Espanola Free Indoor Pickle Ball - Mondays 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. &
Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Espanola High
Employment Opportunity School Gym. Begins Saturday, November 3. Contact Mike
705-662-5859 or Greg 705-863-2684.
The One Tot Stop Day Care in Espanola is looking for a reliable,
flexible and caring individual for a 12-month contract as a Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
child care assistant/cleaner for approximately 22.5 hours per
week. Work will take place in the a�ernoon to early evening We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
and supply hours may be available. their upcoming events in writing no later than
Successful applicants will be required to have a current vulnerable Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
sector criminal reference check and valid First Aid before first day E-mail: [email protected]
of work. Posi�on to start January 7th, 2019. If you have sent a
resume previously, we encourage you to apply again. Recipe
Please send your resume, cover le�er and
references to The One Tot Stop Day Care, If you love jalapeno poppers
Box 695 Massey, ON P0P 1P0, and stuffed mushrooms then
or to [email protected] this recipe is for you! The
by Tuesday December 18th. creaminess of the cream
cheese and the slight heat from
COMMITTEE/BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED the jalapeno pairs deliciously
with the bacon and cheddar. If
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP you like extra heat, leave a few seeds or ribs in the jalapenos.
OF SABLES-SPANISH RIVERS This can be easily doubled making it perfect for holiday parties.

Invitation to Ratepayers – Committees and Boards Jalapeno Popper Mushrooms
The Corporation of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers is
inviting ratepayers to express their interest in serving on any of the • 2 slices bacon
following committees and boards, for the 2018-2022 term of Council. • cooking spray
• 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
- Economic Development Committee • 8 mushrooms, stems removed and chopped and caps reserved
- Parks and Recreation Committee • 1 clove garlic, minced
- Library Board • 1 jalapeno pepper, ribs and seeds removed
Please submit your name and contact information, along with a
brief outline of what you envision and could contribute to that (or leave a bit for extra heat), finely chopped
committee, no later than 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 3, 2019. • 1 (3 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator • 3 tablespoons shredded Cheddar cheese
Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers • sea salt to taste
11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON P0P1P0 • ground black pepper to taste
Tel. 705-865-2646 Fax 705-865-2736
Email: [email protected] Place the bacon in a large, deep skillet, and cook over medium-
************************************************* high heat, turning occasionally, until evenly browned, about 10
The Massey Area Museum is also looking for additional Board minutes. Drain the bacon slices on a paper towel-lined plate.
members. Interested individuals are asked to contact Barb Crumble the bacon slices and set aside. Preheat an oven to 350
Mawhinney, President, degrees F (175 degrees C). Spray a baking dish with cooking
at 705-822-5957 or [email protected] spray. Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in
************************************************* the chopped mushroom stems, garlic, and jalapeno; cook and
stir until the mushrooms release moisture and soften, about 10
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 minutes. Transfer the mushroom mixture to a bowl, and stir in the
cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and bacon. Season with salt and
pepper. Spoon the cheese mixture generously into the reserved
mushroom caps, and arrange the stuffed caps on the prepared
baking dish. Bake in the preheated oven until cheese begins to
brown, 15 to 20 minutes.

Around&About December 11, 2018 Page 7

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Why not check out our online photo store and
give them a personalized gift!

Metal Wall Prints Photo Books Personalized Gifts Canvas Photo Photo Calendar
(variety of sizes) (variety of formats & sizes)
Mugs/Bottles, Koozies,
Coasters, Keychains, etc.

Plus so much more! NOTE: All special order photo items must be placed no later than
December 17th to ensure delivery in time for Christmas.

Photo Prints Four in One
Pen Tool
Order them from the comfort of your own home! All
you need to do is create your own user name & Ballpoint Pen
password to have your very own photo portal for FREE! Level
Unlimited Photo Storage and keep your projects stored Ruler

in your portal for future reprinting and reuse. 550
Standard Prints 3x5, 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 ea.

Stocking Stuffers 1499Motherword Mom’s Ultimate ea.

Ideas for Kids of All Ages! Calendar, Deluxe Version

Journal Books • Dated Planners MWFC01-28
Inkjoy Gel Pens • Pen Sets • Vapor Pens
- 660 “Little Reminder”
Calligraphy Pens & Kits Stickers
Crayola Dry Erase Board Set
Mr. Sketch Scented Markers - Super Strong
PTOUCH or DYMO Label Makers Magnets included
Sketch Pads & Pencils for the artist in the family!
- 100 Bonus
“Trash Day” Stickers

OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES 705-869-6883 85 Centre St., Espanola

Around&About December 11, 2018 Page 8

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